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The Einstein-Maxwell field equations for charged dust corresponding to static axially-symmetric metric of Levi-Civita have been studied. It has been shown that when the metric potentialsg ij are functions of only one of the coordinates, viz.,r, the interior charged dust becomes purely of electromagnetic origin, in the sense that the physical quantities like the energy density, the effective gravitational mass, etc., are dependent only on the charge density and vanish when this charge density vanishes. Such models are known as electromagnetic mass models in the classical electrodynamics. An interior charged dust solution corresponding to this case has been obtained which, in a sense, represents an infinite dust distribution of electromagnetic origin. In the second case, viz., when the metric potentials are functions of the coordinatesr andz both, it has been shown that some of the situations correspond to electromagnetic mass models. An example to illustrate this case has been obtained. This represents the source of the Reissner-Nordström-Curzon field (an analogue of the Reissner-Nordström solution obtained by Curzon) which according to Curzon describes the exterior field of an electron.  相似文献   

The present paper is a continuation of our earlier work on gravitational sources of purely electromagnetic origin, known in the literature as electromagnetic mass models. Here we have shown that a bounded (regular) interior static sperical-symmetric charged dust, if exists, can only be of electromagnetic origin.  相似文献   

A solution of Einstein-Maxwell equations representing a distribution of equal and opposite charges moving in circles in opposite directions around thez-axis is obtained. In a particular case the solution reduces to the special case of Levi-Civita metric for a line-mass placed along thez-axis. The asymptotic behaviour of the solution is also discussed.  相似文献   

Dust grains expelled by radiation pressure of stars are charged to potentials in the range 30–40 V in Hi clouds. These grains may be responsible for the following phenomena which are otherwise hardly explicable. (1) A considerable fraction of electrons knocked-out by charged grains of high speeds have energies around 15 eV and produce singly ionized ions but not doubly ionized ones in accord with an ultraviolet observation of interstellar atoms and ions. (2) Transverse momentum transferred to grains by Coulomb scattering of ambient electrons and protons is greater than that by multiple scattering of cosmic ray protons, thus the former being more effective for the grain alignment than the latter. (3) At a shock front charge separation due to a large inertial mass of grains produces an electric field, thus accelerating charged particles and causing a drift of interstellar matter.  相似文献   

We study the effect of an imposed magnetic field on the motion of charged dust particles in magnetically active regions of a protoplanetary disc. Assuming a power law structure for the vertical and the toroidal components of the magnetic field for the regions beyond magnetically dead region of the disc, the radial and the vertical velocities of the charged particles, in the asymptotic case of small particles, are calculated analytically. While grains with radii smaller than a critical radius significantly are affected by the magnetic force, motion of the particles with larger radii is independent of the magnetic field. The critical radius depends on the magnetic geometry and the charge of the grains. Assuming that a grain particle has one elementary charge and the physical properties of the disc correspond to a minimum-mass solar nebula, we show that only micron-sized grains are affected by the magnetic force. Also, charge polarity determines direction of the radial velocity. For such small particles, both the radial and the vertical velocities increase due to the magnetic force.  相似文献   

A most general exact solution to the Einstein-Maxwell equations for static charged perfect fluid is sought in terms of pressure. Subsequently, metrics (e λ and e υ ), matter density and electric intensity are expressible in terms of pressure. Consequently, Pressure is found to be an invertible arbitrary function of ω(=c 1+c 2 r 2), where c 1 and c 2(≠0) are arbitrary constants, and r is the radius of star, i.e. p=p(ω). We present a general solution for charged pressure fluid in terms for ω. We list and discuss some old and new solutions which fall in this category.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation is developed to study the existence, formation and basic properties of arbitrary amplitude dust ion-acoustic solitary potentials in a dusty plasma consisting of warm ions, trapped electrons and immobile negative (positive) dust particles. It is found a definite interval for the Mach number for which solitary waves exist and depend sensitively on the ion temperature and negative (positive) dust concentration. In addition, the effects of ion temperature, two oppositely charged dust species and resonant electrons on the shape of the solitary waves are also investigated extensively. For both cases of negative and positive dust grains, the effect of ion temperature is found to be destructive for the formation of localized structures. Further, the amplitude of the solitary structures decreases (increases) with the increase in the negative (positive) dust concentration.  相似文献   

