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Predictions from a new theory for high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers during near-neutral conditions are shown to agree well with measurements of atmospheric surface-layer variances and spectra. The theory suggests surface-layer turbulence is determined by detached eddies that largely originate in the shearing motion immediately above the surface layer; as they descend into this layer, they are strongly distorted by the local shear and impinge onto the surface. Because the origin of these eddies is non-local, they are similar to those described in previous studies as `inactive' turbulence. However, they are, in fact, dynamically highly active, supplying the major mechanism for the momentum transport, including upward bursting on the time scale of the larger eddies. The vertical velocity results show that the variance and the low frequency parts of spectra increase with height in the surface layer, while in the self similar (k1 -1) range the streamwise low frequency components are approximately constant with height. These large-scale longitudinal eddies extend to a length s, which is equal to the boundary-layer height near the surface andincreases linearly to a maximum of about three times the boundary-layer height at roughly 15 m and decreases in the upper parts of the surface layer. This lower part of the surface layer, the eddy surface layer, is the region in which the eddies impinging from layers above are strongly distorted. This new result for the atmospheric boundary layer has practical application for calculating fluctuating wind loads on structures and lateral dispersion of pollution from local sources.  相似文献   

Attached Eddies and Production Spectra in the Atmospheric Logarithmic Layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the production components of turbulent spectra within logarithmic layers over flat ground. This assumes that the turbulence giving rise to these spectra consists of active coherent structures (eddies) that are attached to the ground, and whose properties display perfect statistical self-similarity under inner scaling. That is, we take the extreme view that active coherent structures not only contribute to turbulence production spectra but explain the whole of them, so that neither detached eddies nor unstructured motions make any significant contribution. Perfect self-similarityis held to apply only to eddies that are themselves formed totally within the log layer, so the theory applies in the limit of spectra obtained at the hearts of very deep log layers. The model predicts that spectral variance and covariance should become independent of wavenumber at small wavenumbers. This asymptotic behaviour is observed in all neutral spectra from the Kansas experiment. The model also interprets the various positions of the spectral peaks observed at Kansas and in aircraft flights over the sea as consequences of the eddies being aggregated into files aligned with the wind. The observed spectra are therefore consistent with large-scale wedge-like structures being the principal component of active turbulence in the neutral atmospheric surface layer.  相似文献   

During the Energy Balance Experiment, patch-to-patch irrigation generated gradients in soil moisture in a north-south oriented cotton field. An internal boundary layer (IBL) developed as a result of strong horizontal advection from relatively dry upstream patches to relatively wet downstream patches associated with the prevailing northerly winds. This generated large eddies of multiple sizes, which had significant influences on the structure of turbulence in the IBL. The power spectra and cospectra of wind speed, temperature, humidity, and energy fluxes measured at two heights within the IBL are presented and used to investigate the influence of the IBL on surface layer turbulence. The spectra and cospectra were greatly enhanced by external disturbances at low frequencies. The peak frequencies of these disturbances did not change with height. The spectra and cospectra typically converged and were parallel to the Kansas spectrum at high frequencies (in the inertial subrange). A clear gap in the spectra of horizontal wind velocity existed at intermediate frequencies when the surface layer was stable. The results indicate that large eddies that originated in the upstream convective boundary layer had considerable impacts on the spectra and cospectra of surface layer turbulence. The influence of these large eddies was greater (1) when the IBL was well-developed in the near surface layer than when the IBL did not exist, (2) at higher levels than at lower levels, and (3) when the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) was unstable than when the ASL was stable. The length scales of these large eddies were consistent with the dominant scales of surface heterogeneity at the experiment site.  相似文献   

