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The Oylat spa is located 80 km southeast of Bursa and 30 km south of Ineg?l in the Marmara region. With temperature of 40°C and discharge of 45 l/s, the Oylat main spring is the most important hot water spring of the area. Southeast of the spa the Forest Management spring has a temperature of 39.4°C and discharge of 2 l/s. The G?z spring 2 km north of the spa, which is used for therapy of eye disease, and cold waters of the Saadet village springs with an acidic character are the further important water sources of the area. EC values of Main spring and Forest Management hot spring (750–780 μS/cm) are lower than those of Saadet and G?z spring waters (2,070–1,280 μS/cm) and ionic abundances are Ca > Na + K > Mg and SO4 > HCO3 > Cl. The Oylat and Sızı springs have low Na and K contents but high Ca and HCO3 concentrations. According to AIH classification, these are Ca–SO4–HCO3 waters. Based on the results of δ18O, 2H and 3H isotope analyses, the thermal waters have a meteoric origin. The meteoric water infiltrates along fractures and faults, gets heated, and then returns to surface through hydrothermal conduits. Oylat waters do not have high reservoir temperatures. They are deep, circulating recharge waters from higher enhanced elevations. δ13CDIC values of the Main spring and Forest Management hot spring are −6.31 and −4.45‰, respectively, indicating that δ13C is derived from dissolution of limestones. The neutral pH thermal waters are about +18.7‰ in δ34S while the sulfate in the cold waters is about +17‰ (practically identical to the value for the neutral pH thermal waters). However, the G?z and Saadet springs (acid sulfate waters) have much lower δ34S values (~+4‰).  相似文献   

Hepburn Spring is the major cold carbonated mineral spring of the ‘Spa’ country of Central Victoria, in South Eastern Australia. The spring occurs in a small tributary valley of the Loddon River, 15 km away from the crest of the Great Dividing Range. The waters are effervescent, have an alkalinity of around 1,500 mg/L (as HCO3 ), are mildly acidic and have high iron concentrations. Hepburn Spring is one of nearly 100 small cold low flow carbonated mineral water springs that occur in the region. Hepburn Spring has been protected since 1865 in one of 34 ‘Special Mineral Spring Reserves’. By world standards the spring is small and not highly developed, but it retains much of its charm due to the bushland, forest setting. The bedrock of the region consists of indurated arkosic sandstones interbedded with carbonaceous shales and slates. The rocks are folded and cut by swarms of strongly developed meridional fissure fault systems. Hepburn Spring is situated on the fault and fold axes associated with the “Cornish line” and Gold mines have dewatered the spring on several occasions. After dewatering events the water level and flow recovered first and then the water composition and effervescence. The origin of the effervescent waters has attracted much attention; hypotheses include both a volcanic and a rock water reaction origin. The second hypothesis involves weathering of the carbonaceous and sometimes pyritic rock mass which contains only a few percent carbonate. This process produces high bicarbonate groundwater throughout Central Victoria. The Hepburn waters are a variant of these waters and it is suggested that controls on the carbonate solubility and redox conditions in the fissures flow systems results in effervescent waters as the waters ascend.  相似文献   

A sloping travertine mound, approximately 85 m across and a few metres thick is actively forming from cool temperature waters issuing out of Crystal Geyser, east‐central Utah, USA. Older travertine deposits exist at the site, the waters having used the Little Grand Wash Fault system as conduits. In contrast, the present Crystal Geyser travertine mound forms from 18°C waters which have been erupting for the last 80 years from an abandoned oil well. The present Crystal Geyser travertine accumulation forms from a ‘man‐made’ cool temperature geyser system; nevertheless, the constituents are an analogue for ancient geyser‐fed carbonate deposits. The travertine primary fabric is composed of couplets of highly porous, thin micritic laminae intercalated with thicker iron oxide rich laminae. Low Mg‐calcite is the dominant mineralogy; however, aragonite is a major constituent in deposits proximal to the vent and decreases in abundance distally. Cements exhibit a variety of fabrics, isopachous being common. Constituents include micro‐stromatolites, clasts, pisoids and the common occurrence of Frutexites‐like iron oxide precipitates. Leptothrix, a common iron‐oxidizing bacterium, is believed to be responsible for the production of the dense iron‐rich laminae. Pisoids litter the ground around the vent and rapidly decrease distally in abundance and size.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic compositions of three hot springs and one cold spring in the Kirkgecit geothermal field, located 15 km southwest of Canakkale-Biga in the northwest of Turkey, were monitored five times during 2005 and 2007. The physico-chemical characteristics of the hot springs are average discharge 3–3.5 L/s, surface temperature 45–52°C, pH 8.9–9.3, and electrical conductivity (EC) 620–698 μS/cm. The cold spring has a temperature of 12–13°C, pH 7.5–8.3, and EC 653–675 μS/cm. The hot waters are Na-SO4 type, whereas the cold water is Ca-HCO3 type. Chemical geothermometers suggest that the reservoir temperature is around 80–100°C. The isotopic data (oxygen-18, deuterium and tritium) indicate that the thermal waters are formed by local recharge and deep circulation of meteoric waters.  相似文献   

