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笔者是袁复礼教授30年代末期的学生,回顾了在西南联大受袁老师教诲;在清华大学地学系和北京地质学院共事期间得袁老师帮助的情况。老师的优良学风和高尚品德使我们体会到:所谓教育决不仅限于课堂上的“授业”、“解惑”。为人师者的一言一行,其涵育和启发的作用有时更为重要。我们后来虽然成了不同学科的学术带头人和院、系负责人,但袁老师始终是我们的榜样。  相似文献   

李亮  李爽 《第四纪研究》2002,22(1):85-94
我们的父亲出生在一个淳朴的农民家庭,简朴的生活培育了他对故土、对人民深厚朴素的感情。他为人正直,性情豁达,襟怀坦荡。在遭遇坎坷时,始终对生活充满热爱和信心。父亲作为中国老一代的土壤学家,为了中国土壤科学的发展和农业生产的进步呕心沥血,经常奔波忙碌在祖国各地。在他主持和参加过的工作中,如西藏和新疆等地的农业综合科学考察、湖南南山牧场的建设和华北黄淮海盐碱地治理等主要工作中,处处体现出他的爱国之心和敬业精神,使我们深受教育,激励着我们永远前进。  相似文献   

Curt Teichert (K?nigsberg 1905—Arlington, Virginia 1996) provides in his life story examples of the many hardships and difficulties encountered by emigrants who were fortunate to escape Hitler′s regime. He was a great paleontologist and stratigrapher whose fieldwork on four continents involved nearly every fossil group; his interests were focussed mainly on the Paleozoic and the Triassic. His results and critical remarks on many general topics filled numerous publications. Remarkably, he accomplished all this under partly very unfavorable working conditions. He donated his scientific correspondence from his times in Germany, Denmark and Australia to the Geological Archive in Freiburg. The following article makes use of these documents. Teichert’s professional career started in Germany in the scientifically exciting nineteen-twenties; he worked at the universities in K?nigsberg, Munich and Freiburg/Breisgau. In Freiburg, however, he had serious disagreements with the Director of the Geological Institute there—this in spite of his investigations having produced some excellent results. The times around 1930 were a period of a global economic crisis, and, like many others, he could only survive financially by getting fellowships from different institutions and payments for publications. In 1933, his situation in Germany became even more critical: this was because he had married a “Non-Aryan”. However, he was able to work in Copenhagen from the end of 1933; this was largely a result of his having participated in 1931–1932 in an expedition to Greenland led by the Dane Lauge Koch. Unfortunately, he could not get a permanent position in Copenhagen because the relations between him and the influential Koch became very unpleasant. Noting Hitler′s war preparation, Teichert tried to escape from Europe. He wrote many touching letters to correspondents around the globe, receiving mostly disappointing answers. Finally, in 1937, he succeeded in getting the post of a research paleontologist at the University of Perth, in Western Australia. There he worked very successfully, both in the field and in the laboratory. Additionally, he cooperated with the University in lecturing, and contributed much to its collections. His wife Gertrud assisted him always in his work, with great effectiveness. Yet tenure still eluded him, even after seven years of hard work—tenure was what he wanted, understandably, especially after such a long period of uncertainty. Finally, he succeeded in getting tenure in Eastern Australia , but moved then to the USA in 1954. There his outstanding scientific qualities were fully recognized, both in the Geological Survey and in several universities, also as an editor of several classic publications.  相似文献   

王鸿祯 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):115-118
尹赞勋先生是我国著名的地质学家和古生物学家,又是我国地质事业的一位开拓者和组织者。尹先生对科学界、地质界的贡献是多方面的。在地质教育方面,自1952年至1956年,他参加了北京地质学院的筹建工作,并担任了第一任副院长兼教务长。在北京地质学院任职期间,他竭尽全力推进各项教学工作,培养了大批学生,满足了第一个五年计划对地质人才的需求。他为北京地质学院的成就而自豪,并长期关怀学院的成长,关怀地质教育的健康发展。我们缅怀尹先生的最好方法就是推动学校工作的进一步向前发展,使之建成为当代地质教学和科研的一个中心。  相似文献   

