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We present new photometric data and analyze long-term UBV observations of three candidates for protoplanetary nebulae—F supergiants with infrared excesses at high Galactic latitudes—IRAS 18095+2704, IRAS 19386+0155, and IRAS 19500-1709. All these stars exhibit quasi-periodic low-amplitude variations caused by pulsations against the background of long-term brightness trends. For IRAS 18095+2704=V887 Her, we have found a pulsation period of 109 days and revealed a linear brightness trend—the star brightens at constant (within the limits of the measurement errors) yearly mean color indices. The light curve of IRAS 19386+0155=V1648 Aql in 2000–2008 is represented by a wave with a fundamental period of 102 days whose modulation with a close period of 98 days leads to variations with a variable amplitude. V1648 Aql also shows a systematic rise in V brightness along with a reddening. IRAS 19500–1709=V5112 Sgr exhibits irregular pulsations with periods of 39 and 47 days. The long-term variability component of V5112 Sgr may indicate that the star is binary.  相似文献   

We have obtained resolved IR images, at wavelengths from 1.2µm to 12.5µm, of a small sample of protoplanetary nebulae. The results suggest that all PPNe are axially, not spherically, symmetric, that spherical symmetry ends at the tip of the AGB, and that AGB evolution terminates with a burst of remarkably rapid, equatorially concentrated mass-loss.  相似文献   

Symbiotic systems, in particular symbiotic novae, have been suggested to be very early stages of planetary nebulae. Some of them have been described as going through a Wolf-Rayet phase. We argue that there may be a direct relation between symbiotic objects and planetary nebulae, and that the Wolf-Rayet phase is connected to an active spell of the hot companion. Symbiotic stars could lead to planetary nebulae with two central stars with different radiation temperatures and luminosities, where each has the power to ionize a planetary nebula on its own.  相似文献   

Planetary nebulae (PNe) are formed in a very fast process. In just about 1000 years, the nebula evolves from a spherical and slowly expanding AGB envelope to a PN, with usually axial symmetry and high axial velocities. Molecular lines are known to probe most of the nebular material in young PNe and protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe), and are therefore very useful to study such an impressive evolution. Many quantitative results on these objects have been so obtained, including general structure, total mass and density distribution, kinetic temperatures, velocity fields, etc. Existing observations probe both the gas accelerated by post-AGB shocks and the quiescent components. But the study of crucial regions to understand PN formation (recently shocked shells, regions heated by the stellar UV and inner rotating disks) requires observations at higher frequency and with better spatial resolution.   相似文献   

The catalogue of protoplanetary nebulae by Vickers et al. has been supplemented with the line-of-sight velocities and proper motions of their central stars from the literature. Based on an exponential density distribution, we have estimated the vertical scale height from objects with an age less than 3 Gyr belonging to the Galactic thin disk (luminosities higher than 5000 L ) to be h = 146 ± 15 pc, while from a sample of older objects (luminosities lower than 5000 L ) it is h = 568 ± 42 pc. We have produced a list of 147 nebulae in which there are only the line-of-sight velocities for 55 nebulae, only the proper motions for 25 nebulae, and both line-of-sight velocities and proper motions for 67 nebulae. Based on this kinematic sample, we have estimated the Galactic rotation parameters and the residual velocity dispersions of protoplanetary nebulae as a function of their age. We have established that there is a good correlation between the kinematic properties of nebulae and their separation in luminosity proposed by Vickers. Most of the nebulae are shown to be involved in the Galactic rotation, with the circular rotation velocity at the solar distance being V 0 = 227 ± 23 km s?1. The following principal semiaxes of the residual velocity dispersion ellipsoid have been found: (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (47, 41, 29) km s?1 from a sample of young protoplanetary nebulae (with luminosities higher than 5000 L ), (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (50, 38, 28) km s?1 from a sample of older protoplanetary nebulae (with luminosities of 4000 L or 3500 L ), and (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (91, 49, 36) km s?1 from a sample of halo nebulae (with luminosities of 1700 L ).  相似文献   

