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The aim of the present paper has been two-fold. In the first part (Sections 1–2), closed algebraic formulae will be set up furnishing the momentsA of the light curves of arbitrary index , and, due to arbitrary type of eclipses, in terms of the coefficientsa of Fourier cosine series obtained by least-squares fit to the given data; and the uncertainty of the momentsA deduced from that of thea 's.In the second part (Sections 3–4) we shall establish the explicit forms of the lincar functions r 1,2, (cosi) and L 1 for the variation of the respective elements expressible likewise in terms of the Fourier coefficientsa . The probable errors of these elements can then be identified with those of the respective linear functions, and are obtainable from the same matrix of coefficients which furnished the most probable values of the elements.  相似文献   

Exact corotations are equilibrium points in the phase space of the asteroidal elliptic restricted problem of three bodies averaged over the synodic period, at a mean-motions resonance. If the resonant critical angle is =(p+q) jup pq, exact corotations are double resonant motions defined by the conditionsd/dt=0 andd(– jup )/dt=0. The first condition is characteristic of the periods resonance(p + q) : p and the second one is a secular resonance equivalent to that usually known as thev 5-resonance. This paper presents the symmetric solutions =0 (mod ), = jup (mod ). Corotations have a coherence property which is unique in non-collisional Celestial Mechanics: An elementary calculation shows that, in the neighbourhood of these solutions, the motions cluster aroundp independent longitude values and are, in each cluster, as close together as and are close to the equilibrium values.  相似文献   

In order to achieve the maximum strength of higher resonance locks for satellites in the elliptic orbit, the condition of satellite orientation during the process of deployment is established. It is shown that for maximum strength locks the axis of the minimum moment of inertia of satellites should point toward the attracting body at ±(5/8) and 0 values of the true anomalyf. This condition of deployment is applicable to all cases of resonance rotation regardless of the value of lock numberk and orbit eccentricitye.  相似文献   

The evolution with time of circular polarization (t) from solar bursts at 7 GHz presents, in the majority of cases, a polarization degree peak before the maximum flux time. The subsequent evolution of (t) is continuous and usually increasing. The changes could be caused by superimposed polarization effects, due to the fast emissive electrons (dominant in the first phase), and to the propagation effects caused by the coronal condensation where the event occurred (dominant in the second phase). In an approximate approach, (t) is connected to the movement of the source in the second phase, being qualitatively sound, but limited to the lack of knowledge on acceleration processes and on magnetic field topology in the active region where the flares take place.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that the only known reaction in whichC p violation definitely occurs is in the decay of the long-lived neutralK-mesonK L +,K L 00, andK L e ±± v (Christensonet al., 1964: Sivaram, 1982). No attempt has been made to studyC p violation outside theK-system for quite a long time. Recently,C p violation effects have been reported in the hyperon decays through the reaction (Bassompierre, 1990) with asymmetry at the level of 10–3 to 10–4.In this paper we examine the possible implications of hyperon decays asymmetry in some cosmic-ray sources. We identify cosmic-ray sources where such decays can occur. The signatures for measuring these asymmetries in both the laboratory and cosmic-ray sources are examined.It is found that there is a correlation between these signatures. We conclude that hyperon decays contribute significantly toC p violation observed in cosmic-ray sources.  相似文献   

Our simultaneous five-colour (UBVRI) linear and circular polarimetry of PG 1031+234 have revealed a strong rotationally modulated circular polarization, peaking in the ultraviolet (P max(U)–17%)Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

In this paper of the series, the third step of the author's regularization approach will be started by establishing the expansions of the functionX n (r) (, ,u) in terms of the sectorial variables j (i) introduced in Paper IV (Sharaf, 1982) to regularize the highly-oscillating perturbation force of some orbital systems. The literal analytical expressions for the Fourier expansion of the function will be explored in terms of j (i) for anyn positive integer,r any real number whatever the types and the number of sectors forming the divisions situation of the elliptic orbits may be. The basic computational materials of the theory will also be given and for which the method of solution, the recurrence formulae, and the general computational sequence for the coefficients are considered.  相似文献   

Moderate dispersion (46 Å mm–1 at H) image-tube spectrum (5800–7300 Å) of the S star 1 Gru is found to exhibit several unidentified molecular features, in addition to the well-known bands of the oxides ofs-process elements. A list is presented of 28 measured unidentified red-degraded bands, of which six, at 5998, 6128, 6143, 6223, 6257, and 6557 Å, are prominent. Of the reported 28 bands, 22 are observed for the first time. A discussion is included on the expected molecular sources of the unidentified features. The possible presence of two new molecules, Pr O and Nd O, in 1 Gru is suggested.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. M. K. V. Bappu.  相似文献   

