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We determined tidal, diel (day-night), and diurnal (day to day) patterns of occurrence for the summer zooplankton assemblage in an intertidal salt marsh basin at North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina. In one time series, 153 μm pump and 365 μm net collections were made every 1–2 h during four consecutive tidal cycles. Taxonomic composition remained unchanged throughout most of the 48-h period, but densities and proportionalities of individual taxa were highly variable. Recurring patterns of abundance were observed and taxon-specific relationships with the tidal and diel cycles were indicated. Zooplankton were not uniformly distributed within flooding-ebbing water masses and distributions could not be explained by simple passive advection with the tides. Diel differences in densities of copepods and bivalves resulted from behavioral responses to changing light conditions. Large pulses of crab and shrimp larvae originating from nocturnal hatching events within the intertidal basin exited but did not return during the next flood tide. Higher densities of postlarval decapods on flood tides indicated settlement and recruitment to the shallow basin. In a second time series, replicated collections of the 153 μm and 365 μm assemblages were made during the daytime ebb tide every 1–3 d from May through October 1991 to determine relationships between diurnal changes in depth, salinity, and temperature and zooplankton composition and abundance. Diurnal variations in densities and proportionalities were less than those observed during the 48-h study and patterns were not regular. For most taxa, relationships between depth and abundance were the same in both time series. During periods of reduced salinity, densities of copepods,Uca zoeae, and barnacle nauplii decreased and densities ofUca megalopae andPenaeus postlarvae increased. However, zoeae emerged and postlarvae recruited throughout the 5-mo period, indicating that considerable flexibility in responses and tolerances existed within the populations. The diversity of life-history strategies and behavioral adaptations found among the zooplankton assures continuous occupation of flooded intertidal habitats. We suspect that the evolution and maintenance of temporally staggered recurring patterns of occurrence results in reductions in the competition for resources. 相似文献
David R. Franz 《Estuaries and Coasts》2001,24(3):319-327
Age structure, recruitment, and survivorship of a Jamaica Bay, New York ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) population were studied over nine years at two shore elevations. Mussels were collected in November (following seasonal growth and recruitment) and March (to assay over-winter mortality). Larval recruits (0-class) averaged 55% of the population at the marsh edge compared with <9% at the higher elevation (6 m upshore). High larval settlement at the edge apparently depletes the larval supply available for settlement within the marsh interior. At the edge, the population generally contained 7 monotonically decreasing age classes compared to 15–20 age classes at the interior site. At the interior site, most 0-class mussels may not directly settle into existing mussel aggregations, but instead immigrate over a period of two years following settlement. The linear survivorship curve at the edge reflects 40–50% mortality every year. Over-winter mortality is sensitive to winter ice conditions. Simulations of reproductive output based on survivorship and fertility data combined suggest that mussel cohorts living in the marsh may approach the life time reproductive output of marsh edge mussels after about 15 years, a life span which is not uncommon at higher shore levels. 相似文献
Emission of gaseous carbon dioxide from salt-marsh sediments and its relation to other carbon losses
Rates of CO2 emission from bare salt-marsh sediments in areas of short and tall formSpartina alterniflora were measured monthly for 1 yr. Maximum emission rates, as high as 325 ml CO2m?2h?1, were observed during summer months, while minimum rates, 10.2 ml CO2 m?2h?1, were observed during the winter. An exponential function of inverse soil temperature explained most of the seasonal variability, but other factors are involved in regulating CO2 emissions as demonstrated by rates that were higher in spring than in late summer at equivalent temperatures. Annual CO2 emissions from bare sediments were 27.3 and 18.6 mol C m?2 yr?1 in communities of short and tallS. alterniflora, respectively. It was estimated that losses of dissolved inorganic carbon from the turnover of pore water, up to 14.6 mol C m?2 yr?1 at the creek bank (tall,S. alterniflora) site, and diffusion of CO2 from the root system ofS. alterniflora through the culms, 12.3 to 16.2 mol C m?2 yr?1, could also be important pathways of carbon loss from marsh sediments. If the internal flux of CO2 from the root system through the culm is refixed within the leaves, then the observed rate of 9.8 μI CO2 min?1 cm?2 of culm cross sectional area appears to make a small but significant contribution to total photosynthesis. 相似文献
Dispersion of the salt-marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata: Effects of water level,size, and season
