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Small rivers commonly discharge into coastal settings with topographic complexities - such as headlands and islands - but these settings are underrepresented in river plume studies compared to more simplified, straight coasts. The Elwha River provides a unique opportunity to study the effects of coastal topography on a buoyant plume, because it discharges into the Strait of Juan de Fuca on the western side of its deltaic headland. Here we show that this headland induces flow separation and transient eddies in the tidally dominated currents (O(100 cm/s)), consistent with other headlands in oscillatory flow. These flow conditions are observed to strongly influence the buoyant river plume, as predicted by the “small-scale” or “narrow” dynamical classification using Garvine's (1995) system. Because of the transient eddies and the location of the river mouth on the headland, flow immediately offshore of the river mouth is directed eastward twice as frequently as it is westward. This results in a buoyant plume that is much more frequently “bent over” toward the east than the west. During bent over plume conditions, the plume was attached to the eastern shoreline while having a distinct, cuspate front along its westernmost boundary. The location of the front was found to be related to the magnitude and direction of local flow during the preceding O(1 h), and increases in alongshore flow resulted in deeper freshwater mixing, stronger baroclinic anomalies, and stronger hugging of the coast. During bent over plume conditions, we observed significant convergence of river plume water toward the frontal boundary within 1 km of the river mouth. These results show how coastal topography can strongly influence buoyant plume behavior, and they should assist with understanding of initial coastal sediment dispersal pathways from the Elwha River during a pending dam removal project.  相似文献   

A three-level nested Regional Ocean Modeling System was used to examine the seasonal evolution of the Copper River (CR) plume and how it influences the along- and across-shore transport in the northern Gulf of Alaska (NGoA). A passive tracer was introduced in the model to delineate the growth and decay of the plume and to diagnose the spread of the CR discharge in the shelf, into Prince William Sound (PWS) and offshore. Furthermore, a model experiment with doubled discharge was conducted to investigate potential impacts of accelerated glacier melt in future climate scenarios. The 2010 and 2011 simulation revealed that the upstream (eastward) transport in the NGoA is negligible. About 60 % of the passive tracer released in the CR discharge is transported southwestward on the shelf, while another one third goes into PWS with close to 60 % of which exiting PWS to the shelf from Montague Strait. The rest few percent is transported across the shelf break and exported to the GoA basin. The downstream transport and the transport into PWS are strongly regulated by the downwelling-favorable wind, while the offshore transport is related to the accumulation of plume water in the shelf, frontal instability, and the Alaskan Stream. It takes weeks in spring for the buoyancy to accumulate so that a bulge forms outside of the CR estuary. The absence of strong storms as in the summer of 2010 allows the bulge continue growing to trigger frontal instability. These frontal features can interact with the Alaskan Stream to induce transport pulses across the shelf break. Alternatively as in 2011, a downwelling-favorable wind event in early August (near the peak discharge) accelerates the southwestward coastal current and produces an intense downstream transport event. Both processes result in fast drains of the buoyancy and the plume content, thereby rapid disintegration of the plume in the shelf. The plume in the doubled discharge case can be two to three times in size, which affects not only the magnitude but also the timing of certain transport events. In particular, the offshore transport increases by several folds because the plume appears to be more easily entrained by the seaward flow along the side of Hinchinbrook Canyon.  相似文献   

