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Vertical seismic compressional- and shear-wave (P-and S-wave) profiles were collected from three shallow boreholes in sediment of the upper Mississippi embayment. The site of the 60-m hole at Shelby Forest, Tennessee, is on bluffs forming the eastern edge of the Mississippi alluvial plain. The bluffs are composed of Pleistocene loess, Pliocene-Pleistocene alluvial clay and sand deposits, and Tertiary deltaic-marine sediment. The 36-m hole at Marked Tree, Arkansas, and the 27-m hole at Risco, Missouri, are in Holocene Mississippi river floodplain sand, silt, and gravel deposits. At each site, impulsive P- and S-waves were generated by man-made sources at the surface while a three-component geophone was locked downhole at 0.91-m intervals.

Consistent with their very similar geology, the two floodplain locations have nearly identical S-wave velocity (VS) profiles. The lowest VS values are about 130 m s−1, and the highest values are about 300 m s−1 at these sites. The shear-wave velocity profile at Shelby Forest is very similar within the Pleistocene loess (12 m thick); in deeper, older material, VS exceeds 400 m s−1.

At Marked Tree, and at Risco, the compressional-wave velocity (VP) values above the water table are as low as about 230 m s−1, and rise to about 1.9 km s−1 below the water table. At Shelby Forest, VP values in the unsaturated loess are as low as 302 m s−1. VP values below the water table are about 1.8 km s−1. For the two floodplain sites, the VP/VS ratio increases rapidly across the water table depth. For the Shelby Forest site, the largest increase in the VP/VS ratio occurs at 20-m depth, the boundary between the Pliocene-Pleistocene clay and sand deposits and the Eocene shallow-marine clay and silt deposits.

Until recently, seismic velocity data for the embayment basin came from eartquake studies, crustal-scale seismic refraction and reflection profiles, sonic logs, and from analysis of dispersed earthquake surface waves. Since 1991, seismic data for shallow sediment obtained from reflection, refraction, crosshole and downhole techniques have been obtained for sites at the northern end of the embayment basin. The present borehole data, however, are measured from sites representative of large areas in the Mississippi embayment. Therefore, they fill a gap in information needed for modeling the response of the embayment to destructive seismic shaking.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from a variety of different environments were analyzed for organo-sulfur compounds (OSC) to provide the first characterization of the amounts and types of these compounds in sediments of the greater Puget Sound basin. A gas Chromatograph equipped with a sulfur specific flame photometric detector was used to quantify individual OSC. Compositions of OSC mixtures were essentially constant throughout the study area. Dibenzothiophene (DBT), its alkylated homologs, and an unknown compound were the predominant OSC in most samples. Concentrations of total OSC and DBT ranged from 4 to 60 and 0.4 to 2 μg/g organic carbon, respectively. The flux of OSC to the sediments at a station in central Puget Sound west of Seattle was approximately 140 ng/cm2/yr. The profile of total OSC concentration with depth showed three organic sulfur compounds that are apparently created in situ in the vicinity of where hydrogen sulfide production begins. The concentrations of the aromatic OSC were relatively constant with depth. Although several anthropogenic sources of OSC were identified, there was no evidence that OSC from these sources were accumulating in the sediments. The major source of the aromatic OSC in the sediments is apparently atmospheric input from natural sources such as forest fires.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations have been determined for sediments and associated pore waters collected at 2 sites (11 stations) in Puget Sound, Washington (northwest U.S.A.). These sediments have been contaminated to varying degrees by hydrocarbons from a creosote plant and from various combustion sources. PAH were not detected in pore waters of sediments whose PAH were primarily derived from combustion and natural sources, even though pore water concentrations predicted from sediment concentrations and two-phase equilibrium partitioning models were above detection limits from most PAH. Equilibrium partition coefficients calculated from field aqueous and solid phase data from an area contaminated with creosote agreed with laboratory-derived coefficients to within a factor of ± 4. Pore water concentrations of creosote-derived aliphatic hydrocarbons increase with increasing concentration in bulk sediments. However, pore water concentrations of natural and contaminant aliphatic hydrocarbons are much higher than predicted by solubility data, possibly due to association with nonfilterable dissolved organic matter and colloids. Other major factors controlling hydrocarbon pore water concentrations include differential hydrocarbon sources, specific particle associations and solubility.  相似文献   

