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Microzooplankton dilution grazing experiments were conducted with water collected from Pensacola Bay, Florida (USA) on 12 dates at 2 sites. Statistically significant grazing rates were observed in 22 of 24 experiments. Grazing rates in Upper Bay and Lower Bay were similar averaging 0.54 and 0.51 d−1, respectively. Phytoplankton growth rates were also similar at the two sites, averaging 1.02 and 1.00 d−1 at Upper Bay and Lower Bay, respectively. Phytoplankton growth rates usually exceeded grazing rates by about a factor of two, though microzooplankton grazing represented a significant mortality for phytoplankton. The literature suggests a linkage between phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing that spans a wide variety of aquatic environments. While individual growth and grazing rates were variable, growth frequently exceeded grazing by about two-fold. This implies that the role of microzooplankton is similar across a wide variety of aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Kamer  Krista  Fong  Peggy  Kennison  Rachel  Schiff  Kenneth 《Estuaries and Coasts》2004,27(2):201-208
We conducted a laboratory experiment to quantify nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) limitation of macroalgae collected along a gradient in water column nutrient availability in Upper Newport Bay estuary, a relatively nutrient-rich system in southern California, United States. We collectedEnteromorpha intestinalis and water for use in the experiment from five sites ranging from the lower end of the estuary to the head. Initial algal tissue N and P concentrations and molar N∶P ratios—as well as water column NO3 and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)—increased along a spatial gradient from the lower end toward the head. Water column soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) varied among sites as well but did not follow a pattem of increasing from the seaward end toward the head. Algae from each site were assigned to one of four experimental treatments: control (C), nitrogen enrichment (+N), phosphorus enrichment (+P), and nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment (+N+P). Each week for 3 wk we replaced the water in each unit with the appropriate treatment water to mimic a poorly flushed estuary. After 3 wk, the degree of nutrient limitation ofE. intestinalis varied spatially with distance from the head of the estuary. Growth ofE. intestinalis collected from several sites increased with N enrichment alone and increased further when P was added in combination with N This indicated that N was limiting and that when N was sufficient, P became limiting. Sites from whichE. intestinalis exhibited nutrient limitation spanned the range of background water column NO3 (12.9±0.4 to 55.2±2.1 μM) and SRP (0.8±0.0 to 2.9±0.2 μM) concentrations. Algae that were N limited had initial tissue N levels ranging from 1.18±0.03 to 2.81±0.08% dry weight and molar N∶P ratios ranging from 16.75±0.39 to 26.40±1.98.  相似文献   

