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We calculate the optical b J luminosity function (LF) of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) for different subsets defined by their spectral properties. These spectrally selected subsets are defined using a new parameter, η , which is a linear combination of the first two projections derived from a Principal Component Analysis. This parameter η identifies the average emission- and absorption-line strength in the galaxy rest frame spectrum, and hence is a useful indicator of the present star formation. We use a total of 75 000 galaxies in our calculations, chosen from a sample of high signal-to-noise ratio, low-redshift galaxies observed before 2001 January. We find that there is a systematic steepening of the faint-end slope ( α ) as one moves from passive  ( α =-0.54)  to active  ( α =-1.50)  star-forming galaxies, and that there is also a corresponding faintening of the rest frame characteristic magnitude   M *-5 log10( h )  (from −19.6 to −19.2). We also show that the Schechter function provides a poor fit to the quiescent (Type 1) LF for very faint galaxies  [ M b J-5 log10( h )  fainter than −16.0], perhaps suggesting the presence of a significant dwarf population. The LFs presented here give a precise confirmation of the trends seen previously in a much smaller preliminary 2dFGRS sample, and in other surveys. We also present a new procedure for determining self-consistent k -corrections, and investigate possible fibre-aperture biases.  相似文献   

基于COSMOS(Cosmic Evolution Survey)/Ultra VISTA(Ultra-deep Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy)场中多波段测光数据,利用质量限选取了红移分布在0z3.5的星系样本.通过UVJ(U-V和V-J)双色图分类判据将星系分类成恒星形成星系(SFGs)和宁静星系(QGs).对于红移分布在0z1.5范围内且M*1011M⊙的QGs来说,该星系在样本中所占比例高于70%.在红移0z3.5范围内,恒星形成星系的恒星形成率(SFR)与恒星质量(M*)之间有着很强的主序(MS)关系.对于某一固定的恒星质量M*来说,星系的SFR和比恒星形成率(s SFR)会随着红移增大而增大,这表明在高红移处恒星形成星系更加活跃,有激烈的恒星形成.相对于低质量的星系来说,高质量的SFGs有较低的s SFR,这意味着低质量星系的增长更多的是通过星系本身的恒星形成.通过结合来自文献中数据点信息,发现更高红移(2z8)星系的s SFR随红移的演化趋势变弱,其演化关系是s SFR∝(1+z)0.94±0.17.  相似文献   

We re-examine the existence and extent of the planar structure in the local galaxy density field, the so-called supergalactic plane (SGP). This structure is studied here in three dimensions using both the new Optical Redshift Survey (ORS) and the IRAS 1.2-Jy redshift survey. The density contrast in a slab of thickness 20  h −1 Mpc and diameter 80 Mpc aligned with the standard de Vaucouleurs supergalactic coordinates is δ sgp∼0.5 for both ORS and IRAS . The structure of the SGP is not well described by a homogeneous ellipsoid, although it does appear to be a flattened structure, which we quantify by calculating the moment of inertia tensor of the density field. The directions of the principal axes vary with radius, but the minor axis remains within θ z ∼30° of the standard SGP Z -axis, out to a radius of 80  h −1 Mpc, for both ORS and IRAS . However, the structure changes shape with radius, varying between a flattened pancake and a dumbbell, the latter at a radius of ∼50  h −1 Mpc, where the Great Attractor and Perseus–Pisces superclusters dominate the distribution. This calls to question the connectivity of the 'plane' beyond ∼40  h −1 Mpc. The configuration found here can be viewed as part of a web of filaments and sheets, rather than as an isolated pancake-like structure. An optimal minimum variance reconstruction of the density field using Wiener filtering, which corrects for both redshift distortion and shot noise, yields a similar misalignment angle and behaviour of axes. The background-independent statistic of axes proposed here can be best used for testing cosmological models by comparison with N -body simulations.  相似文献   

