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北太平洋海表面高度的年际变化及其机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用15年(1993~2007年)月平均的海表面高度(SSH)异常资料,分析了北太平洋海表面高度的年际变化的时空结构,并研究了热通量和风应力两个因子对其的强迫作用.结果表明,北太平洋年际时间尺度SSH变化的大值区在黑潮延伸区和西太平洋暖池区.EOF分解第一模态的空间结构沿纬向呈带状分布,第二模态为沿经向呈带状分布.热通量强迫作用在中纬度的东北太平洋可以解释SSH年际变化40%以上.风应力对SSH的作用包括正压和斜压两个方面.正压Sverdrup平衡模型模拟的SSH年际变化较弱,仅能解释高纬度副极地环流西部的20%~40%.由大尺度风应力强迫的第一阶斜压Rossby波模型可以解释热带地区的20%~60%,中纬度中部的20%~40%,以及阿拉斯加环流东部和副极地环流西部的20%~60%.风应力强迫的一阶斜压Rossby波模型对SSH的强迫机理又可分为局地风应力强迫和西传Rossby波作用.其中,风应力的局地强迫作用(Ekman抽吸)在东北太平洋、白令海以及热带中部有显著的预报技巧,可以解释SSH年际变异的40%以上.Rossby波的传播作用在中纬度海域的副热带环流中西部和夏威夷岛以东起着重要作用,可解释20%~60%.  相似文献   

The tropical Indian Ocean circulation system includes the equatorial and near-equatorial circulations, the marginal sea circulation, and eddies. The dynamic processes of these circulation systems show significant multi-scale variability associated with the Indian Monsoon and the Indian Ocean dipole. This paper summarizes the research progress over recent years on the tropical Indian Ocean circulation system based on the large-scale hydrological observations and numerical simulations by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology(SCSIO), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Results show that:(1) the wind-driven Kelvin and Rossby waves and eastern boundary-reflected Rossby waves regulate the formation and evolution of the Equatorial Undercurrent and the Equatorial Intermediate Current;(2) the equatorial wind-driven dynamics are the main factor controlling the inter-annual variability of the thermocline in the eastern Indian Ocean upwelling;(3) the equatorial waves transport large amounts of energy into the Bay of Bengal in forms of coastal Kelvin and reflected free Rossby waves. Several unresolved issues within the tropical Indian Ocean are discussed:(i) the potential effects of the momentum balance and the basin resonance on the variability of the equatorial circulation system, and(ii) the potential contribution of wind-driven dynamics to the life cycle of the eastern Indian Ocean upwelling. This paper also briefly introduces the international Indian Ocean investigation project of the SCSIO, which will advance the study of the multi-scale variability of the tropical Indian Ocean circulation system, and provide a theoretical and data basis to support marine environmental security for the countries around the Maritime Silk Road.  相似文献   

本文分析了夏季西北太平洋大气环流异常特征及其与海温变化的关系,发现夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋/气旋(WNPAC/WNPC)是西北太平洋地区对流层中低层存在的重要大气环流异常现象,与东亚—西北太平洋低纬度至高纬度的经向PJ波列及欧亚中高纬度东西纬向波列的变化有关,通过与中高纬度环流变化的联系,对东亚及欧亚中高纬度气候有重要影响.夏季WNPAC/WNPC与热带海温变化的关系存在明显的不对称性,显著的WNPAC一般出现在El Niño衰减年夏季,与前期El Niño成熟年冬季的赤道东太平洋暖海温异常和El Niño衰减年春夏季印度洋海盆尺度的暖海温异常有明显的正相关关系,进一步表明了WNPAC在El Niño事件影响夏季气候中的重要桥梁作用;而夏季显著的WNPC与前期和同期热带海温变化的关系存在明显的不确定性,主要与夏季热带印度洋和赤道中东太平洋之间东暖西冷的热力差异异常引起的孟加拉湾—赤道西太平洋西风异常有关.进一步分析WNPAC/WNPC与海温变化关系不对称的可能原因,发现El Niño和La Niña衰减年夏季热带印度洋和太平洋海温变化所引起的印—太之间海温(热力)差异的一致性特征可能是导致WNPAC/WNPC与海温变化关系不对称的主要原因.  相似文献   

