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The eastern Officer Basin in South Australia contains a Neoproterozoic to Devonian succession overlain by relatively thin (<500 m) Permian, Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits. Within the basin fill, there are several major unconformities representing uncertain amounts of erosion. Three of these surfaces are associated with regional deformational events. Regional unconformities formed between 560 and 540 Ma (Petermann Ranges Orogeny), approximately 510–490 Ma (Delamerian Orogeny), 370–300 Ma (Alice Springs Orogeny), 260–150 Ma; and 95–40 Ma. AFTA® results from 13 samples of Neoproterozoic, Cambrian and Permian sedimentary rocks in five wells (Giles-1, Manya-2, -5 and -6 and Lake Maurice West-1) show clear evidence for a number of distinct thermal episodes. Results from all samples are consistent with cooling from the most recent thermal episode beginning at some time between 70 and 20 Ma (Maastrichtian–Miocene). AFTA results from Giles-1 indicate at least two pre-Cretaceous thermal episodes with cooling beginning between 350 and 250 Ma (Carboniferous–Permian) and between 210 and 110 Ma (Late Triassic–Albian). Results from Manya-2, -5 and -6 and Lake Maurice West-1 show evidence for at least one earlier higher temperature event, with cooling from elevated paleotemperatures beginning between 270 and 200 Ma (Late Permian to Late Triassic). These episodes can be correlated with other cooling/erosional events outside the study area, and the AFTA-derived paleotemperatures are consistent with kilometre-scale erosion for each of the episodes identified. Integration of the AFTA data with organic thermal maturation indicators (MPI) in the Manya and Giles-1 wells suggests that the Cambrian and Neoproterozoic successions in the northern part of the study area reached peak maturation prior to the Permian, while limited data from Lake Maurice West-1 allows peak maturation to have occurred as young as the Late Permian to Late Triassic thermal episode revealed by AFTA. The approach outlined in this study is relevant to all ancient basins as it emphasises the importance of understanding events associated with neighbouring regions. The thermal history of the Officer Basin, as with most other ancient basins, has been strongly affected by significant tectonic events throughout its history, even though younger deposits are not preserved in the basin itself. The recognition of these younger events, and the implications of these events for the depositional history, is important as it allows identification of the best regions for preservation of early generated hydrocarbons, and in some cases, suggests areas where generation of hydrocarbons could have occurred more recently than previously thought. 相似文献
Apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology has been applied to a composite depth profile of Precambrian basement rocks underlying the Phanerozoic Canadian Williston Basin. Thermal histories derived from the AFT data record cycles of heating and cooling which follow the pattern of regional burial history, but which also indicate major temporal and geographic variations in the timing and degree of maximum Phanerozoic temperatures. These variations in the thermal history were not previously recognised from organic maturity indicators