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Field experiments were conducted to examine spatial and temporal variation in chironomid (predominantlyTanypus clavatus) abundance, and their trophic relationship with benthic microalgae. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of chironomid gut pigments indicated that diatoms comprised the bulk of the microalgae ingested by chironomids.14C-feeding studies were used to obtain quantitative estimates of chironomid, copepod, ostracod, and nematode grazing on benthic microalgae. Daily consumption of standing microalgal biomass by chironomids ranged from 0.12% (January) to 125% (May), but was highly variable. There were no significant diel, temporal (over the scale of months), or spatial patterns in individual chironomid grazing rates. There was significant temporal variation in the proportion of microalgal biomass consumed by the total meiofaunal assemblage, and highest grazing impacts occurred in May, coincident with high abundances of chironomids, harpacticoid copepods, and ostracods. The grazing impact of chironomids was comparable to or greater than that of other known grazers of microalgae (copepods, ostracods). Functional-response experiments performed in the laboratory revealed that chironomid ingestion rates increased with increasing food availability over short (1 to 2 h) time scales. Field data did not indicate a functional response to food availability over longer (mo) time scales, possibly because of other environmental incluences. Gut residence time (determined using fluorescently labeled beads) changed with variable feeding rates, which were in turn a function of variable food availability. Chironomid larvae have the ability to consume significant fraction of the microphytobenthos in absolute terms, and relative to other meiofauna, indicating that they are an important component of the salt marsh food web.  相似文献   

The microphytobenthos form an important component of all shallow-water ecosystems where enough light reaches the sediment surface to support appreciable primary production. Although less conspicuous than macroalgae or vascular plants, the microphytobenthos can contribute significantly to primary production and can modify habitat characteristics. The microphytobenthos alter sediment properties (e.g., erodibility) both directly, in the extreme forming a mat or scum on the sediment surface, and indirectly by modifying the activities of benthic infauna (e.g., pelletization, burrowing, tube building, and sediment tracking). Carbon dioxide fixed by the microphytobenthos supports higher, grazing trophic levels. These include deposit-feeding and suspension-feeding macrofauna as well as meiofauna and microfauna. Quantitative relations between the feeding and growth rates of macrofauna and the abundance of microphytobenthos and suspended organic matter (i.e., functional responses) are reviewed. Given the current state of knowledge of the direct and indirect interactions involving trophic dynamics, sediment properties, and benthic microalgae, we argue for reductionist studies of particular interactions as distinct entities. This is a prerequisite for the emergence of a comprehensive picture of unvegetated ecosystems and the ability to predict their responses to man’s activities. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00005  相似文献   

Estimating biomass of microphytobenthos (MPB) on intertidal mud flats is extremely difficult due to their patchy occurrence, especially at the scale of an entire mud flat. We tested two optical approaches that can be applied in situ: spectral reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence. These two approaches were applied in 4 European estuaries with different sediment characteristics. At each site, paired replicate measurements of hyperspectral reflectance, chlorophyll fluorescence (after 15 min dark adaptation, Fo 15), sediment water content, and chlorophylla concentrations were taken (including breakdown products: [chla+phaeo]). Sediments were further characterized by grain size and organic content analysis. The spectral signatures of tidal flats dominated by benthic microalgae, mainly diatoms, could be easily distinguished from sites dominated by macrophytes; we present a 3 waveband algorithm that can be used to detect the presence of macrophytes. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was found to be most strongly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo], except for the predominantly sandy Sylt stations. Fo 15 was also significantly correlated to sediment [chla+phaeo] in all but one grid (Sylt grid A). Our results suggest that the functional relationships (i.e., the slopes) between NDVI or fluorescence and [chla+ phaeo] were not significantly different in the muddier grids, although the intercepts could differ significantly, especially for Fo 15. This suggests a mismatch of the optical depth seen by the reflectometer or fluorometer and the depth sampled for pigment analysis. NDVI appears to be a robust proxy for sediment [chla+phaeo] and can be used to quantify MPB biomass in muddy sediments of mid latitude estuaries.  相似文献   

