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A filed experiment was conducted continuously for three days, and the velocity variation was measured using coda wave interferometry. The measurement error is estimated to be around 10^-4, which coincides well with the theoretical error. The velocity variation during this period is up to 10^-3. The relationship between velocity variation and changes in air temperature, barometric pressure and solid earth tide was analyzed with linear least square fitting. The velocity has no dependence on air temperature, but displayed change of the order of 10^-6 - 10^-7 when the barometer or earth tide changed one Pa.  相似文献   

It is of great significance to make comparative analyses of seismic fortification criteria at home and abroad for improving the anti-seismic capability of electrical equipment and revising the relevant national standards. A brief overview of American, Japanese, IEC standards and Chinese seismic design codes for electrical equipment is presented. Differences between these seismic fortification standards of electrical equipment are compared and analyzed in respect of the goal and level of seismic fortification and the seismic design spectrum. The advantages and disadvantages of Chinese standards are pointed out. Through learning from foreign experience on the determination of seismic fortification standards, recommendations are made for the improvement and revision of Chinese seismic fortification standards for electrical equipment.  相似文献   

In this paper, according to the Fujian Seismic Network earthquake catalog records, the Tnow method and the Four Stations Continuous Location method (hereinafter called FSCL) put forward by Jin Xing are inspected by using P-wave arrival information of the first four stations of each seismic event. Results show that for earthquakes within the network, both methods can obtain similar location results and location deviations are small for the majority of the events. For earthquakes outside the network, the location deviation may be amplified as the epicentral distance increases, owing to the seismic station distribution which spread toward the side of the epicenter and the small opening angle between seismic stations used for locating and epicenter. For the FSCL method, the impacts of the wave velocity on the location results may be significant for earthquakes outside the network. Thus, selecting a velocity model which is similar to the actual structure of the wave velocity will contribute to improving location results of earthquakes. The FSCL method can locate more seismic events than the Tnow method. It concludes that the Tnow method makes use of mistake information from some non-triggering stations in earthquake catalog, and some P-wave arrivals are not included in the earthquake catalog due to discontinuous records or unclear records of the seismic phase, which induces incorrect location.  相似文献   

基于中国1993—2017年的历史地震资料,通过对四个现行地震灾害人员死亡评估模型进行对比,深入分析不同模型在不同震级(M)及不同地区的适用性和精度。研究结果表明:(1)当M<6.0时,四个模型评估结果与实际死亡人数数量级基本一致,均适用于震后人员伤亡快速评估;当6.0≤M<7.0时,四个模型评估结果与实际死亡人数差距较大,经过参数修正后的刘金龙模型评估结果相对较好;当M≥7.0时,四个模型的评价结果都不理想,需要结合震区地理环境、经济条件等进行人工修正才能使用;(2)在地震较多的云南、四川、甘肃、新疆、西藏五个省份中,GB/T 30352-2013评估结果优于其他三个模型;在四川、云南、甘肃地区评估时需考虑次生地质灾害因素的影响,不然可能会导致评估误差较大。研究结果可为各级政府和应急管理部门地震灾害应急业务能力的提升提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Comparison of Seismic Dispersion and Attenuation Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The frequency-dependent attenuation of seismic waves causes decreased resolution of seismic images with depth, and the difference in transmission losses induces amplitude variations with offset. Transmission losses may occur due to friction or fluid movement, or may result from scattering in thin-layer. Whatever the physical mechanism, they can often be conveniently described using an empirical formulation wherein the elastic moduli and propagation velocity are complex functions of frequency.We have compiled and compared algebraically and numerically eight different models involving complex velocity: the Kolsky-Futterman model, the power-law model, Kjartansson's model, Müller's model, Azimi's second and third model, the Cole-Cole model, and the standard linear-solid model.For two different parameter sets, the attenuation and phase velocity are computed in the seismic frequency band, and the plane-wave propagation of a Ricker wavelet for the other models is compared with that for the Kolsky-Futterman model. The first parameter set consists of parameters for each of the models calculated from expressions given in the appendix. These expressions make the different models behave similarly to the KF model. The second parameter set consists of model parameters that are numerically adapted to the KF model.By selecting proper parameters, all models, except the standard linear-solid model, show behavior similar to that of the Kolsky-Futterman model. The SLS model behaves differently from the other models as the frequency goes to zero or infinity. Broadband measurement data is needed to select a specific model for a given seismic experiment.  相似文献   