We developed a food web model of central Puget Sound to provide science-based support for ecosystem-based management and to refine our understanding of bottom-up and top-down trophic forcing. Phytoplankton accounted for a large fraction of total biomass, total throughput, and caused considerable bottom-up effects in most functional groups in a dynamic simulation fit to time series data from 1981 to 2000. Top-down control was most apparent in the case of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), which exhibited keystone tendencies and appeared capable of causing trophic cascades. Increasing top-down control in several predator–prey relationships improved model fits to time series data from 1981 to 2000, but not as much as introducing non-equilibrium dynamics (biomass accumulation terms) to several key vertebrates. Fishing had little effect on system dynamics. Our model appears well-suited for addressing strategic, scenario-based questions of how the community as a whole will respond to management actions.  相似文献   

Shoreline armoring is extensive in urban areas worldwide, but the ecological consequences are poorly documented. We mapped shoreline armoring along the Duwamish River estuary (Washington State, USA) and evaluated differences in temperature, invertebrates, and juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) diet between armored and unarmored intertidal habitats. Mean substrate temperatures were significantly warmer at armored sites, but water temperature similar to unarmored habitats. Epibenthic invertebrate densities were over tenfold greater on unarmored shorelines and taxa richness double that of armored locations. Taxa richness of neuston invertebrates was also higher at unarmored sites, but abundance similar. We did not detect differences in Chinook (O. tshawytscha) diet, but observed a higher proportion of benthic prey for chum (O. keta) from unarmored sites. Given that over 66% of the Duwamish shoreline is armored—similar to much of south and central Puget Sound—our results underscore the need for further ecological study to address the impacts of estuary armoring.  相似文献   

The relatively slow flow and exchange of Carr Inlet water with the main basin of Puget Sound, Washington, favor eutrophication. To study Carr Inlet’s circulation, the Model-measurement Integration Experiment in Estuary Dynamics (MIXED) was conducted in March–May 2003, spanning the spring bloom. From observations and numerical simulations the circulation was decomposed into tidal and subtidal components; the former was dominated by the M2 tide, the latter by atmospheric forcing. Near the surface, the subtidal velocity was correlated with wind. At mid depths, the subtidal velocity was organized into vertical bands arising from internal waves excited by wind forcing of the water surface. The tidal flow was more strongly steered by local bathymetry and weaker in peak magnitudes than the subtidal flow, yet it contributed more mechanical energy to the inlet. Tidal eddies reduce exchange of water through the inlet’s entrances. Numerical simulations with the Princeton Ocean Model recreated many observed features, including the three-layer vertical structure of outflow at the surface and bottom and inflow at mid depth, the mid-depth subtidal response to the wind, and characteristics of the tide. While the model produced greater subtidal flow magnitudes at depth and differences in the phase of the M2 tide compared to observations, overall the case study provided support for more comprehensive simulations of Puget Sound in the future.  相似文献   

Nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted to investigate the utilization of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen by marine phytoplankton in Georgia coastal waters. Natural populations of marine phytoplankton, enriched with different concentrations of ammonium chloride and other plant nutrients, were grown under controlled temperature and irradiance conditions until the populations reached “stationary phase.” Results showed that (1) phytoplankton are limited by DIN up to ca. 20μM, when another nutrient (phosphate or silicate) becomes limiting, (2) very little naturally-occurring DON is directly utilized for growth, (3) very little DON is indirectly made available for growth over time periods of days to ca. 1 week, and (4) trace metals and vitamins do not significantly limit phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

