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We report XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G296.8-0.3, together with complementary radio and infrared data. The spatial and spectral properties of the X-ray emission, detected towards G296.8-0.3, was investigated in order to explore the possible evolutionary scenarios and the physical connexion with its unusual morphology detected at radio frequencies. G296.8-0.3 displays diffuse X-ray emission correlated with the peculiar radio morphology detected in the interior of the remnant and with the shell-like radio structure observed to the northwest side of the object. The X-ray emission peaks in the soft/medium energy range (0.5–3.0 keV). The X-ray spectral analysis confirms that the column density is high (N H∼0.64×1022 cm−2) which supports a distant location (d>9 kpc) for the SNR. Its X-ray spectrum can be well represented by a thermal (PSHOCK) model, with kT∼0.86 keV, an ionization timescale of 6.1×1010 cm−3 s, and low abundance (∼0.12 Z ). The 24 μm observations show shell-like emission correlated with part of the northwest and southeast boundaries of the SNR. In addition a point-like X-ray source is also detected close to the geometrical center of the radio SNR. The object presents some characteristics of the so-called compact central objects (CCO). Its X-ray spectrum is consistent with those found at other CCOs and the value of N H is consistent with that of G296.8-0.3, which suggests a physical connexion with the SNR.  相似文献   

We re-investigate the old problem of the survival of the five globular clusters (GCs) orbiting the Fornax dwarf galaxy in both standard and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). For the first time in the history of the topic, we use accurate mass models for the Fornax dwarf, obtained through Jeans modelling of the recently published line-of-sight (LOS) velocity dispersion data, and we are also not resigned to circular orbits for the GCs. Previously conceived problems stem from fixing the starting distances of the globulars to be less than half the tidal radius. We relax this constraint since there is absolutely no evidence for it and show that the dark matter (DM) paradigm, with either cusped or cored DM profiles, has no trouble sustaining the orbits of the two least massive GCs for a Hubble time almost regardless of their initial distance from Fornax. The three most massive globulars can remain in orbit as long as their starting distances are marginally outside the tidal radius. The outlook for MOND is also not nearly as bleak as previously reported. Although dynamical friction (DF) inside the tidal radius is far stronger in MOND, outside DF is negligible due to the absence of stars. This allows highly radial orbits to survive, but more importantly circular orbits at distances more than 85 per cent of Fornax's tidal radius to survive indefinitely. The probability of the GCs being on circular orbits at this distance compared with their current projected distances is discussed and shown to be plausible. Finally, if we ignore the presence of the most massive globular (giving it a large LOS distance), we demonstrate that the remaining four globulars can survive within the tidal radius for the Hubble time with perfectly sensible orbits.  相似文献   

We present a new method of studying quadruple lenses in elliptical power-law potentials parametrized by ψ ( x , y )∝( x 2+ y 2 q 2) β /2 β (0 β <2). For this potential, the moments of the four image positions weighted by signed magnifications (magnification times parity) have very simple properties. In particular, we find that the zeroth moment – the sum of four signed magnifications satisfies ≃2/(2− β ); the relation is exact for β =0 (point-lens) and β =1 (isothermal potential), independent of the axial ratio. Similar relations can be derived when a shear is present along the major or minor axes. These relations, however, do not hold well for the closely related elliptical density distributions. For a singular isothermal elliptical density distribution without shear, the sum of signed magnifications for quadruple lenses is ≈2.8, again nearly independent of the ellipticity. For the same distribution with shear, the total signed magnification is around 2–3 for most cases, but can be significantly different for some combinations of the axial ratio and shear where six or eight images can appear.  相似文献   

The X-ray-bright Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2 was observed with XMM–Newton in 2000 July. Its X-ray spectrum can be described by a power law of photon index Γ= 1.7 and an extremely broad (FWHM∼ 140 000 km  s−1  ) Fe Kα line at 6.44 keV. The iron line has an equivalent width of ∼800 eV. To study the long-term X-ray behaviour of the source we have analysed 25 yr of data, from 1975 to 2000. There is no evidence of significant intrinsic absorption within the source or of a soft X-ray excess in the XMM or archival data. We do not detect rapid X-ray variability (a few  × 103 s  ) during any of the individual observations; however, on longer time-scales (a few years) the X-ray light curve shows 10-fold flux variations. We infer a black hole mass of  ∼109 M  (from Hβ FWHM) for III Zw 2 which is much higher than some previous estimates.
A comparison of X-ray variability with light curves at other wavelengths over a 25-yr period reveals correlated flux variations from radio to X-ray wavelengths. We interpret the variable radio to optical emission as synchrotron radiation, self-absorbed in the radio/millimetre region, and the X-rays mainly as a result of Compton up-scattering of low-energy photons by the population of high-energy electrons that give rise to the synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

We present new results of our kinematic study of the supernova remnant S8 in the galaxy IC 1613. Based on our observations at the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope with the two-dimensional MPFS spectrograph and the SCORPIO focal reducer in the mode of a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, we have determined the expansion velocity of the bright optical nebula. Analysis of the 21-cm VLA radio observations for the galaxy confirms our previously suggested model for a supernova explosion in a cavity surrounded by a dense HI shell and a collision of S8 with the shell wall.  相似文献   

