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河北矾山盆地北缘断层八营段的古地震重复模型   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过实测断错地貌面,开挖在探槽以及系统的地层年代采样,推断和揭露出矾出盆地北缘断层八营段9万年来总移量量为34m。经7.5万年来共发生过9次古位移事件。其中大探槽揭露的4次事件分别发生在距今:A,2.8万年;B.1.4万年;C,0.75万年和D,656年(?)左右。该段落古地震地重复模型分为两个阶段:9 ̄1.4万年间符合“时间可推测模型”;1.4万年来以来则为“位称衰减模型”。  相似文献   

怀安盆地北缘断裂东段土壤气体地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
活动断裂带的土壤气体地球化学测量在活动断裂危险性评价方面起着重要作用。 本文讨论了怀安盆地北缘断裂东段的土壤气体地球化学特征及其构造意义。 我们于2012年7月和2013年6月在怀安盆地北缘断裂东段的羊窖沟以及张家窑两地现场测量了土壤气体组分的浓度和通量。 测量结果表明: ① 断裂带土壤气H2、 Rn、 CO2和Hg浓度空间分布曲线呈现双峰模式, 且断裂下盘土壤气的Rn、 CO2和Hg浓度较上盘的高; H2、 Rn、 CO2和Hg浓度平均值分别是4.61 ppm、 4.81 k Bqm-3、 0.38%和9 ngm-3; 土壤气Rn和CO2的通量平均值分别是6718 Bqm-2d-1和49.83 gm-2d-1; ② 土壤气Rn和CO2在两个测区脱气强烈, 羊窖沟地区土壤气CO2、 Rn和Hg浓度平均值以及土壤气Rn和CO2通量值较张家窑地区高。 这些结果可能是两个测区断裂活动性差异引起的。  相似文献   

有研究认为1989年和1991年阳原盆地西侧冀晋交界附近发生的2次中强地震震群导致盆地东侧应力随之调整,意味着阳原盆地开启了新的地震活跃周期。盆地东侧地震活动主要集中在盆地北缘断裂附近,其中段大蟒沟至台家庄为该北缘断裂最活动段,该断裂带的最新活动情况对于震情形势分析具有重要意义。本研究在河北阳原盆地北缘断裂带中段的大蟒沟、姚家庄、南口村、台家庄布设了4条测线开展2期Rn、CO2及Hg浓度测量,在南口村、台家庄剖面开展一期土壤化学成分分析,以研究该盆地北缘断裂带中段土壤气体地球化学特征空间差异及其与断裂活动的关系。结果表明:气体浓度高值点分布在断层陡坎、破碎带上,利用断层气在该区域探测隐伏断裂的浅层位置具有可行性;南口村剖面土壤气体释放强度相对高于其他剖面,这种浓度空间分布差异性可能是由于地质构造结构与断裂活动性引起的断裂破碎程度不同所致;土壤中总汞(THg)含量与气体浓度空间分布上具有一定吻合性,基于土壤中总有机碳(TOC)能够吸附Hg元素的特征,THg浓度分布特征能反映一段时间内断层活动状态;结合断裂带周边定点前兆连续观测数据及地震活动性分析认为,该断裂目前活动水平相对较弱。  相似文献   

深井盆地南缘断裂特征与活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深井盆地是山西断陷盆地带北段内部一个规模很小的次级盆地,为中更新世以来发育的三角型山间小型盆地。盆地附近断裂发育,构造复杂,深井盆地南缘断裂为主控边界断裂,控制着盆地的发展演化。本文通过对地形地貌、断裂剖面、地层测年及地震活动等方面的分析和研究,获得了断裂活动时代和活动速率等参数,综合阐述了断裂的空间展布及活动特征。研究表明:深井盆地南缘断裂晚第四纪期间仍在活动,最新活动时代为晚更新世晚期;断裂具有分段性,西段长约6km,多处可见断裂错断晚更新世地层剖面,属正断倾滑性质;东段表现为盆地与黄土斜坡直接接触,由西向东断裂地貌表现逐渐减弱,未见明显的断裂剖面,止于NW向构造,附近发生的4次4 3/4级地震与该段断裂关系密切。  相似文献   

The Huoshan fault is an important fault controlling the boundary of the Linfen basin at the middle transtensional segment of the Shanxi graben system.In this paper a discussion is made emphatically on the tectonic segmentation of the Huoshan fault,its internal geometric structures and characteristics of its activities since the late Quaternary on the basis of 1:10,000 scale geological mapping.Our investigations indicate that the Huoshan fault can be divided into 3 segments with different behaviors and structures.Among these 3,the shear segment with dextral movement is composed of a number of second-order shear faults in right-lateral stepover or left-lateral stepover arrangement.It has a maximum dextral displacement up to 9.83 km since the Pliocene,a dextral slip rate of 2.0 mm/a; a maximum vertical differential displacement of 3.44 km,and a differential oscillatory movement rate of 0.69 mm/a.The lower limit of dextral Holocene slip rate is about 5 mm/a.  相似文献   