Identification of food web linkages is a major aim in ecology because it provides basic information on trophic flows and the potential for interspecific interactions. In addition, policy and restoration measures mandated to conform to ecosystem-based management principals can benefit from information on temporal and spatial variability in community-level interactions. Here, we analyzed guild structure of the demersal fish assemblage in Puget Sound, WA, a temperate estuarine system on the US west coast. Using diet information from 2,401 stomachs collected across three seasons (fall, winter, and summer), we identified guild membership for 21 fish species, examined seasonal guild switching, and tested for seasonal shifts in predation and for differences in the degree of diet overlap at the assemblage level. We accounted for ontogenetic variation in diet by dividing species into large (L) and small (S) size classes when appropriate. Using cluster analysis and a permutation approach, we identified seven significant guilds that were typified by predation on benthic invertebrates, pelagic invertebrates, and piscivory. Of the 18 species with more than one season of diet information, six switched guilds (Pacific sanddab L, sturgeon poacher, Pacific tomcod S, speckled sanddab, rex sole, and rock sole S). At the assemblage level, we tested for seasonal differences in prey use between seasons by performing an analysis of similarities based on Bray–Curtis diet similarities and found no significant difference. However, diet overlap was significantly higher in the summer than the fall and winter (with summer > fall > winter) indicating that diets within the assemblage converged in the summer. These results indicate that analyses of guild structure and diet overlap can reveal seasonal variation in community trophic structure and highlight intra-annual food web variation in the Puget Sound demersal fish community.  相似文献   

Jasper Knight   《Sedimentary Geology》2009,220(1-2):126-133
Soft-sediment clasts composed of silt and clay are contained within glacial outwash sands in the Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. The outwash was deposited during ice retreat of the Cordilleran ice sheet around 17 cal kyr BP. The soft-sediment clasts have a distinctive and consistent morphology and disposition within the sand beds. The sedimentology, sedimentary structures and presence of soft-sediment clasts suggest sand was deposited as proglacial outwash with silts and clays deposited in meltwater pools. Following drying-out of the pools and subaerial cracking, lumps of silt and clay were excavated by meltwater and transported distally as soft-sediment clasts within high-density flows. The most likely final depositional setting is as a Salisbury-type ‘delta’ in which subaqueous outwash grades distally into deeper water. This interpretation shows the power of soft-sediment clasts to inform on past processes and palaeogeography for which there is often little evidence in the geologic record.  相似文献   

Density, habitat use, and growth of intertidal 0+ age Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, were examined at five northern Puget Sound (Washington, USA) sites between June 1984 and September 1987. Sampling was conducted biweekly during settlement, from June to September, and approximately monthly or bimonthly thereafter. Northern Puget Sound Dungeness crab populations appear to be largely supported by recruitment from inland parental stocks, but a smaller proportion of recruits originate from coastal or oceanic stocks, as evidenced by earlier settlement and larger size of the first instar. Settlement of Dungeness crabs in inland waters typically peaked in August, and interannual variation in year-class strength at settlement (measured as intertidal density) was low relative to that reported for coastal crab populations. Spatial and interannual differences in settlement densities were mediated by high postsettlement mortality, which varied inversely with habitat complexity. Seasonal densities were highest in mixed sand and gravel with an overstory of attached or drift macroalgae, intermediate in eelgrass (Zostera marina), and lowest on open sand. Postsettlement growth rates corresponded to seasonal water temperatures and were greatest for the coastal cohort that settled in May and June. This cohort was larger as first juvenile instars (7.2 mm carapace width, CW) and grew rapidly at summer temperatures in excess of 15°C to a size (>30 mm CW) that allowed emigration from intertidal to subtidal areas by September. The late summer cohort settled in August at 5.3 mm CW and soon after was subjected to decreasing autumn water temperatures. There crabs experienced little growth while over wintering in the intertidal, but growth rates increased in March, and the crabs emigrated in April and May, approximately 10 mo after settlement.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon compositions have been determined for 210Pb-dated sediment cores collected at 23 sites within the inland marine waters of northwestern Washington State, U.S.A. Concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbons (TAH) and an unresolved complex mixture (UCM) are significantly higher in surface sediments near urban areas than at all other locations with a chronology that indicates a predominantly anthropogenic origin. Concentrations of chromatographically resolvable alkanes are comparatively uniform; the major constituents are plant wax n-alkanes and a naturally-occurring suite of fossil isoprenoid and n-alkanes. Pristane concentrations decrease sharply near the sea-sediment interface suggesting rapid degradation of a plankton-derived component. A saturated multibranched, but nonisoprenoid, C20 hydrocarbon and two novel mono-olefinic analogs have been isolated along with a previously unreported suite for four acyclic multibranched C25 polyenes. Structural and distributional similarities between the C20 and C25 multibranched hydrocarbons suggest that they may be structurally homologous and share a common source.  相似文献   