Using long-term optical, ultraviolet(UV) and X-ray data, we present a study of a classical T Tauri star CV Cha. The V-band light curve obtained from the All Sky Automated Survey(ASAS) shows short as well as long-term variability. The short-term variability could be due to rotational modulation of CV Cha. We derive the rotational period of 3.714 ± 0.001 d for CV Cha. UV light curves obtained from Swift also show the variations. X-ray light curves from XMM-Newton and Swift do not show any significant short as well as long-term variability. However, the light curve from Chandra appears to be variable, which could be due to the emergence of flaring activities. X-ray spectra from all observations are explained well by the single temperature plasma of 0.95 keV with X-ray luminosity of 1030.4erg s-1in the 0.5–7.5 keV energy band. It appears that variability in optical and UV bands could be due to the presence of both hot and cool spots on the surface, while X-ray emission is dominated by magnetic processes.  相似文献   

The colour–magnitude relation (CMR) of cluster elliptical galaxies has been widely used to constrain their star formation histories (SFHs) and to discriminate between the monolithic collapse and merger paradigms of elliptical galaxy formation. We use a Λ cold dark matter hierarchical merger model of galaxy formation to investigate the existence and redshift evolution of the elliptical galaxy CMR in the merger paradigm. We show that the SFH of cluster ellipticals predicted by the model is quasi-monolithic , with only ∼10 per cent of the total stellar mass forming after   z ∼ 1  . The quasi-monolithic SFH results in a predicted CMR that agrees well with its observed counterpart in the redshift range  0 < z < 1.27  . We use our analysis to argue that the elliptical-only CMR can be used to constrain the SFHs of present-day cluster ellipticals only if we believe a priori in the monolithic collapse model. It is not a meaningful tool for constraining the SFH in the merger paradigm, since a progressively larger fraction of the progenitor set of present-day cluster ellipticals is contained in late-type star-forming systems at higher redshift, which cannot be ignored when deriving the SFHs. Hence, the elliptical-only CMR is not a useful discriminant between the two competing theories of elliptical galaxy evolution.  相似文献   

We have conducted ultra-deep optical and deep near-infrared observations of a field around the z =1.226 radio-quiet quasar 104420.8+055739 from the Clowes–Campusano LQG of 18 quasars at z ∼1.3, in search of associated galaxy clustering. Galaxies at these redshifts are distinguished by their extremely red colours, with I − K >3.75, and we find a factor ∼11 overdensity of such galaxies in a 2.25×2.25 arcmin2 field centred on the quasar. In particular, we find 15–18 galaxies that have colours consistent with being a population of passively evolving massive ellipticals at the quasar redshift. They form 'fingers' in the V − K K , I − K K colour–magnitude plots at V − K ≃6.9, I − K ≃4.3 comparable to the red sequences observed in other z ≃1.2 clusters. We find suggestive evidence for substructure among the red sequence galaxies in the K image, in the form of two compact groups, 40 arcsec to the north, and 60 arcsec to the south-east of the quasar. An examination of the wider optical images indicates that this substructure is significant, and that the clustering extends to form a large-scale structure 2–3  h −1 Mpc across. We find evidence for a high (≳50 per cent) fraction of blue galaxies in this system, in the form of 15–20 'red outlier' galaxies with I − K >3.75 and V − I <2.00, which we suggest are dusty, star-forming galaxies at the quasar redshift. Within 30 arcsec of the quasar we find a concentration of blue ( V − I <1) galaxies in a band that bisects the two groups of red sequence galaxies. This band of blue galaxies is presumed to correspond to a region of enhanced star formation. We explain this distribution of galaxies as the early stages of a cluster merger which has triggered both the star formation and the quasar.  相似文献   

We are presenting new results on kinematics and structure of the Mrk 334 Seyfert galaxy. Panoramic (3D) spectroscopy is performed at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences using the integral-field Multi-Pupil Fiber Spectrograph (MPFS) and scanning Fabry–Pérot interferometer. The deep images have revealed that Mrk 334 is observed during the final stage of its merging with a massive companion. A possible mass ratio ranges from 1/5 to 1/3. The merger has triggered mass redistribution in the disc resulting in an intensification of nuclear activity and in a burst of star formation in the inner region of the galaxy. The circumnuclear starburst is so intense that its contribution to the gas ionization exceeds that contribution of the active galactic nuclei (AGN). We interpret the nuclear gas outflow with velocities of  ∼200 km s−1  as a galactic superwind that accompanies the violent star formation. This suggestion is consistent with the asymmetric X-ray brightness distribution in Mrk 334. The trajectory of the fragments of the disrupted satellite in the vicinity of the main galaxy nucleus can be traced. In the galaxy disc, a cavern is found that is filled with a low-density ionized gas. We consider this region to be the place where the remnants of the companion have recently penetrated through the gaseous disc of the main galaxy.  相似文献   

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