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李志群  任治  张泰身 《地质论评》1999,45(7):940-945
腾冲火山活动始于上新世,形成橄榄玄武岩、安山玄武岩、安山 岩及英安岩4大类,分为两个喷发旋回,4个喷发期。主要景观由全新世的第四期火山机构组成,景观分为火山锥、熔岩被、火山地热、火山与热水观赏石等。岩石属高钾钙碱性火山岩系,是挤压造山带的产物。腾冲火山群深部存在熔融岩浆囊,是休眠火山,但岩浆囊内绝大部分岩浆已喷发。结合人文景观,腾冲火山群是不可多得的科学考察和旅游景区。  相似文献   

内蒙古达里诺尔晚新生代火山群喷发特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
达里诺尔火山群有近百座晚新生代单成因火山,其地质地貌形态各异,喷发形式多样。这些火山既有爆破式喷发,如:夏威夷式喷发,斯通博利式喷发,强斯通博利式喷发和射汽岩浆喷发;也有溢流式喷发,如盾状火山;还有岩浆缓慢侵出,如大黑山。火山群内典型火山机构表明,不同的喷发方式穿插于火山喷发过程:早期火山活动多以侵出和溢流为主,逐渐转变为岩浆爆破式喷发(强斯通博利式,斯通博利式),晚期又过渡为溢流式喷发,喷发过程大体经历一个爆破强度弱-强-弱的转变。射汽岩浆型的火山则是以剧烈的射汽岩浆爆炸开始,后期逐渐转弱为岩浆爆破喷发和溢流喷发。火山喷发过程中火山产物出现牛顿流体,宾汉流体,层流,颗粒流,涌流,空降等不同类型的运动形式,自火口向远源运动,形成差异化的火山产物。岩浆的输送速率、上升速度,以及围岩的类型,可能是造成达里诺尔火山群多样化喷发的主要因素。  相似文献   

吉林省伊通火山群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王振中 《吉林地质》1994,13(2):29-35,41
伊通火山群形成于第三纪,玄武岩来自上地幔,受断裂控制。火山机构多是由未喷出地表的玄武岩、地幔岩捕获体及少许隐爆角砾岩组成,发育奇特有规律排列的节理柱组合系统展现了潜火山生成在近地表下环境。  相似文献   

托云火山群的火山地质特征及其构造意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
梁涛  罗照华  李文韬  柯珊  李莉  詹华明 《新疆地质》2005,23(2):105-110,i005
结合托云盆地新生代火山岩的卫星影像解译与野外验证成果,发现托云盆地内的7个火山口和棋盘式走滑断裂系统,首次提出了托云火山群的概念.这些火山口可以划分成中心式火山和溢流玄武岩2种类型,形成的火山机构包括塌陷破火山口、火山颈和锥状岩席.火山岩主要为碱性玄武岩,部分玄武岩中可见橄榄岩类等深源岩石包体和普通辉石等矿物巨晶.因此,托云盆地新生代火山岩具有幔源岩浆的性质,断裂构造活动为其上升就位提供通道,火山岩应是由多个火山口近于同时喷发形成的,不具有由上、下两套火山岩系构成的双层结构.  相似文献   

五大连池第四纪火山群的喷发类型和喷发型式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐衍强 《黑龙江地质》1997,8(4):3-11,28
长期以来,人们均认为五连池第四纪火山群只有14座火山,属于中心式喷发型式和斯特龙博利喷发类型。新近又发现11座鲜为人知的盾火山,对总数25座火山重新研究后,作者提出火 山类型以斯特龙博利型为主夏威夷型次这;喷发型式以裂隙-中心式为主,裂隙式次之。  相似文献   

