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The effective elastic thickness, Te, has been calculated in the collision zone between Arabia and Eurasia in Iran from the wavelet coherence. The wavelet coherence is calculated from Bouguer anomalies and topography data using the isotropic fan wavelet method, and gives Te values between 14.2 and 62.2 km. The lower value is found in the Central Iranian Blocks and the East Iranian Belt which are bounded by several large strike-slip faults with lithospheric origin. The higher value occurs in the east of the South Caspian Sea Basin. The resulting Te map shows positive and negative correlation with shear wave velocity and surface heat flow, respectively. A comparison between the seismogenic thickness (Ts) and Te in Iran suggests that Te > Ts. Results of the load ratio in Iran indicate that in most of the study area surface loads are much more prevalent than subsurface loads, except in the Central Iranian Blocks and NW of Iran. Intermediate to low Te values in Iran were inherited from multiple rifting and orogenic activities from Late Precambrian (∼650 Ma) to present day which are not only reflected in thin and warm lithosphere but also an increasing seismicity rate.  相似文献   

A database of the electron temperature (Te) comprising of most of the available LEO satellite measurements is used for studying the solar activity variations of Te. The Te data are grouped for two levels of solar activity (low LSA and high HSA), five altitude ranges between 350 and 2000 km, and day and night. By fitting a theoretical expression to the Te values we obtain variation of Te along magnetic field lines and heat flux for LSA and HSA. We have found that Te increases with increase in solar activity at low and mid-latitudes during nighttime at all altitudes studied. During daytime the Te response to solar activity depends on latitude, altitude, and season. This analysis shows existence of anti-correlation between Te and solar activity at mid-latitudes below 700 km during the equinox and winter day hours. Heat fluxes show small latitudinal dependence for daytime but substantial for nighttime.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probable isostatic model of the East Anatolian Region, which lies in a belt of significant plate movements. Probable locations of the horizontal and vertical discontinuities in the crust structure were determined using the normalized full gradient (NFG) method. For the purpose of explaining the mechanism that supports topography corresponding to the crust thickness in the region, calculations of effective elastic thickness (T e) were carried out initially by utilizing admittance and misfit functions. According to these results, the effective elastic thickness value obtained was less than the crust thickness, even though the isostatic model does not conform with the Airy model. Consequently, it was assumed that there could be problems beneath the crust. Hence, the NFG method was applied on the Bouguer gravity data of the region in order to investigate probable discontinuities in the crust structure. According to the NFG results, vertical structural transitions were observed at a depth ranging between 10 and 30 km, which begin immediately north of the Bitlis Zagros Suture Zone (BZSZ) and continue in a northerly direction. The relationship between the effective elastic thickness (T e; 13 km in average as determined in the last stage), and the seismogenic zone in the region was investigated. If the T e value happens to be less then the crustal thickness, then one can say that there are problems in the crustal structure of the region similar to Eastern Anatolia. Indeed, when NFG results of the study area are examined, numerous vertical and horizontal discontinuities in the crust can be observed. These discontinuities, which correspond to low Bouguer gravity anomalies and shallow focal depth-earthquakes, are probably the source of the factors which rule the tectonic mechanism of the region.  相似文献   

The elastic moduli of polycrystalline ringwoodite, (Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4, were measured up to 470 K by means of the resonant sphere technique. The adiabatic bulk (KS) and shear (μ) moduli were found to be 185.1(2) and 118.22(6) GPa at room temperature, and the average slopes of dKS/dT and dμ/dT in the temperature range of the study were determined to be −0.0193(9) and −0.0148(3) GPa/K, respectively. Using these results, we estimate seismic wave velocity jumps for a pure olivine mantle model at 520 km depth. We find that the jump for the S-wave velocity is about 1.5 times larger than that for the P-wave velocity at this depth. This suggests that velocity jumps at the 520 km discontinuity are easier to detect using S-waves than P-waves.  相似文献   

Inversion of local earthquake travel times and joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity measurements were used to derive a simple model for the velocity crustal structure beneath the southern edge of the Central Alborz (Iran), including the seismically active area around the megacity of Tehran. The P and S travel times from 115 well-located earthquakes recorded by a dense local seismic network, operated from June to November 2006, were inverted to determine a 1D velocity model of the upper crust. The limited range of earthquake depths (between 2 km and 26 km) prevents us determining any velocity interfaces deeper than 25 km. The velocity of the lower crust and the depth of the Moho were found by joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity data. The resulting P-wave velocity model comprises an upper crust with 3 km and 4 km thick sedimentary layers with P wave velocities (Vp) of ~5.4 and ~5.8 km s?1, respectively, above 9 km and 8 km thick layers of upper crystalline crust (Vp ~6.1 and ~6.25 km s?1 respectively). The lower crystalline crust is ~34 km thick (Vp  6.40 km s?1). The total crustal thickness beneath this part of the Central Alborz is 58 ± 2 km.  相似文献   

