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对北美洲晚第四纪冰川10Be暴露年代进行汇编与聚集程度置信等级划分,构建了北美洲各区域的冰川演化序列,并进一步对比和分析了冰川演化序列对高分辨率气候事件的响应情况,使用较好和中等聚集程度的暴露年代漂砾组对北美洲各区域进行冰期划分。结果表明:北美洲冰川序列横跨6个深海氧同位素阶段(marine isotope stage,MIS),保守估计至少在MIS 6/5、MIS 4/3、MIS 2时期出现了规模性冰进,其记录可信区间为约150 ka至今。末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,LGM)之前的冰川演化存在区域性,这可能与劳伦泰德冰盖的大气效应存在一定的相关性。LGM的冰川达到最大范围的时间不同步,揭示了不同地区冰川演化的影响因素不尽相同。LGM以来的冰川作用对于高分辨率气候事件,如海因里希事件1(Heinrich Stadial 1,HS1)、B-A事件(B?lling-Aller?d,B-A)、新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas,YD)的响应存在同步性。对于全新世更高分辨率的邦德事件(Bond),北美洲的冰川10Be暴露年代同样具有很好的对应关系。 相似文献
青藏高原清水河冻结湖相沉积有机质特征和古湖泊环境变化 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
青藏高原清水河冻结湖相沉积有机质以内源为主并保存较好;钻孔50 ̄400cm深度样品中有机质组成特征参数具有相同的变化趋势,可溶有机质/有机碳和烷烃/非烃分别为5% ̄13%和0.2 ̄0.5,这些比值作为指示水生高等植物和浮游生物对总有机质的贡献大小的指标,可用以指示古湖泊水深的相对变化。 相似文献
对兴凯湖我国水域沉积物137Cs比活度及通量空间分布进行了研究,利用137Cs测年法建立年代框架,估算了兴凯湖的沉积速率,结合粒度C-M图分析了湖泊现代沉积环境。兴凯湖我国水域西岸白棱河河口区域137Cs剖面形态区别于典型的137Cs全球大气沉降模式,且137Cs沉积通量高、平均137Cs活度高,中部和东部区域137Cs沉积通量低、平均137Cs活度低;137Cs沉积通量的空间分布主要受流域输入、水动力条件以及沉积物粒径的影响。兴凯湖沉积环境多表现为静水沉积,受特殊的风浪条件和泄洪闸等人类活动的影响,1963—2019年平均沉积速率空间分布上呈现西部高,中、东部低的特点,XKH-1、XKH-2和XKH-3柱样1963—2019年的平均沉积速率分别为0.143 cm/a、0.080 cm/a和0.036 cm/a。 相似文献
 ̄(137)Cs及 ̄(210)Pb_(ex)方法湖泊沉积计年研究新进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
 ̄(137)C及 ̄(210)Pb_(ex)方法广泛应用于湖泊现代沉积计年。不扰动沉积物柱心的采样和高精度的分样装置是获取准确计年结果的前提。沉积物剖面中1975年层节 ̄(137)Cs次级峰值可作为辅助计年时标;沉积物中绝大部分 ̄(137)Cs处于稳定态保证了 ̄(137)Cs计年时标的可靠性。季节性滞水带缺氧湖泊中 ̄(210)Pb沉积后再迁移可能导致 ̄(210)Pb_(ex)计年结果偏低。沉积物早期成岩过程中,铅化学相的转移提供了铅扩散迁移的地球化学条件;Pb-Po的扩散机理分别受Fe-Mn循环控制。 相似文献
巴丹吉林沙漠发育了世界上独一无二的丘间湖泊群,100多个永久性的丘间湖泊分布于沙漠的东南部。沙漠湖泊岩芯是干旱地区重要的气候、环境档案,然而受沙漠湖泊发育极端环境的影响,岩芯测年面临很大挑战。本文选择巴丹吉林的沙漠南缘的阿尔吉林和敦德吉林进行钻探,获取无扰动岩芯,利用核素(210Pb、137Cs)进行测年,并计算其沉积速率。结果表明:(1)核素(210Pb和137Cs)测年能够获取巴丹吉林沙漠丘间现代湖泊岩芯的可靠年代。(2)岩芯Ar-1的CRS测年结果为102±8a,沉积速率分布范围为0.13 ~ 0.33cma-1,岩芯Dd-1的CRS测年结果为123±2a,沉积速率分布范围为0.18 ~ 0.70cma-1。(3)沙漠岩心沉积速率空间分布具有自沙漠腹地向边缘递增的趋势,210Pbuns-CRS平均沉积速率分布范围为 0.16 ~ 0.57cma-1 ,137Cs沉积速率分布范围为0.05 ~ 0.6 cm a-1。未来对于沉积速率空间变化的可能影响因素,如高大沙山的围限阻挡效应、137Cs的分子扩散效应以及古地震等,应进行更深入研究。 相似文献
太湖14000年以来古环境演变的湖泊记录 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文根据东西太湖短柱岩芯的沉积物的物理、化学、生物指标的综合分析,讨论了该区距今14ka来的古气候变化过程,结果表明14.3-13.3kaBP,太湖水位低,环境指标甚至表现为暴露特征,反映了气候干旱:13.3-12.4kaBP,为偏暖湿的过渡阶段;该孔柱270-280cm (11.5kaBP左右)各类指标均明显反映冷干特征,可能是YoungerDrays事件的记录,与我国东部其它地区有可比性;约10.9-10kaBP,这一时期是整个研究时段内一个较显著的温暖期。表现为还原沉积环境和水位相对较深;约10-7.2kaBP为冷暖交替的过渡带;7.2-5.737kaBP为暖湿气候;5.05kaBP多项分析指标发生突变,反映物源发生显著变化,可能存在沉积间断;表层沉积物则呈现现代环境的特征,西太湖藻类生长茂盛,偏氧化的沉积环境。目前湖泊生产力较高,富营养化程度高,表现为藻型湖泊特征;东太湖有机质来源以东太湖中生长较为茂盛的维管水生植物为主,目前湖泊生产力较低,富营养化程度低,表现为典型的草型湖泊特征。 相似文献
通常认为青藏高原东南部第四纪曾发育过一个冰帽——稻城冰帽,然而关于这个冰帽发育的年代和变化的过程,还缺乏足够的年代数据的支撑。本文选自稻城第四纪古冰帽南缘雄古附近的冰碛垄、冰碛台地、羊背石和冰川漂砾进行了宇生核素 10Be和 26Al暴露年代测定。结果显示,稻城古冰帽南缘至少发生过5次冰川前进事件,每次冰川前进到达最大规模的时间分别为 19.0±0.7~19.8±0.7kaB.P.,25.8±0.6~27.4±0.7kaB.P.,52.5±0.9~59.6±1.1kaB.P.,162.2±2.7~287.4±9.9kaB.P.和大于 480.2±2.2kaB.P. 。根据年龄数据以及空间位置关系的分析,稻城古冰帽很可能形成于约800~600kaB.P.之间,此后冰川的规模呈现出随着时间不断缩小的趋势,可能与该区气候的变干有关。MIS 3的冰川规模比MIS 2大,可能与MIS 3时期气候比MIS 2相对湿润有关。 相似文献