Sediment microphytobenthos, such as diatoms and photosynthetic bacteria, are functionally important components of food webs and are key mediators of nutrient dynamics in marine wetlands. The medium to long-term recovery of benthic microproducers in restored habitats designed to improve degraded coastal wetland sites is largely unknown. Using taxon-specific photopigments, we describe the composition of microphytobenthic communities in a large restoration site in southern California and differences in the temporal recovery of biomass (chlorophylla), composition, and taxonomic diversity between vegetatedSpartina foliosa salt marsh and unvegetated mudflat. Visually distinct, spatially discreet, microphytobenthic patches appeared after no more than 7 mo within the restoration site and were distinguished by significant differences in biomass, taxonomic diversity, and the relative abundance of cyanobacteria versus diatoms. Sediment chlorophylla concentrations within the restored site were similar to concentrations in nearby natural habitat 0.2–2.2 yr following marsh creation, suggesting rapid colonization by microproducers. RestoredSpartina marsh very rapidly (between 0.2 and 1.2 yr) acquired microphytobenthic communities of similar composition and diversity to those in naturalSpartina habitat, but restored mudflats took at least 1.6 to 2.2 yr to resemble natural mudflats. These results suggest relatively rapid recovery of microphytobenthic communities at the level of major taxonomic groups. Sediment features, such as pore water salinity andSpartina density, explained little variation in microphytobenthic taxonomic composition. The data imply that provision of structural heterogeneity in wetland construction (such as pools and vascular plants) might speed development of microproducer communities, but no direct seeding of sediment microfloras may be necessary.  相似文献   

Six closely spaced sediment cores taken below the carbonate compensation depth penetrated fine silty muds and entered sandy sediment at 10–12 m below the seafloor. Foraminiferal assemblages and δ8O analyses on planktonic foraminifera indicated that the surface muds down to 2 m are Holocene and derived from local promontories above the CCD. Below these sediments are about 6 m of clays deposited during the late Wisconsin. These are unfossiliferous and have a possible northern source suggested by the higher chlorite content. Sandy sediments below 9 m in the cores contain well preserved benthic foraminifera from the Scotian Shelf. Glacial δ18O values on planktonic tests indicate the sandy sediments are most likely of latest Wisconsin age. Thus during the recent interglacial, the sand fraction of the southern Sohm Abyssal Plain sediments is mostly locally derived, but during glacial periods the sediments have a distant northern source containing quartz sand that was initially deposited on the Scotian Shelf 1,500 km to the north.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, fish net pen culture has been developed in the coastal waters of Japan. However, serious organic pollution of the surrounding water and sediment followed the development of this new style of fishery. This paper reports a typical example of the environmental disturbance that has occurred due to the organic pollution resulting from fish net pen culture. Since fish cultivation was initiated in 1973, oxygen depletion of the bottom water and extremely reducing conditions within the sediment have occurred during the summer. These environmental disturbances resulted in unusual dynamics of the benthic communities including defaunation in the summer and recolonization of the azoic areas from autumn to the next spring. Significant changes in the benthic fauna were observed between benthic communities before and after organic pollution of the sediment. Molluscs were originally the most dominant benthic fauna. As organic pollution of the bottom sediment progressed, the molluscs were replaced by polychaetes. Likewise, total biomass of the benthic fauna decreased markedly over the past two decades. Prior to contamination, the organic matter deposited on the sediment was decomposed by the action of bacteria, ciliates, meiofauna, and macrofauna. The addition of organic material resulting from fish culture has overwhelmed these decomposition mechanisms, and conditions have worsened as organic matter is continuously added to the sediment. Contamination of marine sediment by the net pen cultivation of fish sets up a vicious cycle: the addition of exogenous sources of organic material increases the need for a more vigorous decomposition process while actually creating conditions that limit the rate of the necessary decomposition activity. The sustainable development of fish net pen culture will require the creation of a new technology that efficiently promotes the decomposition of organic matter deposited below the pen nets.  相似文献   

