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a aam u¶rt;au m ua aum aauu nu¶rt;u ¶rt; u anam a ¶rt;mu uu mu amuma n nu aum nuuumu num a¶rt;a uu ma¶rt;uuma, a m um ¶rt;u n u-a nummu ¶rt;¶rt;. num naau, m mua n¶rt;um nu¶rt; u ma aamam. a n¶rt;a umnmau aauuu u a mumuu m auu,¶rt; umuu n aaumu u mu n¶rt;umu m uam au u a mam ¶rt;u n n¶rt;a.  相似文献   

The Starunia oil-ozokerite deposit occurs in the Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit of the Carpathian Foredeep, which is the main oil- and gas-bearing part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Starunia is of great interest in studying the relationship between the magnetic properties of rocks, soils and hydrocarbons due to extensive surface microseeps yielding oil and gas, mineral water, and clay pulp containing hydrocarbons. We identified a local negative magnetic anomaly (30–35 nT) with a width of about 700 m within the MAG1 profile. The magnetic high is associated with the area of the largest mud volcanoes in the Starunia structure. Magnetic susceptibility of the soil was measured on a site with three distinct landscape features: a patch of forest with phaeozem and mass-specific susceptibility (χ) of 20–45 × 10?8 m3/kg for the surface topsoil; an area near the volcano and Nadia-1 well with visible hydrocarbon microseepage at the surface and the topsoil showing no visible evidence of hydrocarbon presence with χ = 20–50 × 10?8 m3/kg; and a patch of lowland with gleysols and χ = 10–20 × 10?8 m3/kg. Hydrocarbon-containing clays and soils from the alluvial sediments of the Velyky Lukavets River and bedrock clays near the Nadia-1 well demonstrated high χ values (up to 250–440 × 10?8 m3/kg).  相似文献   

Magnetite as well as ilmenohematite are contained by the Bergell granitic rocks, but the fabric of low field susceptibility is due to the magnetite only and is equivalent to the macroscopic biotite fabric. Microscopic observations and high field anisotropy measurements show that the ilmenohematite trigonal axes are aligned parallel to the directions of minimum low field susceptibility anisotropy. The deflection of the stable direction of natural remanent magnetization caused by the alignment of ilmenohematite is corrected using the susceptibility anisotropy data. The resulting virtual palaeopole position deviates from other Oligocene to Miocene pole positions of stable Europe suggesting that since the time of intrusion some 25 my ago the Bergell massif has been rotated anti-clockwise by an angle of ~30° about a vertical axis.  相似文献   

Peridotite xenoliths with a broad range of textures provides evidence for consistent microstructural evolution in a vertical transect of the shallow lithospheric mantle (35–55 km depth) beneath the Persani Mountains, SE Carpathians, Romania, due to ongoing plate convergence in the Carpathian Arc nearby. The recrystallized grain size, crystal preferred orientations strength, and resulting seismic anisotropy vary continuously and display a strong correlation to equilibrium temperatures, suggesting a continuous change in deformation conditions with depth. The shallowmost xenoliths have microstructures typical of high stress deformation, marked by strong recrystallization to fine grain sizes, which results in weak crystal preferred orientations and anisotropy. The deepest xenoliths have coarse-grained porphyroclastic microstructures and strong crystal preferred orientations. Replacive orthopyroxene structures, consuming olivine, and high H2O concentrations in the pyroxenes are observed in some xenoliths indicating limited percolation of fluids or volatile-rich melts. Despite the high stress deformation and high H2O contents in some of the studied xenoliths, analysis of olivine crystallographic orientations indicates that [100] slip systems, rather than “wet” [001] accommodate most of the deformation in all samples. Seismic anisotropy estimated from the measured olivine and pyroxene crystal preferred orientations suggests that the strike-parallel fast SKS polarization directions and ~ 1 s delay times measured in the SE Carpathians are likely the consequence of convergence-driven belt-parallel flow in the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The relationships among magnetic susceptibility anisotropy, finite strain, and progressive deformation have been studied in Permian red shales and slates of the Maritime Alps (southeastern France). These rocks contain deformed reduction spots which serve as finite strain indicators. The magnetic fabric of undeformed regions is modified during deformation to yield characteristic magnetic susceptibility anisotropy patterns and a magnetic equivalent of the deformation path derived from strain measurements. The magnetic fabric changes progressively from oblate to prolate, and back to oblate as deformation increases. The quantitative relationships between natural strain and magnetic anisotropy in these rocks have been determined. They differ between the less and more deformed areas, perhaps due to a change in deformation mechanism accompanying an increase in metamorphism. The relationships provide a rapid means of strain determination using magnetic measurements but their variation emphasizes the need for local structural control.  相似文献   