父亲是世纪同龄人 ,从 50岁到 80岁是他生命的春天。他以常人在这个年龄难以迸发的热情、智慧、不懈努力和顽强开拓的精神 ,在地质战线上为新中国建设辛勤耕耘 ,是一位在地学领域涉足宽广、具有科学预见能力、富有领导组织才能的科学家和领导者。他总是关注未来 ,特别热心于培养年轻人 ,对建立一支高水平、有解决问题能力的地质队伍下了很大功夫。父亲沉静善思、富有哲学头脑 ,他的许多预见性学术观点和开创性思维都源于他宁静淡泊的心态。没有浮华和功利 ,这便是他智慧的源泉。  相似文献   

刘东生 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):106-114
尹赞勋教授是我国杰出的地质学家,他一生工作涉及地质学的许多分支学科。除了在古生物地层学领域的突出贡献外,他还是我国第四纪研究的先驱和开拓者。他回国后早期的研究工作很多是第四纪研究课题,如1932年对大同火山的研究。这些成果至今仍是我国第四纪地质的重要文献。晚年他再次赴大同火山区考察(1975年),以第四纪研究为他毕生最后一次野外工作。尹赞勋先生关心和支持中国第四纪研究委员会的成立和它的活动,他倡导中国第四纪研究人员与国外交流,扩大国际影响,中国第四纪能在今天走向世界,得益于尹赞勋先生的教诲。  相似文献   

Rudolf Trümpy (1921–2009) was one of the great Alpine geologists of the twentieth century and an influential figure in the international geological community. He played a dominant role in the change of opinion concerning the Alpine evolution by showing that normal faulting dominated the early development of the Alpine realm from the Triassic to the early Cretaceous. This provided a convenient model for later plate-tectonic interpretations of collisional mountain belts. His further recognition of strike-slip faulting during all stages of the Alpine evolution presaged the realisation that the Alps were not built by a simple open-and-shut mechanism. Trümpy was educated during an intellectual lull, a time when simplistic models of the earth behaviour inherited from the middle of the nineteenth century became prevalent under the influence of a close-minded, positivist approach to geological problems. This period, which we term the Dark Intermezzo, lasted from about 1925 to 1965. The grand syntheses of Suess and Argand which preceded this period were viewed from this narrow angle and consequently misunderstood. It was thought that earth history was punctuated by global orogenic events of short duration taking place within and among continents and oceans whose relative positions had remained fixed since the origin of the planet. These views, summarised under the term ‘fixism’, were developed when the ocean floors were almost totally unknown. When data began coming in from the post World War II oceanographic surveys, the world geological community was slow to receive and digest them. Trümpy followed these developments closely, realising that his work was important in placing the geology of the mountain belts within the emerging, new theoretical framework. He adopted the position of a critic and emphasised where detailed knowledge of the Alps, unquestionably the best known mountain belt in the world, supported and where it contradicted the new ideas. His voice was listened to carefully and subsequent developments have shown his critique to have been prescient. It is regrettable that he did not publish some of the theoretical criticisms he communicated to his colleagues during scientific meetings and informal conversations. His hesitance in becoming involved in theoretical arguments in geology may have stemmed partly from his scientific upbringing during the Dark Intermezzo and partly because he genuinely believed that he was better off sticking to what he thought he knew for sure. He nevertheless stressed that it is important for geologists ‘to dream’. It is often said about teachers that one should do what they say, not what they do. In Trümpy’s case, it was the opposite. Both scientifically and as a human being, he was a most admirable man.  相似文献   

王乃 《第四纪研究》1994,14(3):280-286
本文介绍已故法国地质学家A.Cailleux的生平和学术成就。他在第四纪地质学方面有很深的造诣,学识非常广博,晚年沉浸于行星学的研究。他曾获得法国的、外国的许多学术荣誉称号,除在法国巴黎大学执教外,还被邀请到许多国家的大学、研究机构去讲学和指导研究工作。他主张地貌学研究必须结合与地貌形成过程相关的沉积物的研究,认为只有这样,恢复地貌过程才有根据。他1961—1965年曾任第六届INQUA主席。  相似文献   

