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South China Sea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The South China Sea is poorly understood in terms of its marine biota, ecology and the human impacts upon it. What is known is most often contained in reports and workshop and conference documents that are not available to the wider scientific community. The South China Sea has an area of some 3.3 million km2 and depths range from the shallowest coastal fringe to 5377 m in the Manila Trench. It is also studded with numerous islets, atolls and reefs many of which are just awash at low tide. It is largely confined within the Tropic of Cancer and, therefore, experiences a monsoonal climate being influenced by the Southwest Monsoon in summer and the Northeast Monsoon in winter. The South China Sea is a marginal sea and, therefore, largely surrounded by land. Countries that have a major influence on and claims to the sea include China, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, although Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan have some too. The coastal fringes of the South China Sea are home to about 270 million people that have had some of the fastest developing and most vibrant economies on the globe. Consequently, anthropogenic impacts, such as over-exploitation of resources and pollution, are anticipated to be huge although, in reality, relatively little is known about them. The Indo-West Pacific biogeographic province, at the centre of which the South China Sea lies, is probably the world's most diverse shallow-water marine area. Of three major nearshore habitat types, i.e., coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses, 45 mangrove species out of a global total of 51, most of the currently recognised 70 coral genera and 20 of 50 known seagrass species have been recorded from the South China Sea. The island groups of the South China Sea are all disputed and sovereignty is claimed over them by a number of countries. Conflicts have in recent decades arisen over them because of perceived national rights. It is perhaps because of this that so little research has been undertaken on the South China Sea. What data are available, however, and if Hong Kong is used, as it is herein, as an indicator of what the perturbations of other regional cities upon the South China Sea are like, then it is impacted grossly and an ecological disaster has probably already, but unknowingly, happened.  相似文献   

Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiples contain valuable information about the subsurface, and if properly migrated can provide a wider illumination of the subsurface compared to imaging with VSP primary reflections. In this paper we review three different methods for migrating multiples. The first method is model-based, and it is more sensitive to velocity errors than primary migration; the second method uses a semi-natural Green's function for migrating multiples, where part of the traveltimes are computed from the velocity model, and part of the traveltimes (i.e., natural traveltimes) are picked from the data to construct the imaging condition for multiples; the third method uses cross-correlation of traces. The last two methods are preferred in the sense that they are significantly less sensitive to velocity errors and statics because they use “natural data” to construct part of the migration imaging conditions. Compared with the interferometric (i.e., crosscorrelation) imaging method the semi-natural Green's function method is more computationally efficient and is sometimes less prone to migration artifacts. Numerical tests with 2-D and 3-D VSP data show that a wider subsurface coverage, higher-fold and more balanced illumination of the subsurface can be achieved with multiple migration compared with migration of primary reflections only. However, there can be strong interference from multiples with different orders or primaries when multiples of high order are migrated. One possible solution is to filter primaries and different orders of multiples before migration, and another possible solution is least squares migration of all events. A limitation of multiple migration is encountered for subsalt imaging. Here, the multiples must pass through the salt body more than twice, which amplifies the distortion of the image.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡坡折带和常规海上地震勘探观测系统的制约,再加上南海北部陆坡区复杂的海底地层构造,导致南海北部陆坡区地震勘探成像结果不够理想.究其主要原因是多次波发育复杂、遮挡了一次波能量,也就直接影响到一次波的成像效果,从而制约了对陆坡区更深入的油气勘探.本文结合南海北部陆坡区的构造特征,依据多次波的产生机理分析多次波的发育分布状况,得出单一的地球物理方法已经不能较好的解决南海北部陆坡区的多次波压制问题.针对该区域复杂的地质背景,在综合运用多种地球物理方法的基础上,严格依照多区域、多尺度的理念,提出一套适应南海北部陆坡区多次波压制的系统策略.经过实际资料检验,有效的压制南海北部陆坡区的多次波干扰,最大程度的突出一次波成像,为南海北部进一步的油气勘探夯实基础.  相似文献   