and subsidence models. Specifically, our study suggests a late Paleozoic heat flow anomaly with a geographic extent closer to that of Middle Devonian–Carboniferous Kaskaskia subsidence patterns than to that of the Williston Basin proper. This thermal anomaly has both economic and geodynamic significance. The recognition that potential Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician petroleum source rocks became fully mature during the late Paleozoic distinguishes that petroleum system from others that entered the main hydrocarbon generation stage in latest Cretaceous and Paleogene time. The late Paleozoic heat flow anomaly suggested from the AFT data implies a geodynamic coupling between inelastic Kaskaskia subsidence and previously inferred late Paleozoic lithospheric weakening. While the temporally varying heat flow model is preferred, the lack of independent constraints on the maximum thickness of upper Paleozoic strata precludes the outright rejection of the previous constant heat flow model. The AFT data provide important new constraints on the evolution of the epicratonic Williston Basin and its geodynamic models. 相似文献
Y. Senglaub M. R. Brix A. C. Adriasola R. Littke 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2005,94(5-6):876-896
The southwestern part of the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) is characterized by gravity and magnetic anomalies and by an extremely
high thermal maturity of organic matter. This was for many years attributed to a Late Cretaceous intrusion, but actually deep
burial is being debated. The complex thermal history of the area has been studied by fission track analysis. Zircon data provide
evidence for widespread (hydro)thermal activity during the Permian and Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous. Apatite ages indicate
a major cooling event in the mid Cretaceous (∼89–72 Ma) reflecting the time of inversion of the LSB. During the Cretaceous,
the cooling of the basin centre was rapid compared to the basin margins. Apatite fission track ages from borehole samples
which are recently within the upper part of the APAZ indicate a young heating of the sedimentary sequences until present. 相似文献
西藏多龙矿集区是西藏最重要的斑岩-浅成低温热液型矿集区。多龙矿集区经历了多期次的构造抬升-剥蚀事件,成矿后的埋藏-剥蚀历史对矿体的保存至关重要。本文运用磷灰石(U-Th)/He数据对多龙矿集区的低温热年代学进行研究。磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄平均值分布在85. 1±4. 0Ma到37. 9±2. 5Ma,记录了晚白垩世到古新世、始新世、渐新世的热-构造事件。热历史模拟显示,多龙矿集区主要经历4次冷却事件:Ⅰ) 100~75Ma,冷却速率约为4℃/Myr,剥速率约为0. 16km/Myr,与班公湖-怒江洋的闭合以及拉萨-羌塘地块的碰撞事件有关;Ⅱ) 75~45Ma,冷却速率约为0. 3℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 01km/Myr,与拉萨-羌塘地块的继续碰撞事件以及由碰撞作用引起的逆冲推覆构造事件有关;Ⅲ) 45~30Ma,冷却速率约为2℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 08km/Myr,与印度-欧亚大陆的碰撞抬升事件有关;Ⅳ) 30Ma至今,冷却速率约为1℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 04km/Myr,与渐新世以来印度-欧亚大陆的持续碰撞作用以及渐新世以来青藏高原发育的频繁构造事件有关。多龙矿集区斑岩-浅成低温热液型矿床形成后在强烈的隆升-剥蚀的环境下保存下来,得益于早白垩世美日切错组火山岩的覆盖,由拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞作用引起的逆冲推覆构造引起的上部地层加厚,以及印度-欧亚大陆碰撞事件在多龙矿集区产生的相对较弱的破坏效应。拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞作用引起的地层加厚对多龙矿集区矿床起主要的保护作用。 相似文献
