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Detailed geochemical mapping of superficial lateritic formations is compared with recent high-resolution SPOT satellite images in the Dagadamou prospect in southern Mali.The two main landscape features standing out in SPOT images are expressed by thematic indices derived from multispectral data. They reflect the distribution of vegetation cover and the distinction between silty clay soils in the valleys and ferruginous duricrust exposed on the plateaus. Geochemical differentiation factors are closely related to the nature of sampled materials and reflect the relative amounts of major constituent minerals estimated by normative calculation.Duricrust samples with high Fe and Al content are also enriched in trace elements, P, V, Cr, As, Mo, Nb and Cu, immobilized in the weathering profile with secondary oxihydroxide minerals.Soils of flats are composed mainly of quartz and kaolinite; they also concentrate heavy minerals characterized by high contents of Zr, Ti, Ce and Y.Accumulation of detrital material at the periphery of duricrust plateaus is marked by a geochemical halo of higher contents in Zr and quartz at their periphery. This feature is clearly visible on SPOT imagery as a zone of high reflectance, devoid of vegetation.The density of vegetation on duricrust is related to its kaolinite content. Its distribution is characterized by a striped pattern, which is probably controlled by bedrock lithological structures preserved in the lateritic cover.This study shows the relationships, both direct and indirect, existing between spectral reflectance and geochemical composition of superficial lateritic formations. Many other landscape features identified with high resolution on SPOT images provide complementary information, which could be very helpful at various stages of geological and mineral exploration in lateritic terrain.  相似文献   

Chloroform is a common groundwater pollutant but also a natural compound in forest ecosystems. Leaching of natural chloroform from forest soil to groundwater was followed by regular analysis of soil air and groundwater from multilevel wells at four different sites in Denmark for a period of up to 4 a. Significant seasonal variation in chloroform was observed in soil air 0.5 m below surface ranging at one site from 120 ppb by volume in summer to 20 ppb during winter. With depth, the seasonal variation diminished gradually, ranging from 30 ppb in summer to 20 ppb during winter, near the groundwater table. Chloroform in the shallowest groundwater ranged from 0.5–1.5 μg L−1 at one site to 2–5 μg L−1 at another site showing no clear correlation with season. Comparing changes in chloroform in soil air versus depth with on-site recorded meteorological data indicated that a clear relationship appears between rain events and leaching of chloroform. Chloroform in top soil air co-varied with CO2 given a delay of 3–4 weeks providing evidence for its biological origin. This was confirmed during laboratory incubation experiments which further located the fermentation layer as the most chloroform producing soil horizon. Sorption of chloroform to soils, examined using 14C–CHCl3, correlated with organic matter content, being high in the upper organic rich soils and low in the deeper more minerogenic soils. The marked decrease in chloroform in soil with depth may in part be due to microbial degradation which was shown to occur at all depths by laboratory tests using 14C–CHCl3.  相似文献   

张文龙 《地质与勘探》2015,51(1):157-164
以印度尼西亚西加里曼丹SANGGAU地区SPOT-5遥感图像为数据源,采用4(R)1(G)2(B)合成方案及相关遥感数据处理方法,在归纳该地区地形地貌特征、红土型铝土矿成矿背景及控矿因素的基础上,结合DEM三维可视化技术,建立遥感找矿标志,归纳总结控矿母岩及其他岩性的影像特征,划分遥感找矿预测靶区并圈定矿体。所圈矿体与浅井验证工程结果吻合度达75%以上,为快速准确探明印度尼西亚加里曼丹地区红的土型铝土矿提供了新思路,二维和三维技术相结合的方法为此类受制于地形地貌的矿种提供一种新的找矿思路。  相似文献   

利用ERT数据推求非均质多孔介质渗透系数初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高密度电阻率成像法(ERT)能通过改变间距来对不同尺度上的地质体特征进行描述,近年来广泛地应用于地质、工程等领域。本文从电流场和渗流场的相似性出发来研究电阻率和渗透系数之间的关系,简要介绍了利用ERT技术所得的电阻率数据推求渗透系数的基本原理,并利用张家港大新和塘桥两处的ERT测量数据推求出渗透系数。与两地抽水试验结果和岩性取样分析的结果分别进行对比,结果较为吻合。  相似文献   