晚更新世以来以一系列地磁漂移事件是区域地层对比和确定沉积物年代框架的重要工具.但是在海相沉积物中,识别这些地磁漂移事件多依赖相对磁场强度(RPI)的变化,在地磁方向异常方面鲜有报到,从而影响对这些事件可靠性的讨论.本文选择南海南部巽他陆架附近重力活塞钻孔BKAS2PC的沉积物,进行系统的岩石磁学和古地磁研究,获得该钻孔沉积记录的RPI和磁倾角变化信息.岩石磁学及扫描电镜结果表明沉积物的原生主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)和假单畴(PSD)钛磁铁矿.在一些层位,沉积后发生的还原作用形成胶黄铁矿等铁硫化物.磁性矿物的浓度和粒度等参数呈现显著的两阶段变化特征,上部(约220 cm以上)含量低而粒度细,下部含量高但粒度相对较粗,整体上均在一个数量级范围内波动.样品的交变退磁特征显示当交变场超过60 mT时,受胶黄铁矿影响产生旋转磁化,剩磁强度反而上升.因此,在20~60 mT之间确定原生特征剩磁,并把RPI定义为NRM(20-40)mT/ARM(20-40)mT.通过14C限定,并与其他有良好年代控制的相对磁场强度曲线进行对比,建立了钻孔的年代框架.结果显示,钻孔沉积物记录了几次显著的地磁漂移事件,这为联合应用RPI与磁场方向异常构建海相沉积物年代学框架提供了新的依据.


Measurement of228Ra activities in the upper 300 m water column was conducted at two stations in the South China Sea using an MnO2-fiber extraction/β-counting technique of228Ac. Results showed that228Ra activities ranged from 0.38 to 3.60 Bq · m-3. The vertical profiles of228Ra at the time-series station favored a steady state assumption. Based on a one-dimensional steady state model,228Ra-nitrate coupled approach was applied to stations NS97-43, NS99-53 (T1), NS99-53 (T2). New production thus quantified were 4.4, 5.1 and 5.7 mmolC · m-2 · d-1, respectively,f ratios in the South China Sea were estimated from the derived new production and the documented primary productivity in the regime, to be 0.12–0.15.  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Sea Fog Water Along the South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The chemical and microphysical properties of sea fog were measured during a field experiment on Donghai Island, Zhanjiang of China from March 15 to April 18, 2010. The average pH and electrical conductivity (EC) value of the six sea fog cases during the experiment was 5.2 and 1,884?μS/cm. The observed total ion concentration of sea fog was four orders of magnitude higher than those in the North Pacific and other sea areas of China. The dominant anion and cation in all sea fog water samples were Cl? and Na+, respectively. From backward trajectory analysis and ion loading computation, it can be concluded that the ions in the samples were transported either from pollutants in distant industrial cities or from local ion deposition processes. The concentration of Ca2+ in the sea fog water samples in Case 2 suggested that a dust storm in the Inner Mongolia, a northern region of China several thousand kilometers away, could reach the South China Sea. The data also showed that the sea fog droplet spectrum over the South China Sea is unimodal. Through relationship analysis, it is illustrated that the evolution of microphysics (such as droplet concentration, diameter, and liquid water content) during fog process could affect the chemical properties of sea fog.  相似文献   

