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Magnetic susceptibility, density, modal mineral, and whole rock geochemical data have been collected from two granitic plutons in Quebec. Each of the first three variables is correlated with SiO2 to some degree. Multiple regression using all three variables simultaneously as independent variables and SiO2 as a dependent variable yielded pluton dependent equations which were then used to calculate SiO2 values for each analysis. Calculated values of SiO2 typically differ from the analysed values by 1.5% for the first pluton and 1.0% for the second. The polynomials thus can be used to estimate the SiO2 value of unanalyzed samples with some confidence. Plots of calculated SiO2 reveal details of chemical variation with the pluton which were not observed when using chemical data alone due to the small number of analyzed rocks. The method also provides an independent evaluation of possible analytical errors.  相似文献   

Although some liquefaction assessment methods were proposed to evaluate the liquefaction potential of sandy soils, the conventional method based on the standard penetration test (SPT) has been commonly used in most countries and in Turkey. However, it alone is not a sufficient tool for the evaluation of liquefaction potential. The liquefaction potential index was proposed to quantify the severity of liquefaction. Nevertheless, the liquefaction potential index and the severity categories do not answer the question: "Which areas will not liquify?" Besides, the categories do not include a "moderate" category; on the other hand, the "high" and "low" categories are included. This situation is also contrary to the nature of classification schemes. In this study, the liquefaction potential index and the liquefaction potential categories were modified by considering the existing form of the categories based on the liquefaction potential index. While the category of low was omitted, the categories of moderate and "non-liquefied" were adopted. A factor of safety of 1.2 was assumed as the lowest value for the liquefaction potential category of non-liquefied. In addition, the town of Inegol in the Marmara region became the case study for checking the performance of the liquefaction potential categories suggested in this study.  相似文献   

In the last decades, landslide hazard assessment has attracted many researchers' attention. A number of parameters are suggested to be responsible to quantitatively explain the mechanism of landslides; many of these parameters are very important and factual. However, some data types and models are site-specific and could not be applied to different locations. Furthermore, the data stored in continuous parameter maps are divided into a number of classes arbitrarily, depending on the vision of the expert. Basically, this division controls the result of bivariate analysis. Besides, the responsible portion of the parameter map controlling the mechanism is also weighted arbitrarily. Based on these two facts, the class boundaries put a prejudice on the produced susceptibility/hazard maps, which result in dependence on the knowledge of the user rather than being dependent on the data and the fact itself. The aim of this study is to refine the previously defined methods in a more data-dependent trend. To achieve this goal, two new concepts: seed cells and percentile maps are introduced. Seed cells are the zones that are considered to represent the best undisturbed morphological decision rules (conditions before landslide occurs) and would be achieved by adding a buffer zone to the crown and flank areas of the landslide. To quantitatively classify the input parameter maps, the data distributions of seed cells in the parameter maps are divided into a number of classes on the basis of their distribution's percentile break-points upon which the parameter maps are directly dependent on the seed cell distributions, hence to the data itself.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities and traffic exhaust, may affect urban topsoil via atmospheric contamination and solid waste. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on 21 urban topsoil samples from the city of Xuzhou, China. High intensities of magnetic susceptibility were detected in the majority of the samples. SEM analysis shows that magnetic minerals are in the form of spherules and mainly due to anthropogenic inputs. The heavy metals Pb, Cu, Zn, Se, Sc, Mo, Fe, and Bi show strong correlations with magnetic susceptibility, and Ag, Ba, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sb, and Sn, on the other hand, show a weak correlation with magnetic susceptibility. Whereas, of these metals studied, only Hg has no significant correlation with the susceptibility. The Tomlinson pollution load index (PLI) also shows significant correlation with the susceptibility (χ). The present study shows that magnetic susceptibility is a fast, inexpensive, and non-destructive method for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

