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We present a study of water vapour in the Venus troposphere obtained by modelling specific water vapour absorption bands within the 1.18 μm window. We compare the results with the normal technique of obtaining the abundance by matching the peak of the 1.18 μm window. Ground-based infrared imaging spectroscopy of the night side of Venus was obtained with the Anglo-Australian Telescope and IRIS2 instrument with a spectral resolving power of R  2400. The spectra have been fitted with modelled spectra simulated using the radiative transfer model VSTAR. We find a best fit abundance of 31 ppmv (?6 +9 ppmv), which is in agreement with recent results by Bézard et al. (Bézard, B., Fedorova, A., Bertaux, J.-L., Rodin, A., Korablev, O. [2011]. Icarus, 216, 173–183) using VEX/SPICAV (R  1700) and contrary to prior results by Bézard et al. (Bézard, B., de Bergh, C., Crisp, D., Maillard, J.P. [1990]. Nature, 345, 508–511) of 44 ppmv (±9 ppmv) using VEX/VIRTIS-M (R  200) data analyses. Comparison studies are made between water vapour abundances determined from the peak of the 1.18 μm window and abundances determined from different water vapour absorption features within the near infrared window. We find that water vapour abundances determined over the peak of the 1. 18 μm window results in plots with less scatter than those of the individual water vapour features and that analyses conducted over some individual water vapour features are more sensitive to variation in water vapour than those over the peak of the 1. 18 μm window. No evidence for horizontal spatial variations across the night side of the disk are found within the limits of our data with the exception of a possible small decrease in water vapour from the equator to the north pole. We present spectral ratios that show water vapour absorption from within the lowest 4 km of the Venus atmosphere only, and discuss the possible existence of a decreasing water vapour concentration towards the surface.  相似文献   

A fast method is presented for deriving the tropospheric CO concentrations in the Venus atmosphere from near-infrared spectra using the night side 2.3 μm window. This is validated using the spectral fitting techniques of Tsang et al. [Tsang, C.C.C., Irwin, P.G.J., Taylor, F.W., Wilson, C.F., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., de Kok, R., Lee, C., Calcutt, S.B., and the Venus Express/VIRTIS Team, 2008a. Tropospheric carbon monoxide concentrations and variability on Venus with Venus Express/VIRTIS-M observations. J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003089. E00B08] to show that monitoring CO in the deep atmosphere can be done quickly using large numbers of observations, with minimal effect from cloud and temperature variations. The new method is applied to produce some 1450 zonal mean CO profiles using data from the first eighteen months of operation from the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer infrared mapping subsystem (VIRTIS-M-IR) on Venus Express. These results show many significant long- and short-term variations from the mean equator-to-pole increasing trend previously found from earlier Earth- and space-based observations, including a possible North-South dichotomy, with interesting implications for the dynamics and chemistry of the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

The data obtained in space-borne measurements and the findings of turbulence theory show that turbulence, of both small and large scales, has a decisive influence on the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere of Venus. The small-scale turbulence generates anomalous convection, while large-scale turbulence induces the return spectral flux of energy that is the main element of the superrotation mechanism in the atmosphere. Ways for improving the general circulation model of the atmosphere of Venus are proposed.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1336-1343
The Venus Express mission is scheduled for launch in 2005. Among many other instruments, it carries a magnetometer to investigate the Venus plasma environment. Although Venus has no intrinsic magnetic moment, magnetic field measurements are essential in studying the solar wind interaction with Venus. Our current understanding of the solar wind interaction with Venus is mainly from the long lasting Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) observations. In this paper, we briefly describe the magnetic field experiment of the Venus Express mission. We compare Venus Express mission with PVO mission with respect to the solar wind interaction with Venus. Then we discuss what we will achieve with the upcoming Venus Express mission.  相似文献   

