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North‐northwest normal faults intersect ENE normal faults in the vicinity of Querétaro City, in central México, affecting the Miocene–Pliocene northern‐central sector of the Mexican Volcanic Belt province. This intersection produced an orthogonal arrangement of grabens, half‐grabens and horsts that include the Querétaro graben. The NNW faults are part of the Taxco–San Miguel de Allende fault system, which is proposed here as part of the southernmost Basin and Range province in México. The ENE to E–W faults are part of the E–W oriented Chapala–Tula fault zone, which has been interpreted as an active intra‐arc fault system of the Mexican Volcanic Belt. Seventy‐four normal faults were mapped, of which the NNW faults are the largest and have the best morphological expression in the region. More numerous, although shorter, are the ENE faults. Total length of the ENE faults is greater than the total length of the NNW faults. Both sets are dominantly normal faults, indicating ENE extension for the NNW set and NNW extension for the ENE set. Field data indicate that displacement on the two fault sets has overlapped in time, as some NNW faults are younger than some ENE faults, which are supposed to be the younger ones. Seismicity in 1998 on a NNW fault indicates ENE active extension on the NNW faults. These observations support our interpretation that the northern Mexican Volcanic Belt lies on the boundary between the Basin and Range province, which is undergoing ENE extension, and the central Mexican Volcanic Belt province, which is undergoing northerly extension. The apparent overlap in space and time of displacements on the two fault sets reflects the difference in stress regime between the two provinces. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Between eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean, Madagascar was a part of the Gondwana at the end of the Proterozoic. Its evolution, from the Carboniferous through to the present times, displays successive stages of the Gondwana disintegration.The original location of Madagascar, close to present Kenya, is deduced from sedimentological, structural and palæomagnetic data. During Permo-Triassic times, it was submitted to a northeast-southwest regional extension, which resulted in the opening of the Karoo Basins. During the Mid-Late Jurassic, opening of the Somalian and Mozambican Oceanic Basins was accompanied by the translation of Madagascar along a north-south trending transform fault, located along the present Davie Ridge. The Late Cretaceous was characterised in the island by an acceleration of the subsidence in the coastal basins and by an important magmatic, essentially effusive, activity. This marked the beginning of a northeast-southwest extension, opening of the Mascarene Oceanic Basin and separation of India from Madagascar. Since the Neogene up to present times, another extensional regime developed, as in eastern Africa, characterised by a roughly east-west extensional horizontal direction, which results in the opening of faulted basins and the emission of Pliocene-Quaternary alkaline magmas.  相似文献   

Together, recent gravity and high-resolution aeromagnetic datasets are used to qualitatively investigate the upper- and middle-crustal geometry of the Middle Paleozoic Gaspé belt in the northern Appalachians. Long-wavelength potential field anomalies define two sub-basins that are divided by northeast trending gravity highs. For each sub-basins, gravity lows correlate with the youngest rock units.Maps that highlight anomalies associated with near surface features, at the expense of those related to deeper sources, provide an important supplement to the spatially discrete observations derived from bedrock mapping. Analysis of such maps indicates that the sub-basins are characterized by different structural patterns and that faults trending obliquely compared to the main structural grain have been previously underestimated.The geometry of the Gaspé belt as revealed by this integrated geophysical and geological study bears similarities with orogens exhibiting lateral extrusion. This geometry is interpreted as the result of a heterogeneous strain regime in front of an indenter corresponding to the Early Paleozoic Gander/Dunnage crustal block. The indentation tectonic model is supported by: 1) the various strike and kinematic of faults that suggest a strongly heterogeneous strain regime; 2) the greater geological complexity and the occurrence of faults with a significant thrust component in front of the indenter; 3) the predominance of dextral strike-slip faults in the eastern Gaspé Peninsula that result in lateral material transport away from the indenter; 4) the location of abundant Devonian magmatic dykes, sills and stocks in a fault-bounded zone that experienced local extension; 5) the occurrence of block rotation.  相似文献   