We present inversion results for a 100 site, broadband magnetotelluric (MT) survey in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia. The Penola Trough is host to several petroleum reservoirs and has more recently been a target for unconventional geothermal exploration. We present two interpretations of the MT data. A 1D anisotropic interpretation, where anisotropy is determined within the Otway Basin sequence and basement in the northeastern Penola Trough, fits the impedance tensor well. However, the anisotropy strike is inconsistent with the known orientation of electrically conductive fractures in the Penola Trough. On the other hand, a 3D interpretation, which incorporates lateral variations in resistivity, requires no anisotropy yet it matches the data equally well. Both the 1D and 3D inversions resolve several layers within the Otway Basin sequence, which correspond to stratigraphic units defined in wells and in the coincident Haselgrove–Balnaves 3D seismic survey. These include the Eumeralla and Dilwyn formations, which are poorly resolved in the seismic data. The basin architecture, defined in the 3D inversion, in particular the depth to basement, is consistent with previous interpretations based on seismic reflection data that show that the Otway Basin thins in the northeastern Penola Trough. This does not occur in the anisotropic model. We therefore conclude that the subsurface resistivity appears to be isotropic in the Penola Trough. This contrasts with the anisotropic resistivity structure determined in a previous study in the Koroit region, eastern Otway Basin. The difference in the MT responses between the two regions is supported by resistivity and permeability information from well logs and may reflect differences in the orientation of subsurface fractures, or differences in the present-day stress field, between the two regions. 相似文献
渭北隆起发育多套烃源岩,是寻找油气的重要战略区。对渭北隆起不同层位烃源岩的热演化程度变化规律及热演化历史缺乏深入研究。本文利用大量反射率测试资料及裂变径迹分析资料,确定了研究区不同层位热演化程度及变化规律,在恢复剥蚀厚度及埋藏史的基础上,恢复了渭北隆起的构造热—演化史及生烃史。研究结果表明:渭北隆起上三叠统延长组处于生油阶段、石炭—二叠系、奥陶系处于生气阶段,不同层位热演化程度总体上具有北高南低、西高东低的特点。渭北隆起不同层位镜质体反射率与深度关系为似线型,镜质体反射率随深度增加而增加。渭北隆起自早白垩世末以来经历了大规模抬升冷却,具有南早北晚的特点,40 Ma以来,研究区整体快速抬升冷却。热演化史研究表明渭北隆起不同层位最高热演化程度是在早白垩世达到的,从寒武纪到侏罗纪,地温梯度总体较低;中生代晚期早白垩世,受构造热事件影响,古地温梯度最高可达46.0 ℃/km;晚白垩世以来,由于地温梯度降低及地层大规模抬升剥蚀,地层温度明显降低。渭北隆起奥陶系、石炭—二叠系烃源岩天然气生气高峰期、上三叠统延长组烃源岩生油高峰期均在早白垩世,生油、生气高峰期受中生代晚期高地温梯度、构造热事件的控制。新生代以来渭北隆起大规模抬升剥蚀,地层快速抬升冷却,地层温度明显降低,烃源岩生烃过程停止。 相似文献
塔里木北缘前寒武基底隆升剥露史:来自磷灰石裂变径迹的证据 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
库鲁克塔格隆起位于塔里木盆地北缘,广泛出露前寒武基底岩石。辛格尔村附近出露的太古宙杂岩,包括灰色片麻岩、角闪岩、片岩、混合岩和大理岩。新元古代地层出露在库鲁克塔格隆起西部的兴地、西山口、辛格尔和杀马山附近,不整合在古元古代和中元古代的片麻岩、角闪岩和片岩之上,并被早古生代的地层不整合。因此,该地区是了解塔里木盆地前寒武基底热演化史的理想地区。本研究的目的是为了探索:①塔里木基底岩石最初于何时剥露于地表?②塔里木基底剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露?③塔里木基底岩石构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应。为了获取塔里木北缘剥露史和冷却过程信息,我们开展了裂变经迹的研究。含磷灰石的样品采自库鲁克塔格隆起的兴地断裂两侧。样品池年龄介于146.0±13.4和67.6±6.7Ma之间,平均经迹长度介于.11.79±0.14和13.89±0.27μm之间。根据样品年龄和样品所处的构造位置,样品可以分为3组。A组样品包括F2、F3、F4、F5和F8,裂变经迹表观年龄约100~110Ma,通常位于未遭断层变形的地区。B组样品包括F7、D和F10,裂变经迹表观年龄小于80Ma,构造上位于断层上盘并靠近断层。c组样品F11具有最大的裂变经迹表观年龄146.0±13.4Ma。热模拟表明,库鲁克塔格地区的隆升剥露作用可以划分为四期,分别是早侏罗世晚期(180Ma)、晚侏罗世-早白垩世(144~118Ma)、晚白垩世早期(94~82Ma)和新生代晚期(约10Ma)。裂变经迹记录的库鲁克塔格多阶段隆升作用,是对亚洲南缘多期地体碰撞增生的响应。 相似文献
