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We present a model in which the nonthermal radio emission of binary systems containing Wolf-Rayet and O components is due to collisions between clouds belonging to dense phases of the wind of each star. The relativistic electrons are generated during the propagation of fast shock waves through the clouds and their subsequent de-excitation. The initial injection of superthermal particles is due to photoionization of the de-excited cold gas by hard radiation from the shock front. Therefore, the injection takes place in cloud regions fairly far from the front. Further, the superthermal electrons are accelerated by the betatron mechanism to relativistic energies during the isobaric compression of the cloud material, when most of the gas radiates its energy. Collisions between the clouds can occur far beyond the contact boundary between the rarefied wind components. Thus, the model avoids the problem of strong low-frequency absorption of the radiation.  相似文献   

We have found a mass—luminosity relation for the OB components of massive X-ray binaries that is a good estimator of the masses of these evolutionarily important binaries. Analysis of this relation showed a systematic luminosity excess of ≈1m for the OB components in these systems. No such excess was discovered for the evolutionarily related WR + O binaries, which also undergo mass exchange between their components and are the immediate precursors of X-ray binaries. A study of possible origins of the luminosity excess suggests that the most likely explanation is an X-ray luminosity related selection effect for massive X-ray binaries. Estimates show that the probability of detecting X-ray binary increases due to the enhancement of the stellar wind, which increases the efficiency of accretion by the relativistic companion while the optical component evolves along the main sequence. This can explain the magnitude of the observed luminosity excess and the position of the optical components of X-ray binaries in the luminosity—radius plane.  相似文献   

We use a two-phase model for the structure of the circumstellar nebulae of hot stars to analyze the radiative cooling of a dense, compact cloud behind the shock produced by the compression of the cloud by hot gas from the stellar wind, taking into account ionization and heating by radiation from the central star. We can distinguish three stages of the evolution of the cloud during its compression. In the first stage, relevant for the entire cloud before compression and the gas ahead of the shock front, the state of the gas is determined purely by ionization by the stellar radiation. The next stage is characterized by the simultaneous action of two gas excitation mechanisms—photoionization by the stellar radiation and shock heating. In this stage, the gas intensively radiates thermal energy received at the shock front. After radiative cooling, in the final stage, ionization and heating of the gas are again determined mainly by the star. To compute the spectrum of the cloud radiation, we solved for the propagation of a plane-parallel, homogeneous flux through the shock front in the radiation field of the hot star. The computations show that a combination of two excitation mechanisms considerably enriches the theoretical spectrum. The relative intensities of emission lines of a single cloud may resemble either those for an HII region or of a supernova remnant.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the evolution of the components of the unique massive binary system WR 20a, which consists of a Wolf-Rayet nitrogen star and an Of star with an extremely small separation. The estimated masses of the components are 83 and 82 M , which are among the highest stellar mass inferred. We have carried out numerical modeling of the evolution of the components, taking into account the mass loss due to the stellar wind inherent to massive stars. In a scenario in which the systemis detached from the time the components reach the main sequence until its present state, the initial component masses are inferred to be close to 110 M , if the initial masses of the stars were equal, or 120 and 100 M , if they were different. Currently, the components are evolved main-sequence stars, whose surfaces are relatively little enriched by helium. The further evolution of the system will result in one of the components filling its Roche lobe and evolution within a common envelope. As a result, the components may coalesce, leading to the formation of a single massive black hole the supernova explosion. Otherwise, depending on the masses of the resulting black holes, either a binary system with two black holes or two free black holes will be formed. In the latter case, gamma-ray bursts will be observed.  相似文献   

An analysis of observational data shows that, in most cases,Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars in known WR+ OB binary systems were formed as a result of mass transfer in initial OB + OB systems, rather than through radial mass loss by the more massive OB star via its stellar wind.  相似文献   

A number of features are detected outside the nebula NGC 6888, within 1.2° (30 pc) of the star WR 136, which can be explained in a two-phase stellar-wind model. These include regions with fine filamentary gas structure that do not contain sources of stellar wind, extended radial “streams,” ultra-compact HII regions with high-velocity gas motions, and high-velocity gas motions outside the envelope of NGC 6888. The two-phase wind consists of a rarefied component and dense compact condensations, or “bullets.” The bullets generate cylindrical shocks in the interstellar gas, resulting in the presence of high-velocity gas up 20–30 pc from the star, outside the cavity formed by the rarified component of the wind.  相似文献   