Ag, Pb, Sn and Zn ores have been intensively mined and processed at Cerro Rico de Potosí, Bolivia since 1545. Acid mine drainage (AMD) and mineral processing plant effluent are prime sources of water contamination in the headwaters of the Upper Rio Pilcomayo watershed. Streams receiving AMD drainage from the slopes of Cerro Rico and surrounding landscapes were sampled during the dry (July–August 2006) and wet (March 2007) seasons of one water-year. In-stream waters contained total metal concentrations of up to 16 mg/L As, 4.9 mg/L Cd, 0.97 mg/L Co, 1,100 mg/L Fe, 110 mg/L Mn, 4.1 mg/L Pb, and 1,500 mg/L Zn with pH ranging from 2.8 to 9.5. AMD-impacted streams contained elevated concentrations of the same major ecotoxic constituents present in AMD discharges at concentrations orders of magnitude greater than in those streams unimpacted by AMD. Many of the AMD impacted water bodies are more degraded than class “D” of the Bolivian receiving water body criteria, rendering them unfit for domestic or agricultural use. Natural attenuation is insufficient to render waters safe for use, however, some of these waters are currently being utilized for irrigation and livestock watering. The data indicate that historic and current mining activities have transformed these key natural resources into potential human and environmental health hazards.  相似文献   

Two types of native copper occur in Upper Silurian basaltic rocks in the Mont Alexandre area, Quebec Appalachians: (1) type 1 forms micrometric inclusions in plagioclase and is possibly magmatic in origin, whereas (2) type 2 occurs as coarse-grained patches rimmed by cuprite in altered porphyritic basalt. Type 1 has higher contents of sulphur (2,000–20,263 ppm) and arsenic (146–6,017 ppm), and a broader range of silver abundances (<65–2,186 ppm Ag) than type 2 (149–1,288 ppm S, <90–146 As, <65–928 ppm Ag). No mineral inclusions of sulphide or arsenide in native copper were observed at the electron-microprobe scale. Primary igneous fabrics are preserved, but the basaltic flows are pervasively oxidised and plagioclase is albitised. Chlorite replaces plagioclase and forms interstitial aggregates in the groundmass and has Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios ranging from 0.29 to 0.36 with calculated temperatures between 155°C and 182°C. Copper sulphides in vacuoles and veinlets are associated with malachite, fibro-radiating albite and yarrowite (Cu9S8 with up to 0.3 wt% Ag). Bulk-rock concentrations of thallium and lithium range from 70 to 310 ppb and 10 to 22 ppm, respectively, and thallium is positively correlated with Fe2O3. Such concentrations of thallium and lithium are typical of spilitisation during heated seawater–basalt interaction. Spilitisation is consistent with the regional geological setting of deepwater-facies sedimentation, but is different from current models for volcanic red-bed copper, which indicate subaerial oxidation of volcanic flows. The volcanic red-bed copper model should be re-examined to account for native copper mineralisation in basalts altered by warm seawater.  相似文献   

