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The economic growth of China has led to increasing growth disparities between regions. Such disparities are uncontrolled and are severely negative symptoms in the process of economic development. On the basis of system dynamics (SD) modeling and the rela- tionship between industrial relocation and regional economic growth, we construct a model of the interrelationship between the two aforementioned phenomena. The model is an effective and creative exploration for examining effects of industrial relocation on Chinese regional economic growth disparities. The SD model is employed in this study to build an inter-regional labor migration SD model, an inter-regional capital migration SD model, an intra-industry SD model, an intra-regional population SD model, and an intra-regional SD model which are based on realities in labor and capital flow from the view of industrial relocation. VENSIM software is utilized to per- form a system simulation based on the data of the eastern, middle, and western regions from 2000 to 2010. Results show that indus- trial relocation gradually narrows the relative disparity in GDP among the three regions. Moreover, the absolute one is enlarged con- tinuously. The absolute and relative disparities in per capita GDP among eastern, middle, and western regions generally exhibit de- creasing trends.  相似文献   

本文多方面系统地分析了中国西部地区的经济态势,从生产总值、产业结构(第一产业、工业、矿产、能源,第三产业等)以及生态环境等,论述西部的经济开发。  相似文献   

As responses to metropolitan suburbanization and rural urbanization,the formation and evolution of urban fringes should be understood against the background of overall economic development and spatial reconstruction of entire metropolises.At the same time,however,endogenous interactions between industrial structure and spatial patterns of non-agricultural activities are also worthy of scholarly attention.Since the 1980s,studies on urban fringes in China have been restricted by the lack of micro-level data.This paper investigates the spatial expansion and structural evolution of the urban fringe by taking the case of Beijing and uses systematic firm-level data in 1996 and 2001 from the National Census of Basic Units.The diversity of distribution patterns across industrial sectors brings about two interrelated results.On the one hand,structural adjustment of non-agricultural industries promotes the expansion and spatial evolution of the urban fringe.On the other hand,the stability and dynamics of industrial structure coexist in the moving urban fringe.This study also reveals that the outward-moving urban fringe is the optimal location for manufacturing,especially heavy manufacturing,as well as traditional producer and consumer services.However,industries with spatial stickiness such as tourism and sports have not moved with the fringe.Most advanced services remain concentrated in the city center.The authors argue that it is essential for understanding and managing urban fringes to take into account spatial evolution and industrial structural adjustment together with their interaction with each other.  相似文献   

Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-provement,biodiversity maintenance,erosion control,water supply,recreational opportunity,raw material supply and existence value.Multiple conventional evaluation methods were used to calculate the value of eight wetland services.The results showed that significant values came from biodiversity ...  相似文献   

The 2000s has witnessed increasing interests in cities′role of innovation in the era of knowledge-based economy.Compared with substantial empirical analysis on the world city hierarchy of innovation,this paper attempts to examine the national urban hierarchy of innovation capability in China,in terms of ranking systems,spatial pattern and inter-city linkages of knowledge during the post-reform period since the late 1970s.Based on quantitative analysis such as principal component factor analysis and clustering analysis,this paper identifies the five-tier hierarchy of in-novation,which is headed by Beijing and Shanghai,followed by the capital cities of each province and regional centre cities.The development of China′s urban hierarchy of innovation capability has been driven by such factors as the scale of innovation,scientific scale,innovation potential and innovation environment.The paper further investigates the inter-city linkages of knowledge measured by the number of co-authored papers among the cities.Beijing is positioned in the central position of the knowledge diffusion and knowledge cooperation innovation.More knowledge diffusion among high level cities has occurred than that among the low level cities as well as between the low level cities and high level cities,and provincial capital cities and the regional central cities.  相似文献   

