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浙江中生代主要浅成热液金银矿床在蚀变-矿化过程中的一些物理化学特征参数(如T、P、St和ρ等)呈非线性的变化关系,其控制变量是P、T和PH值.推断条带(或环带)状构造的矿脉(石)是由减压沸腾作用造成的.据Drummond等(1985)沸腾的模拟计算和研究表明,[H+]浓度是决定沸腾热液中的Au、Ag等成矿元素命运的主要因素.因此,可以[H+]浓度(状态变量)作为序参量来反映成矿溶液中Au、Ag浓度的变化趋势;并建立其自组织过程的动力学方程与开放沸腾热液系统Au、Ag沉淀的耗散结构模型.  相似文献   

西滩金矿床位于塔里木板块北缘晚古生代火山岛弧带,属典型的浅成低温热液石英脉型金矿。矿床控矿构造为破火山口放射状和环状断裂系统。成矿流体主要由大气降水热液组成,其运动状态表现为沿较宽大断裂裂隙快速(上涌)流动。沸腾作用是主要的一种动力成矿机制,成矿方式以充填作用为主。成矿反应系统包含成矿反应、控制反应及缓冲控制反应3类,动力学条件对成矿起主导作用  相似文献   

在山东省域内广泛分布有中生代形成的金矿床。涵盖胶北地块、胶南威海造山带的胶东金矿区以成矿作用强烈、赋存资源量巨大成为中国东部金成矿的典型代表,为成矿机理、成矿过程和研究对比提供了重要场所。在对胶东地区地壳深部结构探测认识进展的基础上,总结山东省中生代金成矿的时空规律,本文提出胶北地块、鲁西地块以及胶南威海造山带内中生代形成的与岩浆活动相关的内生金矿床虽具有不同成矿模式,但在成矿过程中,具有相似的成矿动力机制。通过不同构造单元内成矿模式的对比,结合已有的成矿理论和胶北地块地壳结构特征,提出在华北克拉通破坏过程中,存在以岩石圈破裂为特征的金成矿作用。成矿作用以构造体系、岩浆体系和成矿流体等要素耦合为基础,构成了各具特色的成矿系统。在阐述上述认识的基础上,本文初步梳理了进一步研究中,需要厘清和解决的部分科学问题。  相似文献   

浙江雁荡山地区晚中生代火山-沉积岩系地层归属讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江雁荡山地区晚中生代火山-沉积岩系的地层归属,存在磨石山群和永康群两种截然不同的认识.本文在详细分析对比了该区与浙东南磨石山群和永康群的地层层序、岩相组合、接触关系,古生物组合,同位素地质年龄,Nd同位素体系特征以及火山构造类型等方面的资料,认为除原划为永康群盆地外,仅桥下地区有面积不大的永康群,其余均为早白垩世早期的磨石山群,而不是早白恶世晚期至晚白垩世早期的永康群.特别是在永嘉枫林村北,首次发现并证实了不整合覆于震旦系浅变质岩之上的大爽组地层,为浙东南沿海晚中生界火山-沉积岩系的划分对比提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

山东省铍矿以荣成大疃刘家铍矿较典型,为一小型蚀变岩型铍矿床。该文在充分收集山东省铍矿相关资料的基础上,选取荣成大疃刘家铍矿作为典型矿床进行了综合分析,研究了成矿地质条件、成矿机制,总结了找矿标志。通过详细的矿床解剖和试验测试工作,研究了山东省铍矿的分布规律,总结了区域成矿要素,划分了找矿远景区4处,并对远景区进行了找矿远景评价,提出了下一步勘查工作的建议。  相似文献   