Shuttle radar images (SIR-A) of volcanic and impact craters were examined to assess their appearance on radar images. Radar characteristics were determined for: (a) 9 maarlike craters in the Pinacate volcanic field, Sonora, Mexico; (b) the caldera of Cerro Volcan Quemado, in the Bolivian Andes; (c) Talemzane impact crater, Algeria; and (d) Al Umchaimin, a possible impact structure in Iraq. SIR-A images were compared with conventional photographs and with results from field studies. Consideration was then given to radar images available for Venus, or anticipated from the Magellan mission. Of the criteria ordinarily used to identify impact craters, some can be assessed with radar images and others cannot be used; planimetric form — expressed as circularity — and ejecta-block distribution can be assessed on radar images, but rim and floor elevations relative to the surrounding plain and disposition of rim strata are difficult or impossible to determine. We conclude that it will be difficult to separate small impact craters from small volcanic craters on Venus using radar images, and suggest that it will be necessary to understand the geological setting of the areas containing in order to determine their origin.Department of Geology.Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Venus’ impact crater population imposes two observational constraints that must be met by possible model surface histories: (1) near random spatial distribution of ~975 craters, and (2) few obviously modified impact craters. Catastrophic resurfacing obviously meets these constraints, but equilibrium resurfacing histories require a balance between crater distribution and modification to be viable. Equilibrium resurfacing scenarios with small incremental resurfacing areas meet constraint 1 but not 2, whereas those with large incremental resurfacing areas meet constraint 2 but not 1. Results of Monte Carlo modeling of equilibrium resurfacing (Strom et al., 1994) is widely cited as support for catastrophic resurfacing hypotheses and as evidence against hypotheses of equilibrium resurfacing. However, the Monte Carlo models did not consider intermediate-size incremental resurfacing areas, nor did they consider histories in which the era of impact crater formation outlasts an era of equilibrium resurfacing. We construct three suites of Monte Carlo experiments that examine incremental resurfacing areas not previously considered (5%, 1%, 0.7%, and 0.1%), and that vary the duration of resurfacing relative to impact crater formation time (1:1 [suite A], 5:6 [suite B], and 2:3 [suite C]). We test the model results against the two impact crater constraints.Several experiments met both constraints. The shorter the time period of equilibrium resurfacing, or the longer the time of crater formation following the cessation of equilibrium resurfacing, the larger the possible areas of incremental resurfacing that satisfy both constraints. Equilibrium resurfacing is statistically viable for suite A at 0.1%, suite B at 0.1%, and suite C for 1%, 0.7%, and 0.1% areas of incremental resurfacing.  相似文献   

Electrical activity in a planetary atmosphere enables chemical reactions that are not possible under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium. In both the Venus and terrestrial atmospheres, lightning forms nitric oxide. Despite the existence of an inventory of NO at Venus like the Earth’s, and despite observations of the signals expected from lightning at optical, VLF, and ELF frequencies, the existence of Venus lightning still is met with some skepticism. The Venus Express mission was equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer gradiometer system sampling at rates as high as 128 Hz, and making measurements as low as 200 km altitude above the north polar regions of Venus. However, significant noise levels are present on the Venus Express spacecraft. Cleaning techniques have been developed to remove spacecraft interference at DC, ULF, and ELF frequencies, revealing two types of electromagnetic waves, a transverse right-handed guided mode, and a linearly polarized compressional mode. The propagation of both types of signals is sensitive to the magnetic field in ways consistent with propagation from a distant source to the spacecraft. The linearly polarized compressional waves generally are at lower frequencies than the right-handed transverse waves. They appear to be crossing the usually horizontal magnetic field. At higher frequencies above the lower hybrid frequency, waves cannot enter the ionosphere from below when the field is horizontal. The arrival of signals at the spacecraft is controlled by the orientation of the magnetic field. When the field dips into the atmosphere, the higher frequency guided mode above the lower hybrid frequency can enter the ionosphere by propagating along the magnetic field in the whistler mode. These properties are illustrated with examples from five orbits during Venus Express’ first year in orbit. These properties observed are consistent with the linearly polarized compressional waves being produced at the solar wind interface and the transverse guided waves being produced in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The observations of Venus in the near (Kuiper, Chamberlain and Kuiper) and far (Strong and Sinton) infrared are critically reviewed and interpreted in the light of recent laboratory determinations of the absorption of CO2. These, together with the determination of the scale height at about 70 km above the cloud surface by observing the occultation of Regulus (de Vaucouleurs and Menzel), lead to a model of the Venus atmosphere and cloud layer temperatures that are self-consistent. It is concluded that a cloud-top temperature of 235°K, a cloud-top pressure of about 90 mB, and a CO2 concentration of 15 per cent by volume best fit the observations. The amount of CO2 above the cloud tops is then about 100 meters STP. The effective reflecting level for near infrared radiation is lower in the atmosphere, with about 400 meters STP of CO2 above it. These lower clouds cannot be composed of water (or ice) particles  相似文献   