The role of labile organic material and macrofaunal activity in benthic respiration and nutrient regeneration have been tested in sublittoral fine sand sediments from the Gulf of Valencia (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Three experimental setups were made using benthic chambers. One experiment was performed in-situ through the annual cycle in a well-sorted fine sand community. The remaining experiments were carried out with mesocosms under laboratory conditions: one with different concentrations of organic enrichment (mussel meat and concentrated diatoms culture), and the other adding two different densities of the endofaunal bivalve Spisula subtruncata. Biochemical variables in surface sediment and changes in oxygen consumption and nutrient fluxes throughout incubation period were studied in each experiment. In the in situ incubations, dissolved oxygen (DO) fluxes showed a strong correlation with sedimentary biopolymeric fraction of organic carbon. Organic enrichment in the laboratory experiments was responsible for increased benthic respiration. However, sediment response (expressed as DO uptake and dissolved inorganic nitrogen—DIN—release) between oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions was more intense than between eutrophic and hypertrophic conditions. S. subtruncata abundances close to 400 and 850 ind m?2 also intensified benthic metabolism. DO uptake and DIN production in mesocosms with added fauna were between 60 and 75 % and 65–100 % higher than in the control treatment respectively. The results of these three experiments suggest that the macrobenthic community may increase the benthic respiration by roughly a factor of two in these bottoms, where S. subtruncata is one of the dominant species. Both organic enrichment and macrobenthic community in general, and S. subtruncata in particular, did not seem to have a relevant role in P and Si cycles in these sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments and diatoms from the mudflats of the Bay of Bourgneuf in western France were examined in an electron microscope study of biofilms and microbial mats. The sediments were kept in an aquarium for study and a diatom culture was made of the benthic diatoms. The sediment biofilm was composed of exopolymeric substances (EPS), incorporated clay particles and, rarely, bacteria. This film coated all particles at the sediment-water interface. Its surface morphology reflected its composition and internal structure. Thin films were smooth, whilst a lumpy structure or incorporated fibrils produced either a mammillated or ropy surface, and clays in the structure gave rise to a flaky morphology. At shallow depths in the sediment column (0.5 cm) the biofilm was already degraded. The biofilm coating degraded diatom frustules in the benthic diatom culture consisted of EPS and bacteria and presented a ragged appearance. Microbial mats occurred on the surface of the fresh littoral sediments as well as those in the aquarium, and on the wall of the aquarium. The mat on the surface of the aquarium sediments had an open structure with webs of fibrils and bacteria in the pore space. It formed in a relatively quiet environment. Pore space was more limited in the mat from the surface of the fresh littoral sediments, in which direct contact between biofilm coated particles was common. In the exposed environment of the aquarium wall there was a thick, resistant coating of EPS. In addition to binding particles together, the presence of mats and biofilms in sediments affects sediment physical properties such as porosity and permeability, the flux of dissolved substances in pore waters and the dissolution of particles and can, therefore, influence early diagenesis. Mats and biofilms seem to be more readily preserved in the geological record than the micro-organisms, such as bacteria, which produce them. Their identification in the sedimentary record would greatly aid interpretation of sediment genesis and evaluation of the microbial role in sediment formation.  相似文献   

The microphytobenthos consists of unicellular eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria that grow within the upper several millimeters of illuminated sediments, typically appearing only as a subtle brownish or greenish shading. The surficial layer of the sediment is a zone of intense microbial and geochemical activity and of considerable physical reworking. In many shallow ecosystems, the biomass of benthic microalgae often exceeds that of the phytoplankton in the overlying waters. Direct comparison of the abundance of benthic and suspended microalgae is complicated by the means used to measure biomass and by the vertical and horizontal distribution of the microphytobenthos in the sediment. Where biomass has been estimated as chlorophyll a, there may be negligible to large (40%) error due to interference by degradation products, except where chlorophyll is measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The vertical distribution of microphytobenthos, aside from mat-forming species, is determined by the opposing effects of their vertical migration, which tends to concentrate them near the surface, and physical mixing by overlying currents, which tends to cause an even vertical distribution through the mixed layer of sediment. Uncertainties in vertical distribution are compounded by frequently patchy horizontal distribution. Under-sampling on small (<1 m) scales can lead to errors in the estimate that are comparable to the ranges of seasonal and geographic variation. These uncertainties are compounded by biases in the techniques used to estimate production by the microphytobenthos. In most environments studied, biomass (as chlorophyll a) and light availability appear to be the principal determinants of benthic primary production. The effect of variable light intensities on integral production can be described by a functional response curve. When normalized to the chlorophyll content of the surficial sediment, the residual variation in the data described by the functional response curve is due to changes in the chlorophyll-specific response to irradiance. Production by the benthos is often a significant fraction of production in the water column and microphytobenthos may contribute directly to water column production when they are resuspended. Thus on both the basis of biomass and biogeochemical reactivity, benthic microalgae play significant roles in system productivity and trophic dynamics, as well as such habitat characteristics as sediment stability. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00003  相似文献   