On the basis of large amount of historical and measured data,this paper analyzed the regional,periodic,frequency,continuing,and response characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang and proposed the conception of ratio of peak runoff.Main characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang are as follows:1)The western Zhejiang region is plum rain major control area,and the eastern coastal region of Zhejiang is typhoon major control area.2)Within a long period in the future,Zhejiang will be in the long period that features droughts.3)In Zhejiang the 17th century was frequent drought and flood period,the 16th,19th,and 20th centuries were normal periods,while the 18th century was spasmodic drought and flood period.4)The severe and medium floods in Zhejiang were all centered around the M-or m-year of the 11-year sunspot activity period.5)There are biggish years of annual runoff occurred in El Ni?o year(E)or the following year(E 1)in Zhejiang.The near future evolution trend of droughts and floods in Zhejiang is as follows:1)Within a relatively long period in the future,Zhejiang Province will be in the long period of mostly drought years.2)Between 1999 and 2009 this area will feature drought years mainly,while the period of 2010-2020 will feature flood years mostly.3)Zhejiang has a good response to the sunspot activities,and the years around 2009,2015,and 2020 must be given due attention,especially around 2020 there might be an extremely severe flood year in Zhejiang.4)Floods in Zhejiang have good response to El Ni?o events,in El Ni?o year or the following year much attention must be paid to.And 5)In the future,the first,second,and third severe typhoon years in Zhejiang will be 2009,2012,and 2015,respectively.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic was the first of severa1 impor-tant transitional periods in the earth's evolutionaryhistory. Linear .rifts over1apped on the b4se ofArchean granite -- greenstone and high -- grade gneissregimes. Along with the formation and evolution ofthe…  相似文献   

The Liaoji Proterozoic rift is an inter- intracontinenatl rift developed from Archean granite- greenstone tectonic regime and contains many important mineral deposits of U, B, magnesite, Pb - Zn, Au, Ag, Co and P. These deposits were formed as the result of late mobilization, transportation and concentration of the previously enriched ore - forming materials in several ore- bearing formations formed during the rift stage. So the metallogeny of these deposits in the rift shows both inheritance and new generation of the ore - forming materials. In future ore - searching practice, attentions should be paid on the studies of the ore - bearing formations in the rift, on the multiple stages of metallogeny and and on multiple derivations of the ore - forming materials.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe south of the Far East comprises the largest mountain-folded and platform structures in the east-ern margin of Eurasia. The former ones are the Stanovoy, Yankan-Tukuringra-Dzhagdy, Turan, Bu-reya, Amur-Tugur and Sikhote-Alin arched and arched-block uplifts separated by the systems of in-termontane depressions (Tynda-Zeya, Khingan-Ni-man, etc.) with the inner small basins (Uda-Zeya, Upper Bureya, Mid-Amur, Konino-Khurmulinskiy, Lower Amur) (Fig.1). The Aldan shield a…  相似文献   

This paper features the structural evolution of the eastern margin of Eurasia in Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic.It is characterized by three stages of development: the riftogenic stage (Jurassic-Early Cretaceous), the platform stage (Late Cretaceous) and the neotectonic one (Paleogene-Quarternary). The boundaries between these stages are distinctly fixed by the geological time limits of planetary range. It is demonstrated that the riftogenic and neotectonic stages were characterized by a high degree of geodynamic activity, and the platform one by a decrease in contrast of tectonic movements. The main river net was formed in the Early Cretaceous and in the Neogene. It experienced a serious reconstruction accompanied by the formation of the Amur River valley being similar to the modem one.  相似文献   

1 THEBACKGROUNDANDCONDITIONOFTERRITORIALSTRUCTUREFORMATIONINTHESOUTHERNCHINA1.1 TheChangeofGeopoliticalPattern—aPre requisitetotheFormationofTerritorialStructureinthesouthernChinaAfterWorldWarⅡ ,theworldgeopoliticalpat ternheadedbyRussianandtheUnitedStat…  相似文献   

文章通过对我省土地和矿产资源开发利用的现状分析,指出了土地资源管理存在的主要问题,并提出了在"十五"期间应采取的对策和保护措施建议.  相似文献   

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