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“雪龙”船全体同志以我国极地科学考察事业为使命,以邓小平同志“为人类和平利用南极做出贡献”题词为指针,以“建设国际一流的极地科学研究中心”为目标,发扬“爱国、爱船、团结、奉献”的“雪龙精神”,在极其恶劣的自然环境和险象环生的工作条件下,团结奋斗,努力拼搏,先后执行了8次南极考察任务和2次北极考察任务,总航程14万海里,浮冰区航行2万海里,破坚冰200余海里,创下了我国极地科学考察史上单船一年走航南、北两极3个航次的先例;开辟了上海至北冰洋航线;2003年第二次北极科学考察,纵深北极破冰达80°15'N,突破了我国破冰最高纬度纪…  相似文献   

As the capability of polar plots becomes better understood, improved dynamic positioning (DP) systems are possible since the control algorithms greatly depend on the accuracy of the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic models. The measurements and estimation of the environmental disturbances have an important role in the optimal design and selection of a DP system for a marine vessel. The main objective of this work is to present a new software program capable of estimating the environmental forces, thrusters capability calculations, and capability polar plots for marine vessels. A flowchart illustrating the logic and data flow of a developed software program, the Capability Polar Plot Program (CPPP), and the estimated results for two case studies for a scientific drilling vessel and a survey vessel are presented. It is obvious from the obtained results that the developed program has a future potential for the estimation of the Capability Polar Plots for marine vessels. Moreover, the developed software program would be considered as a marine tool for the thrusters' selection and their configuration for marine vessels and floating production units for the Oil and Gas industries.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic contribution to cloud condensation nuclei is known to be large due to pollutant emissions. However, the natural processes that regulate cloud ...  相似文献   

一、南、北极冰冻圈雪冰是研究全球变化的关键地区。南、北两极是地球系统的重要组成部分,而极地冰冻圈的雪冰又是影响大气与海洋运动的关键环节。极地冰冻圈雪冰作为地球的最大冷源,与赤道共同作用,形成了地球大气环流的主要驱动力;南极冰盖融水形成的底层水又是驱动全球大洋环流运动的关键因素。因此,极地冰冻圈雪冰状态的变化,会对地球大气和海洋环流产生重要影响,从而影响整个地球气候系统。  相似文献   

金海是一艘航船,它在市场经济的大潮中劈波斩浪;金海是一面旗帜,它猎猎昭示的是力量的源泉。当时光在11月的港城定格,金海人向你展示的不仅是浓墨重彩绘就的蓝图,更有即将来临的辉煌。大开发,大发展,大跨越,金海人的脚步坚毅而又沉稳。面对千载难逢的战略机遇,金海人的信心更足。实施品牌战略,加快资本运作,全面提升金海投资的核心竞争力,已经成为金海人的共识。金海是一片金色的海洋,它不舍昼夜涌动的是机遇,是财富,是新一轮资本扩张带来的广阔视野和崭新希望。充满希望的金海江苏金海投资有限公司是经连云港市政府批准成立的国有独资公司,…  相似文献   

同志们: 今天我们召开的全国海域使用管理示范县建设工作会议的主要任务是,回顾和总结《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》颁布实施三年多来的工作,动员和部署海域使用管理百县示范活动,全面推进养殖用海管理。这次会议,我们将请十位同志作典型发言,重点介绍养殖用海管理的成功经验。张宏声副局长将作重要讲话。下面,我就当前海域管理的基本情况、今后一段时期的主要任务以及开展“百县示范活动”的具体要求讲几点意见。  相似文献   

Stability of the marine vessels in different conditions is one of the most important problems in the design of a planing vessel. In this research, the effects of some important design parameters (mass, longitudinal center of mass, deadrise angle, and length) of DTMB 62 model 4667-1 planing hull on the drag and also on the longitudinal dynamic stability (porpoising) are investigated in the velocity range of 2.12–8.486 m/s in calm water. In this paper, both numerical simulation of Reynolds Average Naiver Stokes (RANS) equations and semi-empirical formulas of Savitsky are used to analyze the motion of a 4667 planing vessel in calm water with two degrees of freedom (2DOF). For this purpose a finite volume, ANSYS-FLUENT, code is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for the simulation of the flow field around the vessel. In addition, an explicit VOF scheme and SST- Kω model is used with dynamic mesh scheme to capture the interface of a two-phase flow and to model the turbulence respectively, in 2DOF model (heave and pitch). Also, the results of both methods are compared with each other. According to the present results, changing the aspect ratio of the vessel and also the longitudinal center of gravity have the most effect on the porpoising region.  相似文献   

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