Fission-track (FT) analysis using apatite and zircon was performed on samples from two fracture zones (FZ) at the depths of 1140 and 1310 m within the 1838 m borehole core penetrating the Ryoke Granitic Rocks in the Nojima Fault at Nojima-Hirabayashi, Awaji Island, Japan, drilled just after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. Clear discordance in apatite and zircon FT age was found for two samples located at 2 m below the central part of each FZs where the presence of pseudotachylyte and/or fault gouge would predict the largest amount of slip. Asymmetric distribution was identified by discordant ages with respect to the central part of FZs. These very local discordant ages in the fault reflect thermal anomalies caused by secondary heating with an inferred maximum temperature in the region between apatite and zircon closure temperatures at a time post-48 Ma. As a source of the secondary heating, heat transfer or dispersion via geothermal fluids caused presumably the observed similarity in asymmetric distribution of discordant FT ages at two different FZs. Other samples yield concordant FT zircon and apatite ages and these indicate rapid cooling within the bounds of two closure temperatures of these minerals at 60 Ma of the Ryoke Granitic Rocks. 相似文献
西藏羌塘盆地白垩纪中期构造事件的磷灰石裂变径迹证据 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
拉萨与羌塘地块于白垩纪中期的碰撞造山对羌塘原型盆地的热体制和构造演化有着重要影响.运用磷灰石裂变径迹方法,对羌塘盆地隆鄂尼夏里组和托纳木雪山组砂岩分析表明,裂变径迹年龄集中在120~ 80Ma之间,表明在白垩纪中期,羌塘盆地普遍发生了一次构造抬升事件,该期构造事件的年龄与盆地内早白垩世的岩浆热事件、主要构造变形作用发生在晚白垩世以及雪山组和阿布山组角度不整合的时代(125~75Ma)较一致,是拉萨与羌塘地块碰撞造山事件的记录.热历史模拟表明,白垩纪中期构造事件对羌塘盆地南部和北部的热演化历史有着差异影响,羌塘盆地南部降温速率相对不大,抬升剥蚀厚度约1500m,而北部古地温迅速降温到近地表温度,抬升剥蚀厚度近4000m.这种差异抬升剥蚀可能与班公湖-怒江洋壳向南俯冲使得因拉萨地块构造负载而导致羌塘地块的挠曲有关. 相似文献
新疆东天山红云滩地区构造-热演化探讨:来自Ar-Ar和(U-Th)/He热年代学的约束 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
红云滩岩体位于东天山觉罗塔格西部,对其进行热演化历史研究对于揭示觉罗塔格地区乃至整个东天山地区的构造-热演化历史具有重要意义。本文对红云滩岩体进行黑云母Ar-Ar、锆石(U-Th)/He和磷灰石(U-Th)/He测年,并结合前人的锆石U-Pb测年结果,精细刻画出该岩体自形成以后经历的热演化过程,并据此识别出东天山红云滩地区发生过多期快速抬升冷却事件。黑云母阶段升温Ar-Ar法同位素定年得到的坪年龄为316.9±1.8Ma,单颗粒锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He同位素定年得到的平均年龄分别为213.7±9.6Ma和65.5±1.3Ma。热年代学数据及模拟结果表明东天山红云滩地区自晚古生代以来经历了3个快速冷却阶段,分别为:晚石炭世至早二叠世(ca.330~296Ma)、晚三叠世(222~220Ma)、晚白垩世(91~77Ma)。其中,晚石炭世至早二叠世的快速冷却作用是岩体侵位后与围岩热传导冷却及伴随天山造山隆升冷却综合作用的结果,晚三叠世和晚白垩世的两期快速冷却事件分别与羌塘-欧亚板块、Kohistan-Dras岛弧-拉萨地块碰撞的远程效应造成的东天山地区隆升作用有关。新生代以来,红云滩岩体所在的阿奇山-雅满苏地区构造活动相对较弱,未发生较为明显的隆升作用,与天山西段新生代的构造活动有着明显的差异。 相似文献
Harald Karg Andrew Carter Manfred R. Brix Ralf Littke 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2005,94(2):180-192
Apatite fission-track analyses were carried out on outcrop and core samples from the Rhenish massif and the Carboniferous Ruhr Basin/Germany in order to study the late- and post-Variscan thermal and exhumation history. Apatite fission-track ages range from 291±15 Ma (lower Permian) to 136±7 Ma (lower Cretaceous) and mean track lengths vary between 11.6 m and 13.9 m, mostly displaying unimodal distributions with narrow standard deviations. All apatite fission-track ages are younger than the corresponding sample stratigraphic age, indicating substantial post-depositional annealing of the apatite fission-tracks. This agrees with results from maturity modelling, which indicates 3500–7000 m eroded Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentary cover. Numerical modelling of apatite fission-track data predicts onset of exhumation and cooling not earlier than 320 Ma in the Rhenish massif and 300 Ma in the Ruhr Basin, generally followed by late Carboniferous–Triassic cooling to below 50–60°C. Rapid late Variscan cooling was followed by moderate Mesozoic cooling rates of 0.1–0.2°C/Ma, converting