We have modeled the mass transfer in the three semidetached binaries U Cep, RZ Sct, and V373 Cas taking into account radiative cooling both implicitly and explicitly. The systems have asynchronously rotating components and high mass-transfer rates of the order of 10?6M/yr; they are undergoing various stages of their evolution. An accreting star rotates asynchronously if added angular momentum is redistributed over the entire star over a time that exceeds the synchronization time. Calculations have indicated that, in the model considered, mass transfer through the point L1 is unable to desynchronize the donor star. The formation of an accretion disk and outer envelope depends on the component-mass ratio of the binary. If this ratio is of the order of unity, the flow makes a direct impact with the atmosphere of the accreting star, resulting in the formation of a small accretion disk and a relatively dense outer envelope. This is true of the disks in U Cep and V373 Cas. When the component-mass ratio substantially exceeds unity (the case in RZ Sct), the flow forms a large, dense accretion disk and less dense outer envelope. Taking into account radiative cooling both implicitly and explicitly, we show that a series of shocks forms in the envelopes of these systems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of degenerate dwarfs-core radius, mass, and energy, thickness of their outer layers-are calculated based on a mechanical-equilibrium equation in a five-parameter, two-phase compositemodel with an isothermal core and a non-degenerate outer region. An accurate equation of state for the partially degenerate, ideal, relativistic electron gas of the core is used together with a polytropic approximation for the outer layers. The model parameters are determined using the known masses, radii, and luminosities of observed DA white dwarfs. A region where dwarfs can exist is identified in a plot of core temperature vs. the relativity parameter at the center of the star, and the dependence of the core temperature on the effective temperature of the photosphere is constructed.  相似文献   

A detailed study of orbital-period variations was performed for TY Del and RY Cnc, which are both Algol-type eclipsing binaries with late-type second aries; for RY Cnc, this is the first study of this kind. The period variations of both stars can be considered a superposition of a secular period increase and cyclic changes of this period. The secular period increase can be explained as the effect of a uniform transfer of mass from the lower-mass to the higher-mass component, with the total angular momentum conserved. The mass-transfer rate is about 1.25 × 10 M /year for TY Del and (0.68?1.02) × 10?8 M /year for RY Cnc. The cyclic period variations of the eclipsing binaries TY Del and RY Cnc could be due to either the presence of a third body in the system or the influence of magnetic activity of the secondary.  相似文献   

We consider the structure and formation of the circumbinary envelopes in semi-detached binary systems. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the gas dynamics are used to study the flow pattern in a binary system after it has reached the steady-state accretion regime. The outer parts of the circumbinary envelope are replenished by periodic ejections from the accretion disk and circum-disk halo through the vicinity of the Lagrange point L3. In this mechanism, the shape and position of a substantial part of the disk is specified by a precessional density wave. On timescales comparable to the orbital period, the precessional wave (and hence an appreciable fraction of the disk) will be virtually stationary in the observer’s frame, whereas the positions of other elements of the flow will vary due to the orbital rotation. The periodic variations of the positions of the disk and the bow shock formed when the inner parts of the circumbinary envelope flow around the disk result in variations in both the rate of angular-momentum transfer to the disk and the flow structure near L3. All these factors lead to a periodic increase of the matter flow into the outer layers of the circumbinary envelope through the vicinity of L3. The total duration of the ejection is approximately half the orbital period.  相似文献   

We suggest a new mechanism for the superoutbursts in SU UMa binaries, in which the increase in the accretion rate resulting in a superoutburst is associated with the formation of a spiral “precessional” wave in the inner parts of the disk, where gas-dynamical perturbations are negligible. The existence of such waves was suggested by us previously. The results of three-dimensional gas-dynamical simulations have shown that a considerable increase in the accretion rate (by up to an order of magnitude) is associated with the formation of the precessional wave. The features of the precessional spiral wave can explain both the energy release in the superoutburst and all its observational manifestations. One distinguishing feature of superoutbursts in SU UMa-type stars is the formation of a “superhump” in the light curve. Our model reproduces well both the formation of a superhump and its observational features, including its period, which is up to 3–7% longer than the orbital period, and the detectability of the superhump independent of the orbital inclination of the binary.  相似文献   