南海地震与海啸   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震海啸的形成要具备3个条件:一是有深海盆地,可以容纳巨量海水;二是海底地形隆起与拗陷反差强烈;三是存在倾滑型活断层,可发生6级以上倾滑型的地震。查南海及其周边地形地貌,北西南三面都有宽阔的大陆架,中部又是平坦的深海平原,都不具备发生地震海啸的条件,惟独东侧马尼拉海沟才具备产生地震海啸的条件。南海地壳属于大洋型地壳与大陆型地壳之间的过度类型。其断裂构造非常发育,不同地段具有明显差异。北部为拉张型,南部为挤压型,西部为剪切型,东部为俯冲型,中部是扩张型。按断裂展布方向可分为NE向、NW向、EW向、SN向4组;按断裂切割深度,可分为岩石圈断裂、地壳断裂、基底断裂和盖层断裂。这些断裂多数为活动断裂,而东缘俯冲型断裂又是发震断裂。从地震分布、震源机制解分析,南海北、西、南以及中部都不具备引发地震海啸的条件,只有台南—菲律宾地震带东西两侧的贝尼奥夫带发生的倾滑型或具倾滑分量的走滑型6级以上地震,才有可能引发海啸,并可能对南海及我国东南沿海诸省以及港澳地区产生影响。  相似文献   

华南及南海北部地区瑞利面波层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于华南及周边地区106个宽频带地震台站多年记录的MS≥5.0中浅源地震事件, 开展瑞利面波层析成像和速度结构特征研究, 获得了华南大陆及南海北部地区10~100 s瑞利波群速度分布图像和典型剖面下方地壳上地幔速度结构, 为理解该地区构造演化和深部过程提供约束.考虑到实际地震射线的覆盖情况以及华南地区主要构造的主体展布特征, 本文同时采用传统的规则网格剖分和平行主要构造走向的非规则网格剖分方法, 分别进行分格频散反演, 开展了不同参数化方案对反演结果影响的对比分析研究.基于瑞利面波层析成像结果, 进行了典型剖面横波速度结构反演, 重建了华南地区由内陆至南海海域主要构造单元的壳幔横波速度结构.研究结果表明, 扬子和华夏块体地壳上地幔结构特征差异显著, 扬子块体地壳和岩石圈厚度均大于华夏地块, 且扬子块体上地幔顶部速度较华夏块体低, 岩石圈厚度在雪峰山造山带下方发生过渡和转换;南海北部陆缘和南海海盆上地幔速度较高且形态相对完整, 表现为非火山型大陆边缘和已停止扩张海盆的壳幔结构特征.  相似文献   

在常规地震资料处理中,多次反射波被视为噪声并从地震数据中去除,以免在之后的地震资料解释中造成误解.而事实上,多次波也是地震信号,是照明波场的一部分,能够对地下构造成像的精度做出贡献.本文分析了多次波在传统单程波叠前深度偏移中产生构造假象的机制和表现,为实现基于单程波偏移算子的多次波成像,修改了单程波叠前深度偏移的边界条件,即将输入的震源波场用包含多次波的记录来替代,输入的记录波场用预测出的表层相关多次波来替代,实现了基于单程波偏移算子的地表相关多次波成像,并从理论上给出了其成像依据.通过基于二范式最小能量差原则求取的匹配因子,将多次波成像结果与一次波成像结果进行匹配叠加,应用多次波成像来弥补一次波成像的不足.简单模型验证了基于单程波偏移算子的多次波成像方法的有效性,最后对Sigsbee2B模型进行了一次波与多次波联合成像试算,盐边界高陡构造成像质量得到了明显改善.  相似文献   

Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three layers of volcanic tephra, sampled from ODP 1143 Site in the South China Sea, were observed at the mcd depth of 5.55 m, 42.66 m, and 48.25 m, and named, in this paper, layers of A, B, and C, respectively. All of these tephra layers have an average thickness of ca. 2 cm. They were constrained in age of ca. 0.070 Ma, ca. 0.80 Ma, and ca. 1.00 Ma, respectively, by the microbiostratigraphy data. These tephra layers were predominated by volcanic glass shards with a median grain size of 70–75 μm in diameter. Major chemical compositions analyzed by EMPA and comparison with the previous data from other scatter areas suggest that these three layers of tephra can correspond to the three layers of Toba tephra, YTT, OTT, and HDT, respectively, erupting during the Quaternary. The occurrence of these tephra layers in the South China Sea implies that the Toba eruptions often occurred in the summer monsoon seasons of the South China Sea during the Quaternary, and that the strength of eruptions was probably stronger than that previously estimated.  相似文献   