This paper documents horizontal and vertical dispersion patterns of a Texas population of the saltmarsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata, over a 15-month period. The study was conducted within a tidal marsh on the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge in Galveston Bay. Two mark-recapture experiments demonstrated that L. irrorata rarely move more than 2 m from their release point over long periods of time and do not home to individual Spartina plants. Adult L. irrorata forage farther away from the base of Spartina stalks at low tide than do juvenile snails. Remaining near the plant base may decrease both temperature and desiccation stress on juveniles. During warm months, L. irrorata climb grass stalks with tidal inundation and forage on the substratum at low tide. Snails are inactive and aggregate in detrital debris at the base of Spartina clumps during the winter. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY058 00016 相似文献
Patterns of tolerance to stressful abiotic variables among animals that have colonized salt marshes provide models for the study of the evolution of physiological specialization. We provide an overview of some closely related pairs or groups of species that show hierarchical gradations in tolerance, and thereby physiological mechanisms of compensation, along a line perpendicular to the shore. However, a full understanding of the evolution of physiological specialization requires that we evaluate the role of abiotic factors in light of the biotic interactions in which salt-marsh species are embedded. The common occurrence of salt-marsh endemics in a species-poor environment must be related to the unusual character of this habitat, in which the reduced importance of some biotic forces is paired with highly stressful abiotic factors. The salt marsh is probably not a refuge for competitively inferior forms so much as it is a highly selective environment that admits only those specialized species that can muster the necessary physiological adaptations. Thus the apparently lower competitive ability of salt-marsh species under conditions that are not abiotically stressful is likely to be a secondary consequence of the costs of mechanisms conferring tolerance, and of life in a species-poor habitat. Salt marshes provide an arena in which it is possible to experimentally evaluate the evolutionary and ecological importance of abiotic stress, especially in relation to parapatric or allotopic distributions. Yet very few studies have provided such a rigorous approach, despite a long-standing recognition that abiotic factors interact strongly with biotic forces in the salt marsh. 相似文献
Part of urbanised South East England is used to discuss some of the spatial allocation problems of a reorganised health service region under conditions of financial constraint. In particular, the role and response of health visiting services are scrutinised so as to examine the relationship between stringent financial control, changing spatial organisation patterns and actual primary health-care requirements. 相似文献
Dissanayake M.R. Sampath Tomasz Boski Patricia L. Silva Flavio A. Martins 《第四纪科学杂志》2011,26(2):156-170
Analysis of Holocene sediment accumulation in the Guadiana estuary (southern Portugal) during sea‐level rise since ca. 13 cal. ka BP was used to simulate the long‐term morphological evolution of the lower Guadiana estuary and the associated intertidal zone for 21st‐century predicted sea‐level rises. Three sea‐level rise scenarios given by the IPCC ( 2007 ) were used in the simulations of morphology using a large‐scale behaviour‐oriented modelling approach. Sedimentation rate scenarios were derived both from the Holocene evolution of the estuary and from a semi‐empirical estimation of present‐day sediment aggradation. Our results show that the net lateral expansion of the intertidal zone area would be about 3–5% of the present intertidal zone area for each 10 cm rise in sea level. Under constraints imposed by the lack of fluvial sediment supply, the lateral expansion of the landward boundary of the intertidal zone will occur mainly in the Portuguese margin of the Guadiana estuary, while submergence of the salt marshes will occur in the Spanish margin. Therefore the Spanish margin is highly vulnerable to both sea‐level rise and lack of sediment supply. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Paul S. Orogun 《GeoJournal》2010,75(5):459-507