We present a new approach, namely kernel regression, to determine photometric redshifts for 399 929 galaxies in the Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Kernel regression is a weighted average of spectral redshifts of the neighbours for a query point, and higher weights are associated with points that are closer to the query point. One important design decision when using kernel regression is the choice of bandwidth. We apply 10-fold cross-validation to choose the optimal bandwidth, which is obtained as the cross-validation error approaches its minimum. The results show that the optimal bandwidth is different for different input patterns: the lowest rms error of photometric redshift estimation arrives at 0.019 using colour+eClass as the inputs, the lowest rms errors comes to 0.020 using ugriz +eClass as the inputs. Where eClass is a galaxy spectral type, and 0.021 using colour+ r as the inputs. Thus, in addition to parameters such as magnitude and colour, eClass is a valid parameter with which to predict photometric redshifts. Moreover, the results suggest that the accuracy of estimating photometric redshifts is improved when the sample is divided into early-type and late-type galaxies; in particular, for early-type galaxies, the rms scatter is 0.016 with colour+eClass as the inputs. In addition, kernel regression achieves high accuracy when predicting the photometric eClass  (σrms= 0.034)  using colour+ r as the input pattern. For kernel regression, the accuracy of the photometric redshifts does not always increase with the number of parameters considered, but is satisfactory only when appropriate parameters are chosen. Kernel regression is a comprehensible and accurate regression method. Experiments reveal the superiority of kernel regression over other empirical training approaches.  相似文献   

为探索红移畸变对空洞性质的影响, 利用了一组星系形成半解析模拟星表数据, 采用VIDE (Void Identification and Examination toolkit)算法寻找真实空间和红移空间的宇宙学空洞, 根据空洞外围墙结构处的星系运动速度将空洞分为``塌缩型''和``膨胀型''. 结果表明: ``塌缩型''空洞所占比例会随着空洞的尺度变大而减少, ``膨胀型''空洞则与之相反, 两类空洞的平均有效半径在实空间中相差20%, ``塌缩型''空洞的平均径向密度轮廓显著高于``膨胀型''空洞. 利用成员星系将两种空间中的空洞进行匹配, 通过比较实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目分布, 发现实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目差异与空洞大小有关, 并且红移空间中有一半左右的空洞无法对应到实空间. 对匹配空洞, 红移畸变对``塌缩型''空洞的密度影响更大; 对未匹配空洞, 其密度轮廓与匹配空洞存在明显区别, 并且实空间中未匹配空洞其壳层星系向空洞内部运动的趋势更加明显.  相似文献   

We investigate two training-set methods: support vector machines (SVMs) and Kernel Regression (KR) for photometric redshift estimation with the data from the databases of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 and Two Micron All Sky Survey. We probe the performances of SVMs and KR for different input patterns. Our experiments show that with more parameters considered, the accuracy does not always increase, and only when appropriate parameters are chosen, the accuracy can improve. For different approaches, the best input pattern is different. With different parameters as input, the optimal bandwidth is dissimilar for KR. The rms errors of photometric redshifts based on SVM and KR methods are less than 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. Strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches are summarized. Compared to other methods of estimating photometric redshifts, they show their superiorities, especially KR, in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

Quantitative structural analysis of the galaxies present in the Hawaiian Deep Fields SSA13 and SSA22 is reported. The structural parameters of the galaxies have been obtained automatically by fitting a two-component model (Sérsic r 1/ n bulge and exponential disc) to the surface brightness of the galaxies. The galaxies were classified on the basis of the bulge-to-total luminosity ratio  ( B / T )  . The magnitude selection criteria and the reliability of our method have been checked by using Monte Carlo simulations. A complete sample of objects up to redshift 0.8 has been achieved. Spheroidal objects (E/S0) represent ≈33 per cent and spirals ≈41 per cent of the total number of galaxies, while mergers and unclassified objects represent ≈26 per cent. We have computed the comoving space density of the different kinds of object. In an Einstein–de Sitter universe, a decrease in the comoving density of E/S0 galaxies is observed as redshift increases (≈30 per cent less at   z =0.8)  , while for spiral galaxies a relatively quiet evolution is reported. The framework of hierarchical clustering evolution models of galaxies seems to be the most appropriate to explain our results.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a set of models to predict the colours of galaxies over a wide range of redshifts. We present examples of output from the simulations, and discuss their application to the selection of galaxies at high redshifts, particularly through identification of the Lyman break. Additionally we consider the optimal choices of filters for selection at a range of redshifts.
An interface to a subset of the simulations has been made available on the World Wide Web for the benefit of the community at the location http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~rejs/research/galcols.html/  相似文献   

