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Lipid biomarkers from a peat plateau profile from the Northeast European Russian Arctic were analyzed. The peat originated as a wet fen ca. 9 ka BP and developed into a peat bog after the onset of permafrost ca. 2.5 ka BP. The distributions and abundances of n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanes, n-alkan-2-ones and sterols were determined to study the effect of degradation on their paleoclimate proxy information. Plant macrofossil analysis was also used in combination with the lipid distributions. The n-alkanol and n-alkanoic acid distributions in the upper part of the sequence generally correspond to compositions expected from plant macrofossil assemblages. Their carbon preference index (CPI) values increase with depth and age, whereas those of the n-alkanes decrease. The different CPI patterns suggest that n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanols deeper in the sequence may be produced during humification through alteration of other lipids. Excursions in the n-alkanoic acid content also suggest an important contribution of invasive roots to the lipid biomarker composition. The CPIs associated with these compounds show that under permafrost conditions organic material from Sphagnum is better preserved than material from vascular plants. Increasing stanol/stenol ratio values and decreasing n-alkane CPI values indicate progressive degradation of organic matter (OM) with depth. The n-alkan-2-one/n-alkane and n-alkan-2-one/n-alkanoic acid ratios were shown to be useful proxies that can reflect the degree of OM preservation and suggest that both microbial oxidation of n-alkanes and decarboxylation of n-alkanoic acids produce n-alkan-2-ones in this peat sequence.  相似文献   

A peat deposit from the East European Russian Arctic, spanning nearly 10 000 years, was investigated to study soil organic matter degradation using analyses of bulk elemental and stable isotopic compositions and plant macrofossil remains. The peat accumulated initially in a wet fen that was transformed into a peat plateau bog following aggradation of permafrost in the late Holocene (~2500 cal a BP). Total organic carbon and total nitrogen (N) concentrations are higher in the fen peat than in the moss‐dominated bog peat layers. Layers in the sequence that have lower concentrations of total hydrogen (H) are associated with degraded vascular plant residues. C/N and H/C atomic ratios indicate better preservation of organic matter in peat material dominated by bryophytes as opposed to vascular plants. The presence of permafrost in the peat plateau stage and water‐saturated conditions at the bottom of the fen stage appear to lead to better preservation of organic plant material. δ15N values suggest N isotopic fractionation was driven primarily by microbial decomposition whereas differences in δ13C values appear to reflect mainly changes in plant assemblages. Positive shifts in both δ15N and δ13C values coincide with a local change to drier conditions as a result of the onset of permafrost and frost heave of the peat surface. This pattern suggests that permafrost aggradation not only resulted in changes in vegetation but also aerated the underlying fen peat, which enhanced microbial denitrification, causing the observed 15N‐enrichment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are regarded as one potential sink for atmospheric CO2 via photosynthetic fixation in plant biomass and subsequent transformation into soil organic matter upon soil diagenesis. The difference in C-isotope signatures of C3- vs. C4-plants allows for a natural isotopic labelling of soil organic matter after changes from C3- to C4-cropping. In this study, we demonstrate that isotopic shifts are paralleled by molecular signatures of C3- vs. C4-crop alkyl lipids. Turnover times vary significantly, based on cropping techniques. For grain-maize cropped soils at steady state average turnover times of 40 years for bulk SOC, 35 years for n-alkanes and 21 years for n-carboxylic acids were determined. Turnover times for silage-maize cropped soil at steady state were on average 250 years for bulk SOC, 60 years for n-alkanes and 49 years for n-carboxylic acids. Turnover times reported here for silage-maize cropped soils may be taken as maximum values only, because they derive from a single trial, which was affected by addition of anthropogenic refractory carbon. Discrimination of input from various plant parts (roots, stems and leaves) based on bulk C-isotopes is not feasible but can easily be achieved using compositions of carboxylic acids, especially the ratio of n-C24 vs. n-C22+26 and their respective C-isotope values. This enables delineation of the influence of different cropping techniques, e.g., silage- or grain-maize, on carbon storage in soils. Admixture of external sources of organic matter to the soil organic carbon pool of an urban site in Halle, Germany was identified based on alkyl lipid distributions. Nearby lignite mining was identified as a source for non-crop-derived alkyl lipids, primarily based on the elevated n-C26-carboxylic acid content and heavier carbon isotopic signatures.  相似文献   