On the Eastern Tauride Belt, the Cretaceous calc-alkaline Karamadazı Granitoid consists of quartz diorite containing mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) and leucocratic granite. The quartz diorite consists of plagioclase (An8-65), hornblende, biotite, K-feldspar, quartz, epidote and titanite. Subrounded MME in the quartz diorite are holocrystalline, fine-grained, quartz diorite to diorite in composition, and display a similar mineral assemblage to their host. Large crystals in MME and quartz diorite show various disequilibrium microstructures indicative of hybridization. Plagioclase crystals exhibit inverse, normal, and oscillatory zoning with maximum core-to-rim An content increase up to 38% in the enclave and 40% in the quartz diorite. Both hornblende and augite exhibit normal and reverse zoning even in the same sample. The new field, textural, mineral compositional, and geochemical evidence leads to the conclusion that MME could have formed through injection of successive pulses of basic magma into upward mobile magma chambers containing cooler, partially crystalline quartz diorite magma. The quartz diorites show similarity to high-Al TTG (tonalites–trondhjemites–granodiorites), with their high Na2O, Sr, LREE, and low Mg#, Cr, HREE contents, and are suggested to be produced by extensive interaction between the crustal and mantle-derived melts through mixing at depth. In contrast, leucogranites have geochemical characteristics distinct from the quartz diorites and MME, and are probably not involved in MME genesis.  相似文献   

Rocks of the Late Cretaceous Dagbasi Pluton (88-83 Ma), located in the eastern Pontides, include mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from a few centimetres to metres in size, and from ellipsoidal to ovoid in shape. The MMEs are composed of gabbroic diorite, diorite and tonalite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly tonalite, granodiorite and monzogranite based on both mineralogical and chemical compositions. MMEs are characterized by a fine-grained, equigranular and hypidiomorphic texture. The common texture of felsic host rocks is equigranular and also reveals some special types of microscopic textures, e.g., oscillatory-zoned plagioclase, poikilitic K-feldspar, small lath-shaped plagioclase in large plagioclase, blade-shaped biotite, acicular apatite, spike zones in plagioclase and spongy-cellular plagioclase textures and rounded plagioclase megacrysts in MMEs. Compositions of plagioclases (An33-An60), hornblendes (Mg#=0.77-1.0) and biotites (Mg#=0.61-0.63) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An12-57; hbl Mg#=0.63-1.0; Bi Mg#=0.50-0.69), which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interactions.The felsic host rocks have SiO2 between 60 and 76 wt% and display low to slightly medium-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and peraluminous to slightly metaluminous characteristics. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element (REE) patterns are fractionated (Lacn/Lucn=1.5-7.3) with pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.46-1.1). Initial εNd(i) values vary between −3.1 and 1.6, initial 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.7056 and 0.7067.Compared with the host rocks, the MMEs are characterized by relatively high Mg-number of 22-52, low contents of SiO2 (53-63 wt%), low ASI (0.7-1.1) and low to medium-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline, metaluminous to peraluminous composition. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are relatively flat [(La/Yb)cn=1.4-3.9; (Tb/Yb)cn=0.9-1.5] and show small negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.63-1.01). Isotope signatures of these rocks (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7054-0.7055; εNd(i)=-1.0 to 1.9) are largely similar to the host rocks. Gabbroic diorite enclaves have relatively low contents of SiO2, ASI; high Mg#, CaO, Al2O3, TiO2, P2O5, Sr and Nb concentrations compared to dioritic and tonalitic enclaves.The geochemical and isotopic similarities between the MMEs and their host rocks indicate that the enclaves are of mixed origin and are most probably formed by the interaction between the lower crust- and mantle-derived magmas. All the geochemical data suggest that a basic magma derived from an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle, interacted with a crustal melt that originated from dehydration melting of the mafic lower crust at deep crustal levels. The existence of compositional and textural disequilibrium and the nature of chemical and isotopic variation in these rock types indicate that magma mixing/mingling between an evolved mafic and a granitic magma was involved in their genesis. Microgranular enclaves are thus interpreted to be globules of a more mafic magma probably from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Al-in-amphibole estimates the pluton emplacement at ca. 0.3-3.8 kbar, and therefore, magma mixing and mingling must have occurred at 3.8 kbar or below this level.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1745-1767

