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由于存在极高的初级生产和高效的碳代谢速率, 珊瑚礁海域二氧化碳(CO2)的汇/源属性仍存有争议。为明晰中国典型珊瑚礁海域CO2的汇源属性及驱动因素, 作者基于2022年11月(秋季)和2023年2月(冬季)在深圳杨梅坑海域的调查结果并结合室内培养实验所获得的数据, 探究了枯水季节典型亚热带珊瑚礁海水二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的分布特征及主要控制机制。结果表明, 调查期间pCO2的变化较大, 其范围为233.3~465.3 μatm。秋季表现为大气CO2的汇, CO2吸收通量为1.66±0.41 mmol C/(m2/d);冬季表现为大气CO2的弱源, 其释放通量为0.36±0.17 mmol C/(m2/d)。调查期间(枯水季)杨梅坑海域受淡水输入的影响较小, 季节性温度影响下的生物过程是驱动pCO2变化的关键因素, 其贡献pCO2总变化量的73.6%(表层)和66.5%(底层)。其中, 浮游植物光合作用的季节差异是导致海水CO2汇源转变的主要成因, 而微生物呼吸作用的影响甚微。相比较, 物理过程(CO2海-气交换、温度和盐度变化)对pCO2的影响相对较小, 其作用结果远低于生物过程。此外, 珊瑚的代谢活动对杨梅坑局部海域pCO2分布产生一定影响, 造成礁区pCO2值高于非礁区。因此, 海气CO2通量估算中不能忽视局部海域珊瑚代谢作用的影响。  相似文献   

Marginal seas play important roles in regulating the global carbon budget, but there are great uncertainties in estimating carbon sources and sinks in the continental margins. A Pacific basin-wide physical-biogeochemical model is used to estimate primary productivity and air-sea CO_2 flux in the South China Sea(SCS), the East China Sea(ECS), and the Yellow Sea(YS). The model is forced with daily air-sea fluxes which are derived from the NCEP2 reanalysis from 1982 to 2005. During the period of time, the modeled monthly-mean air-sea CO_2 fluxes in these three marginal seas altered from an atmospheric carbon sink in winter to a source in summer. On annualmean basis, the SCS acts as a source of carbon to the atmosphere(16 Tg/a, calculated by carbon, released to the atmosphere), and the ECS and the YS are sinks for atmospheric carbon(–6.73 Tg/a and –5.23 Tg/a, respectively,absorbed by the ocean). The model results suggest that the sea surface temperature(SST) controls the spatial and temporal variations of the oceanic pCO_2 in the SCS and ECS, and biological removal of carbon plays a compensating role in modulating the variability of the oceanic pCO_2 and determining its strength in each sea,especially in the ECS and the SCS. However, the biological activity is the dominating factor for controlling the oceanic pCO_2 in the YS. The modeled depth-integrated primary production(IPP) over the euphotic zone shows seasonal variation features with annual-mean values of 293, 297, and 315 mg/(m~2·d) in the SCS, the ECS, and the YS, respectively. The model-integrated annual-mean new production(uptake of nitrate) values, as in carbon units, are 103, 109, and 139 mg/(m~2·d), which yield the f-ratios of 0.35, 0.37, and 0.45 for the SCS, the ECS, and the YS, respectively. Compared to the productivity in the ECS and the YS, the seasonal variation of biological productivity in the SCS is rather weak. The atmospheric pCO_2 increases from 1982 to 2005, which is consistent with the anthropogenic CO_2 input to the atmosphere. The oceanic pCO_2 increases in responses to the atmospheric pCO_2 that drives air-sea CO_2 flux in the model. The modeled increase rate of oceanic pCO_2 is0.91 μatm/a in the YS, 1.04 μatm/a in the ECS, and 1.66 μatm/a in the SCS, respectively.  相似文献   

