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This report considers experimental studies of the gravitation fractionating of xenocrysts (diamond, garnet, and olivine) in kimberlite magma at 4.0 GPa and 1400°C. The values obtained (0.6–0.7 m/h for 0.3-mm diamond crystals, 0.36 m/h for garnet grains, and 0.6–0.29 m/h for olivine grains) point to a high rate of xenocryst sinking in the ultralow-viscous kimberlite magma (as high as 1 m/h and more, depending on the densities and grain sizes of minerals). A high rate of xenocryst sinking in kimberlite magma results in the impossibility of preservation of heterogeneity in these melts for a sufficiently long time.  相似文献   

The Jinbaoshan Pt–Pd deposit in Yunnan, SW China, is hosted in a wehrlite body, which is a member of the Permian (∼260 Ma) Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The deposit is reported to contain one million tonnes of Pt–Pd ore grading 0.21% Ni and 0.16% Cu with 3.0 g/t (Pd + Pt). Platinum-group minerals (PGM) mostly are ∼10 μm in diameter, and are commonly Te-, Sn- and As-bearing, including moncheite (PtTe2), atokite (Pd3Sn), kotulskite (PdTe), sperrylite (PtAs2), irarsite (IrAsS), cooperite (PtS), sudburyite (PdSb), and Pt–Fe alloy. Primary rock-forming minerals are olivine and clinopyroxene, with clinopyroxene forming anhedral poikilitic crystals surrounding olivine. Primary chromite occurs either as euhedral grains enclosed within olivine or as an interstitial phase to the olivine. However, the intrusion has undergone extensive hydrothermal alteration. Most olivine grains have been altered to serpentine, and interstitial clinopyroxene is often altered to actinolite/tremolite and locally biotite. Interstitial chromite grains are either partially or totally replaced by secondary magnetite. Base-metal sulfides (BMS), such as pentlandite and chalcopyrite, are usually interstitial to the altered olivine. PGM are located with the BMS and are therefore also interstitial to the serpentinized olivine grains, occurring within altered interstitial clinopyroxene and chromite, or along the edges of these minerals, which predominantly altered to actinolite/tremolite, serpentine and magnetite. Hydrothermal fluids were responsible for the release of the platinum-group elements (PGE) from the BMS to precipitate the PGM at low temperature during pervasive alteration. A sequence of alteration of the PGM has been recognized. Initially moncheite and atokite have been corroded and recrystallized during the formation of actinolite/tremolite, and then, cooperite and moncheite were altered to Pt–Fe alloy where they are in contact with serpentine. Sudburyite occurs in veins indicating late Pd mobility. However, textural evidence shows that the PGM are still in close proximity to the BMS. They occur in PGE-rich layers located at specific igneous horizons in the intrusion, suggesting that PGE were originally magmatic concentrations that, within a PGE-rich horizon, crystallized with BMS late in the olivine/clinopyroxene crystallization sequence and have not been significantly transported during serpentinization and alteration.  相似文献   

The composition and thermal evolution of the upper mantle lithosphere beneath the central Archean Slave Province has been studied using mineral chemical and petrographic data from mantle xenoliths entrained in the Torrie kimberlite pipe. Coarse-, granuloblastic-, and porphyroclastic- textured harzburgite, lherzolite, and pyroxenite xenoliths yield equilibration temperatures ranging between 850 and 1350 °C. Thermobarometry of these samples requires a minimum lithospheric thickness of approximately 180 km at the time of kimberlite magmatism. The distribution of pressures and temperatures of equilibration for the xenoliths lie on a calculated 42 mWm−2 paleogeotherm, ∼10 mWm−2 lower than the present heat flow measured at Yellowknife, near the SW margin of the Slave Province. The Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe)] of olivine in peridotites varies between 0.906 and 0.938 with an average of 0.920. The Torrie xenolith suite shows variable degrees of serpentinization and/or carbonation with the rim compositions of many clinopyroxene grains showing Ca enrichment, but in general, the xenoliths are homogeneous at all scales. The Torrie xenoliths are rich in orthopyroxene similar to low temperature (<1100 °C) peridotites from southern Africa, and Siberia. Estimates of bulk rock composition based on mineral chemical and modal data reveal a negative correlation between Si and Fe, similar to peridotite xenoliths from Udachnaya. The similarity of olivine Mg#s with other cratons combined with the negative correlation of Fe and Si suggest that the lithosphere beneath the Slave craton has experienced a evolution similar to other cratons globally. Received: 22 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1998  相似文献   