Ferroan granites (585–530 Ma) have been described in the Transversal subprovince of the Borborema Province (BP) and in Pan-African counterparts. They comprise two groups: Group 1 – slightly peraluminous to metaluminous, alkali-calcic rocks, with low Fe# mica and crystallized under intermediate fO2 (Aroeiras Complex and Serra Branca – Coxixola dike swarms); Group 2 metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, alkalic to alkali-calcic rocks, with high Fe# mica and crystallized under low fO2 (Queimadas and Prata intrusions). Group 1 marks transition from collision to transcurrence (ca. 585 Ma), or from transcurrence to uplift and transtension (ca. 545 Ma). Group 2 – represents granitoids intruded during extensional tectonics in transcurrent setting (ca. 550 Ma), or coeval with deposition of transtensional intracratonic basins (ca. 530 Ma). Hf and Nd model ages are older than 2.0 Ga, suggesting that the ferroan granitoids involved partial melting of Paleoproterozoic rocks. The data presented in this paper show that the ferroan magmatism was widespread in the BP and its counterparts in Africa in pre-drift reconstructions.  相似文献   

Recent field campaign in the southern Menderes Massif in southwestern Turkey revealed that the so-called ‘core of the massif’ comprises two distinct types of granitoid rocks: an orthogneiss (traditionally known as augen gneisses) and leucocratic metagranite, where the latter is intrusive into the former and the structurally overlying ‘cover’ schists. These differ from one another in intensity of deformation, degree of metamorphism and kinematics. The orthogneiss display penetrative top-to-the-N–NNE fabrics formed under upper-amphibolite facies conditions during the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism (MMM), whereas foliation and stretching lineation exists in the leucocratic metagranites but are not strongly developed. The leucocratic metagranites show evidence of syn- to post-emplacement deformation in a series of weakly developed top-to-the-S–SSW fabrics formed under lower greenschist-facies (?) conditions. Leucocratic metagranite bodies occur all along the augen gneiss–schist contact in the southern Menderes Massif; they are emplaced as sheet-like bodies into country rocks (previously deformed and metamorphosed during a top-to-the-N–NNE Alpine orogeny) along a ductile extensional shear zone, located between orthogneisses and metasediments, which was possibly active during emplacement. The data presently available indicate that emplacement and associated ductile extensional deformation occurred during Late Oligocene–Early Miocene time. These results confirm previous contentions that there are Tertiary granites in this part of the Menderes Massif.  相似文献   

Landslides are very common natural problems in the Black Sea Region of Turkey due to the steep topography, improper use of land cover and adverse climatic conditions for landslides. In the western part of region, many studies have been carried out especially in the last decade for landslide susceptibility mapping using different evaluation methods such as deterministic approach, landslide distribution, qualitative, statistical and distribution-free analyses. The purpose of this study is to produce landslide susceptibility maps of a landslide-prone area (Findikli district, Rize) located at the eastern part of the Black Sea Region of Turkey by likelihood frequency ratio (LRM) model and weighted linear combination (WLC) model and to compare the results obtained. For this purpose, landslide inventory map of the area were prepared for the years of 1983 and 1995 by detailed field surveys and aerial-photography studies. Slope angle, slope aspect, lithology, distance from drainage lines, distance from roads and the land-cover of the study area are considered as the landslide-conditioning parameters. The differences between the susceptibility maps derived by the LRM and the WLC models are relatively minor when broad-based classifications are taken into account. However, the WLC map showed more details but the other map produced by LRM model produced weak results. The reason for this result is considered to be the fact that the majority of pixels in the LRM map have high values than the WLC-derived susceptibility map. In order to validate the two susceptibility maps, both of them were compared with the landslide inventory map. Although the landslides do not exist in the very high susceptibility class of the both maps, 79% of the landslides fall into the high and very high susceptibility zones of the WLC map while this is 49% for the LRM map. This shows that the WLC model exhibited higher performance than the LRM model.  相似文献   