内蒙古察哈尔右翼后旗乌兰哈达第四纪火山群   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
白志达  王剑民  许桂玲  刘磊  徐德斌 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2585-2594
乌兰哈达火山群位于内蒙古中部察哈尔右翼后旗乌兰哈达一带,地处蒙古高原南缘,距北京约300km.火山群坐落在太古宙乌拉山岩群和新近纪汉诺坝玄武岩之上,面积约280km^2。火山活动可分为晚更新世(30.56+2.59kaBP;21.05+1.79kaBP)和全新世两期,火山喷发总体为裂隙式或裂隙-中心式。晚更新世形成一系列呈北东和北西向线形展布的溅落锥,其中黑脑包为熔壳状火山锥。大部分锥体主要由玄武质熔结集块岩及碎成熔岩组成,已遭受一定剥蚀,但多数火口形态仍清晰可辨。全新世与晚更新世火山受同一北东向基底断裂控制。主要包括3座中心式喷发的炼丹炉火山,火山均由碱玄质火山渣锥和熔岩流组成,属斯通博利式火山。火山规模较大,结构完整,基本未遭受剥蚀。锥体由早期降落浮岩渣和晚期溅落熔结集块岩组成。熔岩流分布受地形制约,总体由北西向南东流淌,最长熔岩流约18km。熔岩流覆盖在全新世河谷砂砾石、风成沙和沼泽沉积物之上,表明火山喷发的时代应为全新世。熔岩流类型主要为结壳熔岩,其中胀裂谷和塌陷谷发育。熔岩流前部发育挤压脊、喷气锥和特征的熔岩琢群。熔岩流前缘抵达白音淖一带,堰塞水系形成莫石盖淖和乌兰胡少海等火山堰塞湖。乌兰哈达火山群是蒙古高原南缘目前发现的唯一全新世有过喷发的火山群,是一处天然火山“博物馆”,是研究蒙古高原南缘现代地壳深部结构及其活动性的天然“窗口”。  相似文献   

白志达  张进奎  史志伟  李天元 《岩石学报》2020,36(11):3257-3264
辉腾锡勒火山群位于内蒙古中部卓资县、察哈尔右翼中旗和后旗交界处的高山草原区。处于中国东部大同-阿尔山-诺敏河第四纪火山喷发带南段。火山群坐落在太古宙变质岩系、二叠纪花岗岩和新近纪汉诺坝玄武岩之上。平面上呈低洼的菱形台地,四周为山地,总面积约260km2。因上覆在汉诺坝玄武岩台地之上,故以往将其误归为新近纪汉诺坝玄武岩。火山群内发育近百座火山,大多数火山形貌保存基本完整。火山产物主要为一套碱性橄榄玄武岩,次为不同成因的火山碎屑物(岩)。碱性玄武岩覆盖在晚更新世坡积物和黄土之上。火山活动的时代主体为晚更新世,可进一步分为早、中、晚三期。早期为裂隙-中心式喷发,火口已剥蚀殆尽;中期主要形成"地池式"和玛珥式火山,火山形貌较完整,火口呈特征的圆形或椭圆形,大部分积水成湖,当地习称"九十九眼泉"或"海子"。晚期以熔浆的溢流为主,形成结构完整的盾片状火山。火山活动经历了沿裂隙的喷溢到中心式弱爆发、溢流-射汽岩浆爆发-溢流再到溅落堆积的演化过程。辉腾锡勒火山群是在新近纪汉诺坝玄武岩台地上新解体确定的第四纪火山群,这为研究蒙古高原南部地壳深部结构及其活动性提供了又一天然窗口,对了解新构造活动、环境及灾害预警研究都具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

莲花山火山群位于五大连池火山群的西南。其岩性和五大连池相同。但喷发强度较弱,规模较小,末期喷发的浮石、火山渣充填了火山口,春时代属更新世。其上为晚更新世硅藻土层所覆。火山岩中含深源包体和绿辉石巨晶。文中还论述了火山作用和高岭土,硅藻土的成因联系。  相似文献   

云南腾冲大六冲火山机构的发现及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腾冲火山群位于我国云南省西部和缅甸交界处的腾冲县境内,是我国著名的第四纪火山群,既有黑空山、打鹰山、马鞍山等一系列晚第四纪新期火山,也有早更新世以来有过喷发活动的大六冲、余家大山、来凤山等老火山。其中,位于腾冲火山区中东部的大六冲山势高峻,其顶峰是本区内的最高峰。野外地质调查发现,大六冲山体由一系列巨厚层爆发相火山碎屑堆积物和少量溢流相熔岩类岩石构成,喷发物类型极其丰富。在大六冲最高峰以南约100m处,首次发现存在着一个直径超百米的火山通道,可能是区内早期火山喷发的主通道,火山颈、熔岩穹丘、岩墙、爆发相与溢出相堆积物构成了大六冲完整的火山机构,在其周边多处地方还发现了因山体岩石破碎后形成的垮塌和滑坡堆积物。大六冲火山机构及其滑塌物的发现,不仅可以解释腾冲火山区大范围分布的火山碎屑岩的来源,也为防治以后类似大规模喷发可能造成的次生地质灾害提供了理想的研究样本和未来灾害预警。  相似文献   

