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Interannual modulation of mesoscale eddy activity at the intraseasonal timescale in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean and its relation to the Indian Ocean dipole mode (IOD) events are investigated using results from a high-resolution ocean general circulation model. The model reproduces observed characteristics of the intraseasonal variability and its interannual modulation fairly well, with large variances of the intraseasonal variability during the 1994 and 1997/1998 IOD events. Large negative temperature anomaly off the coasts of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands in boreal summer, due to seasonal variation and interannual anomaly, extended further to the east in 1994, and the associated strong Indonesian throughflow enhanced the baroclinic instability in the upper layer, generating anomalously large mesoscale eddy activity. The eddy heat transport, in turn, significantly affected decaying phase of the 1994 IOD event. On the other hand, the development of the cold region off the Java Island associated with the 1997/1998 IOD event occurred in boreal winter, causing weaker baroclinic instability and hence weaker eddy activity off Java. This led to little influence on the heat budget in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean for the 1997/1998 IOD event.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - This study addresses the air–sea interaction processes and mixed layer variability, which cause the intraseasonal oscillations in the sea surface temperature (SST) during...  相似文献   


The nonlinear equations of motion are integrated numerically in time for a region of x‐y‐z space of volume 3h × h × h, where h turns out to be a height slightly above the level where the wind first attains the geostrophic flow direction. Only the ideal case is treated of a horizontal lower boundary, neutral stability, horizontal homogeneity of all dependent mean variables except the mean pressure, and statistically steady state. The resulting flow patterns are turbulent and the eddies transport required amounts of momentum vertically.

Topics which are investigated include the relative directions of stress, wind shear and wind; differences in Ekman wind spirals for the neutral numerical case and a stable atmospheric case; profiles of dimensionless turbulence statistics; effect of allowing the mean density to be either constant or to decrease with height; effect of the wind direction or latitude upon the turbulence intensities; and characteristic structure of the eddies in the planetary boundary layer.  相似文献   

A simple biogeochemical model coupled to an offline ocean tracer transport model driven by reanalysis ocean data is used to simulate the seasonal and interannual CO $_2$ flux variability in the northern Indian Ocean. The maximum of seasonal and interannual CO $_2$ emission variances in the northern Indian Ocean are located in the coastal Arabian Sea (AS) and Southern Peninsular India (SP) with a basin-wide seasonal amplitude and standard deviation of 0.044 $\pm $ 0.04 Pg C year $^{-1}$ . The area integrated CO $_2$ emissions from these two regions in the model are significantly correlated (above a 95 % level) with the observations of Takahashi et al. (Deep-Sea Res-II, 56:554–577, 2009). The interannual anomalies of CO $_2$ emission from the AS and SP are found as 40 and 30 % of their respective seasonal amplitudes. Both the Arabian Sea (AS) and Southern Peninsular India (SP) interannual CO $_2$ emission anomalies show a 3–4-year variability. The correlations of AS and SP CO $_2$ emission anomalies with the Indian Ocean Dipole/Zonal Mode (IODZM) and Southern Oscillation (SO) indices from 1980 to 1999 are 0.35, 0.21 and 0.32, 0.01 respectively. A 5-year window moving correlation analysis shows that the relationship of AS and SP CO $_2$ emission to the SO and IODZM are complementary to each other. During the years when the correlation of air–sea CO $_2$ emission with the IODZM is stronger, the corresponding correlation with the SO is weaker or opposite. The total change in pCO $_2$ is broken down into changes induced by the individual components such as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), sea surface temperature (SST), alkalinity, and salinity and found that (1) the effect of SST in the AS CO $_2$ emission increases (decreases) when the correlation of CO $_2$ emission with the IODZM is positive (negative), and (2) the SP CO $_2$ emission is strongly controlled by the circulation-driven DIC changes; however, this relation is found to be weaker when the SO correlates negatively with the SP CO $_2$ emission.  相似文献   

The variations in the total electron content (TEC), obtained from the data of 11 ground-based GPS stations in the region (5°S–80°N; 110–160°E) in the period August 2–15, 2006, have been analyzed in order to search for possible ionospheric manifestations of the SAOMAI powerful typhoon (August 5–11, 2006) near the south-eastern coast of China. The global TEC maps (GIM) have also been used. In the region of the typhoon action during the magnetic storm of August 7, 2006, an intensification of the TEC variations in the evening local time within the 32–128 min periods range was detected. However, this effect was most probably caused by the dynamics of the irregular structure of the equatorial anomaly and by the disturbed geomagnetic situation (Kp ~ 3–6, Dst varied from ?74 to ?153 nT). The analysis of the diurnal variations in the absolute values of TEC and TEC variations with periods of 2–25 min did not reveal a substantial increase in the intensity and changes in the spectrum of the TEC variations in the period of typhoon action as compared to the adjacent days. Thus, we failed to detect ionospheric disturbances unambiguously related to the SAOMAI typhoon.  相似文献   