Adolf (Dolf) Seilacher, who died earlier this year at the age of 89, was a major figure in palaeontology on both sides of the Atlantic. His interests were diverse, including trace fossils, the processes involved in exceptional preservation, and the evolution of invertebrate morphology. But it is for his views on the nature of the extraordinary fossils of the Ediacaran that he is perhaps best known. His ideas—compelling and provocative—will continue to stimulate research for years to come, not least through the wide use of his terminology (e.g. Lagerstätten, morphodynamics, constructional morphology, vendobiont).  相似文献   

Hermann Abich was born in 1806 in Berlin and died in 1886 in Graz. He grew up in a wealthy family which had friendly relations with famous scientists like Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold von Buch or Carl Ritter. After his studies in Heidelberg and Berlin he turned to extended fieldwork at the volcanoes of Italy. In 1833–1834 he published excellent petrological/chemical results and got soon a good scientific reputation. Thus he was nominated as Professor for Geology and Mineralogy of the prestigious Russian University in Dorpat (now Tartu, Esthonia) in 1842. In 1844 he was sent to Armenia by the Russian authorities. For the next three decades his fieldwork with about 190 publications was concentrated on the Great and Lesser Caucasus. This was a period of Russian expansion to the South with long-lasting regional fights. But he enjoyed the support of powerful governors. He was an indefatigable and enthusiastic explorer and a precise observer and designer. His interests covered many fields: morphology, glaciology, structural geology, volcanology with Thermal Springs, mineral resources from hydrocarbons, coal, salt to ores, stratigraphy and paleontology as a base for geological maps. But he also gave advice for practical problems, and he was active in meteorology, botany and archaeology. Alltogether he became “the Father of Caucasus Geology”. The following sketch stresses only on three aspects of his activities. He was one of the first pioneers in hydrocarbon exploration, especially around the anticlines with the mud volcanoes near Baku. In many respects, however, his fundamental ideas were erronous. He explained the structure of the Great Caucasus by the traditional theories of Leopold von Buch and Elie de Beaumont. The Caucasus anticline “was elevated by forces acting from beneath”. Following them he tried to discover regularities in the strike of mountain chains. Similarily he treated volcanism like Alexander von Humboldt and Leopold von Buch with their two groups of phenomena: voluminous, mostly basaltic “elevation craters” versus isolated, mostly trachytic and relatively small cones of “true volcanoes”. In spite of the isolation of the Caucasus region he had cultivated continuously contacts with leading geologists in Europe and was honoured by many institutions. He left Russia in 1876 for Vienna planning to write there the final monograph volumes about his investigations but he died before he could complete them.  相似文献   

Hugh Miller was a Victorian geologist and stonemason of humble origins, who did much to further public interest in the new science of geology. His most famous book, The Old Red Sandstone (1841) , ran to many editions, and his discoveries of Devonian fossil fishes were of great importance to science. Despite this, he is a relatively unsung geological hero beyond his native land.  相似文献   

Alfred Bentz was the leading oil geologist in Germany during the Third Reich, the World War II and thereafter. His relevant activities are treated here mainly on the base of documents in the Geologenarchiv Freiburg. In spite of his prominent position during the Nazi Regime he can obviously not be blamed for personal guilt. As a loyal civil servant he was embedded in the tragic German fate in these years.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 19th century it was still not understood how erratic blocs were transported. Leopold von Buch's answer echoed Horace Bénedict de Saussure's flood theory from 1780. Von Buch's letter of 1818, published here, shows that he tried to support Saussure's theory to which he adhered to throughout his life with quantitative arguments. Even close contacts and several visits to Jean de Charpentier, the then director of the salt mines at Bex, who could demonstrate that the Rhône Glacier had once reached the Swiss Jura, and field trips with Louis Agassiz in the Neuchâtel area in 1837, failed to change von Buch's flood theory. His authority was one of the reasons why the Skandinavian iceshield was not generally thought to have extended into Northern Germany until 1875, when Otto Martin Torell located surfaces polished by ice near Berlin—an observation that provoked a sudden surge of affirmative publications. Erratic blocks were not the only topic on which von Buch was mistaken, but because of his many important contributions in other areas, including his shift from neptunism to plutonism or his observations concerning the uplift of Scandinavia, Alexander von Humboldt characterized him as "the greatest geognosist of our time".  相似文献   