into denudation rates of <1 mm/a (assuming a stable geothermal gradient of 30°C/km). Modelling results also give evidence for some late Triassic and early Jurassic heating and/or burial, which is supported by sedimentary rocks of the same age preserved at the rim of the lower Rhine Basin and in the subsurface of the Central and Northern Ruhr Basin. Cenozoic exhumation and cooling of the Rhenish massif is interpreted as an isostatic response to former erosion and major base-level fall caused by the subsidence in the lower Rhine Basin. 相似文献
This study was undertaken to determine the structural evolution of a normal fault array using detailed kinematic analysis of normal fault tip propagation and linkage, adding to the growing pool of research on normal fault growth. In addition, we aim to provide further insight into the evolution of the offshore Otway Basin, Australia. We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the temporal and spatial evolution of a Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic age normal fault array located in the Gambier Embayment of the offshore Otway Basin, South Australia. The seismic reflection data cover a NW–SE-oriented normal fault array consisting of six faults, which have grown from the linkage of numerous, smaller segments. This fault array overlies and has partial dip-linkage to E–W-striking, basement-involved faults that formed during the initial Tithonian–Barremian rifting event in the Otway Basin. Fault displacement analysis suggests four key stages in the post-Cenomanian growth history of the upper array: (1) nucleation of the majority of faults resulting from resumed crustal extension during the early Late Cretaceous; (2) an intra-Late Cretaceous period of general fault dormancy, with the nucleation of only one newly formed fault; (3) latest Cretaceous nucleation of another newly formed fault and further growth of all other faults; and (4) continued growth of all faults, leading to the formation of the Cenozoic Gambier Sub-basin in the Otway Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that Late Cretaceous faults, which are located above and dip-link to basement-involved faults, display earlier nucleation and greater overall throw and length, compared with those which do not link to basement-involved faults. This is likely attributed to increased rift-related stress concentrations in cover sediments above the upper tips of basement faults. This study improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the presently under-explored Gambier Embayment, offshore Otway Basin, South Australia by documenting the segmented growth style of a Late Cretaceous normal fault array that is located over, and interacts with, a reactivated basement framework. 相似文献
裂变径迹方法约束的塘古兹巴斯坳陷中-新生代热演化史——来自青藏高原构造运动的响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
塘古兹巴斯坳陷中生代地层缺失严重,中生代以来的构造发育、隆升过程,是该区构造-沉积演化的难点。裂变径迹低温热年代学技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,在地质热事件定年、地质体热演化历史、构造区隆升与剥蚀等方面应用十分广泛,在确定隆升过程及热历史上有其独到的优越性。本文通过塘参1井钻井岩心样品的裂变径迹实验和热演化史模拟,结合地层发育情况,揭示了塘古兹巴斯坳陷中-新生代存在5个冷却抬升-增温沉降旋回,即248~240Ma(早-中三叠世)、199~120Ma(三叠纪末-早白垩世)、72~55Ma(晚白垩世-古新世)、24~15Ma(晚渐新世-早中新世)和7.4~2.2Ma(中新世晚期-上新世)等5个抬升冷却期,期间为沉降沉积期。此5个冷却阶段的平均冷却速率的变化具有先增后降的过程,从三叠纪至中新世期,平均冷却速率逐渐增大;在早中新世达到最大为4.22℃/Myr;晚中新世至今,平均冷却速率逐渐减小。反映了中-新生代以来隆升最快的时期为喜马拉雅中期(24~15Ma)。持续最长时间的抬升表现在侏罗纪-早白垩世中期,塘古兹巴斯坳陷处于前缘隆起,未接受沉积,并使中上三叠统沉积地层遭受剥蚀。且塘古兹巴斯坳陷中古生代及晚古生代早期沉积地层,在早-中三叠世前经历了较高的古地温,致使磷灰石样品发生完全退火,锆石样品部分退火,不同于相邻的巴楚地区。塘古兹巴斯坳陷热演化过程中冷却(抬升)及增温(沉降)事件的发生时期,与古特提斯、新特提斯闭合及印度-亚洲碰撞的关键时刻相吻合,可作为青藏高原多阶段构造运动的响应。 相似文献