The Río de la Plata waters form a low salinity tongue that affects the circulation, stratification and the distributions of nutrients and biological species over a wide extent of the adjacent continental shelf. The plume of coastal waters presents a seasonal meridional displacement reaching lower latitudes (28°S) during austral winter and 32°S during summer. Historical data suggests that the wind causes the alongshore shift, with southwesterly (SW) winds forcing the plume to lower latitudes in winter while summer dominant northeasterly (NE) winds force its southward retreat. To establish the connection between wind and outflow variations on the distribution of the coastal waters, we conducted two quasi-synoptic surveys in the region of Plata influence on the continental shelf and slope of southeastern South America, between Mar del Plata, Argentina and the northern coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil. We observed that: (A) SW winds dominating in winter force the northward spreading of the plume to low latitudes even during low river discharge periods; (B) NE winds displace the plume southward and spread the low salinity waters offshore over the entire width of the continental shelf east of the Plata estuary. The southward retreat of the plume in summer leads to a volume decrease of low salinity waters over the shelf. This volume is compensated by an increase of Tropical waters, which dominate the northern shelf. The subsurface transition between Subantarctic and Subtropical Shelf Waters, the Subtropical Shelf Front, and the subsurface water mass distribution, however, present minor seasonal variations. Along shore winds also influence the dynamics and water mass variations along the continental shelf area. In areas under the influence of river discharge, Subtropical Shelf Waters are kept away from the coastal region. When low salinity waters retreat southward, NE winds induce a coastal upwelling system near Santa Marta Cape. In summer, solar radiation promotes the establishment of a strong thermocline that increases buoyancy and further enhances the offshore displacement of low salinity waters under the action of NE winds.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2005,25(9):1097-1114
South of the eastern end of Long Island (Montauk Point) along the Eastern U.S. coast, a coastal density front forms between the buoyant outflow plume of the Long Island Sound (LIS) and the denser shelf waters offshore. During a 2-day cruise in April 2002, measurements of the density and velocity structure of this front were obtained from high-resolution CTD and ADCP data. Transects show the front intersecting the bottom inshore of the 30 m isobath and shoaling offshore. Variability in the location of the front is small offshore of the 40 m isobath, yet tidal excursions of the front along the bottom are significant (5 km) inshore of this depth.The frontal structure of the LIS plume was similar to observations of bottom-trapped coastal density fronts and shelf break fronts. A coastal jet in the along front direction was the main feature of the mean velocity field and was found to be in thermal wind balance with the mean density field. Stronger than expected offshore velocities near the surface, most likely a result of wind forcing, were the only exception to these similarities. In addition, analysis of temperature and salinity gradients along isopycnals gives evidence of secondary cross-frontal circulation and detachment of the bottom boundary layer. Characteristics of the LIS plume are used to evaluate recent analytical models of bottom-trapped coastal density fronts and bottom-advected plume theory, finding good agreement.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1999,19(9):1143-1159
The Oder river discharge into the Pomeranian Bight of the Baltic Sea was investigated in a combined study using satellite data, numerical modelling and shipborne measurements. The aim was to understand the dynamical processes forming the freshwater distribution patterns during the prevailing winds. From an analysis of typical distribution patterns of the river discharge in relation to the main wind directions and in comparison to seasonal wind statistics, the two main transport directions were determined. The prevailing westerly winds produce an onshore transport and a downwind coastal jet which transports the river water along the Polish coast, in certain cases over a distance of 300 km to the Gdansk Bay. During a period of stable westerly winds in June 1994, the calculated time scale for a water transport over 250 km corresponded to the observed time of 12 d. In spring, the period of maximum river runoff, easterly winds dominate and transport occurs along the German coast into the Arkona Sea. The river water is guided by upwelling processes in front of the Polish coast. During occasional north-easterly winds stable plumes form in front of the Swine river mouth; this occurred in May 1991 for several days. The numerical model showed that the stability of the plume is caused by an interaction between the alignment of the coast, the large-scale circulation in the north, the buoyancy of the freshwater and the Coriolis effect. The underlying anticyclonic eddy is indicated by warm rings in a high resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper scene. From the different datasets the range of the spatial and temporal scales of a stable plume were determined. The volume varied between 0.14 and 0.9 km3, and the suspended matter and chlorophyll load between 1120 and 7200 t and 2.8 and 18 t, respectively. These values are important for ecological budget calculations in turnover process studies.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a consequence of the Oder flood in the summer of 1997 were investigated in surface water samples and fluffy layer material from the Oder Lagoon and the Pomeranian Bight. The measurements of the contaminants were complemented by satellite data to describe the spreading of the Oder flood discharge including the distribution of the particulate material. During the flood elevated levels of PAHs were discussed in the surface water and fluffy layer material of the Oder River Estuary in comparison to the average values in this region. These increased concentrations were attributed to flooding of municipal and industrial waste disposal areas in the drainage area of the Oder River. The meteorological conditions during the sampling period were characterized by predominant easterly winds, which guided the river plume along the German coast into the Arkona Sea, as verified by satellite observations. The highest concentrations of PAHs were observed near the mouth of the Swina and along the main direction of the river plume. Elevated concentrations of PAHs were also found in fluffy layer samples taken from the Oder Lagoon in late August. As derived from satellite data the eastern and the western parts of the lagoon differed in their SPM load during the entire flood period. The eastern part was covered by Oder water, while the western part contained a mixture of Oder Lagoon water. The highest concentrations of PAHs were not observed in the western part with the highest suspended matter values, but in the eastern part where the flood water entered the lagoon. Despite the significantly increased PAH levels measured during the flood, all measured concentrations were below the values that are considered to pose a risk to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The role of wind-driven upwelling in stratifying a semiarid bay in the Gulf of California is demonstrated with observations in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The stratification in Bahía Concepción is related to the seasonal heat transfer from the atmosphere as well as to cold water intrusions forced by wind-driven upwelling. During winter, the water column is relatively well-mixed by atmospheric cooling and by northwesterly, downwelling-favorable, winds that typically exceed 10 m/s. During summer, the water column is gradually heated and becomes stratified because of the heat flux from the atmosphere. The wind field shifts from downwelling-favorable to upwelling-favorable at the beginning of summer, i.e., the winds become predominantly southeasterly. The reversal of wind direction triggers a major cold water intrusion at the beginning of the summer season that drops the temperature of the entire water column by 3–5 °C. The persistent upwelling-favorable winds during the summer provide a continuous cold water supply that helps maintain the stratification of the bay.  相似文献   