The fast growth of rural industry in China has generated regional development of large rural areas. What role does industrial linkages play in Chinese rural industrialization? This is a same question as the relation between industrial linkages and regional development which has been discussed for decades and no final conclusion reached. The paper pursues the discussion and focuses on rural areas in China with special reference to Henan Province. On the basis of data from an investigation on nearly 200 industrial enterprises, this study emphasizes that the linkages play a very important role in spreading development of industry in rural areas. It is recommended that the national policies should prompt industrial linkages to upgrade the technological level of rural industry and to integrate rural industry with urban industry.  相似文献   

1932年以来北京主城区土地利用空间扩张特征与机制分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于历史地图、地形图和遥感影像提取1932年以来,北京主城区城市空间扩张,以及建筑密度空间信息。从城市土地利用扩张特征、建筑密度变化特征以及驱动机制三个方面分析北京城市土地利用扩张过程。研究表明:1984年前,北京城市呈现缓慢增长趋势。1984-1992年在市场经济驱动下,北京进入了第一次大规模快速的扩张阶段。1992-2000年间,由于我国出台了最为严格的耕地保护政策,这一时段城市空间扩张有所放缓。2000-2007年受北京城市建设规划、2008年奥运会场馆建设的影响,北京城市进入了有史以来,最快的扩张阶段。北京城市呈现单中心低密度蔓延,1982年前,城市扩张形态以相对较高的建筑密度紧凑扩张模式为主,1982年以来,呈现严重的低密度蔓延态势,特别是2000-2007年城市在5-6环之间"摊大饼"式与"遍地开花"式低密度蔓延问题更为突出。北京城市空间扩张是重大事件与人口、社会经济等因素共同驱动的结果。而且重大事件驱动对于长时间序列城市空间扩张作用更为突出。  相似文献   

Urban internal structure is essential information for urban geography researchers and urban planners or managers. This research aims to examine the spatial structure changes of internal urban land use based on the interpreted datasets of 1984 and 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of internal land use conversion and urban expansion are analyzed, and then dominant driving factors (e.g., social economy, population growth and urban planning) were identified. The results indicate that Beijing′s intra-urban layout has experienced tremendous adjustment from compact to disperse configure, otherwise its function objects have shifted from the major economic and industrial development before the 1990s to the combination with cultural, high-technological and inhabitable city at present. The dominant urban land use transformations include the relocation of industrial lands from core districts to suburban or other provinces, and the accelerating expansion of residential areas and green spaces for supplying the demand of housing and ecological protection. Although Beijing′s urban planning has experienced three major adjustments and improvement since the 1980s, its optimization of urban internal patterns still remains a challenge.  相似文献   

The urban population and urbanized land in China have both increased markedly since the 1980s. Urban and suburban developments have grown at unprecedented rates with unknown consequences for ecosystem functions. In particular, the effect of rapid urbanization on the storage of soil carbon has not been studied extensively. In this study, we compared the soil carbon stocks of different land use types in Beijing Municipality. We collected 490 top-soil samples (top 20 cm) from urban and suburban sites within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing, which cover approximately 2400 km2, and the densities of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil inorganic carbon (SIC), and total carbon (TC) were analyzed to determine the spatial distribution of urban and suburban soil carbon characteristics across seven land use types. The results revealed significant differences in soil carbon densities among land use types. Additionally, urban soil had significantly higher SOC and SIC densities than suburban soil did, and suburban shelterbelts and productive plantations had lower SIC densities than the other land use types. The comparison of coefficients of variance (CVs) showed that carbon content of urban topsoil had a lower variability than that of suburban topsoil. Further findings revealed that soil carbon storage increased with built-up age. Ur- ban soil built up for more than 20 years had higher densities of SOC, SIC and TC than both urban soil with less than 10 years and sub- urban soil. Correlation analyses indicated the existence of a significantly negative correlation between the SOC, SIC, and TC densities of urban soil and the distance to the urban core, and the distance variable alone explained 23.3% of the variation of SIC density and 13.8% of the variation of TC density. These results indicate that SOC and SIC accumulate in the urban topsoil under green space as a result of the conversion of agricultural land to urban land due to the urbanization in Beijing.  相似文献   