基于GIS的玛旁雍错流域冰川地貌及现代冰川湖泊变化研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
基于多源多时相的数字遥感影像、地形图和DEM数据,利用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,对西藏玛旁雍错流域冰川地貌类型和空间分布进行了研究,并对流域内近30 a来冰川和湖泊的变化进行分析.结果表明:1974-2003年玛旁雍错流域冰川总面积减少了7.27 km2,平均退缩速率0.24 km2·a-1;湖泊总面积减少37.58 km2,平均退缩速率1.25 km2·a-1.多时相的监测表明,冰川在加速退缩,且阳坡冰川的消融速度大于阴坡,坡度陡、面积小的冰川消融比例大于坡度缓、面积较大的冰川;湖泊面积先减少后有所增加,但总面积还是减少了,不少小湖泊消失.分析流域附近气象资料可知,气温上升和降水量减少是玛旁雍错流域内冰川消融与退缩的主要原因. 相似文献
散落核素7Be和137Cs在洱海和红枫湖沉积物中蓄积对比 总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9
沉积物柱芯分别采自滇西地区的洱海和黔中地区的红枫(及百花)湖,散落核素7Be和137Cs在沉积物中的蓄积特征对比分析表明,7Be在洱海及红枫湖沉积物中的累计值分别为(237±73)Bq/m2和(783±44)Bq/m2;按校正到沉降年代的数值,1986年以前137Cs的累计值分别为(519±26)Bq/m2及(3704±56)Bq/m2.由模式计算获知,(1)7Be和137Cs在红枫湖沉积物中的蓄积以侵蚀影响为主;在洱海的蓄积受直接散落控制.(2)在洱海和红枫湖地区7Be大气散落累计值分别为(0.07±0.02)Bq/cm2及(0.08±0.01)Bq/cm2;1986年以前137Cs大气散落累计值分别为(0.11±0.01)Bq/cm2及(0.37±0.01)Bq/cm2,显示出滇西与黔中地区之间137Cs散落的地区差异.这一现象可能反映出青藏高原对滇西地区存在着全球性大气扩散污染物散落的屏蔽效应. 相似文献
In situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating using 10Be is one of the most successful techniques used to determine the ages of Quaternary deposits and yields data that enable the reconstruction of the Quaternary glacial history of the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding mountain ranges. Statistical analysis of TCN 10Be exposure ages, helps to reconstruct the history of glacial fluctuations and past climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau, differences in the timing of glacier advances among different regions. However, different versions of the Cosmic‐Ray‐prOduced NUclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS‐Earth) online calculator, which calculates and corrects the TCN ages of Quaternary glacial landforms, yield different results. For convenience in establishing contrasts among regions, in this paper, we recalculate 1848 10Be exposure ages from the Tibetan Plateau that were published from 1999 to 2017 using version 2.3 of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator. We also compare the results obtained for 1594 10Be exposure ages using different versions (2.2, 2.3 and 3.0) of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator. The results are as follows. (1) Approximately 97% of the exposure ages are less than 200 ka. A probability density curve of the exposure ages suggests that greater numbers of oscillations emerge during the Holocene, and the peaks correspond to the Little Ice Age, the 8.2 ka and 9.3 ka cold events; the main peak covers the period between 12 and 18 ka. (2) In most areas, the newer versions of the calculator produce older 10Be exposure ages. When different versions of the CRONUS‐Earth calculator are used, approximately 29% of the 10Be exposure ages display maximum differences greater than 10 ka, and the maximum age difference for a single sample is 181.1 ka. 相似文献