We present a new model of the structure of turbulence in the unstable atmospheric surface layer, and of the structural transition between this and the outer layer. The archetypal element of wall-bounded shear turbulence is the Theodorsen ejection amplifier (TEA) structure, in which an initial ejection of air from near the ground into an ideal laminar and logarithmic flow induces vortical motion about a hairpin-shaped core, which then creates a second ejection that is similar to, but larger than, the first. A series of TEA structures form a TEA cascade. In real turbulent flows TEA structures occur in distorted forms as TEA-like (TEAL) structures. Distortion terminates many TEAL cascades and only the best-formed TEAL structures initiate new cycles. In an extended log layer the resulting shear turbulence is a complex, self-organizing, dissipative system exhibiting self-similar behaviour under inner scaling. Spectral results show that this structure is insensitive to instability. This is contrary to the fundamental hypothesis of Monin--Obukhov similarity theory. All TEAL cascades terminate at the top of the surface layer where they encounter, and are severely distorted by, powerful eddies of similar size from the outer layer. These eddies are products of the breakdown of the large eddies produced by buoyancy in the outer layer. When the outer layer is much deeper than the surface layer the interacting eddies are from the inertial subrange of the outer Richardson cascade. The scale height of the surface layer, z s, is then found by matching the powers delivered to the creation of emerging TEAL structures to the power passing down the Richardson cascade in the outer layer. It is z s = u * 3 /ks, where u * is friction velocity, k is the von Kármán constant and s is the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy in the outer layer immediately above the surface layer. This height is comparable to the Obukhov length in the fully convective boundary layer. Aircraft and tower observations confirm a strong qualitative change in the structure of the turbulence at about that height. The tallest eddies within the surface layer have height z s, so z s is a new basis parameter for similarity models of the surface layer.  相似文献   

利用BOMEX(巴巴多斯海洋与气象学试验)的探空资料和LEM(大涡模式),通过改变LEM水平分辨率的敏感性数值试验,对比分析不同尺度的湍涡对信风积云边界层中混合层和云层的结构、演变以及对流形式和强度的影响。结果表明,水平分辨率较高时模拟的湍涡尺度较小、混合层顶的夹卷作用较强,模拟的混合层较暖、较干,而且模拟的对流泡尺度较小、强度较大,能够模拟出较精细的边界层结构;而水平分辨率较低时则相反。模拟的湍涡尺度对海洋信风区边界层积云中液态水混合比的模拟结果影响较大:LEM模拟的湍涡尺度较小时模拟的信风积云形成的时间较早、云顶高度较高,单个云块的体积较小但数目较多,液态水含量较高;而模拟的湍涡尺度较大时则相反。虽然水平分辨率为50 m和125 m的试验都能模拟出较精细的信风边界层中混合层、云层的结构和演变特征,但是,考虑到提高分辨率在模拟过程中产生的噪音信号对结果的影响以及计算时间等问题,LEM采用125 m的水平网格距是对海洋信风边界层积云对流模拟较为理想的选择。   相似文献   

The dependence on atmospheric stability of flow characteristics adjacent to a very rough surface was investigated in a larch forest in Japan. Micrometeorological measurements of three-dimensional wind velocity and air temperature were taken at two heights above the forest, namely 1.7 and 1.2 times the mean canopy height h. Under near-neutral and stable conditions, the observed turbulence statistics suggest that the flow was likely to be that of the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) at 1.7h, and of the roughness sublayer (RSL) at 1.2h. However, in turbulence spectra, canopy-induced large coherent motions appeared clearly at both heights. Even under strongly stable conditions, the large-scale motions were retained at 1.2h, whereas they were overwhelmed by small-scale motions at 1.7h. This phenomenon was probably due to the enhanced contribution of the ASL turbulence associated with nocturnal decay of the RSL depth, because the small-scale motions appeared at frequencies close to the peak frequencies of well-known ASL spectra. This result supports the relatively recent concept that canopy flow is a superimposition of coherent motions and the ASL turbulence. The large-scale motions were retained in temperature spectra over a wider region of stability compared to streamwise wind spectra, suggesting that a canopy effect extended higher up for temperature than wind. The streamwise spacing of dominant eddies according to the plane mixing-layer analogy was only valid in a narrow range at near neutral, and it was stabilised at nearly half its value under stable conditions.  相似文献   

The convective boundary layer (CBL) with a wide range of stability is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel, and numerically by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The turbulence structures and flow characteristics of various CBL flows, capped by a strong temperature inversion and affected by surface shear, are investigated. The various vertical profiles of turbulence statistics similar to those from the observed CBL in the field are successfully simulated in both the wind-tunnel experiment and in DNS. The comparison of the wind-tunnel data and DNS results with those of atmospheric observations and water-tank studies shows the crucial dependence of the turbulence statistics in the upper part of the layer on the strength of the inversion layer, as well as the modification of the CBL turbulence regime by the surface shear.  相似文献   

