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东亚夏季风环流对气溶胶分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
安礼政  江静  周洋 《气象科学》2015,35(1):26-32
用2001—2012年逐月的MODIS-TERRA卫星观测气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料和NCEP/NCAR风场资料,分析了5—8月东亚地区AOD的时-空分布特征,研究东亚夏季风环流对气溶胶时-空分布的影响。主要结论如下:5—8月的中国东部及邻近海洋上AOD有着显著的季节演变特征,尤其是32.5 °N附近的AOD高值区,其强度和范围在5—8月逐渐增强然后又减弱。东亚夏季风通过环流输送作用对各地的AOD产生了不同程度的影响,使中国南部AOD减少,而华北和东北地区AOD增加。在强、弱季风年背景下,7月观测的AOD差异与环流输送作用差异的分布特征有着一定的相似性,体现出东亚夏季风年际变化对气溶胶分布的影响。在东亚夏季风演变的不同阶段,季风环流对气溶胶输送大部分情况下,可解释局地气溶胶变化10%~20%的方差。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、Hadley中心海温资料及CMAP降水资料等,通过亚澳季风联合指数挑选异常年份,对东亚夏季风和澳洲冬季风强度反相变化特征进行研究。结果表明,当东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱时,南北半球中低纬地区都出现了复杂的异常环流系统。在热带地区对流层低层,西北太平洋为异常反气旋式环流系统所控制,与南太平洋赤道辐合带的异常反气旋环流在赤道地区发生耦合,形成赤道异常东风,而在南北印度洋上则存在两个异常气旋式环流系统。在这两对异常环流之间的海洋性大陆地区,出现赤道以南为反气旋环流而赤道以北为气旋式环流。在东亚季风区,东南沿海的东侧海洋上存在反气旋异常,中国东南地区受异常反气旋西南侧的东南风影响。此外,澳洲北部受异常西风影响。这就形成了东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱的情形,从而东亚夏季风和澳洲冬季风活动出现了强弱互补的变化特征。当东亚夏季风偏弱、澳洲冬季风偏强时,南北半球的环流特征则出现与上述相反的环流特征。总体而言,当东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱时,东亚—澳洲季风区在南北半球呈现出不同的气候异常分布特征,即北半球降水北少南多、气温北高南低,南半球降水西多东少、气温西高东低。  相似文献   

The Weakening of the Asian Monsoon Circulation after the End of 1970's   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
The transition of the global atmospheric circulation in the end of 1970's can clearly be detected in the atmospheric temperature, wind velocity, and so on. Wavelet analysis reveals that the temporal scale of this change is larger than 20 years. Studies in this work indicate that the trend of the transition over the mid-latitude Asia is opposite to that of global average for some variables at the middle troposphere. Another finding of this research is that the African-Asian monsoon circulation is weaker and the trade wind over the tropical eastern Pacific is weaker as well after this transition. Such a signal may be found in the summer precipitation over China as well.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风异常活动的空间多模态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ERA40再分析资料,采用相关、合成、自然正交函数展开(EOF分析)等方法,探讨了东亚地区夏季风活动的多空间模态特征及其与大气环流异常的可能联系。结果表明:1)东亚夏季风活动存在3种差异明显的典型空间模态。第一模态反映了夏季风活动在我国东部沿海及以东洋面与其以西地区的反相变化,主要体现了夏季风活动主体位置的东西变动;第二模态反映了自我国华南,经长江中下游、山东半岛、渤海湾至我国东北及朝鲜半岛一带夏季风活动的一致性变化,体现了东亚夏季风活动的整体强弱;第三模态主要反映了夏季风活动在中国以东洋面、朝鲜半岛、东北亚一带与我国华南地区的反相变化,主要体现了夏季风活动主体位置的南北移动。2)东亚夏季风活动的多空间模态对应的大气环流异常存在显著差异。东亚夏季风第一空间模态与亚洲南部区域以及鄂霍次克海上空的SLP呈负相关,而与北极极区、贝加尔湖地区及日本以东洋面的SLP呈正相关;而与同期500hPa高度场的相关分布主要表现为自极地经鄂霍次克海至日本以东洋面的“+-+”的波列分布特征。第二模态与SLP和500hPa高度场的相关分布具有非常相似的空间分布形势,均表现为东北、朝鲜半岛、日本海一带与菲律宾洋面、鄂霍次克海地区的反位相分布,自低纬向高纬呈现“+-+”的波列分布特征。第三模态与SLP和500hPa高度场的相关分布,主要表现为菲律宾附近洋面、日本及以东洋面、贝加尔湖到亚洲北部的负正相间的分布形势。  相似文献   