Allochthonous inputs of suspended particulate matter from freshwater environments to estuaries influence nutrient cycling and ecosystem metabolism. Contributions of different biogeochemical reactions to phosphorus dynamics in Tomales Bay, California, were determined by measuring dissolved inorganic phosphorus exchange between water and suspended particulate matter in response to changes in salinity, pH, and sediment redox. In serum bottle incubations of suspended particulate matter collected from the major tributary to the bay, dissolved inorganic phosphorus release increased with salinity during the initial 8 h; between 1–3 d, however, rates of release were similar among treatments of 0 psu, 16 psu, 24 psu, and 32 psu. Release was variable over the pH range 4–8.5, but dissolved inorganic phosphorus releases from sediments incubated for 24 h at the pH of fresh water (7.3) and seawater (8.1) were similarly small. Under oxidizing conditions, dissolved inorganic phosphorus release was small or dissolved inorganic phosphorus was taken up by particulate matter with total P content <50 μmoles P g?1; release was greater from suspended particulate matter with total phosphorus content >50 μmoles P g?1. In contrast, under reducing conditions maintained by addition of free sulfide (HS?), dissolved inorganic phosphorus was released from particles at all concentrations of total phosphorus in suspended particulate matter, presumably from the reduction of iron oxides. Since extrapolated dissolved inorganic phosphorus release from this abiotic source can account for only 12.5% of the total dissolved inorganic phosphorus flux from Tomales Bay sediments, we conclude most release from particles is due to organic matter oxidation that occurs after estuarine deposition. The abiotic, sedimentary flux of dissolved inorganic phosphorus, however, could contribute up to 30% of the observed net export of dissolved inorganic phosphorus from the entire estuary.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that nutrient cycling in a Gulf of Mexico subterranean estuary (STE) is fueled by oxygen and labile organic matter supplied by tidal pumping of seawater into the coastal aquifer. We estimate nutrient production rates using the standard estuarine model and a non-steady-state box model, separate nutrient fluxes associated with fresh and saline submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), and estimate offshore fluxes from radium isotope distributions. The results indicate a large variability in nutrient concentrations over tidal and seasonal time scales. At high tide, nutrient concentrations in shallow beach groundwater were low as a result of dilution caused by seawater recirculation. During ebb tide, the concentrations increased until they reached a maximum just before the next high tide. The dominant form of nitrogen was dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in freshwater, nitrate in brackish waters, and ammonium in saline waters. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production was two-fold higher in the summer than in the winter, while nitrate and DON production were one order of magnitude higher. Oxic remineralization and denitrification most likely explain these patterns. Even though fresh SGD accounted for only ∼5% of total volumetric additions, it was an important pathway of nutrients as a result of biogeochemical inputs in the mixing zone. Fresh SGD transported ∼25% of DOC and ∼50% of total dissolved nitrogen inputs into the coastal ocean, with the remainder associated with a one-dimensional vertical seawater exchange process. While SGD volumetric inputs are similar seasonally, changes in the biogeochemical conditions of this coastal plain STE led to higher summertime SGD nutrient fluxes (40% higher for DOC and 60% higher for nitrogen in the summer compared to the winter). We suggest that coastal primary production and nutrient dynamics in the STE are linked.  相似文献   

The effects of advection, dispersion, and biological processes on nitrogen and phytoplankton dynamics after a storm event in December 2002 are investigated in an estuary located on the northern New South Wales coast, Australia. Salinity observations for 16 d after the storm are used to estimate hydrodynamic transports for a one-dimensional box model. A biological model with nitrogen limited phytoplankton growth, mussel grazing, and a phytoplankton mortality term is forced by the calculated transports. The model captured important aspects of the temporal and spatial dynamics of the bloom. A quantitative analysis of hydrodynamic and biological processes shows that increased phytoplankton biomass due to elevated nitrogen loads after the storm was not primarily regulated by advection or dispersion in spite of an increase in river flow from <1 to 928×103 m3 d−1. Of the dissolved nitrogen that entered the surface layer of the estuary in the 16 d following the storm event, the model estimated that 28% was lost through exchange with the ocean or bottom layers, while 15% was removed by the grazing of just one mussel species,Xenostrobus securis, on phytoplankton, and 50% was lost through other biological phytoplankton loss processes.X. securis grazing remained an important loss process even when the estimated biological parameters in the model were varied by factors of ± 2. The intertidal mangrove pneumatophore habitat ofX. securis allows filtering of the upper water column from the lateral boundaries when the water column is vertically stratified, exerting top-down control on phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Indus is one of the major sources of sediments to the Gulf of Kachchh. Yet only its <63 micron fraction is studied in detail with regards to the offshore current dynamics. Hence here we present our study on characteristic signature of the Indus sediment load (i.e. mica minerals) in >63 micron size fraction along the coast of Gulf of Kachchh. The spatial distribution of mica minerals along the Gulf of Kachchh coast was studied which showed in general decreasing trend as we move along the northern and southern coast of the Gulf of Kachchh but, an increase in amount near the southern mouth at Okha. The study shows that the earlier proposed tidal barrier is ineffective in restricting movement of mica across the mouth of the gulf due to its characteristic transport mechanism. Also the presence of mudflats along the gulf of Kachchh coast plays a vital role as sediment receptors in the active sediment transport processes and mica minerals prove to be a promising simple tracer in studying the Indus born sediments in the region.  相似文献   