Tomczak  Matthias 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(3):301-311
Ocean Dynamics - The concept of water type richness wtr and inversion count inv is introduced and applied to high-resolution Argo float data in a meridional strip in the southern Indian Ocean as a...  相似文献   

The Intensive Field Phase of Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX, IFP-99) was carried onboard Oceanic Research Vessel Sagar Kanya during January 20–March 12, 1999 over the latitudinal range 15°N–20°S and the longitudinal range 63°E–77°E. The present study deals with the spatial variation of air–sea fluxes over the Indian Ocean during the INDOEX, IFP-99 campaign. Drag coefficient (C_D), and sensible heat (CH) and water vapor (CE) exchange coefficients are determined using an iterative scheme. The estimated values of these coefficients are utilized for the computation of air–sea fluxes using the bulk aerodynamic method. The variations of air–sea flux estimates are studied with respect to the variation of wind speed.  相似文献   

The interannual variations in salt flux on the 80°E section in the equatorial Indian Ocean were explored based on the ORAS5 data, which was quite consistent with the observational data among the four available reanalysis datasets. The results indicated that the area with significant interannual variations in salt flux coincided with that of significant climatological mean salt flux in general and was mainly located in the upper 150 m layer. Specifically, three important areas were identified in ...  相似文献   

Shale gas has been discovered in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Due to the weak tectonic activities in which the shale plays, core observations indicate abundant random non-tectonic micro- fractures in the producing shales. The non-tectonic micro-fractures are different from tectonic fractures and are characterized by being irregular, curved, discontinuous, and randomly distributed. The role of micro-fractures in hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development is currently poorly understood yet potentially critical. Two-dimensional computational modeling studies have been used in an initial attempt toward understanding how naturally random fractured reservoirs respond during hydraulic fracturing. The aim of the paper is to investigate the effect of random non-tectonic fractures on hydraulic fracturing. The numerical models with random non-tectonic micro-fractures are built by extracting the fractures of rock blocks after repeated heating and cooling, using a digital image process. Simulations were conducted as a function of: (1) the in-situ stress ratio; (2) internal friction angle of random fractures; (3) cohesion of random fractures; (4) operational variables such as injection rate; and (5) variable injection rate technology. A sensitivity study reveals a number of interesting observations resulting from these parameters on the shear stimulation in a natural fracture system. Three types of fracturing networks were observed from the studied simulations, and the results also show that variable injection rate technology is most promising for producing complex fracturing networks. This work strongly links the production technology and geomechanical evaluation. It can aid in the understanding and optimization of hydraulic fracturing simulations in naturally random fractured reservoirs.  相似文献   

Analysis of 159 visual observations on tar balls, oil slicks and other surface pollutants in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea form the basis of this study. Observations were made between November 1980 and June 1981 aboard a replica of an ancient Arab sailing vessel, Sohar, during the ‘Sindbad Voyage’. The vessel, being both small and slow-moving, provided an almost ideal platform from which to make visual observations on surface pollution. Tar balls were encountered in more than 20% of the observations, and show a progressive increase in occurrence from Malaysia/Indonesia (<15%) towards the Gulf region (>60%). In contrast, oil slicks and other forms of surface pollution were encountered less frequently. The results are discussed in the light of observations made during the Marine Pollution [Petroleum] Monitoring Pilot Project (MAPMOPP).  相似文献   


The contact between freshwater and seawater in coastal aquifers is studied using a relatively simple model for homogeneous aquifers. However, for real aquifers it is not so simple. The desalination plant built to supply water to the city of Almería is situated over the aquifer in the southern part of the River Andarax Delta. Its design capacity is 1100 L s?1, and it is supplied from boreholes pumping water from beneath the freshwater—seawater contact in this aquifer. Well logs kept over a period of two years have allowed us to accurately define the interface geometry of the freshwater—seawater contact. Lithological data collected from 31 boreholes have also indicated the existence of strata with low hydraulic conductivity, within others of high conductivity. During a simultaneous pumping test of six wells with 690 L s?1 total discharge, electrical conductivity measurements showed the influx of seawater 6–10 m below sea level and a drawdown of the interface in the piezometers closest to the pumping wells.  相似文献   


A well marked low pressure monsoon depression caused unprecedented heavy rainfall of five days duration (15–19 July 1979) in the Luni basin in the India arid zone. It caused the worst flash flood in living memory. Saturated antecedent soil moisture conditions, thin soil cover underlain by bed rock or hardpan, a larger area of exposed rocks in the basin and failure of the earthen reservoirs further worsened the flood effect. During flooding, suspended sediment concentrations rose from 0.86 to 40.2 g 1?1 downstream due to bank scouring, erosion and high transmission losses of the runoff volume in the alluvial channels. The dilution effect of flooding caused lower concentrations of the total dissolved solids which increased with downstream travel. Social effects of this flood and consequences on future planning in the Luni basin have also been discussed.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of a physical model representing a damaged rock matrix were studied using a square lattice deformed under tensile stress. The elastic modulusM of such a system varies in agreement with percolation theory as|x–x c | f , wherex is the damage parameter andx c the threshold value of the damage parameter,f3.6. Atxx c the scale dependence ofM can be expressed asML –f/v , whereL is the size of the sample andv the correlation exponent in percolation theory.The experimental results are of interest in assessing elastic properties in earthquake focal zones and fault zones in general.  相似文献   