于2014年的5月(春季)和9月(秋季)在台湾海峡及其邻近南海和东海海域,采用水气平衡法进行了2个航次的海表和大气pCO_2连续走航观测,同时获取了海表温度、海表盐度、风速及气压等数据,并采用海-气CO_2分压差减法估算了海-气CO_2通量.结果显示,春、秋2个航次平均海表pCO_2分别为387±16μatm和408±18μatm.温度是影响台湾海峡及其邻近海域海表pCO_2的主控因子,水团混合和其他因素等也对海表pCO_2有一定影响.2014年春、秋季节,对研究区域的海-气CO_2释放通量的估算结果分别为0.11±1.60 mmol/(m2·d)和2.51±1.10 mmol/(m2·d).台湾海峡海表pCO_2既存在显著的季节变化,又存在较大的空间差异.  相似文献   

分别于2014年10月和2015年6月对南海北部陆坡区进行了调查,研究了其溶存氧化亚氮(N_2O)的分布、产生并估算了其海-气交换通量。结果表明:秋季南海北部表层海水中溶解N_2O浓度为(8.19±0.79)nmol/L,饱和度为132.5%±13.4%;夏季表层海水中溶解N_2O浓度为(7.72±0.56)nmol/L,饱和度为135.5%±9.7%。夏季由于受到珠江冲淡水的影响,表层N_2O浓度随盐度升高呈降低趋势,秋季调查区域东北部受到穿过吕宋海峡的黑潮分支表层水的影响,N_2O浓度较低。结合文献资料,南海北部陆坡区表层N_2O浓度季节变化特征为春末秋季夏季,同一季节,南海陆坡区的N_2O浓度高于其他区域。温度是影响N_2O分布的重要因素,ΔN_2O与表观耗氧量(apparent oxygen utilization,AOU)和NO_3~ˉ的显著相关说明硝化作用是南海水体中N_2O产生的主要机制,由此估算硝化作用的N_2O产率分别为秋季0.033%,夏季0.035%。利用N2000和W2014公式分别估算了该区域秋季和夏季N_2O的海-气交换通量:秋季为1.81—23.81(11.11±6.52,平均值±SD,下同)(N2000)和1.73—24.38(11.30±6.81)(W2014),夏季为1.01—21.57(7.04±6.10)(N2000)和0.75—22.69(6.94±6.49)(W2014),单位均为μmol/(m~2·d)。初步估算出南海北部陆坡N_2O释放量为0.055Tg/a,约占全球海洋总释放量的0.39%,远高于其面积比,说明南海北部陆坡是N_2O释放的活跃海域,是大气N_2O的重要源。  相似文献   

利用海-气界面浮标观测得到的高频数据,分析了春季青岛近岸海域海表二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的变化规律及驱动因素,并对海-气CO2通量进行了估算。观测期间该海域由大气的碳汇转变为碳源,主要是由海表pCO2的不断增长所致。对海表pCO2控制因素进行分析,发现温度升高是pCO2增长的主要驱动因素,生物过程起到一定的抑制作用。海表pCO2呈现出日变化特征,温度和生物因素对海表pCO2日变化的作用均与太阳辐射相关,但两者的作用相反。此外,分析发现浮标的不同采样频率会对海-气CO2通量估算产生影响,缩短采样间隔能有效降低海-气CO2通量估算的偏差,提高估算的准确性。  相似文献   

基于海洋环流模式POP和生物地球化学模型OCMIP-2,建立了全球海洋碳循环模式,并用于对全球海洋碳循环的模拟研究。该模式在大气CO2为283×10-6条件下,积分3 100 a,达到工业革命前的平衡态。在此基础上,用历史时期观测的大气CO2浓度进行强迫,模拟了历史时期的海洋碳循环。模拟的无机碳浓度、总碱度与基于观测得到的结果基本一致,模式能够较好地模拟全球碳循环过程。模拟结果表明,在北半球中高纬度和南半球的中纬度,海洋是大气CO2的主要汇区;在赤道南北纬20°之间和南大洋50°S以南,海洋表现为大气CO2的源区。在1980s海洋吸收CO2速率(以C计)为1.38 Pg/a,1990s为1.55 Pg/a。海洋中人为碳在北大西洋含量最大,向下到达海底并向南输运到30°N附近;在南极附近,浓度较小,深度达到3 000 m;在中纬度,人为碳被限制在温跃层以上。  相似文献   