南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育动力学机制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部洋陆转换带是近年来基础科学研究和深水油气勘探热点地区.本文在详细研究南海北部洋陆转换带新采集的二维长电缆深反射地震剖面资料的基础上,采用挠曲悬臂梁模型和挠曲回剥模型算法,分别计算了上地壳、地壳和整个岩石圈拉伸系数,实验结果表明,研究区洋陆转换带盆地岩石圈发生了与深度相关的拉伸变形过程,并且随深度增加,拉伸量逐渐变大,该结果解释了南海北部盆地裂后阶段发生的加速沉降现象.同时,本文结合南海北部洋陆转换带盆地发育过程的特点,将洋陆转换带盆地演化划分为陆内裂陷阶段、裂后热沉降阶段和裂后加速沉降阶段.本研究将有助于认识南海北部深水盆地特征,并对大陆边缘动力学研究和陆缘盆地深水区油气勘探有重要意义.  相似文献   


菲律宾海板块(Philippine Sea Plate,PSP)与南海(South China Sea,SCS)处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和澳大利亚板块的交汇区域,其构造演化对东南亚、西太平洋乃至全球板块构造重建具有重要意义.虽然PSP和SCS的构造演化模型已经分别建立,但二者之间的协同演化关系还不明确.本文综述了PSP和SCS的古地磁数据、海底磁异常条带资料,并结合地震层析成像以及其他地质结果的约束,对二者的演化关系进行了探讨.PSP四国盆地与SCS在渐新世开始时,受控于统一的地球动力学系统,两者具有地质意义上的亲缘性.早中新世,澳大利亚板块与东南亚地块碰撞,致使PSP发生旋转,四国盆地开始与SCS发生分离,并逐渐向北运动和顺时针旋转,直至演化至现今位置.本文最后提出了这种协同构造演化模式有待解决的问题以及未来的研究展望.


南海磁场特征研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
建立客观的磁力ΔT异常,获得可信的磁力ΔZ异常、居里面成果, 在此基础上开展综合地质地球物理研究,对于解决南海资源等相关的地质、地球物理问题意义重大.本文汇集我国历年在南海取得的磁力实测资料,重新处理、校正、整合,特别是追溯南海周边的国际地磁台的日变资料进行日变改正,形成的南海磁力ΔT异常,其资料品质得到了极大提高.采用全磁纬变倾角化极技术,获得磁力ΔZ异常,其与实测证实的磁性海山、海岛有非常好的匹配关系,建立起可以直接用于反演处理解释的南海磁力ΔZ异常.选择磁力ΔZ异常的小波多尺度分解四阶逼近,采用单一磁性界面反演技术进行深度反演,获得居里面又称磁性底界面.建立了认识、解释南海的磁场基础体系,证实了南海基性岩浆岩分布区与磁力ΔZ异常的正磁异常高密切相关,区域性的磁力ΔZ异常负磁异常区可能与居里面深度相关.  相似文献   

