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Lunar topography and landform, resulting from endogenous and exogenous geophysical processes of various spatial and temporal scales, carry information of these processes and target properties. Geoscientists use morphometric analysis at different scales to study lunar topography, which is one of the four scientific objectives of China's lunar exploration project. This article first reviewed the lunar topographic types from different researchers, analyzed classifying method and progress, discussed geological mapping method of 1∶ 5 000 000 complied by United States Geological Survey in the 1970s. In consideration of the present situation of the lunar surface morphological characteristics, the pattern of macroscopic forcing, morphologic variation and combination characteristics and function way, etc., a matrix combining multi-stage classification method was put forward based on the characteristics of the topography and geologic age, which included 7 geologic ages and 14 morphologic classes. Geological ages can be divided into Copernican System (C), Copernican-Eartosthenian System (CE), Eartosthenian System (E), Eartosthenian-Imbrian System (EI), Imbrian System (I), Imbrian-PreImbrian System (IpI) and Pre-Imbrian System (pI). As to topographic types, the first class can be divided into lunar mare, lunar basin, lunar terra and lunar crater. As to their second class according to morphological differences, the lunar basin can be divided into basin plain and circum-basin, and lunar mare can be divided into mare plain and mare dome; lunar terra can be divided into terra plain, plateau and hill, and craters can be divided into main sequence crater, crater plain, secondary crater, crater chains and clusters, rayed craters, irregular crater and undivided crater. Thus, 46 subclasses including geologic and morphologic features were obtained in this classification system. The test mapping method was addressed in Sheet H010, which shows the combination classification method is reasonable.  相似文献   

黄爽  陈圣波  查逢丽  周超  黄唯实 《地球科学》2015,40(12):2103-2109
月表主要矿物的空间分布是研究月球起源及演化等科学问题的重要信息之一.以风暴洋地区为例, 根据不同矿物光谱在可见光-近红外波段的吸收特征, 使用印度M3(moon mineralogy mapper)数据, 应用波谱特征拟合法(SFF)反演了火山口附近暗物质区域的单斜辉石、斜方辉石、橄榄石和尖晶石等铁镁质矿物的分布, 反演结果显示: 风暴洋地区提取的铁镁质矿物分布较集中, 其中辉石含量较多, 橄榄石和尖晶石含量相对较少.另外着重分析了橄榄石、尖晶石与周围矿物的关系及其地质意义.将提取结果与Lucey用于Clementine影像的光学模型填图结果进行对比显示, 提取的橄榄石分布集中, 但不存在大尺度的分布, 这与本文的研究区域面积有关; 就位置而言, 二者具有较好的一致性.   相似文献   

Apollo 11和嫦娥四号(Chang'E-4)是人类探月历史上的里程碑,它们的着陆区分别位于月球正面和背面.对两个着陆区内不同退化程度撞击坑的统计和对比分析有助于揭示研究区域的地质年龄和演化历史,对月球地质研究有着重要的意义.本文使用LRO NAC影像和DTM产品对两个着陆区附近1 km2范围内撞击坑的退化进行分析...  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction M16005 is a lunar meteorite found recently.Optical and microprobe examinations reveal that it is a well consolidated,polymict regolith breccia.M16005 is composed of abundant mineral fragments and a few  相似文献   

膨胀土判别与分类的灰关联分析法   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
基于灰色系统理论,给出一种用于膨胀土判别与分类的新方法—灰关联分析法。实际算例表明,该法具有简单方便、结果客观可靠等优点。  相似文献   

Churkin  K. O.  Nefedyev  Yu. A.  Andreev  A. O.  Demina  N. Yu.  Kronrod  E. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(7):580-587
Astronomy Reports - One of the priority tasks of modern astronomy is the observation and study of transient celestial processes, which also concerns photoelectric observations of lunar occultations...  相似文献   