Xiao  Kai  Chen  Meixiang  Wang  Qiang  Wang  Xuezhu  Zhang  Wenhao 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(6):787-802
Ocean Dynamics - The Arctic Ocean is undergoing significant changes, with rapid sea ice decline, unprecedented freshwater accumulation, and pronounced regional sea level rise. In this paper, we...  相似文献   

Relationships were examined between variability in tropical Atlantic sea level and major climate indices with the use of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter and island tide gauge data with the aim of learning more about the external influences on the variability of the tropical Atlantic ocean. Possible important connections were found between indices related to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the sea levels in all three tropical regions (north, equatorial, and south), although the existence of only one major ENSO event within the decade of available altimetry means that a more complete investigation of the ENSO-dependence of Atlantic sea level changes has to await for the compilation of longer data sets. An additional link was found with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the equatorial region, this perhaps surprising observation is probably an artifact of the similarity between IOD and ENSO time series in the 1990s. No evidence was obtained for significant correlations between tropical Atlantic sea level and North Atlantic Oscillation or Antarctic Oscillation Index. The most intriguing relationship observed was between the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and sea level in a band centered approximately on 10°S. A plausible explanation for the relationship is lacking, but possibilities for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s coral reefs suffered high coral mortality during the 1998 ENSO, with the highest mortality in the western Indian Ocean (WIO). A meta-analysis of field data on change in coral cover across the 1998 ENSO event was conducted for 36 major reef areas in the WIO, and relationship of the change with the historical sea-surface temperature (SST) variability investigated. WIO reefs were categorized into three major SST groups of differing coral cover change. Cover change was negatively associated with standard deviation (SD) SST until about SD 2.3, with increasing flatness of the SST frequency distributions. It increased with further increase in SD as the SST distributions became strongly bimodal in the Arabian/Persian Gulf area. The study indicates that environmental resistance/tolerance to extreme anomalous events could be predicted and management priorities directed accordingly for a warmer and more variable future climate.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the tropical Indian Ocean is studied using Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) and Hadley Centre Ice Sea Surface Temperature anomalies. Biannual Rossby waves (BRW) were observed along the 1.5° S and 10.5° S latitudes during the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) years. The SODA SSHA and its BRW components were comparable with those of Topex/Poseidon. The phase speed of BRW along 1.5° S is −28 cm/s, which is comparable with the theoretical speed of first mode baroclinic (equatorially trapped) Rossby waves. This is the first study to show that no such propagation is seen along 1.5° S during El Nino years in the absence of IOD. Thus the westward propagating downwelling BRW in the equatorial Indian Ocean is hypothesized as a potential predictor for IOD. These waves transport heat from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean to west, long before the dipole formation. Along 10.5° S, the BRW formation mechanisms during the El Nino and IOD years were found to be different. The eastern boundary variations along 10.5° S, being localized, do not influence the ocean interior considerably. Major portion of the interannual variability of the thermocline, is caused by the Ekman pumping integrated along the characteristic lines of Rossby waves. The study provides evidence of internal dynamics in the IOD formation. The positive trend in the downwelling BRW (both in SODA and Topex/Poseidon) is of great concern, as it contributes to the Indian Ocean warming.  相似文献   

