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王钢 《天体物理学报》1991,11(4):311-320

使用澳大利亚致密阵(ATCA)对一个红外光度高达10^11.8-10^12.8L⊙的IRAS星系样本进行了8.6,4.8,2.4和1.4GHz的射电观测,发现其中有4个源在高频为陡谱,在较低频率上流星降低,呈峰状,峰值在几GHz。讨论了造成频谱倒转的两种可能机制:同步自吸收和free-free吸收。通过对00199-7426,02587-6336,07020-5423和21547-5823的频谱分析,我们认为free-free吸收可能导致了低频倒转谱的形成。通过对观测数据的模拟,获得了这几个源的有关物理参量。  相似文献   

本文对河外IRAS源的最新研究成果作了评述。介绍了河外IRAS源的空间分布,并着重介绍了河外IRAS源中的星暴现象和活动星系核以及它们之间可能存在的联系.  相似文献   

旋涡星系的颜色梯度反映了其星族构成沿径向的分布,包含了星系恒星形成历史的信息.因此,对旋涡星系颜色梯度的研究有助于理解星系的形成和演化过程.大部分旋涡星系存在负的颜色梯度,其主要原因是旋涡星系存在星族梯度.颜色梯度与星系的面亮度之间存在内禀的相关,表明质量面密度在星系的形成和演化过程中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

在Sloan数字巡天计划第二批释放的数据中选择了15257个面向的盘状星系,统计研究它们的颜色星等关系.结果表明3个颜色g-r、r-i、r-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,即:越亮的星系,颜色越红,而且色指数弥散越小.并且简单讨论了观测到的颜色星等关系对盘状星系的恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

从Sloan数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)第二批释放的数据(Data ReleaseTwo,简称DR2)中,选择了395个在r波段亮于15等的晚型旋涡星系作为样本,研究了这些星系及其盘的颜色星等关系.结果表明晚型旋涡星系及其盘的三个颜色g-r,r-z和g-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,越亮的星系(或盘),颜色越红,而且星系的相关性比盘的更强.  相似文献   

李永生  苏步美 《天文学报》1999,40(2):206-212
使用澳大利亚AT对6个近距中等红外光度的IRAS星系在双频上同时进行了观测.其中IRAS20272-4738、IRAS23156-4238探测到射电发射.获得了它们的射电流量、峰值位置、源的大小、频谱指数等射电参数,用红外、射电、光学资料对射电源进行了证认.并结合以前的观测资料讨论了这类星系射电发射的特点.  相似文献   

本利用Edinburgh/Durham南天星系表的资料,以及UKST巡天第349号天区R片星像的COSMOS机扫描参数,对4个星系团内不同颜色成员星系的分布作了统计分析。结果表明:在这些团的内区,蓝星系在成员星系总数中所占的比例fb小于团的外围部分;在场区中,fb之值大于团区的相应值。末简单讨论了fb的某些特征的可能含义。  相似文献   

本文利用Edinburgh/Durham南天星系表的资料,以及UKST巡天第349号天区R片星像的COSMOS机扫描参数,对4个星系团内不同颜色成员星系的分布作了统计分析。结果表明:在这些团的内区,蓝星系在成员星系总数中所占的比例f_b小于团的外围部分;在场区中,f_b之值大于团区的相应值。文末简单讨论了f_b的某些特征的可能含义。  相似文献   

本文对两点相关函数及关联分维间的关系进行了讨论,以IRAS星系红移巡天样本作为例子进行分析,分析结果表明,在大尺度(≥15─20hMpc)上,IRAS星系的分布既不能用简单幂律形式的两点相关函数,也不能用简单分形来描写。它可以用多级分形来更好地描写。多级分形结构的主要特征之一是存在典型尺度,即相邻分形级间的转变尺度,用非归一计数方法可以有效而准确地确定这些典型尺度,存在典型尺度对目前已有的结构形成模型提出了挑战。  相似文献   

莫厚俊 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):112-112
在现代宇宙学的框架下对当前星系形成和演化方面的研究结果作一综合评述,内容包括知种现代化观测手段所得的结果及其物理内涵,各种模型的成功与不足之处。  相似文献   

