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Graphical Interpretation of Water-Quality Data   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

选取2009年7月1日至2017年12月31日云南地震台网区域自动地震速报及人工地震速报定位结果,对比全国统一编目结果,对定位偏差进行分析,结果显示:①自动速报用时不受台站分布的影响,但漏报地震较多;人工速报用时与台站分布有密切的关系,台站分布均匀合理地区地震速报用时明显减少;②对于震中位置的确定,1类地震基本在规定范围内,但2、3类地震区域自动速报存在较大问题,人工速报虽有改善但仍需进一步优化;③区域自动速报系统对于M≥4.5地震震级的确定偏差较大,人工速报基本不存在问题;④震源深度偏差基本都在规定范围内,偏差超过规定范围的地震基本分布在台站稀少、分布不合理地区,人工速报对于结果的改善没有明显效果。最后分析了漏报和误报情况,为云南台网地震速报的提高提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

地震仪器不同程度地受气象因素干扰,为此地震台站往往根据不同的前兆仪器,安装相应的气象观测仪。以GPS观测仪器配套的PTR-Ⅲ气象仪为例,分析该仪器共享"十五"观测网络的WYY-1型气象三要素观测仪数据的方法,编写程序实现了自动下载WYY-1气象仪数据,并转换为PTR-Ⅲ气象仪格式,从而减少台站辅助观测仪器的数量,减轻了仪器维护的负担。  相似文献   

The prediction of critical frequency foF2 is of great importance in the area of short-wave telecommunication and ionospheric modelling. The test study of foF2 data should enable the validity of data used in PRIME map generating and testing to be checked. The preliminary results show that some data should not be used because they could affect the latest results of PRIME map generating, testing and improving.  相似文献   

国家地震烈度速报与预警工程项目对台站数据包格式采用了新的定义,原有地震波形分析计算软件无法直接处理预警项目产出的数据包,为解决这个问题,本文通过一组实际采集的十六进制数据,对该数据包新变化及定义,以图表形式详细解析了“wc”连续波形数据包中固定头段区、可变头段区和数据区等组成部分的关键字节内容及其逻辑关系,指出数据区Steim2的解压算法本质是将32 bit数据有效拆分为差值时间序列后重新还原数据的过程,并利用C语言给出解析“wc”连续波形数据包的可操作方案。  相似文献   

—Instantaneous frequency matching has been used to compute differential t* values for seismic reflection data from the Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution (GLIMPCE) experiment. The differential attenuation values were converted to apparent Q ?1 models by a fitting procedure that simultaneously solves for the interval Q ?1 values using non-negative least squares. The bootstrap method was then used to estimate the variance in the interval Q ?1 models. The shallow Q ?1 structure obtained from the seismic reflection data corresponds closely with an attenuation model derived using instantaneous frequency matching on seismic refraction data along the same transect. This suggests that the effects of wave propagation and scattering on the apparent attenuation are similar for the two data sets. The Q ?1 model from the reflection data was then compared with the structural interpretation of the reflectivity data. The highest interval Q ?1 values (>0.01) were found near the surface, corresponding to the sedimentary rock sequence of the upper Keweenawan. Low Q ?1 values (<0.0006) are found beneath the Midcontinent rift’s central basin. In addition to structural interpretation, seismic attenuation models derived in this way can be used to correct reflection data for dispersion, frequency and amplitude effects, and allow for improved imaging of the subsurface.  相似文献   

阐述了瞬态瑞雷面波勘察的原理和方法,通过对比勘探,分析24道检波数据与12道检波数据解译频散特征;试验证明前者勘探深度深,分辨率高,该结论对瑞雷面波在工程中的应用有一定指导作用。  相似文献   

谭清海  邓春林  刘俊  单桂华  张怀 《地震》2013,33(4):153-161
本文针对气候模式在超大规模数值模拟中产生的Tb至Pb量级的四维体数据的可视化和分析诊断方法, 提出了基于Server-Client方式的远程数据抽取和并行可视化解决方案。 针对气候模拟数据中的海洋模式和大气模式数值模拟结果数据的抽取和可视化数值试验分析, 验证了解决方案的可行性和抽取算法的高效性、 可靠性和灵活性。 本文提出的远程数据抽取方法对于帮助气候模式领域中的专家快速抽取、 快速可视化和实现实时交互式模拟结果的诊断分析具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