Deposits of Fe-Si-Mn oxyhydroxides are commonly found on the seafloor on seamounts and mid-ocean spreading centers. At Franklin Seamount located near the western extremity of Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea, Fe-Si-Mn oxyhydroxides are being precipitated as chimneys and mounds upon a substrate of mafic lava. Previous studies have shown that the vent fluids have a low temperature (20–30°C) and are characterized by a total dissolved iron concentration of 0.038 mM kg-1, neutral pH (6.26) and no measurable H2S. The chimneys have a yellowish appearance with mottled red–orange patches when observed in situ from a submersible, but collected samples become redder within a few hours of being removed from the sea. The amorphous iron oxyhydroxides, obtained from active and inactive vents, commonly possess filamentous textures similar in appearance to sheaths and stalks excreted by the iron-oxidizing bacteria Leptothrix and Gallionella; however, formless agglomerates are also common. Textural relationships between apparent bacterial and non-bacterial iron suggest that the filaments are coeval with and/or growing outwards from the agglomerates. The amorphous iron oxyhydroxides are suggested to precipitate hydrothermally as ferrosic hydroxide, a mixed-valence (Fe2+-Fe3+) green–yellow iron hydroxide compound. Consideration of the thermodynamics and kinetics of iron in the vent fluid, suggest that the precipitation is largely pH controlled and that large amounts of amorphous iron oxyhydroxides are capable of being precipitated by a combination of abiotic hydrothermal processes. Some biologically induced precipitation of primary ferric oxyhydroxides (two-XRD-line ferrihydrite) may have occurred directly from the fluid, but most of the filamentous iron micro-textures in the samples appear to have a diagenetic origin. They may have formed as a result of the interaction between the iron-oxidizing bacteria and the initially precipitated ferrosic hydroxide that provided a source of ferrous iron needed for their growth. The processes described at Franklin Seamount provide insight into the formation of other seafloor oxyhydroxide deposits and ancient oxide-facies iron formation.  相似文献   

We studied primary ore samples from Kalmakyr, a giant Cu–Au–Mo porphyry deposit in eastern Uzbekistan. Disseminated and stockwork-type high-grade Cu–Au–Mo mineralization showed average concentrations of 55 ppb Pd, 5.5 ppb Pt, 0.95 ppb Rh, 0.49 ppb Ir, and 4.1 ppm Au (n = 8). This type of mineralization is characterized by the presence of pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and gold. A peak Pd content of 292 ppb was determined in a base-metal-rich quartz vein in granodiorite porphyry, which contains galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and gold. Palladium correlates with Cu, Ag, Se, and S. Mineralogical and laser ablation ICP-MS study confirmed that Pd is homogeneously distributed in chalcopyrite, which contains up to 110 ppm Pd, and tetrahedrite, containing up to 20 ppm Pd. An assessment of the Pd and Pt budget at Kalmakyr showed the potential of approximately 17 t of Pd and 1.7 t of Pt.  相似文献   

The Terme and Karakurt thermal resorts are located in the center of Kirşehir city in central Anatolia. Thermal waters with temperatures of 44–60°C are used for central heating and balneologic purposes. Paleozoic rocks of the Kirşehir Massif are the oldest units in the study area. The basement of the Massif comprises Paleozoic metamorphic schist and marbles which partly contain white quartzite layers of a few tens of cm thickness. The metamorphic schists which are cut by granites of Paleocene age are overlain by horizontally bedded conglomerate, sandstone, claystone, and limestone of upper Paleocene-Eocene age. Among the thermal and cold waters collected from the areas of Terme and Karakurt, those from thermal waters are enriched with Ca–HCO3 and cold waters are of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type waters. The pH values of samples are 6.31–7.04 for the thermal well waters, 6.41 for thermal spring, 7.25 and 7.29 for the cold waters, and 7.52 for the Hirla lake water. EC values are 917–2,295 μS/cm for the thermal well waters, 2,078 μS/cm for thermal spring, and 471 and 820 μS/cm for the cold springs. The lowest TDS content is from water of T10 thermal well in the Terme area (740.6 mg/l). The hot and cold waters of Terme show very similar ion contents while the Karakurt hot waters at western most parts are characterized by distinct chemical compositions. There is ion exchange in thermal waters from the T5 (5), T6 (6), T12 (7), and T1 (8) wells in the Terme area. The thermal waters show low concentrations of Fe, Mn, Ni, Al, As, Pb, Zn and Cu. Waters in the study area are of meteoric origin, and rainwater percolated downwards through faults and fractures, and are heated by the geothermal gradient, later rising to the surface along permeable zones. δ13CVPDB values measured on dissolved inorganic carbon in samples range from −1.65 to +5.61‰ for thermal waters and from −11.81 to −10.15‰ for cold waters. Carbon in thermal waters is derived from marine carbonates or CO2 of metamorphic origin while carbon in cold waters originates from freshwater carbonates.  相似文献   

