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Forged by the development of radar during World War II, radio astronomy revolutionized astronomy during the decade after the war. A new universe was revealed, centered not on stars and planets, but on the gas between the stars, on explosive sources of unprecedented luminosity, and on hundreds of mysterious discrete sources with no optical identifications. Using “radio telescopes” that looked nothing like traditional (optical) telescopes, radio astronomers were a very different breed from traditional (optical) astronomers. This pathbreaking of radio astronomy also made it much easier for later “astronomies” and their “telescopes” (X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, gamma-ray) to become integrated into astronomy after the launch of the space age in the 1960s. This paper traces the history of radio telescopes from 1945 through about 1990, from the era of converted small-sized, military radar antennas to that of large interferometric arrays connected by complex electronics and computers; from the era of strip-chart recordings measured by rulers to powerful computers and display graphics; from the era of individuals and small groups building their own equipment to that of Big Science, large collaborations and national observatories.  相似文献   

The solar 0.5–8 soft X-ray flux was monitored by the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) from 1974 to the present, providing a continuous record over two solar activity cycles. Attempts have been made to determine a soft X-ray (SXR) background flux by subtracting out solar flares (using the daily lowest flux level). The SXR background flux represents the quiescent SXR flux from heated plasma in active regions, and reflects similar (intermediate-term) variability and periodicities (e.g. 155-day period) as the SXR or hard X-ray (HXR) flare rate, although it is determined in non-flaring time intervals. The SXR background flux peaks late in Solar Cycle 21 (2–3 years after the sunspot maximum), similar to the flare rate measured in SXR, HXR, or gamma rays, possibly due the increasing complexity of coronal magnetic structures in the decay phase of the solar cycle. The SXR background flux appears to be dominated by postflare emission from the dominant active regions, while the contributions from the quiet Sun are appreciable in the Solar Minimum only (A1-level). Comparisons with full-disk integrated images from YOHKOH suggest that the presence of coronal holes can decrease the quietest SXR irradiance level by an additional order of magnitude, but only in the rare case of absence of active regions.Presented at IAU Colloquium No. 143, The Sun as a Variable Star: Solar and Stellar Irradiance Variations, Boulder, CO, June 20–25, 1993  相似文献   

Observations and analysis of magnetic activity phenomena in the atmospheres of cool stars—e.g., active regions, flares, stellar cycles—give insight into the fundamental processes in the heating of chromospheres, transition regions (TRs), and coronae. Diagnostics of magnetic activity can be found throughout the whole electromagnetic spectrum; from radio wavelengths, where gyrosynchrotron radiation arises from the quiescent and flaring corona, to optical, where important signatures are the Balmer lines and the Ca ii IRT and H&K lines, eventually to UV and X-rays, the latter mainly due to coronal thermal plasma. The UV and EUV ranges contains a plethora of emission lines that are powerful diagnostics for the warm (10?000 K) chromospheres, hot (100?000–800?000 K) TRs and very hot (1–10 MK) coronae. Also very weak coronal winds from cool stars have been identified and characterized thanks to high resolution UV spectra. Here I review the main results from UV observations of cool stars atmospheres and outline what can be expected from future UV imaging and spectroscopy measurements.  相似文献   

We present the observations of Cygnus X-3 carried out with the GT-48 gamma-ray telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1994–1995. The mean gamma-ray flux at energy E>1012 eV is shown to be approximately equal to 1.3×10?11 cm?2 s?1. The flux in 1994 was much lower than that in 1995, being (6.2±2.6)×10?12 cm?2 s?1; i.e., it was statistically insignificant. The flux in 1995 was (2.7±0.7)×10?11 cm?2 s?1. Thus, the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Cyg X-3 is variable. These measurement results can be used to obtain upper limits on the flux from Cyg X-3 in 1994–1995.  相似文献   

New generation small telescopes can and should be very complementary facilities for the new large telescopes and for space astronomy. With CCD imaging detectors as part of their instrumentation package, they are most efficient research tools for many research programs. In addition, linking a number of them together into a "global network of astronomical telescopes" appears to make a good deal of sense. A new non-profit organization, GNAT, Inc., has been established to be the catalyst for such a network.Operated by AURA, Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, Washington D.C.  相似文献   