Equivalent dose (De) values were measured by using medium aliquots of different grain size quartz fractions of five lakeshore sediments from the arid region of north China. There are two different relationships between De values and grain sizes of these five samples. The first relationship is that the De values obtained from various grain sizes are in agreement within 1 delta errors. The second relationship is that De values are similar to each other for fractions between 125 and 300 μm, while the De value of the 63–90 μm fraction is 40~55% smaller than others. For example, the De values obtained for sample #3 are 20.15 ± 1.19 Gy, 19.80 ± 0.83 Gy and 20.93 ± 1.06 Gy for fractions of 90–125, 125–150 and 250–300 μm respectively, but are 10.79 ± 0.84 Gy for the 63–90 μm fraction. The second relationship can't be interpreted by previous studies of both dosimetry and heterogeneous bleaching. It is deduced for sample #2, #3 and #6 that fine particles (<90 μm) intruded after the dominant sedimentation. Comparison of OSL ages from different grain size fractions of sample #2 with a radiocarbon age from the same lithologic layer supports that fractions coarser than 125 μm yield more reliable burial ages, while the fraction finer than 90 μm yields underestimated ages for some lakeshore sediments from this arid region.  相似文献   

Non erosive margins are characterized by heavily sedimented trenches which obscure the morphological expression of the outer rise; a forebulge formed by the bending of the subducting oceanic lithosphere seaward of the trench. Depending on the flexural rigidity (D) of the oceanic lithosphere and the thickness of the trench sedimentary fill, sediment loading can affect the lithospheric downward deflection in the vicinity of the trench and hence the amount of sediment subducted. We used seismic and bathymetric data acquired off south central Chile, from which representative flexural rigidities are estimated and the downward deflection of the oceanic Nazca plate is studied. By flexural modeling we found that efficient sediment subduction preferentially occurs in weak oceanic lithosphere (low D), whereas wide accretionary prisms are usually formed in rigid oceanic lithosphere (high D). In addition, well developed forebulges in strong oceanic plates behaves as barrier to seaward transportation of turbidites, whereas the absence of a forebulge in weak oceanic plates facilitates seaward turbidite transportation for distances >200 km.  相似文献   

We provide new petrological evidence for the strong influence of water on the formation of the oceanic lithospheric mantle, the subcontinental mantle above, and the continental lithosphere. Our analysis throws new light on the hypothesis that new continental lithosphere was formed by the passage of silicate-rich aqueous fluid through the sub-continental mantle. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we analyzed a representative collection of lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths from the sample volcano known as “The Thumb”, located in the center of the Colorado Plateau, western United States. The studied sample collection exhibits multi-stage water enrichment processes along point, line and planar defect structures in nominally anhydrous minerals and the subsequent formation of the serpentine polymorph antigorite along grain boundaries and in totally embedded annealed cracks. Planar defect structures act like monomineralic and interphase grain boundaries in the oceanic lithosphere and the subcontinental mantle beneath the North American plate, which was hydrated by the ancient oceanic Farallon plate during the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras. We used microspectroscopical, petrological, and seismological techniques to confirm multi-stage hydration from a depth of ∼150 km to just below the Moho depth. High-resolution mapping of the water distribution over homogeneous areas and fully embedded point, line and planar defects in olivine crystals of lherzolitic and harzburgitic origin by synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy enabled us to resolve local wet spots and thus reconstruct the hydration process occurring at a depth of ∼150 km (T  1225 °C). These lherzolites originated from the middle part of the Farallon mantle slab; they were released during the break up of the Farallon mantle slab, caused by the instability of the dipping slab. The background hydration levels in homogeneous olivines reached ∼138 ppm wt H2O, and the water concentration at the planar defects could reach up to ∼1000 ppm wt H2O. However, the formation of antigorite in grain boundaries was found to be the primary hydration mechanism for harzburgitic samples originating from the subcontinental mantle (for hydration, T  600 °C). Additionally, the formation of antigorite in lherzolites could be found in annealed cracks. From these observations, we conclude that hydration induces multi-stage water enrichment of the mantle wedge by a process that is dominated by the growth and movement of ubiquitous cracks, which acts as planar defects. Cracks in the mantle seem to be the an important feature in both the water cycle of the subduction zone and the formation of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