William M. Phillips Adrian M. Hall Colin K. Ballantyne Steven Binnie Peter W. Kubik Stewart Freeman 《第四纪科学杂志》2008,23(2):101-107
The extent of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) in northern Scotland is disputed. A restricted ice sheet model holds that at the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ca. 23–19 ka) the BIIS terminated on land in northern Scotland, leaving Buchan, Caithness and the Orkney Islands ice‐free. An alternative model implies that these three areas were ice‐covered at the LGM, with the BIIS extending offshore onto the adjacent shelves. We test the two models using cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of erratic boulders and glacially eroded bedrock from the three areas. Our results indicate that the last BIIS covered all of northern Scotland during the LGM, but that widespread deglaciation of Caithness and Orkney occurred prior to rapid warming at ca. 14.5 ka. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We present a chronology of late Pleistocene deglaciation and Neoglaciation for two valleys in the north‐central Brooks Range, Alaska, using cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating. The two valleys show evidence of ice retreat from the northern range front before ~16–15 ka, and into individual cirques by ~14 ka. There is no evidence for a standstill or re‐advance during the Lateglacial period, indicating that a glacier advance during the Younger Dryas, if any, was less extensive than during the Neoglaciation. The maximum glacier expansion during the Neoglacial is delimited by moraines in two cirques separated by about 200 km and dated to 4.6 ± 0.5 and 2.7 ± 0.2 cal ka BP. Both moraine ages agree with previously published lichen‐inferred ages, and confirm that glaciers in the Brooks Range experienced multiple advances of similar magnitude throughout the late Holocene. The similar extent of glaciers during the middle Holocene and the Little Ice Age may imply that the effect of decreasing summer insolation was surpassed by increasing aridity to limit glacier growth as Neoglaciation progressed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
昆仑山垭口地区"望昆冰期"冰碛宇宙成因核素10Be测年 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
昆仑山垭口地区是东昆仑山现代冰川作用中心之一,在第四纪冰期间冰期旋回中保留了多套较为完整的冰川沉积.位于垭口盆地西侧山脊上的望昆冰碛,是本区已知最老的冰川沉积.应用宇宙成因核素10Be暴露年龄方法对望昆冰碛进行年代测定,5个样品中有4个介于(56.9±5.6)~(38.2±3.5)ka BP之间,相当于MIS3阶段,明显年轻于前人所测ESR和古地磁年代,且与地貌系列不符.这一结果不能代表望昆冰碛的实际年代,而应为所测漂砾后期暴露的年代,反映了MIS3阶段昆仑山垭口地区曾遭受过强烈地表剥蚀过程.望昆冰碛10Be暴露年龄显著地年轻,表明应用宇宙核素暴露年代测定冰碛物形成时代具有复杂性,应充分考虑后期剥蚀等地表过程,并应使用其他测年方法进行相互验证. 相似文献
罗布泊第四纪卤水钾矿储层孔隙成因与储集机制研究 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
罗布泊第四纪盐层中储集丰富的卤水钾盐资源,储集层主要为钙芒硝岩。研究表明,其储卤孔隙可划分为:原生晶间孔隙、准原生晶间孔隙、次生孔隙;次生孔隙又分为溶蚀孔隙、交代孔隙和晶洞孔隙。本文主要通过类比分析,确定钙芒硝岩在浅埋藏期间,在其原生沉积孔隙基础上,发育准原生晶闸孔隙,即蜂窝状孔隙,并在其中储集了大量富钾卤水。研究揭示出钙芒硝岩孔隙的发育的与矿物的菱片-菱板状结构、点-面式接触的“杂乱分布”密切相关。由于钙芒硝岩具有相对较的在硬度,其中大多数孔隙在埋藏过程中得以保存,同时,钙芒硝岩在承压环境中受溶蚀作用还可产生晶沿孔隙,这两种孔隙均储集了大量的卤水钾资源。 相似文献