The Silesian Upland is one of the most degraded areas in Poland owing to the long‐lasting influence of mining and metallurgy. Mining influences every component of the environment in significant and diverse ways. But even in such a devastated terrain there is evidence of the proper management of post‐mining areas and natural self‐restoration, which paradoxically, owing to mining, appear in the most intensively used economic areas. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Magnetic anisotropy and fabric of some foliated rocks from S.E. Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The magnetic anisotropy of foliated rocks of several types has been measured by the torque-meter method, and shows that the alignment of long axes of magnetic grains in rocks normally follows the pattern of foliation evident in field observations. In a sharp fold in a lit-par-lit formation the magnetic anisotropy indicated an otherwise undetected lineation independent of the bedding and superimposed upon the foliation determined by the layering. In two adamellites, each with two alignment patterns separated by an angle of 30° the magnetic data are shown to be consistent with two foliations but not with one foliation plus a lineation. Magnetic anisotropy data can be ambiguous for rocks in which two or more grain alignment processes have operated, but combined with other observations magnetic measurements can provide a valuable new tool in the study of rock fabrics.  相似文献   

Il''ja Krno   《Limnologica》2000,30(4):341-350
44 stonefly species were recorded in the Pol'ana mountains (Central Slovakia). A typical representative of the west-east fauna, Rhabdiopteryx navicula, was found. The Hučava stream basin represents the southern border of the montane and submontane distribution of stonefly species, which are bound to the river basins in high and central mountain regions of the West Carpathians. Six characteristic associations of stoneflies were recorded. Shredders predominated in the upper, and scrapers and collectors in the lower section of the Hučava stream. Detritivores were more abundant in the gravel-to-sandy mesohabitat, whereas predators and scrapers prevailed in rocky mesohabitat. Total annual production was low — 340.4 g · m−2 (dry weight), though being three-times higher in the rocky mesohabitat than in the gravel-to-sandy mesohabitat. The annual P/B ratio of stoneflies reached 3.3. Clear-cutting and operation of small hydropower stations were found to have a significant impact on the taxocoenoses of stoneflies.  相似文献   

