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We introduce a simple but effective order statistics filter for the pulse-level interference and meteor processing of Arecibo ionosphere observation data. Using this filter and the techniques introduced by Wen et al. [2005. Adaptive filtering for the separation of incoherent scatter and meteor signals for Arecibo Observation Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67, 1190–1195] we effectively remove/separate the unwanted signals, such as impulsive interference and meteor returns, encountered during incoherent scatter radar (ISR) observations of the ionosphere. We further analyze the separated signals to obtain uniquely “cleaned” incoherent scatter power data and scientifically valuable meteor parameters. We present the processed incoherent scatter results from 22/23 March 2004 observations and the altitude and the speed distributions of the separated meteor signals. The nighttime photochemical E-region is clearly revealed for the first time as a result of meteor and interference removal. Additionally, these results reveal the first major bias in large aperture radar meteor headecho results—the meteor speed distribution is flattened by the absence of at least 50% of the events with duration less than 10 ms revealed by meteor-specific observations. Meteor data derived from standard incoherent scatter data always displays this bias.  相似文献   

Experimental results from SPEAR HF heating experiments in the polar ionosphere are examined. Bi-static scatter measurements of HF diagnostic signals were carried out on the Pori (Finland)–SPEAR–St. Petersburg path at operational frequencies of 11,755 and 15,400 kHz and the London–SPEAR–St. Petersburg path at frequencies of 12,095 and 17,700 kHz, using a Doppler spectral method. The SPEAR HF heating facility generates heater-induced artificial field-aligned small-scale irregularities (AFAIs), which can be detected by HF diagnostic bi-static radio scatter techniques at St. Petersburg at a distance of about 2000 km. In accordance with the Bragg condition, HF bi-static backscatters were sensitive to small-scale irregularities having spatial sizes of the order of 9–13 m across the geomagnetic field line. The properties and behaviour of AFAIs have been considered in the winter and summer seasons under quiet magnetic conditions and under various status of the polar ionosphere (the presence of “thick” and “thin” sporadic Es layers, different structures of the F2 layer). The experimental results obtained have shown that AFAIs can be excited in the F as well as in the E regions of the polar ionosphere. The excitation of a very intense wide-band spectral component with an abrupt increase in the spectral width up to 16–20 Hz has been found in the signals scattered from striations. Along with a wide-band component, a narrow-band spectral component can be also seen in the Doppler sonograms and in the average spectra of the signals scattered from the SPEAR-induced striations. AFAIs were excited even when the HF heater frequency was up to 0.5 MHz larger than the critical frequency. A simulation of the ray geometry for the diagnostic HF radio waves scattered from AFAIs in the polar ionosphere has been made for the geophysical conditions prevailing during experiments carried out in both the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

We report high-resolution observations of the southward-IMF cusp/cleft ionosphere made on December 16th 1998 by the EISCAT (European incoherent scatter) Svalbard radar (ESR), and compare them with observations of dayside auroral luminosity, as seen at a wavelength of 630 nm by a meridian scanning photometer at Ny Ålesund, and of plasma flows, as seen by the CUTLASS (co-operative UK twin location auroral sounding system) Finland HF radar. The optical data reveal a series of poleward-moving transient red-line (630 nm) enhancements, events that have been associated with bursts in the rate of magnetopause reconnection generating new open flux. The combined observations at this time have strong similarities to predictions of the effects of soft electron precipitation modulated by pulsed reconnection, as made by Davis and Lockwood (1996); however, the effects of rapid zonal flow in the ionosphere, caused by the magnetic curvature force on the newly opened field lines, are found to be a significant additional factor. In particular, it is shown how enhanced plasma loss rates induced by the rapid convection can explain two outstanding anomalies of the 630 nm transients, namely how minima in luminosity form between the poleward-moving events and how events can re-brighten as they move poleward. The observations show how cusp/cleft aurora and transient poleward-moving auroral forms appear in the ESR data and the conditions which cause enhanced 630 nm emission in the transients: they are an important first step in enabling the ESR to identify these features away from the winter solstice when supporting auroral observations are not available.  相似文献   

