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“雪龙”船全体同志以我国极地科学考察事业为使命,以邓小平同志“为人类和平利用南极做出贡献”题词为指针,以“建设国际一流的极地科学研究中心”为目标,发扬“爱国、爱船、团结、奉献”的“雪龙精神”,在极其恶劣的自然环境和险象环生的工作条件下,团结奋斗,努力拼搏,先后执行了8次南极考察任务和2次北极考察任务,总航程14万海里,浮冰区航行2万海里,破坚冰200余海里,创下了我国极地科学考察史上单船一年走航南、北两极3个航次的先例;开辟了上海至北冰洋航线;2003年第二次北极科学考察,纵深北极破冰达80°15'N,突破了我国破冰最高纬度纪…  相似文献   

正自1984年中国政府首次组织南极科学考察至今,我国已成功开展32个南极考察航次,先后在南极建立起长城、中山、昆仑和泰山站;7次赴北冰洋考察,并在北极建立了黄河站。自2004年第21次南极科学考察时起,随船观测人员开始用数码相机拍摄记录海冰形态,通过十余年的不懈努力,积累了海冰观测图片资料上万幅;又耗时4年,对这些图片进行了细致的分析和分类,精选出特征明显、较有代表性的海冰观测图片,汇编成《极地走航海冰观测图集》。极地海冰在大气与海洋之间物质和能量交换中扮演着重要角色,是全球气候系统的重要一员。极地海-冰-气相互作用及其对天  相似文献   

卓冉 《海洋世界》2011,(2):78-80
2010年11月11日,我国第27次南极考察队正式从深圳出发,前往南极执行科学考察任务,"雪龙"号也再次收托众望,拔航起程. "雪龙"号是我国第三代极地考察船,也是中国进行极地科考的唯一一艘功能齐全的破冰船,自1994年10月首航南极以来, "雪龙"号已先后26次赴南极、4次赴北极执行科学考察与补给运输任务.  相似文献   

在举国欢庆我国极地科学考察20周年之际,作为一名6次受派赴南、北极科学考察的中国极地考察队的老队员、中国首次南极越冬考察队队长,我的心情格外激动,20年前远渡重洋、登上冰洲、鏖战风雪、建站升旗、扬我国威的艰辛岁月至今仍历历在目。中国首次南极考察越冬队的八名队员,听从祖国的召唤,南极的需要,义无返顾地坚守在刚建成的、站区条件还十分简陋的长城站,勇克第一冬的重重困难,度过了茫茫极夜的诸多艰辛,圆满地完成了祖国人民赋予我们中国首次南极越冬考察的重任,并于1985年12月7日,安全地回到了祖国。在首都机场受到了国家海洋局、国家南极考察委员会、国家气象局、国家测绘局等部、委、局领导的热烈欢迎和接见。在杭州火车站,又受到了浙江省、杭州市和国家海洋局第二海洋研究所领导的热烈欢迎和接见。我们深深感到,这是祖国人民对我们首次南极越冬考察队工作的充分肯定和莫大鞭策。首次南极越冬考察为我国赢得了《南极条约》协商国地位,并从此取得了对国际南极事务的决策权。  相似文献   

中国第三次北极科学考察是继1999年和2003年国家海洋局组织的两次北极考察后,在国际极地年,中国对北极地区进行的又一次更加深入、全面的综合性科学考察。本文对2008年第三次北极科学考察期间收集的现场气象资料进行了整理,分析和介绍了整个航次气象状况和预报情况。  相似文献   

9月27日,中国第五次北极科学考察队乘"雪龙"号科学考察船完成考察任务后返回位于上海的中国极地考察国内基地码头。中国第5次北极科学考察历时93天,实现了我国北冰洋科学考察的多个"首次"。本航次航行18600余海里,"雪龙"号科学考察船首次穿越北极航道往返大西洋和太平  相似文献   