New U–Pb SHRIMP ages in zircon, Ar–Ar ages in micas and amphiboles, Nd–Sr isotopes, and major and REE geochemical analyses in granitic gneisses and granitic stocks of the Central Cordillera of Colombia indicate the presence of a collisional orogeny in Permo-Triassic times in the Northern Andes related to the construction of the Pangea supercontinent. The collision is recorded by metamorphic U–Pb SHRIMP ages in inherited zircons around 280 Ma and magmatic U–Pb SHRIMP ages in neoformed zircons around 250 Ma within syntectonic crustal granitic gneisses. Magmatic U–Pb SHRIMP and Ar–Ar Triassic ages around 228 Ma in granitic stocks indicate the presence of late tectonic magmatism related to orogenic collapse and the beginning of the breakup of the supercontinent. During this period, the Central Cordillera of Colombia would have been located between the southern United States and northern Venezuela, in the leading edge of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

Besides granites of the ilmenite series, in which the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is mainly controlled by paramagnetic minerals, the AMS of igneous rocks is commonly interpreted as the result of the shape-preferred orientation of unequant ferromagnetic grains. In a few instances, the anisotropy due to the distribution of ferromagnetic grains, irrespective of their shape, has also been proposed as an important AMS source. Former analytical models that consider infinite geometry of identical and uniformly magnetized and coaxial particles confirm that shape fabric may be overcome by dipolar contributions if neighboring grains are close enough to each other to magnetically interact. On these bases we present and experimentally validate a two-grain macroscopic numerical model in which each grain carries its own magnetic anisotropy, volume, orientation and location in space. Compared with analytical predictions and available experiments, our results allow to list and quantify the factors that affect the effects of magnetic interactions. In particular, we discuss the effects of (i) the infinite geometry used in the analytical models, (ii) the intrinsic shape anisotropy of the grains, (iii) the relative orientation in space of the grains, and (iv) the spatial distribution of grains with a particular focus on the inter-grain distance distribution. Using documented case studies, these findings are summarized and discussed in the framework of the generalized total AMS tensor recently introduced by Cañon-Tapia (Cañon-Tapia, E., 2001. Factors affecting the relative importance of shape and distribution anisotropy in rocks: theory and experiments. Tectonophysics, 340, 117–131.). The most important result of our work is that analytical models far overestimate the role of magnetic interaction in rock fabric quantification. Considering natural rocks as an assemblage of interacting and non-interacting grains, and that the effects of interaction are reduced by (i) the finite geometry of the interacting clusters, (ii) the relative orientation between interacting grains, (iii) their heterogeneity in orientation, shape and bulk susceptibility, and (iv) their inter-distance distribution, we reconcile analytical models and experiments with real case studies that minimize the role of magnetic interaction onto the measured AMS. Limitations of our results are discussed and guidelines are provided for the use of AMS in geological interpretation of igneous rock fabrics where magnetic interactions are likely to occur.  相似文献   

In the Pulur complex, NE Turkey, a heterogeneous rock sequence ranging from quartz-rich mesocratic gneisses to silica- and alkali-deficient, Fe-, Mg- and Al-rich melanocratic rocks is characterized by granulite-facies assemblages involving garnet, cordierite, sillimanite, ilmenite, ±spinel, ±plagioclase, ±quartz, ±biotite, ±corundum, rutile and monazite. Textural evidence for partial melting in the aluminous granulites, particularly leucosomes, is largely absent or strongly obliterated by a late-stage hydrothermal overprint. However, inclusion relations, high peak PT conditions, the refractory modes, bulk and biotite compositions of the melanocratic rocks strongly support a model of partial melting. The melt was almost completely removed from the melanocratic rocks and crystallised within the adjacent mesocratic gneisses which are silica-rich, bear evidence of former feldspar and show a large range in major element concentrations as well as a negative correlation of most elements with SiO2. Peak conditions are estimated to be ≥800 °C and 0.7–0.8 GPa. Subsequent near-isothermal decompression to 0.4–0.5 GPa at 800–730 °C is suggested by the formation of cordierite coronas and cordierite–spinel symplectites around garnet and in the matrix. Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar isotope data indicate peak conditions at 330 Ma and cooling below 300 °C at 310 Ma.  相似文献   