The results of a spectroscopic investigation of five planetary nebulae are given. The relative intensities of emission lines observed in them were determined. The electron density and electron temperature of the central region of the nebula KjPn 8 were determined. It was shown that the gas in this region is very highly excited. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 367–375, July–September, 1998.  相似文献   

We use ground-based imaging polarimetry to detect and image the dusty circumstellar envelopes of a sample of protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe) at near-infrared wavelengths. This technique allows the scattered light from the faint envelope to be separated from the glare of the bright central star, and is particularly well suited to this class of object. We detect extended (up to 9-arcsec diameter) circumstellar envelopes around 15 out of 16 sources with a range of morphologies including bipolars and shells. The distribution of scattered light in combination with its polarization (up to 40 per cent) provides unambiguous evidence for axisymmetry in 14 objects, showing this to be a common trait of PPNe. We suggest that the range of observed envelope morphologies results from the development of an axisymmetric dust distribution during the superwind phase at the end of the AGB. We identify shells seen in polarized light with scattering from these superwind dust distributions, which allows us to provide constraints on the duration of the superwind phase. In one object (IRAS 19475+3119) the circumstellar envelope has a two-armed spiral structure, which we suggest results from the interaction of the mass-losing star with a binary companion.  相似文献   

In an imaging polarimetry survey of candidate post-AGB stars, scattering envelopes are detected around 20 objects. These envelopes represent the final mass-loss phases at the end of the AGB. In all cases, evidence for axisymmetry in the dust density is seen, suggesting that the presence of an axisymmetric outflow may be a ubiquitous phenomenon of the AGB to post-AGB transition. We use the polarized flux images to classify the objects into detached shell, bipolar and unresolved targets. Modelling based on a simple axisymmetric shell geometry supports the contention that post-AGB objects fall into one of two classes that differ in the amount of dust in the circumstellar environment: the detached shells correspond to stars with an optically thin expanding circumstellar envelope (CSE) whereas the bipolar and unresolved targets have optically thick dust structures, probably in the form of discs, which remain bound to the star, rather than partaking in the expansion of the AGB CSE. It is suggested that this bifurcation in morphology is rooted in the presence or absence of a binary companion, which determines whether or not a disc forms. Because the detached shell objects also appear axisymmetric, an additional mechanism for generating the axisymmetry, such as a magnetically shaped outflow, is needed if they do indeed have single star progenitors.  相似文献   

A search (using the Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRAS point source catalogue) for infrared counterparts of the fourteen new candidates for planetary nebulae of low surface brightness detected by Hartl and Tritton (1985), resulted in only five identifications. The infrared sources of four of these candidate nebulae are found within 5 are sec of their optical position and the fifth one within 1 are min. Two of the five nebulae identified with infrared sources are classified as true, one as probable and two as possible by Hartl and Tritton (1985). All the five nebulae are found in regions of high cirrus flux at 100 m. These nebulae are all found to have both point sources as well as small size extended sources (in the IRAS scan windows centred on the sources), with numbers varying from field to field. The infrared emission from these nebulae have dust temperatures 100K (characteristic of planetary nebulae). Four of the nebulae appear to be faint in the infrared (just as in the optical band) with total infrared flux of 2×10–13 W m–2. Only the PN candidate No. 12 appears to be very bright in the infrared. It is likely that part of the emission is from extraneous sources in the line-of-sight to the nebula.  相似文献   

Reasons for photometrically monitoring Be stars are provided. Participation, particularly from the southern hemisphere, is invited.  相似文献   