We report here the first detailed 2D tomographic image of the crust and upper mantle structure of a Cretaceous seamount that formed during the interaction of the Pacific plate and the Louisville hotspot. Results show that at ~ 1.5 km beneath the seamount summit, the core of the volcanic edifice appears to be dominantly intrusive, with velocities faster than 6.5 km/s. The edifice overlies both high lower crustal (> 7.2–7.6 km/s) and upper mantle (> 8.3 km/s) velocities, suggesting that ultramafic rocks have been intruded as sills rather than underplated beneath the crust. The results suggest that the ratio between the volume of intra-crustal magmatic intrusion and extrusive volcanism is as high as ~ 4.5. In addition, the inversion of Moho reflections shows that the Pacific oceanic crust has been flexed downward by up to ~ 2.5 km beneath the seamount. The flexure can be explained by an elastic plate model in which the seamount emplaced upon oceanic lithosphere that was ~ 10 Myr at the time of loading. Intra-crustal magmatic intrusion may be a feature of hotspot volcanism at young, hot, oceanic lithosphere, whereas, magmatic underplating below a pre-existing Moho may be more likely to occur where a hotspot interacts with oceanic lithosphere that is several tens of millions of years old.  相似文献   

Quantifying the timescales associated with moving freshwater–seawater interfaces is critical for effective management of coastal groundwater resources. In this study, timescales of interface movement in response to both inland and coastal water level variations are investigated. We first assume that seawater intrusion (SWI) and retreat (SWR) are driven by an instantaneous freshwater-level variation at the inland boundary. Numerical modelling results reveal that logarithmic timescales of SWI (lnTi) and SWR (lnTr) can be described respectively by various simple linear equations. For example, SWI timescales are described by lnTi = a + blnhf–s, where a and b are linear regression coefficients and hf–s is the boundary head difference after an instantaneous drop of inland freshwater head. For SWR cases with the same initial conditions, but with different increases in freshwater head, lnTr = c + dΔXT, where c and d are regression coefficients and ΔXT is the distance of toe response that can be estimated by a steady-state, sharp-interface analytical solution. For SWR cases with the same freshwater head increase, but with different initial conditions, in contrast, lnTr = e + flnΔXT, where e and f are regression coefficients. The timescale of toe response caused by an instantaneous variation of sea level is almost equivalent to that induced by an instantaneous inland head variation with the same magnitude of water level change, but opposite in direction. Accordingly, the empirical equations of this study are also applicable for sea-level variations in head-controlled systems or for simultaneous variations of both inland and coastal water levels. Despite the idealised conceptual models adopted in this study, the results imply that for a particular coastal aquifer, SWI timescales are controlled by the boundary water levels after variations, whereas SWR timescales are dominated by the distance of toe response.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional crustal velocity models are derived from passive seismic observations for the Archean Karelian bedrock of north-eastern Finland. In addition, an updated Moho depth map is constructed by integrating the results of this study with previous data sets. The structural models image a typical three-layer Archean crust, with thickness varying between 40 and 52 km. P wave velocities within the 12–20 km thick upper crust range from 6.1 to 6.4 km/s. The relatively high velocities are related to layered mafic intrusive and volcanic rocks. The middle crust is a fairly homogeneous layer associated with velocities of 6.5–6.8 km/s. The boundary between middle and lower crust is located at depths between 28 and 38 km. The thickness of the lower crust increases from 5–15 km in the Archean part to 15–22 km in the Archean–Proterozoic transition zone. In the lower crust and uppermost mantle, P wave velocities vary between 6.9–7.3 km/s and 7.9–8.2 km/s. The average Vp/Vs ratio increases from 1.71 in the upper crust to 1.76 in the lower crust.The crust attains its maximum thickness in the south-east, where the Archean crust is both over- and underthrust by the Proterozoic crust. A crustal depression bulging out from that zone to the N–NE towards Kuusamo is linked to a collision between major Archean blocks. Further north, crustal thickening under the Salla and Kittilä greenstone belts is tentatively associated with a NW–SE-oriented collision zone or major shear zone. Elevated Moho beneath the Pudasjärvi block is primarily explained with rift-related extension and crustal thinning at ∼2.4–2.1 Ga.The new crustal velocity models and synthetic waveform modelling are used to outline the thickness of the seismogenic layer beneath the temporary Kuusamo seismic network. Lack of seismic activity within the mafic high-velocity body in the uppermost 8 km of crust and relative abundance of mid-crustal, i.e., 14–30 km deep earthquakes are characteristic features of the Kuusamo seismicity. The upper limit of seismicity is attributed to the excess of strong mafic material in the uppermost crust. Comparison with the rheological profiles of the lithosphere, calculated at nearby locations, indicates that the base of the seismogenic layer correlates best with the onset of brittle to ductile transition at about 30 km depth.We found no evidence on microearthquake activity in the lower crust beneath the Archean Karelian craton. However, a data set of relatively well-constrained events extracted from the regional earthquake catalogue implies a deeper cut-off depth for earthquakes in the Norrbotten tectonic province of northern Sweden.  相似文献   