Tertiary volcanism in the İkizce region at the western edge of the eastern Pontides paleo-magmatic arc is represented by basaltic and andesitic rocks associated with sediments deposited in a shallow basin environment. The basaltic rocks contain plagioclase (An58–80), olivine (Fo82–84), clinopyroxene (Wo44–48En35–42Fs7–17), hornblende (Mg# = 0.68–0.76) phenocrysts, and magnetite microcrysts, whereas the andesitic rocks include plagioclase (An25–61), clinopyroxene (Wo46–49En38–43Fs11–13), hornblende (Mg# = 0.48–0.81), biotite (Mg# = 0.48–0.60) phenocrysts, titanomagnetite, apatite, and zircon microcrysts.Geochemical data indicate magmatic evolution from tholeiitic-alkaline transitional to calc-alkaline characteristics with medium-K contents. The geochemical variation in the rocks can be explained by fractionation of common mineral phases such as clinopyroxene, olivine, hornblende, plagioclase, magnetite, and apatite. The trace elements’ distributions of the volcanic rocks show similarities to those of E-Type MORB, have a shape that is typical of rocks from subduction-related tectonic setting with enrichment in LILE and to a lesser extent in LREE, but depletion in HFSE. The rocks evolved from a parental magma derived from an enriched source formed by subduction induced metasomatism of basaltic rocks, the latter formed through clinopyroxene ± olivine controlled fractionation in a high level magma chamber. The andesitic rocks developed through hornblende ± plagioclase controlled fractionation in shallow level magma chamber(s).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):487-497
In this study, we explored the evidence of late Holocene climate changes in southern Tunisia, examining extreme events of flood and sandstorm sedimentary succession records, in Sebkha Mhabeul. A sediment-derived climatic proxy was inferred from a 93.5-cm-deep core (Mh1), whose dating by tephrochronology has already been achieved in previous works. Multiple geochemical, sedimentological, magnetic susceptibility, and quartz grain microtexture proxies were used to determine the shifts in regional climatic conditions. The Sebkha core captured sensitive changes in the precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance by adjustments in salinity, and is especially valuable for reconstructing variability over centennial timescales. The Sebkha Mhabeul area showed higher salinity during the Roman Warm Period (RWP: 2100–1400 cal yr BP), the Medieval Warm Period (MWP: 1000–600 cal yr BP) and the present era, and generally lower salinity during the Dark Ages (DA: 1400-1000 cal yr BP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA: 600-200 cal yr BP).In southeastern Tunisia, the hydrological behavior was sometimes consistent with the flood activities in the eastern Mediterranean, and sometimes contemporaneous with the flood pulsations of the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

In the Pulur complex (Sakarya Zone, Eastern Pontides, Turkey) a low-grade tectonometamorphic unit (Doankavak) is exposed in three tectonic windows beneath a complex medium-pressure high-temperature metamorphic unit of late Carboniferous age. The thrust plane between both units is transgressively covered by Liassic conglomerates. The Doankavak unit comprises a sequence of metabasites with MORB-type chemical compositions and phyllites, with subordinate calcareous phyllites, marbles, quarzofeldspathic schists and metacherts. This sequence is interpreted as a former accretionary complex related to the consumption of the Palaeotethys. Mineral parageneses in the metabasites allow for the distinction of two domains with slightly different peak metamorphic conditions, i.e. 375–425 °C/0.5–0.8 GPa (greenschist facies) and 400–470 °C/0.6–1.1 GPa (albite-epidote amphibolite facies). The age of metamorphism is constrained at ~ 260 Ma (early Late Permian) by two Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock ages (hornblende, phengite) and one 40Ar/39Ar single step total fusion age (phengite). In conjunction with previous data on other accretionary complexes in the Sakarya zone in Northern Turkey, the data presented in this study suggest a continuous subduction of the Palaeotethys at least from Early/Late Permian to Late Triassic and a discontinuous preservation of accretion complexes in both space and time.  相似文献   