使用CCSM3(community climate system model version 3)模式的"淡水扰动试验"结果,对热盐环流强度减弱后中国区域冬、夏气候的不同响应特征进行了研究。结果表明:CCSM3可较为准确地再现中国附近区域表面气温及降水量的量值和分布形态。当热盐环流年平均强度减弱约80%之后,中国区域冬、夏季的表面气温与降水量显著降低,但冬、夏季的降低幅度与空间分布形态存在显著的差异。冬季的降温幅度较大且分布较为一致,平均降温幅度可达2.2℃,最大的降温幅度可达4℃;夏季的降温幅度相对较小且南北差异较大,平均降温幅度为1.3℃,最大的降温幅度为3℃。冬、夏季降水量的降低幅度都在6%左右,但其成因及其分布形态都存在显著差异。  相似文献   

The variability of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) can be divided into an ENSO-related part (EAWMEN) and an ENSO-unrelated part (EAWMres).The influence of EAWMres on the ENSO-East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) relationship in the decaying stages of ENSO is investigated in the present study.To achieve this,ENSO is divided into four groups based on the EAWMres:(1) weak EAWMres-E1Ni(n)o (WEAWMres-EN); (2) strong EAWMres-E1Ni(n)o (SEAWMresEN); (3) weak EAWMres-La Ni(n)a (WEAWMres-LN); (4) strong EAWMres-La Ni(n)a (SEAWMres-LN).Composite results demonstrate that the EAWMres may enhance the atmospheric responses over East Asia to ENSO for WEAWMres-EN and SEAWMres-LN.The corresponding low-level anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomalies over the western North Pacific (WNP) associated with El Ni(n)o (La Ni(n)a) tend to be strong.Importantly,this feature may persist into the following summer,causing abundant rainfall in northern China for WEAWMres-EN cases and in southwestern China for SEAWMres-LN cases.In contrast,for the SEAWMres-EN and WEAWMres-LN groups,the EAWMres tends to weaken the atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with E1 Ni(n)o or La Ni(n)a.In these cases,the anomalous WNP anticyclone or cyclone tend to be reduced and confined to lower latitudes,which results in deficient summer rainfall in northern China for SEAWMres-EN and in southwestern China for WEAWMres-LN.Further study suggests that anomalous EAWMres may have an effect on the extra-tropical sea surface temperature anomaly,which persists into the ensuing summer and may interfere with the influences of ENSO.  相似文献   

东亚和南亚季风协同作用对西南地区夏季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究东亚夏季风(EASM,East?Asian?summer?monsoon)和南亚夏季风(SASM,South?Asian?summer?monsoon)相互作用及其强弱变化对西南地区夏季降水的影响,利用1979—2019年西南地区161站逐日降水观测资料和ERA-5提供的1979—2019年全球再分析资料,通过对...  相似文献   