Abundant Fe–Ti oxide inclusions in cumulus olivine (Fo77–81) from the Panzhihua and Hongge intrusions, Emeishan large igneous province, SW China, document the first evidence for early crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides in ferrobasaltic systems in nature. The intrusions also contain significant stratiform Fe–Ti–V oxide ores. The oxide inclusions are sub-rounded or irregular, range from ∼5 to 50 μm in diameter, and are dominated by either titanomagnetite or ilmenite. The fact that the inclusions are either titanomagnetite- or ilmenite-dominant suggests that they are trapped crystals, instead of immiscible oxide melt, formed during growth of the host olivine. The absence of other silicate phases in the inclusion-bearing olivine is difficult to reconcile with a possible xenocrystic origin of the oxide inclusions. These oxide inclusions are thus interpreted to be cumulus minerals crystallized together and trapped in olivine from the same parental magma. In addition to Fe–Ti oxides, some inclusions contain amphibole + biotite ± fluorapatite that might have formed by reaction of trapped hydrous liquid with the host olivine. Numerical modeling of high-Ti Emeishan basalts using the MELTS program successfully simulates early crystallization of olivine (∼Fo81) and Fe–Ti spinel in the presence of a moderate amount of H2O (∼1.5 wt%) under pressure and fO2 conditions generally pertinent to the Panzhihua and Hongge intrusions. The modal mineralogy of the oxide inclusions is in good agreement with the bulk compositions of the ore, as inferred from whole-rock data, in a given intrusion. This is consistent with the interpretation that the stratiform oxide ores in the intrusions formed by accumulation of Fe–Ti oxide crystals that appeared on the liquidus with olivine and clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) analyses of olivines from peridotite xenoliths found in southern African kimberlites indicate 0 to 80 ppm H2O concentrations. OH absorbance profiles across olivine grains show homogeneous H contents from core to edge for most samples. In one sample the olivines are H-free, while another has olivines characterized by lower H contents at the grain edges compared to the cores, indicating H loss during transport of the xenolith to the surface. Flat or near-flat H profiles place severe constraints on the duration of H loss from olivine grains, with implications for kimberlite magma ascent rates. Diffusion equations were used to estimate times of H loss of about 4 h for the sample with heterogeneous olivine H contents. Resulting kimberlite ascent rates are calculated to be 5-37 m s−1 minimum, although these estimates are highly dependent on volatile contents and degassing behavior of the host kimberlite magma. Xenolithic olivines from alkali basalts generally have lower H contents and more pronounced H diffusion profiles than do those from kimberlites. This difference is likely caused by higher magma temperatures and lower ascent rates of alkali basalts compared to kimberlites.  相似文献   

We carried out an experimental study to characterize the kinetics of Ostwald ripening in the forsterite-basalt system and in the plagioclase (An65)-andesite system. Eight experiments were done in each system to monitor the evolution of mean grain size and crystal size distribution (CSD) with time t; the experiments were performed in a 1-atmosphere quench furnace, at 1,250°C for plagioclase and 1,300°C for olivine. Very contrasted coarsening kinetics were observed in the two series. In the plagioclase series, the mean grain size increased as log(t), from ≈3 μm to only 8.7 μm in 336 h. The kinetic law in log(t) means that Ostwald ripening was rate-limited by surface nucleation at plagioclase-liquid interfaces. In the olivine series, the mean grain size increased as t 1/3, from ≈3 μm to 23.2 μm in 496 h. A kinetic law in t 1/3 is expected when Ostwald ripening is rate-limited either by diffusion in the liquid or by grain growth/dissolution controlled by a screw dislocation mechanism. The shape of olivine CSDs, in particular their positive skewness, indicates that grain coarsening in the olivine experiments was controlled by a screw dislocation mechanism, not by diffusion. As the degrees of undercooling ΔT (or supersaturation) involved in Ostwald ripening are essentially <1°C, the mechanisms of crystal growth identified in our experiments are expected to be those prevailing during the slow crystallisation of large magma chambers. We extrapolated our experimental data to geological time scales to estimate the effect of Ostwald ripening on the size of crystals in magmas. In the case of plagioclase, Ostwald ripening is only efficient for mean grain sizes of a few microns to 20 μm, even for a time scale of 105 years. It can, however, result in a significant decrease of the number of small crystals per unit volume, and contribute to the development of convex upwards CSDs. For olivine, the mean grain size increases from 2–3 μm to ≈70 μm in 1 year and 700 μm in 103 years; a mean grain size of 3 mm is reached in 105 years. Accordingly, the rate of grain size-dependent processes, such as compaction of olivine-rich cumulates or melt extraction from partially molten peridotites, may significantly be enhanced by textural coarsening.  相似文献   