Independent of Indochina extrusion, the South China Sea experienced a process from passive continental rifting to marginal sea drifting. According to the fault patterns in the Beibu Gulf basin and the Pearl River Mouth basin, the continental rifting and early spreading stage from 32 to 26 Ma were controlled by extensional stress field, which shifted clockwise from southeastward to south southeastward. From 24 Ma on, the sea spread in NW-SE direction and ceased spreading at around 15.5 Ma. Integrated geological information with the assumption that the South China Sea developed along a pre-Cenozoic weakness zone, we did analogue experiments on the South China Sea evolu- tion. Experiments revealed that the pre-existing weakness zone goes roughly along the uplift zone between the present Zhu-1 and Zhu-2 depression. The pre-existing weakness zone is composed of three segments trending NNE, roughly EW and NEE, respectively. The early opening of the South China Sea is accompanied with roughly 15° clockwise rotation, while the SE sub-sea basin opened with SE extension. Tinjar fault was the western boundary of the Nansha block (Dangerous Ground), while Lupar fault was the eastern boundary of the Indochina, NW-trending rift belt known as Zengmu basin developed between above two faults due to block divergent of Indochina from Nansha. In the experiment, transtensional flower structures along NW-trending faults are seen, and slight inversion occurs along some NE-dipping faults. The existence of rigid massifs changed the orientations of some faults and rift belt, and also led to deformation concentrate around the massifs. The rifting and drifting of the South China Sea might be caused by slab pull from the proto South China Sea subducting toward Borneo and/or mantle flow caused by India-Asia collision.  相似文献   

Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the South China Sea*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based on a quantitative radiolarian analysis, 5 radiolarian zones (NR1-NR5) have been defined at Core. 17957-2 from the South China Sea, considering radiolarian zonations from low latitudes. The absolute age assignment of the radiolarian zones and the ranges of the six marker species is based on the direct correlation with the paleomagnetic and isotopic record, respectively. A comparison of the radiolarian stratigraphic data obtained from Core 17957-2 from the South China Sea with those from the equatorial Pacific and the tropical Indian Ocean shows a close similarity to the ages defined in the equatorial Pacific. The obtained biostratigraphic data provide an excellent tool for further dating of Pleistocene sediments in the China Sea. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49291100) and by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) as part of a GermadChinese scientific cooperation program. This is Alfred Wegener Contribution No. 1473.  相似文献   

The study on the South China Sea (SCS) circulation has a history of more than 40 years. Nevertheless, the SCS circulation is not fully understood compared with the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (ECS). Many numerical studies on the SCS circulati…  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The present work focuses on the measured wave spectrum in the South China Sea (scs) during storms. The measured spectra have been obtained from surface elevation measurements...  相似文献   

利用地震海洋学方法估算南海中尺度涡的地转流速   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中尺度涡是重要的海洋学现象,它在很大程度上影响着海洋内部的能量传递过程.由于传统海洋学观测手段的固有局限性,一直以来对中尺度涡观测和研究的程度都比较低.地震海洋学的诞生和发展为海洋学观测提供了一个全新的手段.对南海的历史地震数据重新处理后,我们首次在本研究海域的地震剖面上看到了透镜状结构.它位于南海西南次海盆(~113.6°E,11.4°N),中心深度约为450 m,中心厚度约为300 m,半径约为55~65 km,具有典型的中尺度涡特征,综合解释为反气旋.我们利用地震海洋学方法估算了地转剪切,结合来自于卫星高度数据的海表面地转流速度进一步得到了绝对流速的垂向剖面.结果显示,流速的最大值约为0.7 m/s,出现在400~450 m处,对应于涡旋的中心深度;西北部分为正,东南部分为负,整体呈现出顺时针的转动方向,说明了它是一个反气旋结构.  相似文献   

Tectono-thermal modeling of the Yinggehai Basin,South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the observed data, the average value of surface heat flow in the Yinggehai Basin is calculated and it turns out to be 84.1 mW/m2. The thermal evolution of the basin since the Cenozoic era has been attempted by tectono-thermal modeling. Three-phase extension made the basin become hotter and hotter, reaching its climax in paleo-temperature history since 5.2 Ma. And nowadays, the basin is in the heat flow decreasing period. During the Cenozoic era, the basement heat flow remained at 50–70 mW/m2 all the time. This is related to the degree of each extension phase, stretching rate mode and also the limited basin scale. Modeling results also show that, the surface heat flow is controlled mainly by the basement heat flow, and less than 20% comes from radiogenic heat production in the sediments of the basin  相似文献   

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