The northern boundary fault of Huailai-Zhuolu basin,Hebei Province,has a total length of 58 km and a general strike of NE.The geometry and feature of activity of the 5 segments of the fault greatly differ from each other.17 paleoseismic events have been recognized within 11 trenches excavated along the different segments of the fault.It is found that each segment is characterized by its distinct recurrence of paleoearthquakes.The recurrence intervals of strong earthquakes for each segment are 3500-7000 a for the shortest and 17,000-20,500 a for the longest.However,the recurrence interval of strong earthquakes for whole fault ranges between 750-8500 a.The boundary of the segments can be recognized as the junction,gap,bending,jog and salient of the fault.The length of the segment ranges between 7.5-14 km.  相似文献   

酒泉盆地北侧金塔南山北缘断裂西段全新世活动特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
金塔南山北缘断裂是酒泉盆地北侧的一条重要的活动断裂, 断裂西起梧桐墩西北, 向东经长山、 瓜勾山、 鸳鸯池水库、 大口子山到红墩以西, 长约60 km, 走向近东西, 倾向北或南, 倾角60°~80°。 断裂活动方式以挤压逆冲为主, 兼有左旋走滑特征。 通过对现场断错地貌的调查和探槽开挖, 发现金塔南山北缘断裂西段晚第四纪活动强烈, 并有古地震发生。  相似文献   

北西走向的桥头集-东关断裂与郯庐断裂带南段相交切,横跨合肥盆地及其东缘的隆起区,在合肥盆地内呈隐伏状态。本研究跨桥头集-东关断裂合肥盆地段布设3条浅层地震勘探测线,揭示断裂浅部构造特征。解译出的FP1、FP2和FP3断层性质相同,倾向一致,上断点深度相近,反映出桥头集-东关断裂合肥盆地段是一条走向NW、倾向SW、具有逆断分量的断裂。3条浅层地震反射剖面中第四系的底界面反射波组TQ呈连续近水平展布,表明桥头集-东关断裂两侧的第四系厚度无明显变化。在浅震剖面解译的基础上,布设了1条跨断层钻孔联合剖面,剖面揭露出的第四系没有被错动。结合本区第四系地层发育情况及钻孔地层年龄分析,认为桥头集-东关断裂中更新世以来不活动。根据本文探测结果,尚不能排除桥头集-东关断裂早更新世有一定的弱活动。  相似文献   

The Yuguang basin is a half-graben basin in the basin-range tectonic zone in northwest Beijing, located at the northern end of the Shanxi graben system, and the Yuguang basin southern marginal fault (YBSMF) controls the formation of this basin. A linear fault escarpment has formed in the proluvial fan on the piedmont fault zone of the Tangshankou segment of YBSMF. A trench across this escarpment reveals three paleo-earthquake events on two active faults. One fault ruptured at about 9ka for the first time, and then faulted again at about 7.3ka, causing the formation and synchronous activity of another fault. Finally, they faulted for the third time, but we cannot determine the faulting time due to the lack of relevant surface deposition. The accumulative vertical displacement of these three events is about 8.1m. We estimate that the average recurrence period of the piedmont fault is about 1.7ka, and the average slip rate of the piedmont fault is about 1.6mm/a. We also estimate the reference magnitude of each event according to the empirical formula.  相似文献   

该文通过遥感解译及实际地质调查,将谷露盆地西缘断裂自南向北分为6段: 年波—顶莫多段、 顶莫多—巴仁多段、 巴仁多—得木来段、 得木来东侧—过龙孔玛段、 过龙孔玛—烟它段、 烟它—凶欧错北段。从地质和地貌现象上证明,谷露盆地西缘断裂既有正断的垂直运动,也有右旋的水平运动。由位错量显示,无论是垂直运动还是水平运动,都是多次活动的结果。  相似文献   

GPS测量所揭示的西秦岭北缘断裂带现今活动特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李延兴  康来迅 《中国地震》1999,15(4):295-303
西秦岭北缘断裂带是甘肃省东南部重点地震监视区内一条主要活动断裂带。为了研究该断裂的现今活动特征,在断裂两侧布设了GPS监测网,从1996~1998年完成了3期观测。测量结果表明,断裂北、南两侧存在明显的差异运动,南侧向东运动的速率比北侧大3.8mm/a。在GPS网中,缩短的这基本上为东西方向,伸长的边基本上为北西-南东方向。本区的主压应力方向为近东西向。断裂带的东部(武山附近)左旋特征明显。测量结  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘断裂带西端晚第四纪活动特征及其西延问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张波  何文贵  袁道阳  刘白云  刘兴旺 《地震》2012,32(1):136-143
西秦岭北缘断裂是青藏高原东北缘的一条以左旋走滑运动为主的大型活动断裂。 通过卫片解译和野外地质调查, 认为断裂西端活动性仍很强烈, 并发现切龙沟一带全新世活动特征明显。 结果表明, 全新世以来西秦岭北缘断裂西端至少有2次古地震事件, 说明断裂经过土房村以后活动并没有停止, 而是继续向西延伸, 最后终止于甘加盆地。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThepiedmontfaultofLangshan SertengMountains,locatedonthenorthernmarginoftheOrdosblock ,constitutestheboundarybetweentheHetaofaultedbasinandtheLangshan Sertengmountains.ThefaulttrendsinaNEdirectionalongthepiedmontofMt.Langshan ,changestoanearE Wdirec tionalongthepiedmontofMt.Serteng ,andthenheadinginaNWdirectioneastofWubulangkou .Itslengthis 310km .ItcontrolsthenorthernmarginoftheLinhefaultedbasin .TheGeologicalBureauoftheInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegion (1980 )regardedt…  相似文献   