张林 《海洋预报》1996,13(2):69-76
本文给出了南半球和南极地区天气基本特征,总结了两次参加南极科学考察期间现场气象保障的预报经验。在1989/1990年度夏季在长城站缺乏资料的情况下,成功地预报了一个绕极气旋的过境时间,为营救被困于柯林斯冰盖上的中国南极冰川考察小组成员提供了准确的行动时间。在1992年/1993年度参加第九次南极考察期间,为”极地“船四次安全顺利地穿越西风带提供了准确的预报。  相似文献   

田小明 《海洋世界》2011,(11):22-25
2008年10月20日,"雪龙"船一声长笛,告别上海,开始了又一次南极科学考察的艰难历程。这是我国进行的第25次南极考察,也是一次必将被写入历史的考察——从宣布进行冰穹A考察起,经过13年的努力与精心准备,中国第25次南极考察队要完成一项特殊、艰难而又举世瞩目的壮举:在南极冰盖最高点冰穹A地区建立中国第一个南极内陆科学考察站"中国南极昆仑站"。作为随队记者,我目睹了建站的全部过程,与队员们一起工作,冰雪南极留下了我们辛劳的汗水。  相似文献   

由国家海洋局组织实施的中国第二次北极科学考察于2003年7月15日乘“雪龙”号极地科学考察船从大连出发,9月26日乘“雪龙”号科学考察船回国。参加本次科学考察的中外科学家、后勤保障人员共108人,是近10年来国际上规模最大、学科最齐全的一次北极考察,获取了大量科学数据,不仅为了解北极变化及其对气候环境影响起到积  相似文献   

本文介绍中国第三次南极考察队乘“极地”号科学考察船远征南极、环球航行科学考察的航线特点和各种气象资料的收集。供以后的南极考察和远洋船舶等有关人员参考。  相似文献   

The Hawaii Institute of Geophysics began development of the Ocean Subbottom Seisometer (OSS) system in 1978, and OSS systems were installed in four locations between 1979 and 1982. The OSS system is a permanent, deep ocean borehole seismic recording system composed of a borehole sensor package (tool), an electromechanical cable, recorder package, and recovery system. Installed near the bottom of a borehole (drilled by the D/V Glomar Challenger), the tool contains three orthogonal, 4.5-Hz geophones, two orthogonal tilt meters; and a temperature sensor. Signals from these sensors are multiplexed, digitized (with a floating point technique), and telemetered through approximately 10 km of electromechanical cable to a recorder package located near the ocean bottom. Electrical power for the tool is supplied from the recorder package. The digital seismic signals are demultiplexed, converted back to analog form, processed through an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit, and recorded along with a time code on magnetic tape cassettes in the recorder package. Data may be recorded continuously for up to two months in the self-contained recorder package. Data may also be recorded in real time (digital formal) during the installation and subsequent recorder package servicing. The recorder package is connected to a submerged recovery buoy by a length of bouyant polypropylene rope. The anchor on the recovery buoy is released by activating either of the acoustical command releases. The polypropylene rope may also be seized with a grappling hook to effect recovery. The recorder package may be repeatedly serviced as long as the tool remains functionalA wide range of data has been recovered from the OSS system. Recovered analog records include signals from natural seismic sources such as earthquakes (teleseismic and local), man-made seismic sources such as refraction seismic shooting (explosives and air cannons), and nuclear tests. Lengthy continuous recording has permitted analysis of wideband noise levels, and the slowly varying parameters, temperature and tilt.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution 1909.  相似文献   

碟形网箱水动力特性的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
根据物模实验得到碟形网箱在不同海况条件下的受力并给出了其估算方法和公式及其相关系数的取值,同时总结了碟形网箱的运动特性。  相似文献   

鳌江站台风增水特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱业  王晶  卢美 《海洋预报》2007,24(3):99-104
温州地区是浙江省受风暴潮灾害最严重的地区之一,鳌江站位于温州南部,是该地区的主要验潮站之一。本文统计了1949年~2006年登陆浙江的台风,通过对鳌江站的风暴增水特征的分析,探讨该站台风增水的预报方法和预报着眼点。  相似文献   