It is well known that although the geographic landscape and the ecosystem are both terrestrial units involving physical and biological components, including man and his activity, they are in nature extremely different. The geographic landscape is a complex of directly perceptible forms produced by the interaction (synergism) of three main components (synergizing) present in varying degrees and in unstable equilibrium (physical base, the biotic element and the results of human activity); whilst the ecosystem may not be directly perceived and is composed of a stable system of matter and energy, contained in the living and non-living parts of an environment, where exchanges between the two parts take place in a continuous flux (Odum, 1958). The geographic landscape is characterized by formal, structural aspects, whereas the ecosystem is, by nature, functional and biological and is dominated by two cycles, one of matter and the other of energy, within which man can be included in varying degrees. Ever since man began to alter the natural biological processes with his constructive, destructive and polluting activity, structures have emerged within the ecosystem which show local modifications in quality and energy imbalance. These have survived in the form of truncated anthropo-ecosystems (Delpoux, 1972), where the artificially interrupted trophic chain survives with a disturbed energy balance. Imbalances are caused by alterations which are difficult to perceive directly in ecosystems, but are observable in landscapes which have been modified in response to such changes. The ecosystem must, therefore, be considered a determinant of landscape. Hence it is possible to distinguish fairly precisely the existence of different types of landscape on the basis of the material and energy balance of their associated ecosystems where ecosystem and geographic landscape are closely linked by cause and effect. Hence the term landscape ecology (Landschaftsöcologie;Troll, 1939) where the term “ecology” is taken to mean “the functional study of the dynamics of a system of action, determining landscape” (Schmithüsen, 1973). If the energy balance and the natural and human transformations of ecosystems are jointly considered, it is possible to obtain a significant ecologically based landscape classification. The first category is that of ecologically balanced landscapes, within which transfer phenomena are cyclic as energy, or even matter, are completely utilized by their biological constituents. This applies to all natural landscapes, even those with a dominant natural factor, that are unaffected by human action; their limits can therefore be considered similar to those of natural ecosystems. Amongst these can also be included areas with a gathering economy and primitive and subsistence farming. By contrast with these is the category of ecologically unbalanced landscapes where the presence of man in the environment has transformed natural ecosystems into anthropoecosystems with different characteristics. Two types can be distinguished, one hyperenergetic with a positive energy balance and thus an exporter of energy, the other hypoenergetic characterised by a negative energy balance,and thus importing energy (Delpoux, 1972). In hyperenergetic landscapes man intervenes with advanced agriculture and animal husbandry and thus transforms in different ways and in varying degrees the natural setting. They therefore include agrobiosystems, typical of specialized agriculture, intensive polyculture and plantation monoculture, and trophobiosystems typical of rationalized animal husbandry. Both produce vegetable and animal foods for the market. In hypoenergetic landscapes, the production of organic substances with an energy value becomes increasingly deficient, so that the biological community has to become dependent on external contributions; they mainly occur in high density population landscapes with low productivity rural activities due to poor natural conditions, poor organization, or a high degree of urban and industrial development. To these categories, which are mainly dependent on the ratio of population to resources, can be added that of degraded landscapes or ecosystems, caused by natural degradation (exogenous or endogenous) or by pollution and despoliation (biological and mineral) caused by human activity. Then follow landscapes with artificial or substitution ecosystems (urban or industrial) the elements of which are characteristically formal in appearance. The last category is that of ecologically integrated and complex landscapes, the result of the combination of two or more different ecological aspects (rural and urban, and, for example, outside this group, rural and industrial, agricultural and moderately urbanized) which interdigitate and encroach upon each other. On the basis of this classification, it is possible to discern the distinguishing features typical of landscapes and thus our ability to delimit their extent on maps. They have been applied in the production of an ecologically based landscape map of Italy at an original scale of 1:1,500,000, a reduced black-and-white version of which has been reproduced in the main body of this paper. As a first attempt at such a representation it is both adequate and useful and provides a basis for further work and analysis. The exercise confirms that the consideration of landscape, especially humanized landscape, in an ecological perspective, supplies important information for the interpretation of its structure from a functional and physiological stand-point, as well as for the understanding of its dynamics. It also facilitates the consideration of the environment as a whole, presenting more effectively the problems of its evaluation and consequently adds to our appreciation of its economic and social significance.  相似文献   

New petrological and geochemical data are presented on basic igneous rocks from the south of the Morondova basin located in the southwestern part of Madagascar. The structural setting is well defined and, with the aid of a schematic map, the spatial relationships between the magmatic centres and major faults can be deduced from seismic data. On the other hand, new petrographic and geochemical data enable the different types of basaltic magmatism manifested in this area to be distinguished. It appears that tholeiitic magmatism evolved towards transitional magmatism from the south to the north of the Morondava basin. This geochemical evolution of basaltic magmatism can be linked to the initiation of rifting between Madagascar and Africa along the Mozambique channel and the length of the Davie ridge associated with the opening of the Indian ocean. These observations, together with structural data and recently obtained geochronological data, contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism and evolution of Madagascan rifting.  相似文献   