We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the structural style and growth of a normal fault array located at the present-day shelf-edge break and into the deepwater province of the Otway Basin, southern Australia. The Otway Basin is a Late Jurassic to Cenozoic, rift-to-passive margin basin. The seismic reflection data images a NW-SE (128–308) striking, normal fault array, located within Upper Cretaceous clastic sediments and which consists of ten fault segments. The fault array contains two hard-linked fault assemblages, separated by only 2 km in the dip direction. The gravity-driven, down-dip fault assemblage is entirely contained within the 3D seismic survey, is located over a basement plateau and displays growth commencing and terminating during the Campanian-Maastrichtian, with up to 1.45 km of accumulated throw (vertical displacement). The up-dip normal fault assemblage penetrates deeper than the base of the seismic survey, but is interpreted to be partially linked along strike at depth to major basement-involved normal faults that can be observed on regional 2D seismic lines. This fault assemblage displays growth initiating in the Turonian-Santonian and has accumulated up to 1.74 km of throw.Our detailed analysis of the 3D seismic data constraints post-Cenomanian fault growth of both fault assemblages into four evolutionary stages: [1] Turonian-Santonian basement reactivation during crustal extension between Australia and Antarctica. This either caused the upward propagation of basement-involved normal faults or the nucleation of a vertically isolated normal fault array in shallow cover sediments directly above the reactivated basement-involved faults; [2] continued Campanian-Maastrichtian crustal extension and sediment loading eventually created gravitational instability on the basement plateau, nucleating a second, vertically isolated normal fault array in the cover sediments; [3] eventual hard-linkage of fault segments in both fault arrays to form two along-strike, NW-SE striking fault assemblages, and; [4] termination of fault growth in the latest Maastrichtian. We document high variability of throw along-strike and down-dip for both fault assemblages, thereby providing evidence for lateral and vertical segment linkage. Our results highlight the complexities involved in the growth of both gravity-driven normal fault arrays (such as those present in the Niger Delta and Gulf of Mexico) and basement-linked normal fault arrays (such as those present in the North Sea and Suez Rift) with the interaction of an underlying and reactivating basement framework. This study provides an excellent example of spatial variability in growth of two normal fault assemblages over relatively short spatial scales (∼2 km separation down-dip). 相似文献
天山北缘侏罗系地层热历史演化及其地质意义:磷灰石裂变径迹和镜质体反射率证据 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