月球“质量瘤”盆地的深部结构与撞击演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球"质量瘤"是指具有等轴状、高幅值重力异常的撞击盆地区域,重力异常是高密度月幔物质隆起与月海玄武岩充填共同作用的结果。研究这种高密度物质异常成因、来源、空间展布特征以及"质量瘤"盆地的深部结构,可以推测其形成与演化历史。利用嫦娥一号激光测高数据与LP165P月球重力场模型计算获得月球布格重力异常,采用新的垂直圆柱体重力异常计算公式,模拟月海充填玄武岩与月幔隆起,使其模拟计算的重力异常与测量的相对布格重力异常相吻合。计算结果表明,月球正面月海区域"质量瘤"盆地充填的玄武岩较高地区域的厚,在典型"质量瘤"盆地的布格重力异常中,月幔隆起是主要因素。计算还发现雨海与澄海下部月壳厚度比正面其他盆地的厚,而且澄海区域的地形表现为中心突起,下部月幔呈一定凹形,推测由于风暴洋区克里普岩的存在使得该区域月壳内部温度高,物质流动性增强,演化后期月壳物质横向压力均衡调整导致月壳物质向盆地中心回流,使得盆地下部月壳增厚,月幔凹陷,盆地地表出现一定程度的抬升。  相似文献   

闽西北中新元古代马面山岩群的划分与对比   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
福建省西北部中新元古代地层 ,以往多数人认为东、西部地层存在差异 ,属于两个地层小区 ,将政和—大埔断裂带以西地层建立为万全群 ,与东部马面山群区别开来。通过三明市幅1∶ 2 5万区域地质调查以及室内综合分析研究 ,证明西部与东部的中新元古代地层在岩石组合特征、岩浆活动、变质程度、岩石化学、地球化学、同位素年代学资料等几个方面具有相似的特征 ,仅某些中基性火山岩、钙镁硅质岩层在东、西部发育程度不同而已。本次工作 ,根据岩石组合、变形变质、岩浆活动及相互间接触关系等资料 ,将其划分为龙北溪岩组、东岩岩组、黄潭岩组、下峰岩组 ,统一归并为马面山岩群 ,并获得颗粒锆石 U- Pb年龄 (10 19± 2 6 ) Ma,时代为中新元古代。  相似文献   

A Moisture Index Classification System for Rocks (MiC System)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  Interaction of rocks with water is leading to a reduction in physical and mechanical properties, and quantifying this effect has always been a problem for design purposes in rock engineering projects. Despite the fact that a number of considerable works have been carried out in this field, they are not thorough and general. In this paper, a new rock classification system is presented in order to evaluate wet rock properties. Laboratory studies showed that six parameters may be recognized as major controlling parameters for wet rocks, including: water absorption, porosity, weathering degree, swelling index, number of microfissures, and average grain size. Many tests were performed and a sensitivity analysis was carried out on the data obtained. This analysis characterized the rock sensitivity when changing each parameter and consequently, a rating value was assigned to each parameter. By adding these rating values, a rating between zero and 100 is allocated to each rock as Moisture index (Mi). The closer this index is to 100, the more sensitive rock will be to moisture. On the basis of this index, rocks are divided into five classes including: very good, good, fair, weak and very weak.  相似文献   

起伏地形位场快速延拓新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将起伏地形上的测点垂直投影至水平面上,并将地形上的位场u放在水平面的对应点上,这样就有一个平面上的假想位场u。用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)计算平面位场的垂向导数δu/δn,将这个垂向导数移至地形的对应点上,近似作为地形上的位的垂向导数δu/δn。根据Green公式,从地形上的位u和位的法向导数δu/δn,用积分的方法可计算地形上部任一点的位。在计算出地形上部一个平面上的位后,可用FFT迅速计算其它平面的位,包括与地形相交的平面上的位。在通常的位场延拓方法中,如用等效源法解一个线形代数方程组要需用很大内存量,要耗去大量计算时间。本方法的主要特点是省略了解线形代数方程组的步骤,从而大大节约计算时间。模型计算表明,本方法的计算精度是令人满意的。用本方法对航磁实际资料进行延拓,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