本文百次研究了山东金伯利岩中橄榄石的产状、含量、大小、世代、形态、颜色、环带、矿物包体、折光率、2V、化学成分、端员组分特征及红外光谱和穆斯堡尔谱特征,并分析研究了橄榄石的成因。指出了无色—浅绿色的、含MgO、Cr2O3、NiO高的橄榄石是找金刚石矿的指示性矿物。  相似文献   

Olivine is the principal mineral of kimberlite magmas, and isthe main contributor to the ultramafic composition of kimberliterocks. Olivine is partly or completely altered in common kimberlites,and thus unavailable for studies of the origin and evolutionof kimberlite magmas. The masking effects of alteration, commonin kimberlites worldwide, are overcome in this study of theexceptionally fresh diamondiferous kimberlites of the Udachnaya-Eastpipe from the Daldyn–Alakit province, Yakutia, northernSiberia. These serpentine-free kimberlites contain large amountsof olivine (50 vol.%) in a chloride–carbonate groundmass.Olivine is represented by two populations (olivine-I and groundmassolivine-II) differing in morphology, colour and grain size,and trapped mineral and melt inclusions. The large fragmentalolivine-I is compositionally variable in terms of major (Fo85–94)and trace element concentrations, including H2O content (10–136ppm). Multiple sources of olivine-I, such as convecting andlithospheric mantle, are suggested. The groundmass olivine-IIis recognized by smaller grain sizes and perfect crystallographicshapes that indicate crystallization during magma ascent andemplacement. However, a simple crystallization history for olivine-IIis complicated by complex zoning in terms of Fo values and traceelement contents. The cores of olivine-II are compositionallysimilar to olivine-I, which suggests a genetic link betweenthese two types of olivine. Olivine-I and olivine-II have oxygenisotope values (+ 5·6 ± 0·1 VSMOW, 1 SD)that are indistinguishable from one another, but higher thanvalues (+ 5·18 ± 0·28) in ‘typical’mantle olivine. These elevated values probably reflect equilibriumwith the Udachnaya carbonate melt at low temperatures and 18O-enrichedmantle source. The volumetrically significant rims of olivine-IIhave constant Fo values (89·0 ± 0·2 mol%),but variable trace element compositions. The uniform Fo compositionsof the rims imply an absence of fractionation of the melt'sFe2+/Mg, which is possible in the carbonatite melt–olivinesystem. The kimberlite melt is argued to have originated inthe mantle as a chloride–carbonate liquid, devoid of ‘ultramafic’or ‘basaltic’ aluminosilicate components, but becameolivine-laden and olivine-saturated by scavenging olivine crystalsfrom the pathway rocks and dissolving them en route to the surface.During emplacement the kimberlite magma changed progressivelytowards an original alkali-rich chloride–carbonate meltby extensively crystallizing groundmass olivine and gravitationalseparation of solids in the pipe. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; olivine; partial melting; carbonatitic melt; oxygen isotopes; H2O  相似文献   

Several spindle-shaped grains of zircon, which have a small size (<0.25 mm) and a distinct purplish pink coloration were found in the crushed samples of kimberlites from the Aykhal, Komsomolskaya-Magnitnaya, Botuobinskaya (Siberian platform), and Nyurbinskaya (Yakutia) pipes and olivine lamproites of the Khani massif (West Aldan). U-Pb SHRIMP II zircon dating performed at the VSEGEI Center for Isotopic Research yielded the ages of 1870–1890 Ma for the pipes of the Western province (Aykhal and Komsomolskaya) and 2200–2750 Ma for the pipes of the eastern province (Nyurbinskaya and Botuobinskaya), which allowed us to consider these zircons to be xenogenic to kimberlites. Although these zircons resemble in their age and color those from the granulite xenoliths in the Udachnaya pipe [2], no other granulite minerals are found there. Thus, major geological events in the mantle and lower crust, which led to the formation of zircon-bearing rocks, happened at 1800–1900 Ma in the northern part of the kimberlite province, whereas in the Eastern part of the province (Nakyn field) these events were much older (2220–2700 Ma). It is known that the period of 1800–1900 Ma in the Earth’s history was accompanied by intense tectonic movements and widespread alkaline-carbonatite magmatism. This magmatism was related to plume activity responsible for overheating the large portions of the mantle to the temperatures at which some diamonds in mantle rocks would burn (northern part of the kimberlite province). In the Nakyn area, the mantle underwent few or no geological processes at that time, and perhaps for this reason this area hosts more diamondiferous kimberlites. The age of olivine lamproites from the Khani massif is 2672–2732 Ma. Thus, these are some of the world’s oldest known K-alkaline rocks.  相似文献   