Partitioning of oxygen and silicon between molten iron and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite was investigated by a combination of laser-heated diamond-anvil cell (LHDAC) and analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM) to 146 GPa and 3,500 K. The chemical compositions of co-existing quenched molten iron and perovskite were determined quantitatively with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The results demonstrate that the quenched liquid iron in contact with perovskite contained substantial amounts of oxygen and silicon at such high pressure and temperature (P–T). The chemical equilibrium between perovskite, ferropericlase, and molten iron at the P–T conditions of the core–mantle boundary (CMB) was calculated in Mg–Fe–Si–O system from these experimental results and previous data on partitioning of oxygen between molten iron and ferropericlase. We found that molten iron should include oxygen and silicon more than required to account for the core density deficit (<10%) when co-existing with both perovskite and ferropericlase at the CMB. This suggests that the very bottom of the mantle may consist of either one of perovskite or ferropericlase. Alternatively, it is also possible that the bulk outer core liquid is not in direct contact with the mantle. Seismological observations of a small P-wave velocity reduction in the topmost core suggest the presence of chemically-distinct buoyant liquid layer. Such layer physically separates the mantle from the bulk outer core liquid, hindering the chemical reaction between them.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the CO2-rich thermal–mineral waters in Kayseri, Turkey. These waters of Dokuzpınar cold spring (DPS) (12–13°C), Yeşilhisar mineral spring (YMS) (13–16°C), Acısu mineral spring (ACMS) (20–22.5°C), Tekgöz thermal spring (TGS) (40–41°C), and Bayramhacı thermal-mineral spring (BTMS) (45–46.5°C) have different physical and chemical compositions. The waters are located within the Erciyes basin in the Central Anatolian Crystalline complex consisting of three main rock units. Metamorphic/crystalline rocks occur as the basement, sedimentary rocks of Upper Cretaceous-Quaternary age form the cover, and volcanosedimentary rocks Miocene-Quaternary in age represent the extrusive products of magmatism acting in that period. All these units are covered unconformably by terrace and alluvial deposits, and travertine occurrences have variable permeability. Dokuzpinar cold spring, YMS and ACMS localized mainly along the faults within the region have higher Na+ and Cl contents whereas TGS and BTMS have higher amounts of Ca2+ and HCO 3 . The high concentrations of Ca2+ and HCO 3 are mainly related to the high CO2 contents resulting from interactions with carbonate rocks. Whereas the high Na+ content is derived from the alkaline rocks, such as syenite, tuff and basalts, the Clis generally connected to the dissolution of the evaporitic sequences. These waters are of meteoric-type. BTMS deviates from meteoric water line. The content is related to the increases in the δ18O compositions due to mineral–water interaction (re-equilibrium) process. CO2-dominated YMS and ACMS with low temperatures have higher mineralizations. Yeşilhisar mineral spring, ACMS, TGS and BTMS are oversaturated in terms of calcite, aragonite, dolomite, goethite and hematite, and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, halite and anhydrite. Yeşilhisar mineral spring, ACMS and BTMS are also characterized by recent travertine precipitation. Dokuzpınar cold spring is undersaturated in terms of the above minerals. The higher ratios of Ca/Mg and Cl/HCO3, and lower ratios of SO4/Cl in BTMS than TGS suggest that TGS has shallow circulation compared to BTMS, and/or has much more heat-loss enroute the surface. The sequence of hydrogeochemical and isotopic compositions of the waters is in an order of DPS>YMS>ACMS>TGS>BTMS and this suggests a transition period from a shallow circulation to a deep circulation path.  相似文献   

