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University earth science departments are under threat in southern Africa, as in the rest of the world. It is argued here that a good quality and broad based Earth Science Education can be maintained in southern African universities either by networking, or by maintaining departments staffed by a local core of academics, whose teaching is supplemented by block courses conducted by staff from specialised centres also serving industry. These centres should play a vital part in graduate research and maintain research links with the core staff. Positioned between industry and universities, they could promote links between both.  相似文献   

This paper describes Earth Science Education in Sudan, with particular emphasis on the University of Khartoum. The first geological department in Sudan was founded in 1958 in the University of Khartoum. In the 1980s, six more geological departments have been added in the newer universities. The types of courses offered include Diploma, B.Sc. (General), B.Sc. (Honours), M.Sc. and Ph.D. The Geology programmes are strongly supported by field work training and mapping. Final-year students follow specialised training in one of the following topics: hydrogeology, geophysics, economic geology, sedimentology and engineering geology. A graduation report, written in the final year, represents 30–40% of the total marks. The final assessment and grading are decided with the help of internal and external examiners.Entry into the Geology programmes is based on merit and performance. The number of students who graduate with Honours and become geologists is between 20% to 40% of the initial intake at the beginning of the second year. Employment opportunities are limited and are found mainly in the Government's geological offices, the universities and research centres, and private companies. The Department of Geology at the University of Khartoum has long-standing internal and external links with outside partners. This has been manifested in the training of staff members, the donation of teaching materials and laboratory facilities. The chief problems currently facing Earth Science Education in Sudan are underfunding, poor equipment, laboratory facilities and logistics. Other problems include a shortage of staff, absence of research, lack of supervision and emigration of staff members.Urgent measures are needed to assess and evaluate the status of Earth Science Education in terms of objectives, needs and difficulties encountered. Earth Science Education is expected to contribute significantly to the exploitation of mineral resources and socio-economic development in the Sudan.  相似文献   

Cameroon is a bilingual country with French and English being the official languages. This bicultural status is linked to pre-independence colonisation of the territory. Consequently, two educational systems exist in formal schools, colleges and the university sector. Studies of Earth Science Education curricula in these systems show completely divergent approaches in colleges and at the Tertiary level. An assessment of the factors that influence these divergences shows their relationship to the cultural background and to available expertise. From 1962 to 1992, Earth Science Education at the Tertiary level was limited to the unique University of Yaoundé and was based on the French system, even though the University served both systems. The curriculum was not related to the major priority needs of the country with respect to its natural or mineral resources and this handicap is being felt today. However, the creation in 1993 of six independent government universities in the country, with one — the University of Buea — being of an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ tradition, has resulted in the development of varied curricula in Earth Science Education in five of these universities. The varied approach is aimed at meeting manpower needs in priority areas of the subject in future. A comparison of the Earth Science curricula from 1993 to 1998 in the Universities of Yaoundé I, Douala and Buea is used to identify the divergent approaches and the expected advantages of each curriculum. A more detailed evaluation of the curriculum in the University of Buea is used to highlight the attempt being made to train geoscientists who will be capable of exploiting the natural resources of the country and equally ensure the conservation of the environment for future generations.  相似文献   

The earth sciences are taught in twelve universities in Morocco and in three other institutions. In addition there are three more earth science research institutions. Earth science teaching has been taking place since 1957. The degree system is a four-year degree, split into two two-year blocks and geology is taught within the geology-biology programme for the first part of the degree. ‘Classical’ geology is taught in most universities, although applied geology degrees are also on offer in some universities. Recently-formed technical universities offer a more innovative approach to Earth Science Education. Teaching is in French, although school education is in Arabic. There is a need for a reform of the curriculum, although a lead is being taken by the technical universities. A new geological mapping programme promises new geological and mining discoveries in the country and prospects of employment for geology graduates.  相似文献   

In Eritrea, Earth Science Education is taught only by the Earth Sciences Department based at the College of Science, University of Asmara. Currently, the University of Asmara has eight teaching Colleges: Agriculture & Aquatic Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, Law, and Science offering Bachelor degrees, Diplomas and Certificates in various fields. The Earth Sciences Department was established as a Geology Unit in 1983 and until 1996 offered minor and service geology courses for students of Science and Agriculture. The Department started a four-year degree programme in Geology (B.Sc. in Geology) at the beginning of the 1996/97 academic year. The B.Sc. programme in Geology provides students with a Geology major and a minor in Physics or Chemistry. Potential major organisations which employ the geology graduates include the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, as well as mining and petroleum companies which are currently active in mineral resources exploration in the country.  相似文献   