Summary Mantle-derived xenoliths from Baarley in the Quaternary West Eifel volcanic field contain six distinct varieties of glass in veins, selvages and pools. 1) Silica-undersaturated glass rich in zoned clinopyroxene microlites that forms jackets around and veins within the xenoliths. This glass is compositionally similar to groundmass glass in the host basanite. 2) Silica-undersaturated alkaline glass that contains microlites of Cr-diopside, olivine and spinel associated with amphibole in peridotites. This glass locally contains corroded primary spinel and phlogopite. 3) Silica-undersaturated glass associated with diopside, spinel ± olivine and rh?nite microlites in partly to completely broken down amphibole grains in clinopyroxenites. 4) Silica-undersaturated to silica-saturated, potassic glass in microlite-rich fringes around phlogopite grains in peridotite. 5) Silica-undersaturated potassic glass in glimmerite xenoliths. 6) Silica-rich glass around partly dissolved orthopyroxene crystals in peridotites. Geothermometry of orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene pairs (P = 1.5 GPa) gives temperatures of ∼ 850 °C for unveined xenoliths to 950–1020 °C for veined xenoliths. Clinopyroxene – melt thermobarometry shows that Cr-diopside – type 2 glass pairs in harzburgite formed at 1.4 to 1.1 GPa and ∼ 1250 °C whereas Cr-diopside – type 2 glass pairs in wehrlite formed at 0.9 to 0.7 GPa and 1120–1200 °C. This bimodal distribution in pressure and temperature suggests that harzburgite xenoliths may have been entrained at greater depth than wehrlite xenoliths. Glass in the Baarley xenoliths has three different origins: infiltration of an early host melt different in composition from the erupted host basanite; partial melting of amphibole; reaction of either of these melts with xenolith minerals. The composition of type 1 glass suggests that jackets are accumulations of relatively evolved host magma. Mass balance modelling of the type 2 glass and its microlites indicates that it results from breakdown of disseminated amphibole and reaction of the melt with the surrounding xenolith minerals. Type 3 glass in clinopyroxenite xenoliths is the result of breakdown of amphibole at low pressure. Type 4 and 5 glass formed by reaction between phlogopite and type 2 melt or jacket melt. Type 6 glass associated with orthopyroxene is due to the incongruent dissolution of orthopyroxene by any of the above mentioned melts. Compositional gradients in xenolith olivine adjacent to type 2 glass pools and jacket glass can be modelled as Fe–Mg interdiffusion profiles that indicate melt – olivine contact times between 0.5 and 58 days. Together with the clinopyroxene – melt thermobarometry calculations these data suggest that the glass (melt) formed over a short time due to decompression melting of amphibole and infiltration of evolved host melt. None of the glass in these xenoliths can be directly related to metasomatism or any other process that occurred insitu in the mantle. Received November 23, 1999; revised version accepted September 5, 2001  相似文献   

