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This paper reports an analytical exploration into excess pore pressures generated during offshore spudcan installations. The analysis was conducted using ABAQUS/Explicit for three effective-stress constitutive models coded using the user-defined material subroutine VUMAT. The results demonstrate the feasibility of conducting effective-stress finite element analysis of undrained spudcan penetration using Eulerian approach. They also show that the computed penetration resistance and pore pressure response depend significantly on the undrained shear strength computed by the different models.  相似文献   

通过不同循环加载条件下模型试验和现场原型监测试验,研究在交通荷载条件下孔隙水压力累积特性及发展规律,探讨路基软土在循环动荷载下产生累积特性的原因和主要影响因素,通过试验分析得出了交通荷载下路基软土中孔隙水压力累积特性、发展规律以及影响累积特性的主要因素。  相似文献   

胡向前  焦志斌  李运辉 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3733-3737
通过池州电厂预制桩现场试验,介绍了在打设塑料排水板后,饱和软黏土中打桩引起的土体超静孔隙水压力分布及消散规律,分析了影响土体超静孔隙水压力分布和消散的影响因素。试验结果表明,饱和软黏土中预制桩施工桩距宜大于 3 m,时间间隔为6~8 h,预制桩施工的控制参数为超静孔隙水压力与上覆土体有效自重之比不大于1。  相似文献   

师旭超  孙运德 《岩土力学》2020,(4):1333-1338
目前对软土在卸荷下的固结变形研究主要集中在瞬时卸荷。为明确线性卸荷作用下软土固结变形的规律,通过太沙基一维固结理论与有效应力原理的方法,研究了软土地基在任意卸荷速率下一维固结方程的通解,并求解了线性卸荷下固结方程的解析解。结果表明,线性卸荷作用下软土地基产生的负超孔压可以分成增长期、快速消散期和缓慢消散期3个阶段;卸荷速率影响负超孔压的增长路径和消散速率而卸荷量影响最大负孔压值,最大负超孔压值与卸荷量近似成线性增长关系;最后结合工程实例进行对比分析,发现卸荷导致的负超孔压值和其消散速率都在卸荷结束的时刻最大,同时理论计算结果及变化规律与实测有较好的吻合性。  相似文献   

海相沉积软土动强度与孔压特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶俊能  陈斌 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):55-60
以宁波轨道交通1号线②、③和④层海相沉积软土为对象,进行GDS单向振动三轴试验,研究了不同动应力幅值和频率作用下软土的动强度与孔压特性。结果表明:相同动应力状态下,等向固结时的强度要比K0固结时的强度大;在相同动应力幅值条件下,频率越高,强度越高;动应力越大,试样强度越大,发生硬化现象。随着振动次数的增加,孔隙水压力也不断增大,仅③层粉质黏土夹砂层在应力幅值为5 kPa时孔压有稳定趋势。最后,通过对动三轴试验数据进行拟合,得到了模型参数,其结果可以用来预测循环荷载作用下土体的累计孔压。  相似文献   

软黏土层一维有限应变固结的超静孔压消散研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据土力学固结理论计算分析软黏土层固结过程的超静孔隙水压力值,确定软黏土体固结过程的强度增长,对排水固结法处理软土地基至关重要。软黏土层固结过程中土体变形较大时,有限应变固结理论和小应变固结理论计算分析软黏土固结所得结果差异较大。利用非线性有限元法及程序,通过对软黏土层固结工程算例的计算结果分析,研究了有限应变固结理论和小应变固结理论计算分析软黏土层一维固结超静孔压值消散的差异;探讨了软黏土体一维固结过程中,几何非线性、土体渗透性变化和压缩性变化对超静孔隙水压力消散的影响。研究结果表明,当土体的变形较大时,有限应变固结理论计算出的超静孔压要比小应变固结理论得到的值消散的更快。考虑土体固结过程中渗透性的变化时,超静孔压消散变慢;可用软黏土渗透性变化指数ck 反映渗透性变化对超静孔压消散的影响,渗透性变化指数ck值越小、超静孔压消散越慢。固结过程中软黏土压缩性的大小及变化也影响超静孔压的消散,可用软黏土的压缩指数cc反映固结过程中压缩性的大小及变化对超静孔压消散的影响,软黏土的压缩指数cc越小,固结过程软黏土层中的超静孔压消散越快。  相似文献   