The heliocentric radial distribution of the flux of hyperbolic cosmic dust particles, as measured by the Pioneer 8 and 9 spacecraft, is closely related to the radial variation of the spatial density of source or “parent” meteoroids. Within the limits of the experimental and theoretical uncertainties the spatial density of parent meteoroids, as deduced from the hyperbolic cosmic dust data, is found to be increasing with increasing heliocentric distance in the neighborhood of one a.u. Other recent experimental evidence confirms this result. The new results also suggest that the ratio of the areal density of submicron sized craters to the areal density of millimeter sized craters will be less on the north-south faces of lunar rocks than on the east-west faces of the same rocks. The changeinratio is not as large as previously thought, however. Finally it is noted that the solar system is not presently contributing significant amounts of dust to the interstellar medium though it may once have done so.  相似文献   

We study thermal instability in a magnetized and partially ionized plasma with charged dust particles. Our linear analysis shows that the growth rate of the unstable modes in the presence of dust particles strongly depends on the ratio of the cooling rate and the modified dust-cyclotron frequency. If the cooling rate is less than the modified dust-cyclotron frequency, then the growth rate of the condensation modes does not modify due to the existence of the charged dust particles. But, when the cooling rate is greater than (or comparable to) the modified dust-cyclotron frequency, the growth rate of unstable modes increases because of the dust particles. Also, the wavenumber of the perturbations corresponding to the maximum growth rate shifts to the smaller values (larger wavelengths) as the cooling rate becomes larger than the modified dust-cyclotron frequency. We show that the growth rate of the condensation modes increases with the electrical charge of the dust particles.  相似文献   

The origin of asteroid families in terms of collisional breakup is analyzed using the data by Williams (1979, in Asteroids (T. Gehrels, Ed.), pp. 1040–1063, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson). The distributions of mass and relative velocity of the minor family members with respect to the largest body are derived. These ditributions are then compared with the outcomes of catastrophic impacts, predicted from theoretical arguments and observed from laboratory experiments. The general features of the mass distributions can be interpreted in terms of collisional disruption of a parent body followed by self-gravitational reaccumulation on the largest remnant; no decisive evidence for multiple reaccumulations is found. The typical ejection velocities of the family members are of the same order as those of laboratory fragments; since the definition of families is based on purely dynamical arguments, this results gives direct observational support to the collisional formation hypothesis. The transition between collisional outcomes dominated by solid-state forces and by self-gravitatation, expected to occur at diameters D ~ 100 km on the basis of rotational studies and of theoretical estimates, is clearly confirmed by the present analysis. A “morphological” classification into three broad classes (asymmetric, dispersed, and intermediate) is introduced; it is based on the distribution of mass vs relative velocity, taking also into account the parent body's (and the largest remnant's) escape velocity. Finally some results are outlined which apparently do not fit the theoretical predictions: (1) the degree of fragmentation in real families is generally lower than that observed for experimental targets and (2) when the relative velocities are computed, including also proper eccentricity and inclination differences, values higher by about a factor 4 than those derived from semiaxes differences only are found. Further studies are proposed, including more observations, better proper elements computation and classification methods, and new investigations on the physics of hypervelocity impacts.  相似文献   

The emission from a charged particle moving in a medium containing randomly distributed dust particles is considered. It is shown that in certain cases, the diffusional mechanism of emission is the principal one in the x-ray range. Possible astrophysical applications of this mechanism are considered. Spectral indices in the x-ray range are calculated, in particular. The calculated spectral indices agree well with those of active galactic nuclei. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 443–457, July–September, 1998.  相似文献   

The Earth's middle atmosphere at altitudes of 80-95 km exhibits layered phenomena known as noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes. These structures are believed to be associated with the presence of large quantities of charged dust or aerosol particles. The sign of the charge depends on the material composition of the latter as well as the environment. The grains are normally composed of ice together with possible metallic impurities. Particles of pure ice are always charged negatively, but if the metal content is sufficiently high, they can become positive. The characteristics of self-organized structures on the dust acoustic time scale depend strongly on the sign of the charge, and the structures can appear as either electron (ion) density humps or dips. Such a physical distinction can be used for the identification and diagnostics of noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The possibility of an abrupt origin of interplanetary dust as a result of a collision between asteroids or an extraordinary comet is considered. If all interplanetary dust were produced in one event within recorded history, it would have been visible from the Earth with the unaided eye. The rate, surface area, and brightness of asteroid collision remnants are derived. Ancient Chinese records are searched for extraordinary comets and bright pointlike objects with small angular motion and concentration to the ecliptic.  相似文献   