Serpentinization of the mantle wedge is an important process that influences the seismic and mechanical properties in subduction zones. Seismic detection of serpentines relies on the knowledge of elastic properties of serpentinites, which thus far has not been possible in the absence of single-crystal elastic properties of antigorite. The elastic constants of antigorite, the dominant serpentine at high-pressure in subduction zones, were measured using Brillouin spectroscopy under ambient conditions. In addition, antigorite lattice preferred orientations (LPO) were determined using an electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) technique. Isotropic aggregate velocities are significantly lower than those of peridotites to allow seismic detection of serpentinites from tomography. The isotropic VP/VS ratio is 1.76 in the Voigt–Reuss–Hill average, not very different from that of 1.73 in peridotite, but may vary between 1.70 and 1.86 between the Voigt and Reuss bonds. Antigorite and deformed serpentinites have a very high seismic anisotropy and remarkably low velocities along particular directions. VP varies between 8.9 km s? 1 and 5.6 km s? 1 (46% anisotropy), and 8.3 km s? 1 and 5.8 km s? 1 (37%), and VS between 5.1 km s? 1 and 2.5 km s? 1 (66%), and 4.7 km s? 1 and 2.9 km s? 1 (50%) for the single-crystal and aggregate, respectively. The VP/VS ratio and shear wave splitting also vary with orientation between 1.2 and 3.4, and 1.3 and 2.8 for the single-crystal and aggregate, respectively. Thus deformed serpentinites can present seismic velocities similar to peridotites for wave propagation parallel to the foliation or lower than crustal rocks for wave propagation perpendicular to the foliation. These properties can be used to detect serpentinite, quantify the amount of serpentinization, and to discuss relationships between seismic anisotropy and deformation in the mantle wedge. Regions of high VP/VS ratios and extremely low velocities in the mantle wedge of subduction zones (down to about 6 and 3 km.s?1 for VP and VS, respectively) are difficult to explain without strong preferred orientation of serpentine. Local variations of anisotropy may result from kilometer-scale folding of serpentinites. Shear wave splittings up to 1–1.5 s can be explained with moderately thick (10–20 km) serpentinite bodies.  相似文献   

Electron and ion temperature (Te and Ti) data observed using RPA on board SROSS C2 satellite are investigated for the variation with local time, season, latitude (0–30°N geographic) over a half of a solar cycle (1995–2000). The nighttime Te (∼1000 K) is independent of the season and the solar flux whereas Ti exhibits positive correlation with the solar activity during all three seasons. In the early morning hours during summer, Te is higher by ∼500 K than other seasons in all three levels of solar activity. During winter and equinox in the early morning hours, Te and Ti are higher during low solar activity, showing a negative correlation with solar flux. During daytime, the Ti increases with the solar flux in winter and summer solstice, but is independent in equinox. IRI underestimates Te and Ti during the morning period by 50–75% in the equatorial and near-equatorial stations during all levels of solar activities.  相似文献   