The Niger Delta question represents one of the most intractable sources of political destabilization, constitutes a profound threat to national security, and economic development of the Nigerian state. Therefore, the study of the intricate dynamics among multinational oil corporations, the Nigerian State, and insurgent militias illuminates the root causes, societal schisms and the political economy of resource induced conflicts in Africa’s major oil producing nation state. This case study illustrates and explicates the “paradox of plenty”, the “resource curse”, the “shadow state syndrome”, and the debilitating effects of petroleum politics in Nigeria. Economic exploitation of the region’s vast crude oil reserves by multinationals and government authorities is juxtaposed with the specter of environmental devastation, excruciating poverty, and recurrent rule of impunity. National elite contestations concerning the legalities of resource control, internecine squabbles over revenue allocation formulas and derivation principles have been compounded by incessant disruptions of crude oil pipelines, necessitating drastic reduction in the country’s petroleum output and revenues derived from the global economy. Due to the multi-layered dimensions of the effects of crude oil, guns, profits, and geo-territorial instability, the protracted problems of the Niger Delta thus, provides us with pertinent analytical and contextual frameworks for the study of the dynamics, volatility and transparency issues in global extractive industries. In the muddled rivers and creeks of the Niger Delta, characterized by regional destabilization, there has emerged a clandestine economy of protection syndicates, marked exponential increase in kidnappings and targeting of expatriate workers, as well as state sponsored military reprisals against self-styled insurgents, warlords, and militia movements. 相似文献
Catastrophic events reveal the dynamic nature of salt-marsh vegetation in Southern California 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Joy B. Zedler Jordan Covin Chris Nordby Phil Williams John Boland 《Estuaries and Coasts》1986,9(1):75-80
Recent hydrological disturbances, including flooding, dry-season streamflow, and drought, greatly altered coastal wetland habitats in sourthern California. At Tijuana Estuary, a six-year study of salt-marsh vegetation patterns during these rare conditions documented substantial temporal variability in plant growth and distribution. Important to cordgrass (Spartina foliosa Trin.) dynamics were the amount and timing of streamflows, which reduced soil salinity and alleviated stresses on plant growth. Poorest growing conditions occurred in 1984 when both river and tidal flows were lacking; soils had low moisture and extreme salinities (avg.=104‰ in September). Plant stress was documented in 1984 as high mortality (62% fewer stems than in 1983) and reduced height (19% less than in 1983). Cordgrass height was greatest in 1980 following winter flooding (20% increase over 1979); densities were greatest in 1983 with summer freshwater influxes (60% increase over 1982). A carbon allocation model is proposed to explain the varied responses. 相似文献
There is a need for research into bioindicators of stress in threatened plant communities such as coastal wetlands. Land subsidence, diversion of sediment, and salt-water intrusion produce stresses associated with waterlogging, elevated salinity, and nutrient depletion. Temporal and spatial environmental variation (soil redox potential, interstitial water salinity, pH, ammonium and phosphorus, and cation and trace metal concentrations) was analyzed near Lake de Cade, Louisiana, in a brackish marsh which is a mosaic of healthy plant communities interspersed with areas where wetland loss is occurring. Environmental variation was related to indicators of stress inSpartina patens, which included variables derived from the adenine nucleotide levels in plants, leaf spectral reflectance, leaf proline concentrations, and shoot elongation. In a comparison of burned and unburned sites, streamside and inland marsh, and along a salinity gradient, among-site differences were found in spectral reflectance and adenine-nucleotide-related indicators. Although it was difficult to relate a single causal environmental variable to the response of a specific indicator, spectral reflectance in the visible light range responded to salinity or to elements borne in seawater, and adenine-nucleotide indices were sensitive to nutrient availability. The ability of indicators to detect plant responses changed during the growing season, suggesting that they were responding to the changing importance of different environmental factors. In addition, some reflectance indicator responses occurred along salinity gradients when salinity differences were less than those that were found to have ecologically meaningful effects in greenhouse experiments. A multivariate numerical approach was used to relate environmental variation with indicator responses. We concluded that factors which in combination cause the degradation and loss of Louisiana wetlands produce environmental conditions that are only subtly different from those in vigorously growing marsh communities. 相似文献
It is demonstrated that detailed examination of the photo- and thermoluminescence (PL, TL) of Holocene intertidal sediments can reveal important information regarding their depositional history in the context of sea level tendency and storm surge activity. The technique is particularly applicable to thick deposits of relatively uniform composition, and is demonstrated with a 1·7-m core of marine to brackish water silty clay taken from Cowpen Marsh in the Tees estuary, north-east England. This sedimentary unit is intercalated with an upper and a lower terrestrial peat bed, which have been radiocarbon dated to 5250 ± 45 and 7065 ± 45 14C years BP respectively. An investigation of the mineral composition and diatom assemblage of the silty clay facies reveals a marked hiatus in deposition towards the top of the minerogenic unit. Analysis of the luminescence profiles of the sediment illustrates that, below this hiatus, sedimentation was slow and continuous, with approximately 1·0 m of sediment being deposited in 1800 ± 400 years, whilst above, sedimentation was rapid, with 0·7 m of sediment being deposited in 0 ± 200 years. It is shown that variations in the luminescence of the sediments can be interpreted in terms of the onset of a positive sea level tendency period coupled with the occurrence of a low-frequency extreme water level event. 相似文献