A 5-level spectral AGCM (ImPKU-5LAGCM) is used to examine the sensitivity of the simulated results of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia to different cumulus parameterization schemes in the climatological-mean case and in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons,respectively. The results simulated with the Arakawa-Schubert's(hereafter A-S's), Kuo's and Manabe's cumulus parameterization schemes show that these simulated distributions of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia depend strongly on the cumulus parameterization schemes either in the climatological-mean case or in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons. From the simulated results, it might be shown that the Kuo scheme appears to be more suitable for the simulation of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia than the A-S scheme or the Manabe scheme, although the A-S scheme is somewhat better in the simulations of the tropical rainfall. This might be due to that the Kuo's cumulus parameterization scheme is able to reflect well the characteristics of rainfall cloud system in the East Asian summer monsoon region, where the rainfall system used to be a mixing of cumulus and stratus.  相似文献   

Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon with IAP CGCM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SimulationofEastAsianSummerMonsoonwithIAPCGCMChenQiying(陈起英),①YuYongqiang(俞永强)andGuoYufu(郭裕福)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,Ch...  相似文献   

东亚冬夏季风关系在1970s末的年代际转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明聪  李栋梁 《气象科学》2017,37(3):329-338
利用NCEP/NCAR和Hadley中心的大气与海洋再分析资料,选取具有代表性的东亚冬、夏季风指数,采用滑动相关和线性回归等方法,主要讨论了受ENSO影响的东亚冬季风分量和后期夏季风之间关系的年代际变化,并分析了二者关系发生变化的原因。结果表明:在1965—1979年,受ENSO影响的冬季风与后期夏季风强度的对应关系并不明显。在1980—2004年,受ENSO影响的冬季风强,对应后期的夏季风偏弱,弱冬季风对应的后期夏季风偏强。当受ENSO影响的冬季风较强时,冬季在对流层低层西北太平洋出现了异常气旋并可以维持到次年夏季,低纬地区位势高度偏低,削弱了西太平洋副热带高压,异常气旋西部的偏北气流阻碍了西南风的北进,导致夏季风偏弱。海表温度异常在1980年前后春、夏季不同的分布型可以解释环流在不同时段内的差异。  相似文献   

张灵玲  谢倩  杨修群 《气象科学》2015,35(6):663-671
利用1958-2001年ERA-40再分析资料计算大气热源,统计分析了亚洲季风区及其邻近海域大气热源年代际变异的典型模态;利用线性斜压干模式,模拟了夏季大气对大气热源年代际异常的响应,揭示了大气热源年代际异常与1970s末期东亚夏季风年代际减弱的关系。结果表明:近50 a来亚洲及其邻近海域夏季整层大气热源变异主要表现为年代际变化特征,其年代际位相转换发生在1970s中后期,这与东亚夏季风年代际减弱的时间一致;菲律宾附近海域和中国西南地区是与东亚夏季风年代际减弱有直接联系的两个热源异常关键区;东亚夏季风年代际减弱最直接地表现为这两个关键区热源异常的共同作用,而赤道中东太平洋、赤道印度洋大气热源增强则通过大气遥响应机制影响菲律宾附近海域低层大气环流异常对东亚夏季风变异起相反的贡献。  相似文献   

The onset of the Asian summer monsoon has been a focus in the monsoon study for many years. In this paper, we study the variability and predictability of the Asian summer monsoon onset and demonstrate that this onset is associated with specific atmospheric circulation characteristics. The outbreak of the Asian summer monsoon is found to occur first over the southwestern part of the South China Sea (SCS) and the Malay Peninsula region, and the monsoon onset is closely related to intra-seasonal oscillations in the lower atmosphere. These intra-seasonal oscillations consist of two low-frequency vortex pairs, one located to the east of the Philippines and the other over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Prior to the Asian summer monsoon onset, a strong low-frequency westerly emerges over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the low-frequency vortex pair develops symmetrically along the equator. The formation and evolution of these low-frequency vortices are important and serve as a good indicator for the Asian summer monsoon onset. The relationship between the northward jumps of the westerly jet over East Asia and the Asian summer monsoon onset over SCS is investigated. It is shown that the northward jump of the westerly jet occurs twice during the transition from winter to summer and these jumps are closely related to the summer monsoon development. The first northward jump (from 25–28N to around 30N) occurs on 8 May on average, about 7 days ahead of the summer monsoon onset over the SCS. It is found that the reverse of meridional temperature gradient in the upper-middle troposphere (500–200 hPa) and the enhancement and northward movement of the subtropical jet in the Southern Hemispheric subtropics are responsible for the first northward jump of the westerly jet.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风和ENSO关系的不稳定性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过本项研究,发现了东亚夏季风和ENSO的相互关系在长期变化中是不稳定的。不稳定指的是在一段时期两者关系比较紧密而在另一段时期两者关系比较微弱。文章揭示:在东亚季风和ENSO关系紧密时期(HCP)和关系微弱时期(LCP)夏季大气环流的年际变率有显著差别。在关系紧密时期,南热带东太平洋区的信风、热带东太平洋区的低层大气温度、两个半球的副热带高压系统等的年际变率均显著高于关系微弱时期。并且,HCP和LCP时期中国夏季降水和ENSO的关系也有明显差异。  相似文献   