Nightglow emissions provide insight into the global thermospheric circulation, specifically in the transition region (~70–120 km). The O2 IR nightglow statistical map created from Venus Express (VEx) Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) observations has been used to deduce a three-dimensional atomic oxygen density map. In this study, the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Venus Thermospheric General Circulation Model (VTGCM) is utilized to provide a self-consistent global view of the atomic oxygen density distribution. More specifically, the VTGCM reproduces a 2D nightside atomic oxygen density map and vertical profiles across the nightside, which are compared to the VEx atomic oxygen density map. Both the simulated map and vertical profiles are in close agreement with VEx observations within a ~30° contour of the anti-solar point. The quality of agreement decreases past ~30°. This discrepancy implies the employment of Rayleigh friction within the VTGCM may be an over-simplification for representing wave drag effects on the local time variation of global winds. Nevertheless, the simulated atomic oxygen vertical profiles are comparable with the VEx profiles above 90 km, which is consistent with similar O2 (1Δ) IR nightglow intensities. The VTGCM simulations demonstrate the importance of low altitude trace species as a loss for atomic oxygen below 95 km. The agreement between simulations and observations provides confidence in the validity of the simulated mean global thermospheric circulation pattern in the lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1673-1700
Spectroscopy for the investigation of the characteristics of the atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) is a suite of three spectrometers in the UV and IR range with a total mass of 13.9 kg flying on the Venus Express (VEX) orbiter, dedicated to the study of the atmosphere of Venus from ground level to the outermost hydrogen corona at more than 40,000 km. It is derived from the SPICAM instrument already flying on board Mars Express (MEX) with great success, with the addition of a new IR high-resolution spectrometer, solar occultation IR (SOIR), working in the solar occultation mode. The instrument consists of three spectrometers and a simple data processing unit providing the interface of these channels with the spacecraft.A UV spectrometer (118–320 nm, resolution 1.5 nm) is identical to the MEX version. It is dedicated to nadir viewing, limb viewing and vertical profiling by stellar and solar occultation. In nadir orientation, SPICAV UV will analyse the albedo spectrum (solar light scattered back from the clouds) to retrieve SO2, and the distribution of the UV-blue absorber (of still unknown origin) on the dayside with implications for cloud structure and atmospheric dynamics. On the nightside, γ and δ bands of NO will be studied, as well as emissions produced by electron precipitations. In the stellar occultation mode the UV sensor will measure the vertical profiles of CO2, temperature, SO2, SO, clouds and aerosols. The density/temperature profiles obtained with SPICAV will constrain and aid in the development of dynamical atmospheric models, from cloud top (∼60 km) to 160 km in the atmosphere. This is essential for future missions that would rely on aerocapture and aerobraking. UV observations of the upper atmosphere will allow studies of the ionosphere through the emissions of CO, CO+, and CO2+, and its direct interaction with the solar wind. It will study the H corona, with its two different scale heights, and it will allow a better understanding of escape mechanisms and estimates of their magnitude, crucial for insight into the long-term evolution of the atmosphere.The SPICAV VIS-IR sensor (0.7–1.7 μm, resolution 0.5–1.2 nm) employs a pioneering technology: an acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF). On the nightside, it will study the thermal emission peeping through the clouds, complementing the observations of both VIRTIS and Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) on VEX. In solar occultation mode this channel will study the vertical structure of H2O, CO2, and aerosols.The SOIR spectrometer is a new solar occultation IR spectrometer in the range λ=2.2–4.3 μm, with a spectral resolution λλ>15,000, the highest on board VEX. This new concept includes a combination of an echelle grating and an AOTF crystal to sort out one order at a time. The main objective is to measure HDO and H2O in solar occultation, in order to characterize the escape of D atoms from the upper atmosphere and give more insight about the evolution of water on Venus. It will also study isotopes of CO2 and minor species, and provides a sensitive search for new species in the upper atmosphere of Venus. It will attempt to measure also the nightside emission, which would allow a sensitive measurement of HDO in the lower atmosphere, to be compared to the ratio in the upper atmosphere, and possibly discover new minor atmospheric constituents.  相似文献   

