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本文记录了西太平洋深海围线海绵科1新种——扭形白须海绵。该海绵共含2个标本,其中1个采集于雅浦海山932米处,另1个采集于卡罗琳海山775.3米处。该新种含有椭圆形大双盘骨针、3种类型的双盘骨针、棒状骨针和节杖骨针,使其很容易与该属下的现有8种区分开。该种为西北太平洋报道的第4种白须海绵属的种。  相似文献   

东海大陆架六放海绵的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六放海绵(Hexactinellida)又称三轴海绵(Triaxonida),或玻璃海绵(Hyalospongia)。主要特征是具有由三个互相垂直的轴所形成的六辐骨针。其他骨针的各辐间都以90度角或180度角相连接。骨针硅质,没有钙质或海绵质骨针。 六放海绵是深海动物,只有少数种类分布在大陆架边缘。许多六放海绵具有辐射对称的体制,并具有精致的结构,构成一个很特殊的动物类群。 中国科学院海洋研究所于1975-1976年进行东海大陆架综合调查时。在大陆架外缘,水深131-210米海域,采集到35个标本及若干碎片,共有4种,隶属于两科两属。其中三种,即欧氏偕老同穴,堂皇偕老同穴和饭岛围线海绵,是本水域的新记录。  相似文献   

本文使用吕宋海峡以东的潜标观测的长达1年的海流数据,重点对该海域海流的高频波动(潮流)的垂向分布及其时间变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:该海域次表层(100~160 m)的潮动能比中层(1 550 m)和深层(2 560 m)大1~2个数量级,近底层(4 040 m)的潮动能略大于中、深层;次表层为不正规半日潮流,中、深层为不正规全日潮流;各层次潮动能均在夏季(6?9月)和冬季(2?3月)增强,与M2分潮和K1分潮在夏季和冬季的增强相对应;各层次海流的高频波动以顺时针旋转为主,次表层海流近惯性周期接近当地理论惯性周期,中、深层略小于当地理论惯性周期。  相似文献   

以黄海海域的繁茂膜海绵(Hymeniacidon perleve)为研究对象,考察了海绵细胞培养中细胞团的形成过程。细胞在培养24h后贴壁聚集,有类似胶原物质分泌。培养第5天形成的细胞团,中心致密,边缘有平滑的表皮结构。为控制培养中的微生物污染,比较了6种抗生素的使用效果,其中庆大霉素有较好的抑菌效果且不影响细胞成团,而两性霉素B对细胞的贴壁和成团有不利影响。  相似文献   

针对目前局部海域小时间尺度声速场建模方法未顾及不同深度区间内声速变化规律的问题,本文根据实测深海声速剖面的统计特征,提出了声速剖面分层方法,并进一步基于经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function, EOF)提出了局部小时间尺度的声速剖面分层时变模型构建方法。利用南海实测全海深声速剖面数据,分析了分层EOF第一模态系数和等效平均声速的日变化特征,并比较了不同拟合模型的精度。最后,利用试验海区的温度和潮汐数据分析了声速剖面周期变化的影响因素。结果表明: ①声速剖面分层EOF第一模态系数及等效平均声速具有日周期变化特征,上层声速日周期变化特征不明显,中层声速日周期变化特征较明显,下层声速变化较小但仍具有日周期变化特征;②局部海域小时间尺度声速拟合应考虑长期变化项的影响;③试验海区声速剖面EOF第一模态系数变化与温度显著相关,提取的声速剖面时变特征与海区潮汐周期特征基本吻合。  相似文献   

一种基于微细光缆的固定式深海观察系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种利用微细光缆实现深海观察的小型装置.阐述其系统组成、工作方式及利用微细光缆实现深海视频信号和数据的传输过程以及其研制的关键技术,展望了此种深海观察站的发展前景.  相似文献   

生物发光现象在海洋中广泛存在,基于微光成像技术对深海发光浮游生物的发光现象进行视觉捕获是一种先进的原位观测手段,但目前缺乏有效的方法对获取的生物发光影像资料进行自动分析。针对此问题,本文提出一种基于多特征匹配跟踪的发光浮游生物自动计数方法,基于同一目标在连续帧间的运动具有连续性的思想,首先采用帧间质心差小于一定阈值的原则进行初始粗匹配,然后针对目标过近造成的误匹配问题再进一步进行运动方向的匹配,提高帧间匹配精度,从而准确计数。采用所提出的方法对深海发光浮游生物的真实视频数据进行了自动分析,实验结果证明该计数方法具有较好的准确率,对生物发光区域的尺度变化、发光目标间距过近等情况具有较好的鲁棒性,能达到较好的计数效果。  相似文献   