Observations of the Hudson River plume were taken in the spring of 2006 in conjunction with the Lagrangian Transport and Transformation Experiment using mooring arrays, shipboard observations, and satellite data. During this time period, the plume was subjected to a variety of wind, buoyant, and shelf forcings, which yield vastly different responses in plume structure including a downstream recirculating eddy. During weak and downwelling winds, the plume formed a narrow buoyant coastal current that propagated downstream near the internal wave speed. Freshwater transport during periods when the downwelling wind was closely aligned with the coast was near the river discharge values. During periods with a cross-shore component to the wind, freshwater transport in the coastal current estimated by the mooring array is less than the river discharge due to a widening of the plume that leads to the internal Rossby radius scaling for the plume width to be invalid. The offshore detachment of plume and formation of a downstream eddy that is observed surprisingly persisted for 2 weeks under a variety of wind forcing conditions. Comparison between mooring, shipboard, and satellite data reveal the downstream eddy is steady in time. Shipboard transects yield a freshwater content equal to the previous 3 days of river discharge. The feature itself was formed due to a large discharge following a strong onshore wind. The plume was then further modified by a brief upwelling wind and currents influenced by the Hudson Shelf Valley. The duration of the detachment and downstream eddy can be explained using a Wedderburn number which is largely consistent with the wind strength index described by Whitney and Garvine (J Geophys Res 110:C03014 1997).  相似文献   

Fate of three major rivers in the Bohai Sea: A model study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huanghe (Yellow River), Haihe and Liaohe are three major rivers flowing into the Bohai Sea and account for more than 80% of the freshwater and land-drained material inputs annually. The fate of three rivers in the seawaters correlates with the transport and distribution of the riverine sediments and nutrients, and further exerts a profound influence on the local marine ecosystem dynamics. Therefore, the evolution of the river plumes under the influence of the freshwater buoyancy, the tidal forcing and the wind stress are examined using a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation model, independently and jointly. It is found that both tide and wind stirring can deteriorate the stabilization of the water column caused by the freshwater buoyancy; however, the processes are different. The tide stirring originates from the seafloor due to the bottom friction as the tidal wave propagates into the shallow waters, and then the turbulent kinetic energy dissipates upward. On the other hand, the wind stirring proceeds in the up-down direction. The influences of different winds on the evolution of the river plumes are also examined. Since the situation of each river mouth is different, the wind influence is also distinct. At last, the fate of three major rivers driven by the combined tidal forcing and climatology winds is reproduced, and the simulated salinity distribution shows a reasonable agreement with that observed, meaning that the river plume evolution plays a crucial role in shaping the salinity distribution in BS.  相似文献   