In coastal environments, the supratidal zone bridges marine and terrestrial ecosystems and is important for energy exchange. However, it is also subject to extensive anthropogenic disturbance, such as armoring of shorelines. Shoreline armoring is extensive along many coasts, but the impacts on biota are comparatively unknown. Between 2000 and 2002, paired and synoptic sampling regimes were employed to assess armoring effects on insects and benthic macroinvertebrates in the supratidal zone of Puget Sound beaches. Paired sampling showed natural beach sites had significantly more deposited wrack. Infauna was dominated by oligochaetes and nematodes; talitrid amphipods, insects, and collembolans were significantly more numerous at natural beaches, and crustaceans were more abundant at altered beaches. Insect assemblages were diverse, with taxon richness higher at natural beach sites. In the synoptic sampling, where sites with higher elevation modifications were used, there were fewer differences in invertebrate assemblages between armored and nonarmored sites. The results show that, where shoreline armoring lowers the land–sea interface, benthic infauna and insect assemblages are disrupted. Widespread shoreline modifications may decrease the availability of prey resources for fish and wildlife and decrease the contribution of organic material entering the nearshore ecosystem.  相似文献   

Subtropical estuaries have received comparatively little attention in the study of nutrient loading and subsequent nutrient processing relative to temperate estuaries. Australian estuaries are particularly susceptible to increased nutrient loading and eutrophication, as 75% of the population resides within 200 km of the coastline. We assessed the factors potentially limiting both biomass and production in one Australian estuary, Moreton Bay, through stoichiometric comparisons of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), silicon (Si), and carbon (C) concentrations, particulate compositions, and rates of uptake. Samples were collected over 3 seasons in 1997–1998 at stations located throughout the bay system, including one riverine endmember site. Concentrations of all dissolved nutrients, as well as particulate nutrients and chlorophyll, declined 10-fold to 100-fold from the impacted western embayments to the eastern, more oceanic-influenced regions of the bay during all seasons. For all seasons and all regions, both the dissolved nutrients and particulate biomass yielded N:P ratios <6 and N:Si ratios <1. Both relationships suggest strong limitation of biomass by N throughout the bay. Limitation of rates of nutrient uptake and productivity were more complex. Low C:N and C:P uptake ratios at the riverine site suggested light limitation at all seasons, low N:P ratios suggested some degree of N limitation and high N:Si uptake ratios in austral winter suggested Si limitation of uptake during that season only. No evidence of P limitation of biomass or productivity was evident.  相似文献   