Mantle peridotites predominate over the 130–120 Ma mafic rocks, which have a limited temporal interval. This characteristic distinguishes the ophiolite outcrops along the Yarlung Zangbo Sutrue Zone (YZSZ) in southern Tibet from more typical ophiolites, such as the Oman ophiolite. Here we present new structural field observations and identify the low‐angle detachment faults of the Xigaze ophiolite. We demonstrate that the extension associated with the detachment system was accommodated by accretion of mafic magma rather than by thinning and dismemberment. U‐Pb zircon ages from three groups of mafic intrusives closely related to the detachment faults show that the detachment system was initiated at ~126 Ma and ceased at ~123 Ma. A detailed study of the entire Xigaze ophiolite assemblage reveals that the ophiolite formed in situ at the southern margin of the Eurasian Plate, instead of being formed from fragments of tectonic slices.  相似文献   

Various techniques (horizontal and vertical derivatives, upward continuation, Euler deconvolution) have been applied to the gravity data from the Triffa's plain and the north flank of the Beni-Snassen massif to delineate various major geological structures such as faults and basins. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the fault systems for the survey area. This map forms the basis for planning future hydrogeological research in this region. To cite this article: D. Khattach et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Extension in the Afar depression occurs on steeply dipping normal faults of many scales. An estimate for cumulative extension can be derived by summing the heave of these faults using digital topographic data, supplemented by field observations of fault dip. If it can be established that the distribution of faults exhibits self-similarity, an estimate of the contribution from faults too small to appear on the digital imagery can be incorporated into the integrated estimate for cumulative extension. A field study of faulting was undertaken within the Dobe and Guma grabens of Central Afar. A fractal dimension of 0.48 was obtained for the measured population of fault throws (n = 92) in 3 traverses totaling 42 km, a value interpreted to represent the dominant contribution to extension from faults with large throw. The local extension rate across Guma graben is estimated to be between 0.06 and 0.24 mm/year. The higher topographic position of the floor of Guma graben, relative to the sediment filled, adjacent floors of Dobe and Immino grabens is perhaps an indication of a slower rate of extension across Guma graben as compared to Dobe and Immino grabens, assuming they all initiated at the same time.  相似文献   

The Majunga Basin is located in the northwestern part of Madagascar with a N45–60°E trending axis. It was filled by almost exclusively continental Karoo Supergroup sediments, which are Permian to Early Jurassic in age, and by younger sequences, mainly marine, that were deposited from the Middle Jurassic to the present.The Karoo Basin geometry is deduced from the analysis of seismic sections. A central northeast trending horst is flanked by two sub-basins. Deposition of the Karoo sequences was controlled by these northeast trending faults. On the contrary, the Middle Jurassic to present sequences witness only a slight tilting of the basement towards the northwest.The development of the Majunga Basin includes, therefore, two successive stages. In the synrift episode, from Permian to Early Jurassic times, the sedimentation was syntectonic, controlled by synsedimentary faulting and the creation of a horst and graben extensive pattern. The postrift episode started during the Middle Jurassic.These two stages of the Majunga Basin development correspond to the geodynamic evolution recorded elsewhere in this part of the Gondwana.  相似文献   

In the western part of Madagascar, the Morondava Basin shows the Malagasy Karoo series, made of Late Carboniferous-Mid-Permian (Sakoa), Late Permian-Mid-Triassic (Sakamena) and Late Triassic-Mid-Jurassic (Isalo) sequences. The sedimentary facies are mainly aerial and clastic in the series, and the marine conditions are fully established after Lower Jurassic times, when the strait between Africa and Madagascar was flooded.The Karoo basins where these series were deposited are mainly hemi-grabens. Their filling proceeded from west to east and from south to north. Distinction between the southern and northern part of the Morondava Basin suggests that development of the basin was controlled by old crustal weakness zones trending north-northwest-south-southeast and north-northeast-south-southwest.  相似文献   

Studies of the oceanic fracture zones, as well as field observations of the on-land parts of a fracture zone in Iceland, show that there are numerous tension fractures, normal faults, small-scale grabens and dykes within, and trending subparallel with, the fracture zones. These structures indicate that, in addition to the shear displacement, there is considerable extension associated with the development of fracture zones and that many of them may be regarded as complex graben structures. The ridges surrounding the continents of Africa and Antarctica are examples of mid-ocean ridges that are moving away from the continental margins where they originated and therefore expanding. Here it is suggested that as the perimeter of an expanding ridge increases, the tensile stresses associated with the ridge extension may contribute to the formation of fracture zones.  相似文献   