We compare the X-ray properties of loose and compact galaxy groups, using a combined sample of 42 groups. We find that we are unable to separate loose and compact groups on the luminosity–temperature relation, the luminosity–velocity dispersion relation or the velocity dispersion–temperature relation using equally weighted errors. This suggests that the distinction between compact and loose groups is not a fundamental one, and we argue that a more useful distinction is that between X-ray bright and X-ray faint systems.
Given their similarity in X-ray properties, we combine the loose and compact subsamples to derive relations based on the full sample. This provides the highest statistical quality results to date on the way in which the correlations in X-ray properties of low‐mass systems depart from those seen in rich clusters.  相似文献   

It has been widely believed that the outflows in gamma-ray bursts are jetted and some jets may have structures like ε(θ) ∝ θ^-k. We check the possibility that X-ray flashes come from such jets. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses have shown that this model can reproduce most of the observational features of both X-ray flashes and gamma-ray bursts. Using the usual parameters of gamma-ray bursts, we have carried out numerical calculations for both uniform and nonuniform jets, of their fluxes, spectra and peak energies. It seems that nonuniform jets are more appropriate to these observational properties than uniform jets.We have also shown that in our model the observational ratio of gamma-ray bursts to X-ray flashes is about a few units.  相似文献   

New infrared photometry of a sample of 39 stars in the open cluster NGC 752 is presented. These observations confirm the bimodality of the Main Sequence previously reported. We analyze the nature of this behaviour on the basis of the binary hypothesis.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2007,26(6):380-390
Ground-based arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have emerged as the most sensitive γ-ray detectors in the energy range of about 100 GeV and above. The strengths of these arrays are a very large effective collection area on the order of 105 m2, combined with excellent single photon angular and energy resolutions. The sensitivity of such detectors is limited by statistical fluctuations in the number of Cosmic-ray initiated air showers that resemble γ-ray air showers in many ways. In this paper, we study the performance of simple event reconstruction methods when applied to simulated data of the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) experiment. We review methods for reconstructing the arrival direction and the energy of the primary photons, and examine means to improve on their performance. For a software threshold energy of 300 GeV (100 GeV), the methods achieve point source angular and energy resolutions of σ63% = 0.1° (0.2°) and σ68% = 15% (22%), respectively. The main emphasis of the paper is the discussion of γ–hadron separation methods for the VERITAS experiment. We find that the information from several methods can be combined based on a likelihood ratio approach and the resulting algorithm achieves a γ–hadron suppression with a quality factor that is substantially higher than that achieved with the standard methods used so far.  相似文献   