Accuracy in target location by over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) can be improved when the propagation channel is known. An inversion method able to provide an equivalent electron density profile of the ionosphere from backscatter ionograms is presented in this paper. The method uses the measurements realized by the radar during elevation scans. One difficulty when using measured data is the presence of outliers and, moreover, the lack of data for low elevation and for high elevation angle. The method presented here tries to overcome these difficulties. At the end, the inversion provides parameters of an equivalent ionosphere that can be used to characterize the propagation and to convert group path into ground range.  相似文献   

Results of studying the ionospheric response to solar flares, obtained based on the incoherent scatter radar observations of the GPS signals and as a result of the model simulations, are presented. The method, based on the effect of partial “shadowing” of the atmosphere by the globe, has been used to analyze the GPS data. This method made it possible to estimate the value of a change in the electron content in the upper ionosphere during the solar flare of July 14, 2000. It has been shown that a flare can cause a decrease in the electron content at heights of the upper ionosphere (h > 300 km) according to the GPS data. Similar effects in the formation of a negative disturbance in the ionospheric F region were also observed during the solar flares of May 21 and 23, 1967, at the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar. The mechanism by which negative disturbances are formed in the upper ionosphere during solar flares has been studied based on the theoretical model of the ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling. It has been shown that an intense ejection of O+ ions into the above located plasmasphere under the action of a sharp increase in the ion production rate and the thermal expansion of the ionospheric plasma cause the formation of a negative disturbance in the electron concentration in the upper ionosphere.  相似文献   

基于LWPC和IRI模型的NWC台站信号传播幅度建模分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
频率为3~30 kHz的甚低频(VLF,Very Low Frequency)电磁波具有波长长、传播距离远的特点,能够沿地面-低电离层波导进行传播,在通信、导航等许多领域都被广泛应用.基于波导模理论的长波传播模型(LWPC,Long-Wavelength Propagation Capability)能够用于计算甚低频波的传播路径及幅度,进而研究耀斑、磁暴、地震等事件对电离层的扰动.本文利用国际电离层参考模型(IRI,International Reference Ionosphere)对LWPC中电子密度和碰撞频率进行改进,并将模拟结果与武汉大学VLF接收机实际观测到的NWC (North West Cape)台站信号幅度进行比较分析,结果表明改进后LWPC模型得到的幅度及变化趋势与实际值更加接近.LWPC模型给出的电子密度与IRI模型得到的电子密度在日间基本一致,但是在夜间存在差异,造成夜间部分区域NWC台站信号幅度的差异性,验证了电离层电子密度对于VLF信号传播具有的重要影响.传播路径上的晨昏变化也可以引起VLF信号幅度分布的突变,在日出和日落时间段内存在明显的过渡区域.基于IRI模型的LWPC,改善了VLF电波传播过程的预测分析效果,提供了一种长波导航通信质量的评估方法.  相似文献   

The specific features of a method for radiosounding the lower ionosphere over earthquake epicenters using LF electromagnetic signals of thunderstorm sources (atmospherics) have been considered. The effects of shallow-focus earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 4.0 and their precursors manifest themselves in amplitude characteristics of atmospherics. It has been assumed that variations in the signal characteristics are related to disturbances in the lower ionosphere. According to the results of azimuthal scanning, cross-sectional dimensions of disturbed regions, as a rule, correspond to the dimensions of the first two Fresnel zones for signals at a frequency of 10 kHz. Azimuthal scanning also indicated that the positions of disturbed regions during and before earthquakes could have a certain dynamics and differ from the projection onto the earthquake epicenter. The ratio of the amplitudes of electric and magnetic signal components, in the variations of which seismic effects before earthquakes can also be observed, has been considered. An analysis of the ratio makes it possible to increase the probability of predicting earthquakes when using the characteristics of the electromagnetic signals of lightning discharges as an additional method of complex monitoring of disturbances in the lower ionosphere caused by seismic processes.  相似文献   