Phytoplankton deposition onto sediments affects trophic structures, sedimentary nutrient fluxes, and dissolved oxygen concentrations in coastal ecosystems. Deposition can occur as distinct events that are highly variable over space and time, necessitating detection methods that have similarly high resolution. We present an assessment of a novel rapid detection method that combines water-column and benthic fluorometry with surficial sediment sampling to identify phytoplankton deposition, as implemented in a 2-year study of a Florida estuary (24?monthly collections at 14 locations). Maximum water-column chlorophyll concentration, average benthic chlorophyll fluorescence, and the proportion of centric vs. pennate diatoms at the sediment?Cwater interface were each fitted to sine functions to represent phytoplankton bloom cycles. The phase offsets among the three fitted sine functions were varied to maximize fit to the 336 observations. The fitted cycles were divided into four classes that separate dominance by benthic microalgae from early, late, and post-phytoplankton depositional states. Best-fitting cycles for the proportion of centric diatoms were consistently offset from water-column chlorophyll cycles, indicating peak deposition occurred after peak phytoplankton blooms. Phytoplankton deposition dominated the upstream region of the studied estuary and was associated with reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations. Benthic algae dominated in downstream regions, particularly during low freshwater flow conditions when light absorption by colored dissolved organic matter was low. This approach produced repeatable and consistent patterns that agreed with expected relationships and was practical for sampling with high spatial and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Benthic microalgal biomass is an important fraction of the primary producer community in shallow water ecosystems, and the factors controlling benthic microalgal biomass are complex. One possible controlling factor is sediment grain-size distribution. Benthic microalgal biomass was sampled in sediments collected from two sets of North Carolina estuaries Massachusetts and Cape Cod bays, and Manukau Harbour in New Zealand. Comparisons of benthic microalgal biomass and sediment grain-size distributions in these coastal and estuarine ecosystems frequently showed a negative relationship between the proportion of fine-grained sediments and benthic microalgal biomass measured as chlorophylla. The highest sedimentary chlorophylla levels generally occurred in sediments with lower percentages of fine particles (diameter <125 mm). A negative relationship between the proportion of fine sediments and benthic microalgal biomass suggests anthropogenic loadings of fine sediment may reduce the biological productivity of shallow-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1497-1506
Sedimentation and benthic release of As was determined in Baldeggersee, a eutrophic lake in central Switzerland. Sediment traps recorded As sedimentation during 1994, including a flood event in spring. Diagenetic processes were studied using porewater profiles at the sediment–water interface and in deeper sediment strata deposited in the mesotrophic lake (before 1885). Sediment cores were used to calculate the accumulation and to construct the balance of sedimentation and remobilisation. The results showed that the lake sediment acts as an efficient sink for As. Only 22% of the particulate As flux reaching the sediment surface was remobilised at the sediment–water interface. The As accumulation in the recent varved section of the eutrophic lake was 40 mg As m−2 a−1. Iron reduction in older sediment caused a remobilisation of 1.2 mg As m−2 a−1. This upward flux from the deeper sediment was quantitatively immobilised in the recent sulfidic sediments. The flood event in spring contributed about 34% of the yearly sediment load and led to distinct peak profiles of dissolved As in the porewater. This evidence for rapid remobilisation disappeared within months.  相似文献   