The analysis of the positive feedback between landslides and erosion requires determination of the precise temporal and spatial relations between events of colluvium delivery and fluvial erosion. In our study we use decennial datasets on the occurrence of landsliding and erosion achieved through dendrochronological methods. Four sites covering areas of landslide slopes and adjacent valley floors with stream channels were studied. Landsliding on slopes was dated from the tree‐ring eccentricity developed in stems tilted due to bedrock instability. Erosion in channels was dated using the wood anatomy of roots exposed by erosion of the soil cover. Analysis of the temporal relations between dated landsliding, erosion and precipitation record has revealed that two types of repeating sequences can be observed: (1) rainfall → landsliding → erosion; (2) rainfall → erosion → landsliding. These sequences are an indication of the occurrence of slope‐channel positive feedback in the sites studied. In the first type, landsliding triggered by rainfall delivers colluvia into the valley floor and causes its narrowing, which in turn causes increased erosion. In the second type erosion triggered by rainfall disturbs the slope equilibrium and causes landsliding. Landsliding and erosion, once triggered by precipitation, can occur alternately in years with average precipitation and reinforce one another. Bidirectional coupling between landsliding and channel erosion was shown notably through the effects of channel shifting and forced sinuosity and by increased erosion of the slopes opposite the active landslides. Observations also suggest that the repetition of sequences described over longer periods of time can lead to a general widening of the valley floor at the expense of slopes and to a gradual change of the valley cross‐profile from narrow, V‐shaped into a wide flat‐bottomed. Thus landsliding–erosion coupling/positive feedback was recognized as an important factor shaping hillslope–valley topography of the mid‐mountain areas studied. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents rock magnetic properties along with magnetic field measurements of different stratigraphic and lithologic basalt units from Reykjanes, the southwestern promontory of the Reykjanes peninsula, where the submarine Reykjanes Ridge passes over into the rift zone of southwestern Iceland. The basaltic fissure eruptions and shield lava of tholeiitic composition (less than 11500 a old) show a high natural remanent magnetization (NRM, Jr) up to 33.6 A/m and high Koenigsberger ratio (Q) up to 52.2 indicating a clear dominance of the NRM compared to the induced part of the magnetization. Pillow basalts and picritic shield lava show distinctly lower Jr values below 10 A/m. Magnetic susceptibility (κ) ranges for all lithologies from 2.5 to 26×10−3 SI.  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy of a fractured karstic limestone massif in sub-parallel underground galleries is studied. As the fractures are mostly vertically oriented, the seismic properties of the massif are approximated by horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI). Several data inversion methods were applied to a seismic dataset of arrival-times of P and S-waves.The applied methods include: isotropic tomography, simple cosine function fit, homogeneous Monte-Carlo anisotropic inversion for the parameters of horizontal transverse isotropy and anisotropic tomography for tilted transversely isotropic bodies. All methods lead to the conclusion that there is indeed an anisotropy present in the rock massif and confirm the direction of maximum velocity parallel to the direction of fracturing. Strong anisotropy of about 15% is found in the studied area. Repeated measurements show variations of the P-wave parameters, but not of the S-wave parameters, which is reflecting a change in water saturation.  相似文献   

The Xigaze ophiolite (29.2°N, 89.5°E), which outcrops in the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, represents the remnants of an oceanic lithosphere formed in middle Cretaceous times between the Lhasa block to the north and the Indian plate to the south. In an attempt to define the paleo-orientation and latitude of the spreading center at which it has been created, a paleomagnetic study has been done on three sites in volcanics and overlying (or interbedded) radiolarites forming the upper part of the ophiolite sequence and also on seven sites in the Xigaze Group flysch which stratigraphically overlies the volcanics to the north. In each site, hand-blocks carefully oriented both with sun and magnetic compass have been sampled. The paleomagnetism data, combined with structural data on the ophiolite dolerite intrusives, allow a partial reconstruction of South Eurasia at the time of formation of the Xigaze ophiolite. The paleolatitude of accretion and deposition of the Xigaze ophiolite and overlying sediments is found to be 10–20°N. Both ophiolite and basin have encountered a 85 ± 20° anti-clockwise rotation. The corresponding ridge was close to the southern margin of the Lhasa block and was oriented N175 ± 25°.  相似文献   

由卫星磁异常推断西藏高原地壳的磁性特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据前人对本区卫星和航空磁异常所作的研究工作,作者经过综合研究所得的结果是:西藏高原地壳中的磁性层在地表以下30km以内,其磁化率平均为.0167SI,相当于I-型花岗岩类的磁化率,在30km以下,地壳显示为无磁性。  相似文献   

