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Investigation of magnetic field generation by convective flows is carried out for three values of kinematic Prandtl number: P = 0.3, 1 and 6.8. We consider Rayleigh–Bénard convection in Boussinesq approximation assuming stress-free boundary conditions on horizontal boundaries and periodicity with the same period in the x and y directions. Convective attractors are modelled for increasing Rayleigh numbers for each value of the kinematic Prandtl number. Linear and non-linear dynamo action of these attractors is studied for magnetic Prandtl numbers P m ≤ 100. Flows, which can act as magnetic dynamos, have been found for all the three considered values of P, if the Rayleigh number R is large enough. The minimal R, for which of magnetic field generation occurs, increases with P. The minimum (over R) of critical Pm for magnetic field generation in the kinematic regime is admitted for P = 0.3. Thus, our study indicates that smaller values of P are beneficial for magnetic field generation.  相似文献   


We are investigating numerically the nonlinear behaviour of a space-periodic MHD system with ABC forcing. Most computations are performed for magnetic Reynolds numbers increasing from 0 to 60 and a fixed kinematic Reynolds number, small enough for the trivial solution with a zero magnetic field to be stable to velocity perturbations. At the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of instability of the trivial solution the dominant eigenvalue of the kinematic dynamo problem is real. In agreement with the bifurcation theory new steady states with non-vanishing magnetic field appear in this bifurcation. Subsequent bifurcations are investigated. A regime is detected, where chaotic variations of the magnetic field orientation (analogous to magnetic field reversals) are observed in the temporal evolution of the system.  相似文献   

The magnetohydrodynamic dynamo problem is solved for an electrically conducting spherical fluid shell with spherically symmetric distributions of gravity and heat sources. The dynamics of motions generated by thermal buoyancy are dominated by the effects of rotation of the fluid shell. Dynamos are found for low and intermediate values of the Taylor number, T ? 105, if the scale of the nonaxisymmetric component of the velocity field is sufficiently small. The generation of magnetic fields of quadrupolar symmetry is preferred at Rayleigh numbers close to the critical value Rc for onset of convection. As the Rayleigh number increases, the generation of dipolar magnetic fields becomes preferred.  相似文献   


As an extension of a model by Busse (1983a), a two-layer model of thermal convection in the self-gravitating rotating spherical fluid is considered. The upper layer with arbitrary vertical distributions of density and potential temperature representing the atmospheric layer of major planets is imposed on the spherical Boussinesq fluid. The Prandtl number P and the ratio of the mass of the upper layer to that of the lower layer are used as small expansion parameters. The modification of the critical Rayleigh number by imposing the upper layer are clearly separated into two parts, proportional to (1) the mass of the upper layer and to (2) an integral representing a measure of convective instability of the upper layer. Some implications for atmospheric dynamics of the major planets are also presented.  相似文献   


Finite amplitude solutions for convection in a rotating spherical fluid shell with a radius ratio of η=0.4 are obtained numerically by the Galerkin method. The case of the azimuthal wavenumber m=2 is emphasized, but solutions with m=4 are also considered. The pronounced distinction between different modes at low Prandtl numbers found in a preceding linear analysis (Zhang and Busse, 1987) is also found with respect to nonlinear properties. Only the positive-ω-mode exhibits subcritical finite amplitude convection. The stability of the stationary drifting solutions with respect to hydrodynamic disturbances is analyzed and regions of stability are presented. A major part of the paper is concerned with the growth of magnetic disturbances. The critical magnetic Prandtl number for the onset of dynamo action has been determined as function of the Rayleigh and Taylor numbers for the Prandtl numbers P=0.1 and P=1.0. Stationary and oscillatory dynamos with both, dipolar and quadrupolar, symmetries are close competitors in the parameter space of the problem.  相似文献   


Two upper bounding problems for thermal convection in a layer of fluid contained between perfectly conducting stress-free boundaries are treated numerically. Since the Euler equations resulting from this variational approach are simpler than the Navier-Stokes equations, they allow numerical calculations to be carried out economically to fairly large values of the Rayleigh number. The upper bounding problem formulated by Howard (1963), which yields a Nusselt number independent of Prandtl number, diverges from the correct behavior as the Rayleigh number increases. In hopes of coming closer to results of previous investigations of the Boussinesq equations of motion, a more restrictive upper bounding problem is formulated. For large Prandtl numbers the momentum equation is linearized and is used as an explicit side constraint on the variational problem, thereby forcing the solutions to more closely resemble the solutions of the Boussinesq equations. Numerical calculations at values of the Rayleigh number up to 1.5 × 105 indicate that the additional constraint decreases the upper bound on the Nusselt number; it appears that this upper bound differs by only a multiplicative factor from that calculated from solutions of the full equations of motion and may be a reasonable approximation for large Rayleigh numbers.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress—Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of order unity, as is the ratio of thermal to magnetic diffusivity. Attention is focused on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection. The case of main interest is the layer confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, but the analysis is guided by a parallel study based on illustrative boundary conditions that are mathematically simpler.  相似文献   