束成钢 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):249-249
从星系形成和演化的角度出发,对星系结构和动力学进行的粗略的评述,内容包括:(1)初步描述了星系中各主要成分的物理特征(空间分布,运行学和化学)及其形成和演化,(2)Damped Lyman-alpha systems(DLAs)是本地星系的化石,对其进行观测研究是HST的主要任务之一,对DLAs宽的谱线轮廓的物理机制和其恒星形成,化学演化进行了讨论,(3)目前已证明Lyman Break方法是发现高红移高恒星形成星系的有效手段,讨论了Lyman Break Galaxies的动力学过程和恒星形象,(4)旋涡星系和椭圆星系的Scaling Law是星系形成和演化所必须解释的问题,对近期该方面的研究结果作了介绍,(5)整体超星的反馈作用在星系形成和演化中起了重要作用,评述了该物理过程对星系演化的影响;(6)随着观测资料的不断积累,各种物体对河外背景辐射的贡献已成了一个重要的研究方向,讨论了宇宙整体的星形成历史和化学演化,(7)银河系是进行星系形成和演化研究的归算零点,介绍了银河系的结构,动力学及演化。  相似文献   

We investigate the Luminosity Function(LF)of the cluster of galaxies Abell 566.The photometric data of 15 intermediate-bands are obtained from the Beijing-Arizona- Taiwan-Connecticut(BATC)photometric sky survey.For each of the 15 wavebands,the LF of cluster galaxies is well modelled by the Schechter function,with characteristic luminosi- ties from-18.0 to-21.9 magnitude,from the a- to the p-band.Morphological dependence of the LF is investigated by separating the cluster members into‘red’and‘blue’subsamples. It is clear that late type galaxies have a steeper shape of LF than the early type galaxies.We also divided the sample galaxies by their local environment.It was found that galaxies in the sparser region have steeper shape of LF than galaxies in the denser region.Combining the results of morphological and environmental dependence of LFs,we show that Abell 566 is a well relaxed cluster with positive evidence of galaxy interaction and merger,and excess number of bright early type galaxies located in its denser region.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations by the 2.6 m BAO telescope of IRAS galaxies identified on the basis of the First Byurakan Survey (BIG objects) are reported. Slit spectra were obtained for 16 objects, including components of 7 multiple systems and 2 individual galaxies. The red shifts were measured, and the radial velocities, distances, absolute stellar magnitudes, and infrared and far infrared luminosities were calculated. A diagnostic diagram has been constructed based on the intensity ratios of emission lines and the activity types of the objects have been determined. Two LINERs, five galaxies with composite spectra (Comp, one of which has Sy2 features) and seven HII regions were found. Two objects are ultraluminous IR galaxies (ULIG). It is shown that all the multiple systems are physical pairs or groups. The observed high IR luminosity confirms the view that ULIG/HLIGs may be associated with interactions of galaxies.  相似文献   

We report on the results of cross-correlation of a sample of 903 Utraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) with the ROSAT-All Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue and the ROSAT archived pointing observations. The sample of ULIRGs has been compiled from the recently released PSCz redshift survey. In total,35 ULIRGs are securely detected by the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and pointing observations, five of which are blazars. The statistical properties of these sources in the soft X-ray band are determined and compared with their properties on other wavebands. We find that the ratio of the soft X-ray to the far-infrared flux spans about five orders of magnitude and reaches values of about unity. This ratio is a good indicator of the main energy source of ULIRGs. Those with soft X-ray to far-infrared flux exceeding 0.01 are probably powered by accretion onto central supermassive black holes while those with ratios smaller than 0.001 are probably powered by starbursts or other heating processes, or are Compton thick sources. Some ULIRGs have energy contributions from both. This ratio is low for most ULIRGs and hyperluminous infrared galaxies, which explains their low detection rate by ROSAT and ASCA.We also find that some ULIRGs have a similar soft X-ray luminosity vs. temperature relation to that for groups of galaxies and elliptical galaxies,suggesting a common origin of these systems. Our study also reveals a tight correlation between the hardness ratio and the soft X-ray luminosity for Seyfert 1s/QSOs.  相似文献   

A sample of 323 Ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) has been correlatedwith the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and ROSAT public pointed observations.22 objects are detected in ROSAT survey observations, and 6 ULIRGs aredetected in addition in ROSAT public pointed observations. The detection is basedon a visual inspection of the X-ray contour maps overlaid on optical imagesof ULIRGs taken from the Digitized Sky Survey.Simple power law fits were used to compute the absorption-correctedfluxes of the ROSAT detected ULIRGs. The ratio of the soft X-ray flux to thefar-infrared luminosity is used to estimate the contributionfrom starburst and AGN emitting processes. These results are comparedwith the ISO SWS ULIRG diagnostic diagram.  相似文献   

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