The composition, productivity, and standing crop of net (>20 μm) and nano-(<20 μm) phytoplankton of Peconic Bay, Long Island, New York was examined from June 1978 through May 1979. Nanoplankton, primarily small solitary flagellates, chlorophytes, and diatoms, dominated from May through September accounting for 88.5% of the productivity and 88.1% of the standing crop (measured as chlorophyll a). An apparent net plankton bloom began in December and continued through March. The dominant organism through most of the winter bloom was the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cl. Net plankton at this time represented 66.4% of the standing crop. For both size fractions, productivity/chlorophyll a (g C per g chl a per d, integrated through the euphotic zone) was a function of light energy over the year with the exception of a few sampling dates during the post-winter bloom period. Assimilation numbers (g C per g chl a per h at saturating light intensities) were a function of temperature between 0 and 20°C. Nitrogen deficiency did not appear to be a factor in regulating phytoplankton growth rate through the euphotic zone, as ratios of 14C assimilation for dark bottles enriched with NH3 and with no enrichment exhibited no relationship to environmental dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Zooplankton grazing pressure appeared to have been an important factor in regulating the upper limit of phytoplankton biomass and in influencing size fraction dominance. Dominance of one phytoplankton size fraction over the other on any given date was not based on physiological differences between the two groups since both fractions were composed of the same species. Apparent net phytoplankton blooms (in terms of productivity and chlorophyll a) were artifacts of increased chain lengths of nanoplankton diatoms such as Skeletonema costatum, and to a lesser extent, Thalassiosira nordenskioldii Cl. and Detonula confervacea (Cl.) Gran, rather than to the dominance of large, solitary cells.  相似文献   

Nitrate concentrations have increased twofold in the Mississippi River during the past three decades. The increased nitrogen loading to the Louisiana shelf has been postulated as a factor leading to eutrophication and the subsequent development of hypoxia west of the Mississippi River delta. While ratios of nitrogen:phosphorus and nitrogen:silica are relatively high in surface waters on the western Louisiana shelf, nitrogen has been posed as the ‘limiting’ nutrient in this region. Bioassays were performed with nutrient additions to surface waters collected from the Louisiana shelf to examine the potential for specific nutrient limitation. Experiments were conducted in March and September 1991, and May 1992. The growth responses of natural and cultured phytoplankton populations were determined by measuring the time course of in vivo and 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-induced fluorescence, as well as initial and final chlorophylla concentrations. The results suggest that phosphate and silicate potentially limit phytoplankton growth during the winter-spring, particularly at low salinities. In late summer, in contrast, nitrogen limitation may be prominent at higher salinities.  相似文献   

The Ouémé River estuary is located on the seasonally humid tropical coast of Benin, west Africa. A striking feature of this microtidal estuary is the presence of a large sand barrier bounding a 120 km2 circular central basin, Lake Nokoué, that is being infilled by heterogeneous fluvial deposits supplied by a relatively large catchment (50 000 km2). Borehole cores from the lower estuary show basal Pleistocene lowstand alluvial sediments overlain by Holocene transgressive–highstand lagoonal mud and by transgressive to probably early highstand tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta sand deposited in association with non‐preserved transgressive sand barriers. The change in estuary‐mouth sedimentation from a transgressive barrier‐inlet system to a regressive highstand barrier reflects regional modifications in marine sand supply and in the cross‐barrier tidal flux associated with barrier‐inlet systems. As barrier formation west of the Ouémé River led to an increasingly rectilinear shoreline, the longshore drift cell matured, ensuring voluminous eastward transport of sand from the Volta Delta in Ghana, the major purveyor of sand, to the Ouémé embayment, 200 km east. Concomitantly, the number of tidal inlets, and the tidal flux associated with a hitherto interlinked lagoonal system on this coast, diminished. Complete sealing of Lake Nokoué has produced a large, permanently closed estuary, where tidal intrusion is assured through the interconnected coastal lagoon via an inlet located 60 km east. Since 1885, tides have entered the estuary directly through an artificial outlet cut across the sand barrier. Although precluding the seaward loss of fluvial sediments, permanent estuary‐mouth closure has especially deprived the highstand estuary of marine sand, a potentially important component in estuarine infill on wave‐dominated coasts. In spite of a significant fluvial sediment supply, estuarine infill has been moderate, because of the size of the central basin. Estuarine closure has resulted in two co‐existing highstand sediment suites, with limited admixture, the marine‐derived, estuary‐mouth barrier and upland‐derived back‐barrier sediments. This situation differs from that of mature barrier estuaries characterized by active fluvial‐marine sediment mixing and facies interfingering.  相似文献   