Sound understanding of hydrological alterations and the underlying causes means too much for the water resource management in the Pearl River Delta. Incision of river channels plays the key role in the hydrological alterations. As for the causes behind the river channel incision, sand dredging within the river network of the Pearl River Delta is usually assumed to play the overwhelming role in changes of geometric shapes of the river channels. Based on thorough analysis of well-collected data of channel geometry, streamflow, sediment load and water level, this study exposes new findings, investigating possible underlying causes behind the changes of the geometric shapes of the river channels at the Sanshui and Makou station. The results of this study indicate: (1) different changing properties of the geometric shapes are identified at the Sanshui and Makou stations. Larger magnitude of changes can be found in the river channel geometry of the cross section at the Sanshui station when compared to that at the Makou station. Lower water level due to fast riverbed downcutting at the Sanshui station than that at the Makou station is the major reason why the reallocation of streamflow occurred and hence the hydrological alterations over the Pearl River Delta; (2) depletion of sediment load as a result of construction of water reservoirs in the middle and upper Pearl River basin, sand dredging mainly in the Pearl River Delta and heavy floods all contribute much to the incision or deposition of the riverbed. Regulations of erosion and siltation process of the river channel often alleviate the incision of the river channels after a relatively long time span, and which makes it even harder to differentiate the factors causing the river channel incision; (3) the intensifying urbanization in the lower Pearl River basin greatly alters the underlying surface properties, which has the potential to shorten the recession of the flood event and may cause serious scouring processes and this role of flash floods in the incision of the river channels can not be ignored. This study is of great scientific and practical merits in improving human understanding of regulations of river channels and associated consequences with respect to hydrological alterations and water resource management, particularly in the economically booming region of China.  相似文献   

River plume front-generated internal solitons play an important role in the interaction between the plume and coastal waters. The internal solitons drive a non-harmonic velocity field, resulting in a horizontal transport that carries plume water seaward and redistributes nutrients and sediments. In this study, we present observations of internal solitons generated at the Columbia River plume front that separates the new, tidal plume, older plume and coastal waters. Scale analyses suggest that the plume front-generated internal solitons are highly non-linear waves, and their dynamic properties do not conform to any weakly non-linear theory. Thus, a high-order Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) theory is used to analyze the internal solitons. The comparison between theoretical values and cruise data shows that the high-order KdV model is much better than the weakly non-linear theories for prediction of the soliton dynamic parameters. Based on the model, we develop theoretical and numerical solutions of the soliton-induced upper layer horizontal transport and Lagrangian water parcel transport distance, which shows that the water particle drift, during the internal soliton passage, is as far as 1 km, and demonstrates the role of the internal solitons on the exchange between the plume and ambient coastal water. Energy fluxes caused by the internal solitons are estimated using the high-order KdV theory. The leading soliton fluxes 2.0×103 W m−1 per unit crest length, and carries energy of 4.2×105 J m−1. The total energy carried by the eight internal solitons is 1.6×106 J m−1, about 70% of the total frontal energy.  相似文献   