Using reanalysis data, the role of initial signals in the tropical Pacific Ocean in predictions of negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events were analyzed. It was found that the summer predictability barrier (SPB) phenomenon exists in predictions, which is closely related to initial sea temperature errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, with type-1 initial errors presenting a significant west-east dipole pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean, and type-2 initial errors showing the opposite spatial pattern. In contrast, SPB-related initial sea temperature errors in the tropical Indian Ocean are relatively small. The initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean induce anomalous winds in the tropical Indian Ocean by modulating the Walker circulation in the tropical oceans. In the first half of the prediction year, the anomalous winds, combined with the climatological winds in the tropical Indian Ocean, induce a basin-wide mode of sea surface temperature (SST) errors in the tropical Indian Ocean. With the reversal of the climatological wind in the second half of the prediction year, a west-east dipole pattern of SST errors appears in the tropical Indian Ocean, which is further strengthened under the Bjerknes feedback, yielding a significant SPB. Moreover, two types of precursors were also identified: a significant west-east dipole pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean and relatively small temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean. Under the combined effects of temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans, northwest wind anomalies appear in the tropical Indian Ocean, which induce a significant west-east dipole pattern of SST anomalies, and yield a negative IOD event.  相似文献   

T phases of three earthquakes from the Indian Ocean region, recorded by a short-period vertical-component seismic station network located in the vicinity of Kanyakumari on the southernmost tip of India, are studied. Two of these earthquakes are located west of 90°E ridge and one in the Nicobar Island region. However, seven other earthquakes which occurred 150–200 km south of Kanyakumari in the ocean did not produceT phases. An analysis ofT-waves (tertiary waves) travel time reveals the zone ofP-wave toT-wave conversion (i.e.,PT phase) region to coincide with the western continental slope of Srilanka. Further, it is observed that the disposition of the bathymetry between Srilanka and southern India strongly favours the downslope propagation mechanism ofT-wave travel to the southern coast of India through SOFAR channel. These observations are reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

The intraseasonal variability(ISV) of sea level anomalies(SLAs) along the southern coast of Java and its interannual modulation were studied based on a gridded SLA product produced from the Archiving, Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanography dataset. This ISV is induced by the propagation of intraseasonal Kelvin waves derived from the central equatorial Indian Ocean(EIO). Wavelet analysis and empirical mode decomposition of intraseasonal SLAs along the southern coast of Java showed interannual variability, with weaker ISV events during El Ni years and positive Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) years than during normal years. This interannual modulation of the ISV is influenced by the El Ni-Southern Oscillation teleconnection via the Walker Circulation and eastern Indian Ocean upwelling connected to IOD events. The anomalously weaker Walker Circulation during El Ni events generates anomalous surface easterlies over the central-eastern tropical Indian Ocean that produce upwelling Kelvin waves in the EIO and offshore water transport along the southern coasts of Sumatra and Java, resulting in negative SLAs along the southern coast of Java. These negative SLAs damp the positive SLAs induced by the eastward propagation of downwelling Kelvin waves from the central EIO during the following March–May of El Ni years. Similar features of SLAs and sea surface wind anomalies also occur during positive IOD years. Consequently, the sea level ISV along the southern coast of Java is weaker in El Ni and positive IOD years.  相似文献   

We present 9 bottom222Rn profiles measured from the western and southern Indian Ocean during the 1977–1978 GEOSECS expedition. These profiles can be grouped into three cypes: one-layer, two-layer, and irregular types. The one-layer profiles with quasi-exponential distributions allow one to estimate the apparent vertical eddy diffusivity,Kv, with a simple model. The two-layer profiles show that there is a benthic boundary layer of the order of 50–100 m in which the excess222Rn distribution shows a vertical gradient much smaller than that of the layer immediately above. Within the boundary layer, the STD potential temperature (θ) and density(σ4) profiles are practically constant, and theKv values are of the order of 1000 cm2/s. The STD profiles for the water column above the boundary layer show gradients of increasing stability, and theKv values are of the order of 100 cm2/s. Modeling of the Rn data in the water column above the boundary layer indicates that there is a transition layer which effectively reduces the penetration of excess Rn from the benthic boundary layer into the upper layer.Sarmiento et al. [10] have shown that the buoyancy gradient or stability is inversely correlated with the apparent vertical eddy diffusivity, and the resulting buoyancy flux is fairly uniform, ranging from 1 to 14 × 10?6 cm2/s3 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. However, Sarmiento et al. [11] show that a much higher buoyancy flux is associated with an intensified flow of the bottom water through a passage. In the Indian Ocean basins, we have found that the buoyancy flux has a comparable range (3–14 × 10?6 cm2/s3), except for a couple of stations where both stability and apparent vertical diffusivity are higher, resulting in a much higher buoyancy flux, probably indicative of rapid bottom water flow.  相似文献   