The linear problem of the onset of convection in rotating spherical shells is analysed numerically in dependence on the Prandtl number. The radius ratio η=r i/r o of the inner and outer radii is generally assumed to be 0.4. But other values of η are also considered. The goal of the analysis has been the clarification of the transition between modes drifting in the retrograde azimuthal direction in the low Taylor number regime and modes traveling in the prograde direction at high Taylor numbers. It is shown that for a given value m of the azimuthal wavenumber a single mode describes the onset of convection of fluids of moderate or high Prandtl number. At low Prandtl numbers, however, three different modes for a given m may describe the onset of convection in dependence on the Taylor number. The characteristic properties of the modes are described and the singularities leading to the separation with decreasing Prandtl number are elucidated. Related results for the problem of finite amplitude convection are also reported.  相似文献   

Mambole  A.  Labrosse  G.  Tric  E.  Fleitout  L. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2004,48(3):519-537
An infinite horizontal layer, with vertically stratified temperature and solute concentration, is considered in the case where the viscosity is exponentially dependent on temperature, and the Prandtl number is infinite. Its linear stability is investigated when the destabilizing thermal gradient acts against a stabilizing solute gradient. The analysis is performed using horizontal Fourier and vertical Chebyshev polynomial expansions. For the constant viscosity case, the laws well established in the free boundary configuration are seen to be directly suitable for the rigid one. In the variable viscosity case, characterised by a given viscosity contrast c, the scaling laws with c are settled extrapolating to the double diffusive situation the approach initiated by Stengel et al. (1982). In contrast with the constant viscosity case, the critical wave number is found to be strongly dependent on the solutal Rayleigh number in the marginal oscillatory obtained at large contrast values.  相似文献   

Dynamo simulations require sub-grid scale (SGS) models for the momentum and heat flux, the Lorentz force, and the magnetic induction. Previous large eddy simulations (LES) using the scale similarity model have represented many aspects of the SGS motion. However, discrepancies are observed due to interchanging the order of filtering operation and spatial differentiation. In this study, we implement a correction term for this commutation error specifically for the scale-similarity model. Furthermore, we implement a dynamic scheme to evaluate time-dependent coefficients for the SGS models. We perform dynamo simulations in a rotating plane layer with different spatial resolutions, and compare results for the time dependence of the large-scale magnetic field. Simulations are performed at two different Rayleigh numbers, using constant values for the other dimensionless numbers (Ekman, Prandtl, and magnetic Prandtl numbers). Both cases show that the dynamic LES can accurately represent the large-scale magnetic field, whereas the dynamo failed in the direct simulations without the SGS terms at the same spatial resolutions. We conclude that the dynamic versions of the SGS and commutation error correction are essential for successful dynamos on coarser grids.  相似文献   


A theoretical analysis of pseudo two-dimensional, finite-amplitude, thermal convection is made for an infinite Prandtl number fluid which is subjected to a constant heat flux out of the top boundary and insulated at the bottom. For large Rayleigh numbers the convective flow becomes intermittent and the system is characterized by the following cyclic process: the formation of a thermal boundary layer by diffusion, the instability of this layer when it becomes sufficiently thick, the destruction of the layer by the convective flow, the dying down of the convection, and the reforming of the thermal boundary layer by diffusion. The periodicity and the horizontal wave number of the intermittent convective flow are found to be independent of the depth of the fluid layer but depend on the rate of cooling and the properties of the fluid.  相似文献   


Results are presented of a numerical study of marginal convection of electrically conducting fluid, permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field, contained in a circular cylinder rotating rapidly about its vertical axis of symmetry. To this basic state is added a geostrophic flow UG (s), constant on geostrophic cylinders radius s. Its magnitude is fixed by requiring that the Lorentz forces induced by the convecting mode satisfy Taylor's condition. The nonlinear mathematical problem describing the system was developed in an earlier paper (Skinner and Soward, 1988) and the predictions made there are confirmed here. In particular, for small values of the Roberts number q which measures the ratio of the thermal to magnetic diffusivities, two distinct regions can be recognised within the fluid with the outer region moving rapidly compared to the inner. Otherwise, conditions for the onset of instability via the Taylor state (UG 0) do not differ significantly from those appropriate to the static (UG = 0) basic state. The possible disruption of the Taylor states by shear flow instabilities is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Using linear and weakly nonlinear stability theory, the effects of Soret and Dufour parameters are investigated on thermohaline convection in a horizontal layer of rotating fluid, specifically the ocean. Thermohaline circulation is important in mixing processes and contributes to heat and mass transports and hence the earth’s climate. A general conception is that due to the smallness of the Soret and Dufour parameters their effect is negligible. However, it is shown here that the Soret parameter, salinity and rotation stabilise the system, whereas temperature destabilises it and the Dufour parameter has minimal effect on stationary convection. For oscillatory convection, the analysis is difficult as it shows that the Rayleigh number depends on six parameters, the Soret and Dufour parameters, the salinity Rayleigh number, the Lewis number, the Prandtl number, and the Taylor number. We demonstrate the interplay between these parameters and their effects on oscillatory convection in a graphical manner. Furthermore, we find that the Soret parameter enhances oscillatory convection whereas the Dufour parameter, salinity Rayleigh number, the Lewis number, and rotation delay instability. We believe that these results have not been elucidated in this way before for large-scale fluids. Furthermore, we investigate weakly nonlinear stability and the effect of cross diffusive terms on heat and mass transports. We show the existence of new solution bifurcations not previously identified in literature.  相似文献   