An experimental method of melt inclusion synthesis within olivine crystals has been developed to determine the composition of the melt present in a partially molten peridotite assemblage. Trace element doped peridotite was equilibrated with 5 wt% of a C-O-H volatile source at 20 kbar/1175 °C in a piston-cylinder apparatus under buffered oxygen and sulphur fugacity conditions [log(f O2) ∼ IW +1 log unit, log (f S2) ∼ Fe/FeS > +1 log unit]. A single crystal of olivine, which had been cut to a disc shape, was included in the sample capsule. At run conditions the peridotite charge formed olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, Fe-Ni sulphide and a volatile-bearing melt. The melt phase is preserved as homogeneous glass inclusions up to 50 μm in size, trapped in situ in the olivine disc. The major element composition of the glass inclusions showed them to be of broadly basaltic character, but with a low Mg/(Mg + ΣFe), which is associated with precipitation of olivine from the melt inclusion onto the walls of the olivine disc during quenching. Thus the equilibrium melt composition has been calculated from the glass inclusion composition by addition of olivine component using the Fe/Mg exchange coefficient of Roeder and Emslie (1970); the desired Mg/(Mg + ΣFe) being determined from the composition of olivine formed at run conditions in the peridotite section of the charge. The melt composition obtained is close to the trend for dry melting established by Falloon and Green (1988), and it is evident that although the reduced volatiles in this case have induced a liquidus depression of some 250 °C, there has been only a small shift in melt composition. Trace element, carbon and hydrogen contents of thirteen melt inclusions have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The trace element signature is consistent with ∼29% melting in equilibrium with a lherzolitic assemblage. The equilibrium melt has a C/H of 0.48 by weight. Carbon solubility in partial melts is thus significant under reducing conditions in the presence of dissolved “water components” and establishes a major melt fluxing role for carbon in the upper mantle. The ubiquitous presence of carbon and hydrogen in basaltic magmas underscores the importance of determining both the position of vapour-present solidi and the composition of melts generated, when developing petrogenetic models. Received: 1 July 1996 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Constraining the composition of primitive kimberlite magma is not trivial. This study reconstructs a kimberlite melt composition using vesicular, quenched kimberlite found at the contact of a thin hypabyssal dyke. We examined the 4 mm selvage of the dyke where the most elongate shapes of the smallest calcite laths suggest the strongest undercooling. The analyzed bulk compositions of several 0.09-1.1 mm2 areas of the kimberlite free from macrocrysts were considered to be representative of the melt. The bulk analyses conducted with a new “chemical point-counting” technique were supplemented by modal estimates, studies of mineral compositions, and FTIR analysis of olivine phenocrysts. The melt was estimated to contain 26-29.5 wt% SiO2, ∼7 wt% of FeOT, 25.7-28.7 wt% MgO, 11.3-15 wt% CaO, 8.3-11.3 wt% CO2, and 7.6-9.4 wt% H2O. Like many other estimates of primitive kimberlite magma, the melt is too magnesian (Mg# = 0.87) to be in equilibrium with the mantle and thus cannot be primary. The observed dyke contact and the chemistry of the melt implies it is highly fluid (η = 101-103 Pa s at 1100-1000 °C) and depolymerized (NBO/T = 2.3-3.2), but entrains with 40-50% of olivine crystals increasing its viscosity. The olivine phenocrysts contain 190-350 ppm of water suggesting crystallization from a low SiO2 magma (aSiO2 below the olivine-orthopyroxene equilibrium) at 30-50 kb. Crystallization continued until the final emplacement at depths of few hundred meters which led to progressively more Ca- and CO2-rich residual liquids. The melt crystallised phlogopite (6-10%), monticellite (replaced by serpentine, ∼10%), calcite rich in Sr, Mg and Fe (19-27%), serpentine (29-31%) and minor amounts of apatite, ulvöspinel-magnetite, picroilmenite and perovskite. The observed content of H2O can be fully dissolved in the primitive melt at pressures greater than 0.8-1.2 kbar, whereas the amount of primary CO2 in the kimberlite exceeds CO2 soluble in the primitive kimberlite melt. A mechanism for retaining CO2 in the melt may require a separate fluid phase accompanying kimberlite ascent and later dissolution in residual carbonatitic melt. Deep fragmentation of the melt as a result of volatile supersaturation is not inevitable if kimberlite magma has an opportunity to evolve.  相似文献   