Zhao  Zhonghua  Lin  Jianwei  Fu  Jun  Jiang  Yuwu 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(12):1571-1585
Ocean Dynamics - Cold water anomalies were found in the middle layer in the northern Taiwan Strait in the spring of 2015. The cold water was located at a depth of approximately...  相似文献   

1 SURVEY OF GLOBAL SEISMICITY IN 2006A total of 15 strong earthquakes with M_S≥7.0 occurred in the world according to the Chinese Seismic Station Network in 2006 (Table 1). The strongest earthquakes were the Kamchatka earthquake with M_S8.0 on March 29 and the Kuril Islands earthquake with M_S8.0 on November 15 (Fig.1).  相似文献   

This paper investigates mechanisms controlling the mixed-layer salinity (MLS) in the tropical Pacific during 1990–2009. We use monthly 1°?×?1° gridded observations of salinity, horizontal current and fresh water flux, and a validated ocean general circulation model with no direct MLS relaxation in both its full resolution (0.25° and 5 days) and re-sampled as the observation time/space grid resolution. The present study shows that the mean spatial distribution of MLS results from a subtle balance between surface forcing (E???P, evaporation minus precipitation), horizontal advection (at low and high frequencies) and subsurface forcing (entrainment and mixing), all terms being of analogous importance. Large-scale seasonal MLS variability is found mainly in the Intertropical and South Pacific Convergence Zones due to changes in their meridional location (and related heavy P), in the North Equatorial Counter Currents, and partly in the subsurface forcing. Maximum interannual variability is found in the western Pacific warm pool and in both convergence zones, in relation to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. In the equatorial band, this later variability is due chiefly to the horizontal advection of low salinity waters from the western to the central-eastern basin during El Niño (and vice versa during La Niña), with contrasted evolution for the Eastern and Central Pacific ENSO types. Our findings reveal that all terms of the MLS equation, including high-frequency (<1 month) salinity advection, have to be considered to close the salinity budget, ruling out the use of MLS (or sea surface salinity) only to directly infer the mean, seasonal and/or interannual fresh water fluxes.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—Perhaps for the first time, we obtained the distributed volume electric currents determined by the observed geomagnetic dipole. To do that,...  相似文献   

A Lagrangian analysis was applied to the outputs of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model to describe the redistribution of nitrate-rich and nitrate-poor surface water masses in the tropical Pacific throughout the major 1997 El Niño. The same tool was used to analyze the causes of nitrate changes along trajectories and to investigate the consequences of the slow nitrate uptake in the high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) region during the growth phase of the event. Three patterns were identified during the drift of water masses. The first mechanism is well known along the equator: oligotrophic waters from the western Pacific are advected eastward and retain their oligotrophic properties along their drift. The second concerns the persistent upwelling in the eastern basin. Water parcels have complex trajectories within this retention zone and remain mesotrophic. This study draws attention to the third process which is very specific to the HNLC region and to the El Niño period. During the 1997 El Niño, horizontal and vertical inputs of nitrate decreased so dramatically that nitrate uptake by phytoplankton became the only mechanism driving nitrate changes along pathways. The study shows that because of the slow nitrate uptake characteristic of the tropical Pacific HNLC system, nitrate in the pre-El Niño photic layer can support biological production for a period of several months. As a consequence, the slow nitrate uptake delays the gradual onset of oligotrophic conditions over nearly all the area usually occupied by upwelled waters. Owing to this process, mesotrophic conditions persist in the tropical Pacific during El Niño events.  相似文献   

In this paper, optical measurements of aerosol properties made during a ship cruise from Poland to Antarctic Station in September and October 2006, and during the cruise back to Gdynia in April and May 2007 are described. A large gradient of pollution between the clear South Atlantic and the dusty North Atlantic was observed. The maximum of aerosol optical thickness at a wavelength of 500 nm reached 0.4 at 20°N in September 2006 and 0.3 at 40°N in May 2007, respectively. Strong Saharan dust transport is suggested as an explanation for the small values of Ångström exponent observed (values of 0.2 and 0.4 on these respective dates). On the Southern Hemisphere the aerosol optical thickness at 500 nm ranged from 0.05 to 0.2. Significant increases of the aerosol optical thickness were associated with strong wind and sea salt production. Good agreement was found when the in situ measurements of aerosol optical thickness were compared to satellite retrievals and modelling results.  相似文献   

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