The late Triassic to early Tertiary Coast Mountains Batholith (CMB) of British Columbia provides an ideal locale to study the processes whereby accreted terranes and subduction-related melts interact to form stable continental crust of intermediate to felsic composition and complementary ultramafic residuals. Seismic measurements, combined with calculated elastic properties of various CMB rock compositions, provide a window into the deep-crustal lithologies that are key to understanding the processes of continental growth and evolution. We use a combination of seismic observations and petrologic modeling to construct hypothetical crustal sections at representative locations across the CMB, then test the viability of these sections via forward modeling with synthetic seismic data. The compositions that make up our petrologic forward models are based on calculations using the free energy minimization program Perple_X to predict mineral assemblages at depth for the bulk compositions of exposed plutonic rocks collected in the study area. Seismic data were collected along two transects in west-central British Columbia: a southern line that crossed the CMB near the town of Bella Coola (near 52° N), and a northern line centered on the towns of Terrace and Kitimat (near 54° N). Along both transects, seismic receiver functions reveal high Vp/Vs ratios near the Insular/Intermontane terrane boundary and crustal thickness increasing from 26 ± 3 km to 34 ± 3 km (at the 1 sigma certainty level) from west to east across the Coast Shear Zone (CSZ). On the southern line, we observe an anomalous region of complex receiver functions and diminished Moho signals beneath the central portion of the CMB. Our petrologic and seismic profiles show that observed seismic data from much of the CMB can be well-matched in terms of crustal thickness and structure, average Vp/Vs, and amplitude of the Moho converted phase, without including ultramafic residual material in the lower crust.  相似文献   

Single-crystal elasticity of stishovite was examined using a new experimental technique and an empirical macroscopic model. Employing high-frequency resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, single-crystal elastic constants of stishovite were determined: C11 = 443(3), C33 = 781(4), C12 = 193(2), C23 = 199(2), C44 = 256(2), and C33 = 316(2) GPa. The frequency range of the resonant ultrasound spectroscopy techniques was 6–20 MHz, which is much lower than the ~10 GHz range of the Brillouin scattering technique. Of the elastic constants, the shear elastic constants C44 and C66 are consistent with the average value of the previously mentioned Brillouin scattering. Conversely, the four elastic constants, C11, C33, C12, and C23, slightly deviate outside the range of previous Brillouin scattering results. The present results, except those for C12, are consistent with recent lattice dynamic analysis of inelastic X-ray scattering data. The adiabatic bulk modulus was calculated as 298 GPa, which is smaller and more consistent with the result of compression experiments than any other Brillouin scattering results (301–312 GPa). The present result shows greater P-wave velocity anisotropy (24.7%) than any preceding work. To understand the unique elastic properties of stishovite, the Gingham check model was proposed and examined. The result shows that the octahedron of 6-coordinated Si in stishovite crystal has stiffness comparable to that of diamond.  相似文献   

Volume measurements for magnesiowüstite (Mg0.6Fe0.4)O, were carried out up to pressures of 10.1 GPa in the temperature range 300–1273 K, using energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction. These data allow reliable determination of the temperature dependence of the bulk modulus and good constraint on the thermal expansitivity at ambient pressure which was previously not known for magnesiowüstite. From these data, thermal and elastic parameters were derived from various approaches based on the Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS) and on the relevant thermodynamic relations. The results from three different equations of state are remarkably consistent. With (∂KT/∂P)T fixed at 4, we obtained K0=158(2) GPa, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.029(3) GPa K−1, (∂KT/∂T)V=−3.9(±2.3)×10−3 GPa K−1, and αT=3.45(18)×10−5+1.14(28)×10−8T. The K0, (∂KT/∂T)P, and (∂KT/∂T)V values are in agreement with those of Fei et al. (1992) and are similar to previously determined values for MgO. The zero pressure thermal expansitivity of (Mg0.6Fe0.4)O is found to be similar to that for MgO (Suzuki, 1975). These results indicate that, for the compositional range x=0–0.4 in (Mg1−xFex)O, the thermal and elastic properties of magnesiowüstite exhibit a dependence on the iron content that is negligibly small, within uncertainties of the experiments. They are consequently insensitive to the Fe–Mg partitioning between (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite and magnesiowüstite when applied to compositional models of the lower mantle. With the assumption that (Mg0.6Fe0.4)O is a Debye-like solid, a modified equation of heat capacity at constant pressure is proposed and thermodynamic properties of geophysically importance are calculated and tabulated at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Sharp linear gradients in maps of potential field data are generally assumed to result from sharp discontinuities or boundaries between rocks having different densities or magnetic susceptibilities and are usually associated with faults or other geological contacts. The computation of the horizontal gradients of the gravity field permits us to localize the limits of such blocks and then the fault locations. The horizontal derivative maxima of the Bouguer anomaly and its upward continuation at several heights show lineaments that could reflect the layout of faults and/or contacts and their dip directions. The application of this method to the Bouguer anomaly map of Morocco (with 19,571 points, using an average crustal density ρ = 2.67 g/cm3) allowed us to perform a multiscale analysis of the gravimetric lineaments of the country. The obtained structural map is consistent with several faults already identified in previous studies, and highlights five new major subsurface faults systems with location and dip: the Saghro fault system; Bou-Arfa Midelt fault system; Sidi Slimane Mezquitem fault; Ksar El Kebir–Chefchaouen fault and the Rifan West Mediterranean fault. In addition, this study suggests a new shape and localization for the Agadir-Oujda trans-Moroccan major fault with a NE-SW direction and 900 km length, subdividing Morocco into two main domains. The results of this study contribute to the improvement of the regional structural map of the north western part of Africa, which is situated within the convergence zone between Africa and Eurasia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2009,47(3-5):118-130
Since microphysics cannot say definitively whether the rheology of the mantle is linear or non-linear, the aim of this paper is to constrain mantle rheology from observations related to the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) process—namely relative sea-levels (RSLs), land uplift rate from GPS and gravity-rate-of-change from GRACE. We consider three earth model types that can have power-law rheology (n = 3 or 4) in the upper mantle, the lower mantle or throughout the mantle. For each model type, a range of A parameter in the creep law will be explored and the predicted GIA responses will be compared to the observations to see which value of A has the potential to explain all the data simultaneously. The coupled Laplace finite-element (CLFE) method is used to calculate the response of a 3D spherical self-gravitating viscoelastic Earth to forcing by the ICE-4G ice history model with ocean loads in self-gravitating oceans. Results show that ice thickness in Laurentide needs to increase significantly or delayed by 2 ka, otherwise the predicted uplift rate, gravity rate-of-change and the amplitude of the RSL for sites inside the ice margin of Laurentide are too low to be able to explain the observations. However, the ice thickness elsewhere outside Laurentide needs to be slightly modified in order to explain the global RSL data outside Laurentide. If the ice model is modified in this way, then the results of this paper indicate that models with power-law rheology in the lower mantle (with A  10−35 Pa−3 s−1 for n = 3) have the highest potential to simultaneously explain all the observed RSL, uplift rate and gravity rate-of-change data than the other model types.  相似文献   