许英  李同春  莫建兵 《岩土力学》2010,31(8):2525-2529
沉桩会对码头边坡稳定产生不利影响,一是引起桩周土体超孔隙水压力的急剧上升,导致土体有效应力降低;二是沉桩的振动加速度会产生对边坡稳定不利的瞬时惯性力。对于灵敏度低的土质岸坡来说,前者是影响其稳定性的主要因素。考虑沉桩时初始超孔隙水压力的分布,根据Biot固结方程超孔隙水压力消散解的一般表达式,建立了沉桩引起的超孔隙水压力随时间消散的解析式,在条分法的基础上考虑沉桩产生的超孔隙水压力的不利影响,建立了沉桩时边坡稳定安全系数的计算公式。根据沉桩顺序对某码头进行边坡稳定分析,结果表明:考虑打桩作用的岸坡稳定安全系数明显降低,沉桩产生的超孔隙水压力逐渐消散,边坡稳定安全系数随沉桩工序历时变化,施工中期由于超孔隙水压力叠加,岸坡最危险,沉桩结束3个月以后,超孔隙水压力基本消散,边坡稳定安全系数接近不考虑沉桩时的值。工程中要根据打桩计划进行边坡稳定计算。  相似文献   

深层搅拌桩施工时,固化剂的注入与叶片的搅拌作用不可避免地会扰动周围土体,改变桩周土体中的应力状态,产生超静孔隙水压力。在高灵敏性的日本有明黏土中搅拌桩施工时对周围土体中的孔隙水压力进行了现场监测。监测结果表明周围土体中产生了很高的超静孔隙水压力,其量值较土体的初始上覆压力还要大,使土体中的有效应力为零,处于张拉状态,但是该超静孔隙水压力在初始阶段消散得非常快。为分析施工引起的超静孔隙水压力,将搅拌桩施工时和周围土体的相互作用采用受剪的孔穴扩张过程来模拟,提出一种简单的方法来计算搅拌桩施工时周围土体中的超静孔隙水压力,同时考虑了固化剂注入时的膨胀压力与旋转叶片在搅拌时所产生的剪切力的作用。超静孔隙水压力由土的不排水抗剪强度、剪切力、注浆压力和孔隙压力系数所确定。所提出的计算方法得到实测数据的验证。  相似文献   

聂庆科  白冰  胡建敏  商卫东 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):724-729
通过循环三轴剪切试验,研究原状软土的变形和孔压发展规律。建议了一个循环荷载作用下孔隙水压力的发展模式。研究了不排水循环荷载作用下软土的动强度以及作用后饱和软土静强度的衰减特征,讨论了周围固结压力和荷载作用频率对动强度的影响。研究表明,在某一轴向应变条件下,循环次数随循环剪应力比的增加而迅速减小;随循环剪切应力比的增大,饱和软土的静强度有一定衰减。  相似文献   