S- and I-type granites from the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia, have been investigated to assess the role of disequilibrium melting in their petrogenesis. Differences between the median initial εHf compositions of magmatic zircon populations and the host bulk-rock (ΔεHfblk-zrc) range from −0.6 to +2.5 ε units, providing evidence for intra-sample (and hence inter-phase) Hf-isotopic heterogeneity. Linear variations on Harker diagrams and O and Hf isotope compositions of magmatic zircon preserved in many I- and S-type granites are inconsistent with assimilation or simple mixing hypotheses. In contrast, isotopic disequilibrium between the melt and a restite assemblage can explain the bulk-rock versus zircon differences observed in these samples.Assuming that magmatic zircon records the melt composition, differences between the bulk-rock εHf and εHf of magmatic zircon (ΔεHfblk-zrc values) measured for I-type granites (0.4–2.5) can largely be explained by disequilibrium amphibole dehydration melting of meta-igneous protoliths that were either isotopically heterogenous at the time they were formed, or perfectly homogeneous before being aged in the crust for 0.4–1.0 billion years prior to partial melting. The Currowong Suite exhibits petrographic features and preserves geochemical and isotopic compositions that do not lend themselves to simple restite model or magma mixing explanations; however, these observations could be explained by the restite unmixing of magma batches generated from a single source rock if, as modelling has suggested, separate batches contain different melt compositions.By investigating the application of disequilibrium melting to granite genesis, this study demonstrates that isotopic heterogeneity at various sampling scales should actually be expected for the production of granites from a single source, rather than necessitating the involvement of multiple sources and mixing processes. As a result great care should be taken in the interpretation of isotope data from granitic bulk-rocks or their zircons.  相似文献   

In the international literature, although considerable amount of publications on the landslide susceptibility mapping exist, geomorphology as a conditioning factor is still used in limited number of studies. Considering this factor, the purpose of this article paper is to implement the geomorphologic parameters derived by reconstructed topography in landslide susceptibility mapping. According to the method employed in this study, terrain is generalized by the contours passed through the convex slopes of the valleys that were formed by fluvial erosion. Therefore, slope conditions before landsliding can be obtained. The reconstructed morphometric and geomorphologic units are taken into account as a conditioning parameter when assessing landslide susceptibility. Two different data, one of which is obtained from the reconstructed DEM, have been employed to produce two landslide susceptibility maps. The binary logistic regression is used to develop landslide susceptibility maps for the Melen Gorge in the Northwestern part of Turkey. Due to the high correct classification percentages and spatial effectiveness of the maps, the landslide susceptibility map comprised the reconstructed morphometric parameters exhibits a better performance than the other. Five different datasets are selected randomly to apply proper sampling strategy for training. As a consequence of the analyses, the most proper outcomes are obtained from the dataset of the reconstructed topographical parameters and geomorphologic units, and lithological variables that are implemented together. Correct classification percentage and root mean square error (RMSE) values of the validation dataset are calculated as 86.28% and 0.35, respectively. Prediction capacity of the different datasets reveal that the landslide susceptibility map obtained from the reconstructed parameters has a higher prediction capacity than the other. Moreover, the landslide susceptibility map obtained from the reconstructed parameters produces logical results.  相似文献   

