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Dwarf galaxy rotation curves and the core problem of dark matter haloes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard cold dark matter (CDM) model has recently been challenged by the claim that dwarf galaxies have dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, whereas CDM predicts haloes with steeply cusped density distributions. Consequently, numerous alternative dark matter candidates have recently been proposed. In this paper we scrutinize the observational evidence for the incongruity between dwarf galaxies and the CDM model. To this end, we analyse the rotation curves of 20 late-type dwarf galaxies studied by Swaters. Taking the effects of beam smearing and adiabatic contraction into account, we fit mass models to these rotation curves with dark matter haloes with different cusp slopes, ranging from constant-density cores to r −2 cusps. Even though the effects of beam smearing are small for these data, the uncertainties in the stellar mass-to-light ratio and the limited spatial sampling of the halo's density distribution hamper a unique mass decomposition. Consequently, the rotation curves in our sample cannot be used to discriminate between dark haloes with constant-density cores and r −1 cusps. We show that the dwarf galaxies analysed here are consistent with CDM haloes in a ΛCDM cosmology, and that there is thus no need to abandon the idea that dark matter is cold and collisionless. However, the data are also consistent with any alternative dark matter model that produces dark matter haloes with central cusps less steep than r −1.5. In fact, we argue that based on existing H  i rotation curves alone, at best weak limits can be obtained on cosmological parameters and/or the nature of the dark matter. In order to make progress, rotation curves with higher spatial resolution and independent measurements of the mass-to-light ratio of the disc are required.  相似文献   

We use the recently completed one billion particle Via Lactea II Λ cold dark matter simulation to investigate local properties like density, mean velocity, velocity dispersion, anisotropy, orientation and shape of the velocity dispersion ellipsoid, as well as the structure in velocity space of dark matter haloes. We show that at the same radial distance from the halo centre, these properties can deviate by orders of magnitude from the canonical, spherically averaged values, a variation that can only be partly explained by triaxiality and the presence of subhaloes. The mass density appears smooth in the central relaxed regions but spans four orders of magnitude in the outskirts, both because of the presence of subhaloes as well as of underdense regions and holes in the matter distribution. In the inner regions, the local velocity dispersion ellipsoid is aligned with the shape ellipsoid of the halo. This is not true in the outer parts where the orientation becomes more isotropic. The clumpy structure in local velocity space of the outer halo cannot be well described by a smooth multivariate normal distribution. Via Lactea II also shows the presence of cold streams made visible by their high 6D phase space density. Generally, the structure of dark matter haloes shows a high degree of graininess in phase space that cannot be described by a smooth distribution function.  相似文献   

This paper presents the properties of a family of scale-free triaxial haloes. We adduce arguments to suggest that the velocity ellipsoids of such models are aligned in conical coordinates. We provide an algorithm to find the set of conically aligned velocity second moments that support a given density against the gravity field of the halo. The case of the logarithmic ellipsoidal model – the simplest triaxial generalization of the familiar isothermal sphere – is examined in detail. The velocity dispersions required to hold up the self-consistent model are analytic. The velocity distribution of the dark matter can be approximated as a triaxial Gaussian with semiaxes equal to the velocity dispersions.
There are roughly 20 experiments worldwide that are searching for evidence of scarce interactions between weakly interacting massive-particle dark matter (WIMP) and detector nuclei. The annual modulation signal, caused by the Earth's rotation around the Sun, is a crucial discriminant between WIMP events and the background. The greatest rate is in June, the least in December. We compute the differential detection rate for energy deposited by the rare WIMP–nucleus interactions in our logarithmic ellipsoidal halo models. Triaxiality and velocity anisotropy change the total rate by up to ∼40 per cent, and have a substantial effect on the amplitude of the annual modulation signal. The overall rate is greatest, but the amplitude of the modulation is weakest, in our radially anisotropic halo models. Even the sign of the signal can be changed. Restricting attention to low energy events, the models predict that the maximum rate occurs in December, and not in June.  相似文献   

If dark haloes are composed of dense gas clouds, as has recently been inferred, then collisions between clouds lead to galaxy evolution. Collisions introduce a core in an initially singular dark matter distribution, and can thus help to reconcile scale-free initial conditions – such as are found in simulations – with observed haloes, which have cores. A pseudo-Tully–Fisher relation, between halo circular speed and visible mass (not luminosity), emerges naturally from the model: M vis∝ V 7/2.
Published data conform astonishingly well to this theoretical prediction. For our sample of galaxies, the mass–velocity relationship has much less scatter than the Tully–Fisher relation, and holds as well for dwarf galaxies (where diffuse gas makes a sizeable contribution to the total visible mass) as it does for giants. It seems very likely that this visible-mass/velocity relationship is the underlying physical basis for the Tully–Fisher relation, and this discovery in turn suggests that the dark matter is both baryonic and collisional.  相似文献   