 Among the demonstrated processes influencing the transport of bacteria through aquifers, the deposition of cells on mineral surfaces is one of the most important. For example, understanding the transport of introduced bacteria through aquifers is essential to designing some in situ bioremediation schemes. The impact of the presence and distribution of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand grains on bacterial transport through porous media was evaluated in column experiments in which bacteria (short rods; 1.2 μm length) were eluted through columns of quartz sand (0.5–0.6 mm in diameter) for several conditions of chemical heterogeneity of mineral substrate. Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand was present as 10% of the mass, and it was arranged in three treatments: (1) homogeneously distributed, and present as a discrete layer (2) at the top and (3) at the bottom of 14-cm-long sand columns. A pulse input of 108 cells ml–1 was introduced in an artificial groundwater solution flowing at 14 cm h–1 through the column, and eluted cells were counted. Peak breakthrough occurred at 1.0 pore volume. A large proportion of cells were retained; 14.7–15.8% of the cells were recovered after three pore volumes of solution had eluted through clean quartz sand, and only 2.1–4.0% were recovered from the Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand mixtures. The three physical arrangements of the chemical heterogeneity resulted in essentially the same breakthrough of cells, indicating that the spatial distribution of iron coating does not affect the transport of bacteria. The results of the column transport experiments, which mimic hydrogeological conditions encountered in field problems, are consistent with our mechanistic understanding of bacterial sorption. Received: 10 April 1996 · Accepted: 17 February 1997  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 deposits in small Bermudian caves at +21 m above modern sea level: (1) a +21 m MIS 11 eustatic sea-level highstand, and (2) a MIS 11 mega-tsunami event. Importantly, the foraminifera reported in these caves have yet to be critically evaluated within a framework of coastal cave environments. After statistically comparing foraminifera in modern Bermudian littoral caves and the MIS 11 Calonectris Pocket A (+21 m cave) to the largest available database of Bermudian coastal foraminifera, the assemblages found in modern littoral caves – and Calonectris Pocket A – cannot be statistically differentiated from lagoons. This observation is expected considering littoral caves are simply sheltered extensions of a lagoon environment in the littoral zone, where typical coastal processes (waves, storms) homogenize and rework lagoonal, reefal, and occasional planktic taxa. Fossil protoconchs of the Bermudian cave stygobite Caecum caverna were also associated with the foraminifera. These results indicate that the MIS 11 Bermudian caves are fossil littoral caves (breached flank margin caves), where the total MIS 11 microfossil assemblage is preserving a signature of coeval sea level at +21 m. Brackish foraminifera (Polysaccammina, Pseudothurammina) and anchialine gastropods (95%, >300 individuals) indicate a brackish anchialine habitat developed in the elevated caves after the prolonged littoral environmental phase. The onset of sea-level regression following the +21 m highstand would first lower the ancient brackish Ghyben-Herzberg lens (<0.5 m) and flood the cave with brackish water, followed by drainage of the cave to create a permanent vadose environment. These interpretations of the MIS 11 microfossils (considering both taphonomy and paleoecology) are congruent with the micropaleontological, hydrogeological and physical mechanisms influencing modern Bermudian coastal cave environments. In conclusion, we reject the mega-tsunami hypothesis, concur with the +21 m MIS 11 eustatic sea-level hypothesis, and reiterate the need to resolve the disparity between global marine isotopic records and the physical geologic evidence for sea level during MIS 11.  相似文献   

