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单孔多电极排列视电阻率与激电测量,是用来在低阻厚覆盖地区探测深部隐伏金属矿床的一种井中电法.文中介绍了工作方法技术,其中包括:井中测量系统,测量参数与基本图件及一般解释规则和初步应用效果.可供野外测井队组根据具体条件合理地选用. 相似文献
通过对频率测深理论的研究,提出了水平电偶极场视电阻率改进滤波算法,并编制了正演计算的实用程序.理论模型计算表明,改进滤波算法效果好,计算速度快. 相似文献
通过对频率测深理论的研究,提出了水平电偶极场视电阻率改进滤波算法,并编制了正演计算的实用程序。理论模型计算表明,改进滤波算法 效果好,计算速度快。 相似文献
目前大地电磁测深法的一维正演理论,是基于平面波垂直入射水平层状介质的假设模型。但由于地球是一个球体,因此有必要研究基于球状介质模型的大地电磁正演理论。这里详细推导了基于球体层状介质模型的大地电磁正演公式,计算了若干理论模型。通过同基于水平层状介质模型的大地电磁正演结果对比,验证了正演公式的正确性。同时,指出当探测周期增加到上万秒时,阻抗相位会增大;而当探测周期增加到数十万秒时,视电阻率会减小。 相似文献
利用混合法研究了侵入带的三种模式——台阶型、斜坡型、具有低阻环带的侵入带对电位电极系视电阻率的影响。其目的, 一是确定常用的台阶型侵入带引入的误差, 二是研究细致地探测侵入带的方法。研究结果一方面表明了考虑过渡带和低阻环带可以提高测井解释的准确度,另一方面也为用多电极系电阻率测井探测侵入带提供了理论依据。 相似文献
单孔多层地下水监测井设计与建设 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章设计并建设了黄淮平原松散岩类孔隙水地区单孔井深350m、多层(4层)地下水示范监测井,实现了单孔多层井孔设计、施工工艺、管材以及地下水自动监测技术集成等重大突破,为类似地区单孔多层地下水监测井建设提供了技术示范,为国家地下水监测工程的实施提供了重要技术依据。 相似文献
磁偶源频率测深法是一种有效的地球物理勘探方法。多年来,人们对这种方法的正演理论和反演解释进行了研究。文中利用快速汉克尔数值滤波算法计算了层状介质上直立磁偶极子的电磁场响应以及频率测深视电阻率的振幅响应,这种计算方法与常用的数值积分算法相比,具有计算速度快、精度高等特点。同时详细地讨论了磁偶源频率测深的特点及视电阻率理论曲线的特征。 相似文献
针对目前比较普遍的瞬变测深晚期场计算精度较低的情况,本文依据频率域电磁场实虚分量的奇偶性及付氏变换的导数性质,利用余弦变换实现了由频率域到时间域电磁场的转换。计算表明,本算法计算晚期瞬变电磁及视电阻率响应具有较高的精度。文中重点计算了单一偶极供电,多点测量的任意角度瞬变测深的正演问题,并对其规律性作了总结。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(1):65-72
Chert-plus-pyrite pebbles have been known for some time in a number of Witwatersrand conglomerates, but their distribution is highly variable. A wide variety of textures in chert-plus pyrite pebbles are documented here, and these textures place constraints on the origin of such pebbles. Replacement of chert pebbles by pyrite is indicated (pyrite grains and aggregates continue across many pebble boundaries), and both distributional and textural evidence favors a post-burial timing for this process. Significant mobility of sulfur after burial is indicated. Whether this replacement was diagenetic or metamorphic is not certain. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(5):505-521
Seismic regionalization maps, delimiting zones wherein earthquakes of given intensity are to be expected, have been prepared for many countries. Such maps of U.S.S.R., Japan, Germany, Rumania, Hungary, India, Turkey and China are included herein. Existing methods of preparing seismic zonation maps suffer the following shortcomings: 1) No information is presented on how soon an earthquake can be expected in any given zone; 2) No information is presented on the characteristics of ground motion within the zones, nor on the type of vibrations transmitted; 3) There has been insufficient accuracy in delimiting seismic regions. Consequently, a new two-stage principle of seismic regionalization has been proposed. The first stage is the preparation of a “seismicity prognosis” map outlining zones of occurrence of earthquakes of a given intensity at given depths of focus and giving the probability of their occurrence. The second stage is preparation of a seismic effect prognosis map which would give information on intensity at the surface, spectral composition, character of vibration in the near surface materials, and earthquake probability. Methods of calculating the degree of seismic activity and of calculating the probability of occurrence of earthquakes, are also discussed.—R. E. Goodman 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):925-935
有限元直接迭代算法 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
陈小斌 《物探化探计算技术》1999,21(2):165-171
本文提出了有限元直接迭代算法。推导出了直接迭代格式的统一公式,并给出了几种网格剖分方式下的有限元直接迭代格式的具体形式,讨论了各剖分方式的优劣。编程实现了该算法并进行了实例验证 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):2204-2213
The author equates paleontology and phylogeny and discusses principles and problems of transitions found in the phylogentic approach to taxonomy. opics discussed include: subspecies and species (time needed for new species to become isolated is 500 to 1,000 years); the morphological exclusiveness of genera in the differential diagnoses of species, evolutionary patterns of transition in time, the biogenetic law (“Ontogenesis in compressed form reflects the phylogeny of a long series of ancestors, retaining everything that was especially useful for life, but preserving in it generalized form, without the details characterizing the adult states”); ability of changes in early ontogenetic stages to produce sudden large phylogenetic changes, and monophyletic and polyphyletic evolution. — R. S. Boardman. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(8):652-657
Experiments have been made on the synthesis of cinnabar and metacinnabarite in conditions close to those of hydrothermal processes of the formation of mercury deposits in nature. If may be concluded that during the formation processes of mercury the first to fall out .is metacinnabarite, The fate of metacinnabarite depends on the medium that surrounds it. If hydrothermal waters carrying alkaline solutions Me2HgS2 will continue to effect the formed metacinnabrite, the latter will gradually become a more stable red modification HgS, i. e., ,cinnabar. If the inflow of the mercury sulfide solutions stops or becomes so weak that under the counteraction of acid or even neutral vadose waters there will not be enough solvent in the form of ions S2-, necessary for the changing of metacinnabarite into cinnabar, then the former will be preserved in the same state for a long time. — auth. English Summ. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(2):138-143
In this paper it is confirmed by means of study of the magnetic properties that the pebbles of igneous rock from the Eifelian conglomerates of the Pri-Polar Urals are derived from the platinum-bearing gabbro-peridotite formation and its age is established as Caledonian. In the author's opinion mass measurement of magnetic properties and statistical analysis of the results permits the use of comparison of the value of the vector of remanent magnetization as a supplementary criterion for age correlation of igneous rocks. 相似文献