Stormwater river plumes are important vectors of marine contaminants and pathogens in the Southern California Bight. Here we report the results of a multi-institution investigation of the river plumes across eight major river systems of southern California. We use in situ water samples from multi-day cruises in combination with MODIS satellite remote sensing, buoy meteorological observations, drifters, and HF radar current measurements to evaluate the dispersal patterns and dynamics of the freshwater plumes. River discharge was exceptionally episodic, and the majority of storm discharge occurred in a few hours. The combined plume observing techniques revealed that plumes commonly detach from the coast and turn to the left, which is the opposite direction of Coriolis influence. Although initial offshore velocity of the buoyant plumes was ∼50 cm/s and was influenced by river discharge inertia (i.e., the direct momentum of the river flux) and buoyancy, subsequent advection of the plumes was largely observed in an alongshore direction and dominated by local winds. Due to the multiple day upwelling wind conditions that commonly follow discharge events, plumes were observed to flow from their respective river mouths to down-coast waters at rates of 20–40 km/d. Lastly, we note that suspended-sediment concentration and beam-attenuation were poorly correlated with plume salinity across and within the sampled plumes (mean r2=0.12 and 0.25, respectively), while colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence was well correlated (mean r2=0.56), suggesting that CDOM may serve as a good tracer of the discharged freshwater in subsequent remote sensing and monitoring efforts of plumes.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional primitive-equation model is used to simulate the Long Island Sound (LIS) outflow for a 1-year (2001) period. The model domain includes LIS and New York Bight (NYB). Tidal and wind forcing are included, and seasonal salinity and temperature variations are assimilated. The model results are validated with the HF radar, moored acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and ferry-based ADCP observations. The agreement between simulated and observed flow patterns generally is very good. The difference in seasonal mean currents between the model and moored ADCP is about 0.01 m/s; the correlation of dominant velocity fluctuations between the model and HF radar is 0.83; and the difference in mean LIS transport between the model and shipboard ADCP is about 5%. However, the model predicts a prominent tidally generated headland eddy not supported by the HF radar observation. The model sensitivity study indicates that the tides, winds, and ambient coastal front all have important impact on the buoyant outflow. The tides and winds cause stronger vertical mixing, which reduces the surface plume strength. The ambient coastal front, on the other hand, tends to enhance the plume.  相似文献   

Observational and modeling studies were conducted to investigate the Pearl River plume and its interaction with the southwesterly driven upwelling circulation in the northern South China Sea during the summer. After exiting the Pearl River Estuary, the discharged freshwater generates a nearly stationary bulge of freshwater near the entrance of the estuary. Forced by the wind-driven coastal upwelling current, the freshwater in the outer part of the bulge flows downstream at the speed of the current and forms a widening and deepening buoyant plume over the shelf. The plume axis gradually shifts offshore of the current maximum as a result of currents induced by the contrasting density at the nose of plume and by the intensified Ekman drift in the plume. In this plume–current system, the fraction of the discharged freshwater volume accumulated in the bulge reaches a steady state and the volume of newly discharged freshwater is transported downstream by the upwelling current. Enhancement of stratification by the plume thins the surface frictional layer and enhances the cross-shelf circulation in the upper water column such that the surface Ekman current and compensating flow beneath the plume are amplified while the shoaling of the deeper dense water in the upwelling region changes minimally. The pressure gradient generated between the buoyant plume and ambient seawater accelerates the wind-driven current along the inshore edge of the plume but retards it along the offshore edge. Along the plume, downward momentum advection is strong near the highly nonlinear source region and a weaker upward momentum advection occurs in the far field over the shelf. Typically, the plume is shaped by the current over the shelf while the current itself is adjusting to a new dynamic balance invoked by the plume-induced changes of vertical viscosity and the horizontal pressure gradient. The spatial variation of this new balance leads to a coherent change in the cross-isobath transport in the upper water column during upwelling.  相似文献   

Marine circulation above the northern Brazilian continental shelf is subject to energetic forcing factors of various origins: high water buoyancy fluxes induced by the Amazon River freshwater discharge, a strong coastal current associated with a mesoscale current (North Brazil Current (NBC)), a forcing by semidiurnal tide and by Northeast or Southeast trade winds according to the season. Using a three-dimensional (3-D) hydrodynamic numerical model (MOBEEHDYCS), and realistic bathymetry and coastline of the northern Brazilian shelf, this paper aims at studying the influence of some specific physical processes on the morphology of the Amazon plume. The very large volume discharge (180 000 m3/s on average) and the weak effect of Coriolis force are additional characteristics of the studied system, which induce a particular dynamics. The various forcing factors are successively introduced into the model in order to simulate and to determine their respective influences upon the plume extent and the hydrodynamics at the shelf scale. Simulation reveal that the coastal current is at the origin of the permanent northwestward Amazon plume extension while wind effect can either reinforce or moderate this situation. The tide intervenes also to modify the position of the salinity front: a horizontal migration of salinity front is observed under its action.  相似文献   

Vlasenko  Vasiliy  Stashchuk  Nataliya  McEwan  Robert 《Ocean Dynamics》2013,63(11):1307-1320