The continuous coniferous forest in the Tianshan Mountains primarily consists of Picea schrenkiana. The forest forms an unbroken 1,000 km forest zone extending from west to east on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, where environmental conditions such as precipitation, temperature and terrain vary greatly. To gain insight into the differences between soil properties at the upper and lower limits of P. schrenkiana, soil underlying the forests was studied along 4 transects located at Jinghe, Manasi, Fukang, and Balikun, where the natural conditions are typical and therefore representative of western, mid-western, mid-eastern and eastern portions of the Tianshan Mountains. The soil type under the coniferous forest on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains is gray cinnamon forest soil. For each transect, soil samples were collected from three different depths (0–5, 5–30 and 30–70 cm) in the area near the upper and lower limits of P. schrenkiana. A total of 48 soil samples were collected from 16 soil profiles and analyzed in two different laboratories. The soil pH, organic matter (OM), total N, total P, CaCO3, and electrical conductivity (EC) were analyzed using common pedological methods. The continuous distribution of P. schrenkiana on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was caused by combined water-heat conditions and pedological factors. At the upper and lower tree limits, where differences existed in the soil parent materials, precipitation, topography, combined water-heat conditions, and local atmospheric pattern, the soil properties showed a close relationship with the local environmental conditions. Due to the presence of high precipitation over the Manasi transect, the soil was fertile and had a low CaCO3 content. In contrast, low soil fertility with high CaCO3 was observed in the soil along the Jinghe and Balikun transects, where there was low precipitation. Although the soil properties varied on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains due to the presence of different environmental conditions across the 1,000-km forest zone, this region was suitable for the growth of P. schrenkiana. Taken together, the results of this study indicated that soil played an important role in controlling the continuous distribution of the P. schrenkiana along the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

In the framework of various studies to characterize the aquifer at the groundwater experimental field near Montalto Uffugo, Italy, the present work estimates the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity of the unconsolidated deposits that underlie the area, by applying the geostatistical technique of kriging with external drift to electrical-resistivity and hydraulic-conductivity data. The reliability of the estimation method was tested by implementing a model, based on the method of cells, that simulates groundwater flow, with the estimated values of hydraulic conductivity. The results obtained indicate that the estimation method used has an acceptable degree of reliability.  相似文献   




岩溶山区地质环境复杂且脆弱,重特大崩滑地质灾害时有发生。如果对岩溶山区的地质环境认知不准,将直接导致对灾害识别能力不足。文章围绕岩溶山区裸露型岩溶陡崖、复合岩组型斜坡以及非裸露型岩溶斜坡3类基本易滑地质结构差异,探讨多源数据条件下更具适用性的识别探测方法。对于空间影响面积小的厚层岩溶陡崖结构,星-地组合识别方法更加适用,基于GNSS的识别探测方式可在获得动态变形趋势基础上,对可能发生的失稳模式进行初步预判,同时可对InSAR解译的地表位移进行矢量化校正,有利于提高对具有相同或相近SAR数据条件地区的灾害识别程度。对于具有较大空间影响面积的斜坡区域,可优先选用基于InSAR的遥感技术来获取地表变形结果,对于有致灾风险的大变形区还可结合易滑地质结构及外部影响因素对其可能失稳模式进行预判或反演分析。任何灾害识别方式都有其局限性,在实践中可根据不同地质结构特征与灾害类型特点,通过多源、多维度监测来构建综合识别体系,探索更具适用性的识别探测与数据分析新思路。  相似文献   

Risk management in urban planning is of increasing importance to mitigate the growing amount of damage and the increasing number of casualties caused by natural disasters. Risk assessment to support management requires knowledge about present and future hazards, elements at risk and different types of vulnerability. This article deals with the assessment of social vulnerability (SV). In the past this has frequently been neglected due to lack of data and assessment difficulties. Existing approaches for SV assessment, primarily based on community-based methods or on census data, have limited efficiency and transferability. In this article a new method based on contextual analysis of image and GIS data is presented. An approach based on proxy variables that were derived from high-resolution optical and laser scanning data was applied, in combination with elevation information and existing hazard data. Object-oriented image analysis was applied for the definition and estimation of those variables, focusing on SV indicators with physical characteristics. A reference Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) was created from census data available for the study area on a neighbourhood level and tested for parts of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. For the evaluation of the proxy-variables, a stepwise regression model to select the best explanatory variables for changes in the SVI was applied. Eight out of 47 variables explained almost 60% of the variance, whereby the slope position and the proportion of built-up area in a neighbourhood were found to be the most valuable proxies. This work shows that contextual segmentation-based analysis of geospatial data can substantially aid in SV assessment and, when combined with field-based information, leads to optimization in terms of assessment frequency and cost.  相似文献   