王军  杨芳  吴延平  胡秀青 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):111-117
通过GDS循环三轴试验系统,对循环荷载作用下饱和软黏土的孔压变化规律进行了研究,分析了循环应力比,初始剪应力与振动频率对孔隙水压力的影响。研究结果表明:随着循环应力比的增加,孔压发展速度增快。循环荷载作用下饱和软黏土存在临界循环应力比,通过孔压也可以确定其值大小。在循环初期,孔压率较大,随着循环时间的增加,孔压率逐渐减小。随着循环应力比的增加,孔压率增加。振动频率对孔压比-循环次数关系影响明显,随着频率的增加,孔压比减小;然而,当振动频率大于1 Hz时,振动频率对孔压比-时间与孔压率-时间关系影响不明显。随着初始剪应力的增大,孔压增加。初始剪应力对应变率具有显著影响;随着初始剪应力的增加,应变率增加。在对数坐标下,孔压率与时间呈线性关系。在上述试验基础上建立了孔压率与时间关系表达式,通过积分得到了循环荷载作用下饱和软黏土的动孔压模型  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the thermal conductivity of a soft saturated clay (Bangkok clay) carried out in relation to an investigation into using thermal treatment to enhance the consolidation process of soft soils. The thermal conductivity of clay specimens was measured in the laboratory using a steady state method (divided bar test) and a transient state method (needle probe test). In general, the laboratory test results show that the thermal conductivity increased with the increase in soil density. However, the needle probe test was found to yield greater thermal conductivities than those derived from the divided bar test. Furthermore, to assess the validity of the laboratory test results, the heat transfer results obtained from a full-scale embankment test that employed prefabricated vertical thermo-drains (PVTD) were simulated numerically using the laboratory determined thermal conductivity values. The numerical analysis indicates that the field thermal conductivity was close to the value obtained from the needle probe test. However, it was also found that the changes in thermal conductivity values obtained from the two laboratory methods did not impact significantly on heat flow behaviour, suggesting that the two methods are acceptable for characterizing the thermal conductivity of soils.  相似文献   

砂质混合粘土的孔隙水压力和残余变形特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以砂质混合粘土为例,通过实施不同初始固结比水平的动力循环荷载试验,考察了土的孔隙水压力和残余变形的发生过程。探讨了当将土的不等向固结分为初始剪应力和等向固结两种应力状态时,孔隙水压力和残余变形的预测方法。提出了归一化的孔隙水压力和累积损失能量及残余变形和有效应力比间的关系模型。  相似文献   

The shear strength of cohesionless soil is reduced as the water pressure inside the pores of the soil mass increases. The mathematical relationship between the shear strength and the pore water pressure was derived using Mohr–Coulomb failure criteria as a function of the confining pressure and the effective angle of friction. Experimentally, a series of consolidated drained triaxial tests with back pore water pressure was run on samples of saturated uniform dense sand. The tests were conducted at different confining pressures in the range of 100–400 kPa with an increment of 100 kPa. At each level of confining pressure, the tests were repeated at different values of back pore water pressure in the range of 0–100 kPa with an increment of 25 kPa. For each test, the initial applied back pore water pressure was kept constant during the test for comparing the results at the same effective confining pressure. This study concludes that the mathematical relationship gives accurate results at any level of confining pressure and/or pore water pressure as a function of the effective angle of friction that can be evaluated using single consolidated drained triaxial test at zero back pore water pressure.  相似文献   

魏新江  陈伟军  魏纲  洪杰 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2103-2109
盾构施工会对周围土体产生扰动,形成超孔隙水压力,引起工后固结沉降。运用应力释放理论推导与衬砌相邻的土体初始超孔隙水压力计算公式。假定扰动范围边界呈圆弧状,确定初始超孔隙水压力的分布范围;同时运用应力传递理论,推导分布范围内任一点土体的初始超孔隙水压力计算公式。通过对实测资料的分析可知,计算值与实测值吻合较好。算例分析表明,与衬砌相邻的土体初始超孔隙水压力呈近似圆形(顶部小、底部大);随着到衬砌的径向距离增加,土体初始超孔隙水压力呈凹曲线形状;隧道底部的等值线最密,即变化最快;隧道顶部上方土体、不同深度处土体初始超孔隙水压力,以隧道轴线处为最大,呈现类似Peck曲线形状。  相似文献   

结构性软土中打桩引起的超孔隙水压力   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
根据结构性土体的变形特征和屈服准则, 建立打桩力学模型。 原状土变形具有典型的应变软化现象, 土体破坏满足摩尔-库仑准则, 用柱孔扩张理论, 分析了超孔隙水压力的分布规律。  相似文献   

淤泥质软土在冲击荷载作用下孔压增长模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孟庆山  汪稔  陈震 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1017-1022
通过室内淤泥质饱和软粘土的动力固结试验,考虑不同锤重和落距组合情况,对冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土孔隙水压力的动态响应特征进行分析。试验结果表明,孔隙水压力和冲击击数之间是双曲线对应关系,高围压下冲击荷载激发的孔压随击数增长的速率快,超固结软土在冲击过程中孔压出现了负值。冲击荷载对土体产生的附加应力能导致孔压上升,孔压消散使得土体内有效应力增加,强度提高。对强夯施工中以孔压控制施工质量具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