袁复礼教授是著名的老一辈地质学家,他对地质学、考古学和地学教育都做出重要贡献,是我国第四纪地质学的奠基人之一。本文从五个方面介绍他的学术思想、学风和主要贡献:1)热爱科学,执着追求,探索自然奥秘;2)博览广学,融会贯通,放眼大地学观;3)关心国计民生,注重生产实践,投身经济建设;4)团结协作,顾全大局,发展科学;5)启发教学,全面培养,造就几代地质英才。袁先生是深受爱戴的一代地质宗师,他所坚持的学术思想和教育思想,至今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代和60年代是曹聚仁随笔散文写作的高峰期。这一时期,无论是内地还是港台,政治气氛都十分浓厚。而作为国共两党的联系人的曹聚仁疏离政治,可以自由地往来于大陆和港台之间,仍然保持与母体文化联系,从而使他在写作上保持一定的文化优势。曹聚仁在随笔写作中重在对所游之地、所读之书的文史挖掘,显示出深厚的文化底蕴。曹聚仁以随笔散文的方式传承着民族文化的血脉,独自守望着古老而深厚的民族文化,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

范嘉松 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):125-128
尹赞勋教授是我国一位杰出的地质学家和古生物学家,他把自己整个一生贡献给中国地质学的发展和进步。本文记述他在中国科学院地质研究所工作期间的部分学术生涯,并涉及他指导年青科学工作者如何进行化石的研究,如何有效地开展科学研究,如何阅读英文书籍和文献等。所有这些教导对正在从事地质和古生物研究的年青一代将有重要意义。  相似文献   

"通灵宝玉"是《红楼梦》中所构拟的一枚具有神力的玉石。《红楼梦》通过对"通灵宝玉"的情节设计,对我国传统玉文化进行了全方位的反思,既没有全面肯定,也没有全盘否定。《红楼梦》对玉石成因和功能的理解带有浓重的神话和宗教色彩,对玉石的自然美给予了浓墨重彩的歌颂,对社会不同阶层的人对玉石的态度进行了准确的描绘,对玉石市场上赝品流行的现象进行了揭露,并对平民百姓制作玉石赝品给予了一定程度的同情。"通灵宝玉"不仅是一块美玉,也是一个象征符号,具有封建世袭继承制的象征意味,它可以决定一个人的政治权力、经济地位、生活方式和婚姻选择,曹雪芹对此做了巧妙而深刻的批判。《红楼梦》中的玉文化是曹雪芹对他所处时代的玉文化的立体写照。  相似文献   

令人怀念的裴文中先生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
贾兰坡 《第四纪研究》1994,14(4):285-292
1928年中国地质学家李捷和瑞典古哺乳动物学家B·Bohlin分别离开了周口店的发掘工作之后,即派杨钟健和裴文中先生主持其事。裴先生对工作非常努力,几乎没有闲暇的时间。于1934年即发表了《周口店猿人产地之肉食类化石》巨著。他为人非常坦诚,有事摆在当面,既不抬高自己,也不背后贬人。  相似文献   

H.Jesse Walker 《Geoforum》1984,15(3):395-417
Man evolved late in terms of geologic history, yet he has become a major geomorphologic agent despite his short tenure on Earth. His ability to alter the materials, processes and forms along the world's shorelines are manifested in a variety of ways. Beginning with the indirect changes that resulted from early agriculture and animal husbandry, he progressed to direct modification through reclamation and harbor construction. Today, in the name of shoreline stabilization, thousands of kilometers of natural shoreline have been modified by the addition of artificial structures.  相似文献   

段万倜 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):195-200
本文简要介绍了李四光教授从青少年直到逝世为止的毕生活动中的重要事迹。其中包括早年留学日本时参加中国同盟会和辛亥革命时期的活动;入英国伯明翰大学后,专攻地质科学,走上了“科学救国”的道路;新中国成立前后,专心致志地从事地质科学研究和地质教育工作,在长期的科学活动和社会活动中,为繁荣祖国科学事业,发展和提高中国地质科学水平,为社会主义经济建设寻找和开发矿产资源,做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。在国内外科学界、知识界享有崇高的声誉,为后人留下了大量宝贵的科学文化财富,中国人民引以为荣。  相似文献   

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