Precise measurement of the coronal properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires the availability of high signal-to-noise ratio data covering a wide range of X-ray energies. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) which is highly sensitive to earlier missions in its operational energy range of 3–79 keV, allows us to arrive at precise estimates of the coronal parameters such as cut-off energy (\(E_\mathrm{cut}\)), coronal temperature (\(\textit{kT}_e\)) and geometry of the corona at least for sources that have \(E_\mathrm{cut}\) within the energy range of NuSTAR. In this paper, we present our preliminary results on the spectral analysis of two Seyfert galaxies namely 3C 120 and NGC 4151 using NuSTAR observations in the 3–79 keV band. We investigated the continuum and coronal parameters, the photon index \(\Gamma \), \(E_\mathrm{cut}\) and \(\textit{kT}_{e}\). By fitting the X-ray spectrum of 3C 120 and NGC 4151 with a simple phenomenological model, we found that both the sources showed a clear cut-off in their spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in our series of papers devoted to the investigation of X-ray emission from OB stars.In our two previous papers,we study the high-resolution X-ray spectra of 32 O stars and 25 B stars to investigate the correlations between the properties of X-ray emission and stellar parameters.We checked if the X-ray hardness and post-shock plasma temperature grow with increasing stellar magnetic field,mass loss rate and terminal wind velocity.Our previous analysis of high-resolution spectra showed that the correlations are weak or even absent.In the present paper,we analyzed low-resolution X-ray spectra,using model-independent X-ray hardness values for checking the above mentioned dependencies.We establish that X-ray luminosities L_X weakly depend on the stellar magnetic field.At the same time,Lx ∝ M~(0.5) and L_X ∝ E_(kin)~(0.5),where M is the mass loss rate and E_(kin) is the kinetic energy of the wind.The X-ray luminosities decrease with growing magnetic confinement parameter η.We also argue that there is an additional(probably non-thermal) component contributed to the stellar X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We used the Fourier decomposition technique to investigate the stability of the X-ray pulse profile of a young pulsar PSR B1509–58 by studying the relative amplitudes and phase differences of its harmonic components with respect to the fundamental using data from the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer. Like most young rotation powered pulsars, PSR B1509–58 has a high spin down rate. It also has less timing noise, allowing accurate measurement of higher order frequency derivatives which in turn helps in the study of the physics of pulsar spin down. Detailed investigation of pulse profiles over the years will help us establish any possible connection between the timing characteristics and the high energy emission characteristics for this pulsar.Furthermore, the study of pulse profiles of short period X-ray pulsars can also be useful when used as a means of interplanetary navigation. The X-ray pulse profile of this source has been analyzed for 15 yr(1996–2011). The long term average amplitudes of the first, second and third harmonics(and their standard deviation for individual measurements) compared to the fundamental are 36.9%(1.7%), 13.4%(1.9%) and 9.4%(1.8%) respectively. Similarly, the phases of the three harmonics(and standard deviations) with respect to the fundamental are 0.36(0.06), 1.5(0.2) and 2.5(0.3) radian respectively. We do not find any significant variation of the harmonic components of the pulse profile in comparison to the fundamental.  相似文献   

Starting from 80 families of low-energy fast periodic transfer orbits in the Earth–Moon planar circular Restricted Three Body Problem (RTBP), we obtain by analytical continuation 11 periodic orbits and 25 periodic arcs with similar properties in the Sun–Earth–Moon Quasi-Bicircular Problem (QBCP). A novel and very simple procedure is introduced giving the solar phases at which to attempt continuation. Detailed numerical results for each periodic orbit and arc found are given, including their stability parameters and minimal distances to the Earth and Moon. The periods of these orbits are between 2.5 and 5 synodic months, their energies are among the lowest possible to achieve an Earth–Moon transfer, and they show a diversity of circumlunar trajectories, making them good candidates for missions requiring repeated passages around the Earth and the Moon with close approaches to the last.  相似文献   

We have obtained spectra of Pluto on six nights during February 1979 using the Cassegrain Digicon spectrograph on the 2.1-m Struve reflector and the IDS spectrograph on the 2.7-m reflector of McDonald Observatory. These spectra, with nominal resolution of 6–7 Å, have been reduced to relative fluxes. Relative albedos were then calculated using the solar irradiances of Arvesen et al. (1969). The spectra taken in the blue show no indication of the upturn in albedo at λ < 3800 A? previously reported by Fix et al. (1970). The lack of a uv upturn cannot be interpreted in terms of a Rayleigh scattering atmosphere unless the albedo of the underlying surface is known. From the lack of methane absorption at the wavelength of the 6190- or 7270-Å methane bands we derive an upper limit of 1–3 m-am of gaseous CH4. The albedo curve has a constant slope between 3500 and 7300 Å. The only other solar system body which has this feature is an S-type asteroid.  相似文献   

The relativistic beaming model has been successfully used to explain many of the observational properties of active galactic nuclei. In this model the total emission is formed by two components, one beamed, one unbeamed. However, the exact contribution from each component in unresolved sources is still not clear. In the radio band, the core and extended emissions are clearly separated. We adopt the method proposed by Kembhavi to separate the two contributions in the X-ray emissions in a sample of 19 gamma-ray loud blazars. It is clearly shown that the beamed emission dominates the X-ray flux and the unbeamed X-ray emission is correlated with the extended radio emission of the considered objects. We also find that the ratio of the beamed to the unbeamed X-ray luminosity is correlated with the X-ray spectral index, an effect that should be a consequence of the underlying X-ray emission mechanism.  相似文献   