针对卸载条件下的孔隙水压力(简称孔压)响应问题,通过一维加载压缩和卸载回弹试验,研究了不同卸载量和卸载速率对孔压变化的作用影响,并基于Terzaghi一维固结理论建立了线性加载和卸载条件下孔压响应的预测方法,结合固结-渗透联合试验测定的压缩和回弹条件下的固结系数,评估了该类预测方法对于卸载条件下孔压响应预测的适用性。结果表明,卸载产生的负超孔压随着卸载量和卸载速率的增加而增加,在卸载初期,超孔压减小速率较快,之后则以近似恒定的速率减小,而基于Terzaghi一维固结理论建立的孔压预测方法并不完全适用于分析卸载过程中的这类孔压响应特性。  相似文献   

The behavior of a reinforced embankment on soft Bangkok clay has been analyzed by plane strain finite element method. The finite element analysis considers the selection of proper soil/reinforcement properties according to the relative displacement pattern of upper and lower interface elements. The large deformation phenomenon is simulated by updating the node coordinates, including those of the embankment elements above the current construction level, which ensures that the applied fill thickness simulates the actual field value. A full scale test reinforced embankment with a vertical face (wall) on Bangkok clay has been analyzed by the proposed finite element method, and the numerical results are compared with the field data. The response of a reinforced embankment on soft ground is principally controlled by the interaction between the reinforced soil mass and soft ground and the interaction between the grid reinforcement and the backfill soil. The tension in reinforcement and lateral displacement of the wall face varied during consolidation of foundation soil. The maximum tension force occurred in the reinforcement layer placed at the base of reinforced mass, due to bending of the reinforced mass resulting from differential settlements. It is considered necessary to account for the permeability variation of the soft ground foundation in the finite element analysis.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new interpretation method for pulse tests, a field permeability test that allows for rapid measurements of hydraulic conductivity k in aquitards. This new method applies to soft clay deposits. To initiate a pulse test, a known volume of water is injected into the sand filter of a monitoring well isolated by a packer. The resulting pressure increase yields an outward movement of the sand filter cavity wall. After presenting the usual interpretation methods and their limits, this paper proposes a new interpretation method based on a coupled analysis of the pressure and displacement fields in the soil using the Biot–Darcy formulation. A series of analytical and numerical non‐dimensional velocity graphs, normalized plots of the mean hydraulic head difference versus its rate of change, are given. For a linear elastic material, these type curves show relatively small variations with the sand filter aspect ratio and the Poisson ratio of the tested clay. The type curves are also found to be independent of the clay compressibility (mv) and k, an important result. A series of pulse tests conducted in a soft marine clay deposit near Montreal, Canada, are interpreted with the proposed method. The hydraulic conductivity values calculated from these tests are closely correlated with independent estimates obtained using long‐duration variable‐head tests. Compared with previous interpretation methods, the proposed method allows soil volume changes to be reconciled with cavity expansion phenomena and the range of type curves available for the interpretation of test data to be constrained. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

武军  廖少明  霍晓波 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):496-500
盾构穿越饱和砂土地层中的运营地铁时,在地铁列车振动荷载的作用下开挖面前方土体中会产生超孔隙水压力,影响开挖面稳定,通过动三轴试验对不同类型砂土在地铁列车振动荷载的作用下的超孔隙水压力增长规律进行了研究。研究表明,随着地铁列车振动荷载振幅的增大,超孔隙水压力逐渐增大,当振幅不大于10 kPa时,超孔隙水压力的增加并不明显;开挖面支护力减小,会使振动荷载对超孔隙水压力的影响增强,而且这种影响对土体竖向应力卸荷比土体水平应力卸荷更为敏感;在饱和松散细砂地层中,地铁列车振动荷载对超孔隙水压力的影响最为显著;地铁列车振动荷载引起的开挖面超孔隙水压力绝对数值不大,但能使泥水盾构泥膜承受的压力差至少减小约33%。  相似文献   

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