The monotony of the surface and of the deep structure of the Sahel domain in eastern Tunisia (low topographic area covered by a Quaternary series) induces the possible existence of an important subsiding collapsed block and associated faulted zones. Gravity data analyses have permitted the reconnaissance of the crustal and gravimetric setting of the northern part of the Sahel domain and the discussion of main outlines of subsurface structures. The deep structure of a particular zone (Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir area) demonstrates the existence of an east-west en-doigt-de-gant crustal thinning confirmed by the gravity data. This deep structuring is perfectly showed by the high-resolution second-order enhanced analytic signal technique developed to image geologic boundaries such as contacts and faults. This technique, correlated with the distribution of all seismic events in the last century, has permitted to define an important east–west Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir tectonic corridor (CKSM). This corridor corresponds to major faults oriented east-west, were some folded structures can be developed. To cite this article: H. Gabtni, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

基于"同一应力场不同边界条件形成不同性质断层"的构造解析原理,认为海拉尔盆地断陷期受南南东—北北西向拉张应力场作用,形成北北东和北东东向断裂,北北西向断裂明显走滑变形。断-坳转化期拉张应力场方位调整为近东西向,形成近南北向断裂,北北东、北东东和北北西向断裂扭动变形。伊敏组沉积末期盆地回返,受近东西向挤压应力场控制盆地左旋压扭变形,北北东和北东东向断裂强烈反转。依据断裂变形特征叠加关系,海拉尔盆地形成4套断裂系统:早期伸展断裂、中期张扭断裂、早期伸展中期张扭断裂和早期伸展中期张扭晚期反转断裂。断陷构造层早期伸展中期张扭反向断裂形成断层遮挡圈闭,早期伸展断裂将凹中隆和斜坡切割破碎形成断层复杂化的背斜圈闭,早期伸展断裂与中期张扭断裂交叉组合,形成复杂的断块圈闭。断-坳构造层早期伸展中期张扭晚期反转断裂呈"梳状"组合,形成典型的断块圈闭。基于断裂活动时期与成藏期耦合关系以及典型油气藏解剖的结果认为,早期伸展和早期伸展中期张扭断裂在成藏关键时刻为遮挡断层,且封闭的烃柱高度一般均小于圈闭的幅度,早期伸展中期张扭晚期反转断裂为调整型断层。基于圈闭的样式、断层在成藏中的作用及输导体系分析,海拉尔盆地断裂控藏模式分为二型4类,二型为原生油藏和次生油藏。原生油藏包括3类:一是灶缘油气侧向运移反向断层遮挡成藏模式,控藏断裂为早期伸展中期张扭断裂系统;二是灶内油气初次运移断层遮挡"箱内"成藏模式;三是灶内凹中隆油气侧向运移"弥散式"成藏模式。这两种模式控藏断裂均为早期伸展断裂。次生油藏为油气沿断裂垂向运移"伞式"成藏模式,控藏断裂为早期伸展中期张扭晚期反转断裂系统。  相似文献   

An assessment of the southern Betsimisaraka Suture (B.S.) of southeastern Madagascar using remote sensing and field investigation reveals a complex deformation history. Image processing of Landsat ETM+data and JERS-I Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery was integrated with field observations of structural geology and field petrography. The southern B.S. divides the Precambrian basement rocks of Madagascar in two parts. The western part includes Proterozoic rocks whereas the eastern part is an Archean block, named the Masora block. The southern part of the B.S. includes high-grade metamorphic rocks, recording strong deformation and has mineral deposits including chromite, nickel, and emerald, characteristic of oceanic material that is compatible with a suture zone.Large-scale structural features indicate ductile deformation including three generations of folding (F1, F2, and F3) associated with dextral shearing. The first folding event (F1) shows a succession of folds with NE striking axial planes. The second folding event (F2) mainly has north–south striking axial planes and the last event (F3) is represented by mega folds that have ENE–WSW axial plane directions and have NNW and SSE contractional strain patterns. Closure of the Mozambique Ocean between two components of Gondwana sandwiched rocks of the B.S. and formed upright folds and shortening zones which produced N–S trending lineaments. Later dextral movements followed the contraction and formed NW–SE trending lineaments and N–S trending normal faults associated with dextral strike slip faults and fractures.  相似文献   