Activity profiles of excess 234Th, excess 210Pb, 232Th, 230Th, 234U and 238U, and 228/232Th ratios determined in eight box cores of sediment from six sites in central Puget Sound provide new insights into the dynamic nature of solid phase mixing in surface sediments, the exchange of 228Ra and other soluble species across the sediment-water interface, and the cycling of U, Th and 210Pb in this coastal zone.Comparison of excess 234Th inventories in sediments with its production rate in the overlying water column indicates a mean residence time of at most 14 days for particles in the central Puget Sound water column.Surface sediment horizons with excess 234Th have no excess 228Th which might be used to ascertain sediment accumulation rates over the past decade. Instead, deficiencies of 228Th due to loss of soluble 228Ra from pore water to the overlying water persist to 20–30 cm, revealing that exchange of soluble chemicals between pore and overlying waters reaches these depths in the extensively bioturbated sediments of Puget Sound.Solid phase U isotope concentrations tend to increase by up to a factor of two with depth in sediments, as a result of dissolved U being biologically pumped down into sediments where it is partially removed when conditions become mildly reducing. 232Th and 230Th activities and 230/232Th ratios are constant with depth in sediments, indicating constant detrital phase compositions and essentially no authigenic 230Th. Steady state 210Pb depositional activities in and fluxes to Puget Sound sediments average only about onehalf those for sediments of the open Washington coast north of the Columbia River mouth, primarily because of a much lower supply of dissolved 210Pb in sea waters adverting into Puget Sound.Excess 234Th profiles in sediments reveal much more detail about the depth dependency, dynamic nature and recent history of solid phase mixing processes than excess 210Pb profiles. At least six of eight 234Th profiles show that mixing within the 210Pb-defined surface mixed layer is depth dependent. In three profiles, 234Th-derived mixing rates are fastest several centimeters below the sediment-water interface, indicating greater macro-benthic activity at these depths. Depth dependent mixing coefficients derived from the best fit of a four layer, advection-diffusion-decay model to the 234Th data are consistent with 210Pb profiles determined for the same sediments, strongly suggesting that 234Th and 210Pb are mixed equivalently and in a multilayered manner.  相似文献   

Surf smelt Hypomesus pretiosus are an important part of the Salish Sea food web and obligate beach spawners, yet little is known about the spatiotemporal distribution of spawning and beach characteristics related to spawning success. We counted smelt eggs at 51 sites around Camano Island, Puget Sound, Washington every 2?weeks for 1?year and at 13 of those 51 sites each month in the following year. At each site, we measured beach characteristics hypothesized to affect spawning habitat suitability as measured by egg abundance and mortality. Eggs were collected at 45 sites and pooled by month for analyses. Few sites (N?=?10, 19.6?%) contributed 87?% of total eggs and 89?% of all live eggs collected. Mean total egg counts at sites were higher (p?<?0.019) in Jul?CSep (1,790.7, SE?=?829.5) than in Jan?CMar (26.1, SE?=?10.2). Principal component and regression analyses suggested that aspect, fetch, solar radiation, and beach temperature predicted egg abundance but not mortality. Because a small proportion of sites appear to support most spawning activity, a conclusion consistent with year?2 egg counts, impacts to relatively few beaches could greatly affect surf smelt production.  相似文献   

Episodic, large‐volume pulses of volcaniclastic sediment and coseismic subsidence of the coast have influenced the development of a late Holocene delta at southern Puget Sound. Multibeam bathymetry, ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) and vibracores were used to investigate the morphologic and stratigraphic evolution of the Nisqually River delta. Two fluvial–deltaic facies are recognized on the basis of GPR data and sedimentary characteristics in cores, which suggest partial emplacement from sediment‐rich floods that originated on Mount Rainier. Facies S consists of stacked, sheet‐like deposits of andesitic sand up to 4 m thick that are continuous across the entire width of the delta. Flat‐lying, highly reflective surfaces separate the sand sheets and comprise important facies boundaries. Beds of massive, pumice‐ and charcoal‐rich sand overlie one of the buried surfaces. Organic‐rich material from that surface, beneath the massive sand, yielded a radiocarbon age that is time‐correlative with a series of known eruptive events that generated lahars in the upper Nisqually River valley. Facies CF consists of linear sandbodies or palaeochannels incised into facies S on the lower delta plain. Radiocarbon ages of wood fragments in the sandy channel‐fill deposits also correlate in time to lahar deposits in upstream areas. Intrusive, sand‐filled dikes and sills indicate liquefaction caused by post‐depositional ground shaking related to earthquakes. Continued progradation of the delta into Puget Sound is currently balanced by tidal‐current reworking, which redistributes sediment into large fields of ebb‐ and flood‐oriented bedforms.  相似文献   

