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This study reports the analysis of polycyclic aromatic compound (PAC) metabolites, as biomarkers of exposure to PACs in marine environment. PAC metabolites were measured in bile samples from 14 species of demersal fish caught in the São Sebastião Channel (SSC), SE Brazilian coastline. Naphthalene (NPH) equivalents, phenanthrene (PHN) equivalents, and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) equivalents were quantified using a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection method. For all samples, the means (±standard deviation, n = 37) of concentrations obtained for NPH, PHN, and BaP equivalents were, respectively, 290,000 ± 200,000 ng/g, 18,000 ± 14,000 ng/g, and 970 ± 1900 ng/g. These results indicate recent exposure of these fish to PACs in their environment. In addition, two species (Cyclichthys spinosus and Prionotus nudigula) of fish were analyzed in order to investigate local sources of PAC contamination in the SSC and the influence of the petroleum terminal in fish caught in remote areas. The results showed that these fish species potentially migrate along the channel, especially P. nudigula. Correlations among groups of PAC metabolites indicate the same petrogenic source for NPH and PHN equivalents and a combustion source (e.g., automobile, ships) for BaP equivalents. The ratio BaP/PHN equivalents (0.05 ± 0.07, n = 37) confirms the predominance of petrogenic PACs for contamination by these chemicals in this region.  相似文献   

The occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in crabs Hepatus pudibundus and Callinectesdanae was assessed from two different places inside of the Santos Bay and Moela Island near one of the most economically important metropolitan areas in Southern Brazil. Among POPs analyzed, ∑PCBs (222-923 ng g(-1)lipid weight) and ∑DDTs (154-410 ng g(-1)lw) exhibited the highest concentrations in the crabs. ∑HCHs ranged from 10.3 to 30.9 ng g(-1)lw and were found in all individuals. Other OCPs found in lower concentration was Mirex (7.6-41.6 ng g(-1)lw) and HCB (5.83-16.9 ng g(-1)lw). ∑PBDEs (24.1 ng g(-1)lw) were only found in one male individual from the species C. danae collected near to the submarine sewage of Santos. Male crabs showed higher POP concentrations than female crabs for those two species.  相似文献   

Limited information is available in the literature on the levels of brominated flame retardants in the southern hemisphere. This study presents concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the blubber of small cetaceans from the coast of São Paulo (Brazil), southwestern Atlantic. PBDE levels were highest in Stenellafrontalis (770 ng g−1 lipid) followed by Stenobredanensis (475 ng g−1 lipid), Sotaliaguianensis (65.6 ng g−1 lipid), Tursiopstruncatus (64.2 ng g−1 lipid) and Pontoporiablainvillei (60.3 ng g−1 lipid). In general, continental shelf individuals exhibited higher contamination than inshore animals. This might be related to larger prey items consumed by continental shelf dolphins. The pattern of contamination indicates that Penta-BDE commercial mixtures are a major source of PBDEs to top predators in the southwestern Atlantic. Congeners found in Octa-BDE formulations were not detected in the investigated animals.  相似文献   

The regional ocean off southeast Brazil (20°S–28°S) is known as a current-eddy-upwelling region. The proximity of the Brazil Current to the coast in the Cape São Tomé vicinities, as well as of its quasi-stationary unstable meanders, suggests the possibility of background eddy-induced upwelling. Such phenomenon can intensify the prevalent coastal upwelling due to wind and topographic effects. In this paper, with the help of a numerical simulation, we provide evidence that eddy-induced upwelling in the absence of wind is possible in this region. The simulation was conducted with a regional configuration of the 3-D Princeton Ocean Model initialized by a feature-based implementation of the Brazil Current and Cape Frio eddy, blended with climatology.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers consist of complex networks of conduits in which groundwater flows and recharge/discharge processes are generally more dynamic than in other types of aquifers. Due to their intrinsic heterogeneity and anisotropy, monitoring, quantifying, and analysing natural responses of karst springs is an efficient tool. Unlike Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks, in Neoproterozoic karst systems, groundwater circulates and stores generally in dissolution features known as tertiary porosity, as the rock's primary porosity is recrystallized, considered negligible. This article studies the hydrodynamics of a karst portion of the São Miguel River basin, southwest of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The region is predominantly composed of Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks, dating from about 570 to 540 million years ago. During a hydrological year (2019–2020), three karst springs (S1, S2, and S3) were daily monitored through their natural responses (variations of electrical conductivity, EC, temperature, T, and discharge, Q) to rainfall episodes. The data were interpreted based on the analysis of spring hydrographs, time series, recession curves (seasonal and intra-annual), and statistics of EC, T, and Q variations. The results show the three springs generally exhibit quick flow, typically karstic, in the case of hydrosystems with a well-structured and functional underground drainage network. The time series indicate the hydrosystem drained by S1 presents slower circulation and a lower degree of linearity, resulting from the higher sinuosity of the system, while the hydrosystems of S2 and S3 have similar behaviours, of quick water circulations immediately after a rainy episode. The degrees of karstification classify S1 and S2 as complex and extensive karst systems consisting of several subsystems, and S3 as a system in which the conduit network is more developed at the upper epiphreatic zone than near the outlet.  相似文献   