A steady state model of the chemistry in the lower troposphere is developed in which the number densities of major atmospheric species, N2, O2, H2O, CH4, CO, O3, N2O, NH3 and NO + NO2 are held constant at values appropriate to a summer latitude of 34°. Hourly daytime concentrations are then calculated for HO2, OH, CH3O2, CH3O, H2CO, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO3 and HNO2 along with a representative evening value.The major products of the nitrogen daytime chemistry are HNO3 and HNO2. The apparent controlling loss mechanism for HNO3, heterogeneous reaction of HNO3 on particulate surfaces leading to the formation of inorganic nitrates, is also an important mechanism for removing oxides of nitrogen from the air. The calculated rate of removal greatly exceeds the estimates of Erickson (1952) though some critical rate coefficients are in doubt and the effect of bacterial action has not been considered.The dominant radicals, HO2 and CH3O2, have daytime concentrations approaching 1.2 × 109 molecules cm−3 and 5 × 108 molecules cm−3 respectively. The concentration of OH approaches 1.7 × 107 molecules cm−3. At night HO2 and CH3O2 are the only radical species present in a significant amount. Chain reactions which interconvert HO2 and OH also serve as a source of H2CO and a sink for CO, H2 and CH4. It is of interest that the CH4 sink ultimately results in the production of CO and H2 thus providing a large natural source for both. The concentrations of H2CO, H2O2 and CH2OOH are all calculated to be in the ppb range.  相似文献   

The evaluation of OH radical reactions as a global sink for many trace gases in the troposphere requires a detailed knowledge of the OH production rate as a function of latitude and altitude. The OH production rate may be expressed as a product of the primary rate P1 from the reaction of O(1D) with water vapor and an amplification factor ? due to a re-cycling mechanism. The primary rate and its diurnal and seasonal averages have been computed as a function of latitude and altitude for the northern hemisphere, using only observational data for the involved parameters. For the southern hemisphere this procedure is not possible at present, because sufficiently detailed ozone measurements are not available. The calculation of the amplification factor requires in addition to the latitudinal distributions of atmospheric mixing ratios of CH4 and CO, those of nitrogen dioxide for which observational data are almost entirely lacking. Accordingly the distribution of NO2 mixing ratios was estimated to obtain values for the amplification factor ?. Effective OH production rates are given assuming that primary OH production rates obtained for the northern hemisphere are applicable also in the southern hemisphere. Due to the many uncertainties entering specifically into the values for the amplification factor the derived OH production rates must be considered a first approximation.  相似文献   

A model of the predawn bulge ionosphere composition and structure is constructed and compared with the ion mass spectrometer measurements from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter during orbits 117 and 120. Particular emphasis is given to the identification of the mass-2 ion which we find unequivocally due to D+ (and not H2+). The atmospheric D/H ratio of 1.4% and 2.5% is obtained at the homopause (~ 130 km) for the two orbits. The H2+ contribution to the mass-2 ion density is less than 10%, and the H2 mixing ratio must be <0.1 ppm at 130 km altitude. The He+ data require a downward He+ flux of ~2 × 107 cm?2 sec?1 in the predawn region which suggest that the light ions also flow across the terminator from day to night along with the observed O+ ion flow.  相似文献   