Five Devonian plutons (West Charleston, Echo Pond, Nulhegan, Derby, and Willoughby) that constitute the Northeast Kingdom batholith in Vermont show wide ranges in elemental abundances and ratios consistent with major crustal contributions during their evolution. The batholith consists of metaluminous quartz gabbro, diorite and quartz monzodiorite, peraluminous granodiorite and granite, and strongly peraluminous leucogranite. Contents of major elements vary systematically with increasingSiO<2 (48 to 77 wt.%). The batholith has calc-alkaline features, for example a Peacock index of 57, and values for K<2O/Na2O (<1), K/Rb (60–350), Zr/Hf (30–50), Nb/Ta (2–22), Hf/Ta (up to 10), and Rb/Zr (<2) in the range of plutonic rocks found in continental magmatic ares. Wide diversity and high values of minor- and trace-element ratios, including Th/Ta (0.5–22), Th/Yb (0–27), Ba/La (0–80), etc., are attributed to intracrustal contributions. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of metaluminous and relatively mafic intrusives have slightly negative slopes (La/Ybcn<10) and negative Eu anomalies are small orabsent. The metaluminous to peraluminous inter-mediate plutons are relatively enriched in the light REE (La/Ybcn>40) and have small negative Eu anomalies. The strongly peraluminous Willoughby leucogranite has unique trace-element abundances and ratios relative to the rest of the batholith, including low contents of Hf, Zr, Sr, and Ba, low values of K/Rb (80–164), Th/Ta (<9), Rb/Cs (7–40), K/Cs (0.1–0.5), Ce/Pb (0.5–4), high values of Rb/Sr (1–18) low to moderate REE contents and light-REE enriched patterns (with small negative Eu anomalies). Flat REE patterns (with large negative Eu anomalies) are found in a small, hydrothermally-altered area characterized by high abundances of Sn (up to 26 ppm), Rb (up to 670 ppm), Li (up to 310 ppm), Ta (up to 13.1 ppm), and U (up to 10 ppm). There is no single mixing trend, fractional crystallization assemblage, or assimilationscheme that accounts for all trace elementvariations from quartz gabbro to granite in the Northeast Kingdom batholith. The plutons originated by mixing mantle-derived components and crustal melts generated at different levels in the heterogeneous lithosphere in a continental collisional environment. Hybrid rocks in the batholith evolved by fractional crystallization and assimilation of country rocks (<50% by mass), and some of the leucogranitic rocks were subsequently disturbed by a mild hydrothermal event that resulted in the deposition of small amounts of sulfide minerals.  相似文献   

The granite collected from the Yinshan Mountain and kaolinite has been selected for the leaching and adsorption experiment,respectively,aiming to clarify the enrichment processes of Li and Ga during the deposition.Results suggest both Li and Ga could be leached out from granite by using different acid solutions of different p H and kaolinite can adsorb Li and Ga with varying degrees.Lithium and Ga had the highest leaching ratio when p H=1.Special geological events(e.g.volcanic eruptions and wildfires),which could result in very low p H values of water in peatland,may have accelerated the release of Li and Ga from the source rocks.Kaolinite has the highest adsorption fraction was obtained at p H=8.The different characteristics of Li and Ga displayed in the leaching and adsorption experiments probably result from the different occurrences and enrichment processes of Li and Ga in the coals.Lithium was probably enriched before the Li carriers(e.g.kaolinite)had been transported into paleomires because of its high leaching ratio and high adsorption fraction under neutral and alkaline conditions,whereas Ga was more likely concentrated by kaolinite and other carriers after it had been transported into the peat mires.  相似文献   

The variations of rock magnetism reflect the geological inhomogeneities of the earth's crust, i.e. its petrological-mineralogical and structural organization. The present state of the crust bears meaningful information of its past dynamic processes and evolution. We analysed magnetic susceptibility data series from the boreholes of the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB). By means of spectral and rescaled-range (R/S) analyses we could detect a scaling behaviour of magnetic data series and quantify it in fractal terms. In particular, the R/S method yields more precise results than the Fourier analysis and leads to Hurst coefficients H > 0.5, which means that the magnetic variations exhibit some persistence with depth. Because of the relation between rock magnetism and crustal features, we suggest that the magnetic vertical inhomogeneities in the KTB area can be described by a self-affine model with H 0.8, corresponding to a fractal dimension D 1.2.  相似文献   

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