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The Haicheng earthquake (Ms 7.3) occurred in Liaoning Province (39°N–43°N, 120°E–126°E ), China on February 4, 1975. The mortality rate was only 0.02% owing to the first timely and accurate prediction, although the area affected by the earthquake was 9200 km2 and covered cities with a population density of 1000 p/km2. In this study, the doubledifference (DD) tomography method was used to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) P- and S-wave velocity (Vp and Vs) structures and Vp/Vs as well as the earthquake locations. Tomography results suggest that velocity structure at shallow depth coincides well with topography and sediment thickness. The earthquake locations form a northwest-striking zone associated with the Jinzhou(JZ) Fault and a northeast-striking zone associated with the Haichenghe-Dayanghe (HD) Fault, and suggest that the JZ Fault consists of three faults and the Ms 7.3 Haicheng earthquake originated at the intersection of the JZ and the Faults. Lowvelocity zones (LVZs) with low Vp/Vs are observed at 15–20 km depth beneath the Haicheng (HC) region. We interpret the LVZs in the middle crust as regions of fluids, suggesting rock dehydration at high temperatures. The LVZs and low Vp/Vs in the upper crust are attributed to groundwater-filled cracks and pores. We believe that large crustal earthquakes in this area are caused by the combination of faulting and fluid movement in the middle crust.  相似文献   

利用江西地震台网数据,对2005年江西九江-瑞昌5.7级地震序列86个ML≥1.0余震序列用双差法重新定位,定位后得到其中60次地震的基本参数.重新定位后的结果与江西地震台网定位的原始结果进行比较,发现:①重新定位结果显示了震中分布比较集中,震中位置向广济断裂带靠近,定位后的震中空间分布与地面约34°角;②震源深度优势分布集中在7~10 km以内,平均深度为9 km;③重新定位后定位残差由原来的1.21 s降为0.16 s,震源位置的估算误差在EW方向平均为0.21 km,在NS方向平均为0.32 km,在垂直方向平均为0.34 km.  相似文献   

According to the source mechanism of the main shock and the distribution feature of the aftershocks occurring in the southern Taiwan Straits on Sept. 16, 1994, in this paper the authors analysed the source rupture feature of the major earthquake, demonstrated that this seismic sequence possessed the characteristics of a large intraplate earthquake. And according to the seismotectonic background and the historical seismicity in the area, the authors clarified the active characteristics of the seismically active belts along northwestern direction and analysed preliminarily the earthquake circumstance in the southeastern coast of China.  相似文献   

Changes in total geomagnetic field intensity, of 2–3 nT, were observed prior to the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake at the Amagase (AMG) site, located approximately 70 km from the epicenter. We examined whether the observed variations are local signals arising from the Earth's crust, or global variations that are unlikely to originate from the crust. To remove global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity data, we employed a regional geomagnetic field model. Using data recorded at five reference sites in Japan, we estimated global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity, and removed them from the observed total geomagnetic intensity at the AMG site. The reminder still showed variations during the period prior to the Kobe earthquake. In addition, these pre-seismic variations include two of the largest shifts recorded during the entire observation period at the AMG site, raising the possibility that these variations were indeed related to the earthquake. These variations cannot be interpreted as signals arising from the area close to the seismic source because of the large distance between the epicenter and the site. Therefore, our results raise the possibility that the physical state of the Earth's crust shows marked changes over a wide region in the lead-up to a seismic event.  相似文献   

1995年1月17日凌晨发生在大阪湾西侧的M6.9级兵库县南部地震已经过去了15年。此次地震从淡路岛东北端附近开始,同时向西北和东南破裂。在东南方向,右旋断裂从震中延伸约20km到达地球表面。在西北方向,破裂延伸约25km直达神户市下方。断裂没有到达神户地表,但破裂的方向和速度对波场产生了强大的前向方向性效应,  相似文献   

基于山东省地震台网固定台站及乳山台阵的流动观测资料,利用双差层析成像方法对乳山震群及附近地区地壳浅层15 km深度以内的三维P波速度结构进行了反演。结果显示,研究区内的隆起区(如垛崮山、大孤山)及海洋所镇附近的超高压岩体为高速区,连接两者之间的白沙滩呈低速特征,乳山序列即发生在高、低速过渡带偏高速区的一侧。速度结构剖面显示,乳山序列下方的地壳内存在明显的类椭圆状的相对低速区域,序列活动基本处于该低速区域与第四纪盖层之间的高速夹层。综合考虑序列展布、区域地质构造及高低速岩体间的位置关系,本文推测在区域应力调整背景下,局部介质的不稳定性在乳山序列的发生过程中起主要作用。   相似文献   