Using the Millennium N -body Simulation we explore how the shape and angular momentum of galaxy dark matter haloes surrounding the largest cosmological voids are oriented. We find that the major and intermediate axes of the haloes tend to lie parallel to the surface of the voids, whereas the minor axis points preferentially in the radial direction. We have quantified the strength of these alignments at different radial distances from the void centres. The effect of these orientations is still detected at distances as large as 2.2 R void from the void centre. Taking a subsample of haloes expected to contain disc-dominated galaxies at their centres we detect, at the 99.9 per cent confidence level, a signal that the angular momentum of those haloes tends to lie parallel to the surface of the voids. Contrary to the alignments of the inertia axes, this signal is only detected in shells at the void surface  (1 < R < 1.07  R void)  and disappears at larger distances. This signal, together with the similar alignment observed using real spiral galaxies, strongly supports the prediction of the Tidal Torque theory that both dark matter haloes and baryonic matter have acquired, conjointly, their angular momentum before the moment of turnaround.  相似文献   

We identify a large sample of isolated bright galaxies and their fainter satellites in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). We analyse the dynamics of ensembles of these galaxies selected according to luminosity and morphological type by stacking the positions of their satellites and estimating the velocity dispersion of the combined set. We test our methodology using realistic mock catalogues constructed from cosmological simulations. The method returns an unbiased estimate of the velocity dispersion provided that the isolation criterion is strict enough to avoid contamination and that the scatter in halo mass at fixed primary luminosity is small. Using a maximum likelihood estimator that accounts for interlopers, we determine the satellite velocity dispersion within a projected radius of 175  h −1 kpc. The dispersion increases with the luminosity of the primary and is larger for elliptical galaxies than for spiral galaxies of similar b J luminosity. Calibrating the mass–velocity dispersion relation using our mock catalogues, we find a dynamical mass within 175  h −1 kpc of     for elliptical galaxies and     for spiral galaxies. Finally, we compare our results with recent studies and investigate their limitations using our mock catalogues.  相似文献   

We analyse the two-point correlation function (2PCF) of galaxy groups identified from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey with the halo-based group finder recently developed by Yang et al. With this group catalogue we are able to estimate the 2PCFs for systems ranging from isolated galaxies to rich clusters of galaxies. The real-space correlation length obtained for these systems ranges from ∼4 to ∼15  h −1 Mpc, respectively. The observed correlation amplitude (and the corresponding bias factor) as a function of group abundance is well reproduced by associating galaxy groups with dark matter haloes in the standard Λ-cold dark matter model. Redshift distortions are clearly detected in the redshift-space correlation function, the degree of which is consistent with the assumption of gravitational clustering and halo bias in the cosmic density field. In agreement with previous studies we find a strong increase of the correlation length with the mean intergroup separation. Although well-determined observationally, we show that current theoretical predictions are not yet accurate enough to allow for stringent constraints on cosmological parameters. Finally, we use our results to explore the power-law nature of the 2PCF of galaxies. We split the 2PCF into one- and two-group terms, equivalent to the one- and two-halo terms in halo occupation models, and show that the power-law form of the 2PCF is broken, when only including galaxies in the more massive systems.  相似文献   

The kinematics of satellite galaxies reflect the masses of the extended dark matter haloes in which they orbit, and thus shed light on the mass–luminosity relation (MLR) of their corresponding central galaxies. In this paper, we select a large sample of centrals and satellites from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and measure the kinematics (velocity dispersions) of the satellite galaxies as a function of the r -band luminosity of the central galaxies. Using the analytical framework presented in More, van den Bosch & Cacciato, we use these data to infer both the mean and the scatter of the MLR of central galaxies, carefully taking account of selection effects and biases introduced by the stacking procedure. As expected, brighter centrals on average reside in more massive haloes. In addition, we find that the scatter in halo masses for centrals of a given luminosity,  σlog  M   , also increases with increasing luminosity. As we demonstrate, this is consistent with  σlog  L   , which reflects the scatter in the conditional probability function   P ( L c| M )  , being independent of halo mass. Our analysis of the satellite kinematics yields  σlog  L = 0.16  ±  0.04  , in excellent agreement with constraints from clustering and group catalogues, and with predictions from a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. We thus conclude that the amount of stochasticity in galaxy formation, which is characterized by  σlog  L   , is well constrained, independent of halo mass and in a good agreement with current models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to the fact that the near future should see a rapidly expanding set of probes of the halo masses of individual early-type galaxies, we introduce a convenient parameter for characterizing the halo masses from both observational and theoretical results:  ∇ϒ  , the logarithmic radial gradient of the mass-to-light ratio. Using halo density profiles from Λ-cold dark matter (CDM) simulations, we derive predictions for this gradient for various galaxy luminosities and star formation efficiencies  εSF  . As a pilot study, we assemble the available  ∇ϒ  data from kinematics in early-type galaxies – representing the first unbiased study of halo masses in a wide range of early-type galaxy luminosities – and find a correlation between luminosity and  ∇ϒ  , such that the brightest galaxies appear the most dark-matter dominated. We find that the gradients in most of the brightest galaxies may fit in well with the ΛCDM predictions, but that there is also a population of fainter galaxies whose gradients are so low as to imply an unreasonably high star formation efficiency  εSF > 1  . This difficulty is eased if dark haloes are not assumed to have the standard ΛCDM profiles, but lower central concentrations.  相似文献   

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