Do some Wolf–Rayet stars owe their strong winds to something else besides radiation pressure? The answer to this question is still not entirely obvious, especially in certain Wolf–Rayet subclasses, mainly WN8 and WC9. Both of these types of Wolf–Rayet stars are thought to be highly variable, as suggested by observations, possibly due to pulsations. However, only the WN8 stars have so far been vigorously and systematically investigated for variability. We present here the results of a systematic survey during three consecutive weeks of 19 Galactic WC9 stars and one WC8 star for photometric variability in two optical bands, V and I . Of particular interest are the correlated variations in brightness and colour index in the context of carbon dust formation, which occurs frequently in WC9 and some WC8 stars. In the most variable case, WR76, we used this information to derive a typical dust grain size of  ∼ 0.1 μm  . However, most photometric variations occur at surprisingly low levels, and in fact almost half of our sample shows no significant variability at all above the instrumental level (  σ∼ 0.005– 0.01  mag).  相似文献   

A lot of data in time domain were obtained by the Kepler mission, including many contact binaries. Long-term observation lets us obtain more information about the short time scale variation in their light curves or in their orbital periods. Unfortunately, the exposure time is too long (most of them are 30 minutes). Hence, many variations in light curves are smoothed. To avoid this problem, we analyzed some Kepler contact systems with both long-cadence mode and short-cadence mode data. Using the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code, we obtained the physical parameters of a batch of contact binaries and find out four targets(KIC 5123176, KIC 5296877, KIC 8496820, KIC 9776718) have low mass ratios (q  <  0.25) and one target (KIC 7950962) has a mass ratio very close to unit.  相似文献   

We present photometric observations of four stars that are optical counterparts of soft X-ray/EUV sources, namely 1ES 0829+15.9, 1ES0920-13.6, 2RE J1 10159+223509 and 1ES 1737+61.2. We have discovered periodic variability in two of the stars, viz., MCC 527 (1ES 0829+15.9; Period = 0 d .828 ± 0.0047) and HD 81032 (1ES 0920-13.6; Period = ∼ 57.02 ± 0.560 days). HD 95559 (2RE J1 10159+223509) is found to show a period of 3 d . HD 160934 (1ES1737+61.2) also shows photometric variability but needs to be monitored further for finding its period. These stars most likely belong to the class of chromospherically active stars.  相似文献   

The Nobeyama Millimeter Array Survey for protoplanetary disks has been made for 19 protostellar IRAS sources in Taurus; 13 of them were optically invisible protostars and 6 were young T Tauri stars. We observed 98-GHz continuum and CS(J = 2 – 1) line emissions simultaneously with spatial resolutions of 2 . 8-8 . 8 (360-1,200 AU). The continuum emission was detected from 5 out of 6 T Tauri stars and 2 out of 13 protostar candidates: the emission was not spatially resolved and was consistent with being originated from compact circumstellar disks. Extended CS emission was detected around 2 T Tauri stars and 11 protostar candidates. There is a remarkable tendency for the detectability of the 98-GHz continuum emission to be small for protostar candidates. This tendency is explained if the mass of protoplanetary disks around protostars is not as large as that around T Tauri stars; the disk mass may increase with the increase of central stellar mass by dynamical accretion in the course of evolution from protostars to T Tauri stars.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

As part of a long‐term project to determine abundances and astrophysical properties of evolved red stars in open clusters, we present high‐precision DDO photoelectric observations for a sample of 33 red giant candidates projected in the fields of nine Galactic open clusters. These data are supplemented with UBV photoelectric photometry of 24 of these stars as well as with CORAVEL radial‐velocity observations for 13 red giant candidates in four of the clusters. We also present Washington photoelectric photometry of a small sample of red giant candidates of the open cluster Ruprecht 97. The likelihood of cluster membership for each star photometrically observed and for 23 additional red giant candidates with UBV and DDO data available in the literature, is evaluated by using two independent photometric criteria. Nearly 82% of the analysed stars are found to have a high probability of being cluster giants. Photometric membership probabilities show very good agreement with those obtained from CORAVEL radial velocities. While E (BV) colour excesses were determined from combined BV and DDO colours, calibrations of the DDO system were used to derive MK spectral types, effective temperatures and metallicities. The derived DDO metallicities range between values typical of moderately metal‐poor clusters ([Fe/H] = –0.19) to moderately metal‐rich ([Fe/H] = 0.25) ones. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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