The southwest border of the Parecis Basin (central Brazil) presents several occurrences of gold, copper and zinc. Parallel to this border, there is an alignment of magnetic anomalies with varied size and polarities. In particular, five magnetic anomalies are referred to, in this study, as SJ1 to SJ5. The proximity of these anomalies to each other makes it hard to isolate the magnetic component associated with each source. Furthermore, these anomalies have different magnetization directions, which require the use of a technique which is slightly or not affected by the presence of a remanent magnetization, as the amplitude of the anomalous magnetic field. Considering that, in these intrusions no outcrops are observed, the enhanced horizontal derivative technique was used to estimate the edges location and the depth of these sources. The geological context, allied to the results from the magnetic techniques, allowed to establish binds to restrain the interpretation of the results of the 3D inversion. This procedure permitted to compose three hypothesis to explain the magnetic behavior of the region, from which can be conclusively determined with a borehole analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study conducted by the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering of Portugal (LNEC), in cooperation with the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy and “La Sapienza,” University of Rome, to assess the health and safety conditions of the Noble Hall floor in the São Carlos National Theater (Lisbon, Portugal). In a multidisciplinary approach, extensive fieldwork was carried out. The survey included the location and characterization of beams in the various areas of the floor by using two ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems equipped with two different ground- or air-coupled antennas, local inspection openings to visually assess the geometry, timber species and conservation state of structural members, and an assessment of the conservation state of the timber beam ends using drilling equipment. All the tests performed and the results obtained are presented. The potential of using non-destructive tests for the inspection of timber cultural heritage structures, particularly GPR, is discussed, and some practical recommendations are made.  相似文献   

The area located inside the São Sebastião volcanic crater, at the southeast end of Terceira Island (Azores), is characterized by an important amplification of ground motion with respect to the surrounding area, as clearly demonstrated by the spatial distribution of the damage that occurred during the Terceira earthquake (the strongest earthquake felt in the Island during the recent decades — 01/01/1980 — M = 7.2). Geological and geophysical studies have been conducted, to characterize the volcanic crater and understand the different site effects that occurred in the village of São Sebastião. The complexity of the subsurface geology, with intercalations of compact basalt and soft pyroclastic deposits, is associated to extreme vertical and lateral velocity contrasts, and poses a serious challenge to different geophysical characterization methods. The available qualitative model did not allow a complete understanding of the site effects. A new seismic campaign has been designed and acquired, and a single, geologically consistent geophysical model has been generated integrating the existing and new data. The new campaign included two cross-line P-wave seismic refraction profiles, four short SH-wave seismic reflection profiles, and seven multichannel surface wave acquisitions. The integration and joint interpretation of geophysical and geological data allowed mutual validation and confirmation of data processing steps. In particular, the use of refraction, reflection and surface wave techniques allowed facing the complexity of a geology that can pose different challenges to all the methods when used individually: velocity inversions, limited reflectivity, and lateral variations. It is shown how the integration of seismic data from different methods, in the framework of a geological model, allowed the geometrical and dynamic characterization of the site. Correlation with further borehole information, then allowed the definition of a subsoil model for the crater, providing information that allowed a better understanding of the earthquake site effects in the São Sebastião village. The new near-surface geological model includes a lava layer within the soft infill materials of the crater. This new model matches closely with the damage distribution map, and explains the spatial variation of building stock performance in the 1980 earthquake.  相似文献   