对天山北缘石场.玛纳斯、安集海河和四棵树河地区18个样品进行了磷灰石裂变径迹年龄测定,同时测定了中生界地层10件裂变径迹样品相应煤层的镜质体反射率。结果表明地层由老到新镜质体反射率逐渐增加,磷灰石裂变径迹中值年龄逐渐降低。石场.玛纳斯地区,下部三叠系煤层镜质体反射率R。值较低,为0.56%,磷灰石裂变径迹中值年龄较大,为125.3±9.1Ma;八道湾组煤层R。为0.53%~0.64%,磷灰石裂变径迹中值年龄介于81.3±4.7~87.8±5.9Ma;上部西山窑组煤层R。最高,达到0.81%,磷灰石裂变径迹中年龄较低,为44.0±5.4—11.8±1.8Ma;相同层位,东部石场.玛纳斯一带R。比西部四棵树地区高,磷灰石裂变径迹年龄刚好相反。磷灰石裂变径迹模拟结果表明中生界三叠系、下侏罗统地层的埋藏深度相对较浅,上覆沉积持续的时间到晚侏罗世到早白垩世基本上已经结束,然后保持在基本不变的深度,直至中新世,不整合在三叠系之下的花岗岩的模拟结果也支持这样的认识。晚侏罗世一早白垩世的冷却降温事件可能是地温梯度变化和隆升作用的共同结果;中侏罗统地层埋藏增温过程持续时间较长,在玛纳斯地区直至渐新世末期。所有样品中磷灰石裂变径迹模拟都记录了10Ma左右的快速冷却过程,近4—5kin的地壳表层物质被剥蚀,平均剥蚀速率400—500m/Ma。这一剥蚀过程应该与天山地区的快速隆升,以及向北的冲断推覆作用相对应。天山地区山前带的变形应不早于10Ma,这一认识与野外地质证据一致。 相似文献
念扎金矿床是近年来最新发现的位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带南侧仁布构造混杂岩带与蚀变闪长岩接触带的大型造山型金矿床.为约束念扎矿床的冷却及剥露历史,利用锆石的U-Pb、(U-Th)/He及磷灰石裂变径迹定年对新鲜及矿化闪长岩年龄进行测定.结果表明,新鲜闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为(46.32±0.53)Ma,(U-Th)/He年龄介于(7.14±0.24)Ma到(9.80±0.27)Ma,矿化闪长岩锆石(U-Th)/He年龄介于(8.38±0.24)Ma到(11.19±0.31)Ma之间,两件矿化闪长岩磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分别为(5.9±0.5)Ma和(5.3±1.0)Ma.念扎金矿床自闪长岩固结以来经历了两次快速冷却过程:第一次是从46.3 Ma开始持续到43.6 Ma,温度从750℃降至350℃,冷却速率高达约148℃/Ma;第二次为8.5~2.0 Ma,温度从约200℃降至30℃,冷却速率为26℃/Ma.念扎矿床成矿深度为9.7 km;在8.5 Ma时,矿床被抬升至4.6 km处;从8.5~5.6 Ma,矿床抬升至2.8 km;从5.6~2.0 Ma,念扎矿床被剥露至地表. 相似文献
Yan Yi Andy Carter Bin Xia Lin Ge Stephanie Brichau Hu Xiaoqiong 《Tectonophysics》2009,474(3-4):584-594
Zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He thermochronometric data are used to reconstruct the Cenozoic exhumation history of the South China continental margin. A south to north sample transect from coast to continental interior yielded ZFT ages between 116.6 ± 4.7 Ma and 87.3 ± 4.0, indicating that by the Late Cretaceous samples were at depths of 5–6 km in the upper crust. Apatite FT ages range between 60.9 ± 3.6 and 37.3 ± 2.3 Ma with mean track lengths between 13.26 ± 0.16 µm and 13.95 ± 0.19 µm whilst AHe ages are marginally younger 47.5 ± 1.9–15.3 ± 0.5 Ma. These results show the sampled rocks resided in the top 1–1.5 km of the crust for most of the Cenozoic. Thermal history modeling of the combined FT and (U–Th)/He datasets reveal a common three stage cooling history which differed systematically in timing inland away from the rifted margin. 1) Initial phase of rapid cooling that youngs to the north, 2) a period of relative (but not perfect) thermal stasis at ~ 70–60 °C which increases in duration from the south to the north; 3) final-stage cooling to surface temperatures that initiated in all samples between 15 and 10 Ma. The timing and pattern of rock uplift and erosion does not fit with conventional passive margin landscape models that require youngest exhumation ages to be concentrated at or close to the rifted margin. The history of South China margin is more complex aided by weakened crust from the active margin period that immediately preceded rifting and opening of the South China Sea. This rheological inheritance created a transition zone of steeply thinned crust that served as a flexural filter disconnecting the northern margin of the South China block and site of active rifting to the south. Consequently whilst the South China margin displays many features of a rifted continental margin its exhumation history does not conform to conventional images of a passive margin. 相似文献
P. J. Lyon P. J. Boult R. R. Hillis K. Bierbrauer 《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》2013,60(5):675-689