Processes influencing estuarine phytoplankton growth occur over a range of time scales, but many conceptual and numerical models of estuarine phytoplankton production dynamics neglect mechanisms occurring on the shorter (e.g., intratidal) time scales. We used a numerical model to explore the influence of short time-scale variability in phytoplankton sources and sinks on long-term growth in an idealized water column that shallows and deepens with the semidiurnal tide. Model results show that tidal fluctuations in water surface elevation can determine whether long-term phytoplankton growth is positive or negative. Hourly-scale interactions influencing weekly-scale to monthly-scale phytoplankton dynamics include intensification of the depth-averaged benthic grazing effect by water column shallowing and enhancement of water column photosynthesis when solar noon coincides with low tide. Photosynthesis and benthic consumption may modulate over biweekly time scales due to spring-neap fluctuations in tidal range and the 15-d cycle of solar noon-low tide phasing. If tidal range is a large fraction of mean water depth, then tidal shallowing and deepening may significantly influence net phytoplankton growth. In such a case, models or estimates of long-term phytoplankton production dynamics that neglect water surface fluctuations may overestimate or underestimate net growth and could even predict the wrong sign associated with net growth rate.  相似文献   

罗先启  程圣国  张振华  唐凯 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1035-1039
地质力学磁力模型试验是利用电磁力模拟重力、电磁力场模拟重力场的原理建立的地质力学模型试验理论与方法。其试验相似判据可根据相似理论的3个基本原理推导。用量纲分析和方程推导均可得到各参数相似判据为 , , , , , , 。在模型中,时间t、几何尺度l缩小n倍,重力加速度g扩大n倍,而材料的其他基本物理力学参数? 、? 、? 、? 、E、c、k、v、q、? 的相似比均为1,从理论上说可采用结构的原型材料进行地质力学磁力模型试验,这在模型试验的操作上十分方便。  相似文献   

Most efforts in the study of sea-marginal sabkhas have concentrated on the Persian Gulf, but little is known about the sediments and mineralogy of sabkhas marginal to other seas. The purpose of this paper was to present some geochemical and mineralogical observations in a recent sabkha on the coast of Sinai along the Gulf of Suez. The sabkha is composed of coarse clastic sediments with marine-derived groundwater at depth of about 1 m. The general morphology, climate and water salinity of the Gulf of Suez resemble those of the Persian Gulf, despite the fact that the content of authigenic evaporites in this sabkha is more sparse. The evaporite minerals accumulated only in the upper 30–40 cm of the sabkha, below that and down to the groundwater table, there is no accumulation of evaporites. Laterally, the salinity of the groundwater in the sabkha and the concentration of evaporites in the sediments above it increase constantly with distance from the shore. In contrast to the Persian Gulf where anhydrite is a major evaporite mineral, in Belayim gypsum is the only calcium sulphate mineral in the recent sabkha. Anhydrite is found only in an old elevated sabkha where it recrystallized from gypsum. The gypsum occurs as interstitial crystal concentrations or lithified horizons almost exclusively at the depth of 20–40 cm below the sabkha surface. Above that, in the uppermost horizons, there is in situ accumulation of interstitial halite crystals. The total concentrations of gypsum and halite are almost equal in this sabkha. The sea water recharge in El Belayim is almost exclusively by seepage through the sabkha sediments and not by flooding. The groundwater under this sabkha is only slightly more saline than the Gulf water, thus, not heavy enough for extensive downward refluxing. The major hydrodynamic process must be upward migration of the brines from the groundwater, precipitating on the way gypsum and later halite with some magnesite. Since the sediments of the sabkha are too coarse to support extensive capillary movement, the brines must, therefore, migrate upwards due to ‘evaporative pumping’.  相似文献   