The n-alkane C31/(C29 + C31) ratios from surface sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) exhibit higher values to the north and lower values to the south across the southern edge (2–4°N) of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Since plants tend to synthesize longer chain length n-alkanes in response to elevated temperature and/or aridity, the higher C31/(C29 + C31) ratios at northern sites suggest a higher contribution of vegetation under hot and/or dry conditions. This is consistent with the observation that northern sites receive higher levels of plant waxes transported by northeasterly trade winds from northern South America, where hot and dry conditions prevail. Furthermore, from a sediment core covering the past 750 ka (core HY04; 4°N, 95°W) we found that C31/(C29 + C31) ratios exhibit a long-term decrease from MIS (marine oxygen isotope stage) 17 to 13. During this period, the zonal SST (sea-surface temperature) gradient in the equatorial Pacific increased, suggesting an increase in Walker circulation. Such intensified Walker circulation may have enhanced moisture advection from the equatorial Atlantic warm pool to the adjacent northern South America, causing arid regions in northern South America to contract, which may explain long-term decrease in n-alkane chain lengths.  相似文献   

为探讨柴达木盆地晚更新世的环境变迁,同时为青藏高原隆升对气候变化的影响提供基础资料,对柴达木盆地昆特依地区ZK1404钻孔沉积物中的正构烷烃分布特征以及ASM14C测年数据进行了分析。结果显示,昆特依地区晚更新世沉积物的正构烷烃总体上呈现以高碳数为主的分布特征,多数样品以nC27nC29为主峰,部分以nC31为主峰,呈现出显著的奇碳优势。少数样品中低于nC21的短链正构烷烃相对丰度较高,主要以nC17nC20为主峰碳数,无明显的奇偶优势。根据正构烷烃分布特征、AMS14C测年数据、区域地质调查资料及沉积环境判断,柴达木盆地昆特依地区晚更新世(33600~26370a B.P.)气候环境以温凉干旱与温凉干旱偏湿交替出现为特征,与现代大陆性干旱荒漠气候截然不同。  相似文献   

A comprehensive lithological–geochemical study of Neopleistocene–Holocene sediments from Russian Arctic showed that these sediments formed in rather similar sedimentation conditions, which were common for polar lithogenesis. This is reflected in the lithology of bottom sediments and their relatively close compositions.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope profiles along the growth axis of fossil bivalve shells of Macoma calcarea were established to reconstruct hydrographical changes in the eastern Laptev Sea since 8400 cal yr B.P.. The variability of the oxygen isotopes (δ18O) in the individual records is mainly attributed to variations in the salinity of bottom waters in the Laptev Sea with a modern ratio of 0.50‰/salinity. The high-resolution δ18O profiles exhibit distinct and annual cycles from which the seasonal and annual salinity variations at the investigated site can be reconstructed. Based on the modern analogue approach oxygen isotope profiles of radiocarbon-dated bivalve shells from a sediment core located northeast of the Lena Delta provide seasonal and subdecadal insights into past hydrological conditions and their relation to the Holocene transgressional history of the Laptev Sea shelf. Under the assumption that the modern relationship between δ18Ow and salinity has been constant throughout the time, the δ18O of an 8400-cal-yr-old bivalves would suggest that bottom-water salinity was reduced and the temperature was slightly warmer, both suggesting a stronger mixture of riverine water to the bottom water. Reconstruction of the inundation history of the Laptev Sea shelf indicates local sea level ∼27 m below present at this time and a closer proximity of the site to the coastline and the Lena River mouth. Due to continuing sea level rise and a southward retreat of the river mouth, bottom-water salinity increased at 7200 cal yr B.P. along with an increase in seasonal variability. Conditions comparable to the modern hydrography were achieved by 3800 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   