South and southern Africa are currently facing a major skills shortage in the applied earth sciences, particularly in the minerals industry and in the environmental field. This paper offers outlines of course curricula, developed in South Africa, which are designed to meet these needs.It is argued that insufficient time is devoted to applied geology in degree courses in South Africa and that appropriate specialisations should be introduced into the third and fourth years of Earth Science degrees. More detailed specialisation should be offered at master's level. Examples of such courses currently run in South Africa are cited.The important contribution of the earth sciences to contemporary environmental issues is stressed and the need for environmental geologists emphasised. It is argued that the huge amount of information essential to environmental geology requires postgraduate level teaching of this subject. An example of such a master's level course is taken from a course planned at the University of the Witwatersrand.Courses similar to those being developed in southern Africa need to be developed in other African regions.  相似文献   

随着人类社会和科学技术的发展,尤其是中国国力的提升和教育的深化提高,教育改革,包括地学高等教育的改革,就更需进一步深化,以适应时代发展的需要。文章根据作者长期从事地学教学实践与科研的经历,针对2020年全国基础地质学教学会议关于普通地质学教学改革的精神,概括提出两点体会,一是关于普地教学目标和任务,二是涉及普地教学关键所在,供同行讨论。作者从地球科学基本特征和教学目标出发,提出普地教学的核心价值与重要性,进一步明确普地教学的关键在于教师队伍、教学定位与目标及教学内容与方法等三个方面。普通地质学的教学是地学高等教育中最基础、最关键的环节,其总体目标是提高地学教育的普适性,目的是培育学生的科学志趣,引导学生奔向地球科学大道。  相似文献   

In Botswana, the Earth Science Education programme is based at the University of Botswana in the Department of Geology, which is one of seven departments in the Faculty of Science. Initially the new department had three academic staff members; this number has later increased to eight and, most recently, to ten academic posts. Since the programme's inception in 1980, 84 graduates completed the undergraduate geological studies. The Geology B.Sc. programme gives a choice between a single major in Geology and three combined majors: Geology/Environmental Sciences, Geology/Chemistry and Geology/Physics. Postgraduate programmes are currently under preparation. All Geology graduates are employed by the Botswana Government institutions and private companies. An active research programme, related to both local and international projects is conducted. This involves co-operation with national institutions and international organisations.  相似文献   

In view of the mountainous evidence on destruction of environmental quality and societal well-being as a consequence of rapid economic development, sustainability has gained vast attention from the community and industrial players. Tertiary education is a platform through which sustainability can be inculcated within the society as it imparts knowledge and provides various trainings. There has been extensive research on factors that encourage sustainability integration into Institutions of Higher Education in the last decade. However, majority of the previous publications only discuss one or two factors exclusively and there is no literature that summarizes and discusses such factors in a collective manner. This paper provides an overview of the main factors that encourage sustainability integration into Institutions of Higher Education in the last decade. It aims at providing a one-stop reference for future researchers who need a reference on factors that encourage sustainability integration into Institutions of Higher Education, especially those who are interested in conducting a progressive research in this context. Accordingly, a review of relevant publications from year 2000 and above was conducted and it was found that there are generally eight main factors, which encourage sustainability integration into Institutions of Higher Education, which are: (1) integration into curricula; (2) suitable pedagogy; (3) campus management; (4) research; (5) opportunities provision; (6) availability of social capital; (7) awareness level; and (8) community outreach. There is no indicator on the impact level of these factors, and thus, it is suggested that relevant research can be conducted in future.  相似文献   

Earth Science Frontiers is a bi-monthly publication in Chinese with English abstracts for most papers; a few articles are published entirely in English. It is a medium for the publication of original and forefront research and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of Earth Sciences. Each issue is devoted to a single topic and edited by an authority in that field.  相似文献   

Earth Science Frontiers is a bi-monthly publication in Chinese with English abstracts for most papers; a few articles are published entirely in English. It is a medium for the publication of original and forefront research and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of Earth Sciences. Each issue is devoted to a single topic and edited by an authority in that field.  相似文献   