We study in detail the photometric redshift requirements needed for tomographic weak gravitational lensing in order to measure accurately the dark energy equation of state. In particular, we examine how ground-based photometry  ( u , g , r , i , z , y )  can be complemented by space-based near-infrared (near-IR) photometry  ( J , H )  , e.g. onboard the planned DUNE satellite. Using realistic photometric redshift simulations and an artificial neural network photo- z method we evaluate the figure of merit for the dark energy parameters  ( w 0, w a )  . We consider a DUNE -like broad optical filter supplemented with ground-based multiband optical data from surveys like the Dark Energy Survey, Pan-STARRS and LSST. We show that the dark energy figure of merit would be improved by a factor of 1.3–1.7 if IR filters are added onboard DUNE . Furthermore we show that with IR data catastrophic photo- z outliers can be removed effectively. There is an interplay between the choice of filters, the magnitude limits and the removal of outliers. We draw attention to the dependence of the results on the galaxy formation scenarios encoded into the mock galaxies, e.g. the galaxy reddening. For example, very deep u -band data could be as effective as the IR. We also find that about  105–106  spectroscopic redshifts are needed for calibration of the full survey.  相似文献   

We use galaxy surface brightness as prior information to improve photometric redshift (photo- z ) estimation. We apply our template-based photo- z method to imaging data from the ground-based VVDS survey and the space-based GOODS field from HST , and use spectroscopic redshifts to test our photometric redshifts for different galaxy types and redshifts. We find that the surface brightness prior eliminates a large fraction of outliers by lifting the degeneracy between the Lyman and 4000-Å breaks. Bias and scatter are improved by about a factor of 2 with the prior in each redshift bin in the range  0.4 < z < 1.3  , for both the ground and space data. Ongoing and planned surveys from the ground and space will benefit, provided that care is taken in measurements of galaxy sizes and in the application of the prior. We discuss the image quality and signal-to-noise ratio requirements that enable the surface brightness prior to be successfully applied.  相似文献   

We present a new catalogue, the Imperial IRAS -FSC Redshift Catalogue (IIFSCz), of 60 303 galaxies selected at 60 μm from the IRAS Faint Source Catalogue (FSC). The IIFSCz consists of accurate position, optical, near-infrared and/or radio identifications, spectroscopic redshift (if available) or photometric redshift (if possible), predicted far-infrared (FIR) and submillimetre (submm) fluxes ranging from 12 to 1380 μm based upon the best-fitting infrared template. About 55 per cent of the galaxies in the IIFSCz have spectroscopic redshifts, and a further 20 per cent have photometric redshifts obtained through either the training set or the template-fitting method. For S(60) > 0.36 Jy, the 90 per cent completeness limit of the FSC, 90 per cent of the sources have either spectroscopic or photometric redshifts. Scientific applications of the IIFSCz include validation of current and forthcoming infrared and submm/mm surveys such as AKARI , Planck and Herschel , follow-up studies of rare source populations, large-scale structure and galaxy bias, local multiwavelength luminosity functions and source counts. The catalogue is publicly available at http://astro.imperial.ac.uk/~mrr/fss/ .  相似文献   

Redshifts of several galaxies thought to be associated with NGC 326 are determined. The results confirm the presence of a cluster and find a mean redshift of     and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion σ z =599 (+230,−110) km s−1. The velocity dispersion and previously measured X-ray gas temperature of kT ≃1.9 keV are consistent with the cluster σ z kT relation, and NGC 326 is seen to be a slowly moving member of the cluster.  相似文献   

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