We investigate the petrofabric of crustal rocks from Mars and Vesta through the measurement of the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of achondrites. Previous data are integrated with new measurements to obtain a dataset that provide macroscopic information about the magnetic fabric of 41 meteorites of the howardite–eucrite–diogenite clan (HED, falls only) and 16 Martian meteorites. The interpretation takes into account the large contribution of paramagnetism to the magnetic susceptibility of these meteorites. We use a model that allows the computation of the anisotropy degree of the population of ferromagnetic grains and provides a quantitative proxy for the degree of shape preferential orientation of these grains in HED and Martian meteorites. The results also provide quantitative information about the shape of the magnetic fabric (prolate, oblate).In HED achondrites, the ductile FeNi grains are sensitive strain recorders and our magnetic fabric data provide the first quantitative insights to the strain history of the crustal rocks of Vesta. Most HED achondrites are breccias but display a strong and spatially coherent magnetic anisotropy, indicating that intense deformation of FeNi grains took place after brecciation. The average fabric of eucrites, howardites is oblate (i.e. the texture is foliated) whereas the fabric of diogenites is more neutral. The howardite results suggest the existence of an isotropic fraction of ferromagnetic minerals that can be ascribed to the presence of carbonaceous chondrite clasts that have preserved their original magnetic fabric. In this hypothesis, howardites have an intensity of petrofabric very similar to eucrites and diogenites. Thermal metamorphism (itself possibly impact-related) plus lithostatic compaction occurring after brecciation appears as the best candidate to explain the observed petrofabric in eucrites and diogenites, whereas compaction by hypervelocity impacts may be reponsible for the fabric of howardites.Martian meteorites may still possess their primary magmatic fabric. Among Martian meteorites, basaltic shergottites and nakhlites display an oblate fabric (foliated texture) with only limited variations among each group. Olivine–phyric shergottites have a neutral fabric that points to a different petrogenesis. Nakhlites have weaker fabric intensity than shergottites. The fabric intensity is comparable to what is classically observed in terrestrial volcanic and plutonic rocks.  相似文献   

U–Pb Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) dating of zircon in combination with (U–Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite is applied to constrain the emplacement and exhumation history of the youngest granitic rocks in the Western Carpathians collected in the Central Slovakian Neovolcanic Field. Two samples of diorite from the locality Banky, and granodiorite from Banská Hodru?a yield the U–Pb zircon concordia ages of 15.21 ±0.19 Ma and 12.92 ±0.27 Ma, respectively, recording the time of zircon crystallization and the intrusions’ emplacement. Zircon (U–Th)/He ages of 14.70 ±0.94 (Banky) and 12.65 ±0.61 Ma (Banská Hodru?a), and apatite (U–Th)/He ages of 14.45 ±0.70 Ma (diorite) and 12.26 ±0.77 Ma (granodiorite) are less than 1 Myr younger than the corresponding zircon U–Pb ages. For both diorite and granodiorite rocks their chronological data thus document a simple cooling process from magmatic crystallization/solidification temperatures to near‐surface temperatures in the Middle Miocene, without subsequent reheating. Geospeedometry data suggest for rapid cooling at an average rate of 678 ±158 °C/Myr, and the exhumation rate of 5 mm/year corresponding to active tectonic‐forced exhumation. The quick cooling is interpreted to record the exhumation of the studied granitic rocks complex that closely followed its emplacement, and was likely accompanied by a drop in the paleo‐geothermal gradient due to cessation of volcanic activity in the area.  相似文献   

The craton is a long-lived stable geologic unit on the Earth's surface. However, since the Mesozoic, the North China Craton(NCC) experienced large-scale lithospheric removal, the fundamental change of physical and chemical characteristics of the lithospheric mantle, widely distributed crustal deformation, and extensive magmatism. This complex evolution contrary to other cratons is called the NCC destruction. Widespread magmatism in the eastern NCC is an important response to the lithospheric removal at depth and crustal deformation on the surface. The plutons emplace under a tectonic context and therefore record the information of the tectonics; especially, the anisotropy magnetic susceptibility(AMS) pattern of the pluton was acquired with the influence of regional stress. In the past fifteen years, about 22 plutons intruding during the different periods from the Late Triassic to the late stage of the Early Cretaceous have been studied with AMS. The emplacement mechanisms of plutons and the contemporary tectonic setting were discussed to constrain their relationship with the NCC destruction in different stages of magmatism. As a result, the Late Triassic, Early Jurassic, and Late Jurassic plutons exhibit consistent N(E)-S(W)trending magnetic lineations. The early stage of Early Cretaceous plutons display NW-SE trending magnetic lineations, while the late stage of Early Cretaceous plutons show magnetic lineations with various orientations. Combined with previous studies, it is concluded that the emplacements of the plutons intruding in these three stages were controlled by weak N(E)-S(W) trending extension, regional NW-SE trending extension, and weak extension in the shallow crustal level, respectively. The transformation of regional extension from the N(E)-S(W) to the NW-SE direction was accompanied by a strain-increasing tendency. The extensional tectonics in the eastern NCC was interpreted to represent the interaction between Mongol-Okhotsk belt, PaleoPacific plate, and eastern Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study of a 2200-meter thick section of clastic turbidites from the Eocene Hecho group (southcentral Pyrenees, Spain) allows defining its magnetostratigraphic record. Natural remanent magnetization is carried by up to three components: a viscous low-temperature component; a second component unblocked between 300°C and 345°C, likely carried by iron-sulphides; and a third component which demagnetizes at temperatures higher than 345°C and is likely carried by magnetite. The second and third components may display opposite polarities at the same site. The magnetite component delineates different polarity zones and has a more consistent behavior along section if compared with the iron-sulphide component, which displays either a normal or a reverse direction without any stratigraphic consistency along section. The bulk of iron sulphides are interpreted to be secondary in origin and to carry diagenetic overprints acquired at different times after deposition and the magnetite component is taken as the characteristic primary magnetization. As supported by biostratigraphy, the section is correlated from chrons C20r to C18n.2n (Lutetian-Bartonian transition), which indicates a mean sediment accumulation rate of about 52 cm/ky for the studied section. The new chronostratigraphy allows constraining the age of the upper Hecho Group (Banastón and Jaca allogroups) to an unprecedented level and is consistent with previous magnetostratigraphic work in younger sediments from the Jaca Basin. Deep clastic sedimentary systems should not be neglected as a target for magnetostratigraphic studies despite diagenetic growth of secondary minerals may mask the primary signal.  相似文献   