利用NOAA向外长波辐射(OLR)、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和CN05.1降水资料,研究了南亚和东亚热带夏季风强度年际变化关系,及其强弱不同配置对中国夏季降水的影响。结果表明:南亚和东亚热带夏季风强度变化之间存在同相和反相两种配置,定义的强度同相和反相变化指数可以很好地表征该关系。同相变化模态可能与海温异常时的强El Nino(La Nina)影响有关,其反相变化模态受El Nino(La Nina)以及印度洋海盆一致模的影响,同时西太平洋副热带高压和伊朗高压位置东西偏移和强度变化也影响着不同配置的出现。两者不同配置时,对中国夏季降水的影响不同。当变化呈同相偏强时,夏季中国东部地区降水为“中间少南北多”的雨型。当变化呈反相,东亚热带夏季风偏强南亚夏季风偏弱时,夏季中国东部地区降水为“一致偏少”雨型。  相似文献   

东亚大气环流由冬向夏的转变时间及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据集及CMAP降水资料分析了东亚大气环流由冬转夏的可能时间及其特征。结果表明,3月底4月初,东亚与西太平洋对流层纬向热力差异由东暖西冷转为东冷西暖,对流层低层大陆高压东移,使得纬向气压梯度发生逆转。与此同时,对流层低层偏南风建立,经向垂直环流也发生季节逆转。同时,3月底4月初华南已出现持续性降水雨带。所有这些特征都表明东亚大气环流可能在3月底4月初已经由冬季型开始转为夏季型。  相似文献   


入梅时间早晚直接影响梅雨期雨量的多寡,其准确预测对农业、交通和旅游业等气象服务具有重要意义。利用中国气象局2017年发布的《梅雨监测业务规定》中的入梅日期资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究1981—2020年江淮梅雨入梅早晚的气候特征,分析亚洲夏季风对入梅日早晚的影响。结果表明:(1)江淮梅雨入梅日具有显著的年际变化特征,平均入梅日为6月21日,标准差为11 d,最早和最晚入梅日相差39 d。(2)入梅日与南亚夏季风SASM (South AsianSummer Monsoon)呈显著负相关,与东亚夏季风EASM (East Asian Summer Monsoon)呈正相关。强SASM年,南亚高压偏东,中高纬度高空急流偏南,江淮地区为水汽辐合区,有利于江淮区入梅偏早;强EASM年,西太副高偏北偏强,南风气流旺盛,水汽在华南和东北地区辐合,在江淮地区辐散,不利于梅雨的发生。(3)由于亚洲夏季风具有协同爆发的特点,强SASM-弱EASM协同年,平均入梅日较常年平均偏早4 d,与之相反的协同年入梅日偏晚11.6 d。强SASM-弱EASM年,江淮地区位于高空急流出口右侧,伊朗高压位置偏东,高空受小槽东移影响,低层南亚夏季风发展旺盛,水汽在江淮地区辐合,有利于入梅偏早。弱SASM-强EASM年,中高纬度高空急流轴偏北,江淮地区受脊前偏北气流控制,低层亚洲夏季风辐合区偏东,江淮地区仅为过路水汽通道,不利于江淮区入梅。故亚洲夏季风的强弱与协同发展对江淮梅雨入梅早晚具有一定的指示意义。