Venus and Earth display different hypsography. We use topographic profiles to search for well-understood terrestrial analogs to venusian features. Specifically, by using cross-correlation, we correlate average profiles for terrestrial rifts (slow and fast, “ultra-slow,” incipient and inactive) and also hotspots (oceanic and continental) with those for venusian chasmata and regiones, to draw inferences as to the processes responsible for shaping Venus’ surface. Correlations tend to improve with faster spreading rates; Venus’ correlations rank considerably lower than terrestrial ones, suggesting that if chasmata are analogous to terrestrial spreading centers, then spreading on Venus barely attains ultra-slow rates. Individual features’ normalized average profiles are correlated with profiles of other such features to establish the degree of similarity, which in turn allows for the construction of a covariance matrix. Principal component analysis of this covariance matrix shows that Yellowstone more strongly resembles Atla, Beta and W. Eistla regiones than it does the terrestrial oceanic hotspots, and that venusian chasmata, especially Ganis, most closely resemble the ultra-slow spreading Arctic ridge.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that divergence and crustal spreading occur in Western Aphrodite Terra and some adjacent equatorial regions of Venus at rates in the range of a few centimeters per year. If equatorial spreading is common and widespread, then a consequence of this should be: (1) a young average age of the surface of the planet, (2) a trend in age from older terrain in the polar regions to younger terrain toward the equator, and (3) a latitudinal distribution of extensional features in equatorial regions and compressional deformation features in middle to high latitudes. These predictions are tested using published results from Arecibo, VENERA 15/16, and Pioneer Venus data, and it is found that: (1) the northern mid-to-high latitudes are characterized by a young average age, (2) there is a trend in the total number of craters per unit area from high values in the north polar regions to low values toward the equator, and (3) there is evidence for a latitudinal distribution of tectonic features of different types, with extensional features common in equatorial regions and compressional deformation features common in the northern middle to high latitudes. Further tests of these and other predictions can be made using data from the upcoming Magellan mission.  相似文献   

Altitude profiles for the number densities of NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO2, CH3O, CH3O2, H2CO, OH, and HO2 are calculated as a function of time of day with a steady-state photochemical model in which the altitude profiles for the number densities of H2O, CH4, H2, CO, O3, and the sum of NO and NO2 are fixed at values appropriate to a summer latitude of 34°. Average daily profiles are calculated for the long-lived species, HNO3, H2O2, and CH3O2H.The major nitrogen compound HNO3 may have a number density approaching 5 × 1011 molecules cm?3 at the surface, although an effective loss path due to collisions with particulates could greatly reduce this value.The number density of OH remains relatively unchanged in the first 6 km and reaches 1 × 107 molecules cm?3 at noon, while the number density of HO2 decreases throughout the lower troposphere from its noontime value of 8 × 108 molecules cm?3 at the surface.H2O2 and H2CO both have number densities in the ppb range in the lower troposphere.Owing to decreasing temperature and water concentration, the production of radicals and their steady-state number densities decrease with altitude, reaching a noontime minimum of 1 × 108 molecules cm?3 for OH and 3 × 107 molecules cm?3 for HO2 at the tropopause. The related minor species show even sharper decreases with increasing altitude.The primary path for interconverting OH and HO2 serves as the major sink for CO and leads to a tropospheric lifetime for CO of ~0.1 yr.Another reaction cycle, the oxidation of CH4, is quite important in the lower troposphere and leads to the production of H2CO along with the destruction of CH4 for which a tropospheric lifetime of ~2 yr is estimated.The destruction of H2CO that was produced in the CH4 oxidation cycle provides the major source of CO and H2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1263-1278
With its comprehensive suite of near-infrared instruments, Venus Express will perform the first detailed global exploration of the depths of the thick Venusian atmosphere. Through the near-daily acquisition of Visible and Infrared maps and spectra, three infrared-sensing instruments—the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS), the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC), and the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS)—will comprehensively investigate the Thermal structure, meteorology, dynamics, chemistry, and stability of the deep Venus atmosphere. For the surface, these instruments will provide clues to the emissivity of surface materials and provide direct evidence of active volcanism. In so doing, ESA's Venus Express Mission directly addresses numerous high-priority Venus science objectives advanced by America's National Research Council (2003) decadal survey of planetary science.  相似文献   

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