Observations from the Cloud-Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment-Integrated Ground Observation Campaign (CAIPEEX-IGOC) provide a rare opportunity to investigate nocturnal atmospheric surface-layer processes and surface-layer turbulent characteristics associated with the low-level jet (LLJ). Here, an observational case study of the nocturnal boundary layer is presented during the peak monsoon season over Peninsular India using data collected over a single night representative of the synoptic conditions of the Indian summer monsoon. Datasets based on Doppler lidar and eddy-covariance are used for this purpose. The LLJ is found to generate nocturnal turbulence by introducing mechanical shear at higher levels within the boundary layer. Sporadic and intermittent turbulent events observed during this period are closely associated with large eddies at the scale of the height of the jet nose. Flux densities in the stable boundary layer are observed to become non-local under the influence of the LLJ. Different turbulence regimes are identified, along with transitions between turbulent periods and intermittency. Wavelet analysis is used to elucidate the presence of large-scale eddies and associated intermittency during nocturnal periods in the surface layer. Although the LLJ is a regional-scale phenomenon it has far reaching consequences with regard to surface-atmosphere exchange processes.  相似文献   

During the Energy Balance EXperiment, the patch-by-patch, flood irrigation in a flat cotton field created an underlying surface with heterogeneous soil moisture, leading to a dry (warm)-to-wet (cool) transition within the cotton field under northerly winds. Moreover, the existence of an extremely dry, large bare soil area upstream beyond the cotton field created an even larger step transition from the bare soil region to the cotton field. We investigated the turbulence spectra and cospectra in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) that was disturbed by large eddies generated over regions upstream and also influenced by horizontal advection. In the morning, the ASL was unstable while in the afternoon a stable internal boundary layer was observed at the site. Therefore, the turbulence data at 2.7 and 8.7 m are interpreted and compared in terms of interactions between large eddies and locally generated turbulence under two atmospheric conditions: the unstable ASL beneath the convective boundary layer (CBL) (hereafter the unstable condition) and the stable ASL beneath the CBL (hereafter the stable condition). We identified the influences of multiple sizes of large eddies on ASL turbulence under both stratifications; these large eddies with multiple sizes were produced over the dry patches and dry, large bare soil areas upstream. As a consequence of the disturbance of large eddies, the broadening, erratic variability, and deviation of spectra and cospectra, relative to those described by Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, are evident in the low- to mid-frequencies. Transfer of momentum, heat, and water vapour by large eddies is distinctly observed from the turbulence cospectra and leads to significant run-to-run variations of residuals of the surface energy balance closure. Our results indicate that these large eddies have greater influences on turbulence at higher levels compared to lower levels, and in the unstable ASL compared to the stable ASL.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation has encountered difficulties in handling turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer due to deficiencies in sub-grid scale models. This paper addresses the possibility of resolving the turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer by a low-aspect ratio of grid spacing. Results show that resolved-scale shear stresses dominate over the sub-grid scale components so that effects due to the sub-grid scale model can be ignored in this region. The effects of the lower boundary condition on the resolved-scale turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer are discussed. It is concluded that the normalized mean velocity shear and resolved turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer are not affected by the specification of the lower boundary condition. In addition, the present work proposes a new independent model parameter, the Smagorinsky Reynolds Number (ReSM), and demonstrates that this number determines the resolved turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations (LESs) are employed to investigate the turbulence characteristics in the shear-free convective boundary layer (CBL) driven by heterogeneous surface heating. The patterns of surface heating are arranged as a chessboard with two different surface heat fluxes in the neighbouring patches, and the heterogeneity scale Λ in four different cases is taken as 1.2, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 km, respectively. The results are compared with those for the homogeneous case. The impact of the heterogeneity scale on the domain-averaged CBL characteristics, such as the profiles of the potential temperature and the heat flux, is not significant. However, different turbulence characteristics are induced by different heterogeneous surface heating. The greatest turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is produced in the case with the largest heterogeneity scale, whilst the TKE in the other heterogeneous cases is close to that for the homogeneous case. This result indicates that the TKE is not enhanced unless the scale of the heterogeneous surface heating is large enough. The potential temperature variance is enhanced more significantly by a larger surface heterogeneity scale. But this effect diminishes with increasing CBL height, which implies that the turbulent eddy structures are changed during the CBL development. Analyses show that there are two types of organized turbulent eddies: one relates to the thermal circulations induced by the heterogeneous surface heating, whilst the other identifies with the inherent turbulent eddies (large eddies) induced by the free convection. At the early stage of the CBL development, the dominant scale of the organized turbulent eddies is controlled by the scale of the surface heterogeneity. With time increasing, the original pattern breaks up, and the vertical velocity eventually displays horizontal structures similar to those for the homogeneous heating case. It is found that after this transition, the values of λ/z i (λ is the dominant horizontal scale of the turbulent eddies, z i is the boundary-layer height) ≈1.6, which is just the aspect ratio of large eddies in the CBL.  相似文献   