制备TJ-1模拟月壤空心圆柱试样的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对TJ-1模拟月壤颗粒级配跨度大、粒径〉2mm.的颗粒含量多,采用常规方法制备空心圆柱试样容易出现粗细颗粒分离、试样整体不均匀的特点,提出改良型制备方法.首先采用分层欠压法与冰冻法相结合制备出孔隙比e=1.0的实心圆柱试样,并对实心样的均匀性进行评价,得到分层制备相同孔隙比的TJ-1模拟月壤均匀试样时每层试样的高度;...  相似文献   

This study investigates the accuracy analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) with respect to the following two major factors that strongly affect the interpolated accuracy: (1) spatial resolution of a DEM and (2) terrain slope. Unlike existing studies based mainly on a simulation approach, this research first provides an analytical approach in order to build the relationship between the interpolated DEM accuracy and its influencing factors. The bi-linear interpolation model was adopted to produce this analytic model formalized as inequalities. Then, our analytic models were verified and further rectified by means of experimental studies in order to derive a practical formula for estimating the DEM accuracy together with an optimization model for calculating the required resolution when a prescribed upper bound to the DEM accuracy is given. Moreover, this analytic approach can cope with either a grid-based DEM or a randomly scattered scenario whose efficacies have been validated by the experiments using both synthetic and realistic data sets. In particular, these findings first establish the rules for directly correlating the horizontal resolution of DEM data with vertical accuracy.  相似文献   

Rock excavation is carried out either by drilling and blasting or using rock-cutting machines like rippers, bucket wheel excavators, surface miners, road headers etc. Economics of mechanised rock excavation by rock-cutting machines largely depends on the achieved production rates. Thus, assessment of the performance (productivity) is important prior to deploying a rock-cutting machine. In doing so, several researchers have classified rockmass in different ways and have developed cuttability indices to correlate machine performance directly. However, most of these indices were developed to assess the performance of road headers/tunnel-boring machines apart from a few that were developed in the earlier days when the ripper was a popular excavating equipment. Presently, around 400 surface miners are in operation around the world amongst which, 105 are in India. Until now, no rockmass classification system is available to assess the performance of surface miners. Surface miners are being deployed largely on trial and error basis or based on the performance charts provided by the manufacturer. In this context, it is logical to establish a suitable cuttability index to predict the performance of surface miners. In this present paper, the existing cuttability indices are reviewed and a new cuttability indexes proposed. A new relationship is also developed to predict the output from surface miners using the proposed cuttability index.  相似文献   

The presence of hard and massive sandstone above the coal seam in underground coal mines often leads to delay in caving of overlying rock beds thereby causing excessive load on supports and posing danger to underground workings. The problem is more prominent in blasting gallery (BG) as well as longwall mining methods in Indian coal mines. Induced caving by blasting is a promising means for hard roof management in underground coal mines. Based on extensive studies and data collected from different mines in India, a Blastability Index (BI) has been developed which can be used for the classification of roof according to the degree of ease in caving by induced blasting. Different charge factors have also been suggested based on the Blastability Index. Due to wide change in the method of extractions, ??Cavability Index?? for longwall panel was found ineffective in case of BG method of working as well as bord and pillar working. For this reason, this proposed Blastability Index would be of immense help for caving of hard roof by induced blasting.  相似文献   

谢建丽  刘圆圆 《水文》2012,32(3):83-87
为掌握甘肃省河流特征与径流及水文现象之间的关系,根据Horton理论,运用地理信息技术对境内河流进行4级划分、特征定性分析及定量计算。结果表明,河道等级与相应面积序列等级服从有序性表现,河流的平均宽度和形状系数也有明显的地域和区域特性。  相似文献   