本文利用在西太平洋牛郎海山布放的两套锚系潜标获取的长时间海流观测数据,分析了深海的海洋动力环境特征,着重阐释了该海域海流的全水深垂向结构及其低频变化特征。结果表明:(1)年平均海流及其变化幅度均在上层最大、中层和深层次之、中深层最小;(2)年平均上,150 m以浅的海流为东向的副热带逆流,150 m以深和中层为西向流;山顶处的近底层海流为较稳定的弱南向流,山底处的近底层海流为西南向流;(3)在山顶和山底,各深度层次的海流在全年均表现出100 d左右的振荡周期;在2 000 m以浅,各深度层次的海流振荡的位相基本一致,振荡幅度在表层最强、随深度的增加而减小;在2 000 m以深,海流变化的位相与2 000 m以浅相反,振荡幅度在4 000 m最强。  相似文献   

为了建立大田软海绵酸(Okadaic acid,0A)的免疫学检测方法,利用活泼酯法将OA分子中的羧基与栽体蛋白上的氨基偶联,人工制备OA的免疫抗原(OA-IgG)和检测抗原(OA-BSA),经电泳、动物实验及ELISA法进行了鉴定,完全抗原的偶联成功,为利用杂交瘤技术制备OA的单克隆抗体和海产品OA免疫学检测方法奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

4种海洋绿藻光合放氢特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
四爿藻(Tetraselmis sp.)、微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis occulata)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和扁藻(Ptatymonas subcordiformis)的放氢特点各不相同。在暗厌氧培养阶段,四爿藻和微绿球藻不释放氢气,小球藻和扁藻释放微量的氢气。随后的光照培养阶段中,4种海藻在天然海水中都释放氢气,四爿藻和小球藻在无硫海水中不释放氢气,而微绿球藻在无硫海水中释放的氢气比在天然海水中的少,扁藻在无硫海水中释放的氢气为天然海水中的10倍。在4种藻中。亚心型扁藻的光合放氢能力最高。解偶联剂CCCP(carbonyl cyanide m—chlorophenylhydrazone)对该4种藻的光合放氢的影响各不相同,并初步推测了扁藻光合放氢的速度限制因素。  相似文献   

Four similar sponges of different colors, all unknown to science, were collected in submarine caves of New Caledonia. We aimed at determining whether the four chromotypes represented different species or phenotypic variations of a unique new species. We used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphologic, molecular and metabolomic analyses. The main traits that define these specimens are a skeleton made of monolophose, trilophose and tetralophose calthrops only, high chemical diversity and a high abundance and diversity of prokaryotic symbionts. The symbiotic community includes two unique prokaryote morphotypes, which are described for the first time in Homoscleromorpha, and appeared to be vertically transmitted. Although several features slightly differ among chromotypes, the most parsimonious conclusion was to propose a single new species Plakina kanaky sp. nov. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated the paraphyly of the Plakina genus, with P. kanaky sp. nov. belonging to a clade that includes Plakina jani and Plakina trilopha. The present work demonstrates that integrative taxonomy should be used in order to revise the entire Plakinidae family and especially the non‐monophyletic genus Plakina.  相似文献   

随着海底地热学研究的不断深入,对海底地热测量仪器的技术指标提出了更高要求。基于前期自主研发的FY1自容式微型温度测量记录仪,经过大量实践数据与经验积累,研制出新型的FY2自容式微型温度测量记录仪。为验证FY2的性能,在实验室恒温水槽和南海北部陆坡深水海域对FY1和FY2进行了仪器校验和比测,结果显示FY2的测量分辨率优于0.0001 ℃,测量准确度优于±0.0015 ℃,比测点的海底热流值为78 mW/m2。实验结果证实FY2探针不仅具有高分辨率、高精度、性能稳定的特点,而且测量效率高,可为海底热流探测与研究提供新一代可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Sicilian lagoon Stagnone di Marsala, Tethya aurantium and T. citrina show different ecological distributions, although some overlapping occurs. The first species reaches its highest density where linear currents are maximal, and in this habitat it is particularly frequent on Posidonia oceanica rhizomes. The second species is more abundant in still water locations and is equally common on Posidonia rhizomes and on calcareous concretions. Such distributions can be related to water movement, Posidonia shoot density, and associated factors such as sedimentation and food availability. These observations are consistent with an adaptive interpretation of the morphofunctional features distinguishing the two species.  相似文献   

This paper is the fifth in a series revising the taxonomy of New Zealand dictyoceratid sponges (phylum Porifera, subclass Ceractinomorpha, order Dictyoceratida). Six new species of the genus Spongia are added to New Zealand's known fauna. The use of subgenera within the genus Spongia is discussed, and two new subgenera are proposed. The genus Hippospongia is revised, and an emended generic diagnosis is proposed.  相似文献   