Here, we present and discuss results from geo‐archaeological and palaeo‐zoological investigations at the Palaeolithic site Pymva Shor, in the Russian Arctic. As many as 3324 vertebrate fauna remains were recovered during two excavations. This includes bones of mammals, birds and fish. Radiocarbon dates were obtained from 26 specimens. The results show ages in the range 30–3 cal. ka BP. Hare and reindeer are the best represented amongst the identified mammalian species, whilst ptarmigan and various wader species dominate the avian bones. The Pleistocene assemblage includes herbivorous herd animals such as horse, bison and musk ox. These species are typical of the treeless tundra‐steppe landscape that existed during the Lateglacial. Of particular interest is a cave lion specimen that has been radiocarbon dated to approximately 15.5 cal. ka BP. According to our knowledge, this is one of the latest dated examples of this species in Eurasia. The faunal composition in the Holocene assemblage is strikingly different and includes distinct forest taxa such as beaver and pine marten. The avifauna also supports a forested environment with the presence of black grouse. A few stone artefacts were found within the strata, and have been radiocarbon dated to 16–15 cal. ka BP, suggesting that there were humans in the Pymva Shore area at that time. We identified impact notches and cut marks on some radiocarbon‐dated reindeer and bison bones, showing that humans were present twice during the Younger Dryas period. A fourth occupation phase is identified during the mid‐Holocene (6–5 cal. ka BP). We also investigated river terraces and obtained a series of luminescence dates. These have been used to reconstruct the geological history and the relationship to the find‐bearing strata.  相似文献   

A ca. 1400-yr record from a raised bog in Isla Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, registers climate fluctuations, including a Medieval Warm Period, although evidence for the ‘Little Ice Age’ is less clear. Changes in temperature and/or precipitation were inferred from plant macrofossils, pollen, fungal spores, testate amebae, and peat humification. The chronology was established using a 14C wiggle-matching technique that provides improved age control for at least part of the record compared to other sites. These new data are presented and compared with other lines of evidence from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. A period of low local water tables occurred in the bog between A.D. 960-1020, which may correspond to the Medieval Warm Period date range of A.D. 950-1045 generated from Northern Hemisphere tree-ring data. A period of cooler and/or wetter conditions was detected between ca. A.D. 1030 and 1100 and a later period of cooler/wetter conditions estimated at ca. cal A.D. 1800-1930, which may correspond to a cooling episode inferred from Law Dome, Antarctica.  相似文献   

Chronostratigraphic, geologic, and tectonic preconditions of the formation of hydrocarbon pools on the shelf of the Russian eastern Arctic are considered. Based on study of the Upper Cretaceous section at Cape Derevyannye Gory (Novaya Sibir Island), it is shown that the Arctic shelf comprises thick deltaic sequences that can accommodate solid and liquid hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):645-658
The extent of seasonal and perennial sea ice changed dramatically through the Late Quaternary and these changes influenced both the ocean and atmosphere by controlling the exchange of energy, moisture and gases between them, and by altering the planetary albedo. Reconstructing the changing patterns of sea ice distribution in the recent past remains one of the outstanding challenges to the paleo-community. To evaluate the importance of these reconstructions we performed sensitivity tests using NCAR's Community Climate Model (CCM3), and a series of prescribed sea ice extents designed to capture the full range of Arctic sea ice variability under interglacial (Holocene) and full glacial (Last Glacial Maximum) boundary conditions. Our simulations indicate that surface temperatures and sea level pressures in winter (DJF) are most sensitive to changes in sea ice, and that these changes are propagated over the surrounding land masses in the North Atlantic, but that equivalent changes in sea ice produce smaller corresponding changes in temperature or sea level pressure in the North Pacific region. A comparison between CLIMAP (Map Chart Series MC-36, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 1981) and a more realistic assessment of LGM sea ice yields dramatic changes in winter temperatures and precipitation patterns across Eurasia. These differences, forced only by changed sea ice conditions, reinforce the need to develop accurate maps of past sea ice to correctly simulate Late Quaternary environments. Such reconstructions also will be essential to validate the next generation of sea ice models.  相似文献   