杨宏伟  赵文津  吴珍汉 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2206-2218
一直以来月球上都没有发现像地球上一样的全球板块构造现象,被认为是属于单板块构造的行星体并且是不活动的。随着月球地形探测精度的提高,人们逐渐发现了一些地质现象表明月球并不像之前想象的一样是不活动的。高精度的月形数据显示出了月球上除了存在众所周知的(撞击作用产生的)复杂的撞击构造外,仍然存在许多可能由内生作用产生的构造特征:如裂谷、山脊、火山群等。本文利用最新高精度月球激光高度数据(LOLA数据)建立了全月60m(相当于7秒网格)高精度月形图。由于数据量超大(TB级别),作者编写了基于并行架构的集群计算处理代码,其计算效率提高了近300倍。基于这些图件,作者在全球范围内找出许多重要的构造现象,并根据其构造及地质特征进行分类研究。研究结果表明并不像之前认识一样,月球上的确存在许多地质构造体是由月球的内生地质作用所产生,并建立对于月球结构和构造的新认识。此外,通过对比发现,像地球上全球尺度的线性山脉只是板块构造运动的结果;另一方面,在无板块构造的行星上,就像月球一样,会产生大面积的高地(月陆)和低地(月海地区),这种地质现象很有可能是行星地壳岩浆演化的直接结果。在文章最后,作者还将制作出的60m分辨率的全月月形系列图件附后并公开,以方便其他科研人员进一步开展相关研究;并以此敬献中国地质科学院60周年庆典。  相似文献   

Glushak  A. P. 《Astronomy Reports》2020,64(7):602-618
Astronomy Reports - Abstract—The distribution of young pulsars in the log(dP/dt)–log(tc) diagram that have a characteristic age tc &lt; ~5 × 106 yr and a period derivative...  相似文献   

月尘是广泛分布于月球表面的微小颗粒,大小约在30 nm~20 μm之间,95%以上小于2 μm,中值粒径约为100~300 nm,形态复杂多变,以玻璃小球、气泡构造、棱角状碎片为主,含有大量纳米颗粒金属铁和玻璃质,玻璃质含量超过50%,尤其是<2 μm的部分中,玻璃质含量高达80%~90%,化学成分与月壤基本类似,在不同地貌单元也体现出SiO2含量的差异.月尘的成分和颗粒特征使其具有独特的电磁性质和生物毒性,容易粘附于航天器表面和进入航天员体内,危害航天器和航天员的安全和健康,严重影响月面探测的正常实施.因此,对月尘的研究是保证月面探测工程正常实施的迫切需要;同时,月尘是月球表面物质经历长期的太空作用形成的,在颗粒成分和结构特征上保留了其演化过程的重要信息,是研究月表物质和大气演化、太空风化作用等科学问题的关键线索.但是目前对月尘的颗粒微观成分和结构差异、电磁特性和光学特性,纳米金属铁的特征和成因等方面的研究还不够深入,限制了月表物质演化历史的研究和月尘粘结腐蚀性、生物毒理学具体机理的认识.在月尘研究中利用模拟月尘弥补月尘样品稀缺的局限,并通过模拟实验加强以上方面的研究,能够更好地满足科学问题和工程探测的实际需要.   相似文献   

利用激光诱导离解光谱自由定标法对一系列高纯度黄金样品进行定量分析与研究,初步证明了将此方法应用于黄金首饰成分测定的可行性。采用波长1 064nm的Nd∶YAG脉冲激光器激发黄金样品,波长范围为200~760nm的4CCD光纤光谱仪采集发射光谱,对Au元素质量分数范围为85.0%~99.6%的6件黄金标准样品进行激光诱导离解光谱测试。对所得黄金样品光谱中的Au,Cu,Ag三种元素分别选择合适的原子(离子)谱线代入自由定标法模型,通过所得参数拟合得到了所有元素原子(离子)的二维波尔兹曼平面曲线,并以此为基础进行元素的质量分数计算。激光诱导离解光谱自由定标法定量分析黄金样品中Au元素的质量分数与标准值的相对误差〈3%。  相似文献   

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