程亮 《城市地质》2021,16(4):466-473
根据项目监测实测数据,采用随机森林算法对基坑监测数据进行填充,分析了该方法的适用性、有效性,并与其他常见的数据填充方法进行对比研究.结果表明,随机森林方法作为一种集成学习方法,通过在模型训练时构造多个决策树,并输出分类结果,可以纠正普通决策树过度拟合的训练集合,且性能通常优于普通填充方法.基于随机森林方法填充后的数据,与周边数据相关性较强.在填充后的曲线图形上,还可以看到填补后数据分类性质明显,具有明显的归类特征.高质量的数据填充结果可以有效提高数据集完整性,达到高效、优质利用原有监测数据的目的.  相似文献   

This study documents the suite of processes associated with source-to-seafloor fluid migration in the Connemara field area on the basis of 3D seismic data, well logs, 2D high-resolution seismic profiles, subbottom profiles, short cores and sidescan sonar data. The combination of datasets yields details about fluid migration pathways in the deep subsurface, in the unlithified shallow subsurface and about the distribution of fluid and gas seeps (pockmarks) at the sea floor. The Connemara field area is characterized by vertical fluid migration pathways (“seismic chimneys” or “gas chimneys”) that extend from the top of the Jurassic sequence, cross-cutting the entire Cretaceous sequence to the Upper Tertiary deposits over a vertical distance of up to 1.5 km. Their localization is mainly structurally controlled to the crest of tilted fault blocks along the main hydrocarbon migration pathways. These chimneys are important conduits for focused vertical fluid/gas flow from the deep to the shallow subsurface. However, gas seeps (pockmarks) at the sea floor are almost randomly distributed, which indicates a change from focused to diffuse fluid/gas migration in shallow, unconsolidated sediment. Where the vertical chimneys reach up to unlithified Eocene to Miocene sands, widespread deformation, interpreted as fluidization, occurs around the main conduit. This deformation affects about 32% of the entire unconsolidated Tertiary section (Late Eocene – Miocene). A Plio-Pleistocene glaciomarine drift with up to five horizons with iceberg ploughmarks seals the Tertiary sands. In the near surface sediments it is observed that gas accumulation occurs preferentially at iceberg ploughmarks. It is inferred that lateral migration at five levels of randomly oriented ploughmarks dispersed gas over larger areas and caused random pockmark distribution at the sea floor, independent from the underlying focused migration pathways. This study demonstrates that fluid flow migration changes from structurally controlled focused flow in the deep consolidated subsurface to diffuse flow, controlled by sediment variability, in the shallow subsurface. This result is relevant to a better understanding of the distribution of seepage-induced features at the seafloor related to focused hydrocarbon migration pathways known from industry data and fluid flow modeling.  相似文献   

Mine site characterization often results in the acquisition of geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological data sets that are used in the mine design process but are rarely co-evaluated. For a study site in northern Canada, bivariate and multivariate (hierarchical) statistical techniques are used to evaluate empirical hydraulic conductivity estimation methods based on traditional rock mass characterisation schemes, as well as to assess the regional hydrogeological conceptual model. Bivariate techniques demonstrate that standard geotechnical measures of fracturing are poor indicators of the hydraulic potential of a rock mass at the study site. Additionally, rock-mass-permeability schemes which rely on these measures are shown to be poor predictors of hydraulic conductivity in untested areas. Multivariate techniques employing hierarchical cluster analysis of both geotechnical and geological data sets are able to identify general trends in the data. Specifically, the geological cluster analysis demonstrated spatial relationship between intrusive contacts and increased hydraulic conductivity. This suggests promise in the use of clustering methods in identifying new trends during the early stages of hydrogeological characterization.  相似文献   