Peatland of the eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau lies at the convergence of the East Asian and Indian monsoon systems in eastern Asia. To understand the evolution of this peatland and its potential to provide new insights into the Holocene evolution of the East Asian monsoon a 6 m peat core was collected from the undisturbed central part of a peat deposit near Hongyuan. The age-depth profile was determined using 16 14C-AMS age dates, the peat analysed for a range of environmental variables including carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen concentration, bulk density, δ13C and the associated spring water analysed for hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The age-depth profile of the recovered peat sequence covers the period from 9.6 to 0.3 kyr BP and is linear indicating that the conditions governing productivity and decay varied little over the Holocene. Using changes in carbon density, organic carbon content and its δ13C, cold dry periods of permafrost characterised by low density and impeded surface drainage were identified. The low δ18O and δD values of the spring water emanating around the peat deposit, down to ?13.8 and ?102‰ (VSMOW), respectively, with an inverse relationship between electrical conductivity and isotopic composition indicate precipitation under colder and drier conditions relative to the present day. In view of the current annual mean air temperature of 1 °C this suggests conditions in the past have been conducive to permafrost. Inferred periods of permafrost correspond to independently recognised cold periods in other Holocene records from across China at 8.6, 8.2–7.8, 5.6–4.2, 3.1 and 1.8–1.5 kyr BP. The transition to a cold dry climate appears to be more rapid than the subsequent recovery and cold dry periods at Hongyuan are of longer duration than equivalent cold dry periods over central and eastern China. Light–dark banding peat on a scale of 15–30 years from 9.6 to 5.5 kyr BP may indicate a strong influence of decadal oscillations possibly the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and a potential link between near simultaneous climatic changes in the northwest Pacific, ENSO, movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the East Asian Monsoon.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1463-1478
The aragonite mineralogy and geochemistry of the mollusc faunas preserved at Navan and Bearbrook, Ontario, serve as proxies of original seawater chemistry. The composite section spanning 12,980–10,980 cal yr BP includes the Younger Dryas (YD) paleoclimatic oscillation. Oxygen isotopes demonstrate the onset of cooling with the YD event, in addition to the lowering of marine values by the influx of isotopically light glacial meltwater from Lake Agassiz. Impact of cooling and dilution is reduced or eliminated with the start of the Holocene, when water temperatures and salinities for Champlain Sea (CS) seawater were 8–16 °C and 27–34 ppt, respectively. Overall, oxygen isotope values deceased to −3.5% during the YD mainly due to freshening by glacial meltwater. Carbon isotopes confirm the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration at the YD–Holocene transition. Marine strontium isotope values for the Allerød–YD–earliest Holocene range from 0.709151 (16,210 cal yr BP) to 0.709145 (12,980 cal yr BP) and 0.709142 (10,950 cal yr BP). The oceanographic changes recorded for the CS are in agreement with the evolutionary phases of Lake Agassiz and deglaciation dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The volume and direction of meltwater discharge from Lake Agassiz alternated between the Gulf of Mexico during the Allerød, via the Great Lakes through the CS to the North Atlantic during the YD, and back to the Gulf of Mexico during the early Holocene, but with diminished impact.  相似文献   

The paper reports geochemical parameters of units in a peat bed in a raised bog in the southern Tyumen territory. Based on radiocarbon dates and the variability of the geochemical data, the following four evolutionary stages of the bed in the Holocene are distinguished: an ancient lake (5600–5750 years B.P.), low-land-bog peat (4550–5600 years B.P.), transitional-type peat (4200–4550 years B.P.), raised-bog peat. The major-component technique was applied to analyze relations between various parameters of the bed and evaluate the variations in the condition under which the bog evolved with time, including climatic conditions (in relative units). An anthropogenic signal of the accumulation of certain metals in bog systems is distinguished.  相似文献   