A problem of stability of odd 2-periodic oscillations of a satellite in the plane of an elliptic orbit of arbitrary eccentricity is considered. The motion is supposed to be only under the influence of gravitational torques.Stability of plane oscillations was investigated earlier (Zlatoustovet al., 1964) in linear approximation. In the present paper a problem of stability is solved in the non-linear mode. Terms up to the forth order inclusive are taken into consideration in expansion of Hamiltonian in a series.It is shown that necessary conditions of stability obtained in linear approximation coincide with sufficient conditions for almost all values of parameters ande (inertial characteristics of the satellite and eccentricity of the orbit). Exceptions represent either values of the parameters ,e when a problem of stability cannot be solved in a strict manner by non-linear approximation under consideration, or values of the parameters which correspond to resonances of the third and fourth orders. At the resonance of the third order oscillations are unstable, but at the resonance of the fourth order both unstability and stability of the satellite's oscillations take place depending on the values of the parameters ,e.  相似文献   

In the ordinary restricted problem of three bodies, the first-order stability of planar periodic orbits may be determined by means of their characteristic exponents, as derived from the condition of a vanishing determinant for the coefficients of an infinite system of homogenous linear equations associated with the exponential series solutionu, v representing any initially small oscillations about the periodic solutionx, y. In the elliptic restricted problem, periodic solutions are possible only for periods which are equal to, or integral multiples of, the periodP of the elliptic motion of the two primary masses. It is shown that the infinite determinant approach to the determination of the characteristic exponents can be extended to the treatment of superposed free oscillations in the elliptic problem, and that in generaltwo exponents appear in any complete solutionu, v for eachone existing in the corresponding ordinary restricted problem. The value of each exponent depends on a series proceeding in even powers of the eccentricitye of the relative orbit of the two primaries, in addition to its basic dependence on the mass ratio . For stable periodic orbits, the oscillation frequenciesn 1 (,e 2),n 2 (,e 2) associated with these two exponents tend, withe0, to certain limiting valuesn 1 (),n 2(), which differ from each other by the amount of the frequencyN=2/P of the orbital motion of the primaries. One of the two frequencies, sayn 1(), is identical with the frequency of the corresponding oscillations in the ordinary restricted problem, while the second one gives rise to oscillations only in the elliptic restricted problem, withe0.The method will be described in more detail, together with its application to two families of small periodie librations about the equilateral points of the elliptic restricted problem (E. Rabe: Two new Classes of Periodic Trojan Librations in the Elliptic Restricted Problem and their Stabilities) in theProceedings of the Symposium on Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances, held at the University of São Paulo, Brasil, 4–12 September, 1969.Presented at the Conference on Celestial Mechanics, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 17–23, 1969.  相似文献   

In this paper of the series, elliptic expansions in terms of the sectorial variables j (i) introduced by the author in Paper IV (Sharaf, 1982) to regularize the highly oscillating perturbation force of some orbital systems will be established analytically and computationally for the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth categories according to our adopted scheme of presentation drawn up in Paper V (Sharaf, 1983). For each of the elliptic expansions belonging to a category, literal analytical expressions for the coefficients of its trigonometric series representation are established. Moreover, some recurrence formulae satisfied by these coefficients are also established to facilitate their computation, and numerical results are included to provide test examples for constructing computational algorithms. Finally, the first collection of completed elliptic expansions in terms of j (i) so explored will be given in Appendix A for the guidance of the reader.  相似文献   

The nonlinear self-excited pulsations of population-II stars with mass 0.6M and luminosities from 128 to 1280L are studied. The pulsation periods are found to be in the range of 1.3 to 19 days. An increase of the stellar luminosity is shown to be accompanied by an increasing nonadiabaticity and decreasing efficiency of the radiative damping region. This leads to both an increase of the growth rate while pulsations are exciting and an increase of the oscillation amplitude of the limit cycle. In the models withL800L the efficiency of the radiative damping region becomes so small that amplitude growth ceases due to a dissipation of the mechanical energy by shocks in the stellar atmosphere. The models with periods of from 1.3 to 3 days show the bump on their light curves. The bump is connected with a travelling pulse generated at the antinode of the second overtone at maximum compression. The time delays estimated for the pulses reflected of the stellar core are in a good agreement with the pulse resonance condition proposed by Aikawa and Whitney (1983). The model with the period of 2.1 days revealed double resonance 0 = 22, 20 = 31 causing alternating oscillations with slightly different periods and amplitudes. The models with period of 10 days and longer reveal the resonance 0 = 21. This resonance causes the flat top on the light curve at a period of about 10 days and appearance of a shallow alternating minimum at longer periods, as is observed in RV Tau variables. The theoretical period-luminosity relation proposed for population-II cepheids is in good agreement with that obtained from observations.  相似文献   

When the differential cross-section data of + -proton scattering are compared to the data of proton-alpha scattering at momenta related by 4p4=p (where p4 is the momentum of p-alpha scattering and p is the momentum of + -proton scattering) a correlation is observed between p=125 MeV/c and 1100 MeV/c. The correlation is most pronounced in the region of the lowest energy resonance of both scatterings (p210 MeV/c). A less pronounced correlation (in the lower energy regions) among four scatterings is observed when the differential cross-section data of + -p and p-alpha scatterings and the data of p-3He and protondeuteron scatterings are compared using relations 4p4=3p3=2p2=p (where p3 is the p-3He momentum and p2 is the proton-deuteron momentum). The facts strongly suggest something of physical significance but no theoretical explanation is known. Indeed, an explanation seems to be beyond the scope of existing theory.  相似文献   