SVANTE BJÖRCK GUNNAR DIGERFELDT 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1991,20(2):115-133
Mt. Kroppefjall is situated just south of the Middle Swedish (Younger Dryas) ice-marginal zone. Its abundance of lake basins makes it very suitable for detailed shore displacement studies close to the Younger Dryas ice margin. Altogether 12 lakes at altitudes between 157 and 78 m were studied and all but one situated above the marine limit contained marine sediments. The dating of their isolation from the sea resulted in a shore displacement curve from c. 11,200 to c. 98M)BP. The relative uplift almost ceased between 10,900 and 10,300 BP, which is mainly related to an ice readvance in the Lake Vanern basin. This period of balance between uplift and sea level rise was preceded by a relative uplift rate of 5 m/lW yr and followed by as high rates as 7–8 m/100 yr, possibly caused by a delayed uplift effect and perhaps also a local fall in sea level caused by the rapidly receding ice margin. The time difference between the formation of two delta surfaces at Odskolts Moar is estimated at 60&800 years. Shoreline diagrams along the Swedish west and east coasts, mainly based on a number of shore displacement curves, reveal large anomalies that are believed to have been caused by dammings and drainages of the Baltic basin. The southwards extrapolated shorelines indicate that the bedrock threshold in the Oresund Strait, between Denmark and Sweden, functioned as the outlet threshold for the Baltic Ice Lake during its dammed stages, while the erosion of the Store Balt and Darss Sill straits began at the culmination of the Ancylus transgression and continued during the rapid IS20 m Ancylus regression. 相似文献
J.R. Stewart S. Aspinall M. Beech P. Fenberg P. Hellyer N. Larkin S.W. Lokier F.G. Marx M. Meyer R. Miller P.S. Rainbow J.D. Taylor J.E. Whittaker K. Al-Mehsin C.J. Strohmenger 《Quaternary Science Reviews》2011,30(25-26):3675-3690
Whale remains (a left and right mandible, scapula, humerus and fragmentary radius and ulna as well as parts of the cranium and rostrum) belonging to a probable humpback whale (Megaptera cf. novaeangliae) were found in the well-described sabkha sequence exposed in the Musaffah Industrial Channel, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. More precisely, the whale remains were found in a series of sediments representing a range of lagoonal facies. The sediments surrounding the whale bones were age-dated at approximately 5200 14C yrs BP and are therefore interpreted to correspond to the previously documented late Flandrian sea-level peak, preceding a fall in sea-level which culminated in the supratidal sabkha overprint of the carbonates. Associated with the whale remains is an assemblage of molluscs, foraminifera and ostracods. Together with the inferred presence of sea grass and algae, these facies are interpreted to indicate a very shallow subtidal to intertidal lagoonal environment. Cirripede remains found associated with the skeleton were identified as those of the whale barnacle Coronula diadema and hence had their origins with the whale. Significantly, the low species diversity of microfossils suggests that higher salinities existed in the mid-Holocene lagoon than are present in modern counterparts. This is here inferred to be related to the onset of continental aridity in Arabia during the mid-Holocene. 相似文献
Beach-cast wrack of marine origin is considered a spatial subsidy to the marine-terrestrial transition zone. We found that
the wrack line on sand and gravel beaches of Vancouver Island was frequented by intertidal purple shore crabs,Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana 1851) and densely colonized by detritivorous talitrid amphipods. Amphipods spend the day buried in sand and forage
on beach wrack during the night.H. nudus were found in supratidal wrack putches immediately after nightly high tides in field censuses, but spent most of the day
and ebb tides either submerged subtidally or hidden underneath intertidal rocks and boulders. In feeding trials, intertidal
shore crabs were capable of preying on talitrid amphipods. We considerH. nudus an omnivore feeding on both fresh and decaying macroalgae as well as animal prey. Although living supratidally, amphipods
were significantly preferred over intertidal littorine snails by foraging shore crabs. Handling time of amphipods was significantly
shorter than for littorine snails. While amphipods had a reduced risk of predation byH. nudus when buried in the sand, foraging undern eath wrack patches did not reduce predation pressure on amphipods by shore crabs.