我国东北地区地处东亚季风北缘,在高、低纬过程的共同影响下,区域气候和环境变化较为复杂。文章选取大兴安岭中段的阿尔山天池长2.5m的全新世以来的湖泊沉积岩芯(ACL17C)作为研究对象,对源于植物叶蜡的正构烷烃及相关代用指标进行分析,结果表明阿尔山天池自10.0cal. ka B.P.以来,正构烷烃浓度所代表的湖泊及流域的生产力逐渐增强,并在5.0~3.0cal. ka B.P.期间达到峰值,结合其他指标推测该阶段湖泊水位较高,有机物输入稳定,沉积速率较慢,气候温暖湿润,可能是全新世气候适宜期;2.3~1.5cal. ka B.P.期间,正构烷烃浓度下降,沉积物颗粒变粗,指示湖泊水位突降,藻类含量上升,植被状况较差,可能发生了区域性的气候变干事件;1.5cal. ka B.P.之后,相关指标显示植被状况转好,湖泊水位上升。通过对比大、小兴安岭及附近区域的植被及气候演化结果,表明该区域全新世气候适宜期可能发生在中、晚全新世,与其他地区记录的早、中全新世适宜期存在显著差异。


Pollen analysis from a peat-bog sequence located at 50° 24′ S, 72° 42′ W in the Subantarctic forest – Patagonian steppe ecotone gives information about vegetation and climate changes in Southwestern Patagonia since the glacier retreat. After 11 000 cal yr BP a change from grass steppe to open Nothofagus forest indicates that climatic conditions became rapidly warmer. Development of a closed Nothofagus forest between 5800 and 3200 cal yr BP is interpreted as precipitation increase. During the late Holocene colder climate conditions prevail in response to Neoglacial events. After ca 3000 cal yr BP Nothofagus forest became opener, and after 800 cal yr BP grass steppe expanded. Changes in the forest-steppe ecotone composition as well as the ecotone longitudinal shifts suggest changes in temperature and precipitation. Present-day mean annual precipitation between 300 and 400 mm is associated with grass steppe, and 500–600 mm with a greater forest representation. During the last century, low presence of forest in the area may be related to European settlement and repeated flooding caused by periodic advances of Perito Moreno glacier.  相似文献   

Expulsion of petroleum from source rock is a complex part of the entire migration process. There exist fractional effects on chemical compositions in hydrocarbon expulsion. Does the carbon isotopic fractionation occur during expulsion and to what extent? Here the influence of hydrocarbon expulsion on carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes from pyrolysates of selected terrestrial kerogens from Tuha basin and Fushun, Liaoning Province of China has been experimentally studied. The pyrogeneration-expulsion experiments were carried out under semi-closed system. The carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes were measured by GC-IRMS. The main conclusions are as follows. First, there is carbon isotopic fractionation associated with hydrocarbon expulsion from Type III kerogens in Tuha Basin. There exist differences of carbon isotopic compositions between the unexpelled n-alkanes and expelled n-alkanes from Tuha desmocollinite and Tuha mudstone. Second, there is almost no carbon isotopic fractionation associated with hydrocarbon expulsion from Type II kerogens in Fushun and Liaohe Basin. Third, carbon isotopic fractionation in hydrocarbon expulsion should be considered in making oil-source correlation of Type III kerogens at least in the Tuha Basin. Further studies need to be carried out to determine whether this is true in other basins. Fourth, oil and source at different maturity levels cannot be correlated directly for Type III kerogens since the carbon isotopic compositions of expelled hydrocarbons at different temperatures are different. The expelled hydrocarbons are usually lighter (depleted in 13C) than the hydrocarbons remaining in the source rock at the same maturity.  相似文献   

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