方解石脉ESR定年信号和测量条件的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
方解石脉是与断裂构造相关并在基岩区断裂带中常见的物质。方解石脉的定年有时对研究基岩区断裂活动时代具有重要的意义。方解石脉ESR测年是目前采用的测年方法之一,但是对于方解石脉的ESR信号特征及其测量条件目前尚没有定论。文中研究样品采自云南洱海海东断裂带中。根据对样品的初步研究认为,方解石脉人工辐照时易产生不稳定的短寿命信号,在测量之前至少将其在室温条件下存放5d。天然方解石脉中一般具有多个ESR信号,其中g=2.0040和g=2.0023信号对吸收剂量具有良好的响应关系,可以用于测年。这两个信号的增长曲线表明至少在1500Gy剂量范围内呈线性增长。人工给定已知剂量方法表明,要获得可靠的古剂量,g=2.0040和g=2.0023的信号所选择的微波功率是不同的。对于g=2.0040信号,测量的微波功率应在0.8或2mW;而g=2.0023信号,微波功率应选择2或5mW  相似文献   

Radioacoustic sounding (RASS), normally used for temperature profiling, can also be applied for wind measurements. The RASS detects echoes of radar waves, which have been scattered at acoustic waves, and derives the sound velocity from the frequency shift. From the difference of sound velocities measured under different beam directions windprofiles can be determined. Ground clutter does not principally interfere with RASS echoes due to their big frequency shift. Therefore, RASS can supplement radar wind profilers at lower levels where clear-air echoes may be not detectable due to ground clutter. The upper measuring altitude of RASS is limited to a few thousand radar wavelengths by the sound absorption and by the drift of the focal spot of the RASS echo. A further alternative for low-level wind measurements is the Doppler sodar. It is less sensitive to ground clutter than radar, but the measuring height is also limited by sound absorption. It requires no frequency allocation and may therefore be the only choice at some locations. In Germany, Doppler sodars have been operating successfully on a routine basis for more than 10 years at several sites for environmental monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

Observations of field strengths of signals from a number of VLF transmitters, after propagation over long paths in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide, have been used to examine changes in the daytime attenuation rate in the course of a solar cycle. The measurements reported were recorded in the period 1986–1996. The paths studied range in length over about 8–14 Mm; they included NLK (Seattle) and NPM (Hawaii) to Dunedin, NZ, and NAA (Cutler, Maine) and NSS (Annapolis, Maryland) to Faraday, Antarctica. The frequencies monitored were mainly in the range 21–25 kHz but measurements near 10 kHz of Omega Hawaii at Faraday were also used. The daytime VLF attenuation rates at solar minimum were found to be greater by about 0.3 dB/Mm than at solar maximum.  相似文献   