The impact of mesozooplankton (>210 μm, mostly adult copepods and late-stage copepodites) and micrometazoa (64–210 μm, mostly copepod nauplii) on phytoplankton size structure and biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary was investigated using various14C-labeled algal species as tracers of grazing on natural phytoplankton. During spring and summer, zooplankton grazing pressure, defined as %=mg C ingested m?2 h?1/mg C produced m?2 h?1 (depth-integrated rates)×100, on total phytoplankton ranged between 0.04% and 1.9% for mesozooplankton and 0.1% and 6.6% for micrometazoa. The greatest grazing impact was measured in fall when 20.2% and 44.6%, respectively, of the total depth-integrated primary production from surface water phytoplankton was grazed. Mesozooplankton exhibited some size-selective grazing on phytoplankton, preferentially grazing the diatomThalassiosira pseudonana over the larger diatomDitylum brightwelli, but this was not found for micrometazoa. Neither zooplankton group grazed on the dinoflagellateAmphidinium sp. We conclude that metazoan zooplankton have a minimal role in controlling total phytoplankton biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary. Differences in the growth coefficients of various phytoplankton size-fractions—not grazing selectivity—may be the predominant factor explaining community size-structure.  相似文献   

Shoreface architecture, evolution (mid-Holocene to present) and depths of transgressive ravinement were examined from Sabine Pass, at the Texas–Louisiana border, to South Padre Island, near the Texas–Mexico border, using 30 shoreface transects. Shoreface transects extend out to 16-m water depth, each created from an echo-sounding profile and, on average, seven sediment cores. The shoreface is composed of three broad sedimentological facies: the upper shoreface, composed almost entirely of sand; the proximal lower shoreface, composed of sand with thickly to medium-bedded (50–10 cm) mud; and the distal lower shoreface, composed dominantly of mud with medium- to thinly bedded (20–3 cm) sand. Shoreface architecture and evolution is extremely variable along the Texas coast. Shoreface gradients increase from 2·25 m km–1 in east Texas to 3·50 m km–1 in south Texas. Shoreface sands coarsen towards south Texas. East and south Texas shoreface deposits are thin and retrograding whereas central Texas shoreface deposits are thicker and prograding. Central Texas is characterized by stacked shoreface successions, whereas in east Texas, lower shoreface sands are preserved only in offshore banks. Preservation of shoreface deposits is low in south Texas. Although eustatic fluctuations and accommodation space have a strong impact on overall mid-Holocene to present shoreface evolution and preservation potential, along-strike variations in sediment supply and wave energy are the main factors controlling shoreface architecture. The transgressive ravinement surface varies from –6 to –15 m along the Texas coast.  相似文献   

Mudflats and associated mangroves are most important ecosystems of tropical coastal regions. Mangroves play a very important role in maintaining the environmental balance; thus in addition to mangrove reforestation and restoration, afforestation has also been practiced. We studied distribution of sediment components (sand, silt, clay) organic carbon (OC), heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr and Co) and pH in six cores collected from one of the largest mudflats of Mandovi estuary, west coast of India. The temporal distribution patterns of these proxies suggested that past changes in tidal energy conditions, fresh water inflow and anthropogenic activities over the last few decades, together helped in development of a middle tidal flat in this estuary. In cores collected from the mangroves, trapping and deposition of finer particles and organic matter were enhanced by a complex aerial mangrove root system in recent years. Mangroves were, therefore, suggested to enhance the buildup of mudflats in Mandovi estuary. Cores collected from mudflats also exhibited higher deposition of finer particles and organic matter (except MF2) in recent years, suggesting maturity and greater stability of the entire mudflat in recent years. Middle tidal flats (mudflats) of Mandovi estuary may, therefore, prove to be suitable substrates for mangrove proliferation in the near future. Finer sediments deposited mainly from mining activities in recent years exhibited lower pH and higher metal content. Organisms dwelling in these recently deposited sediments are, therefore, at higher risk of bioaccumulation and metal toxicity.  相似文献   