Henry M.  Reiswig 《Marine Ecology》1981,2(4):273-293
Abstract. The major in situ physiological activities of the common, tropical, West Atlantic demosponge Verongia (= Aplysina) fistularis were determined in order to relate the carbon and energy budgets of this species to the two contrasting patterns documented for bacteriosponges (sponges harbouring large symbiotic bacterial populations) and non-bacteriosponges (sponges lacking such large bacterial populations and considered "normal" sponges). Measurements of specimen dimensions and exhalant water velocity, and samples of exhalant water were obtained from undisturbed field specimens for estimation of rates of water transport, respiration and particulate organic carbon retention. Partial carbon and energy budgets were developed from calculated rates of particulate feeding, respiration and growth. The bacteriosponge, V. fistularis , is very similar to Verongula sp., another bacteriosponge, in terms of high respiration rate, 5.33% of available oxygen being removed during a single-pass water transit, and gross imbalance in particulate carbon and energy budgets, particulate sources supplying only 14% of respiration and growth requirements. The nutrient resource spectrum of Verongia fistularis and other bacteriosponges appears to be overwhelmingly dominated by dissolved organic matter, and thus contrasts strikingly with the present knowledge of nutrition in the normal non-bacteriosponges.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two new species of the sponge genus Ulosa were found living in symbiosis with a chroococcacean cyanophyte (cyanobacterium) in shallow Caribbean coral reefs off Belize (Central America). Ulosa funicularis is a stringy green sponge (styles: 157 × 2.5 μm, mean dimensions); U. arenosa is a thickly encrusting, shaggy, brownish-greenish mottled species with sandy ectosome (styles: 175 × 3.6 μm). The endosymbiotic algae make up 50% of the cellular sponge tissue. The algal cells are light green, spherical, 5–9 μm in diameter, and divide by median constriction. Electron microscopy shows that cell walls are fully developed but that thylakoids are unusual for their inflated sacs, which are in communication with the nucleoplasmic regions. Although the pigment composition is typical for the Cyanophyta, the phycobiliproteins occur in considerably  相似文献   

海面高度异常是反映海洋环境状况的主要变量之一。本文使用1993—2019年的融合月均海面高度异常数据,建立了基于深度学习的海面高度异常预测神经网络模型,提出了基于融合U型网络(U-Net)和卷积长短记忆网络(ConvLSTM)的中长期海面高度异常预报模型。在研究海域0.25°×0.25°的空间分辨率下,模型测试集预报结果的均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别为0.039 m和0.027 m,均优于全连接LSTM预报模型和ConvLSTM+CNN预报模型,为大中尺度的海面高度异常预报提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

The deep-sea habitat, from 200 to 2000 m depth, has long been thought as an ecosystem where biotic and abiotic factors vary very little and consequently species are not disturbed by processes and phenomena which could promote fast evolutionary mechanisms. Unfortunately, biological information relating to deep water is limited, especially regarding the population genetics of species inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea, and general patterns cannot be inferred. In this study we report data on the population genetic structure of Aristeus antennatus , a deep-sea decapod crustacean species which has been widely studied due to its important economic value. We surveyed and examined the variation in a 369-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region from individuals caught by Spanish and Italian trawlers in eight localities. High levels of mitochondrial control region haplotypic diversity (ranging from 0.884 to 0.989) were observed. AMOVA showed a high level of genetic variation, more within than between populations, and a low but significant ΦST value was recovered. Minimum spanning network did not separate any haplotype group and haplotype distribution does not mirror the geographic origin of the samples. The absence of population substructuring was also observed with a principal coordinates analysis, which uses an individual-by-individual comparison. These results revealed extensive gene flow among populations. Information on demographic history based on mismatch analysis revealed an unstable population, showing an alternate pattern of growth and decline. Our results indicated that in the western and central Mediterranean basins A. antennatus is a large panmictic population with a fluctuating abundance. The absence of deep-sea barriers and adult migration may prevent the structuring of the species into genetically differentiated populations.  相似文献   

针对深海立管在理想环境和外部水环境中发生碰撞的情况,从立管碰撞最大径向位移和应力峰值两方面展开研究,充分利用ABAQUS仿真得到的数据,基于数值模拟和回归分析,提出四因素三水平的立管碰撞响应面分析方法。采用Design-Expert软件的BOX设计,对立管的非线性碰撞过程中的碰撞应力峰值和最大径向位移等两个试验指标进行回归分析并分别建立二次响应面回归模型。通过将响应面分析所得最优化解与有限元计算结果的对比,最终验证了响应面分析方法及所得模型的准确性。  相似文献   

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