利用云南地震台网全面数字化之后(2008—2017年)的记录资料,按照《地震震级的规定》(GB17740—2017)规定的测定方法,对云南地震台网记录的ML≥4. 0地震,重新人工测量其宽频带面波震级MS(BB)和矩震级Mw,与中国地震台网测定的MS7以及美国地震台网(NEIC)测定的MW(NEIC)进行对比分析。结果表明:①MS(BB)和MS7测量方法相同,量规函数相等,两者一致性最好。②对于面波震级与矩震级,当MW在3. 5左右时,MS7,MS(BB)与MW一致性最好; MW<3. 5时,MS7和MS(BB)均小于MW; MW> 3. 5时,MS7和MS(BB)大于MW。③MS(BB)与美国地震台网相比较,MS(BB)在5. 5和6. 0左右时,与MW(NEIC)一致性最好,几乎相等; MS(BB)<5. 5时,MS(BB) 6. 0时,MS(BB)> MW(NEIC)。④MW和MW(NEIC)之间存在偏差,MW整体小于MW(NEIC)。  相似文献   

在地下结构抗震设计简化分析方法中,强制反应位移法将土层变形施加在有限元模型侧边界模拟地震作用,反应加速度法将土层加速度施加到整个有限元模型上模拟地震作用,此外还有仅将土层加速度施加到土层模型上模拟地震作用的方法。上述方法均规避了反应位移法中关于弹簧刚度的取值问题,提高了计算效率。本文以1个双跨箱形结构为例,用动力时程分析的计算结果作为校核,分析了强制反应位移法、反应加速度法和仅将土层加速度施加到土体中的简化分析方法在不同侧边距条件下的计算精度,再结合常用的反应位移法,对比分析了4种简化分析方法的误差。分析结果表明:使用强制反应位移法时,侧边距取为1倍结构宽度导致的误差最小,反应加速度法和仅在土体施加加速度的简化方法对侧边距取值不敏感,反应位移法在角点造成的误差最大。  相似文献   

地下结构抗震分析的振动法与波动法对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对地下结构抗震分析中应用广泛的波动方法与振动方法,从物理方程和有限元格式出发,明确了两种方法的区别与联系。通过标准数值试验,证明了振动方法是波动方法采用下卧刚性基岩假设和地层水平无限延伸假设,仅考虑SV波垂直向上入射的一种特例。采用波动方法模拟弹性地基,对比振动方法结果,表明弹性地基和刚性地基上地表位移响应和隧道结构内力响应均有显著差异。建议应根据具体场地条件,选择振动或波动方法进行地下结构抗震设计研究。  相似文献   

选取2012年3月1日至12月31日临汾市地震台网记录到的ML1.0以上地震,对每个地震进行重新定位,并与山西地震台网的定位结果进行对比分析,找到两台网所定震级的偏差系数,用以修正临汾台网的震级,提高测定结果的精度。  相似文献   

随着地下空间大规模开发利用,地震灾害对其造成的潜在威胁不容忽视。基于《城市轨道交通结构抗震设计规范(GB50909-2014)》和《地下铁道建筑结构抗震设计规范(DG/TJ08-2064-2009)》建议的分析方法,选取惯性力法、反应位移法(国家规范法、上海规范法)、动力时程方法(线弹性方法、等效线性化方法)三类共5种计算方法,以典型两层双柱三跨地铁车站结构为分析对象进行地震反应的对比验算,对上述计算方法的适应性进行评价。分析结果表明,与动力时程方法相比较,惯性力法计算得到的侧墙剪力值偏大,中柱结果较为接近;对于反应位移法,国家规范方法和上海规范方法的计算模型略有不同,但两者计算结果基本相近,其中土体强制位移、集中地基弹簧、土体动剪切模量等参数取值对计算结果影响显著;对于动力时程方法,线弹性方法和等效线性化方法的结果较为接近,且变化趋势相同。  相似文献   

选取2012年3月1日至12月31日临汾市地震台网记录到可精确定位的网外地震,并对每个地震进行重新定位,将结果与山西地震台网的记录进行比较,分析两台网在不同震级范围、不同经纬度的震级偏差情况,找到两台网所定震级的关系,给出多个关系式,用以修正临汾台网的震级,提高准确度。  相似文献   

统计分析了山西省数字地震台网考核运行 3个月以来的记录地震的震级情况 ,将两套人机交互处理系统 (泰德和港震系统 )测定的速度震级及港震系统仿真后 (DD— 1)测得的位移震级 ,与山西省模拟台网 (即大同、太原、临汾、长治 9个模拟人工值守台 )所测定的位移震级进行了对比 ,研究了它们之间的相关程度、一致性、差异性 ,得出港震系统与泰德系统测定的速度震级与模拟震级、数字系统仿真 (DD— 1)后测定的位移震级与模拟震级相关系数均在 0 .940以上 ,相关性较好的结论  相似文献   