The 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE–Arctic III) was carried out from July to September in 2008. The partial pressure of CO2(pCO2) in the atmosphere and in surface seawater were determined in the Bering Sea during July 11–27, 2008, and a large number of seawater samples were taken for total alkalinity(TA) and total dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) analysis. The distributions of CO2 parameters in the Bering Sea and their controlling factors were discussed. The pCO2 values in surface seawater presented a drastic variation from 148 to 563 μatm(1 μatm = 1.013 25×10-1 Pa). The lowest pCO2 values were observed near the Bering Sea shelf break while the highest pCO2 existed at the western Bering Strait. The Bering Sea generally acts as a net sink for atmospheric CO2 in summer. The air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Bering Sea shelf, slope, and basin were estimated at-9.4,-16.3, and-5.1 mmol/(m2·d), respectively. The annual uptake of CO2 was about 34 Tg C in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

彭鹏飞  马媛  史荣君  王迪  许欣  颜彬 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):140-149
根据2018年7月、11月和2019年1月、4月对广东考洲洋牡蛎养殖海域进行4个季节调查获得的p H、溶解无机碳(DIC)、水温、盐度、溶解氧(DO)及叶绿素a(Chla)等数据,估算该区域表层海水溶解无机碳体系各分量的浓度、初级生产力(PP)、表层海水CO2分压[p(CO2)]和海-气界面CO2交换通量(FCO2),分析牡蛎养殖活动对养殖区碳循环的影响。结果表明:牡蛎养殖区表层海水中Chl a、DIC、HCO3和PP显著低于非养殖区;养殖淡季表层海水中pH、DO、DIC、HCO3、和CO32–显著大于养殖旺季,养殖旺季的p(CO2)和FCO2显著大于养殖淡季。牡蛎养殖区表层海水夏季、秋季、冬季和春季的海-气界面CO2交换通量FCO2平均值分别是(42.04±9.56)、(276...  相似文献   

为研究东部型和中部型两类厄尔尼诺(El Ni?o)事件与中国近海海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)变化间的联系,基于中国科学院大气物理研究所连续80年(1940—2019年)的SST再分析数据,采用EOF分解、合成分析等方法做了初步分析,发现中国近海及毗邻海域近80年SST变化与全球变暖密切相关。并且两类El Ni?o事件对中国近海SST变化的影响存在显著差异。东部型El Ni?o事件发展过程中,中国近海及毗邻海域SST在发展年主要为负异常,衰退期为正异常;中部型ElNi?o事件发展过程中, SST变化区域差异大,发展年日本附近海域为正异常, 28°N以南为弱的负异常。两类El Ni?o事件引发西太平洋风场反气旋涡的时间、位置与强度等的不同,是造成中国近海风场与海表温度异常(sea surface temperature anomaly, SSTA)差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