西藏芒康县金沙江上游雪隆囊河谷史前时期(全新世晚期)发生了一次明显的堰塞事件,形成了一个湖水体积约3.1×108 m3的大型堰塞湖。该堰塞湖形成后期发生溃决并引发异常大洪水,这一溃决事件发生在大约1 117 A.D.。地震诱发山体滑坡可能是金沙江发生堰塞的直接原因。在雪隆囊古堰塞坝体的下游一侧到其下游3.5 km的范围内,发现大量由砾石、砂和少量黏土组成的混杂堆积体,判定其为滑坡堰塞湖的溃坝堆积,是滑坡坝体及上游河床物质在坝体溃决后快速堆积形成。整套溃坝堆积体具有支撑-叠置构造、叠瓦构造和杂基构造等沉积特征,还具有一种特殊的沉积构造:即在垂向剖面上发育粗砾石层与细砂砾层的韵律互层,但剖面中缺少砾或砂的透镜体。这种沉积构造("互层构造")是溃坝堆积相区别于冲-洪积相、泥石流相等的一种重要判别标志。采用水力学模型反演确定雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃决洪水的平均流速为7.48 m/s,最大洪峰流量为10 786 m3/s。雪隆囊溃坝堆积体沉积特征及其环境的研究,不但有助于揭示古洪水事件发生的过程和机制,同时对于认识金沙江上游地区的环境演变也具有重要意义。 相似文献
The Xuebaoding crystal deposit, located in northern Longmenshan, Sichuan Province, China, is well known for producing coarse‐grained crystals of scheelite, beryl, cassiterite, fluorite and other minerals. The orebody occurs between the Pankou and Pukouling granites, and a typical ore vein is divided into three parts: muscovite and beryl within granite (Part I); beryl, cassiterite and muscovite in the host transition from granite to marble (Part II); and the main mineralization part, an assemblage of beryl, cassiterite, scheelite, fluorite, apatite and needle‐like tourmaline within marble (Part III). No evidence of crosscutting or overlapping of these ore veins by others suggests that the orebody was formed by single fluid activity. The contents of Be, W, Sn, Li, Cs, Rb, B, and F in the Pankou and Pukouling granites are similar to those of the granites that host Nanling W–Sn deposits. The calculated isotopic compositions of beryl, scheelite and cassiterite (δD, ?69.3‰ to ?107.2‰ and δ18OH2O, 8.2‰ to 15.0‰) indicate that the ore‐forming fluids were mainly composed of magmatic water with minor meteoric water and CO2 derived from decarbonation of marble. Primary fluid inclusions are CO2? CH4+ H2O ± CO2 (vapor), with or without clathrates and halites. We estimate the fluid trapping condition at T = 220 to 360°C and P > 0.9 kbar. Fluid inclusions are rich in H2O, F‐ and Cl‐. Evidence for fluid‐phase immiscibility during mineralization includes variable L/V ratios in the inclusions and inclusions containing different phase proportions. Fluid immiscibility may have been induced by the pressure released by extension joints, thereby facilitating the mineralization found in Part III. Based on the geochemical data, geological occurrence, and fluid inclusion studies, we hypothesize that the coarse‐grained crystals were formed by: (i) the high content of ore elements and volatile elements such as F in ore‐forming fluids; (ii) occurrence of fluid immiscibility and Ca‐bearing minerals after wall rock transition from granite to marble making the ore elements deposit completely; (iii) pure host marble as host rock without impure elements such as Fe; and (iv) sufficient space in ore veins to allow growth. 相似文献