The radial-velocity curves of optical components in X-ray binary systems can differ from the radial-velocity curves of their barycenters due to tidal distortion, gravitational darkening, X-ray heating, etc. This motivated us to investigate how the semi-amplitudes of the radial-velocity curves of these optical components can depend on the binary-system parameters in a Roche model. The K correction is taken to be the ratio of the radial velocity semi-amplitude for a star in the Roche model to the corresponding value for the stellar barycenter. K corrections are tabulated for the optical stars in the massive X-ray binaries Cen X-3, LMC X-4, SMC X-1, Vela X-1, and 4U 1538-52.  相似文献   

Dust transport and the question of desert loess formation   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
H. TSOAR  K. PYE 《Sedimentology》1987,34(1):139-153
Although contemporary dust storms are frequent in arid and semi-arid areas, desert loess deposits are poorly developed. Much of the World's loess occurs in mid-latitude areas which experienced glaciation during the Pleistocene. Ocean core evidence indicates that dust transport from sub-tropical deserts increased during cold stages of the Pleistocene, but loess formed only on certain desert margins, for reasons which have not been fully explained. This paper re-examines the mechanisms of dust transport and deposition, and the circumstances leading to the accumulation of thick loess. Typical loess is composed mainly of medium silt grains which are transported in short-term suspension a few metres above the ground. Significant thicknesses of loess form only when dust is trapped within a limited area, often relatively close to the source. Dust particles finer than 20 μm are transported mainly in long-term suspension over a greater height range and may be widely dispersed. The availability of silt and the frequency, magnitude and direction of dust-transporting winds are important factors governing the potential for loess formation, but the existence of a suitable dust trap is particularly important. Traps may be formed by topographic obstacles, areas of moist ground, or vegetated surfaces. Vegetation adjacent to glacial outwash plains and braided meltwater streams trapped dust in mid-latitudes during the Pleistocene. Dust blown during glacial periods from certain deserts, notably in Sinai, Soviet Central Asia and China, accumulated as loess in neighbouring semi-arid regions. On the margins of other deserts loess formation was inhibited partly by the absence of vegetation traps. During most of the Holocene net dust deposition rates in all desert-marginal areas have been too low for significant loess accumulation. This is mainly due to a reduction in silt availability and a tendency towards landscape stability. Reported dust storm frequencies during the past 50 years over-estimate the longer-term Holocene dust flux due to the effects of human activities. Much modern dust owes its origin to erosion of cultivated soils in semi-arid areas and is finer than typical loess.  相似文献   

The formation of hypervelocity stars due to the dynamical capture of one component of a closebinary system by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) is modeled. The mass of the black hole was varied between 106 and 109 M . In the model, the problem was considered first as a three-body problem (stage I) and then as an N-body problem (stage II). In the first stage, the effect of the inclination of the internal close-binary orbit (the motion of the components about the center of mass of the binary system) relative to the plane of the external orbit (the motion of the close binary around the SMBH) on the velocity with which one of the binary components is ejected was assessed. The initial binary orbits were generated randomly, with 10 000 orbits considered for each external orbit with a fixed pericenter distance r p . Analysis of the results obtained in the first stage of the modeling enables determination of the binary-orbit orientations that are the most favorable for high-velocity ejection, and estimation of the largest possible ejection velocities V max. The boundaries of the region of stellar disruption derived from the balance of tidal forces and self-gravitation are discussed using V max-r p plots, which generalize the results of the first stage of the modeling. Since a point-mass representation does not enable predictions about the survival of stars during close passages by a SMBH, there is the need for a second stage of the modeling, in which the tidal influence of the SMBH is considered. An approach treating a star like a structured finite object containing N bodies (N = 4000) enables the derivation of more accurate limits for the zone of efficient acceleration of hypervelocity stars and the formulation of conditions for the tidal disruption of stars.  相似文献   

Ray  Deep  Liu  Chen  Riviere  Beatrice 《Computational Geosciences》2021,25(5):1775-1792
Computational Geosciences - A numerical method using discontinuous polynomial approximations is formulated for solving a phase-field model of two immiscible fluids with a soluble surfactant. The...  相似文献   