Fan  Linlin  Du  Ling 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(3-4):181-199
Ocean Dynamics - Extreme sea level events (ESLs) act as a comprehensive consequence of climate change, and a better understanding of the impact processes of climatic factors on ESLs variability is...  相似文献   

The relationship between the Asian-Pacific oscillation (APO) and the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific (WNP) in summer is preliminarily investigated through an analysis of ob- served data. The result has shown clearly that APO is significantly and positively correlated to the tropical cyclone frequency in the WNP. If APO is above (below) the normal in summer, more (less) tropical cyclones will tend to appear in the WNP. The present study also addresses the large-scale at- mospheric general circulation changes underlying the linkage between APO and the WNP tropical cy- clone frequency. It follows that a positive phase of summer APO is concurrent with weakened as well as northward and eastward located western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), low-level convergence and high-level divergence, and reduced vertical zonal wind shear in the WNP, providing favorable envi- ronment for the tropical cyclone genesis, and thus more tropical cyclones will come into being, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Variability in water-exchange time between Tokyo Bay and the Pacific Ocean during winter is investigated based on the results of intensive field observation from November 2000 to March 2001. Water-exchange time between Tokyo Bay and the Pacific Ocean during winter mainly depends on the strength of northerly monsoon, being about 16 days under the weak monsoon and about 12 days under the strong monsoon. Moreover, it becomes longer by about 1 day in spring tide and shorter in neap tide due to the coupling effect of estuarine circulation and vertical mixing. Water-exchange time also varies depending on the open-ocean condition. When the warm water mass approaches from the Pacific Ocean to the mouth of Tokyo Bay through the eastern channel of Sagami Bay, which connects Tokyo Bay and the Pacific Ocean, water-exchange time becomes longer by about 2 days because the warm water mass is blocked in the surface layer at the bay mouth. On the other hand, when the warm water mass approaches to the mouth of Tokyo Bay through the western channel of Sagami Bay, water-exchange time becomes shorter by about 1 day because the warm water mass intrudes into the middle or lower layers of Tokyo Bay. Such different behavior of warm water mass at the mouth of Tokyo Bay is due to the difference in density of approaching warm water masses, that is, the density of the warm water mass through the eastern channel is smaller than that of the warm water mass through the western channel of Sagami Bay.Responsible Editors: Yens Kappenberg  相似文献   