The modal expansion procedure has been used to analyze penetrative convection that arises when a thin unstable layer is embedded between two stable regions. The Boussinesq approximation is applied in which the effect of compressibility and stratification are neglected. Various calculations have been made, with one and two modes, for Rayleigh numbers ranging from the critical value to more than 105 times critical. The effect of decreasing the Prandtl number has also been investigated.

It is found that in the nonlinear regime, the convective motions penetrate substantially into the stable regions. The flux of kinetic energy plays a crucial role in such penetration, and its existence puts some requirements on the motions: in the single-mode case, they need to be three-dimensional. The extent of penetration amounts to about half of the thickness of the unstable layer on each side of it when the degree of instability and that of stability are comparable in the two domains; it increases as the stability of the outer region is lowered. The penetration depth appears to be independent of all other parameters defining the problem.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress-Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of unit order. In Part I of this series, it was also supposed that the ratio thermal diffusivity diffusivity/magnetic diffusivity is O(1), but here we suppose that this ratio is large. The character of the solution is changed in this limit. In the case of main interest, when the layer is confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, the solution is significantly different from the solution when the mathematically simpler, illustrative boundary conditions also considered in Part I are employed. As in Part I, attention is focussed on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection.  相似文献   


An inviscid, electrically conducting fluid is contained between two rigid horizontal planes and bounded laterally by two vertical walls. The fluid is permeated by a strong uniform horizontal magnetic field aligned with the side wall boundaries and the entire system rotates rapidly about a vertical axis. The ratio of the magnitudes of the Lorentz and Coriolis forces is characterized by the Elsasser number, A, and the ratio of the thermal and magnetic diffusivities, q. By heating the fluid from below and cooling from above the system becomes unstable to small perturbations when the adverse density gradient as measured by the Rayleigh number, R, is sufficiently large.

With the viscosity ignored the geostrophic velocity, U, which is aligned with the applied magnetic field, is independent of the coordinate parallel to the rotation axis but is an arbitrary function of the horizontal cross-stream coordinate. At the onset of instability the value of U taken ensures that Taylor's condition is met. Specifically the Lorentz force, which results from marginal convection must not cause any acceleration of the geostrophic flow. It is found that the critical Rayleigh number characterising the onset of instability is generally close to the corresponding value for the usual linear problem, in which Taylor's condition is ignored and U is chosen to vanish. Significant differences can occur when q is small owing to a complicated flow structure. There is a central interior region in which the local magnetic Reynolds number, Rm , based on U is small of order q and on exterior region in which Rm is of order unity.  相似文献   

As a step towards a physically realistic model of a fast dynamo, we study numerically a kinematic dynamo driven by convection in a rapidly rotating cylindrical annulus. Convection maintains the quasi-geostrophic balance whilst developing more complicated time-dependence as the Rayleigh number is increased. We incorporate the effects of Ekman suction and investigate dynamo action resulting from a chaotic flow obtained in this manner. We examine the growth rate as a function of magnetic Prandtl number Pm, which is proportional to the magnetic Reynolds number. Even for the largest value of Pm considered, a clearly identifiable asymptotic behaviour is not established. Nevertheless the available evidence strongly suggests a fast dynamo process.  相似文献   

The onset of convection in a layer of an electrically conducting fluid heated from below is considered in the case when the layer is permeated by a horizontal magnetic field of strength B 0 the orientation of which varies sinusoidally with height. The critical value of the Rayleigh number for the onset of convection is derived as a function of the Chandrasekhar number Q. With increasing Q the height of the convection rolls decreases, while their horizontal wavelength slowly increases. Potential applications to the penumbral filaments of sunspots are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The D″ layer is a dense and chemically distinct layer at the base of the convecting mantle. Numerical modeling of the entrainment of this layer by mantle convection requires the solution of the advective transport equation without introducing numerical diffusion across sharp material boundaries. We use our improved second moment numerical method to solve the equation. The method conserves the amount of material and the first and second moments of material distribution in each control volume. We first consider two examples of isothermal Rayleigh–Taylor instability to illustrate the performance of our method by comparing our results with those of a number of field, tracer and marker chain methods. We show that the performance of our method in minimizing the numerical diffusion is better than the field methods and comparable to the tracer and marker chain methods. We then study the instability of the dense D″ layer and its interaction with the overlying mantle. A range of density contrast between the D″ layer and the mantle, layer thickness, and the Rayleigh number, Ra, is examined. We show that for higher values of these parameters, the amount of entrainment decreases and the layer remains stable over longer periods of time. For very thick D″ layers and high Ra values, internal convection can take place within the layer.  相似文献   

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