The results of measurements of the concentration of carbon oxide (CO) in the atmospheric surface layer over the town of Obninsk (in European Russia, 105 km to the southwest of Moscow) are presented. Air samples were analyzed with the aid of a measuring system consisting of a Fourier-spectrometer and an optic multipass cell. The CO concentration was measured simultaneously with the measurements of air temperature up to a height of 300 m. The measurement data obtained from February 1998 to January 2009 suggest the presence of variations within the range 100–450 ppb (∼80% of all the data) and nonperiodic relatively short-term and anomalously high CO concentrations that reach several ppm. The highest concentrations are due to CO accumulated in the surface air in the presence of temperature inversion and during forest fires. The measurements of the concentration of CO throughout a day revealed its morning and evening maxima, which coincide in time with the increased traffic current. The maxima and minima of seasonal variations in the monthly mean concentrations of CO, which are due to variations in the sources and sinks of CO that happen within a year, are observed in January and June, respectively. The amplitudes of seasonal variations amounted to (53 ± 10)% of the annual mean. The annual mean concentration of CO decreased by ∼12% over the measurement period. A comparison was made with observational data obtained at five monitoring stations located in the latitudes that are close to the latitude of Obninsk. Over the European continent, the concentration of CO tends to decrease with a longitude decrease as it goes from east to west.  相似文献   

The chronology of events in Kamchatka related to the threat of radioactive contamination of the territory as a result of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power station (NPS) accident in Japan is briefly reviewed based on the published data. The accident happened on March 11, 2011, after a strong earthquake near the coast of Japan and the giant tsunami followed by the earthquake. The power supply was damaged and, as a result, the cooling system of NPS reactors was destroyed. Although the reactors did not explode, radioactive emissions from the damaged NPS discharged into the atmosphere and spread over large areas by the air flows. Information about the radiation situation in Kamchatka is controversial. Therefore, the author carried out regular monitoring of the radiation background during a hiking trip in Kamchatka in August 2011. The data are presented in this paper. It was concluded that the radiation background along the route of the trip was consistent (within the accuracy of measurement methods) with the normal values of a natural background. A thorough analysis of air, soil, food samples, etc., is required for a more detailed study to identify the presence of radionuclides in the atmospheric emissions from the damaged NPS in Japan.  相似文献   

东海定点连续观测站海流资料分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杜岩  朱伯承等 《海洋工程》2003,21(1):94-100
采用快速离散傅立叶变换(FFT)、潮流调和分析以及小波(wavelet)变换等方法,分析了一个位于大陆架边缘海域定点连续观测站上的海流记录。FFT结果表明在该海域以半日周期潮流和日周期潮流为主。潮流调和分析结果表明垂向各个潮流分量受上下边界层影响存在显著的变化,余流的东西分量在观测时段内发生了一次转向。用小波变换对海流观测的高级分量进行了分析,分离出10-20min周期的高频内波信号,U方向和V方向的信号在不同的时间有所差异。  相似文献   

长江口典型站位浮游细菌类群的组成特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

I~IOXThe northern South China Sea is the frontal region for the water exchange between the sleuthChina Sea (SCS) and its neighboring seas. Its northeast part connects to the East China hothrough the Taiwan Strait and the east part ~ates with the Pacific Ocean by the LUZOn Strait.The a~heric interface over the northern SCS is the important paSSage for the South China Seamourn. Therefore, the uPPer vallationS Of the northern SCS are not Only affected by the dynndc and thermed~c d…  相似文献   

成山头处于山东半岛最东端,由于其特殊的地理位置,使得成山头站的风对黄海海面风有很好的指示作用。本文使用2005年10月—2010年9月NCEP再分析资料(1o×1o)和实况观测资料,采用动态学习率BP网络(前馈反向传播Back Propagation,简称BP网络)算法的人工神经网络建立模型,在对T639数值预报产品解释释用基础上,针对成山头站进行了24 h和48 h模拟预测。模型预测结果显示,BP网络模型对成山头站的风力预报相对T639模式的平均绝对误差降低了28.2%(24 h)和19.7%(48 h)。对容易致灾的6级以上大风准确率提高显著,尤其是在T639模式对8级以上大风完全漏报情况下,BP模型在24 h仍有25%的预报准确率,48 h能达到50%的准确率。  相似文献   

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