Sulfide-poor mafic layered intrusions, sills/dykes and lava flows in the Funing region, SW China, are part of the ~260 Ma Emeishan large igneous province. They belong to either a high-Ti group (TiO2 = 1.6–4.4 wt%) with elevated Ti/Y ratios (351–1,018), or a low-Ti group (TiO2 < 1.2 wt%) with low Ti/Y ratios (133–223). This study investigates the role of fractionation of olivine, chromite and sulfide on the distributions of chalcophile elements, Ni, Cu and PGE, of the high-Ti and low-Ti group rocks at Funing. The high-Ti group rocks contain 1.6–5.3 ppb Pt + Pd, 0.06–0.43 ppb Ir and 0.01–0.13 ppb Ru, and show relative constant (Cu/Pd)PM ratios (4.0–9.7) and a negative correlation between Ni/Pd and Cu/Ir ratios. Fractionated IPGE/PPGE patterns and very negative Ru anomalies of the high-Ti group rocks, together with low Fo values (59–62 mol%) of olivine, indicate that the high-Ti magmas may have experienced fractionation of olivine and chromite under S-undersaturated condition. Based on the PGE concentrations, the low-Ti group rocks can be further divided into two subgroups; a high-PGE low-Ti subgroup and a low-PGE low-Ti subgroup. The high-PGE low-Ti group rocks are rich in MgO (10–20 wt%), but Fo values of olivine from the rocks are low (74–76 mol%). The rocks contain highly variable PGE (Pt + Pd = 1.7–88 ppb, Ir = 0.05–1.3 ppb), Ni (179 –1,380 ppm) and Cu (59–568 ppm). They have Cu/Zr ratios >1, low (Y/Pd)PM ratios (0.2–7.1) and nearly constant (Cu/Pd)PM ratios (1.5–3.8). The even and parallel chalcophile element patterns of the high-PGE low-Ti subgroup rocks are likely a result of olivine-dominated fractionation under S-undersaturated condition. The low-PGE low-Ti group rocks have low MgO (4.5–8.9 wt%) and very poor PGE (Pt + Pd 0.5–1.6 ppb, Ir 0.004–0.02 ppb) with low Cu/Zr ratios (0.1–0.5), high (Y/Pd)PM (26–70) and variable (Cu/Pd)PM ratios (2.8–14). The trough-like chalcophile element patterns of the low-PGE low-Ti subgroup rocks indicate that the magmas were sulfide saturation and sulfide melts were extracted from the magmas. The extracted sulfide melts might be potential Ni–Cu sulfide ores at depth in the Funing region.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) species concentrations in 0–2 cm surface sediment layer were investigated monthly from November 2001 to December 2002 at the bay, channel and open sea stations in the middle Adriatic. Modified SEDEX method was used for inorganic phosphorus species determination [P in biogenic (P-FD), authigenic (P-AUT), detrital apatite (P-DET) and P adsorbed on to iron oxides and hydroxides (P–Fe)], and organic phosphorus (P-ORG). P-FD, P-AUT and P-DET concentration ranges (1.5–5.4, 0–2.7 and 0.4–3.4 μmol g−1, respectively) were similar at all stations, and showed no obvious common trend of seasonal changes. P–Fe ranged from 1.9 to 11.9 μmol g−1 with the highest values at bay station and higher seasonal oscillations than other inorganic P forms. P-ORG ranged from 0.3 to 18.7 μmol g−1 with higher concentrations at stations of fine-sized sediments and showed increased concentrations in warm part of the year at all stations. Correlation between concentrations of P–Fe in the surface sediment layer and orthophosphate sediment-water interface concentration gradients at bay and channel stations indicated to P–Fe importance in the orthophosphate benthic flux. For the bay station, linkage between sediment P-ORG and chlorophyll a concentrations, primary production and microzooplankton abundance was established, indicating a 1 month delay of sediment response to production fluctuations in the water column.  相似文献   

Excessive arsenic concentrations above the Argentinean and WHO guidelines for drinking water (10 μg L−1) affects shallow aquifers of the southern Pampean Plain (Argentina) hosted in the Pampean and the Post Pampean formations (loess and reworked loess; Plio-Pleistocene–Holocene). Health problems related to high As concentrations in drinking waters are known as Endemic Regional Chronic Hydroarsenicism. Hydrochemistry of shallow groundwaters and soil geochemistry were investigated aiming to (1) understand the partition of As in the solid phase and its relationship with unacceptable As concentrations in waters, (2) identify the provision source of As to groundwaters. Only 5% of the samples had As concentrations <10 μg L−1; in 27% As concentrations ranged from 10 to 50 μg L−1 and in 58% it reached 60–500 μg L−1. The coarse fraction (50–2,000 μm) hosts about 27% of the total As in the solid phase, being positively correlated to Ba (p < 0.01; r 2 = 0.93). About 70% is included in the <2 μm fraction and had positive correlations of As–Fe (p < 0.05; r 2 = 0.85) and As–Cr (p < 0.05; r 2 = 0.68). Soils and sediment sand fractions of vadose zones are the primary sources of As in shallow groundwater while adsorption–desorption processes, codisolution–coprecipitation, and evaporation during the dry seasons raise As concentrations in waters exceeding the guideline value for drinking water.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is the limiting macronutrient for primary production in most lakes. Sediment characteristics are strongly correlated to the internal P loading in lakes. This study investigated speciation of P, Fe, Al, and Ca in sediments of six sampling sites with varying trophic status in Baiyangdian Lake of North China during the period of July 2008 and March 2009. The results of sequential extraction experiments of the top sediments showed that total extractable P ranged approximately from 13 to 28 μmol g−1 for all sampling sites and the rank order of P-fractions was HCl–P > NaOH85–P > NaOH25–P > BD–P > NH4Cl–P. BD–P and BD–Fe had a consistent change with seasons. Their concentrations were both much higher in early spring and mid-autumn. BD–Fe, Al extracted with NaOH at 25°C and 85°C affected corresponding P concentration in sediments, while high concentration of extractable Ca from sediments showed no direct effects. According to the Kopáček et al. model of the molar ratios of Al:Fe and [NaOH25–Al]:[NH4Cl–P + BD–P], there was potential P release from sediments twice a year for some hypereutrophic sites in early spring and mid-autumn, especially in the former season.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is essential in the human diet, but has a low threshold for toxic concentration. It is recommended that nutrients such as Se should be consumed through foods as part of a normal diet. Se concentrations in crops and meat depend on the amount of labile Se in the soil where crops and forage are grown. Therefore, managing agriculture for optimal Se in grain crops and forage requires an understanding of the distribution and mobility of Se. Elevated concentrations of Se occur in waters, soils, and forage 120 km west of Pierre in west central South Dakota, USA. The research site lies in an elevated, dissected plain where soils developed on gently dipping Pierre Shale. Soils were sampled along catena transects and waters collected from soil, ponds, and shallow borings in areas of known elevated forage and crop Se. Soil extracts from saturated-paste extraction and acid (aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid) extraction were analyzed. Selenate was the dominant Se species in both acid and saturated-paste extracts; selenite and organic Se were below detection (<0.2 ppb) in the same soil extracts. On average, 98% of soil Se was not water-soluble. The distribution of total Se shows much less spatial variation than water-soluble Se in the areas sampled. Se shows correlation with organic carbon in soils and waters, suggesting its association with organic carbon. Ca shows some correlation to Se in acid extracts, but not in saturated-paste extracts or in waters. Total Se shows no significant correlation to Na, Mg, and total S in the soils. Se in saturated-paste extracts and water samples shows good correlations with Na, Mg, and SO4, suggesting that evaporitic Na–Mg–sulfate minerals may temporarily concentrate water-soluble Se in shallow soils. The dissolution and precipitation of these Na–Mg–sulfate salts together with pH and oxidation–reduction conditions apparently control water-soluble Se distribution and mobilization in shallow subsurface environments.  相似文献   

