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Groundwater is the main source of irrigation within south Al Madinah Al Munawarah region. It is also an important source of drinking water in many areas including Madinah city. The wells installed in the aquifer of the study area (south Madinah city) are not currently regulated by the local authorities although they are a key component of water supply. The aquifers in the study area range from unconfined to semi-confined and confined. The main aim of this study is to assess the groundwater in the region for drinking and agricultural uses. For this purpose, hydrochemical analyses of major, minor and trace constituents and nutrients were performed on 29 groundwater samples from the aquifer located about 20 km south of Madinah. The recharge rate of the aquifer of the study area was estimated to be 6.58 % of the annual precipitation using the chloride mass-balance method. Chloride was positively correlated with major ions, which suggests that agricultural activities have some effect on groundwater chemistry through leaching of readily soluble salts from the soil zone. Groundwater of the study area is characterized by dominance of Na over Ca. Chloride was found to be the most dominant anion and replaced by HCO3, thus reflecting geochemical evolution in the study area. The groundwater of the study area is not safe for drinking but can be safely used for salt-tolerant crops.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in the Mulaylih area which forms a part of Wadi Al Hamad in the Madinah Province of Saudi Arabia. Thirty groundwater samples from agricultural farms were collected and analyzed for various physio-chemical parameters including trace elements. The area is occupied by the Quaternary alluvium deposits which form shallow unconfined aquifers. Evaporation and ion exchange are the major processes which control the major ion chemistry of the area. The extreme aridity has results in high total dissolved solid values (average of 9793.47 mg/l). Trace element concentrations are low and are mainly attributed to geogenic sources (silicate weathering). Na-Cl groundwater type is the main hydrochemical facies found in the area. The waters are found to be oversaturated with calcite/aragonite and dolomite. The average nitrate concentration was found to be 134.10 mg/l and is much higher than the WHO recommended limit of 50 mg/l in drinking water. Their high values are mainly associated with the application of N-fertilizers on the agricultural farms. The average fluoride concentration in the study was found to be 1.54 mg/l. The relation between F and Cl and Cl and Na reveals that the fluoride concentrations are mainly attributed to geogenic sources. A comparison of the groundwater quality with the Saudi drinking water standards shows that the water is unfit for drinking. The high salinity and sodicity of the groundwater make it unfit for irrigation. Principal component analysis resulted in extraction of four principal components accounting for 79.5% of the total data variability and supports the fact that the natural hydrochemical processes (evaporation and ion exchange) control the overall groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical study was conducted on the groundwater of south Al Madinah Al Munawarah City, Saudi Arabia, to assess the quality of groundwater for drinking and irrigation uses. Groundwater samples have been collected and analyzed for major and some trace constituents from the study area. The nitrate concentration in most groundwater samples of the study area exceeded the safe limits for drinking purposes, whereas the concentrations of phosphate, boron, and trace constituents were below the maximum permissible limit for drinking purposes; Cr in two samples showed high content over the recommended limits of drinking purposes. Uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater in Abar Al Mashi area caused many environmental problems including water resource depletion and contamination. Correlations between chloride and major ions were positive and may be attributed to impact of agricultural activities on groundwater chemistry. Groundwater of the study area was classified into six water types. The chemical water types of groundwater in the study area contain CaHCO3 in the eastern and southeastern parts and NaCl in western and northwestern parts, reflecting different land use characteristics and pollution sources. Piper diagram showed that almost all the samples fall in one zone, indicating similar chemical signature. Groundwater can be used safely for drinking with special treatments to eliminate the effect of increased concentrations of total dissolved solids, nitrate, and chromium. The groundwater of the study area can be used safely for irrigation on clay soil; however, specific crops should be selected according to their salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality in the Madinah city is increasingly endangered by expanding urbanization, industrial activities, and intensified agricultural land use. In order to investigate the pollution of Madinah groundwater resources, 32 samples have been gathered and examined for major, trace, and nutrient components. Results of groundwater characterization and groundwater quality assessment show that Na+ and Cl? are the main anion and cation in the groundwater, respectively. Depletion of HCO3 that interacts with water increases salinity. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied in the current study to obtain relationship between parameters and sampling site in order to identify the factors and sources influencing groundwater quality. The CA allowed the formation of three clusters between the sampling wells reflecting differences on water quality at different locations. Four major PCs were extracted, which accounted 86.05 % variance of the original data structure. Forty-four percent of the groundwater samples have high values of NO3, due to human and agricultural activities. Four samples in the southwestern part of the study area show high content of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, and Al. This may be due to the influence of anthropogenic activities that resulted from the southwestern industrial area of Madinah. The present study illustrates explicitly the stress on groundwater quality and its vulnerability in the aquifer system.  相似文献   