The initial distribution of young radio pulsars, reconstructed from the observed distribution of their spatial velocities distorted by observational selection effects, taking into account the age and spatial distribution of radio pulsars with measured spatial velocities, appears to be bimodal. Most young pulsars are formed with velocities of ~100 km/s. Some fraction of young radio pulsars display an almost flat velocity distribution (dv/dv ≈ const) from 150 to 1000 km/s. Scenario modeling in the absence of an additional (kick) velocity acquired by the young neutron star during its formation in a supernova explosion can reproduce the initial velocity distribution of radio pulsars, but results in a higher fraction of radio pulsars in binaries than is observed. Assuming a random initial Maxwellian kick velocity of ~100 km/s makes it possible to reduce the fraction of radio pulsars in binaries to the observed value (<1%), while leaving the velocity distribution for radio pulsars close to the observed bimodal initial distribution. Such kick velocities are also able to explain the observed distribution of radio pulsars in close binaries in the eccentricity—orbital period plane.  相似文献   

Crustal tensile, compressive, and shear fracture zones seem to correlate with a crust deformed in torsion due to Coriolis force perturbations of a mantle convection pattern having polar symmetry. A crudely tetrahedral arrangement of four convection cells seems to provide this pattern. A detailed examination of the hypothesis apparently requires that converging mantle convection flow be confined to the zone of low seismic velocities, where partial melting occurs. Convection flow in this zone is confined to molten grain fillets, resulting in a high convection velocity in the liquid phase.The Coriolis force laterally deflects the converging convection flow, which presses against the fillet walls like water against turbine blades. This causes the solid grain matrix to deform in torsion. The major weakness of the model is that it cannot reconcile isostatic uplift viscosities in the partly molten zone with observed viscosities for metals and oxides at or near their pressure melting points. This reconciliation is a general problem which all tectonic models must face.  相似文献   

The “Scenario Machine” (a computer code designed for studies of the evolution of close binaries) was used to carry out a population synthesis for a wide range of merging astrophysical objects: main-sequence stars with main-sequence stars; white dwarfs with white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; neutron stars with neutron stars and black holes; and black holes with black holes. We calculate the rates of such events, and plot the mass distributions for merging white dwarfs and main-sequence stars. It is shown that Type Ia supernovae can be used as standard candles only after approximately one billion years of evolution of galaxies. In the course of this evolution, the average energy of Type Ia supernovae should decrease by roughly 10%; the maximum and minimum energies of Type Ia supernovae may differ by no less than by a factor of 1.5. This circumstance must be taken into account at estimating the parameters of the Universe expansion acceleration. According to theoretical estimates, the most massive—as a rule, magnetic—white dwarfs probably originate from mergers of white dwarfs of lower mass. At least some magnetic Ap and Bp stars may form in mergers of low-mass main-sequence stars (M ? 1.5 M ) with convective envelopes.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - We developed a cell-type lattice model to clarify the interconnected conductivity mechanism of two-phase rock. We quantified electrical conduction networks in rock and...  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of close binaries in which the initial secondary component is a nondegenerate helium star with mass MHe = 0.4–60 M, while the initially more massive primary has evolved into a black hole, neutron star, or degenerate dwarf. The neutron star is assumed to originate as a result of the evolution of a helium star with a mass of 2.5 MMHe ≤ 10 M after the explosion of a type Ib,c supernova. If the axial rotation of the helium star before the explosion is rigid-body and synchronized with the orbital rotation, for Porb ≤ 0.16 day, the rotational energy of the young neutron star will exceed the energy of an ordinary supernova. If the magnetic field of the neutron star is sufficiently strong, the necessary conditions for a magnetic-rotational supernova are provided. The initial rotational period of a young neutron star originating in a system with an orbital period shorter than ~50 days is shorter than ~4 s, which, according to observations, is required for the appearance of a radio pulsar. A helium star whose mass exceeds ~10 M in a close binary with an orbital period shorter than one day and with the axial rotation of the helium presupernova synchronous with the orbital rotation evolves into a Kerr black hole, whose formation is likely to be accompanied by a gamma-ray burst with a duration longer than two seconds. In particular, we consider close binaries in which the second supernova results in the formation of a neutron star that remains in the binary. The theoretical distribution of orbital periods and eccentricities for such systems is consistent with that observed for radio pulsars in the Galactic disk in binaries with compact components and orbital eccentricities exceeding ~0.09, providing an explanation for the observed correlation between the orbital eccentricities and orbital periods for these systems.  相似文献   

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