城市时空大数据技术的快速发展和应用,为城市功能区识别提供了新的数据基础和技术手段,但专门关于城市公共服务设施复合功能的研究还相对较少。基于北京市9大类公共服务设施的空间点数据,综合考虑不同类型公共服务设施等级和品质特征,采用累计机会方法对1 km×1 km格网尺度的北京城市公共服务设施可达性进行了综合评价,在此基础上重点分析了北京城市公共服务设施复合功能特征与影响因素。研究表明:① 北京城市公共服务设施累计机会空间分布存在明显的中心集聚特征,但不同类型公共服务设施的空间分布模式和覆盖范围却有所区别;② 北京城市公共服务设施功能区可以划分为单一功能、单一化的复合功能、2种复合功能、3种复合功能和均衡化的复合功能等5大类型;③ 人口密度、距市中心距离、土地价格和经营性为主设施的累计机会可达性是影响北京城市公共服务设施复合功能的重要因素。研究结论对进一步细化城市功能区研究和促进北京城市公共服务设施空间结构优化具有科学启示作用。  相似文献   

深入研究高铁对珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)城市群区域经济空间格局的影响,对挖掘高铁与区域经济耦合关系具有一定的科学价值。本文基于2010、2014、2018年珠三角地区城市面板数据,从区域经济联系、区域优势潜力及区域经济空间平稳性3个维度,运用引力模型、区位优势潜力模型、Theil系数等技术模型和方法,综合测度高铁对珠三角城市群区域经济空间格局的影响。研究结果表明:① 珠三角城市间经济联系强度随年份的递增而呈现上升的趋势,南北向联系强于东西向联系,并逐渐出现1个经济联系核心区、3个经济联系副关联区和1个经济增长辐射区;② 珠三角市际间区位优势潜力差距逐渐拉大,其中东莞、中山等经济实力较强、城市地域规模、人口规模较小且地理位置优越的二三线城市在高铁运营过程中获得更大的利益;③ 从珠三角区域经济整体差异性来看,区域经济空间格局异质性呈先扩大后缩小趋势;从区内群体差异性来看,一二线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈先大幅上升后小幅下降趋势;二三线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈下降趋势。该研究将对未来交通规划提供参考。  相似文献   

提升城市功能,增强城市承载力成为城市规划发展的新目标,城市空间品质研究已经成为目前城市规划研究的重点和难点,但是目前空间品质的研究存在动态连续性和空间精确性不足的问题。本文基于手机信令数据获取的城市内部全天的动态人口信息,以街区为尺度定量评价北京市五环内不同功能类型街区的空间品质指数一天内的动态变化,并进行时空分布特征、变化模式以及与人口活跃度关系的分析。结果表明,北京市五环内空间品质随人群活动的变化存在不均衡性,且在时间、空间、功能性质方面存在显著的分化。具体为:空间上城市内环与外环、城市南部与北部的品质差异显著;时间上大体呈现“陡降-低值稳定-陡升-高值稳定”的不稳定趋势;不同功能类型上有着特殊的变化模式,并且功能区之间的空间品质均值差距较大,夜晚街区的居住空间品质在城区内存在明显的等级差异性。这些结果为微观尺度下城市的资源分配和合理规划发展提供了参考和建议。  相似文献   