Rates of amphipod consumption by shore crabs were higher at darkness than daylight. In addition to an apparent day-night rhythm,
tidal height and time elapsed since previous high tide had a significant influence on shore crab density wrack. We conclude
that beach-cast wrack acts as a spatial subsidy by virtue of providing a valuable food source to talitrid amphipods, which
are in turn consumed by shore crabs that ride the nightly high tide into supratidal wrack patches to reduce the risk of passing
bare sand on theiry way to a feeding habitat rich in valuable prey. 相似文献
We studied the macroinvertebrate fauna of a rocky shore in the freshwater tidal Hudson River during 1992–1994, the early years of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. The macroinvertebrate community was numerically dominated by chironomids, nematodes, oligochaetes, gastropods, zebra mussels, and planarian flatworms. The community was a mixture of species typical of stony warm water rivers and lake shores, freshwater generalists, and semiterrestrial species. Overall macroinvertebrate densities were moderate to low (2,800–14,600 m−2). Density was a strong function of season and elevation, with consistently low densities in the early spring and in the intertidal zone. This pattern suggests that physical harshness (alternating submergence and desiccation;ice and low temperatures) limits the distribution of invertebrates at this site. Zebra mussels occurred at our study site chiefly below the low tide mark, but only at moderate abundance (usually <1,000 m−2). A weak correlation between the densities of zebra mussels and those of other macroinvertebrates nonetheless suggests that the zebra mussel invasion may have affected community structure. 相似文献
The substrate composition is directly associated with the distribution of the Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa (=Modiolus demissus) along tidal-creek banks. Mussels were counted within a 2 dm × 5 dm microplot frame, and soil samples were collected at 5 m intervals for 320 m along Big Sheepshead Creek, near Tuckerton, New Jersey. Organic decomposition, percentage organic matter, and percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined for each soil sample. Mussels were most frequently found in substrates characterized by low organic decomposition (Von Post >5), high organic matter content, (10–20%), and low sand content (0–20%). 相似文献
L.J. Hou M. Liu J.L. Zhou Y. Yang D. Zhao G.Y. Yin Y.L. Zheng 《Applied Geochemistry》2011,26(12):2260-2265
Emission of phosphine, a gaseous form of P, is presently considered a potential pathway of the P biogeochemical cycle in aquatic sediments. This study investigated the emission fluxes of phosphine and its potential production mechanisms in the intertidal marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. It is shown that the relatively high emission fluxes of phosphine were measured in warm seasons, with the values of 3.85–24.9 ng m?2 h?1 and 4.21–36.5 ng m?2 h?1 in August and September, respectively. In contrast, lower fluxes of phosphine appeared in May (1.23–6.32 ng m?2 h?1) and January (0.21–0.91 ng m?2 h?1). Also, the fluxes of phosphine were generally higher in the freshwater marsh, compared with the brackish marsh. The spatio-temporal pattern of phosphine emissions was observed to be mainly associated with sediment structure, temperature and salinity. Meanwhile, the significant correlations of phosphine emissions with sedimentary P and alkaline phosphatase activities reflect that phosphine probably derives from the microbial transformations of PO4 and organic P. In addition, it is estimated that approximately 1.08 × 106 g of phosphine is released annually from sediments into the pelagic water of the Yangtze Estuary. Therefore, it is concluded that phosphine emissions may be an important internal source of P, making a significant contribution to the occurrence of algal blooms especially during warm seasons. 相似文献
Jorge R. Rey John Shaffer Tim Kain Robert Stahl Roy Crossman 《Estuaries and Coasts》1992,15(3):257-269
Pore and surface water sulfide variation near artificial ditches and a natural creek are examined in salt marshes bordering the Indian River Lagoon in east-central Florida. Pore water sulfide concentrations ranged from 0 μg-at I?1 to 1,640 μg-at I?1. On average, the natural creek had the lowest sulfide concentrations (mean <1.0 μ-at I?1) and the perimeter ditch of a managed salt marsh impoundment the highest (436.5 μg-at I?1). There was a trend of increasing sulfide concentration in the summer, and sharp peaks in late fall-early winter which correspond with peak litter input into the sediments. Significant differences in sulfide concentration between sites are attributed to differences in water flow and in organic matter content. Delaying the seasonal opening of culverts (which connect impounded marshes with the lagoon) until lagoon water levels rise in fall may prevent massive fish kills that have been associated with high sulfide levels in the impoundment perimeter ditches. 相似文献
Land-locked seas were polluted mainly by land-based pollutants. The Black Sea is the largest enclosed sea in the world and
widely perceived to be heavily polluted. In order to determine the impact of marine activities on heavy metal pollution, shore
(500 m distance from edge)–offshore (5,555 m distance from edge) samples of various stations through the Sinop, Samsun and
Ordu cities located in the Middle Black Sea region between May 2000 and October 2001 were taken. In addition, samples were
taken between April–May 2000 in order to designate the heavy metal pollution of certain rivers, streams, harbor and shores
in Samsun’s boundary and 32 sampling stations for the routine pollution monitoring studies are selected including rivers,
streams, industrial and domestic discharge points along the Black Sea coast of Turkey in the year 1996. Heavy metal concentrations
of whole samples were measured and compared with “Quality Criteria of General Marine and Continental Inside Water Sources”
currently effective in Turkey so as to bring up the levels of pollution in marine, rivers and streams. 相似文献