The assumption of a linearly expanding universe for the JBD-cosmological equations generates a set of solutions for the barotropic equations of statep= (=const.). These solutions turn out to be valid for closed space-except in the casep= which is for open space. The gravitational constant which is inversely proportional to the scalar field increases with time if >–1/3 and decreases for <–1/3. No solution exists for =1/3. The Brans-Dicke parameter is negative if <–1/3.  相似文献   

In this note a simple formula is given for the perturbation of the anomalistic period of a highly eccentric orbit due to the zonal harmonics. This perturbation depends essentially only on the semi-major axisa, the eccentricitye (or pericentre radius r =a(1-e)) and the latitude of the pericentre.  相似文献   

We derive upper limits to the radiation temperaturesT t(k) for emission near the fundamental and second harmonic of the electron plasma frequency in terms of the effective temperature for plasma wavesT l(k). We findT t(k)(c/(3)1/2 V e)3 T l(k) for emission near the fundamental which differs from the result of Melrose (1970b) by the factor in parentheses. This factor can exceed 4×104 in some plasmas. The conditions under which this limit could be reached are delinated. For emission near the second harmonicT t(k)T l(k) since the absorption coefficient in this case can only be positive.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Intensity, polarization, and cooling rate of the two-photon annihilation radiation are studied in detail in the case of one-dimensional power-law distributions of electrons and positrons, assuming that they occupy the ground Landau level in a strong magnetic fieldB1010–1012 G. Simple analytical expressions for limiting cases are obtained and results of numerical calculations of radiation characteristics are presented. Power-lawe ± distributions ± ± –k are shown to generate power-law spectra of the annihilation radiation atEmc 2 andEmc 2, with indices depending on the direction of radiation. The annihilation spectra at =0 show the largest blue-shifts of their maxima and the hardest high-energy tailsI(Emc 2, =0)E –(k–1). The blue-shifts reduce, and the hard tials steepen, with increasing . At >(2mc 2/E)1/2 the slopes of the high-energy tails rapidly transform to that at =2,I(Emc 2, =/2)E –(2k+3). The direction-integrated spectraS(E) also display the power-law tials at low and high energies,S(Emc 2)E –(k+1). The total annihilation rate and energy losses decrease with decreasingk, being higher than for the isotropice ± power-law distributions at the samek. The radiation is linearly polarized in the plane formed by the magnetic field and wave-vector. The polarization degreeP is maximum atEmc 2:P max0.6 for =/2. Annihilation features and power-law-like hard tails observed in many gamma-ray burst spectra may be associated with the annihilation radiation of the magnetized power-law distributed plasma near neutron stars. Comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra allows one to estimate the power-law index of thee e +-distribution and the gravitational redshift factor in the radiating region.  相似文献   

The exact solutions for the equilibrium of rotating gaseous disk with poloidal magnetic field are obtained. The stability of the disk with respect to uniform expansion and contraction is investigated by means of the variational principle. It is shown that if the equilibrium is determined by gravitational and magnetic forces only, the disk is in neutral equilibrium with respect to perturbations of the form r=r. The instability to short-waves perturbations is studied by the quasi-classical method. The analysis shows that if the magnetic field isH>2G, where is the surface density, then these perturbations are stabilized. The configurations of the electrical field induced by the rotation of magnetized disk are found. In conclusion, the questions of the evolution of the disk are discussed in connection with the quasar model when pulsar-like radiation is taken into account.  相似文献   

An approximate metric is found which represents a sphere of matter embedded in a background of dust. The use of this metric in conjunction with the Friedmann equations gives values of for the three possible values ofk as +6×10–36 (k=+1), +3×10–35 (k=0), +10–36 (k=–1). These values depend on data regarding clusters of galaxies, and are probably accurate to within an order of magnitude given the correctness of the assumptions on which their derivation rests.  相似文献   

We show that the overall densityg() of asymptotic acoustic frequencies of a star obeys a Weyl lawg() D–1, whereD is the dimensionality of the oscillating stellar configuration. For realistic stars with a finite non-zero surface sound speed,D is equal to the actual dimensionality of the star,D=3. For formal models with a vanishing sound velocity at the surface, heuristic arguments lead to a dimensionality parameterD=4.5. The empirical frequencies of Eddington's standard model are found to be consistent with the latter distribution, with reasonable agreement already occurring in the low-frequency range > i 2× fundamental radial mode. We argue that real stars obey this 3.5-power law in some finite frequency interval i << f , f being a very high frequency critically depending on the surface sound velocity, while the full asymptotic law, withD=3, holds for > f .  相似文献   

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