Elastic characteristics of rock samples from the Luchlompolo fault zone taken from outcrop surfaces are compared with elastic characteristics of core samples of the Kola ultradeep borehole taken in an analogous interval. An inversion consisting of a discrepancy between the schistosity levels of rocks in the borehole (below the Luchlompolo fault) and their analogues at the surface (above the fault) is explained by a considerable difference in the force actions that caused the schistosity and layering of rocks in the borehole and at the surface. A kinematic scheme of the fault is constructed, and a hypothesis about the existence of an inversion point (region) in the fault zone and its probable collecting properties is put forward.An inverse dependence of variations in density characteristics of rocks on acoustic dichroism and their elastic anisotropy coefficient for transverse waves is established for the first time.  相似文献   

The barrier islands that fringe the western shore of the Outer Hebrides are globally unusual in that they are developed on a planated bedrock (strandflat) surface. They also contain the most extensive area of machair (a distinctive vegetated sandy plain) in the British Isles. This paper presents the first investigation of the internal structure and morphology of these barrier islands and investigates the controls on their structure. The barriers form extensive (300-1000 metres wide) but thin (1.5-2 m) surficial deposits typically resting on bedrock. In areas where depressions exist in the bedrock, and where sediment supply permits, transgressive dunes underlie the machair. A distinctive machair facies of sub-horizontal, undulating reflections, which are laterally continuous over tens of metres is the dominant component of the barriers at each site. This reflects episodic deposition of windblown sand up to the level of the water table. Thereafter any additional sand is transported through the system to accumulate in topographic lows as lake fills, or on topographic highs as ‘high machair’. Eight radar facies were identified, the extent and presence of which vary between the study sites. Bedrock topography and sediment supply are interpreted as the dominant controls on variability in barrier structure. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Curie-point depth and heat flow values of the Erciyes region are determined to identify the thermal regime of the Central Anatolia by applying the spectral analysis method to the magnetic anomaly data. To compute the spectrum of the data, the magnetic anomaly of the region is transformed into 2-D Fourier domain to attain the average Curie depth. This method is useful in determining the top boundary of magnetic anomaly sources and reveals the Curie depth as 13.7 km in the study area. The obtained results imply a high thermal gradient (42.3°C km?1) and corresponding heat flow values (88.8 mWm?2) in the research area. Using the temperature value measured at borehole drilled by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA), the values for the thermal gradient and heat flow value were computed as 50.7°C km?1, 106.5 mWm?2. From the heat flow value, the Curie-point depth was determined as 11.4 km in this region. It is concluded from the obtained values that the region has very high geothermal potential caused by partial melting of the lower crust.  相似文献   

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