Patterns in the hydrogen and trace element compositions of mantle olivines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The concentrations of hydrogen and the other trace elements in olivines from mantle xenoliths have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for clarifying the incorporation mechanism and the behavior of the hydrogen. The hydrogen contents in olivines from mantle xenoliths range from 10 to 60 ppm wt. H2O and the concentration range is consistent with the previous infrared (IR) spectroscopic data. IR spectra of the olivine crystals show no effects of the weathering or secondary alteration. The hydrogen is distributed homogeneously among olivine grains in each mantle xenolith. However, the hydrogen contents of the olivine crystals are less than those for the olivine phenocrysts crystallized from the host magma. Olivine inclusions in diamonds also show similar hydrogen contents to the xenolithic olivines. Thus the hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines does not attain equilibrium with water in the host magma during the transportation from the Earth's mantle to the surface, and is taken as a reflection of the hydrogen condition in the mantle. Correlations of hydrogen with trivalent cation contents in garnet peridotitic olivines indicate the incorporation of hydrogen into mantle olivines by a coupled substitution mechanism, with the hydrogen present in the form of hydroxyl in oxygen positions adjacent to the M site vacancies. The hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines increases with pressure but decreases with increasing temperature, suggesting importance of olivine as a water reservoir at low temperature regions such as in subducting slabs. Received August 15, 1995/Revised, accepted November 19, 1996  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the composition of olivine macrocrysts from two Devonian kimberlite pipes in the Arkhangelsk diamond province: the Grib pipe (whose kimberlite belongs to type I) and Pionerskaya pipe (whose kimberlite is of type II, i.e., orangeite). The dominant olivine macrocrysts in kimberlites from the two pipes significantly differ in geochemical and isotopic parameters. Olivine macrocrysts in kimberlite from the Grib pipe are dominated by magnesian (Mg# = 0.92–0.93), Ti-poor (Ti < 70 ppm) olivine possessing low Ti/Na (0.05–0.23), Zr/Nb (0.28–0.80), and Zn/Cu (3–20) ratios and low Li concentrations (1.2–2.0 ppm), and the oxygen isotopic composition of this olivine δ18O = 5.64‰ is higher than that of olivine in mantle peridotites (δ18O = 5.18 ± 0.28‰). Olivine macrocrysts in kimberlite from the Pionerskaya pipe are dominated by varieties with broadly varying Mg# = 0.90–0.93, high Ti concentrations (100–300 ppm), high ratios Ti/Na (0.90–2.39), Zr/Nb (0.31–1.96), and Zn/Cu (12–56), elevated Li concentrations (1.9–3.4 ppm), and oxygen isotopic composition δ18O = 5.34‰ corresponding to that of olivine in mantle peridotites. The geochemical and isotopic traits of low-Ti olivine macrocrysts from the Grib pipe are interpreted as evidence that the olivine interacted with carbonate-rich melts/fluids. This conclusion is consistent with the geochemical parameters of model melt in equilibrium with the low-Ti olivine that are similar to those of deep carbonatite melts. Our calculations indicate that the variations in the δ18O of the olivine relative the “mantle range” (toward both higher and lower values) can be fairly significant: from 4 to 7‰ depending on the composition of the carbonate fluid. These variations were formed at interaction with carbonate fluid, whose δ18O values do not extend outside the range typical of mantle carbonates. The geochemical parameters of high-Ti olivine macrocrysts from the Grib pipe suggest that their origin was controlled by the silicate (water–silicate) component. This olivine is characterized by a zoned Ti distribution, with the configuration of this distribution between the cores of the crystals and their outer zones showing that the zoning of the cores and outer zones is independent and was produced during two episodes of reaction interaction between the olivine and melt/fluid. The younger episode (when the outer zone was formed) likely involved interaction with kimberlite melt. The transformation of the composition of the cores during the older episode may have been of metasomatic nature, as follows from the fact that the composition varies from grain to grain. The metasomatic episode most likely occurred shortly before the kimberlite melt was emplaced and was related to the partial melting of pyroxenite source material.  相似文献   

王思琪  郑建平  韩双  王俊烈 《地质学报》2020,94(9):2676-2686
辽南金伯利岩岩区是我国最大的原生金刚石矿产区,该区金刚石主要寄主岩石类型为斑状金伯利岩。橄榄石是金伯利岩中最重要的造岩矿物,根据其结构特征可以分为橄榄石粗晶、橄榄石斑晶以及基质中微细粒三个世代。本文将岩相学特征和前人研究成果相结合,构建辽南斑状金伯利岩岩浆起源、上升、喷发和成岩模型,探讨各世代矿物的形成过程。具体包括:深部交代地幔部分熔融,形成初始碳酸盐岩浆;初始岩浆上升过程中捕获的岩石圈地幔橄榄岩不断溶解(形成橄榄石粗晶),岩浆成分发生改变,成为金伯利岩岩浆;金伯利岩岩浆迅速上升侵位,至地表处爆破喷发,最后冷却固结形成包含粗晶及其他两个世代橄榄石的斑状金伯利岩。  相似文献   