新托尔巴奇克火山研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于堪察加半岛的新托尔巴奇克山是世界上有史以来仅遥六个大裂隙喷发的火山之一,也是迄今对喷发研究得最为详尽的三个火山之一。本文从喷发活动、玄武岩、气体成分与升华物,喷发区地球物理特征,喷发预报,地震,形变及喷发机制等方面综合论述了该火山的观测观察成果,并指出这些成果对我国火山研究有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新疆西天山大型铁矿床石炭纪控矿火山机构及成矿模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带发育一系列大型海相火山岩型铁矿床,是我国十大重要金属矿产资源接替基地之一,备受关注。该成矿带石炭纪火山活动强烈,前人已经识别出该成矿带东段的区域艾肯达坂破火山口,且查岗诺尔、智博、敦德、备战等大型铁矿床均赋存于下石炭统大哈拉军山组火山岩中,其形成受火山机构控制。然而,迄今为止,这些矿床尚未确立具体的火山机构,矿床与矿区发育的火山机构关系有待查明;此外,与查岗诺尔、智博、备战等矿床包含单一的铁元素不同,敦德矿床具有Fe-Zn-Au元素组合,其原因尚不清楚。在前人研究基础上,通过野外地质剖面观察和测量,结合室内研究和遥感解译工作,我们认为阿吾拉勒成矿带东段的4个大型铁矿床均独自发育石炭纪与成矿有关的火山机构,且不同矿床,其火山机构的特点及其演化各不相同。其中,查岗诺尔矿区发育圆形破火山口,面积约为10km2,矿床位于破火山口北缘,矿体赋存于破火山口环状断裂系中;智博矿区发育椭圆形破火山口,面积约为15km2,矿床位于破火山口西南部,矿体赋存于经多次塌陷的破火山口环状断裂系中;敦德矿区发育椭圆形破火山口,面积约为6km2,矿床位于破火山口的中部,矿体赋存于火山通道及其附近的环状和放射状断裂系中;备战矿区发育椭圆形火山口,面积约为4km2,矿床位于火山口北缘,矿体赋存于环状断裂系中。可见,只有敦德矿床的矿体赋存于火山通道断裂系中,其余矿床的矿体均赋存于火山机构环状断裂系中;高渗透性的火山机构断裂系为成矿流体迁移和金属沉淀提供了有利的空间,是铁矿体形成的关键控矿因素和赋矿部位。此外,这些铁矿床的成矿年龄(319~304Ma)滞后于容矿火山岩的年龄(328~319Ma),矿体与围岩界线多为渐变关系;成矿作用以热液作用为主,其中,敦德矿区发育单一的热液成矿作用,具有Fe-Zn-Au元素组合,其它矿床成矿作用复杂,包括热液成矿作用、沉积成矿作用和可能的岩浆熔体成矿作用,仅发育有Fe元素。基于此,可将阿吾拉勒成矿带东段的海相火山岩型铁矿床进一步划分为两个亚类,即火山通道型铁多金属矿床(敦德)和火山边缘型铁矿床(查岗诺尔、智博、备战);成矿模式包括火山通道相热液富集铁多金属成矿模式和火山边缘相沉积-热液富集铁成矿模式。  相似文献   

贺电  李江海  刘守偈 《岩石学报》2009,25(3):659-666
火山岩油气藏已成为我国东部中、新生代陆内裂谷盆地内一种重要的油气藏类型。松辽盆地北部徐家围子断陷营城组火山岩中形成大规模气藏,不同火山岩相对油气的储集性差异很大,因此探究断陷内火山机构类型和喷发模式成为天然气勘探开发的基础。徐家围子断陷发育中酸性火山岩,识别出层状火山、熔岩穹隆、破火山口等3种主要火山机构赋存类型。受区域垂向和斜向两期拉张作用控制,在断裂上盘、下盘和断裂带,火山机构分别以不同形式展布:断裂下盘的掀斜肩部火山机构发育、断裂带火山机构串珠状叠置、断裂上盘火山爆发强烈并形成大型徐东破火山口。徐东破火山口的形成说明岩浆侵位于地壳底部,形成扁平状的岩浆房。岩浆垂直上升喷发或沿断裂喷发,形成徐家围子断陷中心式-裂隙式火山喷发模式。  相似文献   