Das  T.K.  Sarkar  H. 《Solar physics》2002,207(2):381-388
The relationship between metric type II radio bursts and soft X-ray (SXR) flares is studied. Type II bursts are highly associated with SXR flares. The duration and drift rate of type II bursts are found to depend on the duration, asymmetry in duration (ratio of rise time to duration), as well as on the peak flux of SXR bursts. Important results obtained are: (i) the durations of type II bursts are linearly correlated with the durations of associated SXR bursts in case of long-lived events (duration >40 min), whereas in short-lived flares such a correlation is not found, (ii) the durations of type II bursts do not depend upon the SXR peak flux, (iii) more durable type II radio bursts are correlated with more symmetric SXR bursts, (iv) average drift rates of type II bursts are larger in the events associated with more powerful and more symmetric SXR bursts.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):511-517
The width of the broad Hβ emission line is the primary defining characteristic of the NLS1 class. This parameter is also an important component of Boroson and Green’s optical “Eigenvector 1” (EV1), which links steeper soft X-ray spectra with narrower Hβ emission, stronger Hβ blue wing, stronger optical Fe II emission, and weaker [O III] λ5007. Potentially, EV1 represents a fundamental physical process linking the dynamics of fueling and outflow with the accretion rate. We attempted to understand these relationships by extending the optical spectra into the UV for a sample of 22 QSOs with high quality soft-X-ray spectra, and discovered a whole new set of UV relationships that suggest that high accretion rates are linked to dense gas and perhaps nuclear starbursts. While it has been argued that narrow (BLR) Hβ means low Black Hole mass in luminous NLS1s, the C IV λ1549 and Lyα emission lines are broader, perhaps the result of outflows driven by their high Eddington accretion rates. We present some new trends of optical-UV with X-ray spectral energy distributions. Steeper X-ray spectra appear associated with stronger UV relative to optical continua, but the presence of strong UV absorption lines is associated with depressed soft X-rays and redder optical–UV continua.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the X-ray spectrum for the source X-6 in the nearby galaxy M33 obtained for the first time at energies above 10 keV from the data of the NuSTAR orbital telescope. The archival Swift–XRT data for energy coverage below 3 keV have been used, which has allowed the spectrum of M33 X-6 to be constructed in the wide energy range 0.3–20 keV. The spectrum of the source is well described by the model of an optically and geometrically thick accretion disk with a maximum temperature of ~2 keV and an inner radius of ~5 cos?1/2θ km (where >θ is the unknown disk inclination angle with respect to the observer). There is also evidence for the presence of an additional hard component in the spectrum. The X-ray luminosity ofM33 X-6 measured for the first time in the wide energy range 0.3–20 keV is ~2 × 1038 erg s?1, with the luminosity in the hard 10–20 keV X-ray band being ~10% of the source’s total luminosity. The results obtained suggest that X-6 may be a Z-source, i.e., an X-ray binary with subcritical accretion onto a weakly magnetized neutron star.  相似文献   

We present X-ray spectral analyses of the low-mass X-ray binary Cir X-1 dur- ing X-ray dips,using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)data.Each dip was divided into several segments,and the spectrum of each segment was fitted with a three-component blackbody model,in which the first two components are affected by partial covering and the third one is unaffected.A Gaussian emission line is also included in the spectral model to represent the Fe Kαline at~6.4 keV.The fitted temperatures of the two partially covered components are about 2 keV and 1 keV,while the uncovered component has a temperature of~0.5-0.6 keV.The equivalent blackbody emission radius of the hottest component is the smallest and that of the coolest component is the largest.During the dips the fluxes of the two hot components are linearly correlated,while that of the third component does not show any significant variation.The Fe line flux remains constant,within the errors,during the short dips.However,during the long dips the line flux varies significantly and is positively correlated with the fluxes of the two hot components.These results suggest:(1)that the tem- perature of the X-ray emitting region decreases with radius,(2)that the Fe Kαline emitting region is close to the hot continuum emitting region,and(3)that the size of the Fe line emit- ting region is larger than that of the obscuring matter causing the short dips but smaller than the region of that causing the long dips.  相似文献   

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