VHF and HF radio signals are widely used to observe the Sun and pulsars. Nowadays, large low-frequency radio astronomical arrays (LOFAR, 30–240 MHz; MIRA, 80–300 MHz) are being constructed to record radiation of pulsars at the maximum distance. registration of the solar radio emission intensity at fixed frequencies and in the spectral VHF band is very important along with other methods of monitoring of coronal mass ejections. Interpreting radio astronomical data is known to be necessary to take into account possible distortions of these signals in the Earth ionosphere. However, in contrast to modern navigation systems (Global Position System (GPS), GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS), GALILEO), in which a very accurate reconstruction of ionosphere parameters is a built-in function, in present-day radio astronomy a retrieve of ionosphere transfer characteristics has not been appropriately worked out. This collides with increasing requirements to accuracy of the analysis of a radio emission amplitude profile and to the angular and polarizing resolution of radio telescopes of new generation (LOFAR, SKA, etc.). We have developed a method and software to calculate the ionosphere rotation measure (RM) and dispersion measure (DM). We used the ionosphere model IRI-2001, magnetic field model IGRF-10, and the ionosphere total electron content values obtained from GPS measurements. The obtained values of DM and RM were recalculated into characteristics of the phase delay, Faraday amplitude modulation, and polarization changes. We calculated ones for different levels of geomagnetic activity as well as different angular positions of radio sources. Our main idea is to use a signal of navigation satellites (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO) as a testing signal from a “reference” source located at minimal angle distance from a source studied. Our project allows development of methods and systems of ADAPTIVE RADIO ASTRONOMY, adaptive to the non-uniform and non-stationary ionosphere, by analogy with known systems of adaptive optics intended to adapt optical telescopes to varying conditions of the optically non-uniform and non-stationary troposphere.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of the polar ionosphere under steady, northward IMF. The measurements, made by six complementary experimental techniques, including radio tomography, all-sky and meridian scanning photometer optical imaging, incoherent and coherent scatter radars and satellite particle detection, reveal plasma parameters consistent with ionospheric signatures of lobe reconnection. The optical green-line footprint of the reconnection site is seen to lie in the sunward plasma convection of the lobe cells. Downstream in the region of softer precipitation the reverse energy dispersion of the incoming ions can be identified. A steep latitudinal density gradient at the equatorward edge of the precipitation identifies the general location of an adiaroic boundary, separating the open field lines of polar lobe cells from the closed field of viscous-driven cells. Enhancements in plasma density to the south of the gradient are interpreted as ionisation being reconfigured as it is thrust against the boundary by the antisunward flow of the viscous cells near noon. Each of the instruments individually provides valuable information on certain aspects of the ionosphere, but the paper demonstrates that taken together the different experiments complement each other to give a consistent and comprehensive picture of the dayside polar ionosphere.On sabbatical leave from Artic Geophysics, University Courses on Svalbard, N-9170 Longyearbyen, Norway  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):143-149
Experimental results from ESR dose recovery tests using Ti-related absorption lines in sedimentary quartz will be presented and discussed. The tests were performed on two Late Pleistocene Australian dune sands with a known burial dose based on OSL measurements. The regenerative dose technique (after thermal annealing) was used to detect any differences between ESR estimates of the natural dose, and ESR estimates of an equal laboratory gamma-dose. The studied absorption lines show consistent results with regard to the laboratory dose, but inconsistencies regarding the recovery of the natural dose. Line-shape changes between the natural and artificially induced ESR signals are a matter of concern. These changes are probably the result of the different relative abundance of Ti–H and Ti–Li centres in the naturally irradiated and artificially irradiated sample.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the interaction between the thermosphere and the ionosphere at high latitudes, with particular regard to the value of the O+-O collision parameter. The European incoherent scatter radar (EISCAT) was used to make tristatic measurements of plasma parameters at F-region altitudes while simultaneous measurements of the neutral wind were made by a Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). The radar data were used to derive the meridional neutral winds in a way similar to that used by previous authors. The accuracy of this technique at high latitudes is reduced by the dynamic nature of the auroral ionosphere and the presence of significant vertical winds. The derived winds were compared with the meridional winds measured by the FPI. For each night, the value of the O+-O collision parameter which produced the best agreement between the two data sets was found. The precision of the collision frequency found in this way depends on the accuracy of the data. The statistical method was critically examined in an attempt to account for the variability in the data sets. This study revealed that systematic errors in the data, if unaccounted for by the analysis, have a tendency to increase the value of the derived collision frequency. Previous analyses did not weight each data set in order to account for the quality of the data; an improved method of analysis is suggested.  相似文献   

Measurements from the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites provide a valuable source of information about the ionosphere in the form of ray-path integrations of electron density. Total electron content (TEC) through the ionosphere can be estimated for specific satellite-to-ground paths using the two GPS frequencies and knowledge of the dispersive properties of the ionosphere. One approach used is the ionospheric imaging tool Multi Instrument Data Analysis System (MIDAS), which uses differential phase data from a number of GPS satellites and receivers to create an ionospheric movie of electron density. This paper addresses the accuracy with which MIDAS images the electron density at the F-layer peak. Firstly, the image accuracy is tested using a simulation of the imaging technique, representative of 1 year of data. Experimental GPS phase data are then used to image the electron density during a period of disturbed geomagnetic activity during April 2002. The images are compared to independent measurements from three ionosondes located across Europe and confirm the underestimate in peak electron density that was found in the simulation. Regardless of the peak density errors the vertical TEC in the images remains accurate. The accuracy of the imaged peak electron density is shown to improve across the image when measurements from ionosondes are included in the inversion process.  相似文献   