This paper discusses recent progress of onshore active faults studies in Japan, especially since the 1995 destructive Kobe earthquake, when the number of trenching studies, which are essential for the reconstruction of onshore paleoearthquakes, has rapidly increased. The timing and repeat interval of paleoearthquakes are here reviewed for the Miura Peninsula, south of Tokyo and the Awaji Island and Kobe-Osaka area, in central Japan, where trenching have been carried out very intensively in the last few years.  相似文献   

In this paper, the process of source dynamics of the Jingtai earthquake (M=6.2) is studied on the basis of both earth resistivity changes before the event and the spatial directivity of single-observatory magnitude measurements of the seismic network of China. The following conclusions are obtained: the NW-SE directional tension stress (or the one about in the direction) inside the source region was enhanced during the short period from three to five months before the event, and done still further about in twenty odd days before the event, so that it finally leads the fault in about the EW strike to produce dislocation in NWW-SEE direction. Finally, this dislocation pattern caused the strong ground vibration to be received at the seismic observatories which were located in the NWW and SEE directions of the epicenter, while the weak vibration to be received at the ones in NE and south directions of the epicenter. At last, understandings on the imminent earthquake prediction through earth resistivity method are set forth.  相似文献   

Simple straightforward methods are applied to testtheir ability to detect the non-linear response of thesoil. Recordings of the main shock and aftershocks ofthe 1995, Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake are used.Non-linear effects are investigated using twodifferent techniques, on a collection of data for 12sites situated on different geological structures inthe Kobe and Osaka areas. The first method used is theso-called receiver functions technique (Langston,1979), which consists of computing the spectral ratiobetween horizontal and vertical components of motion.This ratio has been shown to reveal the fundamentalfrequency of a site (Lachet and Bard, 1994; Lachet etal., 1996; Theodulidis et al., 1995, 1996). For eachsite, recordings of the main shock and a set ofaftershocks are considered. The variation of thisspectral ratio for different values of the maximumacceleration recorded at a site is investigated. Bothvariations of the amplitude of the H/V ratio (due tonon-linear behavior, on the horizontal components inparticular) and of the frequency position of theamplified band-width are observed. The secondtechnique used in this study is related to thevariation of the high frequency content of therecordings during the main-shock and its aftershocks.The high frequency spectral decay of the motion,characterized by parameter, is assumed to berelated mainly to the near-surface attenuation. Itshould then increase with increasing peak velocity, incase of non-linearity. The value of kappa iscalculated for the 12 sites in the Kobe area, fordifferent types of soil conditions, and againdifferent values of peak ground acceleration.Variations of kappa are then related to non-linearbehavior of the soil during the Kobe earthquake.  相似文献   

1994年台湾海峡7.3级地震发震断层的地震学证据   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过地震学观测资料的分析和研究,并综合其他作者的研究成果,论证了台湾海峡1994年7.3级地震发震断层的主破裂面走向应为北西向,地震的发生是由分布于该区域的巴士系构造活动所致。  相似文献   