Evolution of a large-scale river plume is studied numerically using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model. The model parameters were set close to those observed in the area of the Columbia River mouth. The fine-resolution grid along with the non-hydrostatic dispersion included in the model allowed for the reproduction of detailed inner plume structure, as well as a system of internal waves radiated from the plume’s boundary. It was found that not only first-mode but also second- and third-mode internal waves are radiated from the plume at the latest stages of its relaxation when the velocity of the front propagation drops below an appropriate wave phase speed of internal baroclinic mode. The model output shows that the amplitude of these high-mode waves is of the same order as the leading first-mode waves, which in combination with the specific vertical structure (location of the maximum structure function beyond the pycnocline layer) creates favourable conditions for the generation of shear instabilities. High-resolution model output also reveals evidence of a fine internal structure of the plume characterized by the presence of secondary fronts inside the plume and secondary internal wave systems propagated radially from the lift-off area to the outer boundary. These structures intensify the mixing processes within the propagating plume with predominance of the entrainment mechanism developing on the lower boundary between the plume’s body and underlying waters. The scheme of horizontal circulation in the plume was reproduced by the methodology of Lagrange drifters released near the mouth at different depths.


Evolution of a large-scale river plume is studied numerically using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model. The model parameters were set close to those observed in the area of the Columbia River mouth. The fine-resolution grid along with the non-hydrostatic dispersion included in the model allowed for the reproduction of detailed inner plume structure, as well as a system of internal waves radiated from the plume’s boundary. It was found that not only first-mode but also second- and third-mode internal waves are radiated from the plume at the latest stages of its relaxation when the velocity of the front propagation drops below an appropriate wave phase speed of internal baroclinic mode. The model output shows that the amplitude of these high-mode waves is of the same order as the leading first-mode waves, which in combination with the specific vertical structure (location of the maximum structure function beyond the pycnocline layer) creates favourable conditions for the generation of shear instabilities. High-resolution model output also reveals evidence of a fine internal structure of the plume characterized by the presence of secondary fronts inside the plume and secondary internal wave systems propagated radially from the lift-off area to the outer boundary. These structures intensify the mixing processes within the propagating plume with predominance of the entrainment mechanism developing on the lower boundary between the plume’s body and underlying waters. The scheme of horizontal circulation in the plume was reproduced by the methodology of Lagrange drifters released near the mouth at different depths.  相似文献   

Huijie Xue  Yi Du 《Ocean Dynamics》2010,60(2):341-357
A high-resolution coastal ocean model was developed to simulate the temporal/spatial variability of the Kennebec–Androscoggin (K–A) river plume and the circulation in Casco Bay. The model results agree favorably with the moored and shipboard observations of velocity, temperature, and salinity. The surface salinity gradient was used to distinguish the plume from the ambient coastal water. The calculated plume thickness suggests that the K–A plume is surface trapped. Its horizontal scales correlate well with Q 0.25, where Q is the volume discharge of the rivers. Directional spreading is affected by the wind with the upwelling favorable wind transporting the plume water offshore. Both the wind and the tide also enhance mixing in the plume. The inclusion of a wetting-and-drying (WAD) scheme appears to enhance the mixing and entrainment processes near the estuary. The plume becomes thicker near the mouth of the estuary, the outflow velocity of the plume is weaker, and the radius of the river plume shrinks. The flow field in the model run with the WAD is noisier, not only in shallow areas of Casco Bay but also in the plume and even on the shelf. We speculate that the WAD processes can affect much larger areas than the intertidal zones, especially via a river plume that feeds into a coastal current.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, the rapid development of the Pearl River delta leads to substantial accumulation of various toxic organic compounds. This study aims to give a preliminary characterization of the existing state of contamination in this region and to provide insight into the possible fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in this estuary. The available data on POPs in water, river, estuarine sediments, soil, and marine organisms within the Pearl River delta are compiled. It is shown that it may lead to transboundary POP pollution problems at both Hong Kong and Macau Special Administration Regions located at the downstream end of the region. It is noted that the levels of DDTs and HCHs in various environmental media are at alerting levels and that fresh DDT might still be applied illegally within the region. A systematic research is required to determine both the temporal and spatial variations of all POPs in various carrying media of the Pearl River delta as a whole.  相似文献   

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