Al Wahbah, on Harrat Kishb, is the most spectacular of several volcanic explosion craters found on the lava fields of western Saudi Arabia. A Quaternary phreatic event drilled out a crater 2 km in diameter through Proterozoic basement rocks and Quaternary lava flows. The crater is rimmed with a tuff ring of debris from the explosion, around which were diverted Holocene basaltic lavas.  相似文献   

Earth Fissures in Wadi Najran,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of earth fissures due to groundwater depletion has been reported in many places in North America, Europe, and Asia. Najran Basin is in the southern part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and agricultural activities and other groundwater uses have caused significant groundwater depletion there. The basin recently experienced a sudden appearance of numerous earth fissures. An interdisciplinary study consisting of an evaluation of land-use changes, and hydrological, hydrogeological, and geophysical investigations was conducted to determine the reason for the formation of the earth fissures. The hydrological analysis strongly revealed that the groundwater level is decreasing with time. Groundwater depletion would lead to the accumulation of subsurface stress, causing soil hydro-consolidation which creates the ideal condition for the formation of earth fissures. Electrical resistivity, data indicated that there are anomalies in the profiles, which are most probably due to the presence of subsurface topography, another key factor for the formation of the earth fissures.  相似文献   

Amin  Ammar  Bankher  Khalid 《Natural Hazards》1997,16(1):57-63
The occurrence of land subsidence in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia is either natural or man-made. Natural land subsidence occurs due to the development of subterranean voids by a solution of host rocks in carbonate and evaporite terrains, over many areas of Saudi Arabia. Man-induced land subsidence is either due to the removal of groundwater in the agricultural areas or to wetting of unstable soils. Therefore, earth fissures and a lowering of the ground surface in unconsolidated sediments took place in alluvial plains and volcanic vent terrains. Unstable soils include Sabkha soils and loess sediments. These types of soils occur in coastal plains, desert areas and volcanic terrains. When this soil is wetted either during agricultural activities, waste disposal or even during a rain storm, subsidence takes place due to either the removal of salts from the Sabkha soil or the rearrangement of soil particles in loess sediments.  相似文献   

Recent work on outer arcs and collision belts provides for the first time a possible model for evolution of part of the Arabian Shield. The thick volcanic, volcaniclastic and sedimentary succession of the Proterozoic Halaban Group in the east of the Shield is intruded by synto late tectonic plutons and resembles Cenozoic subduction-related magmatic areas. West of the Halaban Group, and separated from it by a major east-dipping thrust with associated ultrabasic rocks and carbonates, are folded chlorite—sericite metasediments of the Abt Schists, comparable to Cenozoic outer arc successions. West of and beneath the Abt Schists calcareous and arenaceous metasediments of the Ar-Ridaniyah Formation are analogous to Mesozoic—Cenozoic continental margin shelf facies of the subducting plate. Eastward subduction with magmatism (Halaban Group) and tectonic emplacement of ocean-floor sediments (Abt Schists) was followed by continental collision and eastward underthrusting by the Ar-Ridaniyah Group and cratonized central part of the Shield. Collision-related post-tectonic granites were emplaced during and following the collision.  相似文献   

Monitoring of soil properties is a significant process and plays an important role about how it can be used sustainably. This study was performed in a local area in Sawda Mountains KSA to map out some soil properties and assess their variability within the area under different land cover. Soil sampling was carried out in four different sites using the grid sampling technique. Ten samples were collected in each location within a 10 by 10 km area; soil was sampled at 0–30-cm depth. The soil samples were air-dried, crushed, and passed through a 2-mm sieve before analyzing it for pH, EC, CaCO3, organic matter contents, and bulk density. The thematic maps of these characteristics were produced using ArcGIS 10.0 software. Finally, the land degradation was assessed using three factors: soil salinization, compaction, and edibility. The obtained results showed that the high risk of soil compaction, salinization, and erodibility occupied an area 5.6 ha (17.5%), 3.7 ha (11.54%), and 8.1 ha (25.3%), respectively, in the surface soil layer. The land degradation risk in the study area due to salinization was low to high; however, the degree of soil compaction was moderate to very high. The K-factor (soil erodibility) in the area ranged between 0.1 and 0.35 Mg h MJ?1 mm?1, and most of the study area was located in moderate to high erodibility classes.  相似文献   

In Al Qasim Province, Saudi Arabia, calcareous pedogenic duricrust overlies the Upper Permian carbonates and clays of the Khuff Formation, and ranges in thickness from 60 cm to 2 m. It consists of white sandy duricrust capped by brown, nodular porous duricrust. Petrographic investigation led to recognition of three lithofacies that show spatial distribution: 1- structureless sandy calcareous mudstone, 2- brecciated-nodular calcareous mudstone, and 3- pisolitic calcareous mudstone. The diagenetic changes in duricrust are aggrading neomorphism and formation of calcite rims around quartz grains. Microprobe chemical analysis was performed on the diagenetically altered material. The development of the duricrust is controlled by four factors: the climate changes, the type of underlying rocks, source of carbonate and biological effects. The repeated changes from semi-arid climate with alternating wet and dry seasons are the main controlling factor, in generation of duricrust development. During humid periods, descending water carries the dissolved carbonates downward as bicarbonates, whereas dry and interpluvial period, the carbonate-rich solutions are carried upwards by capillary or evaporation. The claystone and sandstone interbeds possibly affect the development of calcareous duricrust, more than the sandstones and dolostones, because the former have the ability to attach calcium carbonate to form the duricrust. The development of calcareous duricrust is mainly attributed to the Pleistocene and Early Holocene alternating humid and arid periods that prevailed over the Arabian Peninsula during this time.  相似文献   