Infrared thermography and DInSAR surveying methodologies have been integrated and compared to study the state and distribution of activity of one of the largest landslides of northeastern Sicily, Italy, which is characterized by a slow retrogressive evolution. The Randazzo Landslide was triggered by heavy rainfalls in 1996 and its activity caused the disruption of a strategic transportation corridor, along with the formation of a landslide dam in the Alcantara Valley. After more than 20 years, the slope is still affected by instability and worrying signs of reactivations (e.g., deformation and cracking of road pavement) were surveyed in the field. The application of infrared thermography during the landslide survey allowed detecting peculiar features according to the different thermal pattern of the elements occurring along the slope. In particular, areas with different surface temperature were associated to vegetated spots, steep portions, bare sectors, and contact between different lithologies. Incipient portions and ancient landslide bodies were located, proving the utility of this experimental approach to the surveying of unstable slopes. Information on the entity, in terms of velocity, of the recent landslide displacements were provided by a DInSAR monitoring, which allowed ascertaining the presence of movements affecting several sectors of the landslide, mainly matching with the areas highlighted by thermal images. Achieved outcomes represent a scientifically relevant datum providing important information on the surveyed landslide from the risk management point of view and proving the utility of integrating infrared thermography and DInSAR methodologies for the study of complex movements.  相似文献   

The performance of the Ensemble Kalman Filter method (EnKF) depends on the sample size compared to the dimension of the parameters space. In real applications insufficient sampling may result in spurious correlations which reduce the accuracy of the filter with a strong underestimation of the uncertainty. Covariance localization and inflation are common solutions to these problems. The Ensemble Square Root Filters (ESRF) is also better to estimate uncertainty with respect to the EnKF. In this work we propose a method that limits the consequences of sampling errors by means of a convenient generation of the initial ensemble. This regeneration is based on a Stationary Orthogonal-Base Representation (SOBR) obtained via a singular value decomposition of a stationary covariance matrix estimated from the ensemble. The technique is tested on a 2D single phase reservoir and compared with the other common techniques. The evaluation is based on a reference solution obtained with a very large ensemble (one million members) which remove the spurious correlations. The example gives evidence that the SOBR technique is a valid alternative to reduce the effect of sampling error. In addition, when the SOBR method is applied in combination with the ESRF and inflation, it gives the best performance in terms of uncertainty estimation and oil production forecast.  相似文献   

中巴资源一号卫星(CBERS-1)是我国于1999年发射的第一颗地球资源卫星.它携带的CCD多光谱相机可获取B1(0.45~0.52 靘),B2(0.52~0.59 靘),B3(0.63~0.69 靘),B4 (0.77~0.89 靘),B5(0.51~0.73 靘)的图像数据,其空间分辨率为20 m,重复观测周期为26天,扫描宽度为113 km.与Landsat TM数据相比,具有空间分辨率较高,价格低廉等优势,适用于从事大中比例尺的资源和环境调查评价. 新疆国土资源环境综合遥感调查项目开始于2000年,考虑到新疆国土资源环境综合遥感调查项目组已有数据情况、费用情况、以及其它各种因素,决定用中巴资源卫星遥感数据为…  相似文献   

In deciduous forests, soil moisture is an important driver of numerous physical, microbial, and biogeochemical processes. Therefore, characterizing the interactions between vegetation and soil moisture is critical to forecast long-term water resources and ecosystem health. However, these interactions are difficult to measure, both in time and space. Recent studies have shown the ability of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture at a range of scales. However, no study has yet attempted to use ERI to describe spatiotemporal variability of soil water in relation to vegetation structure and throughfall. In this study, at a mature forest site in Michigan, USA, we captured spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture using weekly ERI measurements augmented with throughfall and soil temperature measurements, and a detailed vegetation survey for five adjacent quadrats. Our results show that throughout the growing season, the soil moisture gradually declined despite strong variations in cumulative monthly rainfall. This decline was occasionally halted, but not reversed, during weeks with high precipitation. Spatial variability of electrical resistivity and soil moisture was not related to soil temperature differences but showed a strong correlation with canopy variables.  相似文献   

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