本文利用2009—2011年EISCAT/ESR雷达的场向观测数据,统计研究了低太阳活动期间极区E层占优电离层(ELDI)事件的发生规律及其主要特征.地面雷达观测表明,极区ELDI表现出明显的季节变化特征:在冬季和早春发生率较高.EISCAT雷达(极光椭圆纬度)观测到的ELDI多出现在磁午夜扇区,平均持续30 min;ESR雷达(极尖/极隙区纬度)观测到的ELDI多出现在磁正午附近,平均持续14 min,表现出与之前无线电掩星观测结果不一致的日变化特征.在ELDI事件期间,两处雷达观测到的电离层NmE/NmF2比值和E层厚度都没有表现出显著的空间差异.事例分析证实E层电子增强和F层电子密度耗空都能够独立地导致ELDI,然而,统计分析表明上述两个过程对ELDI的形成都起着不可或缺的作用.  相似文献   

A simple model is introduced to represent positive return strokes so that the electromagnetic field environment created by them at different distances and at ionospheric heights can be calculated. The model parameters were selected in such a way that they can be directly connected to the observed features of the electromagnetic fields. This removed the guess work that is sometimes necessary in attributing values to the parameters of models. The model is then used to evaluate the electromagnetic fields created by positive return strokes at locations, such as in the immediate vicinity of the lightning flash and in the ionosphere, where it is difficult to perform field measurements.  相似文献   

The earlier experiments of ionospheric tomography were conducted by receiving satellite signals from ground-based stations and then reconstructing electron density distribution from measures of the total electron content (TEC). In June 1994, National Central University built up the low-latitude ionospheric tomography network (LITN) including six ground stations spanning a range of 16.7° (from 14.6°N to 31.3°N) in latitude within 1° of 121°E longitude to receive the naval navigation satellite system (NNSS) signals (150 and 400 MHz). In the study of tomographic imaging of the ionosphere, TEC data from a network of ground-based stations can provide detailed information on the horizontal structure, but are of restricted utility in sensing vertical structure. However, an occultation observation mission termed the global positioning system/meteorology (GPS/MET) program used a low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite (the MicroLab-1) to receive multi-channel GPS carrier phase signals (1.5 and 1.2 GHz) and demonstrate active limb sounding of the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere. In this paper, we have implemented the multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART) to reconstruct and compare two-dimensional ionospheric structures from measured TECs through the receptions of the GPS signals, the NNSS signals, and/or both of the systems. We have also concluded the profiles retrieved from tomographic reconstruction showing much reasonable electron density results than the original vertical profiles retrieved by the Abel transformation and being in more agreement in peak electron density to nearby ionosonde measurements.  相似文献   

With the action of powerful, high-frequency (HF) radio waves, the ionosphere plasma will depart from the equilibrium state and the non-Maxwellian distribution function can be produced. An artificial field-aligned irregularities (AFAI) model is introduced to describe the distortion from the normal shape, and the measured data are analyzed with this model during ionosphere heating at a 186-km height on August 15th, 2006. The electron temperature and density deduced from the AFAI model are compared with the results obtained from a standard procedure. The inversion of the electron temperature is evidently affected, and the overestimation is up to 22.9%. Owing to the introduction of the AFAI model, the new irregularities’ parameters can be obtained, which implies that incoherent scatter radar is feasible as a ground-based instrument to diagnose information on irregularities.  相似文献   

Radars have been used successfully for many years to measure atmospheric motions over a wide range of altitudes, from ground level up to heights of several hundred kilometres into the ionosphere. In this paper we particularly wish to concentrate on the accuracy of these measurements for winds in the middle atmosphere (i.e. 10–100–km altitude). We begin by briefly reviewing the literature relating to comparisons between radar methods and other techniques. We demonstrate where the radar data are most and least reliable and then, in parallel with a discussion about the basic principles of the method, discuss why these different regimes have the different accuracies and precisions they do. This discussion is used to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of radar methods. Issues like radar volume, aspect sensitivity, gravity wave effects and scatterer intermittency in producing wind biases, and the degree by which the intermittent generation of scatterers at quasi-random points in space could skew the radar measurements, are all considered. We also investigate the possibility that MF radar techniques can be contaminated by E-region scatter to heights as low as 92–95–km altitude (i.e. up to 8–10 km below the ionospheric peak echo). Within all these comments, however, we also recognize that radar methods still represent powerful techniques which have an important future at all levels of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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