This paper presents the derivation of the design storm hyetograph patterns for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia based on real rainfall events from meteorological stations distributed throughout the Kingdom. Two thousand twenty-seven rainfall storms for a 20–28-year period were collected and analyzed covering 13 regions of the Kingdom. Four distinct dimensionless rainfall hyetograph patterns have been obtained over the Kingdom, while two patterns have been obtained for each individual region because of the lack of data for long-duration storms in individual regions. The resulting dimensionless rainfall patterns for each region can be used to develop storm hyetographs for any design duration, total rainfall depth and return period. It has been shown that the developed storm hyetographs have different features from other storm patterns that are commonly used in arid zones. The study recommends using these curves for the design of hydraulic structures in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and regions alike.  相似文献   

Runoff coefficient estimation in ungauged watersheds has a priority for rain water harvesting and management of runoff water, for domestic and agriculture activities, in semi-arid and arid regions. To estimate mean runoff coefficient (C Re) for ungauged streams, Pearson's coefficient of linear correlation (r) was measured. The method of linear regression (y?=?mx?+?c) was applied for 16 gauged catchments representing several regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as Al Qassim, Al Madinah, Riyadh, Asir, Makkah, and Jazan. The studied catchments were equally divided into two groups based on their main streams slopes; group A includes eight gauged streams having main stream slope less than 0.01, where group B includes eight gauged streams having main stream slope equal to or greater than 0.01. The result yields the constant of the linear regression for each group and the mean runoff coefficient of basin by an independent value (basin slope) for group A and an independent value (stream slope) for group B. The results indicate that the measured runoff coefficient (C Rm) and the estimated runoff coefficient (C Re) are almost equal to each other.  相似文献   

王洪作  王丹  张云龙  张鸿  舒徐洁  程成 《地质学报》2021,95(12):3828-3841
目前,沙特阿拉伯西北部Jabal Twalah地区铀钍资源勘查程度较低,对该地区的铀成矿机制研究相对薄弱。本文主要对该地区新发现的伟晶岩型和花岗岩热液型铀矿化带的矿化特征和成矿机制开展研究。区内与铀钍矿化相关的伟晶岩和围岩花岗岩中锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为638.6±3.2 Ma和632.5±1.5 Ma,两者时代基本一致。综合岩相学、地球化学以及扫描电镜能谱分析等研究结果,发现矿化伟晶岩强烈富集U、Th、稀土及稀有金属元素,复杂的高温蚀变矿物组合特征暗示可能经历了岩浆期后热液的改造,改造前后矿化伟晶岩中的铀和钍未发生分离,以副矿物形式存在而无独立铀矿物,具岩浆矿物组合的特征,如金红石、锆石、氟碳铈矿、磷钇矿、钍石等。花岗岩热液型单铀矿化带的地表样品中铀矿物主要为硅铅铀矿和硅钙铀矿,脉石矿物主要为赤铁矿、萤石、石英以及少量方解石,铀矿化受控于高铀含量的碱性花岗岩、强烈硅化构造破碎带以及晚期酸性—基性脉岩活动等因素。强烈硅化的构造破碎带及其转折部位或者与脉岩交汇部位是今后重要的找矿方向。  相似文献   

The durability is a measure of the rock’s ability to resist degradation during its working life. Rock durability is greatly related to the mineralogical composition of rocks, rock texture (crystal interlocking, crystal shape and size), and the nature of fluids that are in contact with rock. Marbles have been among the most important building materials since ancient times. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the durability of Al Masjid Al-Haram marble and Ordinary white marble “Carrara” (M1 and M2) and develop some correlations among the physical and mechanical properties such as P-wave velocity, slake durability index, dry uniaxial compressive strength (UCSDry), abrasion resistance, point load index, impact strength index, Brazilian tensile strength, and Shore hardness. After testing and the evaluation of the test results, strong statistical correlations were found between P-wave velocity and other rock properties. Statistical correlations between the UCSDry other tests were also carried out. The coefficients of regressions (R2) range from 0.6177 to 0.997. The study shows that the UCSDry values of M1 and M2 have positive relationship with P wave velocities. Concluding remark is that the rocks tested in the study have good durability characteristics and can be reliably used for construction projects. On the other hand, the derived empirical equations can be used for the estimation purposes for similar rock types.  相似文献   

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