Here I present textural data (i.e., vesicularity, vesicle size distributions (VSD), plagioclase crystallinity, crystal size distributions (CSD), combined with fractal analyses of particle outlines) from a natural succession of alternating fall and surge deposits in the emergent Capelas tuff cone (Azores).The textural variation in the Capelas succession is surprisingly small considering the wide variety of fragmentation processes, vent activity and emplacement mechanisms that are characteristic of emergent eruptions. The plagioclase crystal content varies between 24 and 33 vol.%. CSD analyses of plagioclase show near-linear trends with a slight increase in time for the smallest crystal sizes (with surge deposits having more groundmass plagioclase when compared with fall deposits). This is consistent with crystallization induced by degassing and decompression at lower eruption rates. The vesicularities of the Capelas pyroclasts are more variable (18 to 59 vol.%), with VSDs displaying kinked trends characteristic of coalescence. This is especially evident in the fall deposits, and consistent with being formed in continuous uprush (jetting) with an overall shallow fragmentation level within the conduit. Bubble coalescence can also be identified in the surge deposits, although to a much lesser extent. The amount of bubble coalescence is negatively correlated with the amount of groundmass crystallization (i.e., plagioclase) in the Capelas deposits.A relatively broad range of fractal dimensions (with average Dbox = 1.744 and σ = 0.032) for the outlines of pyroclastic fragments emplaced by fall or as surges indicate that there is little difference in the fragmentation process itself at Capelas. In addition to this, the fact that the fractal dimensions for both the fall and surge end-members completely overlap suggests that shape modification due to abrasion and chipping of grain edges was minor during emplacement of base surges. These results are consistent with emergent eruptions, building tuff cones, to be a relatively low-energy phreatomagmatic landform (e.g., at least when compared with more energetic phreatomagmatic eruptions producing tuff rings and maar volcanoes).  相似文献   

Coherent scatter radar observations conducted right before twilight by the 30 MHz radar in São Luís (Brazil) during both quiet (December 10, 2001) and disturbed (December 12, 2001) conditions detected type I echoes on the shoulders of broad type II spectra (near zero Doppler velocity). Zonal electric fields inferred from the São Luís ionosonde have a larger magnitude during the period where these spectral observations were made than on December 18, 2001 when type I echoes were not observed during late afternoon. The IMF Bz and AE index indicate that the extended geomagnetic disturbance in the afternoon of December 12, 2001 has allowed the interaction between disturbance dynamo and prompt penetration electric fields. The latter electric field component could have exceeded the former to give rise to the observed electric fields, and make possible observation of type I echoes.  相似文献   

The statistics of pre-midnight 5-m irregularities in the equatorial F region over São Luís is presented. The data set ranges from October 2001 to December 2008 and covers maximum solar-flux-to-minimum solar flux epoch. The variabilities in irregularity parameters, namely, height and time of their appearance in the radar echoes, with solar-flux variation are presented. The seasonal variations (combined over all years, irrespective of solar-flux) of occurrence of irregularities, occurrence of bottom-type layer (or bottom-side irregularities without plume) and bottom-side/topside plume (or bottom-side irregularities with plume) are presented. The largest occurrences of bottom-side irregularities without plume and with plume are found on April (equinox) and December (summer) months respectively. The ambient ionospheric conditions namely prereversal evening vertical drift, bottom-side density gradient and off-equatorial E region conductivity are inferred using digisonde measurements during April 2002 and December 2002. Based on these conditions and recent studies on gravity wave climatology over Brazil, it is suggested that shear in zonal plasma drift and low gravity wave activity may account for less occurrence of plume during April as compared to December months. This suggestion is quantified using numerical simulation model of collisional-interchange instability (CII) and plasma bubble.  相似文献   


The definition of rainfall behaviour at the regional level is of great importance in planning policy for the rational use of water resources for both agricultural and urban uses. It allows the delimitation of areas of homogeneous rainfall features and shows the system dynamics in the area, so providing more comprehensive knowledge about the rainfall. Precipitation zones were identified within the São Francisco River basin, Northeast Brazil, by analysing the rainfall frequencies by means of global wavelet power spectra. Data from 200 raingauges were analysed and the results of the overall power spectra showed a high annual frequency throughout the basin; however, other frequencies are present with minor significance that represent changes in the rainfall regime. Although, the computed global wavelet power spectra presented an annual frequency, they showed peculiar patterns (denoted A and B) that could be used to characterize the region. Thus, three sub-regions with homogeneous rainfall patterns were identified as: Region A (south part of the basin) and Region B (north part of the basin), with frequency patterns A and B, respectively, and a Transition Zone in the central part that shows both frequency patterns.

Citation Santos, C.A.G. and Morais, B.S., 2013. Identification of precipitation zones within São Francisco River basin (Brazil) by global wavelet power spectra. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 789–796.  相似文献   