Several frequency-selection strategies have been used to obtain global minimum solutions in waveform inversion. One strategy, called the discretization method, is to discretize frequencies with a large sampling interval to minimize redundancy in wavenumber information. Another method, the grouping method, groups frequencies with redundancy in wavenumber information. The grouping method can be carried out in two ways. With the first method, the minimum frequency is fixed and the maximum frequency is gradually extended upward (i.e., the overlap-grouping method). Under the second method, frequencies are not overlapped across the groups and waveform inversion proceeds from lower to higher frequency groups (i.e., the individual-grouping method). In this study, we compare these three frequency-selection strategies using both synthetic and real data examples based on logarithmic waveform inversion. Numerical examples for synthetic and real field data demonstrate that the three frequency-selection methods provide solutions closer to the global minimum compared to solutions resulting from simultaneously performed waveform inversion, and that the individual-grouping method yields slightly better resolution for the velocity models than the other methods, particularly for the deeper part. These results may imply that using either too small or too large data sets at every stage slightly deteriorates inversion results, and that grouping data in appropriately sized aggregations improves inversion results.  相似文献   

采用MSDP软件中的单纯型、HypoSat和LocSat定位方法,从震源深度及残差等方面,对比分析2014年大岗山水库区域内123次M_L≥2.0地震的定位结果,选择适用于水库诱发地震的最佳定位方法,并以库区17次定点爆破事件为例,验证最佳定位方法的可靠性。结果认为,LocSat定位方法更适用于水库诱发地震。  相似文献   

《建筑工程抗震生态设计通则(试用)》是一部对我国抗震设计规范修订具有重大指导意义的试用标准。地震作用是抗震设计的首要问题,《通则》中地震作用计算方法与现行规范的差异引人关注。首先分析了《通则》和规范的场地设计谱,然后比较了二者地震作用计算方法,最后引入2个算例计算了水平地震作用的差别。对《通则》的应用,对修订和完善下一代规范有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

地震安全性评价中的多方案比较工作方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对秦山核电二期工程建设项目地震动参数的复核中采用了多方案比较方法。由于新增的地震地质资料不会改变原报告对地震地质研究的结论,近十多年地震的活动对工作区地震背景的影响没有发生根本变化。在分析研究本地区具有代表性的不同潜在震源区的划分方案后,采用相对应的地震动参数衰减关系进行地震危险性概率分析计算,与确定性方法计算结果比较后确定秦山核电二期扩建工程厂址极限安全地震动SL-2复核结果为0.15g。本次复核工作的技术路线可以为相似类型的重大工程地震参数复核参考。  相似文献   

依据标贯击数进行液化判别的方法,国外以NCEER推荐方法(改进Seed法)为代表,国内以《水利水电工程地质勘察规范》(GB50487-2008)和《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)为代表。NCEER方法与国内规范方法所依据的地震液化现场调查资料不同,采用的液化判据、反映震级影响的方法和考虑黏粒含量影响的方法也不同。将NCEER方法以液化临界标贯击数与深度的变化曲线表示,并将其与国内规范方法确定的液化临界标贯击数随深度的变化曲线进行比较。结果表明,在相同烈度下:近震时,国内规范方法偏于安全;远震时,对于7.5级以下地震,国内规范方法偏于安全;对于7.5~8.5级地震,在一定加速度(烈度)下,NCEER方法与国内规范方法计算液化临界标贯击数接近,某些加速度(烈度)下NCEER方法偏于安全,某些加速度(烈度)下国内规范方法偏于安全。研究成果可为《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

强地震前,在震区产生先兆电磁现象已经得到了越来越多的测量记录证实,地面直接电磁辐射异常和电离层异常扰动是地震前最显著的前兆现象,而且具有较稳定的时间尺度。除了卫星观测方法外,地震先兆电磁信息的观测方法有多种。根据接收的信号来源途径不同,地面观测方法可划分为:①被动观测:在地面观测附近孕震区直接辐射的ULF/ELF/VLF的电磁波;  相似文献   

本文提出一种评估同一地区不同类型结构的抗震投入产出效益的新指标,即结构价值损失比率。利用"5·12"汶川地震后对甘肃陇南的学校、住宅、办公、医院和生命线工程等9类建筑物的调查统计结果,研究了震害等级、经济损失与结构抗震初始投入之间的关系,建立了结构价值损失比率与结构初始投入之间的关系和高烈度区危房率与地震地面运动峰值之间的关系。对比分析了土-木组合、砖-木组合、砖砌体结构、非隔震框架结构和基础隔震结构等不同类型结构的抗震性能,并与实际鉴定的震害等级相比较。利用结构价值损失比率,初步说明了采用隔震新技术结构的减灾效益。  相似文献   

台站观测是实现防震减灾三大工作体系任务的基础。本文结合台站和地震系统期刊的基本情况,概述了创办《地学台站观测》这种面向台站的科技期刊的社会需求和科学需求,从中国地震局发展战略的层次上初步探讨了创办这种期刊的意义。  相似文献   

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