In May of 2007, a study was initiated by the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, India, to investigate the influence of monsoonal rainfall on hydrographic conditions in the Mandovi River of India. The study was undertaken at a location ∼2 km upstream of the mouth of this estuary. During the premonsoon (PreM) in May, when circulation in the estuary was dominated by tidal activity, phytoplankton communities in the high saline (35–37 psu) waters at the study site were largely made up of the coastal neritic species Fragilaria oceanica, Ditylum brightwellii and Trichodesmium erythraeum. During the later part of the intermonsoon (InterM) phase, an abrupt decline in salinity led to a surge in phytoplankton biomass (Chlorophyll a ∼14 mg m − 3), of a population that was dominated by Thalassiosira eccentricus. As the southwest monsoon (SWM) progressed and the estuary freshened salinity and Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations decreased during the MoN, Skeletonema costatum established itself as the dominant form. Despite the low biomass (Chl a <2 mg m − 3), the phytoplankton community of the MoN was the most diverse of the entire study. During the postmonsoon (PostM), the increase in salinity was marked by a surge in dinoflagellate populations comprising of Ceratium furca, Akashiwo sanguinea, and Pyrophacus horologium.  相似文献   

We present here the first high-resolution pollen record of vegetation response to interactions of hurricane and fire disturbances over the past 1200 yr from a small lake in Alabama on the Gulf of Mexico coast. The paleotempestological record inferred from the overwash sand layers suggests that the Alabama coast was directly struck by Saffir-Simpson category 4 or 5 hurricanes twice during the last 1200 yr, around 1170 and 860 cal yr BP, suggesting an annual landfall probability of 0.17% for these intense hurricanes. The charcoal data suggest that intense fires occurred after each of these hurricanes. The pollen data suggest that populations of halophytic plants (Chenopodiaceae) and heliophytic shrubs (Myrica) expanded after the hurricane strikes, probably due to saltwater intrusion into the marshes and soil salinization caused by overwash processes. Populations of pines (Pinus sp.) decreased significantly after each intense hurricane and the ensuing intense fire, suggesting that repeated hurricane-fire interactions resulted in high tree mortality and probably impeded recruitment and recovery. Our data support the hypothesis that the likelihood and intensity of fire increased significantly after a major hurricane, producing responses by vegetation that are more complex and unpredictable than if the disturbance agents were acting singly and independently.  相似文献   

本文以岩性地层、气候地层(CaCO3含量、古温度和Rb/Sr比值等)、年代地层、沉积化学地层和生物组合地层等资料为基础,根据地层规范以及建组要求将渤海湾西岸全新世地层划分为3个组:独流镇组( Qh3 dl)、大黄洼组(Qh2dh)和西翟庄组(Qh1xz).其地层埋深界线及测年界线分别为:晚全新世独流镇组(Qh3dl)与...  相似文献   

During 1995 the phytoplankton in the Swan River were intensively sampled to assess biomass and species composition. Continuous measurements of fluorescence, salinity, and temperature were made weekly during 40 km sampling trips along the estuary and used to map the seasonal progression of the algal biomass. Weekly measurements of primary production were made and used to model net primary production from the vertical distribution of biomass, irradiance, and phytoplankton species composition. Potential nutrient limitation was assessed with “all but one” nutrient bioassays. The results indicate a complex mixture of potentially limiting factors, which vary in time and space. Although the data sequence is short, it suggests a annual succession pattern of diatoms, chlorophytes, diatoms, and finally dinoflagellates and cryptophytes in late summer-autumn. Peak seasonal biomass was observed during January to April. Mean annual chlorophylla biomass was greatest in upstream stations (5–9), where estimates of net primary production rates averaged 1.55 g C m?2 d?1 and gross primary production was 800–1000 g C m?2 yr?1. Potential nutrient limitation was most severe from November to May, although not during January 1995. Based on bioassay results, during the period of greatest potential for nutrient limitation, nitrogen was 15 to 30 times more limiting to biomass development than phosphate. Runoff due to consistent rainfall during winter eventually breaks down stratification and flushes the estuary with low-salinity, nutrient-rich water, producing, a light-limited, nutrient-rich aquatic ecosystem. Timing and magnitude of physical forcing events, mainly rainfall, appear critical in determining the susceptibility of this ecosystem to summer and autumn algal blooms.  相似文献   

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