We used bottomside ground observations and topside sounding data from the Intercosmos-19 satellite to study a Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance (TID) that occurred in response to Large-Scale Internal Gravity Wave (LSIGW) propagation during a substorm on November 30, 1979. We built a global scheme for the wavelike ionospheric variations during this medium substorm (AEmax ~800 nT). The area where the TID was observed looks like a wedge since it covers the nighttime hours at subauroral latitudes but contracts to a ~02 h local sector at low latitudes. The ionospheric response is strongly asymmetric because the wedge area and the TID amplitude are larger in the winter hemisphere than in the summer hemisphere. Clear evidence was obtained indicating that the more powerful TID from the Northern (winter) hemisphere propagated across the equator into the low latitude Southern (summer) hemisphere. Intercosmos-19 observations show that the disturbance covers the entire thickness of the topside ionosphere, from hmF2 up to at least the 1000 km satellite altitude at post-midnight local times. F-layer lifting reached ~200 km, Ne increases in the topside ionosphere by up to a factor of ~1.9 and variations in NmF2 of both signs were observed. Assumptions are made concerning the reason for the IGW effect at high altitudes in the topside ionosphere. The relationship between TID parameters and source characteristics determined from a global network of magnetometers are studied. The role of the dayside cusp in the generation of the TID in the daytime ionosphere is discussed. The magnetospheric electric field effects are distinguished from IGW effects.  相似文献   

Modeling of multimode surface wave group velocity dispersion data sampling the eastern and the western Ganga basins, reveals a three layer crust with an average Vs of 3.7 km s?1, draped by ~2.5 km foreland sediments. The Moho is at a depth of 43 ± 2 km and 41 ± 2 km beneath the eastern and the western Ganga basins respectively. Crustal Vp/Vs shows a felsic upper and middle crust beneath the eastern Ganga basin (1.70) compared to a more mafic western Ganga basin crust (1.77). Due to higher radiogenic heat production in felsic than mafic rocks, a lateral thermal heterogeneity will be present in the foreland basin crust. This heterogeneity had been previously observed in the north Indian Shield immediately south of the foreland basin and must also continue northward below the Himalaya. The high heat producing felsic crust, underthrust below the Himalayas could be an important cause for melting of midcrustal rocks and emplacement of leucogranites. This is a plausible explanation for abundance of leucogranites in the east-central Himalaya compared to the west. The uppermost mantle Vs is also significantly lower beneath the eastern Ganga basin (4.30 km s?1) compared to the west (4.44 km s?1).  相似文献   

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