Evolution of Asian Summer Monsoon and the Slowly Varying Disturbances   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢佩生EvolutionofAsianSummerMonsoonandtheSlowlyVaryingDisturbances¥LuPeisheng(InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyofScie...  相似文献   

陈兵  蒋元春  李栋梁  唐玉 《气象科学》2020,40(5):669-678
利用1960—2020年江淮地区75个气象站逐日降水量、气温、相对湿度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和Hadley中心海表温度资料,研究了东亚副热带夏季风进程变异对江淮梅雨的影响,揭示了不同类型梅雨期太平洋海温及大气环流异常特征。结果表明:8种江淮梅雨类型中,多雨型占45.9%,少雨型占54.1%,其中多雨型在前30 a占36.7%,后31 a占63.3%。江淮典型梅雨年(高温高湿多雨)的主要特征为安徽南部、江苏中部及湖北东部地区降水偏多,安徽南部、江西东北部及浙江西北部气温偏高,淮河流域湿度大;而在非典型梅雨年(低温低湿少雨)大部分地区雨量偏少,气温呈"东高西低"分布,低温中心区位于淮河中游,湿度呈"西大东小"分布。欧亚大陆中高纬度阻塞高压增强,脊前向南输送的西北气流加强且路径偏东,中国东北冷涡强度较强且位置偏西南,东亚大槽加深,槽后冷空气向南输送,有利于典型梅雨形成。当前期冬春季赤道东太平洋海温异常偏高,西太平洋海温异常偏低时,西太平洋副热带高压强度偏强、面积偏大、脊线位置偏南、西伸脊点偏西,东亚副热带夏季风推进到江淮地区的时间偏早,出梅偏晚,梅雨期降水量偏多。  相似文献   

有关东亚夏季风北边缘的定义及其特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用欧洲中心(ECMWF)44年冉分析(ERA40)日总可降水量(TPW)资料,用标准化可降水量指数(NPWI)定义了夏季风北边缘,并进一步研究了亚洲夏季风北边缘的气候特征及其年际、年代际变化特征.结果表明,用标准化町降水量指数定义的夏季风北边缘在哑洲可以确定出印度夏季风系统和东亚夏季风系统;就夏季风北边缘的平均位置而言,其在100°E以西沿青藏高原南侧呈东一西走向,年际变化极小;在100°E以东呈东北-西南走向,从青藏高原东侧北上经西北地区东部、华北地区北部、东北地区西部延伸到东北亚地区,并存在明显的年际、年代际变化.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to soil moisture anomalies over China was investigated based on ensembles of seasonal simulations(March–September) using the NCEP GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model(NCEP GCM/SSi B). After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, two ensembles were performed in which the soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China(YRNC) was double and half that in the control, with the maximum less than the field capacity. The simulation results showed significant sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to wet soil in YRNC. The wetter soil was associated with increased surface latent heat flux and reduced surface sensible heat flux. In turn, these changes resulted in a wetter and colder local land surface and reduced land–sea temperature gradients, corresponding to a weakened East Asian monsoon circulation in an anomalous anticyclone over southeastern China, and a strengthened East Asian trough southward over Northeast China. Consequently, less precipitation appeared over southeastern China and North China and more rainfall over Northeast China. The weakened monsoon circulation and strengthened East Asian trough was accompanied by the convergence of abnormal northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, resulting in more rainfall in this region.In the drier soil experiments, less precipitation appeared over YRNC. The East Asian monsoon circulation seems to show little sensitivity to dry soil anomalies in NCEP GCM/SSi B.  相似文献   

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