The structure of the turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer over a monsoon trough region has been studied using structural analysis based on wavelet transform. The observational site is located at the eastern (wet) end of the monsoon trough region, characterized by high moisture in the atmospheric surface layer. On the average relative humidity varied from 70% to 100% during the experiment. The wind and temperature data, collected at Kharagpur (22°25' N, 87°18' E) at six observational hours of a day in June 1990 during the Monsoon Trough Boundary Layer Experiment (MONTBLEX), have been utilized in the study. The wind and instantaneous momentum flux time series were decomposed into 12 scales using the Haar wavelet transform. The eddies exhibited a large temporal variability generating intermittency in the energy and flux distributions. A criterion based on the isotropy has been suggested for separating the large eddies from the small eddies. At the separation scale the isotropy coefficient drops sharply. It is shown that the intermittency in the small eddies resulted from the spatial variation of energy, and deviation of velocity statistics from the Gaussian distribution known as flatness. The deviation from the -5/3 power law has been attributed to the increased mean values of, (i) the coefficient of variation of energy, and (ii) the flatness factor, in the inertial subrange. The decomposition of the instantaneous momentum flux time series reveals that the major contribution to the total flux arises from the large eddies. The quadrant analysis of the momentum flux shows that ejections and sweeps account for a substantial part of the total flux, and quantifies the relative importance of the various spatial scales that contribute to the transport of momentum.  相似文献   

We investigated the turbulent intensities and Reynolds shear stress at high Reynolds number $({Re_\tau = 5 \times 10^{6}})$ in the atmosphere surface layer (ASL) through analyzing observations in near-neutral stratified conditions. The results show that with increasing Reynolds number the streamwise turbulent intensity increases linearly, and the peak of the Reynolds shear stress extends to a higher non-dimensional height, which means that the thickness of the logarithmic region increases. Furthermore, our results provide evidence for treating the ASL as a canonical turbulent boundary layer, the results of which can be extended and applied to higher Reynolds number wall turbulence in the ASL.  相似文献   

The fluctuations of the instantaneous values of line integrated concentrations across plumes from point sources diffusing in turbulent shear flows, and in grid generated turbulence, have been studied experimentally using a fast response system which measured the attenuation of the intensity of an infrared beam crossing the plume. Analysis of the measurements show that the dimensionless statistical properties of the fluctuations at different distances from the source at each flow are approximately similar, in the sense that they depend primarily on the relative off-center location of the line of integration and almost independent of the distance from the source and the nature of the turbulence in the flows, as long as the characteristic length of the mean plume is not large compared to the size of the large eddies. The characteristic time of the fluctuations, on the other hand, was found to grow with the distance from the source and the autocorrelations of the fluctuations, particularly in the case of a plume diffusing in grid generated turbulence, were it found to be proportional to the lateral size of the mean plume. A—5/3 decay law of the power spectrum of the fluctuations was observed in the low frequency range which corresponds to the scale of the large eddies. The decay of the fluctuations caused by smaller eddies was much faster, as expected.  相似文献   

During slightly unstable but still very close to neutral conditions new results from two previous investigations have shown a significant increase of sensible and latent heat fluxes over the sea. The vertical heat transport during these conditions is dominated by detached eddies originating at the top of the boundary layer, bringing relatively cold and dry air to the surface. This effect can be described in numerical models by either enhanced heat transfer coefficients for sensible and latent heat (Stanton and Dalton numbers respectively) or with an additional roughness length, added to the original roughness lengths for heat and humidity. Such new expressions are developed using turbulence measurements from the Baltic Sea valid for wind speeds up to 14 m s−1. The effect of including the increased heat fluxes is investigated using two different numerical models: a regional three-dimensional climate model covering northern Europe, and a process-oriented ocean model for the Baltic Sea. During periods of several days, the latent heat flux can be increased by as much as 100 W m−2. The increase in sensible heat flux is significantly smaller since the process is only of importance in the very near-neutral regime where the sensible heat flux is very small. The long-term average effect over the Baltic Sea is of the order of several W m−2.  相似文献   