Close relationships between deformation and volcanism are well documented in relatively late evolutionary stages of continental rifting, whereas these are poorly constrained in less mature rifting stages. To investigate the control of inherited structures on faulting and volcanism, we present a statistical analysis of volcanic features, faults and pre‐rift fabric in the Tanzania Divergence, where volcanic features occur extensively in in‐rift and off‐rift areas. Our results show that in mature rift sectors (Natron), magma uprising is mostly controlled by fractures/faults responding to the far‐field stress, whereas the distribution of volcanism during initial rifting (Eyasi) is controlled by inherited structures oblique to the regional extension direction. Off‐rift sectors show a marked control of pre‐rift structures on magma emplacement, which may not respond to the regional stress field. Thus, the use of off‐rift magmatic features as stress indicators should take into account the role of pre‐existing structures.  相似文献   

The geometry of extensional structures is described for the first time in the active setting of the Venezuelan Andes using remote sensing imagery. We favored the use of a mosaic of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scenes of the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) assisted by complementary remote sensing devices (Landsat TM, digital elevation models) and field observations to make a structural analysis at regional scale. Radar images are particularly efficient in the Venezuelan Andes where dense vegetation and frequent cloud covering earlier lent difficulties to remote sensing studies. We focused our analysis in the Valera–Rio Momboy and Bocono faults corner and in the Mucujun area. We show that, in an area where ongoing compression and strike–slip deformations occur, brittle extension can be detected independently from previous knowledge. Extensional structures correspond to elongated tilted blocks with dimension less than 10 km in width. Blocks are bounded by curved faults in plan view, the concavity being turned towards the axial part of the belt. The geometry and kinematics of such structures suggest that syn-orogenic extension started together with initiation of right-lateral strike–slip motion along the Bocono Fault in the Plio-Quaternary.  相似文献   


The classical model of faulting predicts that slip planes occur in two conjugate sets. Theoretically, more sets can be contemporarily active if pre-existing structures are reactivated in a three-dimensional strain field. Four to six sets of faults have been active in the Holocene in the Zailiski Alatau mountain range, Kazakstan. Faults strike with the highest frequency ENE and ESE and show mostly left-lateral reverse and right-lateral reverse motions, respectively. These faults have a bimodal distribution of dips, forming four sets arranged in orthorhombic symmetry. Locally, NNW- to NNE- striking vertical faults have also been active in the Holocene and show right-lateral strike-slip and left-lateral strike-slip motions, respectively. All these fault sets accommodated the general three-dimensional deformation, given by N-S-directed horizontal shortening, vertical extension, and E-W-directed horizontal extension. Field evidence also shows that the reverse motions, even if with a minor strike-slip component, occurred on high-angle planes with inclination of 65°-85°. ENE- and ESE-striking faults reactivated older fracture zones, whereas the other sets are newly formed. Comparison of these field results with the structures obtained from published analogue models shows a strong similarity of fault geometry and kinematics.  相似文献   

A survey of the transfer function between the relief and anomalies of Bouguer and a direct modelling of six gravimetric profiles permits the deduction of the isostatic compensation mechanism for the island of Madagascar and a model of the lithosphere. These results are compared to the other geophysical and geological data.  相似文献   

Reliable macro‐ and meso‐scale structural criteria for identifying pre‐thrusting normal faults within inversion‐dominated foreland thrust belts are here reappraised by showing field cases from the Central‐Northern Apennines of Italy. Field‐based analyses of relative chronologies among the structures allow determination of the timing of pre‐thrusting normal faulting, the positive inversion of the faults and their post‐thrusting reactivation when absolute chronostratigraphic constraints are lacking. The correct identification of pre‐thrusting normal faults allows recognition of shortcut and reactivation anticlines, and these have important implications for the definition of the thrust‐belt structural style and for the estimation of post‐orogenic extension.  相似文献   

松辽盆地中部深部断层影响浅部次级断层发育的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用Poly3D模拟了松辽盆地长垣隆起中部后裂谷期应力场,由此预测浅部次级断层的产状和密度。计算结果表明,深部断层的存在会扰乱浅部应力场,距离深部断层越近,扰动程度越明显,从而导致了浅层次级断层的走向变化和不均匀的密度分布;浅部次级断层的走向和分布与深部断层的形态和空间位置相关,它们在断层的端部、转折段及其附近变化较大。同样地,在施加远场的不同方向水平拉伸、相同应变量下,可计算出相应的浅部次级断层走向和密度的计算值。在不同反射层模拟得到的最佳伸展方向与区域分析基本相同,但此时预测断层走向和密度与实际情况仍有较大差别。考虑到模型中深部断层面的拖曳力分量均设置为零,即不存在独立的断层活动,这一差别暗示出浅部次级断层的发育不仅受远场构造作用影响,而且还受深部断层独立活动的制约。  相似文献   

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