 Log-normal size distributions are of the form n=noe−L/α, where n=number density, L=crystal length, and α is a constant. A method for measuring three-dimensional log-normal crystal or grain size distributions (CSDs) in thin section has been deduced from computer experiments, in which 2D sections were cut through assemblages of 3D solids. The size ranges and distributions studied were appropriate for igneous microphenocryst to megacryst populations. Conversion from 2D to 3D is based on an exact correction for spheres of uniform diameter. Cumulate numbers of polygons with length≥L (N2D) are converted to N3D by the equation: ln(N3D)=ln(N2D/[L·S])+ln(γ)−β/[L·S] The number density is then obtained as n=−dN/dL. The parameters S and γ correct the measured lengths and no (no=number density at L=0) respectively, and are functions of crystal shape. The parameter β is a weak function of the degree of spatial orientation of the crystals. Highly symmetrical shapes such as cubes, octahedra, and elongated prisms can be accurately measured when randomly oriented; however, rectangular solids with a≠b≠c cannot be accurately measured because they produce bimodal length distributions in cross section. Strongly oriented textures (trachytic or lineated) can be accurately measured regardless of crystal shape. New CSD data from alkaline rocks and a kimberlite give examples of CSDs modified by megacryst retention, xenocryst addition, phenocryst accumulation, and groundmass nucleation. Received: 25 November 1994 / Accepted: 14 November 1995  相似文献   

The development of recrystallization microstructures has beenstudied in some ‘hot deformed’ peridotite xenolithsfrom the Thaba Putsoa Kimberlite pipe in S. Africa. The xenolithswere deformed to high strains by dislocation creep in the uppermantle and then annealed as they were uplifted by the kimberlitefluid. Static recrystallization occurs during annealing producingeuhedral shaped ‘tablet’ grains. Tablet grain boundariesare sub-parallel to crystal growth habits in olivine and orthopyroxene.This microstructure is characteristic of recrystallization byfluid-assisted grain boundary migration, where a thin fluidfilm is present along the boundary. There is microstructural evidence for a complex fluid infiltrationhistory involving an early Fe-Ti rich metasomatic silicate fluidand later kimberlite fluids. Minor partial melting of clinopyroxenecan also be inferred, which, is consistent with infiltrationof a kimberlite-derived C-H-O rich fluid into the xenoliths.Any of these fluids could have been present along the tabletgrain boundaries during static recrystallization. The occurrenceof tablet grains in ‘cold deformed’ xenoliths, whichhave a simple infiitration history, suggests that a C-H-O richfluid derived from kimberlite is the most probable boundaryfluid in both the hot and cold deformed xenoliths. The occurrence of dynamically stable semi-continuous grain boundaryfluid films during re crystallization indicates that mechanismsof fluid segregation and transport in the upper mantle are likelyto be dependent upon the type of deformation and recrystallizationmechanisms operating. In addition the destabilization of thestatic fluid distribution by grain boundary migration and deformationwill also influence the rheology of the upper mantle where fluidsare present. *Present address: Mineralogy Research Centre, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.  相似文献   

A technique is described for determining the cooling historyof olivine phenocrysts. The technique is based on the analysisof the diffusive re-equilibration of melt inclusions trappedby olivine phenocrysts during crystallization. The mechanismof re-equilibration involves diffusion of Fe from and Mg intothe initial volume of the inclusion. The technique applies toa single crystal, and thus the cooling history of differentphenocrysts in a single erupted magma can be established. Weshow that melt inclusions in high-Fo olivine phenocrysts frommantle-derived magmas are typically partially re-equilibratedwith their hosts at temperatures below trapping. Our analysisdemonstrates that at a reasonable combination of factors suchas (1) cooling interval before eruption (<350°C), (2)eruption temperatures (>1000°C), and (3) inclusion size(<70 µm in radius), partial re-equilibration of upto 85% occurs within 3–5 months, corresponding to coolingrates faster than 1–2°/day. Short residence timesof high-Fo phenocrysts suggest that if eruption does not happenwithin a few months after a primitive magma begins cooling andcrystallization, olivines that crystallize from it are unlikelyto be erupted as phenocrysts. This can be explained by efficientseparation of olivine crystals from the melt, and their rapidincorporation into the cumulate layer of the chamber. Theseresults also suggest that in most cases erupted high-Fo olivinephenocrysts retain their original composition, and thus compositionsof melt inclusions in erupted high-Fo olivine phenocrysts donot suffer changes that cannot be reversed. Short residencetimes also imply that large unzoned cores of high-Fo phenocrystscannot reflect diffusive re-equilibration of originally zonedphenocrysts. The unzoned cores are a result of fast efficientaccumulation of olivines from the crystallizing magma, i.e.olivines are separated from the magma faster than melt changesits composition. Thus, the main source of high-Fo crystals inthe erupted magmas is the cumulate layers of the magmatic system.In other words, olivine-phyric rocks represent mixtures of anevolved transporting magma (which forms the groundmass of therock) with crystals that were formed during crystallizationof more primitive melt(s). Unlike high-Fo olivine phenocrysts,the evolved magma may reside in the magmatic system for a longtime. This reconciles long magma residence times estimated fromthe compositions of rocks with short residence times of high-Foolivine phenocrysts. KEY WORDS: melt inclusions; olivine; picrites; residence time; diffusion  相似文献   