A global ocean carbon cycle model based on the ocean general circulation model POP and the improved biogeochemical model OCMIP-2 is employed to simulate carbon cycle processes under the historically observed atmospheric CO 2 concentration and different future scenarios (called Rep- resentative Concentration Pathways, or RCPs). The RCPs in this paper follow the design of Inter- governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). The model results show that the ocean absorbs CO 2 from atmosphere and the absorbability will continue in the 21st century under the four RCPs. The net air-sea CO 2 flux increased during the historical time and reached 1.87 Pg/a (calculated by carbon) in 2005; however, it would reach peak and then decrease in the 21st century. The ocean absorbs CO 2 mainly in the mid latitude, and releases CO 2 in the equator area. However, in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area the ocean would change from source to sink under the rising CO 2 concentration, including RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5. In 2100, the anthropogenic carbon would be transported to the 40 S in the Atlantic Ocean by the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), and also be transported to the north by the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) along the Antarctic continent in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The ocean pH value is also simulated by the model. The pH decreased by 0.1 after the industrial revolution, and would continue to decrease in the 21st century. For the highest concentration sce- nario of RCP8.5, the global averaged pH would decrease by 0.43 to reach 7.73 due to the absorption of CO 2 from atmosphere.  相似文献   

基于2012年7月对东海的调查,剖析了其水体中各形态碳(pCO2、DIC、DOC、POC)的区域分布特征,估算了海-气界面CO2的交换通量(FCO2),探讨了影响其交换的主要因素,在此基础上,结合历史资料初步分析了近十几年来该海域海-气界面CO2交换通量的变化趋势。结果表明,2012年7月长江口邻近海域相对南部陆架区具有较低的DIC浓度,而DOC与POC的浓度相对较高。调查区域表层水pCO2变化范围为96.28~577.7μatm(1atm为101 325Pa),平均值为297.6μatm,低值区出现在长江冲淡水区(30°~33°N,123°~125°E),高值区主要分布在东海陆架的南部区域。表层水pCO2主要受控于长江冲淡水的输入和混合(盐度)、台湾暖流以及生物生产等。调查海域2012年7月海-气FCO2平均为(-6.410±7.486)mmol/(m2·d),表现东海在夏季是大气CO2的汇区,区域碳汇强度由强到弱依次为:长江冲淡水区(CDW)、黄东海混合水区(YEMW)、陆架咸淡水混合区(SMW)、近岸上升流区(CUW)和台湾暖流区(TWCW),东海夏季每日吸收大气CO2(以C计)约(18.3±19.8)kt。结合历史资料分析发现,近十几年来东海夏季碳汇强度有增强趋势,CDW区的海-气界面CO2通量平均年增速为-0.814mmol/(m2·d),即海水吸收大气二氧化碳每年增加约54.6kt,是夏季东海碳汇增加的最主要贡献者。  相似文献   

The third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE) was conducted in the summer of 2008.During the survey,the surface seawater partial pressure of CO_2(pCO_2) was measured,and sea water samples were collected for CO_2 measurement in the Canada Basin.The distribution of pCO_2 in the Canada Basin was determined,the influencing factors were addressed,and the air-sea CO_2 flux in the Canada Basin was evaluated.The Canada Basin was divided into three regions:the ice-free zone(south of 77°N),the partially ice-covered zone(77°–80°N),and the heavily ice-covered zone(north of 80°N).In the ice-free zone,pCO_2 was high(320 to 368μatm,1 μatm=0.101 325 Pa),primarily due to rapid equilibration with atmospheric CO_2 over a short time.In the partially ice-covered zone,the surface pCO_2 was relatively low(250 to 270 μatm) due to ice-edge blooms and icemelt water dilution.In the heavily ice-covered zone,the seawater pCO_2 varied between 270 and 300 μatm due to biological CO_2 removal,the transportation of low pCO_2 water northward,and heavy ice cover.The surface seawater pCO_2 during the survey was undersaturated with respect to the atmosphere in the Canada Basin,and it was a net sink for atmospheric CO_2.The summertime net CO_2 uptake of the ice-free zone,the partially ice-covered zone and the heavily ice-covered zone was(4.14±1.08),(1.79±0.19),and(0.57±0.03) Tg/a(calculated by carbon,1Tg=10~(12) g),respectively.Overall,the net CO_2 sink of the Canada Basin in the summer of 2008 was(6.5±1.3) Tg/a,which accounted for 4%–10% of the Arctic Ocean CO_2 sink.  相似文献   

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