在新技术、新方法不断涌现和学科融合发展的背景下,地球科学类课程教学在如何适应未来地球系统科学发展和人才培养需要方面,正面临前所未有的挑战和机遇。论文以浙江大学《地球科学导论》课程为例,对教学内容拓展、课程思政融入和课程教学现代化面临的挑战和应对策略做了介绍,并对未来学科发展和课程教学改革方向进行了思考和展望。分析指出,课程教学改革要以立德树人、铸魂育人为根本,夯实地球科学基础,拥抱新技术新方法,并面向地球系统科学的未来。  相似文献   

Zimbabwe is a mineral-rich country with a long history of Earth Science Education. The establishment of a University Geology Department in 1960 allowed the country to produce its own earth science graduates. These graduates are readily absorbed by the mining industry and few are without work. Demand for places at the University is high and entry standards reflect this. Students enter the University after GCE A levels in three science subjects and most go on to graduate. Degree programmes include B.Sc. General in Geology (plus another science), B.Sc. Honours in Geology and M.Sc. in Exploration Geology and in Geophysics. The undergraduate curriculum is broad-based and increasingly vocationally orientated. A well-equipped building caters for relatively large student numbers and also houses analytical facilities used for research and teaching. Computers are used in teaching from the first year onwards. Staff are on average poorly qualified compared to other universities, but there is an impressive research element. The Department has good links with many overseas universities and external funding agencies play a strong supporting role. That said, financial constraints remain the greatest barrier to future development, although increasing links with the mining industry may cushion this.  相似文献   

Zimbabwe is a mineral-rich country with a long history of Earth Science Education. The establishment of a University Geology Department in 1960 allowed the country to produce its own earth science graduates. These graduates are readily absorbed by the mining industry and few are without work. Demand for places at the University is high and entry standards reflect this. Students enter the University after GCE A levels in three science subjects and most go on to graduate. Degree programmes include B.Sc. General in Geology (plus another science), B.Sc. Honours in Geology and M.Sc. in Exploration Geology and in Geophysics. The undergraduate curriculum is broad-based and increasingly vocationally orientated. A well-equipped building caters for relatively large student numbers and also houses analytical facilities used for research and teaching. Computers are used in teaching from the first year onwards. Staff are on average poorly qualified compared to other universities, but there is an impressive research element. The Department has good links with many overseas universities and external funding agencies play a strong supporting role. That said, financial constraints remain the greatest barrier to future development, although increasing links with the mining industry may cushion this.  相似文献   

《地球科学概论》是大学一年级地质类学生的学科基础课,也是专业入门课,承担着构建专业知识框架、培养地球科学兴趣等重要任务。文章系统梳理了中国地质大学(北京)《地球科学概论》的发展历程、教学理念形成与课程体系改革和建设,重点阐述了教学理念形成过程中“因材施教和因才施教”等4种教学思想及其应用效果,强调了高水平教学团队在课程建设中的关键作用,提出了模块化教学体系能够最大程度发挥我校两本教材各自的优势。在课程体系改革与实践方面,首先是将理论学习和实践课程的学时对半,突出了该门课程的实践特色;其次是将以往单一的课堂授课的教学方式,逐渐过渡到课堂理论授课、室内和野外地质实践、平台在线学习和虚拟仿真野外实习等多种教学方式相结合。希望我校上述课程体系改革与建设能为相关院校同类课程提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

地球系统科学从20世纪80年代蓬勃兴起。国内外学者普遍认为地球系统科学(Earth System Science)概念是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)1983年首次正式提出。然而如果我们重温李四光先生遗著,则不难发现早在20世纪20-30年代他就已将系统论引入地质学,提出了诸如构造系统(tectonic system)、大陆车阀说、海水进退规程等等新概念;1970年在他临终前出版的《天文·地质·古生物》,还将地球系统科学研究内容进一步扩大。可以说,系统科学思想贯彻在他的一生论著中,说明我国杰出地质学家李四光才是真正地球系统科学的先驱。李四光先生有诸多超前思维值得传承,他创建的“地质力学”的内容就是现代“系统构造地质学”加“地球系统科学”。   相似文献   