The electrostatic interaction of charged dust grains is analysed by considering the interaction of two charged conducting spheres, rather than the hitherto considered model of a sphere and a point charge. Considerable mofification of the induced charge effects results when the nonzero radius of the second sphere is taken into account.In particular, it is shown that image charge or polarization effects can only be of significance as far as collision rates are concerned when modulus of the charge ratio of two colliding grains is very different from the ratio of their radii. Such a charge ratio deviates from the original Spitzer calculation, where grains have identical charge, irrespective of the grain material, for a given radius. This deviation may occur in cool gas clouds such as Hi regions and dense molecular clouds where the discreteness of electron charge is important, or in interstellar clouds where considerable photo-ionization of a mixture of grain materials of widely varying photoelectric efficiencies takes place.It is further argued that, with regard to the induced charge effects, the accretion rate will not be significantly different for dielectric as compared to conducting grains, regardless of the type of gas cloud under consideration.  相似文献   

Ion waves excited by charged dust beams streaming across or along the geomagnetic field in the ionosphere may be generated by plasma instabilities during aerosol release experiments. The injection speed of the dust and gas is comparable to or larger than the ion thermal speed in the background plasma. The dust grains can get charged by plasma collection from the ambient ionosphere, and can thus act as a charged beam that excites instabilities in the background plasma. The theory is applied to relatively early time scales of the order of in the dust-gas cloud expansion, with wave frequencies that are larger than the ion gyrofrequency, and collisions with neutrals are included.  相似文献   

The effects of dust on infrared emission vary among galaxies of different morphological types. We investigated integrated spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in infrared and submillimeter/millimeter emissions from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on observations from the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) and near- to mid-infrared observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST). We also used IRAS and WMAP observations to constrain the SEDs and present the results of radiative transfer calculations using the spectrophotometric galaxy model. We explain the observations by using dust models with different grain size distributions in the interstellar medium of the LMC, noting that the LMC has undergone processes that differ from those in the Milky Way. We determined a spectral index and a normalization factor in the range of ?3.5 to ?3.45 with grain radii in the range of 1 nm–300 nm for the silicate grain and 2 nm–1 μm for the graphite grain. The best fit to the observed SED was obtained with a spectral index of ?3.47, similar to the value derived by Piovan et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 366(3):923, 2006a). The grain size distribution is described using a power law but with a break that is introduced below a b , where a larger exponent is used. Changing the graphite grain size distribution significantly changed the SED pattern within the observational uncertainties. Based on the SED fits to the observations from submillimeter wavelengths to infrared radiation from the LMC using GRASIL (Silva et al., Astrophys. J. 509(1):103, 1998), we obtained a reasonable set of parameter values in chemical and geometric space together with the grain size distributions (Weingartner and Draine, Astrophys. J. 548(1):296, 2001) and a modified MRN model with the LMC extinction curve (Piovan et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 366(3):923, 2006a). For a given set of parameters including the disc scale height, synthesis of the starlight spectrum, optical depth, escape time scale, dust model, and star formation efficiency, the adopted dust-to-gas ratio for modeling the observed SEDs, ~1/300 (from the literature) yields a reasonable fit to the observed SEDs and similar results with the metallicity of the LMC as those reported in Russell and Bessell (Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 70:865, 1989). The dust-to-gas ratios that are given as the metallicity caused the variation in the model fits. The difference mainly appears at the wavelengths near 100 μm.  相似文献   

The features of the relativistic charge particle motion and emission due to the radiative slamping in the strong electromagnetic fields are investigated. It is shown that the radiative force responsible for curvature radiation is associated with the particle drift in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. The adiabatic trajectory is obtained for the relativistic particle, moving in a strong static electron-magnetic field, particle energy being determined by the balance of the work of the electric field and the energy losses through curvature radiation.  相似文献   

Using Maxwell equations in a background metric discovered by Bonnor, which describes the gravitational field generated by an optimally charged dust ball, we calculate the external radiation field from an electric dipole source at the center the ball. Possible applications to stellar mode 1 s are discussed in the conclusions.  相似文献   

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