The concentration of solvent-extractable (SE) and bound hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, sterols, monocarboxylic acids, hydroxyacids and α,ω-dicarboxylic acids of a surface sample (0–2.5 cm) from a recent carbonate tropical sediment taken at 60ft (18m) depth north-west of the Low Isles, North Queensland, are reported in detail. n-Alkanes are a minor constituent in the SE and bound hydrocarbon fractions with the major component being unresolved complex hydrocarbon material which is not an anthropogenic input. 6,10,14-Trimethylpentadecan-2-one derived from chlorophyll, as well as phytol, were identified as major components of the ketone and alcohol constituents. No chlorophyll pigments or pigmented degradation products were present, implying degradation before incorporation into the sediment. This conclusion is consistent with evidence for higher-plant input in which all sensitive lipids have been degraded before incorporation. SE and bound fractions have been studied in detail and show considerable differences probably arising from the importance of viable biomass in the SE fraction. Inputs to the sediment are determined as higher plants, algae, bacteria, fungi and meiofauna in descending order of importance.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrients, trace elements, and trophic complexity on benthic photosynthesis and respriation were studied in the Paxtuxent River estuary near St. Leonard, Maryland. Experiments were conducted over three years (1995–1997) in mesocosms containing riverine sediment and water. The experimental design was 2×2×3 factorial with two levels of nutrients (ambient and + nutrients), two of trace elements (ambient and + trace elements) and three of trophic complexity (plankton, plankton + fish, and plankton + fish + benthos). Trace elements included arsenic (As), copper (Cu), and cadmium (Cd). The experiment was conducted three times in 1995 and 1997 and four times in 1996. In 1995 and 1996, sediments were muddy, while in the final year sediments were sandy. In mesocoms with sandy sediments, nutrient additions increased benthic photosynthesis overall, while trace element additions increased benthic photosynthesis in two of three experimental runs. Benthic photosynthesis in these mesocosms appeared to be related to nitrogen loading. Benthic respiration increased in nutrient and trace element amended mesocosms with sandy sediments, apparently in response to higher benthic photosynthesis. Increasing trophic complexity, particularly the presence of benthic organisms, also increased benthic respiration in mesocosms with sandy sediments. There were no effects of nutrient or trace element additions on benthic photosynthesis and respiration when the sediments were muddy. The lack of consistent responses to nutrient additions was surprising given that benthic respiration rates (and presumably nutrient regeneration) were similar in all three years, regardless of sediment type. Muddy, sediments did not mask, the effects of nutrient addition by supplying more nutrients to benthic microalgae than sandy sediments. In 1996, the presence of filter feeding bivalves increased the relative heterotrophy of sediments, measured as production: respiration. Consistent with increased heterotrophy, effluxes of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus from sediments were greater in mesocosms containing benthic organisms. Anthropogenically-induced changes in estuaries, such as loading of nutrients and trace elements or reduced trophic complexity, can have important effects on benthic processes and potentially pelagic processes through feedback mechanisms.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲沉积物抗侵蚀性动态变化差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究波浪循环荷载作用过程中,细粒土沉积物抗侵蚀性特征的演化及其发生机制,在现代黄河三角洲北部及东北部选择两个典型研究区(遭受严峻侵蚀的车子沟渔村试验区及基本处于侵淤平衡的黄河海港试验区)进行了一系列波浪荷载模拟试验、侵蚀水槽试验及沉积物物理力学性质测试。试验结果发现:原车子沟渔村试验区沉积物抗侵蚀性在无波浪荷载作用或较短的波浪荷载作用条件下,普遍高于黄河海港研究区,但由于其更显著的液化特性,该区沉积物抗侵蚀性更容易被波浪荷载作用降低,这是造成车子沟渔村研究区遭受严峻潮滩侵蚀的重要原因。另外,结合试验结果,对两个研究区沉积年代及沉积物粒度成分特征的分析可知,波浪荷载作用导致海床下部细粒物质向上输运这一次生改造作用加速了海床沉积物的“粗化”进程,从而推进海岸带地区细粒沉积物抗侵蚀性特征的演化  相似文献   

Benthos cannot survive in strongly reduced sediments, in which the redox potential is around ?400 mV. Such sediments are typically found in inner harbors that are exposed to wastewater discharges. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the potential of sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) for improving the benthic environment in such sediments. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been reported in any previous literature. Bottom sediment was collected and used to fuel an SMFC suspended 500 mm below the water surface. The sediments then were collected one year after installation, and their benthos environment was investigated. The most remarkable results are that the diversity and growth of benthos were higher in the SMFC-applied sediment than in a control sediment. The results have further strengthened that the sediment remediation was enhanced, in which the oxygen consumption rate of the sediment was reduced, and the mineralization of the organic matter was increased. Our findings suggest that SMFCs are a promising technology for the remediation of strongly reduced sediment and for the improvement of the benthic environment.  相似文献   

The depth in sediment at which benthic Foraminifera are living is obviously of importance to high-resolution stratigraphy. Sediment cores were retrieved in June 1994 and April 1995 from a range of sedimentological facies within Plymouth Sound. The cores were sub divided into sections and analysed for live (stained) benthic Foraminifera. Analysis revealed that maximum densities of live Foraminifera generally occurred within the uppermost 1 cm, particularly within muddy sediments. Sandy sediments exhibited a more diffuse distribution of live Foraminifera, although maximum densities occurred in the upper centimetres (1–3 cm) of sediment. An unusually deep distribution of the normally epifaunal species Elphidium crispum (Linné) was discovered in cores from Withyhedge Beacon both in 1994 and 1995. The live assemblages were subdivided into three groups on the basis of test type which broadly reflected the energy level of the environment.  相似文献   