The public rail transport system in cities can promote physical urban transition, resulting in land use and land cover change, changing the public daily behaviors and consequently bringing huge economic benefits to its imminent areas. In this study, based on statistical analysis and visualization tools, by using Citespace and Google Earth, we explored approximately 455 papers from Web of Science and 321 papers from CNKI to obtain current research trends in the assessment of the impacts of public rail transport on land use change. The literature classification, organization and comments on such current studies and hot research topics are valuable for future research. Three conclusions were then drawn: First of all, similar topics have been done by both domestic and oversea scholars, but from slightly different perspective and at different scales. Secondly, public rail transport often causes the increase of housing price for both residential and commercial blocks; the influence on population density is more significant in the outskirts than that in downtown areas, but the influence often emerges with an unfixed time lag. Thirdly, RS, GIS and GPS (3S) technologies are promising tools for the research of the impacts of public rail transport on land use change in the era of "big data". Based on the conclusions, four suggestions were proposed: Firstly, future research in this field will be more comprehensive and humanistic studies. Secondly, overseas development models could not be fully applied in China, and thus corresponding improvement with China's situation are required. Thirdly, theoretically speaking, bicycle sharing can expand the service range of public rail transport. Fourthly, reasonable allocation of buffers is important for obtaining fine statistical area of land change affected by public rail transport.  相似文献   

赵波  张志强  郑军卫 《地球科学进展》2005,20(12):1371-1375
对科研成果产出的定量科学评价,可以了解科研队伍的现状和科研的影响力。利用文献计量学方法,采集了2000—2004年SCI数据库中中国学者发表的地球科学论文,统计分析中国地球科学SCI论文的产出和被引用情况,以了解中国当前具有国际学术交流能力和SCI论文发表能力的地球科学研究队伍的现状和科研成果的国际影响力。分析结果表明,2000—2004年中国的国际地学研究论文数量以年均21.87%的速度递增,5年的论文篇均被引频次为2.57。地球科学二级学科领域SCI论文产出数量从高到低依次为:地质科学、地理科学、空间物理学、环境科学、地球物理学、大气科学、海洋科学、地球化学。在中国地学研究队伍中,中国科学院系统和教育部系统发表的论文数量最多,论文数量合计占中国国际地学论文总数的83.58%。中国当前具有国际学术交流能力和SCI论文发表能力的地球科学研究队伍人数在8 000人左右。  相似文献   

二道河子铅锌银多金属矿床是得耳布干成矿带具有代表性的铅锌矿床之一。闪锌矿作为主要矿石矿物,可分为早期黑色-中期红棕色或棕色-晚期黄褐色或浅黄色三个世代。采用红外显微镜技术和激光拉曼技术对不同世代闪锌矿及共生石英中的流体包裹体进行显微测温和成分测试,初步认为三个世代闪锌矿基本与石英内的三次流体活动相对应,推测它们形成于同一物理化学条件,捕获同一成矿流体,但闪锌矿流体包裹体能更直观而细致地勾勒出成矿流体的演化过程。从成矿早期至晚期,随着流体演化,流体包裹体的均一温度、盐度及CO2含量均明显下降,流体从中温、中低盐度、CO2-H2O-NaCl体系向低温、低盐度、H2O-NaCl体系演化。此外,在整个主成矿过程中,影响成矿物质沉淀富集的机制也随时间变化有所差异:早期流体沸腾是黑色闪锌矿等硫化物形成的重要因素;中期以流体自然冷却作用为主,形成了红棕色闪锌矿等硫化物;至晚期,随着大气水的混入,流体混合作用是形成晚期闪锌矿等硫化物的重要原因。二道河子矿床为与火山-次火山有关的浅成中低温热液矿床。  相似文献   

关于我国开展地球系统研究战略概念模型的讨论   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
自20世纪末以来,地球科学开始进入一个新的发展时期,地球系统科学理念逐渐成为引领新世纪地球科学的发展方向。世界各国在制定其地球科学战略时,均基于各自掌握的科学资源和实际需求,形成了各自的特色。我国地球科学发展的优势在于区域自然条件,以及社会经济快速发展产生的需求和机遇。基于我国的实际情况的分析,提出了一个地球系统科学研究的概念模型。在这一框架内,我国可以在两方面选择研究范例,并为地球系统科学的发展做出贡献:一是在地球系统物质、能量循环中关注我国具自然条件优势的关键环节;二是强化区域集成研究。同时,还需要加强地球系统观测和模拟的平台建设。  相似文献   

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