Human alteration of Puget Sound shorelines is extensive yet its ecological consequences are largely undocumented. This study evaluates differences between natural and heavily modified beaches in terms of microclimate and one aspect of biological condition. Electronic data laggers were placed at a tidal height of approximately 3.7 m (12 ft) above mean lower low water during July 16–20, 2001, to monitor light intensity, substrate and air temperatures, and humidity. Substrate samples were collected at the end of the monitoring period to evaluate condition and density of eggs from surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus), a forage fish species that spawns on gravel-sand beaches in the upper intertidal zone. The modified beach had significantly higher daily mean light intensity, air temperature and substrate temperature, and significantly lower daily mean relative humidity. Particularly striking were the differences in substrate temperature which, on the natural beach, ranged from 12.1°C to 18.2°C (mean=14.1°C) and on the modified beach ranged from 14.4°C to 29.4°C (mean=18.8°C). In addition to these different means and more extreme values, microclimate conditions on the modified beach were more variable, indicative of a less buffered environment. The proportion of smelt eggs containing live embryos on the altered beach was approximately half that of the natural beach.  相似文献   

The reasons for the rapid degradation and salination of the shallow aquifer in the northern Jordan Valley were investigated. Shallow groundwater, surface water and thermal water were sampled from the study area for this purpose. The geochemical mass-balance technique was used to quantify the contribution of different sources, geochemical processes and rock types to the final water composition, applying the NETPATH software package. The isotopic compositions of the water were also investigated. The results suggest three potential recharge sources: the Yarmouk River, the Jordan River, and the Mukheibah thermal water. Evaporation significantly contributes to the current chemistry of the shallow water, as is indicated by the geochemical models and the isotopic results. Tritium analyses indicate that the water is clearly new (less than 50 years). The relatively high values of nitrate in some wells may be of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

The effects of advection, dispersion, and biological processes on nitrogen and phytoplankton dynamics after a storm event in December 2002 are investigated in an estuary located on the northern New South Wales coast, Australia. Salinity observations for 16 d after the storm are used to estimate hydrodynamic transports for a one-dimensional box model. A biological model with nitrogen limited phytoplankton growth, mussel grazing, and a phytoplankton mortality term is forced by the calculated transports. The model captured important aspects of the temporal and spatial dynamics of the bloom. A quantitative analysis of hydrodynamic and biological processes shows that increased phytoplankton biomass due to elevated nitrogen loads after the storm was not primarily regulated by advection or dispersion in spite of an increase in river flow from <1 to 928×103 m3 d−1. Of the dissolved nitrogen that entered the surface layer of the estuary in the 16 d following the storm event, the model estimated that 28% was lost through exchange with the ocean or bottom layers, while 15% was removed by the grazing of just one mussel species,Xenostrobus securis, on phytoplankton, and 50% was lost through other biological phytoplankton loss processes.X. securis grazing remained an important loss process even when the estimated biological parameters in the model were varied by factors of ± 2. The intertidal mangrove pneumatophore habitat ofX. securis allows filtering of the upper water column from the lateral boundaries when the water column is vertically stratified, exerting top-down control on phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

在3次野外取水样分析的基础上,分析了研究区域有机污染特征,并根据室内实验和国内外文献资料所获取的参数,利用地下水模拟系统软件(GMS)对研究区三氯乙烯(TCE)和四氯乙烯(PCE)在地下水中的运移转化进行数值模拟研究,模拟结果表明:研究区地下水中TCE和PCE存在生物降解作用,但是反应速率很小,这表明在相当长的时间内,其浓度仍可能保持在相当的水平上。  相似文献   

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