Volcanic formations of the ca 630-620 Ma old Shammar Group in the Tuluhah area in the northern Arabian Shield occupy an oval area some 8×12 km. They overlie sedimentary rift-fill of the Kuara Formation and are interpreted as related to the formation of a caldera, here named the Awad Caldera. The earliest of the volcanic formations, the Dabsah Tuff, is more than 450 m thick in the south and wedges out in the north. It is composed of silicic, medial to proximal pyroclastic flow rocks that record an eruption during which an initial caldera is interpreted to have formed by probably trapdoor-style collapse. The Nijab Basalt, more than 200 m thick and present as flows overlying the Kuara Formation to the north of the caldera, is presumed to have originated outside the study area during an interval between periods of silicic volcanic activity, and to have flowed onto the Dabsah Tuff in the first-stage caldera. The succeeding Mindassa Megabreccia contains large rafts of the older Shammar rocks, mainly Nijab Basalt, in a tuff matrix, and is regarded as probably a caldera collapse and fallback megabreccia formed during a silicic eruption that led to the second stage of caldera development. The megabreccia is overlain by the post-collapse Sutayih Tuff, more than 450 m thick, composed of proximal pyroclastic flow units.  相似文献   

The Rodalquilar caldera complex is located in the western part of the Cabo de Gata volcanic field in southeastern Spain and is the first documented example of epithermal gold-alunite mineralization within a caldera in Europe. The Rodalquilar caldera is an oval collapse structure having a maximum diameter of 8 km and formed at 11 Ma from eruption of the Cinto ash-flow tuff. The oval Lomilla caldera, with a diameter of 2 km, is nested within the central resurgent dome of the older Rodalquilar caldera. The Lomilla caldera resulted from the eruption of the Lazaras ash-flow tuff which was ponded within the moat of the Rodalquilar caldera. The last phase of volcanic activity in the caldera complex was the emplacement of hornblende andesite flows and intrusions. This magmatic event resulted in structural doming of the caldera, opening of fractures and faults, and provided the heat source for the large hydrothermal systems which deposited quartz-alunite type gold deposits and base metal vein systems. The gold-alunite deposits are enclosed in areas of intense acid sulfate alteration and localized in ring and radial faults and fractures present in the east wall of the Lomilla caldera. Like other acid-sulfate type deposits, the Rodalquilar gold-alunite deposits are closely related in time and space to porphyritic, intermediate composition magma emplaced along caldera structures but unrelated to the caldera forming magmatic system.  相似文献   

永定五湖早侏罗世火山喷发盆地基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
五湖早侏罗世火山喷发盆地位于永安县东18km。构成该盆地的火山地层属藩坑组。岩石组合为玄武岩(安山岩)-流纹岩组合,属双峰式火山岩组合。火山岩相划分为爆发相、溢流相、火山通道相、潜火山相及喷发沉积相五种基本类型,并建立了相序和相组合。火山构造圈定有白叶湖崃破火山、天子山东及大雪山东层状火山,本文重点剖析了白叶湖(山东)破火山,并阐述该火山喷发盆地的发展历史。  相似文献   

Landsliding is a significant process on volcanic edifices, with individual events exceeding several cubic kilometres in volume. The causes of such mass movements and their relationship with volcanic activity are still poorly understood. Landslide events are an important factor in the evolution of volcanic islands such as Tenerife, where vertical and lateral collapses have occurred repeatedly. Subaerial and submarine processes related to landslide events strongly influence the morphology of the island. On Tenerife there are three very big valleys, Güimar, La Orotava and Icod, that have been created by large landslide events with ages ranging from Upper Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene. The landslides affect the northern flanks of the island and the slopes of a large central volcanic edifice, the Las Canadas volcano, which is truncated by the Las Canadas caldera, a multicyclic collapse depression, formed between 1.02 and 0.17 Ma. We have focused our studies on the potential for caldera collapse events to trigger large scale landslides. The available geological and morphological information has been incorporated into numerical models, which simulate the destabilising effects of a caldera collapse episode. The results of the numerical modelling indicate that processes associated with caldera collapse events can overcome the stabilising forces on the volcano flank and trigger landslides. We propose that caldera collapse events may have triggered large landslides on the slopes of the Las Canadas volcano.  相似文献   