Benthic microalgae are key contributors to near-shore food webs and sediment stabilization. Temporal variability in microalgal biomass and production throughout the tidal cycle has been well documented; however, due to limitations of traditional methods of analysis patterns of community composition and diversity over such time scales have not been revealed. To explore the latter and better understand how short-term changes throughout the tidal cycle may affect community functioning, we compared benthic diatom composition and diversity over tidal stage shifts. We employed two disparate molecular techniques (denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis with Sanger DNA sequencing of excised bands and high-throughput community metagenome sequencing) to characterize diatom assemblages in representative muddy and sandy intertidal sites in Charleston Harbor, SC, USA. In support of prior studies, we found higher diatom diversity in sandbar as compared to mudflat sediments. Spatial differences were stronger relative to tidal temporal differences, although diversity metrics generally were highest after prolonged tidal immersion as compared to low-tide emersion or just after immersion at flood tide. Composition of the diatom assemblage differed markedly between sites, with species in genera Halamphora, Amphora, and Navicula dominating the sandbar, whereas Cyclotella, Skeletonema, and Thalassiosira were the most prevalent genera on the mudflat. Diatom composition differed by tidal stage, with assemblages during low-tide exposure distinct from samples taken after immersion. Both sandbar and mudflat sediments exhibited increases in relative proportion of epipelic diatoms and decreases in planktonic taxa during low-tide exposure. Our findings of short-term changes in species composition and dominance could inform primary productivity models to better estimate understudied diatom contributions in heterogeneous and highly variable tidal systems.  相似文献   

The distribution and composition of neutral carbohydrates in the solid phase and porewater, and their role in carbon cycling were investigated in contrasting marine sediments of the Baltic-North Sea region. Depth-invariant profiles of particulate carbohydrates (PCHO) and low PCHO yields (PCHO/organic carbon) indicated that a small inert carbohydrate fraction deposits on the sediment at the deeper stations in the northern Kattegat and Skagerrak compared to the shallower stations further South. This was supported by long-term sediment incubations, in which the PCHO concentrations remained unchanged during 480 days, revealing that neutral carbohydrates play a minor role in carbon mineralization at the deeper sites. In contrast, the reactivity of PCHO was high (first-order rate constant of 3.2 yr−1) at one shallow site in the Belt Sea. Monosaccharide spectra were uniform with sediment depth and between sites with the exception of the shallowest site in the middle of Kattegat, where glucose dominated the polymers at the surface. This was likely due to benthic diatoms. Addition of fresh algae to surface sediment from the deeper sites resulted in a preferential mineralization of particulate glucose polymers. The addition of algae also resulted in an initial pulse of glucose in the porewater pools of total hydrolyzable carbohydrates (THCHO), indicating a faster hydrolysis of glucose polymers in the particulate phase than the subsequent hydrolysis and bacterial consumption of oligo- and polymers of glucose in the porewater. This study shows that some carbohydrates such as glucose polymers are selectively utilized by heterotrophic bacteria during the settling of organic particles through the water column, and a relatively inert fraction arrives to the sediments where much of it escapes mineralization and becomes permanently buried. In shallow coastal environments, where the degradation in the water column is less extensive and where benthic algae may represent a local carbohydrate source, neutral carbohydrates appear to be more important in organic matter mineralization.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted in a recirculating saltwater flume to determine if flow influences the vertical distribution of meiofauna within fine cohesive sediments. Replicate flume boxcores collected from a nonvegetated mudflat were exposed to either a no flow or a flow experimental treatment. After 3 h in the flume, the boxcores were sampled by taking smaller sediment cores and sectioning these cores vertically in 2-mm intervals. There was no statistical difference in the number of copepods (adults, copepodites, and nauplii) in the top 2mm of sediment in flow vs. no flow treatments. The number of nematodes and foraminiferans within the top 2 mm of sediment was significantly lower in the flow treatments than in the no flow treatments. Downward migrations may decrease the susceptibility of these fauna to passive erosion by tidal currents.  相似文献   

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