高精度、动态、空间化的人口数据是科学核算城市资源环境压力、促进人口合理调控的重要参考依据。研究首先以2012和2017年北京市常住人口统计信息为基础,融合夜间灯光、土地利用、道路网络等数据,依据用地类型、VANUI指数对街道分割成的区域进行分类和分级,并在此基础上构建人口空间化模型,制备2期100 m格网尺度的人口空间化数据。验证表明,模型误差在10%以内;与已有成果对比分析发现,人口空间化数据整体与局部精度均有提升。最后,基于该数据分析北京市人口分布的时空动态变化特征,揭示其影响因素。结果表明:① 格网单元上的人口平均数量在-2542~190之间变化,以-500~500人为主。② 2期人口空间分布均呈“内密外疏”格局,且减少人口主要聚集于城六区,2012—2017年间减少近21万人;③ 首都功能核心区减少人口最为显著,减少量占城六区减少量的62%;④ 二三环间减少人口最多,共减少近11万人,减少量占城六区减少量的52%;⑤ 与城六区接壤的城郊街道,人口呈现增加趋势,可能形成新的人口聚集区。北京市人口时空变化特征与首都功能定位、产业升级转型、人口疏解政策实施等因素密切相关,该研究可为北京市未来人口空间合理布局与人口疏解政策完善提供定量化的科学依据。  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration (UA) compactness means spatial concentration degree of physical entities, such as cities (towns), industries, resources, funds, traffic and technologies, whose concentration is formed according to specified economic and technologic association in the process of UA formation and development. The UA industrial compactness means the concentration degree of industry and industry clusters with reference to the industrial, technological and economic relations among the cities in the UA in the process of rational industrial division and with the extension of industrial chain. After analyzing the researches on compactness, this paper finds that the relevant measurement coefficient and methods reflecting industrial geographical concentration fail to link industries spatial concentration with urban spatial concentration. Taking 23 UAs as samples and classifying them by development degree, this paper probes into UA compactness and spatial distribution characteristics from the perspective of industry by adopting UA index systems of industry and measurement models. The research finds out: 1) there is obvious positive correlation between UA industrial compactness and UA development degree; 2) the spatial distribution difference of UA industrial compactness is relatively great; and 3) UA industrial compactness shows a gradually decreasing tendency from the eastern part, the middle part to the western part of China. From the research thoughts and approaches, this article suggests that studies on the UA integrated compactness measurement should be enhanced from a multidimensional per- spective involving space, traffic, population density and so on.  相似文献   

北京市城市用地百年变迁分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对城市的空间扩展过程及其时空规律的研究,可正确地把握其在城市化进程中所处的阶段,预测城市发展趋势。本文利用数字化地形图、陆地卫星MSS、TM影像,对民国时期至2005年北京市城市用地的面积变化、扩展过程进行了监测分析,并对北京市中心建成区及周边典型卫星城的动态变化作了重点分析。结果表明:在近百年的时间内,北京市建成区的扩展基本上呈现出以旧城区为中心向四周扩展的方式,并未在某一方向表现出特别明显的变化,但在不同时期内的扩展速度差异非常明显。北京市的道路交通用地发展迅速,周边卫星城的建设有较大的发展。  相似文献   

研究城市功能子区域的动态演变特征可以帮助人们理解城市发展规律和进行城市规划,然而对这种动态性进行分析的手段一直以来较为匮乏。城市出行大数据的出现虽然提供了刻画和分析功能子区及其动态的工具,但是在方法层面仍缺乏克服长时期出行数据内在时空随机性的方案。本研究尝试从长时间段人口稳定流动的层面来分析城市内部是否存在具有完备功能的子区域。将具有完备功能的子区域定义为城市结构中内部流量显著高于外部连通流量且相对稳定的子区域的集合,并利用多年份的出租车轨迹数据来构建城市居民出行网络,进而利用网络分析中的社团发现算法来探测城市的完备功能子区域及其随时间的动态变化。为了实现这一目标,本研究提出了一种针对时序轨迹数据的时空耦合网络模型,尝试克服多年份出租车出行数据中潜在的时空随机性(如:时空突变),并在此模型的基础上提出了一种基于多层网络社团发现算法的城市完备功能子区动态探测手段,实现对城市完备功能子区域时空演变的追踪分析。最后,以北京市2012—2017年的出租车轨迹数据为例,使用该方法实现了北京市城区完备功能子区的动态探测,进而揭示了4类不同完备功能子区域的特征与发展态势。  相似文献   