蔚广盆地南缘断裂带唐山口段山前断层活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔚广盆地是山西地堑系北端京西北盆岭构造区内的一个半地堑盆地,蔚广盆地南缘断裂带为控制该盆地形成的边界断裂。该断裂带位于唐山口段的山前断裂在冲洪积扇体上形成了线性特征显著的断层陡坎。横跨断层陡坎开挖的探槽表明该条山前断裂属于全新世活动断裂,探槽揭示了2条活动断层以及相应的3次古地震事件。在距今约9ka时其中一条断层首次活动,之后在距今约7.3ka时该条断层再次活动并引发了另一条断层的形成与同步活动。最后它们又发生了第三次活动,而最新一次活动的时间由于相应地表沉积的缺失而无法获得。这3次古地震事件的累积垂直位错约为8.1m。估算出整条山前断裂的平均复发周期约为1.7ka、平均滑动速率约为1.6mm/a。此外还依据经验公式估算出了各次古地震的参考震级。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItisdebatedaboutthetotallateraldisplacementalongthemainboundaryfaultsofintraplateblocksineasternAsiacontinentinCenozoicera .Inthe 1 970sof2 0thcentury ,somescientistshades timatedlateraldisplacementbasedongeomorphicdata .Theyproposedthatthetotald…  相似文献   

The fault zone along the northern margin of West Qinling Range is a major active fault zonein the key seismic monitoring area in the southeastern part of Gansu Province.In order tostudy the current activity characteristics of this fault,GPS monitoring network has beenarranged along both sides of the fault and 3 measurements have been made from 1996 to1998.The result indicates that obvious differential movement exists along the north and southsides of the fault and the eastward movement on the south side is 3.8mm/a larger than thaton the north side.In the GPS network,the shortened side is generally in the trend of EW andthe extended side is basically NW to SE.The principal compressional stress trend in this areais about EW and the sinistral motion is obvious in the eastern part of the fault(nearWushan).The measured results also indicate that the displacement rate has decreased by50% and the compressional strain has increased by 100% as compared the data of 1997~1998 with those of 1996~1997,which shows t  相似文献   

The northern Liulengshan piedmont fault is located along the southern margin of the Yangyuan basin and represents a dip-slip normal fault,generally NEE-trending and NNW-dipping.Landforms offset by the fault are fairly developed and well preserved in the Dushanpu area of Yangyuan County,Hebei Province.Two trenches were excavated in front of a scarp of the northern Liulengshan piedmont fault at Dushanpu and two paleoseismic events were revealed in the trenches,from which several samples were collected for dating.The samples were dated using the IRSL dating technique.The preliminary result shows the possible ages of the two paleoseismic events.  相似文献   

野外地质地貌调查表明,龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段是以左旋走滑为主兼具一定正断分量的区域性活动断裂。断裂晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为2.2mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0. 6mm/a;全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为1.8—3.0mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.5mm/a。断裂在晚更新世以来的滑动速率在不同的时间尺度上变化不大,反映出该断裂晚更新世以来的活动强度比较稳定。利用Poisson模型、Lognormal模型、BPT模型三种概率模型计算获得未来50a强震发震概率分别是:6.32%、0.08%、0.05%;三种模型分别取权重0.28、0.36、0.36,获得龙陵-瑞丽断裂北段未来50a特征地震发震概率为1.82%。  相似文献   

Based on field observations and mechanic analysis,the authors think that synthetic faults,antithetic faults,and hangingwall cross-faults are formed on the piedmont alluvial-pluvial plain under the action of hangingwall blocks sliding downward and rotating along concave fault planes of the listric normal fault on the southeastern margin of Weihe Basin.The characteristics of different movements and expressions on the surface of these structures may be taken as the main marks for listric normal fault segmentation.  相似文献   

河北省阳原六棱山北麓断裂古地震年代学的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
六棱山北麓断裂位于阳原盆地南缘,是一条总体走向北东东,倾向北北西的倾滑正断裂。它的断错地貌在河北阳原独山堡发育最好且保存完整在,在狡山堡六棱山北麓断层陡坎前缘开挖了2个探槽,共揭示了2次古地震事件;采集了多个测年样品,经红外释光(IRSL)测年技术测定,初步获得了2次古地震事件发生的可能时代。  相似文献   

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