Antimony (Sb) is strongly concentrated into hydrothermal mineral deposits, commonly with gold, in metasedimentary sequences around the Pacific Rim. These deposits represent potential point sources for Sb in the downstream environment, particularly when mines are developed. This study documents the magnitude and scale of Sb mobility near some mineral deposits in Australia and New Zealand. Two examples of New Zealand historic mining areas demonstrate that natural groundwater dissolution of Sb from mineral deposits dominates the Sb load in drainage waters, with Sb concentrations between 3 and 24 μg/L in major streams. Mine-related discharges can exceed 200 μg/L Sb, but volumes are small. Sb flux in principal stream waters is ca 1–14 mg/s, compared to mine tunnel fluxes of ca 0.001 mg/s. Dissolved Sb is strongly attenuated near some mine tunnels by adsorption on to iron oxyhydroxide precipitates. Similar Sb mobilisation and attenuation processes are occurring downstream of the historic/active Hillgrove antimony–gold mine of New South Wales, Australia, but historic discharges of Sb-bearing debris has resulted in elevated Sb levels in stream sediments (ca 10–100+ mg/kg) and riparian plants (up to 100 mg/kg) for ca 300 km downstream. Dissolution of Sb from these sediments ensures that river waters have elevated Sb (ca 10–1,000 μg/L) over that distance. Total Sb flux reaching the Pacific Ocean from the Hillgrove area is ca 8 tonnes/year, of which 7 tonnes/year is particulate and 1 tonne/year is dissolved.  相似文献   

Six samples of non-mineralized black shale from a Kupferschiefer section in the northern part of the Polish Zechstein Basin (Zdrada IG-8 drill hole: 1026.16–1026.90 m) were studied for Re–Os isotopes and selected major and trace elements. These black shales, averaging 5.82 wt.% Corg and 1.69 wt.% Stot, display very low base metal values (up to 106 ppb Cu, 792 ppb Pb, and 144 ppb Zn) and have abundances of 64–1376 ppb Re and 0.37–1.25 ppb Os, with a 187Os/188Os ratio of 6.95–22.5. The regression of all Re–Os data yields an age of 247 ± 20 Ma, which is within the range of uncertainties of previous Rb–Sr and K–Ar geochronological studies. The scatter in the Re–Os data can be explained in terms of fluctuations in sedimentary conditions, i.e., restricted basin with terrestrial influence.  相似文献   

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