Particulate matter(PM), one of the most important pollutants of traffic emission, threatens the health of urban ecosystems and citizens. Roadside trees play an important role in trapping PM, and the foliar PM load is a useful indicator for air PM pollution in road systems. To detect the relationships of foliar PM load with road structures, urbanization, and meteorology in road systems, we studied a widely-planted tree Sophora japonica L. in 100 roads and 10 yards of Beijing, China, and found that the foliar PM loads increased with the distances from the urban centre(DUC) linearly, while decreased with the road density. All-subsets regression analysis indicated that DUC, average monthly relative humidity, average monthly wind speed, and mean annual wind speed were the most important factors in predicting foliar PM load, rather than general situation of buildings and road cleanliness. The monthly relative humidity and monthly wind speed had a negative correlation to foliar PM, while the annual relative humidity and annual wind speed had a positive correlation to foliar PM. Suburban areas and these effective factors should be highlighted in PM control in Beijing.  相似文献   

基于居民出行特征的北京城市功能区识别与空间交互研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受区域功能分化影响,城市居民出行呈现出特定的时序特征,因而不同的出行时序特征可以反映区域功能的差异性。同时,区域功能的交互特征可以通过居民出行的空间交互活动体现。大数据时代的到来,使得以GPS数据为代表的个体时空大数据可以从微观视角反映居民出行特征。本文采用个体时空大数据,应用数据挖掘方法,从居民感知视角研究城市区域功能的差异性与联系性。以北京六环为研究区域,采用规则格网划分城市地块,通过北京市3个月的出租车GPS数据提取地块的居民出行时序特征。采用期望最大化算法进行聚类分析,并结合兴趣点数据和居民出行调查实现功能区识别,识别出居住区、商业娱乐区等6类功能区。从距离和时间2个维度分析功能区之间的空间交互特征,发现功能互补性在一定程度上削弱了空间交互强度的距离衰减效应,同时功能交互呈现出显著的时序差异。  相似文献   

History has brought us into a significant moment when the majority of the human kind has taken up resi-dence in urban settlements. The focus of global urbanization has shifted to the developing world and the center of manufacturing is no longer confined to the Global North. This paper provides a periodical assessment of the current status of China’s urban transformation in the global context of a shifting emphasis of industrialization and urbaniza-tion. China’s phenomenal urban transformation deserves a special attention not only because of its unparalleled scale and speed but also because of its distinct trajectory of growth that does not conform to normal theoretical ex-pectations. The results of assessment revealed an urban economy with remarkable hybridity, a society that is in-creasingly stratified, polarized, and segregated, and a juxtaposed urban space undergoing restless and pervasive transformation. A decentering world should entail a decentering knowledge production. A critical reflection upon the Chinese patterns and processes of urban transformation has identified 4 main issues with great potentials for inno-vative knowledge production, namely: 1) privatization and economic development; 2) state, society, and space; 3) urbanization of capital, labor, and land; and 4) the environment and Chinese political ecology. The paper closes with the remark that a rapidly transforming urban China has presented itself as a fertile and resourceful testing ground for critical and innovative geographic enquiries.  相似文献   

From the point of view of urban consumption behavior, urban fresh water consumption could be classified as three types, namely, direct, indirect and induced water consumption. A calculation approach of urban fresh water consumption was presented based on the theory of urban basic material consumption and the input-output method, which was utilized to calculate urban fresh water consumption of China, and to analyze its structural change and causes. The results show that the total urban fresh water consumption increased 561.7×109m3, and the proportion to the total national fresh water resources increased by 20 percentage points from 1952 to 2005. The proportion of direct and induced water consumption had been continuously rising, and it increased by 15 and 35 percentage points separately from 1952 to 2005, while the proportion of indirect water consumption decreased by 50 percentage points. Urban indirect water consumption was mainly related to urban grain, beef and mutton consumption, and urban induced water consumption had a close relationship with the amount of carbon emission per capita. Finally, some countermeasures were put forward to realize sustainable utilization of urban fresh water resources in China. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40535026)  相似文献   

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