S coda wave of seventy-four local earthquakes recorded in a network of ten seismic stations were used to calculate coda Q attenuation (Qc) in the João Câmara area (northeastern Brazil). The estimates show Qc as a strong function of frequency in the range from 6.0 to 20.0 Hz. We found out that Qc in João Câmara has a functional form given by Qc= Q0 f, where Q0= 151 ± 99 and = 0.98 ± 0.05. If the standard deviations are taken into account,we conclude that there are no relevant changes in both Q0 and values from one station to another. The estimated Q0 values at the different stations suggest that the Samambaia fault is a boundary between two different seismic attenuation zones. In one side of the fault (left), where stations were installed in Pre-Cambrian terrain and thick sedimentary layer, the seismic attenuation is stronger than in the other side (stations installed in thin sedimentary layer and limestone outcrop).The anomalous Q0 values in the left side of the Samambaia fault can be explained due to the presence of a shallow conductive layer in the upper crust( 10 km), such as proposed by Padilha et al. (1992). According to our results, if there is a conductive layer in the area, it probably spreads over João Câmara city and surrounding regions.However, more detailed investigation either with seismic methods (seismic attenuation,3D tomography with P and/or S wave velocities) or with other geophysical methods is needed to interpret the observed differences in Q0 values between the two sides of the Samambaia fault.  相似文献   

Ponta de São Lourenço is the deeply eroded eastern end of Madeira’s east–west trending rift zone, located near the geometric intersection of the Madeira rift axis with that of the Desertas Islands to the southeast. It dominantly consists of basaltic pyroclastic deposits from Strombolian and phreatomagmatic eruptions, lava flows, and a dike swarm. Main differences compared to highly productive rift zones such as in Hawai’i are a lower dike intensity (50–60 dikes/km) and the lack of a shallow magma reservoir or summit caldera. 40Ar/39Ar age determinations show that volcanic activity at Ponta de São Lourenço lasted from >5.2 to 4 Ma (early Madeira rift phase) and from 2.4 to 0.9 Ma (late Madeira rift phase), with a hiatus dividing the stratigraphy into lower and upper units. Toward the east, the distribution of eruptive centers becomes diffuse, and the rift axis bends to parallel the Desertas ridge. The bending may have resulted from mutual gravitational influence of the Madeira and Desertas volcanic edifices. We propose that Ponta de São Lourenço represents a type example for the interior of a fading rift arm on oceanic volcanoes, with modern analogues being the terminations of the rift zones at La Palma and El Hierro (Canary Islands). There is no evidence for Ponta de São Lourenço representing a former central volcano that interconnected and fed the Madeira and Desertas rifts. Our results suggest a subdivision of volcanic rift zones into (1) a highly productive endmember characterized by a central volcano with a shallow magma chamber feeding one or more rift arms, and (2) a less productive endmember characterized by rifts fed from deep-seated magma reservoirs rather than from a central volcano, as is the case for Ponta de São Lourenço.  相似文献   

Introduction On October 18 and 19, 1989, a sequence of earthquakes with magnitude MS=5.5, 5.8 and 5.5 occurred in the southeast part of Datong basin, Shanxi Province, China. One year and five months later, on March 26, 1991, another strong earthquake with magnitude MS=5.8 strikes the Datong basin once more. After both October 1989 and March 1991 earthquakes, the Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau (IGCSB) made near-field observations for aftershocks. 5 DCS-302 digital…  相似文献   

Tree ring studies are usually used to determine or verify climatic factors prevailing at a given place or region that may cause tree-ring width variations. Few studies are dedicated to the solar phenomena which may underlie these tree-ring width variations. Furthermore, it is known that some terrestrial phenomena are influenced by short- and long-time scale solar variability. An optical and computational method was set up and applied to tree samples (Araucaria angustifolia from Santa Catarina State in Southern Brazil) in order to obtain a growth ring width mean chronology. Spectral analysis is used for the search of periodicities, by maximum entropy and iterative regression methods. The results evidenced several embedded signals at periods which may be related to solar activity variations. Cross-correlation analysis between sunspot number and tree-ring data was performed and a lag of zero year was obtained. From our work, it seems that the tropical conifer species Araucaria angustifolia may be a good choice for studies on Sun-Earth relationships and their regional effects.  相似文献   

This paper considers a dataset of ionograms recorded by the CADI ionosonde installed at São José dos Campos (SJC; 23.2°S, 45.9°W, magnetic latitude 14.1°S), Brazil, to compare two autoscaling systems: Autoscala, developed by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, and the UDIDA-scaling, developed by the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. The analysis, focused on the critical frequency of the F2 layer, foF2, shows that the two systems work differently. The UDIDA-scaling gives always a value of foF2 as output, regardless of the presence of the ionogram trace and its definition, while Autoscala tends to reject ionograms for which the digital information is considered insufficient. As a consequence, the UDIDA-scaling can autoscale more foF2 values than Autoscala, but Autoscala can discard a larger number of ionograms for which the trace is unidentifiable. Discussions are made on the accuracy of the foF2 values given as output, as well as on the main shortcomings characterizing the two systems.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The impacts of data assimilation, downscaling, and tidal forcing were investigated with focus on the representation of the Cape São Tomé Eddy (CSTE). Sea level anomaly...  相似文献   

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