Wind component fluctuations have been decomposed into contributions of large and small-scale eddies to study turbulence structures in the atmospheric surface layer over snow-covered pack ice for a case with snow drift and another without. It was found that on average, the large eddies contribute little to the covariance, but significantly to the variance of the horizontal wind components. The turbulent kinetic energy and the friction velocity show clearly expressed energy and flux variations. The time series of turbulent statistics, calculated on the basis of large eddies only, show the same behavior. However, the time variations of the turbulent kinetic energy and the friction velocity, determined by the small eddies, are suppressed when there is drifting snow.The occurrence of different types of motions (ejections, sweeps and interactions) was detected by the quadrant-technique. It was found that events with strong drag reduction during snow drift correspond to a strong increase of contributions from the first and third quadrant. However, strong drag reduction events in the case without snow drift are caused by a general decrease of contributions from all four quadrants. It was also found that interactions are significantly less correlated with ejections and sweeps in the case with snow drift than in the case without.  相似文献   

为研究黄河源区边界层湍流特征及其对物质和能量输送的影响,本文首次采用大涡模拟的方法,对比分析了黄河源区两种不同下垫面上(鄂陵湖和湖边草地)对流边界层(CBL)中精细的湍流结构特征.使用资料为2012年夏季黄河源区鄂陵湖流域野外观测实验的GPS探空资料、涡动相关观测资料.分析表明,模拟的黄河源区草地和湖上CBL的平均结构...  相似文献   

The South China Sea(SCS) is an eddy-active area. Composite analyses based on 438 mesoscale ocean eddies during 2000–2012 revealed the status of the atmospheric boundary layer is influenced remarkably by such eddies. The results showed cold-core cyclonic(warm-core anticyclonic) eddies tend to cool(warm) the overlying atmosphere and cause surface winds to decelerate(accelerate). More than 5% of the total variance of turbulent heat fluxes, surface wind speed and evaporation rate are induced by mesoscale eddies. Furthermore, mesoscale eddies locally affect the columnar water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rain rate. Dynamical analyses indicated that both variations of atmospheric boundary layer stability and sea level pressure are responsible for atmospheric anomalies over mesoscale eddies. To reveal further details about the mechanisms of atmospheric responses to mesoscale eddies, atmospheric manifestations over a pair of cold and warm eddies in the southwestern SCS were simulated. Eddy-induced heat flux anomalies lead to changes in atmospheric stability. Thus, anomalous turbulence kinetic energy and friction velocity arise over the eddy dipole, which reduce(enhance) the vertical momentum transport over the cold(warm) eddy, resulting in the decrease(increase) of sea surface wind. Diagnoses of the model's momentum balance suggested that wind speed anomalies directly over the eddy dipole are dominated by vertical mixing terms within the atmospheric boundary layer, while wind anomalies on the edges of eddies are produced by atmospheric pressure gradient forces and atmospheric horizontal advection terms.  相似文献   


The nocturnal low-level jet (LLJ) and orographic (gravity) waves play an important role in the generation of turbulence and pollutant dispersion and can affect the energy production by wind turbines. Additionally, gravity waves have an influence on the local mixing and turbulence within the surface layer and the vertical flux of mass into the lower atmosphere. On 25 September 2017, during a field campaign, a persistent easterly LLJ and gravity waves were observed simultaneously in a coastal area in the north of France. We explore the variability of the wind speed, turbulent eddies, and turbulence kinetic energy in the time–frequency and space domain using an ultrasonic anemometer and a scanning wind lidar. The results reveal a significant enhancement of the turbulence-kinetic-energy dissipation (by?50%) due to gravity waves in the LLJ shear layer (below the jet core) during the period of wave propagation. Large magnitudes of zonal and vertical components of the shear stress (approximately 0.4 and 1.5 m2 s?2, respectively) are found during that period. Large eddies (scales of 110 to 280 m) matching the high-wind-speed regime are found to propagate the momentum downwards, which enhances the mass transport from the LLJ shear layer to the roughness layer. Furthermore, these large-scale eddies are associated with the crests while comparatively small-scale eddies are associated with the troughs of the gravity wave.


Under the assumption of a geostrophic wind varying exponentially with height, profiles of four turbulence characteristics (Reynolds stress, eddy diffusivity, momentum mixing length, and energy dissipation rate) are evaluated for three cases of quasi-steady wind profile observations under near-neutral boundary layer conditions. These cases occurred during the Wangara Experiment organized by CSIRO at Hay, N.S.W., Australia, in 1967. It is shown that mean vertical motion and surface friction velocity significantly influence the evaluated profiles of the turbulence characteristics.This study was done while Zhang visited the Department of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, from the Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University, China, and was completed when Zhang was affiliated with the National Center for Atmospheric Research.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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