Sea level variability along the US West Coast is analyzed using multi-year time series records from tide gauges and a high-resolution regional ocean model, the base of the West Coast Ocean Forecast System (WCOFS). One of the metrics utilized is the frequency of occurrences when model prediction is within 0.15 m from the observed sea level, F. A target level of F?=?90% is set by an operational agency. A combination of the tidal sea level from a shallow water inverse model, inverted barometer (IB) term computed using surface air pressure from a mesoscale atmospheric model, and low-pass filtered sea level from WCOFS representing the effect of coastal ocean dynamics (DYN) provides the most straightforward approach to reaching levels F>80%. The IB and DYN components each add between 5 and 15% to F. Given the importance of the DYN term bringing F closer to the operational requirement and its role as an indicator of the coastal ocean processes on scales from days to interannual, additional verification of the WCOFS subtidal sea level is provided in terms of the model-data correlation, standard deviation of the band-pass filtered (2–60 days) time series, the annual cycle amplitude, and alongshore sea level coherence in the range of 5–120-day periods. Model-data correlation in sea level increases from south to north along the US coast. The rms amplitude of model sea level variability in the 2–60-day band and its annual amplitude are weaker than observed north of 42 N, in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) coast region. The alongshore coherence amplitude and phase patterns are similar in the model and observations. Availability of the multi-year model solution allows computation and analysis of spatial maps of the coherence amplitude. For a reference location in the Southern California Bight, relatively short-period sea level motions (near 10 days) are incoherent with those north of the Santa Barbara Channel (in part, due to coastal trapped wave scattering and/or dissipation). At a range of periods around 60 days, the coastal sea level in Southern California is coherent with the sea surface height (SSH) variability over the shelf break in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, more than with the coastal SSH at the same latitudes.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The present study focuses on the variability of subsurface ocean temperature and associated planetary waves (oceanic Kelvin and Rossby waves) in the Indian Ocean during the boreal...  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and fate of mode and intermediate waters (MW) in the subtropical Pacific Ocean is critical for climate, as MW store and export a large volume of CO2, heat, nutrients and salinity to lower latitudes at depths isolated from the atmosphere. A realistic 4D simulation has been used to track and quantify the MW routes and their property characteristics at the last region of subduction. It also allows us to quantify the water transformation after subduction. The simulation has been compared to available observations using a collocation method that interpolated model data onto observations in time and space. The comprehensive comparisons gave us confidence in the model’s capacity to reproduce MW characteristics. A quantitative Lagrangian analysis was performed on the model output to depict the origin, the fate and the route of MW circulating in the southern Pacific Ocean, selected in the density range of 26.8–27.4 kg m−3. We found 18 Sv of MW were transported northward in patches through the 42° S section, mostly between 200 and 800 m depth. Of this transport, 8 Sv enters the Pacific Ocean in the upper layer south of Tasmania and subducts in the Pacific. The remainder is not ventilated in the Pacific sector: 4 Sv is advected from the Indian Ocean south of Tasmania at intermediate depth and finally 6 Sv is part of an intermediate depth recirculation within the Pacific Ocean. Particles take up to 30 years to travel northward through our domain before crossing the 42° S section. Southward transport branches also exist: 3 Sv flows southward following the eastern New Zealand coast and then exits through Drake Passage. An additional 4 Sv passes southward in the Tasman Sea, following the eastern Tasmanian coast and enters the Indian Ocean south of Tasmania, as part of the Tasman Leakage. Four different formation sites have been identified, where the MW are last ventilated. These formation sites have different water masses with specific salinity ranges. A study on the evolution of the physical characteristics of each of these water masses has been performed. All MW characteristics become more homogeneous at 42° S than they were when they left the mixed layer. This study confirms the homogenisation of mode waters at intermediate depth in the Pacific Ocean as previously revealed in the Indian Ocean using the same methodology. Transformations are shown to be mostly isopycnal in the Tasman Sea and diapycnal farther east.  相似文献   

The vertical thermohaline structure in the western equatorial Pacific is examined with a Gravest Empirical Mode (GEM) diagnosis of in-situ mooring measurements. The poor GEM performance in estimating deep thermohaline variability from satellite altimetry confirms a lack of vertical coherence in the equatorial ocean. Mooring observation reveals layered equatorial water with phase difference up to 6 months between thermocline and sub-thermocline variations. The disjointed layers reflect weak geostrophy and resemble pancake structures in non-rotating stratified turbulence. A coherency theorem is then proved, stating that traditional stationary GEM represents in-phase coherent structure and can not describe vertically out-of-phase variability. The fact that stationary GEM holds both spatial and temporal coherence makes it a unique tool to diagnose vertical coherent structure in geophysical flows. The study also develops a non-stationary GEM projection that captures more than 40% of the thermohaline variance in the equatorial deep water.  相似文献   

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