The 1995 Kobe earthquake caused unprecedented damage to buildings and civil infrastructures in the city of Kobe and its surrounding areas. In order to evaluate the structural damage in this area due to the earthquake, it is important to estimate the distribution of earthquake ground motion. However, since the number of strong ground motion records is not enough in the heavily damaged areas, it is necessary to estimate the distribution using other data sources. In this paper, the fragility curves for low‐rise residential buildings were constructed using the recorded motions and the building damage data from the intensive field survey by the AIJ and CPIJ group. The fragility curves obtained were then employed to estimate the strong motion distribution in the district level for Kobe and the surrounding areas during the earthquake. The results may be useful to investigate the various damages caused by the earthquake. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1995年1月17日,日本关西兵库县南部发生7.2级地震(阪神地震),神户一带遭受巨大损失,人员伤亡惨重,这次地震是自唐山地震之后近20年来,世界上最引人注目的一次地震事件。本文首先从地震预报的角度,简要地介绍了阪神地震前观测到的中短期前兆异常,包括震群活动、地震空区,水中氯离子浓度增加以及低频电磁辐射等,分析了阪神地区的地震危险性,指出在中期预测圈定的强震危险区,加强短临预测的跟踪,是最佳地震对策,也是起到减轻地震灾害,取得实际御防效果的基础.同时提出推进工程抗震研究,发展城市抗震工程学,提高城市综合防御地震危害的必要性。最后,文中对近期我国东部震情作了简要分析,并对强化监测,努力捕捉短临前兆信息,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Strong motion records provided by seismic vertical arrays allow estimation of stress–strain relations in soils at depths from the surface to the location of the deepest device. As an example, time-dependent nonlinear soil behavior was estimated in vertical components of records obtained in the epicentral area of the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Degradation of the rigidity of soils in the strong motion was observed. The constructed nonlinear models of the soil behavior were used for estimating the nonlinear parts in the ground response by the nonlinear system identification technique. Nonlinear parts in the ground response were found to be as high as 50% at 2 km from the fault and 10% at 6–15 km from the fault plane. Odd types of nonlinearity, such as cubic, the fifth, seventh, etc. order, were found to be typical for soils, whereas, nonlinearities of even types are usually weak, but increase in liquefied soils.  相似文献   

According to the source mechanism of the main shock and the distribution feature of the aftershocks occurring in the southern Taiwan Straits on Sept. 16, 1994, in this paper the authors analysed the source rupture feature of the major earthquake, demonstrated that this seismic sequence possessed the characteristics of a large intraplate earthquake. And according to the seismotectonic background and the historical seismicity in the area, the authors clarified the active characteristics of the seismically active belts along northwestern direction and analysed preliminarily the earthquake circumstance in the southeastern coast of China.  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

The double-difference earthquake relocation algorithm (DD algorithm) has been applied to the accurate relocation of 10057 earthquakes in the central-western China (21°-36°N, 98°-112E°) during the period of 1992-1999. In total, 79706 readings for P waves and 72169 readings for S waves were used in the relocation, and the source parameters of 6496 events were obtained. The relocation results revealed a more complete picture of the hypocentral distribution in the central-western China. In several seismic belts the relocated epicenters present a more defined lineation feature, reflecting the close correlation between the seismicity and the active tectonic structures. The relocated focal depths confirmed that most earthquakes (91 percent of the 6496 relocated events) in the central-western China were located at shallower depths not deeper than 20 km. The distribution of focal depths indicates that the seismogenic layer in the central-western China is located in the upper-mid crust with its thickness no deeper than 20 km.  相似文献   

ProcessofsourcedynamicsoftheJingtaiearthquake(M=6.2)Xue-BinDU(杜学彬);Zhi-DeYAN(闫志德)andMing-WuZOU(邹明武)(EarthquakeResearchInstitu...  相似文献   

On June 15, 1995 at 00:15 GMT a devastating earthquake (6.2M L ) occurred in the western end of the Gulf of Corinth. This was followed 15 min later by the largest aftershock (5.4M L ). The main event was located by the University of Patras Seismological Network (PATNET) at the northern side of the Gulf of Corinth graben. The second event (5.4M L ) was located also by PATNET near the city of Egion, on a fault parallel to the Eliki major fault that defines the south bound of the Gulf of Corinth graben. A seismogenic volume that spans the villages of Akrata (SE) and Rodini (NW) and extends to Eratini (NE) was defined by the aftershock sequence, which includes 858 aftershocks of magnitude greater than 2M L that occurred the first seventeen days. The distribution of hypocentres in cross section does not immediately suggest a planar distribution but rather defines a volume about 15 km (depth) by 35 km (NW-SE) and by 20 km (NE-SW).  相似文献   

The 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake brought about enormous damage to structures in the Hanshin and Awaji areas. In this paper the importance of investigating the relationship between ground motion and structural damage is pointed out.

Strong seismic motion was observed at the NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) Building during this earthquake. The structural damage to this building was relatively slight. In order to evaluate the relationship between ground motion and structural damage, it is necessary to assess the effects of the soil–structure interaction. In this study, the seismic response of the building and of the surface soil were evaluated by means of a nonlinear soil–structure interaction analysis using FEM.

It was found that, the nonlinearity of surface soil near the building had a great effect on the soil–structure interaction, especially the rocking of the building.  相似文献   

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