We report the first estimates of primary kimberlite melt compositionfrom the Slave craton, based on samples of aphanitic kimberlitefrom the Jericho kimberlite pipe, N.W.T., Canada. Three samplesderive from the margins of dykes where kimberlite chilled againstwall rock (JD51, JD69 and JD82) and are shown to be texturallyconsistent with crystallization from a melt. Samples JD69 andJD82 have geochemical characteristics of primitive melts: theyhave high MgO (20–25 wt %), high mg-numbers (86–88),and high Cr (1300–1900 ppm) and Ni (800–1400 ppm)contents. They also have high contents of CO2 (10–17 wt%). Relative to bulk macrocrystal kimberlite, they have lowermg-numbers and lower MgO but are enriched in incompatible elements(e.g. Zr, Nb and Y), because the bulk kimberlite compositionsare strongly controlled by accumulation of mantle olivine andother macrocrysts. The compositions of aphanitic kimberlitefrom Jericho are similar to melts produced experimentally bypartial melting of a carbonate-bearing garnet lherzolite. Onthe basis of these experimental data, we show that the primarymagmas from the Jericho kimberlite could represent 0·7–0·9%melting of a carbonated lherzolitic mantle source at pressuresand temperatures found in the uppermost asthenosphere to theSlave craton. The measured CO2 contents for samples JD69 andJD82 are only slightly lower than the CO2 contents of the correspondingexperimental melts; this suggests that the earliest hypabyssalphase of the Jericho kimberlite retained most of its originalvolatile content. As such these samples provide a minimum CO2content for the primary kimberlite magmas from the Slave craton. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; melt; primitive; primary magma; Slave craton  相似文献   

High seismic Vp velocity anomalies (8.7–9.0 km s− 1) have long been known about in regions of the uppermost mantle of the Siberian craton, often in association with kimberlite fields. Laboratory measurement of seismic properties of five xenoliths, three peridotites and two eclogites, from the Udachnaya kimberlite under confining pressures up to 600 MPa were extrapolated to uppermost mantle PT conditions of 1500 MPa and 500 °C, however none of the velocities are high enough to explain the observations. Eclogites or peridotites are commonly considered to be the source of anomalous high velocities. We prefer a peridotitic source to an eclogitic source due to the unusual chemistry and regional uniformity of eclogitic garnets required, maximum velocity limitations on laboratory measurements of seismic properties of natural eclogites, and purported abundance of eclogites in the lithosphere. Alternatively, a highly depleted peridotite, such as dunite or harzburgite, can produce velocities high enough to match observations. Olivine petrofabrics in most peridotites, including the three peridotites used in this study, are great enough to produce the observed high velocities provided olivine petrofabrics are continuous enough and correctly oriented to be seismically detectable and the modal proportion of olivine is high. There have been suggestions by other authors that the Siberian upper mantle is highly depleted and that a lithosphere-scale shear zone exists, which may have acted to organize fabrics into segments large enough for detection. Anomalously high Vp–Vs velocity ratios of greater than 1.8 are expected parallel to the olivine [100] maxima required to be present in a high-velocity olivine-dominated upper mantle. Vp–Vs velocity ratios can serve as a means of inferring large-scale anisotropy when limited seismic data are available, as in Siberia.  相似文献   

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