We introduce a new ensemble-based Kalman filter approach to assimilate GRACE satellite gravity data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. The approach (1) enables the use of the spatial resolution provided by GRACE by including the satellite observations as a gridded data product, (2) accounts for the complex spatial GRACE error correlation pattern by rigorous error propagation from the monthly GRACE solutions, and (3) allows us to integrate model parameter calibration and data assimilation within a unified framework. We investigate the formal contribution of GRACE observations to the Kalman filter update by analysis of the Kalman gain matrix. We then present first model runs, calibrated via data assimilation, for two different experiments: the first one assimilates GRACE basin averages of total water storage and the second one introduces gridded GRACE data at \(5^\circ\) resolution into the assimilation. We finally validate the assimilated model by running it in free mode (i.e., without adding any further GRACE information) for a period of 3 years following the assimilation phase and comparing the results to the GRACE observations available for this period.  相似文献   

云南境内陆态网络GNSS观测资料数据处理与初步结果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件对云南境内陆态网络GNSS观测资料,包括27个GNSS基准站自2011年至今的连续观测资料,以及170多个GNSS区域站2009、2011、2013年3期区域复测资料进行了处理,基线处理的重复性在水平方向优于1.79mm+1.1×10?9×S,在垂直方向优于5.99mm+1.46×10?9×S(S为基线长度,以mm为单位),计算得到了基线及点位时间序列和欧亚框架下的测站运动速度场。初步分析了坐标时间序列的变化规律,并利用刚体运动模型反演了云南地区各活动块体的现今地壳运动,初步结果表明云南地块运动方向逐渐由SSE向SSW变化,运动幅度由西向东、由北向南逐渐减弱,菱形块体外各个块体运动速度大幅衰减。该初步结果可为后期GNSS数据的进一步运用提供参考。  相似文献   

结合2009年1月1日起正式执行的《国家速报台站大地震速报评比标准》的要求,对太原基准地震台2009年速报工作中存在的主要问题进行了总结分析,对如何改进工作,有效提高速报质量,提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

Mutual relationships between geological and geophysical data obtained by using methods of different scale are presented for the Miocene sandy-shaly thin-bedded formation and for the Zechstein carbonate formation. The common basis of laboratory results, well logging and seismic data was a recognition of elastic and reservoir properties of rocks. The common basis of laboratory results, well logging and seismic data were elastic and reservoir properties of rocks. Seismic attributes calculated from acoustic full waveforms were a link between the considered data. Seismic attributes strongly depend on small changes observed in rock formation related to lithology variations, facies changes, structural events and petrophysical properties variability. The observed trends and relationships of high correlation coefficients in the analysed data proved the assumption made at the beginning of research that common physical basis is a platform for data scaling. Proper scaling enables expanding the relationships determined from laboratory and well logging of petrophysical parameters to a seismic scale.  相似文献   

We propose guidelines for the reporting of in situ cosmogenic nuclide data for exposure age and erosion rate determinations. This is motivated by the need to maintain the utility of such data in the future, and to delineate best scientific practice. These guidelines will allow published exposure ages and erosion rates to be recalculated with confidence by others in the future, if, as is likely, procedures to calculate cosmogenic nuclide production rates are modified in the meantime.  相似文献   

The city of St. Petersburg is testing subsurface injection of treated sewage into the Floridan aquifer as a means of eliminating discharge of sewage to surface waters and as a means of storing treated sewage for future nonpotable reuse. The injection zone at the test site at the start of injection contained saline water with chloride concentrations ranging from 14,000 to 20,000 milligrams per liter (mg/1). Treated sewage with a mean chloride concentration of 170 mg/1 was injected through a single well for 12 months at a mean rate of 4.7 × 105 cubic feet per day. The volume of water injected during the year was 1.7 × 108 cubic feet. Dissolved oxygen was contained in the sewage prior to injection. Water removed from the injection zone during injection was essentially free of oxygen. Probable growth of denitrifying bacteria and, thus, microbial denitri-fication, was suggested by bacterial counts in water from two observation wells that were close to the injection well. The volume fraction of treated sewage in water from wells located 35 feet and 733 feet from the injection well and open to the upper part of the injection zone stabilized at about 0.9 and 0.75, respectively. Chloride concentrations stabilized at about 1,900 mg/1 in water from the well that was 35 feet from the injection well and stabilized at about 4,000 mg/1 in water from the well that was 733 feet from the injection well. These and other data suggest that very little near injection-quality treated sewage would be recoverable from storage in the injection zone.  相似文献   

本文详细收集并分析了1955年康定折多塘7级地震灾情统计资料,并结合实地复查,按《新的中国地震烈度表》的标准重新圈定了该地震的等烈度线,还对现场灾情统计资料的可靠性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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