The Las Canadas Caldera corresponds to a volcanic caldera formed after a long period of explosive activity. The structural and lithological variations which can be observed in the caldera wall make clear the complexity of the original Las Canadas Edifice in which different eruptive centres existed. The stratigraphic and structural reconstruction of the Las Canadas Caldera indicates that the Diego Hernández wall, located at the eastern side of the caldera wall, comprises the youngest pre-caldera deposits. Determination of their K-Ar ages has provided the maximum age for the formation of the Las Canadas caldera. The results are internally consistent with stratigraphic relationships and allow two pre-caldera volcanic cycles in the Diego Hernández wall to be differentiated in accordance with geological evidence. The first cycle shows imprecise age limits. The second cycle ranges from 0.35 to 0.17 Ma. This upper pre-caldera age suggests that the Las Canadas caldera and the Teide-Pico Viejo were formed more recently than was previously assumed.  相似文献   

A huge hydrothermal field, named the "Hakurei Sulfide Deposit" (HSD) was discovered in the North Myojin Rift (NMR), Izu–Bonin Back-Arc Rift (BAR) during the 2003 survey cruise of R/V Hakurei-maru No.2 . This paper investigates the geotectonic features and the tectonic setting of ore deposits between the NMR and the Hokuroku Basin, which is representative of kuroko fields in Japan. The topographic features of the NMR and the Hokuroku Basin are similar. Both have a clear ring structure surrounded by faults and the east–west width is almost the same. Many kuroko deposits were formed on the extrusion centers of the five pre-mineral acidic volcanic complexes, located in a loop inside the Hokuroku Basin. In the case of the NMR, seven submarine volcanoes are also located in a loop, and the HSD formed inside the summit caldera of Bayonnaise Knoll, which is one of the seven volcanoes. These topographic similarities highlight that the NMR is a modern analog of the Hokuroku Basin. Identifying such similarities is extremely useful when prospecting kuroko deposits on land equivalents as well as on the other segments of the Izu–Bonin BAR. The probability of finding kuroko deposits on land is expected to increase when the following are identified: (i) location of back-arc rift and the volcanic front; (ii) direction of the arc–trench system and intra-rift faults (and/or fracture zone); (iii) position of submarine volcanoes surrounding a back-arc rift; and (iv) intersections of a caldera fault and intra-rift fault (and/or fracture zone) inside the summit caldera of submarine volcanoes. Within these aforementioned points a ring structure, acidic volcanic complexes that circle the circuit and submarine calderas along the volcanic front, are an important indication of submarine hydrothermal deposits.  相似文献   

The precision dating (U-Pb local by zircons, SHRIMP-II) of volcanic rocks in the unique uranium-bearing structure of Transbaikalia is performed for the first time. The basic conclusions are as follows. The volcanic activity in the Tulukuev caldera covers the period of not less than 30–35 mln years, within the period from (not later than) 162 to 128 mln years. Two stages of caldera evolution are established: the early (trachydacite-basalt) stage up to 154 mln years and the late (trachybasalt-rhyolite) stage from 142 to 128 mln years, with a 10 mln year break, which caused the deep erosion of the lower layer. Three phases of rhyolite magmatism are substantiated. The first one, 142 mln years, is the ejection of ignimbrites (microfelsitic rhyolites); the second one, 137–135 mln years, is the outflow of lavas of sanidine-morion rhyolites and subvolcanic and ring dyke intrusions. The third phase, 128 mln years, is connected with the occurrence of cesium-bearing perlites in the southwestern part of the caldera. The age of the granite-porphyries of the Krasnokamensk stock almost coincides with the precision data of the age of the uranium ores [4]. It is found that zircons from the granite-porphyries within the ore field of the Argunsk deposit have an anomalously high content of uranium. This fact can additionally testify to the time-and-spatial closeness of magmatism and processes of ore formation.  相似文献   

王玉生  李文君 《铀矿地质》1995,11(3):140-146
中新生代时期,华南东部地壳经历了挤压-松驰拉张-局部裂解的演化过程。相应地发育3期火山活动,构成初火山族回、主火山旋回和破火山旋回。破火山使回出现双峰式岩套,标志着已进入胚胎型裂谷演化阶段。火山岩型铀矿具有破火山族回成矿、破火山旋回活动带控矿、二次迭加富集特性,可称其为破火山系列新不整合脉型铀矿。划分为体型、层型和脉型3种形态类型和相应的勘查模式。华南东部破火山系列新不整合脉型铀矿具有巨大的找矿潜力,在花岗岩基底上发育的破火山旋回构造-岩浆杂岩区,是今后寻找大型铀矿的有利靶区。  相似文献   

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