The Penola Trough is an intensely faulted northwest – southeast-trending half-graben structure. It is bound to the south by the major listric Hungerford/Kalangadoo Fault system. Several large prominent faults observed in the Penola Trough show offset of basement at depth. These basement-rooted faults have exerted significant controls on the geometry of smaller intra-rift faults throughout the entire structural history of the area. Faulting of the basement was initiated during the initial rift event of the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous. Faulting first propagated through a pre-existing basement fabric oblique to the north – south extension direction prevalent during this time. This resulted in the formation of the Hungerford/Kalangadoo and St George Faults with a northwest – southeast and north-northeast – south-southwest trend, respectively. A series of east – west-trending basement faults subsequently initiated perpendicular to the north – south extension direction as extensional strain increased in magnitude. Significant displacement along these basement-rooted faults throughout the initial rift event was associated with the formation of a complex set of intra-rift faults. These intra-rift faults exhibit a broadly east – west orientation consistent with the interpreted north – south extensional direction. However, this east – west orientation locally deviates to a more northwest – southeast direction near the oblique-trending St George Fault, attributed to stress perturbation effects. Many of the intra-rift faults die out prior to the end of the Early Cretaceous initial rift event while displacement on basement faults continued throughout. Faulting activity during the Late Cretaceous post-rift fault event was almost exclusively localised onto basement faults, despite a significant change in extension direction to northeast – southwest. A high-density, en échelon array of northwest – southeast-trending fault segments formed directly above the St George Fault and the large east – west-trending basement faults contemporaneously reactivated. Seismic variance data show that post-rift fault segments that are hard-linked to the St George Fault at depth have propagated through near-surface units. Non-basement-linked post-rift fault segments that lie away from the St George basement have not. This suggests that recent fault activity has continued to occur preferentially along basement faults up to relatively recent times, which has significant implications for fault seal integrity in the area. This is empirically validated by our structural analysis of fault-dependent hydrocarbon traps in the area, which shows that partially breached or breached hydrocarbon columns are associated with basement faults, whereas unbreached hydrocarbon columns are not. 相似文献
塔里木盆地与南天山构造-沉积耦合关系是目前国内地质研究的热点之一。文中首次利用盆地内钻井样品的磷灰石和锆石(U-Th)/He年龄探讨了塔里木盆地与南天山构造-沉积耦合关系。塔北隆起He年龄为15~3Ma的磷灰石和锆石来自于南天山,热史模拟结果揭示了南天山在晚中新世开始快速抬升的时间约为15Ma,一直持续到5Ma左右。在此基础上,建立了南天山与塔里木盆地北缘新近纪的构造-沉积耦合关系演化模式。晚中新世,南天山开始快速隆升遭受剥蚀,而塔里木盆地北缘剧烈沉降接受来自南天山的沉积物。盆地内的磷灰石和锆石He年龄有效地记录了这些地质信息,为盆-山耦合关系研究提供了新证据。 相似文献
川东北地区构造-热演化探讨——来自(U-Th)/He年龄和Ro的约束 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
利用镜质组反射率和磷灰石与锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄一起模拟了川东北地区三叠纪以来的构造-热演化特征。结果表明早三叠世的热流值在51~66mW/m2,自晚三叠世至白垩纪随盆地性质由前陆盆地演化为陆内坳陷盆地,热流缓慢降低直至现今的44.5mW/m2。但在晚白垩世—古新世时期受燕山晚期构造运动的影响,热流有一个微弱增高的现象。同时,磷灰石和锆石的He年龄揭示了川东北地区大致在晚白垩世期间开始隆升且抬升剥蚀量较大。因此,磷灰石和锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄可以揭示后期详细的冷却历史。 相似文献